/** * Test that after we autofill, the site makes changes to the login, and then the * user modifies their login, a save/update doorhanger is shown. * * This is a regression test for Bug 1632405. */ const testCases = [ { name: "autofill, then delete u/p, then fill new u/p should show 'save'", oldUsername: "oldUsername", oldPassword: "oldPassword", actions: [ { setUsername: "newUsername", }, { setPassword: "newPassword", }, ], expectedNotification: "addLogin", expectedDoorhanger: "password-save", }, { name: "autofill, then delete password, then fill new password should show 'update'", oldUsername: "oldUsername", oldPassword: "oldPassword", actions: [ { setPassword: "newPassword", }, ], expectedNotification: "modifyLogin", expectedDoorhanger: "password-change", }, ]; for (let testData of testCases) { let tmp = { async [testData.name]() { info("testing with: " + JSON.stringify(testData)); await test_save_change(testData); }, }; add_task(tmp[testData.name]); } async function test_save_change({ name, oldUsername, oldPassword, actions, expectedNotification, expectedDoorhanger, }) { let originalPrefValue = await Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "signon.testOnlyUserHasInteractedByPrefValue" ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( "signon.testOnlyUserHasInteractedByPrefValue", false ); info("Starting test: " + name); await LoginTestUtils.addLogin({ username: oldUsername, password: oldPassword, origin: "https://example.com", formActionOrigin: "https://example.com", }); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "https://example.com/browser/toolkit/components/" + "passwordmgr/test/browser/form_basic.html", }, async function (browser) { await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(browser.ownerGlobal); await ContentTask.spawn( browser, { oldUsername, oldPassword }, async function awaitAutofill({ oldUsername, oldPassword }) { await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition( () => content.document.querySelector("#form-basic-username").value == oldUsername && content.document.querySelector("#form-basic-password").value == oldPassword, "Await and verify autofill" ); info( "Triggering a page navigation that is not initiated by the user" ); content.history.replaceState({}, "", ""); } ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( "signon.testOnlyUserHasInteractedByPrefValue", true ); for (let action of actions) { info(`As the user, update form with action: ${JSON.stringify(action)}`); if (typeof action.setUsername !== "undefined") { await changeContentFormValues(browser, { "#form-basic-username": action.setUsername, }); } if (typeof action.setPassword !== "undefined") { await changeContentFormValues(browser, { "#form-basic-password": action.setPassword, }); } } let expectedUsername = [...actions] .reverse() .map(action => action.setUsername) .find(username => !!username) ?? oldUsername; let expectedPassword = [...actions] .reverse() .map(action => action.setPassword) .find(username => !!username) ?? oldPassword; await ContentTask.spawn( browser, { expectedUsername, expectedPassword }, async function awaitAutofill({ expectedUsername, expectedPassword }) { info("Validating updated fields"); Assert.equal( expectedUsername, content.document.querySelector("#form-basic-username").value, "Verify username field updated" ); Assert.equal( expectedPassword, content.document.querySelector("#form-basic-password").value, "Verify password field updated" ); } ); let formSubmittedPromise = listenForTestNotification("ShowDoorhanger"); await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async function () { let doc = this.content.document; doc.getElementById("form-basic").submit(); }); await formSubmittedPromise; info("Waiting for doorhanger of type: " + expectedDoorhanger); let notif = await waitForDoorhanger(browser, expectedDoorhanger); await checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword(expectedUsername, expectedPassword); let promiseLogin = TestUtils.topicObserved( "passwordmgr-storage-changed", (_, data) => data == expectedNotification ); await clickDoorhangerButton(notif, REMEMBER_BUTTON); await promiseLogin; await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); // clean slate for the next test Services.prefs.setBoolPref( "signon.testOnlyUserHasInteractedByPrefValue", originalPrefValue ); } ); // Clean up the database before the next test case is executed. Services.logins.removeAllUserFacingLogins(); }