/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const test = new SearchConfigTest({ identifier: "yandex", aliases: ["@\u044F\u043D\u0434\u0435\u043A\u0441", "@yandex"], default: { included: [ { regions: ["ru", "tr", "by", "kz"], locales: { matches: ["ru", "tr", "be", "kk"], startsWith: ["en"], }, }, ], }, available: { included: [ { locales: { matches: ["az", "ru", "be", "kk", "tr"], }, }, { regions: ["ru", "tr", "by", "kz"], locales: { startsWith: ["en"], }, }, ], }, details: [ { included: [{ locales: { matches: ["az"] } }], domain: "yandex.az", telemetryId: "yandex-az", codes: { searchbar: "clid=2186618", keyword: "clid=2186621", contextmenu: "clid=2186623", homepage: "clid=2186617", newtab: "clid=2186620", }, }, { included: [{ locales: { startsWith: ["en"] } }], domain: "yandex.com", telemetryId: "yandex-en", codes: { searchbar: "clid=2186618", keyword: "clid=2186621", contextmenu: "clid=2186623", homepage: "clid=2186617", newtab: "clid=2186620", }, }, { included: [{ locales: { matches: ["ru"] } }], domain: "yandex.ru", telemetryId: "yandex-ru", codes: { searchbar: "clid=2186618", keyword: "clid=2186621", contextmenu: "clid=2186623", homepage: "clid=2186617", newtab: "clid=2186620", }, }, { included: [{ locales: { matches: ["be"] } }], domain: "yandex.by", telemetryId: "yandex-by", codes: { searchbar: "clid=2186618", keyword: "clid=2186621", contextmenu: "clid=2186623", homepage: "clid=2186617", newtab: "clid=2186620", }, }, { included: [{ locales: { matches: ["kk"] } }], domain: "yandex.kz", telemetryId: "yandex-kk", codes: { searchbar: "clid=2186618", keyword: "clid=2186621", contextmenu: "clid=2186623", homepage: "clid=2186617", newtab: "clid=2186620", }, }, { included: [{ locales: { matches: ["tr"] } }], domain: "yandex.com.tr", telemetryId: "yandex-tr", codes: { searchbar: "clid=2186618", keyword: "clid=2186621", contextmenu: "clid=2186623", homepage: "clid=2186617", newtab: "clid=2186620", }, }, ], }); add_task(async function setup() { await test.setup(); }); add_task(async function test_searchConfig_yandex() { await test.run(); }).skip();