/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef HEADLESSWIDGET_H #define HEADLESSWIDGET_H #include "mozilla/widget/InProcessCompositorWidget.h" #include "nsBaseWidget.h" #include "CompositorWidget.h" #include "mozilla/dom/WheelEventBinding.h" // The various synthesized event values are hardcoded to avoid pulling // in the platform specific widget code. #if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK) # define MOZ_HEADLESS_SCROLL_MULTIPLIER 3 # define MOZ_HEADLESS_SCROLL_DELTA_MODE \ mozilla::dom::WheelEvent_Binding::DOM_DELTA_LINE #elif defined(XP_WIN) # define MOZ_HEADLESS_SCROLL_MULTIPLIER \ .025 // default scroll lines (3) / WHEEL_DELTA (120) # define MOZ_HEADLESS_SCROLL_DELTA_MODE \ mozilla::dom::WheelEvent_Binding::DOM_DELTA_LINE #elif defined(XP_MACOSX) # define MOZ_HEADLESS_SCROLL_MULTIPLIER 1 # define MOZ_HEADLESS_SCROLL_DELTA_MODE \ mozilla::dom::WheelEvent_Binding::DOM_DELTA_PIXEL #elif defined(ANDROID) # define MOZ_HEADLESS_SCROLL_MULTIPLIER 1 # define MOZ_HEADLESS_SCROLL_DELTA_MODE \ mozilla::dom::WheelEvent_Binding::DOM_DELTA_LINE #else # define MOZ_HEADLESS_SCROLL_MULTIPLIER -1 # define MOZ_HEADLESS_SCROLL_DELTA_MODE -1 #endif namespace mozilla { enum class NativeKeyBindingsType : uint8_t; namespace widget { class HeadlessWidget : public nsBaseWidget { public: HeadlessWidget(); NS_INLINE_DECL_REFCOUNTING_INHERITED(HeadlessWidget, nsBaseWidget) void* GetNativeData(uint32_t aDataType) override { // Headless widgets have no native data. return nullptr; } virtual nsresult Create(nsIWidget* aParent, nsNativeWidget aNativeParent, const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect, widget::InitData* aInitData = nullptr) override; using nsBaseWidget::Create; // for Create signature not overridden here virtual already_AddRefed CreateChild( const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect, widget::InitData* aInitData = nullptr, bool aForceUseIWidgetParent = false) override; virtual nsIWidget* GetTopLevelWidget() override; virtual void GetCompositorWidgetInitData( mozilla::widget::CompositorWidgetInitData* aInitData) override; virtual void Destroy() override; virtual void Show(bool aState) override; virtual bool IsVisible() const override; virtual void Move(double aX, double aY) override; virtual void Resize(double aWidth, double aHeight, bool aRepaint) override; virtual void Resize(double aX, double aY, double aWidth, double aHeight, bool aRepaint) override; virtual nsSizeMode SizeMode() override { return mSizeMode; } virtual void SetSizeMode(nsSizeMode aMode) override; virtual nsresult MakeFullScreen(bool aFullScreen) override; virtual void Enable(bool aState) override; virtual bool IsEnabled() const override; virtual void SetFocus(Raise, mozilla::dom::CallerType aCallerType) override; virtual void Invalidate(const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect) override { // TODO: see if we need to do anything here. } virtual nsresult SetTitle(const nsAString& title) override { // Headless widgets have no title, so just ignore it. return NS_OK; } virtual nsresult SetNonClientMargins( const LayoutDeviceIntMargin& margins) override { // Headless widgets have no chrome margins, so just ignore the call. return NS_OK; } virtual LayoutDeviceIntPoint WidgetToScreenOffset() override; virtual void SetInputContext(const InputContext& aContext, const InputContextAction& aAction) override { mInputContext = aContext; } virtual InputContext GetInputContext() override { return mInputContext; } virtual WindowRenderer* GetWindowRenderer() override; void SetCompositorWidgetDelegate(CompositorWidgetDelegate* delegate) override; [[nodiscard]] virtual nsresult AttachNativeKeyEvent( WidgetKeyboardEvent& aEvent) override; MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT virtual bool GetEditCommands( NativeKeyBindingsType aType, const WidgetKeyboardEvent& aEvent, nsTArray& aCommands) override; virtual nsresult DispatchEvent(WidgetGUIEvent* aEvent, nsEventStatus& aStatus) override; virtual nsresult SynthesizeNativeMouseEvent( LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint, NativeMouseMessage aNativeMessage, mozilla::MouseButton aButton, nsIWidget::Modifiers aModifierFlags, nsIObserver* aObserver) override; virtual nsresult SynthesizeNativeMouseMove(LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint, nsIObserver* aObserver) override { return SynthesizeNativeMouseEvent( aPoint, NativeMouseMessage::Move, mozilla::MouseButton::eNotPressed, nsIWidget::Modifiers::NO_MODIFIERS, aObserver); }; virtual nsresult SynthesizeNativeMouseScrollEvent( LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint, uint32_t aNativeMessage, double aDeltaX, double aDeltaY, double aDeltaZ, uint32_t aModifierFlags, uint32_t aAdditionalFlags, nsIObserver* aObserver) override; virtual nsresult SynthesizeNativeTouchPoint(uint32_t aPointerId, TouchPointerState aPointerState, LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint, double aPointerPressure, uint32_t aPointerOrientation, nsIObserver* aObserver) override; virtual nsresult SynthesizeNativeTouchPadPinch( TouchpadGesturePhase aEventPhase, float aScale, LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint, int32_t aModifierFlags) override; virtual nsresult SynthesizeNativeTouchpadPan(TouchpadGesturePhase aEventPhase, LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint, double aDeltaX, double aDeltaY, int32_t aModifierFlags, nsIObserver* aObserver) override; private: ~HeadlessWidget(); bool mEnabled; bool mVisible; bool mDestroyed; bool mAlwaysOnTop; nsIWidget* mTopLevel; HeadlessCompositorWidget* mCompositorWidget; nsSizeMode mSizeMode; // The size mode before entering fullscreen mode. nsSizeMode mLastSizeMode; // The last size mode set while the window was visible. nsSizeMode mEffectiveSizeMode; mozilla::ScreenCoord mLastPinchSpan; InputContext mInputContext; mozilla::UniquePtr mSynthesizedTouchInput; // In headless there is no window manager to track window bounds // across size mode changes, so we must track it to emulate. LayoutDeviceIntRect mRestoreBounds; void ApplySizeModeSideEffects(); // Move while maintaining size mode. void MoveInternal(int32_t aX, int32_t aY); // Resize while maintaining size mode. void ResizeInternal(int32_t aWidth, int32_t aHeight, bool aRepaint); // Similarly, we must track the active window ourselves in order // to dispatch (de)activation events properly. void RaiseWindow(); // The top level widgets are tracked for window ordering. They are // stored in order of activation where the last element is always the // currently active widget. static StaticAutoPtr> sActiveWindows; // Get the most recently activated widget or null if there are none. static already_AddRefed GetActiveWindow(); }; } // namespace widget } // namespace mozilla #endif