/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const PAGE_CONTENT = `data:text/html, `; function getBlurEvents() { return SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], function () { return content.wrappedJSObject.gBlurEvents; }); } function getDateFocusEvents() { return SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], function () { return content.wrappedJSObject.gDateFocusEvents; }); } function getTextFocusEvents() { return SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], function () { return content.wrappedJSObject.gTextFocusEvents; }); } /** * Test that when a picker panel is opened by an input * the input is not blurred */ add_task(async function test_parent_blur() { info( "Test that when a picker panel is opened by an input the parent is not blurred" ); // Set "prefers-reduced-motion" media to "reduce" // to avoid intermittent scroll failures (1803612, 1803687) await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["ui.prefersReducedMotion", 1]], }); Assert.ok( matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)").matches, "The reduce motion mode is active" ); await helper.openPicker(PAGE_CONTENT, false, "showPicker"); Assert.equal( await getDateFocusEvents(), 0, "Date input field is not calling a focus event when the '.showPicker()' method is called" ); await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], () => { const input = content.document.querySelector("#date"); Assert.ok( !input.matches(":focus"), `The keyboard focus is not placed on the date input after showPicker is called` ); }); let closedOnEsc = helper.promisePickerClosed(); // Close a date picker EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Escape", {}); await closedOnEsc; Assert.equal( helper.panel.state, "closed", "Panel should be closed on Escape" ); Assert.equal( await getDateFocusEvents(), 0, "Date input field is not focused when its picker is dismissed with Escape key" ); Assert.equal( await getBlurEvents(), 0, "Date input field is not blurred when the picker is closed with Escape key" ); // Ensure focus is on the input field await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], () => { const input = content.document.querySelector("#date"); input.focus(); Assert.ok( input.matches(":focus"), `The keyboard focus is placed on the date input field` ); }); Assert.equal( await getDateFocusEvents(), 1, "A focus event was fired on the Date input field" ); let readyOnKey = helper.waitForPickerReady(); // Open a date picker EventUtils.synthesizeKey(" ", {}); await readyOnKey; Assert.equal( helper.panel.state, "open", "Date picker panel should be opened" ); Assert.equal( helper.panel .querySelector("#dateTimePopupFrame") .contentDocument.activeElement.getAttribute("role"), "gridcell", "The picker is opened and a calendar day is focused" ); await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], () => { const input = content.document.querySelector("#date"); Assert.ok( input.matches(":focus"), `The keyboard focus is retained on the date input field` ); Assert.equal( input, content.document.activeElement, "Input field does not loose focus when its picker is opened and focused" ); }); Assert.equal( await getBlurEvents(), 0, "Date input field is not blurred when its picker is opened and focused" ); Assert.equal( await getDateFocusEvents(), 1, "No new focus events were fired on the Date input while its picker is opened" ); info( `Test that the date input field is not blurred after interacting with a month-year panel` ); // Move focus from the today's date to the month-year toggle button: EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", { repeat: 3 }); Assert.ok( helper.getElement(BTN_MONTH_YEAR).matches(":focus"), "The month-year toggle button is focused" ); // Open the month-year selection panel: EventUtils.synthesizeKey(" ", {}); Assert.equal( helper.getElement(BTN_MONTH_YEAR).getAttribute("aria-expanded"), "true", "Month-year button is expanded when the spinners are shown" ); Assert.ok( BrowserTestUtils.is_visible(helper.getElement(MONTH_YEAR_VIEW)), "Month-year selection panel is visible" ); // Move focus from the month-year toggle button to the year spinner: EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", { repeat: 2 }); // Change the year spinner value from February 2023 to March 2023: EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowDown", {}); await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], () => { const input = content.document.querySelector("#date"); Assert.ok( input.matches(":focus"), `The keyboard focus is retained on the date input field` ); Assert.equal( input, content.document.activeElement, "Input field does not loose focus when the month-year picker is opened and interacted with" ); }); Assert.equal( await getBlurEvents(), 0, "Date input field is not blurred after interacting with a month-year panel" ); info(`Test that when a picker panel is opened and then it is closed with a click on the other field, the focus is updated`); let closedOnClick = helper.promisePickerClosed(); // Close a picker by clicking on another input await BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter( "#text", {}, gBrowser.selectedBrowser ); await closedOnClick; Assert.equal( helper.panel.state, "closed", "Panel should be closed when another element is clicked" ); await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], async () => { const inputText = content.document.querySelector("#text"); const inputDate = content.document.querySelector("#date"); Assert.ok( inputText.matches(":focus"), `The keyboard focus is moved to the text input field` ); Assert.equal( inputText, content.document.activeElement, "Text input field gains a focus when clicked" ); Assert.ok( !inputDate.matches(":focus"), `The keyboard focus is moved from the date input field` ); Assert.notEqual( inputDate, content.document.activeElement, "Date input field is not focused anymore" ); }); Assert.equal( await getBlurEvents(), 1, "Date input field is blurred when focus is moved to the text input field" ); Assert.equal( await getTextFocusEvents(), 1, "Text input field is focused when it is clicked" ); Assert.equal( await getDateFocusEvents(), 1, "No new focus events were fired on the Date input after its picker was closed" ); await helper.tearDown(); // Clear the prefers-reduced-motion pref from the test profile: await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv(); });