/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * A Class to parse CSV files */ const QUOTATION_MARK = '"'; const LINE_BREAKS = ["\r", "\n"]; const EOL = {}; class ParsingFailedException extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message ? message : `Stopped parsing because of wrong csv format`); } } export class CSV { /** * Parses a csv formated string into rows split into [headerLine, parsedLines]. * The csv string format has to follow RFC 4180, otherwise the parsing process is stopped and a ParsingFailedException is thrown, e.g.: * (wrong format => right format): * 'abc"def' => 'abc""def' * abc,def => "abc,def" * * @param {string} text * @param {string} delimiter a comma for CSV files and a tab for TSV files * @returns {Array[]} headerLine: column names (first line of text), parsedLines: Array of Login Objects with column name as properties and login data as values. */ static parse(text, delimiter) { let headerline = []; let parsedLines = []; for (let row of this.mapValuesToRows(this.readCSV(text, delimiter))) { if (!headerline.length) { headerline = row; } else { let login = {}; row.forEach((attr, i) => (login[headerline[i]] = attr)); parsedLines.push(login); } } return [headerline, parsedLines]; } static *readCSV(text, delimiter) { function maySkipMultipleLineBreaks() { while (LINE_BREAKS.includes(text[current])) { current++; } } function readUntilSingleQuote() { const start = ++current; while (current < text.length) { if (text[current] === QUOTATION_MARK) { if (text[current + 1] !== QUOTATION_MARK) { const result = text.slice(start, current).replaceAll('""', '"'); current++; return result; } current++; } current++; } throw new ParsingFailedException(); } function readUntilDelimiterOrNewLine() { const start = current; while (current < text.length) { if (text[current] === delimiter) { const result = text.slice(start, current); current++; return result; } else if (LINE_BREAKS.includes(text[current])) { const result = text.slice(start, current); return result; } current++; } return text.slice(start); } let current = 0; maySkipMultipleLineBreaks(); while (current < text.length) { if (LINE_BREAKS.includes(text[current])) { maySkipMultipleLineBreaks(); yield EOL; } let quotedValue = ""; let value = ""; if (text[current] === QUOTATION_MARK) { quotedValue = readUntilSingleQuote(); } value = readUntilDelimiterOrNewLine(); if (quotedValue && value) { throw new ParsingFailedException(); } yield quotedValue ? quotedValue : value; } } static *mapValuesToRows(values) { let row = []; for (const value of values) { if (value === EOL) { yield row; row = []; } else { row.push(value); } } if (!(row.length === 1 && row[0] === "") && row.length) { yield row; } } }