/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ add_task(async () => { info( "Test that off-main thread fileio is captured for a profiled thread, " + "and that it will be sent to the main thread." ); const filename = "test_marker_fileio"; const profile = await startProfilerAndTriggerFileIO({ features: ["fileioall"], threadsFilter: ["GeckoMain", "BgIOThreadPool"], filename, }); const threads = getThreads(profile); const mainThread = threads.find(thread => thread.name === "GeckoMain"); const mainThreadFileIO = getInflatedFileIOMarkers(mainThread, filename); let backgroundThread; let backgroundThreadFileIO; for (const thread of threads) { // Check for FileIO in any of the background threads. if (thread.name.startsWith("BgIOThreadPool")) { const markers = getInflatedFileIOMarkers(thread, filename); if (markers.length) { backgroundThread = thread; backgroundThreadFileIO = markers; break; } } } info("Check all of the main thread FileIO markers."); checkInflatedFileIOMarkers(mainThreadFileIO, filename); for (const { data, name } of mainThreadFileIO) { equal( name, "FileIO (non-main thread)", "The markers from off main thread are labeled as such." ); equal( data.threadId, backgroundThread.tid, "The main thread FileIO markers were all sent from the background thread." ); } info("Check all of the background thread FileIO markers."); checkInflatedFileIOMarkers(backgroundThreadFileIO, filename); for (const { data, name } of backgroundThreadFileIO) { equal( name, "FileIO", "The markers on the thread where they were generated just say FileIO" ); equal( data.threadId, undefined, "The background thread FileIO correctly excludes the threadId." ); } }); add_task(async () => { info( "Test that off-main thread fileio is captured for a thread that is not profiled, " + "and that it will be sent to the main thread." ); const filename = "test_marker_fileio"; const profile = await startProfilerAndTriggerFileIO({ features: ["fileioall"], threadsFilter: ["GeckoMain"], filename, }); const threads = getThreads(profile); const mainThread = threads.find(thread => thread.name === "GeckoMain"); const mainThreadFileIO = getInflatedFileIOMarkers(mainThread, filename); info("Check all of the main thread FileIO markers."); checkInflatedFileIOMarkers(mainThreadFileIO, filename); for (const { data, name } of mainThreadFileIO) { equal( name, "FileIO (non-profiled thread)", "The markers from off main thread are labeled as such." ); equal(typeof data.threadId, "number", "A thread ID is captured."); } }); /** * @typedef {Object} TestConfig * @prop {Array} features The list of profiler features * @prop {string[]} threadsFilter The list of threads to profile * @prop {string} filename A filename to trigger a write operation */ /** * Start the profiler and get FileIO markers. * @param {TestConfig} * @returns {Profile} */ async function startProfilerAndTriggerFileIO({ features, threadsFilter, filename, }) { const entries = 10000; const interval = 10; await Services.profiler.StartProfiler( entries, interval, features, threadsFilter ); const path = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, filename); info(`Using a temporary file to test FileIO: ${path}`); if (fileExists(path)) { console.warn( "This test is triggering FileIO by writing to a file. However, the test found an " + "existing file at the location it was trying to write to. This could happen " + "because a previous run of the test failed to clean up after itself. This test " + " will now clean up that file before running the test again." ); await removeFile(path); } info("Write to the file, but do so using a background thread."); // IOUtils handles file operations using a background thread. await IOUtils.write(path, new TextEncoder().encode("Test data.")); const exists = await fileExists(path); ok(exists, `Created temporary file at: ${path}`); info("Remove the file"); await removeFile(path); return stopNowAndGetProfile(); } async function fileExists(file) { try { let { type } = await IOUtils.stat(file); return type === "regular"; } catch (_error) { return false; } } async function removeFile(file) { await IOUtils.remove(file); const exists = await fileExists(file); ok(!exists, `Removed temporary file: ${file}`); }