/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const CONFIG = [ { // Engine initially default, but the defaults will be changed to engine-pref. webExtension: { id: "engine@search.mozilla.org", }, appliesTo: [ { included: { everywhere: true }, default: "yes", defaultPrivate: "yes", }, { included: { regions: ["FR"] }, default: "no", defaultPrivate: "no", }, ], }, { // This will become defaults when region is changed to FR. webExtension: { id: "engine-pref@search.mozilla.org", }, appliesTo: [ { included: { everywhere: true }, }, { included: { regions: ["FR"] }, default: "yes", defaultPrivate: "yes", }, ], }, { // This engine will get an update when region is changed to FR. webExtension: { id: "engine-chromeicon@search.mozilla.org", }, appliesTo: [ { included: { everywhere: true }, }, { included: { regions: ["FR"] }, extraParams: [ { name: "c", value: "my-test" }, { name: "q1", value: "{searchTerms}" }, ], }, ], }, { // This engine will be removed when the region is changed to FR. webExtension: { id: "engine-rel-searchform-purpose@search.mozilla.org", }, appliesTo: [ { included: { everywhere: true }, excluded: { regions: ["FR"] }, }, ], }, { // This engine will be added when the region is changed to FR. webExtension: { id: "engine-reordered@search.mozilla.org", }, appliesTo: [ { included: { regions: ["FR"] }, }, ], }, { // This engine will be re-ordered and have a changed name, when moved to FR. webExtension: { id: "engine-resourceicon@search.mozilla.org", }, appliesTo: [ { included: { everywhere: true }, excluded: { regions: ["FR"] }, }, { included: { regions: ["FR"] }, webExtension: { locales: ["gd"], }, orderHint: 30, }, ], }, { // This engine has the same name, but still should be replaced correctly. webExtension: { id: "engine-same-name@search.mozilla.org", }, appliesTo: [ { included: { everywhere: true }, excluded: { regions: ["FR"] }, }, { included: { regions: ["FR"] }, webExtension: { locales: ["gd"], }, }, ], }, ]; async function visibleEngines() { return (await Services.search.getVisibleEngines()).map(e => e.identifier); } add_task(async function setup() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.search.separatePrivateDefault", true); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( SearchUtils.BROWSER_SEARCH_PREF + "separatePrivateDefault.ui.enabled", true ); SearchTestUtils.useMockIdleService(); await SearchTestUtils.useTestEngines("data", null, CONFIG); await AddonTestUtils.promiseStartupManager(); }); // This is to verify that the loaded configuration matches what we expect for // the test. add_task(async function test_initial_config_correct() { Region._setHomeRegion("", false); await Services.search.init(); const installedEngines = await Services.search.getAppProvidedEngines(); Assert.deepEqual( installedEngines.map(e => e.identifier), [ "engine", "engine-chromeicon", "engine-pref", "engine-rel-searchform-purpose", "engine-resourceicon", "engine-same-name", ], "Should have the correct list of engines installed." ); Assert.equal( (await Services.search.getDefault()).identifier, "engine", "Should have loaded the expected default engine" ); Assert.equal( (await Services.search.getDefaultPrivate()).identifier, "engine", "Should have loaded the expected private default engine" ); }); add_task(async function test_config_updated_engine_changes() { // Update the config. const reloadObserved = SearchTestUtils.promiseSearchNotification("engines-reloaded"); const defaultEngineChanged = SearchTestUtils.promiseSearchNotification( SearchUtils.MODIFIED_TYPE.DEFAULT, SearchUtils.TOPIC_ENGINE_MODIFIED ); const defaultPrivateEngineChanged = SearchTestUtils.promiseSearchNotification( SearchUtils.MODIFIED_TYPE.DEFAULT_PRIVATE, SearchUtils.TOPIC_ENGINE_MODIFIED ); const enginesAdded = []; const enginesModified = []; const enginesRemoved = []; function enginesObs(subject, topic, data) { if (data == SearchUtils.MODIFIED_TYPE.ADDED) { enginesAdded.push(subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISearchEngine).identifier); } else if (data == SearchUtils.MODIFIED_TYPE.CHANGED) { enginesModified.push( subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISearchEngine).identifier ); } else if (data == SearchUtils.MODIFIED_TYPE.REMOVED) { enginesRemoved.push(subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISearchEngine).name); } } Services.obs.addObserver(enginesObs, SearchUtils.TOPIC_ENGINE_MODIFIED); Region._setHomeRegion("FR", false); await Services.search.wrappedJSObject._maybeReloadEngines(); await reloadObserved; Services.obs.removeObserver(enginesObs, SearchUtils.TOPIC_ENGINE_MODIFIED); Assert.deepEqual( enginesAdded, ["engine-resourceicon-gd", "engine-reordered"], "Should have added the correct engines" ); Assert.deepEqual( enginesModified.sort(), ["engine", "engine-chromeicon", "engine-pref", "engine-same-name-gd"], "Should have modified the expected engines" ); Assert.deepEqual( enginesRemoved, ["engine-rel-searchform-purpose", "engine-resourceicon"], "Should have removed the expected engine" ); const installedEngines = await Services.search.getAppProvidedEngines(); Assert.deepEqual( installedEngines.map(e => e.identifier), [ "engine-pref", "engine-resourceicon-gd", "engine-chromeicon", "engine-same-name-gd", "engine", "engine-reordered", ], "Should have the correct list of engines installed in the expected order." ); const newDefault = await defaultEngineChanged; Assert.equal( newDefault.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISearchEngine).name, "engine-pref", "Should have correctly notified the new default engine" ); const newDefaultPrivate = await defaultPrivateEngineChanged; Assert.equal( newDefaultPrivate.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISearchEngine).name, "engine-pref", "Should have correctly notified the new default private engine" ); const engineWithParams = await Services.search.getEngineByName( "engine-chromeicon" ); Assert.equal( engineWithParams.getSubmission("test").uri.spec, "https://www.google.com/search?c=my-test&q1=test", "Should have updated the parameters" ); const engineWithSameName = await Services.search.getEngineByName( "engine-same-name" ); Assert.equal( engineWithSameName.getSubmission("test").uri.spec, "https://www.example.com/search?q=test", "Should have correctly switched to the engine of the same name" ); Assert.equal( Services.search.wrappedJSObject._settings.getMetaDataAttribute( "useSavedOrder" ), false, "Should not have set the useSavedOrder preference" ); }); add_task(async function test_user_settings_persist() { let reload = SearchTestUtils.promiseSearchNotification("engines-reloaded"); Region._setHomeRegion(""); await reload; Assert.ok( (await visibleEngines()).includes("engine-rel-searchform-purpose"), "Rel Searchform engine should be included by default" ); let settingsFileWritten = promiseAfterSettings(); let engine = await Services.search.getEngineByName( "engine-rel-searchform-purpose" ); await Services.search.removeEngine(engine); await settingsFileWritten; Assert.ok( !(await visibleEngines()).includes("engine-rel-searchform-purpose"), "Rel Searchform engine has been removed" ); reload = SearchTestUtils.promiseSearchNotification("engines-reloaded"); Region._setHomeRegion("FR"); await reload; reload = SearchTestUtils.promiseSearchNotification("engines-reloaded"); Region._setHomeRegion(""); await reload; Assert.ok( !(await visibleEngines()).includes("engine-rel-searchform-purpose"), "Rel Searchform removal should be remembered" ); });