import mozunit from conftest import build LINTER = "android-format" def test_basic(global_lint, config): substs = { "GRADLE_ANDROID_FORMAT_LINT_CHECK_TASKS": [ "spotlessJavaCheck", "spotlessKotlinCheck", ], "GRADLE_ANDROID_FORMAT_LINT_FIX_TASKS": [ "spotlessJavaApply", "spotlessKotlinApply", ], "GRADLE_ANDROID_FORMAT_LINT_FOLDERS": ["tools/lint/test/files/android-format"], } results = global_lint( config=config, topobjdir=build.topobjdir, root=build.topsrcdir, substs=substs, extra_args=["-PandroidFormatLintTest"], ) print(results) # When first task (spotlessJavaCheck) hits error, we won't check next Kotlin error. # So results length will be 1. assert len(results) == 1 assert results[0].level == "error" # Since android-format is global lint, fix=True overrides repository files directly. # No way to add this test. if __name__ == "__main__": mozunit.main()