/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* eslint no-unused-vars: ["error", {args: "none"}] */ // The maximum number of popup information we'll send to the parent. const MAX_SENT_POPUPS = 15; import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; export class PopupBlockingChild extends JSWindowActorChild { constructor() { super(); this.weakDocStates = new WeakMap(); } /** * Returns the state for the current document referred to via * this.document. If no such state exists, creates it, stores it * and returns it. */ get docState() { let state = this.weakDocStates.get(this.document); if (!state) { state = { popupData: [], }; this.weakDocStates.set(this.document, state); } return state; } receiveMessage(msg) { switch (msg.name) { case "UnblockPopup": { let i = msg.data.index; let state = this.docState; let popupData = state.popupData[i]; if (popupData) { let dwi = popupData.requestingWindow; // If we have a requesting window and the requesting document is // still the current document, open the popup. if (dwi && dwi.document == popupData.requestingDocument) { dwi.open( popupData.popupWindowURISpec, popupData.popupWindowName, popupData.popupWindowFeatures ); } } break; } case "GetBlockedPopupList": { let state = this.docState; let length = Math.min(state.popupData.length, MAX_SENT_POPUPS); let result = []; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { let popup = state.popupData[i]; let popupWindowURISpec = popup.popupWindowURISpec; if (this.contentWindow.location.href == popupWindowURISpec) { popupWindowURISpec = ""; } else { // Limit 500 chars to be sent because the URI will be cropped // by the UI anyway, and data: URIs can be significantly larger. popupWindowURISpec = popupWindowURISpec.substring(0, 500); } result.push({ popupWindowURISpec, }); } return result; } } return null; } handleEvent(event) { switch (event.type) { case "DOMPopupBlocked": this.onPopupBlocked(event); break; case "pageshow": { this.onPageShow(event); break; } } } onPopupBlocked(event) { if (event.target != this.document) { return; } let state = this.docState; // Avoid spamming the parent process with too many blocked popups. if (state.popupData.length >= PopupBlockingChild.maxReportedPopups) { return; } let popup = { popupWindowURISpec: event.popupWindowURI ? event.popupWindowURI.spec : "about:blank", popupWindowFeatures: event.popupWindowFeatures, popupWindowName: event.popupWindowName, requestingWindow: event.requestingWindow, requestingDocument: event.requestingWindow.document, }; state.popupData.push(popup); this.updateBlockedPopups(true); } onPageShow(event) { if (event.target != this.document) { return; } this.updateBlockedPopups(false); } updateBlockedPopups(shouldNotify) { this.sendAsyncMessage("UpdateBlockedPopups", { shouldNotify, count: this.docState.popupData.length, }); } } XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( PopupBlockingChild, "maxReportedPopups", "privacy.popups.maxReported" );