/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { GMPInstallManager } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/GMPInstallManager.sys.mjs" ); const { GMPPrefs, GMP_PLUGIN_IDS, WIDEVINE_ID } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/GMPUtils.sys.mjs" ); const TEST_DATE = new Date(2013, 0, 1, 12); var gMockAddons = []; for (let pluginId of GMP_PLUGIN_IDS) { let mockAddon = Object.freeze({ id: pluginId, isValid: true, isInstalled: false, isEME: pluginId == WIDEVINE_ID, }); gMockAddons.push(mockAddon); } var gInstalledAddonId = ""; var gInstallDeferred = null; var gPrefs = Services.prefs; var getKey = GMPPrefs.getPrefKey; const MockGMPInstallManagerPrototype = { checkForAddons: () => Promise.resolve({ usedFallback: true, addons: gMockAddons, }), installAddon: addon => { gInstalledAddonId = addon.id; gInstallDeferred.resolve(); return Promise.resolve(); }, }; function openDetailsView(win, id) { let item = getAddonCard(win, id); Assert.ok(item, "Should have got add-on element."); is_element_visible(item, "Add-on element should be visible."); let loaded = waitForViewLoad(win); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(item, {}, item.ownerGlobal); return loaded; } add_task(async function initializeState() { gPrefs.setBoolPref(GMPPrefs.KEY_LOGGING_DUMP, true); gPrefs.setIntPref(GMPPrefs.KEY_LOGGING_LEVEL, 0); registerCleanupFunction(async function () { for (let addon of gMockAddons) { gPrefs.clearUserPref(getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_ENABLED, addon.id)); gPrefs.clearUserPref(getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_LAST_UPDATE, addon.id)); gPrefs.clearUserPref(getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_AUTOUPDATE, addon.id)); gPrefs.clearUserPref(getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION, addon.id)); gPrefs.clearUserPref(getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VISIBLE, addon.id)); gPrefs.clearUserPref( getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_FORCE_SUPPORTED, addon.id) ); } gPrefs.clearUserPref(GMPPrefs.KEY_LOGGING_DUMP); gPrefs.clearUserPref(GMPPrefs.KEY_LOGGING_LEVEL); gPrefs.clearUserPref(GMPPrefs.KEY_UPDATE_LAST_CHECK); gPrefs.clearUserPref(GMPPrefs.KEY_EME_ENABLED); }); // Start out with plugins not being installed, disabled and automatic updates // disabled. gPrefs.setBoolPref(GMPPrefs.KEY_EME_ENABLED, true); for (let addon of gMockAddons) { gPrefs.setBoolPref(getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_ENABLED, addon.id), false); gPrefs.setIntPref(getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_LAST_UPDATE, addon.id), 0); gPrefs.setBoolPref(getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_AUTOUPDATE, addon.id), false); gPrefs.setCharPref(getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION, addon.id), ""); gPrefs.setBoolPref(getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VISIBLE, addon.id), true); gPrefs.setBoolPref( getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_FORCE_SUPPORTED, addon.id), true ); } }); add_task(async function testNotInstalledDisabled() { let win = await loadInitialView("extension"); Assert.ok(isCategoryVisible(win, "plugin"), "Plugin tab visible."); await switchView(win, "plugin"); for (let addon of gMockAddons) { let addonCard = getAddonCard(win, addon.id); Assert.ok(addonCard, "Got add-on element:" + addon.id); is( addonCard.ownerDocument.l10n.getAttributes(addonCard.addonNameEl).id, "addon-name-disabled", "The addon name should include a disabled postfix" ); let cardMessage = addonCard.querySelector("message-bar.addon-card-message"); is_element_hidden(cardMessage, "Warning notification is hidden"); } await closeView(win); }); add_task(async function testNotInstalledDisabledDetails() { let win = await loadInitialView("plugin"); for (let addon of gMockAddons) { await openDetailsView(win, addon.id); let addonCard = getAddonCard(win, addon.id); ok(addonCard, "Got add-on element: " + addon.id); is( win.document.l10n.getAttributes(addonCard.addonNameEl).id, "addon-name-disabled", "The addon name should include a disabled postfix" ); let updatesBtn = addonCard.querySelector("[action=update-check]"); is_element_visible(updatesBtn, "Check for Updates action is visible"); let cardMessage = addonCard.querySelector("message-bar.addon-card-message"); is_element_hidden(cardMessage, "Warning notification is hidden"); await switchView(win, "plugin"); } await closeView(win); }); add_task(async function testNotInstalled() { let win = await loadInitialView("plugin"); for (let addon of gMockAddons) { gPrefs.setBoolPref(getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_ENABLED, addon.id), true); let item = getAddonCard(win, addon.id); Assert.ok(item, "Got add-on element:" + addon.id); let warningMessageBar = await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return item.querySelector("message-bar.addon-card-message[type=warning]"); }, "Wait for the addon card message to be updated"); is_element_visible(warningMessageBar, "Warning notification is visible"); is(item.parentNode.getAttribute("section"), "0", "Should be enabled"); // Open the options menu (needed to check the disabled buttons). const pluginOptions = item.querySelector("plugin-options"); pluginOptions.querySelector("panel-list").open = true; const alwaysActivate = pluginOptions.querySelector( "panel-item[action=always-activate]" ); ok( alwaysActivate.hasAttribute("checked"), "Plugin state should be always-activate" ); pluginOptions.querySelector("panel-list").open = false; } await closeView(win); }); add_task(async function testNotInstalledDetails() { let win = await loadInitialView("plugin"); for (let addon of gMockAddons) { await openDetailsView(win, addon.id); const addonCard = getAddonCard(win, addon.id); let el = addonCard.querySelector("[action=update-check]"); is_element_visible(el, "Check for Updates action is visible"); let warningMessageBar = await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return addonCard.querySelector( "message-bar.addon-card-message[type=warning]" ); }, "Wait for the addon card message to be updated"); is_element_visible(warningMessageBar, "Warning notification is visible"); await switchView(win, "plugin"); } await closeView(win); }); add_task(async function testInstalled() { let win = await loadInitialView("plugin"); for (let addon of gMockAddons) { gPrefs.setIntPref( getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_LAST_UPDATE, addon.id), TEST_DATE.getTime() ); gPrefs.setBoolPref(getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_AUTOUPDATE, addon.id), false); gPrefs.setCharPref( getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION, addon.id), "" ); let item = getAddonCard(win, addon.id); Assert.ok(item, "Got add-on element."); is(item.parentNode.getAttribute("section"), "0", "Should be enabled"); // Open the options menu (needed to check the disabled buttons). const pluginOptions = item.querySelector("plugin-options"); pluginOptions.querySelector("panel-list").open = true; const alwaysActivate = pluginOptions.querySelector( "panel-item[action=always-activate]" ); ok( alwaysActivate.hasAttribute("checked"), "Plugin state should be always-activate" ); pluginOptions.querySelector("panel-list").open = false; } await closeView(win); }); add_task(async function testInstalledDetails() { let win = await loadInitialView("plugin"); for (let addon of gMockAddons) { await openDetailsView(win, addon.id); let card = getAddonCard(win, addon.id); ok(card, "Got add-on element:" + addon.id); is_element_visible( card.querySelector("[action=update-check]"), "Find updates link is visible" ); await switchView(win, "plugin"); } await closeView(win); }); add_task(async function testInstalledGlobalEmeDisabled() { let win = await loadInitialView("plugin"); gPrefs.setBoolPref(GMPPrefs.KEY_EME_ENABLED, false); for (let addon of gMockAddons) { let item = getAddonCard(win, addon.id); if (addon.isEME) { is(item.parentNode.getAttribute("section"), "1", "Should be disabled"); } else { Assert.ok(item, "Got add-on element."); } } gPrefs.setBoolPref(GMPPrefs.KEY_EME_ENABLED, true); await closeView(win); }); add_task(async function testPreferencesButton() { let prefValues = [ { enabled: false, version: "" }, { enabled: false, version: "" }, { enabled: true, version: "" }, { enabled: true, version: "" }, ]; for (let preferences of prefValues) { info( "Testing preferences button with pref settings: " + JSON.stringify(preferences) ); for (let addon of gMockAddons) { let win = await loadInitialView("plugin"); gPrefs.setCharPref( getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION, addon.id), preferences.version ); gPrefs.setBoolPref( getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_ENABLED, addon.id), preferences.enabled ); let item = getAddonCard(win, addon.id); // Open the options menu (needed to check the more options action is enabled). const pluginOptions = item.querySelector("plugin-options"); pluginOptions.querySelector("panel-list").open = true; const moreOptions = pluginOptions.querySelector( "panel-item[action=expand]" ); ok( !moreOptions.shadowRoot.querySelector("button").disabled, "more options action should be enabled" ); moreOptions.click(); await waitForViewLoad(win); item = getAddonCard(win, addon.id); ok(item, "The right view is loaded"); await closeView(win); } } }); add_task(async function testUpdateButton() { gPrefs.clearUserPref(GMPPrefs.KEY_UPDATE_LAST_CHECK); // The GMPInstallManager constructor has an empty body, // so replacing the prototype is safe. let originalInstallManager = GMPInstallManager.prototype; GMPInstallManager.prototype = MockGMPInstallManagerPrototype; let win = await loadInitialView("plugin"); for (let addon of gMockAddons) { let item = getAddonCard(win, addon.id); gInstalledAddonId = ""; gInstallDeferred = PromiseUtils.defer(); let loaded = waitForViewLoad(win); item.querySelector("[action=expand]").click(); await loaded; let detail = getAddonCard(win, addon.id); detail.querySelector("[action=update-check]").click(); await gInstallDeferred.promise; Assert.equal(gInstalledAddonId, addon.id); await switchView(win, "plugin"); } GMPInstallManager.prototype = originalInstallManager; await closeView(win); }); add_task(async function testEmeSupport() { for (let addon of gMockAddons) { gPrefs.clearUserPref(getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_FORCE_SUPPORTED, addon.id)); } let win = await loadInitialView("plugin"); for (let addon of gMockAddons) { let item = getAddonCard(win, addon.id); if (addon.id == WIDEVINE_ID) { if ( AppConstants.isPlatformAndVersionAtLeast("win", "6") || AppConstants.platform == "macosx" || AppConstants.platform == "linux" ) { Assert.ok(item, "Widevine supported, found add-on element."); } else { Assert.ok( !item, "Widevine not supported, couldn't find add-on element." ); } } else { Assert.ok(item, "Found add-on element."); } } await closeView(win); for (let addon of gMockAddons) { gPrefs.setBoolPref(getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VISIBLE, addon.id), true); gPrefs.setBoolPref( getKey(GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_FORCE_SUPPORTED, addon.id), true ); } });