/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsISupports.idl" interface nsIHandlerInfo; interface nsISimpleEnumerator; interface nsIMIMEInfo; [scriptable, uuid(53f0ad17-ec62-46a1-adbc-efccc06babcd)] interface nsIHandlerService : nsISupports { /** * Asynchronously performs any IO that the nsIHandlerService needs to do * before it can be of use. */ void asyncInit(); /** * Retrieve a list of all handlers in the datastore. This list is not * guaranteed to be in any particular order, and callers should not assume * it will remain in the same order in the future. * * @returns a list of all handlers in the datastore */ nsISimpleEnumerator enumerate(); /** * Fill a handler info object with information from the datastore. * * Note: because of the way the external helper app service currently mixes * OS and user handler info in the same handler info object, this method * takes an existing handler info object (probably retrieved from the OS) * and "fills it in" with information from the datastore, overriding any * existing properties on the object with properties from the datastore. * * Ultimately, however, we're going to separate OS and user handler info * into separate objects, at which point this method should be renamed to * something like "get" or "retrieve", take a class and type (or perhaps * a type whose class can be determined by querying the type, for example * an nsIContentType which is also an nsIMIMEType or an nsIProtocolScheme), * and return a handler info object representing only the user info. * * Note: if you specify an override type, then the service will fill in * the handler info object with information about that type instead of * the type specified by the object's nsIHandlerInfo::type attribute. * * This is useful when you are trying to retrieve information about a MIME * type that doesn't exist in the datastore, but you have a file extension * for that type, and nsIHandlerService::getTypeFromExtension returns another * MIME type that does exist in the datastore and can handle that extension. * * For example, the user clicks on a link, and the content has a MIME type * that isn't in the datastore, but the link has a file extension, and that * extension is associated with another MIME type in the datastore (perhaps * an unofficial MIME type preceded an official one, like with image/x-png * and image/png). * * In that situation, you can call this method to fill in the handler info * object with information about that other type by passing the other type * as the aOverrideType parameter. * * @param aHandlerInfo the handler info object * @param aOverrideType a type to use instead of aHandlerInfo::type * * Note: if there is no information in the datastore about this type, * this method throws NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE. Callers are encouraged to * check exists() before calling fillHandlerInfo(), to prevent spamming the * console with XPCOM exception errors. */ void fillHandlerInfo(in nsIHandlerInfo aHandlerInfo, in ACString aOverrideType); /** * Save the preferred action, preferred handler, possible handlers, and * always ask properties of the given handler info object to the datastore. * Updates an existing record or creates a new one if necessary. * * Note: if preferred action is undefined or invalid, then we assume * the default value nsIHandlerInfo::useHelperApp. * * @param aHandlerInfo the handler info object */ void store(in nsIHandlerInfo aHandlerInfo); /** * Whether or not a record for the given handler info object exists * in the datastore. If the datastore is corrupt (or some other error * is caught in the implementation), false will be returned. * * @param aHandlerInfo a handler info object * * @returns whether or not a record exists */ boolean exists(in nsIHandlerInfo aHandlerInfo); /** * Remove the given handler info object from the datastore. Deletes all * records associated with the object, including the preferred handler, info, * and type records plus the entry in the list of types, if they exist. * Otherwise, it does nothing and does not return an error. * * @param aHandlerInfo the handler info object */ void remove(in nsIHandlerInfo aHandlerInfo); /** * Get the MIME type mapped to the given file extension in the datastore. * * XXX If we ever support extension -> protocol scheme mappings, then this * method should work for those as well. * * Note: in general, you should use nsIMIMEService::getTypeFromExtension * to get a MIME type from a file extension, as that method checks a variety * of other sources besides just the datastore. Use this only when you want * to specifically get only the mapping available in the datastore. * * @param aFileExtension the file extension * * @returns the MIME type, if any; otherwise returns an empty string (""). */ ACString getTypeFromExtension(in ACString aFileExtension); /** * Whether or not there is a handler known to the OS for the * specified protocol type. * * @param aProtocolScheme scheme to check for support * * @returns whether or not a handler exists */ boolean existsForProtocolOS(in ACString aProtocolScheme); /** * Whether or not there is a handler in the datastore or OS for * the specified protocol type. If there is no handler in the datastore, * falls back to a check for an OS handler. * * @param aProtocolScheme scheme to check for support * * @returns whether or not a handler exists */ boolean existsForProtocol(in ACString aProtocolScheme); /* * This method only exists for nsOSHelperAppServiceChild using * the ContentHandlerService implementation. * * Returns an nsIMIMEInfo for the provided MIME type and extension * obtained from an OS lookup. If no handler is found for the type and * extension, returns a generic nsIMIMEInfo object. The MIME type and * extension can be the empty string. When the type and extension don't * map to the same handler, the semantics/resolution are platform * specific. See the platform implementations for details. * * @param aType The MIME type to get handler information for. * @param aFileExtension The filename extension to use either alone * or with the MIME type to get handler information * for. UTF-8 encoded. * @param [out] aFound Out param indicating whether a MIMEInfo could * be found for the provided type and/or extension. * Set to false when neither extension nor the MIME * type are mapped to a handler. * @return A nsIMIMEInfo object. This function must return * a MIMEInfo object if it can allocate one. The * only justifiable reason for not returning one is * an out-of-memory error. */ [noscript] nsIMIMEInfo getMIMEInfoFromOS(in ACString aType, in ACString aFileExtension, out boolean aFound); /* * Get a description for the application responsible for handling * the provided protocol. */ AString getApplicationDescription(in ACString aProtocolScheme); };