/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ extern crate memmap2; extern crate rustc_demangle; extern crate thin_vec; extern crate uuid; #[cfg(feature = "parse_elf")] extern crate object; mod compact_symbol_table; #[cfg(feature = "parse_elf")] mod elf; #[cfg(feature = "parse_elf")] use memmap2::MmapOptions; #[cfg(feature = "parse_elf")] use std::fs::File; use compact_symbol_table::CompactSymbolTable; use rustc_demangle::try_demangle; use std::ffi::CStr; use std::mem; use std::os::raw::c_char; use std::ptr; #[cfg(feature = "parse_elf")] pub fn get_compact_symbol_table_from_file( debug_path: &str, breakpad_id: Option<&str>, ) -> Option { let file = File::open(debug_path).ok()?; let buffer = unsafe { MmapOptions::new().map(&file).ok()? }; elf::get_compact_symbol_table(&buffer, breakpad_id) } #[cfg(not(feature = "parse_elf"))] pub fn get_compact_symbol_table_from_file( _debug_path: &str, _breakpad_id: Option<&str>, ) -> Option { None } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn profiler_get_symbol_table( debug_path: *const c_char, breakpad_id: *const c_char, symbol_table: &mut CompactSymbolTable, ) -> bool { let debug_path = CStr::from_ptr(debug_path).to_string_lossy(); let breakpad_id = if breakpad_id.is_null() { None } else { match CStr::from_ptr(breakpad_id).to_str() { Ok(s) => Some(s), Err(_) => return false, } }; match get_compact_symbol_table_from_file(&debug_path, breakpad_id.map(|id| id.as_ref())) { Some(mut st) => { std::mem::swap(symbol_table, &mut st); true } None => false, } } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn profiler_demangle_rust( mangled: *const c_char, buffer: *mut c_char, buffer_len: usize, ) -> bool { assert!(!mangled.is_null()); assert!(!buffer.is_null()); if buffer_len == 0 { return false; } let buffer: *mut u8 = mem::transmute(buffer); let mangled = match CStr::from_ptr(mangled).to_str() { Ok(s) => s, Err(_) => return false, }; match try_demangle(mangled) { Ok(demangled) => { let mut demangled = format!("{:#}", demangled); if !demangled.is_ascii() { return false; } demangled.truncate(buffer_len - 1); let bytes = demangled.as_bytes(); ptr::copy(bytes.as_ptr(), buffer, bytes.len()); ptr::write(buffer.offset(bytes.len() as isize), 0); true } Err(_) => false, } }