# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import sys import hashlib import functools from mozbuild.preprocessor import Preprocessor from mozbuild.util import DefinesAction from mozpack.packager.unpack import UnpackFinder from mozpack.files import DeflatedFile from collections import OrderedDict from io import StringIO import argparse import buildconfig """ Find files duplicated in a given packaged directory, independently of its package format. """ def normalize_osx_path(p): """ Strips the first 3 elements of an OSX app path >>> normalize_osx_path('Nightly.app/foo/bar/baz') 'baz' """ bits = p.split("/") if len(bits) > 3 and bits[0].endswith(".app"): return "/".join(bits[3:]) return p def is_l10n_file(path): return ( "/locale/" in path or "/localization/" in path or path.startswith("localization/") ) def normalize_path(p): return normalize_osx_path(p) def find_dupes(source, allowed_dupes, bail=True): chunk_size = 1024 * 10 allowed_dupes = set(allowed_dupes) checksums = OrderedDict() for p, f in UnpackFinder(source): checksum = hashlib.sha1() content_size = 0 for buf in iter(functools.partial(f.open().read, chunk_size), b""): checksum.update(buf) content_size += len(buf) m = checksum.digest() if m not in checksums: if isinstance(f, DeflatedFile): compressed = f.file.compressed_size else: compressed = content_size checksums[m] = (content_size, compressed, []) checksums[m][2].append(p) total = 0 total_compressed = 0 num_dupes = 0 unexpected_dupes = [] for m, (size, compressed, paths) in sorted( checksums.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][1] ): if len(paths) > 1: _compressed = " (%d compressed)" % compressed if compressed != size else "" _times = " (%d times)" % (len(paths) - 1) if len(paths) > 2 else "" print("Duplicates {} bytes{}{}:".format(size, _compressed, _times)) print("".join(" %s\n" % p for p in paths)) total += (len(paths) - 1) * size total_compressed += (len(paths) - 1) * compressed num_dupes += 1 for p in paths: if not is_l10n_file(p) and normalize_path(p) not in allowed_dupes: unexpected_dupes.append(p) if num_dupes: total_compressed = ( "%d compressed" % total_compressed if total_compressed != total else "uncompressed" ) print( "WARNING: Found {} duplicated files taking {} bytes ({})".format( num_dupes, total, total_compressed ) ) if unexpected_dupes: errortype = "ERROR" if bail else "WARNING" print("{}: The following duplicated files are not allowed:".format(errortype)) print("\n".join(unexpected_dupes)) if bail: sys.exit(1) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Find duplicate files in directory.") parser.add_argument( "--warning", "-w", action="store_true", help="Only warn about duplicates, do not exit with an error", ) parser.add_argument( "--file", "-f", action="append", dest="dupes_files", default=[], help="Add exceptions to the duplicate list from this file", ) parser.add_argument("-D", action=DefinesAction) parser.add_argument("-U", action="append", default=[]) parser.add_argument("directory", help="The directory to check for duplicates in") args = parser.parse_args() allowed_dupes = [] for filename in args.dupes_files: pp = Preprocessor() pp.context.update(buildconfig.defines["ALLDEFINES"]) if args.D: pp.context.update(args.D) for undefine in args.U: if undefine in pp.context: del pp.context[undefine] pp.out = StringIO() pp.do_filter("substitution") pp.do_include(filename) allowed_dupes.extend( [line.partition("#")[0].rstrip() for line in pp.out.getvalue().splitlines()] ) find_dupes(args.directory, bail=not args.warning, allowed_dupes=allowed_dupes) if __name__ == "__main__": main()