/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et cin: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "WinUtils.h" #include <knownfolders.h> #include <winioctl.h> #include "gfxPlatform.h" #include "gfxUtils.h" #include "nsWindow.h" #include "nsWindowDefs.h" #include "InputDeviceUtils.h" #include "KeyboardLayout.h" #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" #include "mozilla/BackgroundHangMonitor.h" #include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h" #include "mozilla/dom/MouseEventBinding.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/DataSurfaceHelpers.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/DisplayConfigWindows.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/Logging.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/ProfilerThreadSleep.h" #include "mozilla/RefPtr.h" #include "mozilla/SchedulerGroup.h" #include "mozilla/WinHeaderOnlyUtils.h" #include "mozilla/WindowsVersion.h" #include "mozilla/Unused.h" #include "nsIContentPolicy.h" #include "WindowsUIUtils.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "mozilla/Logging.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsDirectoryServiceUtils.h" #include "imgIContainer.h" #include "imgITools.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" #include "nsIOutputStream.h" #include "nsNetCID.h" #include "prtime.h" #ifdef MOZ_PLACES # include "nsIFaviconService.h" #endif #include "nsIDownloader.h" #include "nsIChannel.h" #include "nsIThread.h" #include "MainThreadUtils.h" #include "nsLookAndFeel.h" #include "nsUnicharUtils.h" #include "nsWindowsHelpers.h" #include "WinWindowOcclusionTracker.h" #include <textstor.h> #include "TSFTextStore.h" #include <shlobj.h> #include <shlwapi.h> mozilla::LazyLogModule gWindowsLog("Widget"); #define LOG_E(...) MOZ_LOG(gWindowsLog, LogLevel::Error, (__VA_ARGS__)) #define LOG_D(...) MOZ_LOG(gWindowsLog, LogLevel::Debug, (__VA_ARGS__)) using namespace mozilla::gfx; namespace mozilla { namespace widget { #ifdef MOZ_PLACES NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(myDownloadObserver, nsIDownloadObserver) NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(AsyncFaviconDataReady, nsIFaviconDataCallback) #endif NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(AsyncEncodeAndWriteIcon, nsIRunnable) NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(AsyncDeleteAllFaviconsFromDisk, nsIRunnable) const char FaviconHelper::kJumpListCacheDir[] = "jumpListCache"; const char FaviconHelper::kShortcutCacheDir[] = "shortcutCache"; struct CoTaskMemFreePolicy { void operator()(void* aPtr) { ::CoTaskMemFree(aPtr); } }; SetThreadDpiAwarenessContextProc WinUtils::sSetThreadDpiAwarenessContext = NULL; EnableNonClientDpiScalingProc WinUtils::sEnableNonClientDpiScaling = NULL; GetSystemMetricsForDpiProc WinUtils::sGetSystemMetricsForDpi = NULL; bool WinUtils::sHasPackageIdentity = false; using GetDpiForWindowProc = UINT(WINAPI*)(HWND); static GetDpiForWindowProc sGetDpiForWindow = NULL; /* static */ void WinUtils::Initialize() { // Dpi-Awareness is not supported with Win32k Lockdown enabled, so we don't // initialize DPI-related members and assert later that nothing accidently // uses these static members if (IsWin10OrLater() && !IsWin32kLockedDown()) { HMODULE user32Dll = ::GetModuleHandleW(L"user32"); if (user32Dll) { auto getThreadDpiAwarenessContext = (decltype(GetThreadDpiAwarenessContext)*)::GetProcAddress( user32Dll, "GetThreadDpiAwarenessContext"); auto areDpiAwarenessContextsEqual = (decltype(AreDpiAwarenessContextsEqual)*)::GetProcAddress( user32Dll, "AreDpiAwarenessContextsEqual"); if (getThreadDpiAwarenessContext && areDpiAwarenessContextsEqual && areDpiAwarenessContextsEqual( getThreadDpiAwarenessContext(), DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE)) { // Only per-monitor v1 requires these workarounds. sEnableNonClientDpiScaling = (EnableNonClientDpiScalingProc)::GetProcAddress( user32Dll, "EnableNonClientDpiScaling"); sSetThreadDpiAwarenessContext = (SetThreadDpiAwarenessContextProc)::GetProcAddress( user32Dll, "SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext"); } sGetSystemMetricsForDpi = (GetSystemMetricsForDpiProc)::GetProcAddress( user32Dll, "GetSystemMetricsForDpi"); sGetDpiForWindow = (GetDpiForWindowProc)::GetProcAddress(user32Dll, "GetDpiForWindow"); } } if (IsWin8OrLater()) { sHasPackageIdentity = mozilla::HasPackageIdentity(); } } // static LRESULT WINAPI WinUtils::NonClientDpiScalingDefWindowProcW(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!IsWin32kLockedDown()); // NOTE: this function was copied out into the body of the pre-XUL skeleton // UI window proc (PreXULSkeletonUI.cpp). If this function changes at any // point, we should probably factor this out and use it from both locations. if (msg == WM_NCCREATE && sEnableNonClientDpiScaling) { sEnableNonClientDpiScaling(hWnd); } return ::DefWindowProcW(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } // static void WinUtils::LogW(const wchar_t* fmt, ...) { va_list args = nullptr; if (!lstrlenW(fmt)) { return; } va_start(args, fmt); int buflen = _vscwprintf(fmt, args); wchar_t* buffer = new wchar_t[buflen + 1]; if (!buffer) { va_end(args); return; } vswprintf(buffer, buflen, fmt, args); va_end(args); // MSVC, including remote debug sessions OutputDebugStringW(buffer); OutputDebugStringW(L"\n"); int len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, buffer, -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr); if (len) { char* utf8 = new char[len]; if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, buffer, -1, utf8, len, nullptr, nullptr) > 0) { // desktop console printf("%s\n", utf8); NS_ASSERTION(gWindowsLog, "Called WinUtils Log() but Widget " "log module doesn't exist!"); MOZ_LOG(gWindowsLog, LogLevel::Error, ("%s", utf8)); } delete[] utf8; } delete[] buffer; } // static void WinUtils::Log(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args = nullptr; if (!strlen(fmt)) { return; } va_start(args, fmt); int buflen = _vscprintf(fmt, args); char* buffer = new char[buflen + 1]; if (!buffer) { va_end(args); return; } vsprintf(buffer, fmt, args); va_end(args); // MSVC, including remote debug sessions OutputDebugStringA(buffer); OutputDebugStringW(L"\n"); // desktop console printf("%s\n", buffer); NS_ASSERTION(gWindowsLog, "Called WinUtils Log() but Widget " "log module doesn't exist!"); MOZ_LOG(gWindowsLog, LogLevel::Error, ("%s", buffer)); delete[] buffer; } // static float WinUtils::SystemDPI() { // The result of GetDeviceCaps won't change dynamically, as it predates // per-monitor DPI and support for on-the-fly resolution changes. // Therefore, we only need to look it up once. static float dpi = 0; if (dpi <= 0) { HDC screenDC = GetDC(nullptr); dpi = GetDeviceCaps(screenDC, LOGPIXELSY); ReleaseDC(nullptr, screenDC); } // Bug 1012487 - dpi can be 0 when the Screen DC is used off the // main thread on windows. For now just assume a 100% DPI for this // drawing call. // XXX - fixme! return dpi > 0 ? dpi : 96; } // static double WinUtils::SystemScaleFactor() { return SystemDPI() / 96.0; } #if WINVER < 0x603 typedef enum { MDT_EFFECTIVE_DPI = 0, MDT_ANGULAR_DPI = 1, MDT_RAW_DPI = 2, MDT_DEFAULT = MDT_EFFECTIVE_DPI } MONITOR_DPI_TYPE; typedef enum { PROCESS_DPI_UNAWARE = 0, PROCESS_SYSTEM_DPI_AWARE = 1, PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE = 2 } PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS; #endif typedef HRESULT(WINAPI* GETDPIFORMONITORPROC)(HMONITOR, MONITOR_DPI_TYPE, UINT*, UINT*); typedef HRESULT(WINAPI* GETPROCESSDPIAWARENESSPROC)(HANDLE, PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS*); GETDPIFORMONITORPROC sGetDpiForMonitor; GETPROCESSDPIAWARENESSPROC sGetProcessDpiAwareness; static bool SlowIsPerMonitorDPIAware() { // Intentionally leak the handle. HMODULE shcore = LoadLibraryEx(L"shcore", NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32); if (shcore) { sGetDpiForMonitor = (GETDPIFORMONITORPROC)GetProcAddress(shcore, "GetDpiForMonitor"); sGetProcessDpiAwareness = (GETPROCESSDPIAWARENESSPROC)GetProcAddress( shcore, "GetProcessDpiAwareness"); } PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS dpiAwareness; return sGetDpiForMonitor && sGetProcessDpiAwareness && SUCCEEDED( sGetProcessDpiAwareness(GetCurrentProcess(), &dpiAwareness)) && dpiAwareness == PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE; } /* static */ bool WinUtils::IsPerMonitorDPIAware() { static bool perMonitorDPIAware = SlowIsPerMonitorDPIAware(); return perMonitorDPIAware; } /* static */ float WinUtils::MonitorDPI(HMONITOR aMonitor) { if (IsPerMonitorDPIAware()) { UINT dpiX, dpiY = 96; sGetDpiForMonitor(aMonitor ? aMonitor : GetPrimaryMonitor(), MDT_EFFECTIVE_DPI, &dpiX, &dpiY); return dpiY; } // We're not per-monitor aware, use system DPI instead. return SystemDPI(); } /* static */ double WinUtils::LogToPhysFactor(HMONITOR aMonitor) { return MonitorDPI(aMonitor) / 96.0; } /* static */ int32_t WinUtils::LogToPhys(HMONITOR aMonitor, double aValue) { return int32_t(NS_round(aValue * LogToPhysFactor(aMonitor))); } /* static */ double WinUtils::LogToPhysFactor(HWND aWnd) { // if there's an ancestor window, we want to share its DPI setting HWND ancestor = ::GetAncestor(aWnd, GA_ROOTOWNER); // The GetDpiForWindow api is not available everywhere where we run as // per-monitor, but if it is available rely on it to tell us the scale // factor of the window. See bug 1722085. if (sGetDpiForWindow) { UINT dpi = sGetDpiForWindow(ancestor ? ancestor : aWnd); if (dpi > 0) { return static_cast<double>(dpi) / 96.0; } } return LogToPhysFactor(::MonitorFromWindow(ancestor ? ancestor : aWnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY)); } /* static */ HMONITOR WinUtils::GetPrimaryMonitor() { const POINT pt = {0, 0}; return ::MonitorFromPoint(pt, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY); } /* static */ HMONITOR WinUtils::MonitorFromRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) { // convert coordinates from desktop to device pixels for MonitorFromRect double dpiScale = IsPerMonitorDPIAware() ? 1.0 : LogToPhysFactor(GetPrimaryMonitor()); RECT globalWindowBounds = {NSToIntRound(dpiScale * rect.X()), NSToIntRound(dpiScale * rect.Y()), NSToIntRound(dpiScale * (rect.XMost())), NSToIntRound(dpiScale * (rect.YMost()))}; return ::MonitorFromRect(&globalWindowBounds, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST); } /* static */ bool WinUtils::HasSystemMetricsForDpi() { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!IsWin32kLockedDown()); return (sGetSystemMetricsForDpi != NULL); } /* static */ int WinUtils::GetSystemMetricsForDpi(int nIndex, UINT dpi) { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!IsWin32kLockedDown()); if (HasSystemMetricsForDpi()) { return sGetSystemMetricsForDpi(nIndex, dpi); } else { double scale = IsPerMonitorDPIAware() ? dpi / SystemDPI() : 1.0; return NSToIntRound(::GetSystemMetrics(nIndex) * scale); } } /* static */ gfx::MarginDouble WinUtils::GetUnwriteableMarginsForDeviceInInches(HDC aHdc) { if (!aHdc) { return gfx::MarginDouble(); } int pixelsPerInchY = ::GetDeviceCaps(aHdc, LOGPIXELSY); int marginTop = ::GetDeviceCaps(aHdc, PHYSICALOFFSETY); int printableAreaHeight = ::GetDeviceCaps(aHdc, VERTRES); int physicalHeight = ::GetDeviceCaps(aHdc, PHYSICALHEIGHT); double marginTopInch = double(marginTop) / pixelsPerInchY; double printableAreaHeightInch = double(printableAreaHeight) / pixelsPerInchY; double physicalHeightInch = double(physicalHeight) / pixelsPerInchY; double marginBottomInch = physicalHeightInch - printableAreaHeightInch - marginTopInch; int pixelsPerInchX = ::GetDeviceCaps(aHdc, LOGPIXELSX); int marginLeft = ::GetDeviceCaps(aHdc, PHYSICALOFFSETX); int printableAreaWidth = ::GetDeviceCaps(aHdc, HORZRES); int physicalWidth = ::GetDeviceCaps(aHdc, PHYSICALWIDTH); double marginLeftInch = double(marginLeft) / pixelsPerInchX; double printableAreaWidthInch = double(printableAreaWidth) / pixelsPerInchX; double physicalWidthInch = double(physicalWidth) / pixelsPerInchX; double marginRightInch = physicalWidthInch - printableAreaWidthInch - marginLeftInch; return gfx::MarginDouble(marginTopInch, marginRightInch, marginBottomInch, marginLeftInch); } #ifdef ACCESSIBILITY /* static */ a11y::LocalAccessible* WinUtils::GetRootAccessibleForHWND(HWND aHwnd) { nsWindow* window = GetNSWindowPtr(aHwnd); if (!window) { return nullptr; } return window->GetAccessible(); } #endif // ACCESSIBILITY /* static */ bool WinUtils::PeekMessage(LPMSG aMsg, HWND aWnd, UINT aFirstMessage, UINT aLastMessage, UINT aOption) { RefPtr<ITfMessagePump> msgPump = TSFTextStore::GetMessagePump(); if (msgPump) { BOOL ret = FALSE; HRESULT hr = msgPump->PeekMessageW(aMsg, aWnd, aFirstMessage, aLastMessage, aOption, &ret); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(SUCCEEDED(hr), false); return ret; } return ::PeekMessageW(aMsg, aWnd, aFirstMessage, aLastMessage, aOption); } /* static */ bool WinUtils::GetMessage(LPMSG aMsg, HWND aWnd, UINT aFirstMessage, UINT aLastMessage) { RefPtr<ITfMessagePump> msgPump = TSFTextStore::GetMessagePump(); if (msgPump) { BOOL ret = FALSE; HRESULT hr = msgPump->GetMessageW(aMsg, aWnd, aFirstMessage, aLastMessage, &ret); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(SUCCEEDED(hr), false); return ret; } return ::GetMessageW(aMsg, aWnd, aFirstMessage, aLastMessage); } #if defined(ACCESSIBILITY) static DWORD GetWaitFlags() { DWORD result = MWMO_INPUTAVAILABLE; if (XRE_IsContentProcess()) { result |= MWMO_ALERTABLE; } return result; } #endif /* static */ void WinUtils::WaitForMessage(DWORD aTimeoutMs) { #if defined(ACCESSIBILITY) static const DWORD waitFlags = GetWaitFlags(); #else const DWORD waitFlags = MWMO_INPUTAVAILABLE; #endif const DWORD waitStart = ::GetTickCount(); DWORD elapsed = 0; while (true) { if (aTimeoutMs != INFINITE) { elapsed = ::GetTickCount() - waitStart; } if (elapsed >= aTimeoutMs) { break; } DWORD result; { AUTO_PROFILER_THREAD_SLEEP; result = ::MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(0, NULL, aTimeoutMs - elapsed, MOZ_QS_ALLEVENT, waitFlags); } NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(result != WAIT_FAILED, "Wait failed"); if (result == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { break; } #if defined(ACCESSIBILITY) if (result == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION) { if (NS_IsMainThread()) { // We executed an APC that would have woken up the hang monitor. Since // there are no more APCs pending and we are now going to sleep again, // we should notify the hang monitor. mozilla::BackgroundHangMonitor().NotifyWait(); } continue; } #endif // defined(ACCESSIBILITY) // Sent messages (via SendMessage and friends) are processed differently // than queued messages (via PostMessage); the destination window procedure // of the sent message is called during (Get|Peek)Message. Since PeekMessage // does not tell us whether it processed any sent messages, we need to query // this ahead of time. bool haveSentMessagesPending = (HIWORD(::GetQueueStatus(QS_SENDMESSAGE)) & QS_SENDMESSAGE) != 0; MSG msg = {0}; if (haveSentMessagesPending || ::PeekMessageW(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) { break; } // The message is intended for another thread that has been synchronized // with our input queue; yield to give other threads an opportunity to // process the message. This should prevent busy waiting if resumed due // to another thread's message. ::SwitchToThread(); } } /* static */ bool WinUtils::GetRegistryKey(HKEY aRoot, char16ptr_t aKeyName, char16ptr_t aValueName, wchar_t* aBuffer, DWORD aBufferLength) { MOZ_ASSERT(aKeyName, "The key name is NULL"); HKEY key; LONG result = ::RegOpenKeyExW(aRoot, aKeyName, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_32KEY, &key); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { result = ::RegOpenKeyExW(aRoot, aKeyName, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_64KEY, &key); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return false; } } DWORD type; result = ::RegQueryValueExW(key, aValueName, nullptr, &type, (BYTE*)aBuffer, &aBufferLength); ::RegCloseKey(key); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS || (type != REG_SZ && type != REG_EXPAND_SZ)) { return false; } if (aBuffer) { aBuffer[aBufferLength / sizeof(*aBuffer) - 1] = 0; } return true; } /* static */ bool WinUtils::HasRegistryKey(HKEY aRoot, char16ptr_t aKeyName) { MOZ_ASSERT(aRoot, "aRoot must not be NULL"); MOZ_ASSERT(aKeyName, "aKeyName must not be NULL"); HKEY key; LONG result = ::RegOpenKeyExW(aRoot, aKeyName, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_32KEY, &key); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { result = ::RegOpenKeyExW(aRoot, aKeyName, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_64KEY, &key); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return false; } } ::RegCloseKey(key); return true; } /* static */ HWND WinUtils::GetTopLevelHWND(HWND aWnd, bool aStopIfNotChild, bool aStopIfNotPopup) { HWND curWnd = aWnd; HWND topWnd = nullptr; while (curWnd) { topWnd = curWnd; if (aStopIfNotChild) { DWORD_PTR style = ::GetWindowLongPtrW(curWnd, GWL_STYLE); VERIFY_WINDOW_STYLE(style); if (!(style & WS_CHILD)) // first top-level window break; } HWND upWnd = ::GetParent(curWnd); // Parent or owner (if has no parent) // GetParent will only return the owner if the passed in window // has the WS_POPUP style. if (!upWnd && !aStopIfNotPopup) { upWnd = ::GetWindow(curWnd, GW_OWNER); } curWnd = upWnd; } return topWnd; } // Map from native window handles to nsWindow structures. Does not AddRef. // Inherently unsafe to access outside the main thread. static nsTHashMap<HWND, nsWindow*> sExtantNSWindows; /* static */ void WinUtils::SetNSWindowPtr(HWND aWnd, nsWindow* aWindow) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (!aWindow) { sExtantNSWindows.Remove(aWnd); } else { sExtantNSWindows.InsertOrUpdate(aWnd, aWindow); } } /* static */ nsWindow* WinUtils::GetNSWindowPtr(HWND aWnd) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); return sExtantNSWindows.Get(aWnd); // or nullptr } static BOOL CALLBACK AddMonitor(HMONITOR, HDC, LPRECT, LPARAM aParam) { (*(int32_t*)aParam)++; return TRUE; } /* static */ int32_t WinUtils::GetMonitorCount() { int32_t monitorCount = 0; EnumDisplayMonitors(nullptr, nullptr, AddMonitor, (LPARAM)&monitorCount); return monitorCount; } /* static */ bool WinUtils::IsOurProcessWindow(HWND aWnd) { if (!aWnd) { return false; } DWORD processId = 0; ::GetWindowThreadProcessId(aWnd, &processId); return (processId == ::GetCurrentProcessId()); } /* static */ HWND WinUtils::FindOurProcessWindow(HWND aWnd) { for (HWND wnd = ::GetParent(aWnd); wnd; wnd = ::GetParent(wnd)) { if (IsOurProcessWindow(wnd)) { return wnd; } } return nullptr; } static bool IsPointInWindow(HWND aWnd, const POINT& aPointInScreen) { RECT bounds; if (!::GetWindowRect(aWnd, &bounds)) { return false; } return (aPointInScreen.x >= bounds.left && aPointInScreen.x < bounds.right && aPointInScreen.y >= bounds.top && aPointInScreen.y < bounds.bottom); } /** * FindTopmostWindowAtPoint() returns the topmost child window (topmost means * forground in this context) of aWnd. */ static HWND FindTopmostWindowAtPoint(HWND aWnd, const POINT& aPointInScreen) { if (!::IsWindowVisible(aWnd) || !IsPointInWindow(aWnd, aPointInScreen)) { return nullptr; } HWND childWnd = ::GetTopWindow(aWnd); while (childWnd) { HWND topmostWnd = FindTopmostWindowAtPoint(childWnd, aPointInScreen); if (topmostWnd) { return topmostWnd; } childWnd = ::GetNextWindow(childWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT); } return aWnd; } struct FindOurWindowAtPointInfo { POINT mInPointInScreen; HWND mOutWnd; }; static BOOL CALLBACK FindOurWindowAtPointCallback(HWND aWnd, LPARAM aLPARAM) { if (!WinUtils::IsOurProcessWindow(aWnd)) { // This isn't one of our top-level windows; continue enumerating. return TRUE; } // Get the top-most child window under the point. If there's no child // window, and the point is within the top-level window, then the top-level // window will be returned. (This is the usual case. A child window // would be returned for plugins.) FindOurWindowAtPointInfo* info = reinterpret_cast<FindOurWindowAtPointInfo*>(aLPARAM); HWND childWnd = FindTopmostWindowAtPoint(aWnd, info->mInPointInScreen); if (!childWnd) { // This window doesn't contain the point; continue enumerating. return TRUE; } // Return the HWND and stop enumerating. info->mOutWnd = childWnd; return FALSE; } /* static */ HWND WinUtils::FindOurWindowAtPoint(const POINT& aPointInScreen) { FindOurWindowAtPointInfo info; info.mInPointInScreen = aPointInScreen; info.mOutWnd = nullptr; // This will enumerate all top-level windows in order from top to bottom. EnumWindows(FindOurWindowAtPointCallback, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&info)); return info.mOutWnd; } /* static */ UINT WinUtils::GetInternalMessage(UINT aNativeMessage) { switch (aNativeMessage) { case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: return MOZ_WM_MOUSEVWHEEL; case WM_MOUSEHWHEEL: return MOZ_WM_MOUSEHWHEEL; case WM_VSCROLL: return MOZ_WM_VSCROLL; case WM_HSCROLL: return MOZ_WM_HSCROLL; default: return aNativeMessage; } } /* static */ UINT WinUtils::GetNativeMessage(UINT aInternalMessage) { switch (aInternalMessage) { case MOZ_WM_MOUSEVWHEEL: return WM_MOUSEWHEEL; case MOZ_WM_MOUSEHWHEEL: return WM_MOUSEHWHEEL; case MOZ_WM_VSCROLL: return WM_VSCROLL; case MOZ_WM_HSCROLL: return WM_HSCROLL; default: return aInternalMessage; } } /* static */ uint16_t WinUtils::GetMouseInputSource() { int32_t inputSource = dom::MouseEvent_Binding::MOZ_SOURCE_MOUSE; LPARAM lParamExtraInfo = ::GetMessageExtraInfo(); if ((lParamExtraInfo & TABLET_INK_SIGNATURE) == TABLET_INK_CHECK) { inputSource = (lParamExtraInfo & TABLET_INK_TOUCH) ? dom::MouseEvent_Binding::MOZ_SOURCE_TOUCH : dom::MouseEvent_Binding::MOZ_SOURCE_PEN; } return static_cast<uint16_t>(inputSource); } /* static */ uint16_t WinUtils::GetMousePointerID() { LPARAM lParamExtraInfo = ::GetMessageExtraInfo(); return lParamExtraInfo & TABLET_INK_ID_MASK; } /* static */ bool WinUtils::GetIsMouseFromTouch(EventMessage aEventMessage) { const uint32_t MOZ_T_I_SIGNATURE = TABLET_INK_TOUCH | TABLET_INK_SIGNATURE; const uint32_t MOZ_T_I_CHECK_TCH = TABLET_INK_TOUCH | TABLET_INK_CHECK; return ((aEventMessage == eMouseMove || aEventMessage == eMouseDown || aEventMessage == eMouseUp || aEventMessage == eMouseAuxClick || aEventMessage == eMouseDoubleClick) && (GetMessageExtraInfo() & MOZ_T_I_SIGNATURE) == MOZ_T_I_CHECK_TCH); } /* static */ MSG WinUtils::InitMSG(UINT aMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, HWND aWnd) { MSG msg; msg.message = aMessage; msg.wParam = wParam; msg.lParam = lParam; msg.hwnd = aWnd; return msg; } #ifdef MOZ_PLACES /************************************************************************ * Constructs as AsyncFaviconDataReady Object * @param aIOThread : the thread which performs the action * @param aURLShortcut : Differentiates between (false)Jumplistcache and * (true)Shortcutcache * @param aRunnable : Executed in the aIOThread when the favicon cache is * avaiable ************************************************************************/ AsyncFaviconDataReady::AsyncFaviconDataReady( nsIURI* aNewURI, RefPtr<LazyIdleThread>& aIOThread, const bool aURLShortcut, already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable> aRunnable) : mNewURI(aNewURI), mIOThread(aIOThread), mRunnable(aRunnable), mURLShortcut(aURLShortcut) {} NS_IMETHODIMP myDownloadObserver::OnDownloadComplete(nsIDownloader* downloader, nsIRequest* request, nsresult status, nsIFile* result) { return NS_OK; } nsresult AsyncFaviconDataReady::OnFaviconDataNotAvailable(void) { if (!mURLShortcut) { return NS_OK; } nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> icoFile; nsresult rv = FaviconHelper::GetOutputIconPath(mNewURI, icoFile, mURLShortcut); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mozIconURI; rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(mozIconURI), "moz-icon://.html?size=32"); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel; rv = NS_NewChannel(getter_AddRefs(channel), mozIconURI, nsContentUtils::GetSystemPrincipal(), nsILoadInfo::SEC_ALLOW_CROSS_ORIGIN_SEC_CONTEXT_IS_NULL, nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INTERNAL_IMAGE); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIDownloadObserver> downloadObserver = new myDownloadObserver; nsCOMPtr<nsIStreamListener> listener; rv = NS_NewDownloader(getter_AddRefs(listener), downloadObserver, icoFile); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return channel->AsyncOpen(listener); } NS_IMETHODIMP AsyncFaviconDataReady::OnComplete(nsIURI* aFaviconURI, uint32_t aDataLen, const uint8_t* aData, const nsACString& aMimeType, uint16_t aWidth) { if (!aDataLen || !aData) { if (mURLShortcut) { OnFaviconDataNotAvailable(); } return NS_OK; } nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> icoFile; nsresult rv = FaviconHelper::GetOutputIconPath(mNewURI, icoFile, mURLShortcut); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsAutoString path; rv = icoFile->GetPath(path); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Decode the image from the format it was returned to us in (probably PNG) nsCOMPtr<imgIContainer> container; nsCOMPtr<imgITools> imgtool = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/image/tools;1"); rv = imgtool->DecodeImageFromBuffer(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(aData), aDataLen, aMimeType, getter_AddRefs(container)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); RefPtr<SourceSurface> surface = container->GetFrame( imgIContainer::FRAME_FIRST, imgIContainer::FLAG_SYNC_DECODE | imgIContainer::FLAG_ASYNC_NOTIFY); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(surface, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); RefPtr<DataSourceSurface> dataSurface; IntSize size; if (mURLShortcut && (surface->GetSize().width < 48 || surface->GetSize().height < 48)) { // Create a 48x48 surface and paint the icon into the central rect. size.width = std::max(surface->GetSize().width, 48); size.height = std::max(surface->GetSize().height, 48); dataSurface = Factory::CreateDataSourceSurface(size, SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(dataSurface, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); DataSourceSurface::MappedSurface map; if (!dataSurface->Map(DataSourceSurface::MapType::WRITE, &map)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } RefPtr<DrawTarget> dt = Factory::CreateDrawTargetForData( BackendType::CAIRO, map.mData, dataSurface->GetSize(), map.mStride, dataSurface->GetFormat()); if (!dt) { gfxWarning() << "AsyncFaviconDataReady::OnComplete failed in " "CreateDrawTargetForData"; return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } dt->FillRect(Rect(0, 0, size.width, size.height), ColorPattern(ToDeviceColor(sRGBColor::OpaqueWhite()))); IntPoint point; point.x = (size.width - surface->GetSize().width) / 2; point.y = (size.height - surface->GetSize().height) / 2; dt->DrawSurface(surface, Rect(point.x, point.y, surface->GetSize().width, surface->GetSize().height), Rect(Point(0, 0), Size(surface->GetSize().width, surface->GetSize().height))); dataSurface->Unmap(); } else { // By using the input image surface's size, we may end up encoding // to a different size than a 16x16 (or bigger for higher DPI) ICO, but // Windows will resize appropriately for us. If we want to encode ourselves // one day because we like our resizing better, we'd have to manually // resize the image here and use GetSystemMetrics w/ SM_CXSMICON and // SM_CYSMICON. We don't support resizing images asynchronously at the // moment anyway so getting the DPI aware icon size won't help. size.width = surface->GetSize().width; size.height = surface->GetSize().height; dataSurface = surface->GetDataSurface(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(dataSurface, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); } // Allocate a new buffer that we own and can use out of line in // another thread. UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> data = SurfaceToPackedBGRA(dataSurface); if (!data) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } int32_t stride = 4 * size.width; // AsyncEncodeAndWriteIcon takes ownership of the heap allocated buffer nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> event = new AsyncEncodeAndWriteIcon(path, std::move(data), stride, size.width, size.height, mRunnable.forget()); mIOThread->Dispatch(event, NS_DISPATCH_NORMAL); return NS_OK; } #endif // Warning: AsyncEncodeAndWriteIcon assumes ownership of the aData buffer passed // in AsyncEncodeAndWriteIcon::AsyncEncodeAndWriteIcon( const nsAString& aIconPath, UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> aBuffer, uint32_t aStride, uint32_t aWidth, uint32_t aHeight, already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable> aRunnable) : mIconPath(aIconPath), mBuffer(std::move(aBuffer)), mRunnable(aRunnable), mStride(aStride), mWidth(aWidth), mHeight(aHeight) {} NS_IMETHODIMP AsyncEncodeAndWriteIcon::Run() { MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread(), "Should not be called on the main thread."); // Note that since we're off the main thread we can't use // gfxPlatform::GetPlatform()->ScreenReferenceDrawTarget() RefPtr<DataSourceSurface> surface = Factory::CreateWrappingDataSourceSurface( mBuffer.get(), mStride, IntSize(mWidth, mHeight), SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8); FILE* file = _wfopen(mIconPath.get(), L"wb"); if (!file) { // Maybe the directory doesn't exist; try creating it, then fopen again. nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> comFile = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/file/local;1"); if (comFile) { rv = comFile->InitWithPath(mIconPath); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> dirPath; comFile->GetParent(getter_AddRefs(dirPath)); if (dirPath) { rv = dirPath->Create(nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0777); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) || rv == NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS) { file = _wfopen(mIconPath.get(), L"wb"); if (!file) { rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } } } } } if (!file) { return rv; } } nsresult rv = gfxUtils::EncodeSourceSurface(surface, ImageType::ICO, u""_ns, gfxUtils::eBinaryEncode, file); fclose(file); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (mRunnable) { mRunnable->Run(); } return rv; } AsyncEncodeAndWriteIcon::~AsyncEncodeAndWriteIcon() {} AsyncDeleteAllFaviconsFromDisk::AsyncDeleteAllFaviconsFromDisk( bool aIgnoreRecent) : mIgnoreRecent(aIgnoreRecent) { // We can't call FaviconHelper::GetICOCacheSecondsTimeout() on non-main // threads, as it reads a pref, so cache its value here. mIcoNoDeleteSeconds = FaviconHelper::GetICOCacheSecondsTimeout() + 600; // Prepare the profile directory cache on the main thread, to ensure we wont // do this on non-main threads. Unused << NS_GetSpecialDirectory("ProfLDS", getter_AddRefs(mJumpListCacheDir)); } NS_IMETHODIMP AsyncDeleteAllFaviconsFromDisk::Run() { if (!mJumpListCacheDir) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // Construct the path of our jump list cache nsresult rv = mJumpListCacheDir->AppendNative( nsDependentCString(FaviconHelper::kJumpListCacheDir)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIDirectoryEnumerator> entries; rv = mJumpListCacheDir->GetDirectoryEntries(getter_AddRefs(entries)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Loop through each directory entry and remove all ICO files found do { nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> currFile; if (NS_FAILED(entries->GetNextFile(getter_AddRefs(currFile))) || !currFile) break; nsAutoString path; if (NS_FAILED(currFile->GetPath(path))) continue; if (StringTail(path, 4).LowerCaseEqualsASCII(".ico")) { // Check if the cached ICO file exists bool exists; if (NS_FAILED(currFile->Exists(&exists)) || !exists) continue; if (mIgnoreRecent) { // Check to make sure the icon wasn't just recently created. // If it was created recently, don't delete it yet. int64_t fileModTime = 0; rv = currFile->GetLastModifiedTime(&fileModTime); fileModTime /= PR_MSEC_PER_SEC; // If the icon is older than the regeneration time (+ 10 min to be // safe), then it's old and we can get rid of it. // This code is only hit directly after a regeneration. int64_t nowTime = PR_Now() / int64_t(PR_USEC_PER_SEC); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || (nowTime - fileModTime) < mIcoNoDeleteSeconds) { continue; } } // We found an ICO file that exists, so we should remove it currFile->Remove(false); } } while (true); return NS_OK; } AsyncDeleteAllFaviconsFromDisk::~AsyncDeleteAllFaviconsFromDisk() {} /* * (static) If the data is available, will return the path on disk where * the favicon for page aFaviconPageURI is stored. If the favicon does not * exist, or its cache is expired, this method will kick off an async request * for the icon so that next time the method is called it will be available. * @param aFaviconPageURI The URI of the page to obtain * @param aICOFilePath The path of the icon file * @param aIOThread The thread to perform the Fetch on * @param aURLShortcut to distinguish between jumplistcache(false) and * shortcutcache(true) * @param aRunnable Executed in the aIOThread when the favicon cache is * avaiable */ nsresult FaviconHelper::ObtainCachedIconFile( nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> aFaviconPageURI, nsString& aICOFilePath, RefPtr<LazyIdleThread>& aIOThread, bool aURLShortcut, already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable> aRunnable) { nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> runnable = aRunnable; // Obtain the ICO file path nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> icoFile; nsresult rv = GetOutputIconPath(aFaviconPageURI, icoFile, aURLShortcut); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Check if the cached ICO file already exists bool exists; rv = icoFile->Exists(&exists); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (exists) { // Obtain the file's last modification date in seconds int64_t fileModTime = 0; rv = icoFile->GetLastModifiedTime(&fileModTime); fileModTime /= PR_MSEC_PER_SEC; int32_t icoReCacheSecondsTimeout = GetICOCacheSecondsTimeout(); int64_t nowTime = PR_Now() / int64_t(PR_USEC_PER_SEC); // If the last mod call failed or the icon is old then re-cache it // This check is in case the favicon of a page changes // the next time we try to build the jump list, the data will be available. if (NS_FAILED(rv) || (nowTime - fileModTime) > icoReCacheSecondsTimeout) { CacheIconFileFromFaviconURIAsync(aFaviconPageURI, icoFile, aIOThread, aURLShortcut, runnable.forget()); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } } else { // The file does not exist yet, obtain it async from the favicon service so // that the next time we try to build the jump list it'll be available. CacheIconFileFromFaviconURIAsync(aFaviconPageURI, icoFile, aIOThread, aURLShortcut, runnable.forget()); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } // The icoFile is filled with a path that exists, get its path rv = icoFile->GetPath(aICOFilePath); return rv; } nsresult FaviconHelper::HashURI(nsCOMPtr<nsICryptoHash>& aCryptoHash, nsIURI* aUri, nsACString& aUriHash) { if (!aUri) return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; nsAutoCString spec; nsresult rv = aUri->GetSpec(spec); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!aCryptoHash) { aCryptoHash = do_CreateInstance(NS_CRYPTO_HASH_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } rv = aCryptoHash->Init(nsICryptoHash::MD5); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = aCryptoHash->Update( reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(spec.BeginReading()), spec.Length()); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = aCryptoHash->Finish(true, aUriHash); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return NS_OK; } // (static) Obtains the ICO file for the favicon at page aFaviconPageURI // If successful, the file path on disk is in the format: // <ProfLDS>\jumpListCache\<hash(aFaviconPageURI)>.ico nsresult FaviconHelper::GetOutputIconPath(nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> aFaviconPageURI, nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>& aICOFile, bool aURLShortcut) { // Hash the input URI and replace any / with _ nsAutoCString inputURIHash; nsCOMPtr<nsICryptoHash> cryptoHash; nsresult rv = HashURI(cryptoHash, aFaviconPageURI, inputURIHash); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); char* cur = inputURIHash.BeginWriting(); char* end = inputURIHash.EndWriting(); for (; cur < end; ++cur) { if ('/' == *cur) { *cur = '_'; } } // Obtain the local profile directory and construct the output icon file path rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory("ProfLDS", getter_AddRefs(aICOFile)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!aURLShortcut) rv = aICOFile->AppendNative(nsDependentCString(kJumpListCacheDir)); else rv = aICOFile->AppendNative(nsDependentCString(kShortcutCacheDir)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Append the icon extension inputURIHash.AppendLiteral(".ico"); rv = aICOFile->AppendNative(inputURIHash); return rv; } // (static) Asynchronously creates a cached ICO file on disk for the favicon of // page aFaviconPageURI and stores it to disk at the path of aICOFile. nsresult FaviconHelper::CacheIconFileFromFaviconURIAsync( nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> aFaviconPageURI, nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> aICOFile, RefPtr<LazyIdleThread>& aIOThread, bool aURLShortcut, already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable> aRunnable) { nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> runnable = aRunnable; #ifdef MOZ_PLACES // Obtain the favicon service and get the favicon for the specified page nsCOMPtr<nsIFaviconService> favIconSvc( do_GetService("@mozilla.org/browser/favicon-service;1")); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(favIconSvc, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); nsCOMPtr<nsIFaviconDataCallback> callback = new mozilla::widget::AsyncFaviconDataReady( aFaviconPageURI, aIOThread, aURLShortcut, runnable.forget()); favIconSvc->GetFaviconDataForPage(aFaviconPageURI, callback, 0); #endif return NS_OK; } // Obtains the jump list 'ICO cache timeout in seconds' pref int32_t FaviconHelper::GetICOCacheSecondsTimeout() { // Only obtain the setting at most once from the pref service. // In the rare case that 2 threads call this at the same // time it is no harm and we will simply obtain the pref twice. // None of the taskbar list prefs are currently updated via a // pref observer so I think this should suffice. const int32_t kSecondsPerDay = 86400; static bool alreadyObtained = false; static int32_t icoReCacheSecondsTimeout = kSecondsPerDay; if (alreadyObtained) { return icoReCacheSecondsTimeout; } // Obtain the pref const char PREF_ICOTIMEOUT[] = "browser.taskbar.lists.icoTimeoutInSeconds"; icoReCacheSecondsTimeout = Preferences::GetInt(PREF_ICOTIMEOUT, kSecondsPerDay); alreadyObtained = true; return icoReCacheSecondsTimeout; } /* static */ LayoutDeviceIntRegion WinUtils::ConvertHRGNToRegion(HRGN aRgn) { NS_ASSERTION(aRgn, "Don't pass NULL region here"); LayoutDeviceIntRegion rgn; DWORD size = ::GetRegionData(aRgn, 0, nullptr); AutoTArray<uint8_t, 100> buffer; buffer.SetLength(size); RGNDATA* data = reinterpret_cast<RGNDATA*>(buffer.Elements()); if (!::GetRegionData(aRgn, size, data)) return rgn; if (data->rdh.nCount > MAX_RECTS_IN_REGION) { rgn = ToIntRect(data->rdh.rcBound); return rgn; } RECT* rects = reinterpret_cast<RECT*>(data->Buffer); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < data->rdh.nCount; ++i) { RECT* r = rects + i; rgn.Or(rgn, ToIntRect(*r)); } return rgn; } LayoutDeviceIntRect WinUtils::ToIntRect(const RECT& aRect) { return LayoutDeviceIntRect(aRect.left, aRect.top, aRect.right - aRect.left, aRect.bottom - aRect.top); } /* static */ bool WinUtils::IsIMEEnabled(const InputContext& aInputContext) { return IsIMEEnabled(aInputContext.mIMEState.mEnabled); } /* static */ bool WinUtils::IsIMEEnabled(IMEEnabled aIMEState) { return aIMEState == IMEEnabled::Enabled; } /* static */ void WinUtils::SetupKeyModifiersSequence(nsTArray<KeyPair>* aArray, uint32_t aModifiers, UINT aMessage) { MOZ_ASSERT(!(aModifiers & nsIWidget::ALTGRAPH) || !(aModifiers & (nsIWidget::CTRL_L | nsIWidget::ALT_R))); if (aMessage == WM_KEYUP) { // If AltGr is released, ControlLeft key is released first, then, // AltRight key is released. if (aModifiers & nsIWidget::ALTGRAPH) { aArray->AppendElement( KeyPair(VK_CONTROL, VK_LCONTROL, ScanCode::eControlLeft)); aArray->AppendElement(KeyPair(VK_MENU, VK_RMENU, ScanCode::eAltRight)); } for (uint32_t i = ArrayLength(sModifierKeyMap); i; --i) { const uint32_t* map = sModifierKeyMap[i - 1]; if (aModifiers & map[0]) { aArray->AppendElement(KeyPair(map[1], map[2], map[3])); } } } else { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(sModifierKeyMap); ++i) { const uint32_t* map = sModifierKeyMap[i]; if (aModifiers & map[0]) { aArray->AppendElement(KeyPair(map[1], map[2], map[3])); } } // If AltGr is pressed, ControlLeft key is pressed first, then, // AltRight key is pressed. if (aModifiers & nsIWidget::ALTGRAPH) { aArray->AppendElement( KeyPair(VK_CONTROL, VK_LCONTROL, ScanCode::eControlLeft)); aArray->AppendElement(KeyPair(VK_MENU, VK_RMENU, ScanCode::eAltRight)); } } } /* static */ nsresult WinUtils::WriteBitmap(nsIFile* aFile, imgIContainer* aImage) { RefPtr<SourceSurface> surface = aImage->GetFrame( imgIContainer::FRAME_FIRST, imgIContainer::FLAG_SYNC_DECODE | imgIContainer::FLAG_ASYNC_NOTIFY); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(surface, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); return WriteBitmap(aFile, surface); } /* static */ nsresult WinUtils::WriteBitmap(nsIFile* aFile, SourceSurface* surface) { nsresult rv; // For either of the following formats we want to set the biBitCount member // of the BITMAPINFOHEADER struct to 32, below. For that value the bitmap // format defines that the A8/X8 WORDs in the bitmap byte stream be ignored // for the BI_RGB value we use for the biCompression member. MOZ_ASSERT(surface->GetFormat() == SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8 || surface->GetFormat() == SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8X8); RefPtr<DataSourceSurface> dataSurface = surface->GetDataSurface(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(dataSurface, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); int32_t width = dataSurface->GetSize().width; int32_t height = dataSurface->GetSize().height; int32_t bytesPerPixel = 4 * sizeof(uint8_t); uint32_t bytesPerRow = bytesPerPixel * width; bool hasAlpha = surface->GetFormat() == SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8; // initialize these bitmap structs which we will later // serialize directly to the head of the bitmap file BITMAPV4HEADER bmi; memset(&bmi, 0, sizeof(BITMAPV4HEADER)); bmi.bV4Size = sizeof(BITMAPV4HEADER); bmi.bV4Width = width; bmi.bV4Height = height; bmi.bV4Planes = 1; bmi.bV4BitCount = (WORD)bytesPerPixel * 8; bmi.bV4V4Compression = hasAlpha ? BI_BITFIELDS : BI_RGB; bmi.bV4SizeImage = bytesPerRow * height; bmi.bV4CSType = LCS_sRGB; if (hasAlpha) { bmi.bV4RedMask = 0x00FF0000; bmi.bV4GreenMask = 0x0000FF00; bmi.bV4BlueMask = 0x000000FF; bmi.bV4AlphaMask = 0xFF000000; } BITMAPFILEHEADER bf; DWORD colormask[3]; bf.bfType = 0x4D42; // 'BM' bf.bfReserved1 = 0; bf.bfReserved2 = 0; bf.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPV4HEADER) + (hasAlpha ? sizeof(colormask) : 0); bf.bfSize = bf.bfOffBits + bmi.bV4SizeImage; // get a file output stream nsCOMPtr<nsIOutputStream> stream; rv = NS_NewLocalFileOutputStream(getter_AddRefs(stream), aFile); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); DataSourceSurface::MappedSurface map; if (!dataSurface->Map(DataSourceSurface::MapType::READ, &map)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // write the bitmap headers and rgb pixel data to the file rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (stream) { uint32_t written; stream->Write((const char*)&bf, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), &written); if (written == sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)) { stream->Write((const char*)&bmi, sizeof(BITMAPV4HEADER), &written); if (written == sizeof(BITMAPV4HEADER)) { if (hasAlpha) { // color mask colormask[0] = 0x00FF0000; colormask[1] = 0x0000FF00; colormask[2] = 0x000000FF; stream->Write((const char*)colormask, sizeof(colormask), &written); } if (!hasAlpha || written == sizeof(colormask)) { // write out the image data backwards because the desktop won't // show bitmaps with negative heights for top-to-bottom uint32_t i = map.mStride * height; do { i -= map.mStride; stream->Write(((const char*)map.mData) + i, bytesPerRow, &written); if (written == bytesPerRow) { rv = NS_OK; } else { rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; break; } } while (i != 0); } } } stream->Close(); } dataSurface->Unmap(); return rv; } // This is in use here and in dom/events/TouchEvent.cpp /* static */ uint32_t WinUtils::IsTouchDeviceSupportPresent() { int32_t touchCapabilities = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_DIGITIZER); int32_t touchFlags = NID_EXTERNAL_TOUCH | NID_INTEGRATED_TOUCH; if (StaticPrefs::dom_w3c_pointer_events_scroll_by_pen_enabled()) { touchFlags |= NID_EXTERNAL_PEN | NID_INTEGRATED_PEN; } return (touchCapabilities & NID_READY) && (touchCapabilities & touchFlags); } /* static */ uint32_t WinUtils::GetMaxTouchPoints() { if (IsTouchDeviceSupportPresent()) { return GetSystemMetrics(SM_MAXIMUMTOUCHES); } return 0; } /* static */ POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE WinUtils::GetPowerPlatformRole() { typedef POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE(WINAPI * PowerDeterminePlatformRoleEx)(ULONG Version); static PowerDeterminePlatformRoleEx power_determine_platform_role = reinterpret_cast<PowerDeterminePlatformRoleEx>(::GetProcAddress( ::LoadLibraryW(L"PowrProf.dll"), "PowerDeterminePlatformRoleEx")); POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE powerPlatformRole = PlatformRoleUnspecified; if (!power_determine_platform_role) { return powerPlatformRole; } return power_determine_platform_role(POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE_V2); } // static bool WinUtils::GetAutoRotationState(AR_STATE* aRotationState) { typedef BOOL(WINAPI * GetAutoRotationStateFunc)(PAR_STATE pState); static GetAutoRotationStateFunc get_auto_rotation_state_func = reinterpret_cast<GetAutoRotationStateFunc>(::GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandleW(L"user32.dll"), "GetAutoRotationState")); if (get_auto_rotation_state_func) { ZeroMemory(aRotationState, sizeof(AR_STATE)); return get_auto_rotation_state_func(aRotationState); } return false; } static bool IsTabletDevice() { // Guarantees that: // - The device has a touch screen. // - It is used as a tablet which means that it has no keyboard connected. // On Windows 10 it means that it is verifying with ConvertibleSlateMode. if (!IsWin8OrLater()) { return false; } if (WindowsUIUtils::GetInTabletMode()) { return true; } if (!GetSystemMetrics(SM_MAXIMUMTOUCHES)) { return false; } // If the device is docked, the user is treating the device as a PC. if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_SYSTEMDOCKED)) { return false; } // If the device is not supporting rotation, it's unlikely to be a tablet, // a convertible or a detachable. See: // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn629263(v=vs.85).aspx AR_STATE rotation_state; if (WinUtils::GetAutoRotationState(&rotation_state) && (rotation_state & (AR_NOT_SUPPORTED | AR_LAPTOP | AR_NOSENSOR))) { return false; } // PlatformRoleSlate was added in Windows 8+. POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE role = WinUtils::GetPowerPlatformRole(); if (role == PlatformRoleMobile || role == PlatformRoleSlate) { return !GetSystemMetrics(SM_CONVERTIBLESLATEMODE); } return false; } static bool IsMousePresent() { if (!::GetSystemMetrics(SM_MOUSEPRESENT)) { return false; } DWORD count = InputDeviceUtils::CountMouseDevices(); if (!count) { return false; } // If there is a mouse device and if this machine is a tablet or has a // digitizer, that's counted as the mouse device. // FIXME: Bug 1495938: We should drop this heuristic way once we find out a // reliable way to tell there is no mouse or not. if (count == 1 && (WinUtils::IsTouchDeviceSupportPresent() || IsTabletDevice())) { return false; } return true; } /* static */ PointerCapabilities WinUtils::GetPrimaryPointerCapabilities() { if (IsTabletDevice()) { return PointerCapabilities::Coarse; } if (IsMousePresent()) { return PointerCapabilities::Fine | PointerCapabilities::Hover; } if (IsTouchDeviceSupportPresent()) { return PointerCapabilities::Coarse; } return PointerCapabilities::None; } /* static */ PointerCapabilities WinUtils::GetAllPointerCapabilities() { PointerCapabilities result = PointerCapabilities::None; if (IsTabletDevice() || IsTouchDeviceSupportPresent()) { result |= PointerCapabilities::Coarse; } if (IsMousePresent()) { result |= PointerCapabilities::Fine | PointerCapabilities::Hover; } return result; } /* static */ bool WinUtils::ResolveJunctionPointsAndSymLinks(std::wstring& aPath) { LOG_D("ResolveJunctionPointsAndSymLinks: Resolving path: %S", aPath.c_str()); wchar_t path[MAX_PATH] = {0}; nsAutoHandle handle(::CreateFileW( aPath.c_str(), 0, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, nullptr)); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LOG_E("Failed to open file handle to resolve path. GetLastError=%lu", GetLastError()); return false; } DWORD pathLen = GetFinalPathNameByHandleW( handle, path, MAX_PATH, FILE_NAME_NORMALIZED | VOLUME_NAME_DOS); if (pathLen == 0 || pathLen >= MAX_PATH) { LOG_E("GetFinalPathNameByHandleW failed. GetLastError=%lu", GetLastError()); return false; } aPath = path; // GetFinalPathNameByHandle sticks a '\\?\' in front of the path, // but that confuses some APIs so strip it off. It will also put // '\\?\UNC\' in front of network paths, we convert that to '\\'. if (aPath.compare(0, 7, L"\\\\?\\UNC") == 0) { aPath.erase(2, 6); } else if (aPath.compare(0, 4, L"\\\\?\\") == 0) { aPath.erase(0, 4); } LOG_D("ResolveJunctionPointsAndSymLinks: Resolved path to: %S", aPath.c_str()); return true; } /* static */ bool WinUtils::ResolveJunctionPointsAndSymLinks(nsIFile* aPath) { MOZ_ASSERT(aPath); nsAutoString filePath; nsresult rv = aPath->GetPath(filePath); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return false; } std::wstring resolvedPath(filePath.get()); if (!ResolveJunctionPointsAndSymLinks(resolvedPath)) { return false; } rv = aPath->InitWithPath(nsDependentString(resolvedPath.c_str())); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return false; } return true; } /* static */ bool WinUtils::RunningFromANetworkDrive() { wchar_t exePath[MAX_PATH]; if (!::GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, exePath, MAX_PATH)) { return false; } std::wstring exeString(exePath); if (!widget::WinUtils::ResolveJunctionPointsAndSymLinks(exeString)) { return false; } wchar_t volPath[MAX_PATH]; if (!::GetVolumePathNameW(exeString.c_str(), volPath, MAX_PATH)) { return false; } return (::GetDriveTypeW(volPath) == DRIVE_REMOTE); } /* static */ bool WinUtils::CanonicalizePath(nsAString& aPath) { wchar_t tempPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; if (!PathCanonicalizeW(tempPath, (char16ptr_t)PromiseFlatString(aPath).get())) { return false; } aPath = tempPath; MOZ_ASSERT(aPath.Length() <= MAX_PATH); return true; } /* static */ bool WinUtils::MakeLongPath(nsAString& aPath) { wchar_t tempPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; DWORD longResult = GetLongPathNameW((char16ptr_t)PromiseFlatString(aPath).get(), tempPath, ArrayLength(tempPath)); if (longResult > ArrayLength(tempPath)) { // Our buffer is too short, and we're guaranteeing <= MAX_PATH results. return false; } else if (longResult) { // Success. aPath = tempPath; MOZ_ASSERT(aPath.Length() <= MAX_PATH); } // GetLongPathNameW returns 0 if the path is not found or is not rooted, // but we shouldn't consider that a failure condition. return true; } /* static */ bool WinUtils::UnexpandEnvVars(nsAString& aPath) { wchar_t tempPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; // PathUnExpandEnvStringsW returns false if it doesn't make any // substitutions. Silently continue using the unaltered path. if (PathUnExpandEnvStringsW((char16ptr_t)PromiseFlatString(aPath).get(), tempPath, ArrayLength(tempPath))) { aPath = tempPath; MOZ_ASSERT(aPath.Length() <= MAX_PATH); } return true; } /* static */ WinUtils::WhitelistVec WinUtils::BuildWhitelist() { WhitelistVec result; Unused << result.emplaceBack( std::make_pair(nsString(u"%ProgramFiles%"_ns), nsDependentString())); // When no substitution is required, set the void flag result.back().second.SetIsVoid(true); Unused << result.emplaceBack( std::make_pair(nsString(u"%SystemRoot%"_ns), nsDependentString())); result.back().second.SetIsVoid(true); wchar_t tmpPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = {}; if (GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, tmpPath)) { // GetTempPath's result always ends with a backslash, which we don't want uint32_t tmpPathLen = wcslen(tmpPath); if (tmpPathLen) { tmpPath[tmpPathLen - 1] = 0; } nsAutoString cleanTmpPath(tmpPath); if (UnexpandEnvVars(cleanTmpPath)) { constexpr auto tempVar = u"%TEMP%"_ns; Unused << result.emplaceBack(std::make_pair( nsString(cleanTmpPath), nsDependentString(tempVar, 0))); } } // If we add more items to the whitelist, ensure we still don't invoke an // unnecessary heap allocation. MOZ_ASSERT(result.length() <= kMaxWhitelistedItems); return result; } /** * This function provides an array of (system path, substitution) pairs that are * considered to be acceptable with respect to privacy, for the purposes of * submitting within telemetry or crash reports. * * The substitution string's void flag may be set. If it is, no subsitution is * necessary. Otherwise, the consumer should replace the system path with the * substitution. * * @see PreparePathForTelemetry for an example of its usage. */ /* static */ const WinUtils::WhitelistVec& WinUtils::GetWhitelistedPaths() { static WhitelistVec sWhitelist([]() -> WhitelistVec { auto setClearFn = [ptr = &sWhitelist]() -> void { RunOnShutdown([ptr]() -> void { ptr->clear(); }, ShutdownPhase::XPCOMShutdownFinal); }; if (NS_IsMainThread()) { setClearFn(); } else { SchedulerGroup::Dispatch( TaskCategory::Other, NS_NewRunnableFunction("WinUtils::GetWhitelistedPaths", std::move(setClearFn))); } return BuildWhitelist(); }()); return sWhitelist; } /** * This function is located here (as opposed to nsSystemInfo or elsewhere) * because we need to gather this information as early as possible during * startup. */ /* static */ bool WinUtils::GetAppInitDLLs(nsAString& aOutput) { aOutput.Truncate(); HKEY hkey = NULL; if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Windows", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey)) { return false; } nsAutoRegKey key(hkey); LONG status; const wchar_t kLoadAppInitDLLs[] = L"LoadAppInit_DLLs"; DWORD loadAppInitDLLs = 0; DWORD loadAppInitDLLsLen = sizeof(loadAppInitDLLs); status = RegQueryValueExW(hkey, kLoadAppInitDLLs, nullptr, nullptr, (LPBYTE)&loadAppInitDLLs, &loadAppInitDLLsLen); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return false; } if (!loadAppInitDLLs) { // If loadAppInitDLLs is zero then AppInit_DLLs is disabled. // In this case we'll return true along with an empty output string. return true; } DWORD numBytes = 0; const wchar_t kAppInitDLLs[] = L"AppInit_DLLs"; // Query for required buffer size status = RegQueryValueExW(hkey, kAppInitDLLs, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &numBytes); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return false; } // Allocate the buffer and query for the actual data mozilla::UniquePtr<wchar_t[]> data = mozilla::MakeUnique<wchar_t[]>(numBytes / sizeof(wchar_t)); status = RegQueryValueExW(hkey, kAppInitDLLs, nullptr, nullptr, (LPBYTE)data.get(), &numBytes); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return false; } // For each token, split up the filename components and then check the // name of the file. const wchar_t kDelimiters[] = L", "; wchar_t* tokenContext = nullptr; wchar_t* token = wcstok_s(data.get(), kDelimiters, &tokenContext); while (token) { nsAutoString cleanPath(token); // Since these paths are short paths originating from the registry, we need // to canonicalize them, lengthen them, and sanitize them before we can // check them against the whitelist if (PreparePathForTelemetry(cleanPath)) { if (!aOutput.IsEmpty()) { aOutput += L";"; } aOutput += cleanPath; } token = wcstok_s(nullptr, kDelimiters, &tokenContext); } return true; } /* static */ bool WinUtils::PreparePathForTelemetry(nsAString& aPath, PathTransformFlags aFlags) { if (aFlags & PathTransformFlags::Canonicalize) { if (!CanonicalizePath(aPath)) { return false; } } if (aFlags & PathTransformFlags::Lengthen) { if (!MakeLongPath(aPath)) { return false; } } if (aFlags & PathTransformFlags::UnexpandEnvVars) { if (!UnexpandEnvVars(aPath)) { return false; } } const WhitelistVec& whitelistedPaths = GetWhitelistedPaths(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < whitelistedPaths.length(); ++i) { const nsString& testPath = whitelistedPaths[i].first; const nsDependentString& substitution = whitelistedPaths[i].second; if (StringBeginsWith(aPath, testPath, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator)) { if (!substitution.IsVoid()) { aPath.Replace(0, testPath.Length(), substitution); } return true; } } // For non-whitelisted paths, we strip the path component and just leave // the filename. We can't use nsLocalFile to do this because these paths may // begin with environment variables, and nsLocalFile doesn't like // non-absolute paths. const nsString& flatPath = PromiseFlatString(aPath); LPCWSTR leafStart = ::PathFindFileNameW(flatPath.get()); ptrdiff_t cutLen = leafStart - flatPath.get(); if (cutLen) { aPath.Cut(0, cutLen); } else if (aFlags & PathTransformFlags::RequireFilePath) { return false; } return true; } nsString WinUtils::GetPackageFamilyName() { nsString rv; UniquePtr<wchar_t[]> packageIdentity = mozilla::GetPackageFamilyName(); if (packageIdentity) { rv = packageIdentity.get(); } return rv; } bool WinUtils::GetClassName(HWND aHwnd, nsAString& aClassName) { const int bufferLength = 256; aClassName.SetLength(bufferLength); int length = ::GetClassNameW(aHwnd, (char16ptr_t)aClassName.BeginWriting(), bufferLength); if (length == 0) { return false; } MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(length <= (bufferLength - 1)); aClassName.Truncate(length); return true; } static BOOL CALLBACK EnumUpdateWindowOcclusionProc(HWND aHwnd, LPARAM aLParam) { const bool* const enable = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(aLParam); nsWindow* window = WinUtils::GetNSWindowPtr(aHwnd); if (window) { window->MaybeEnableWindowOcclusion(*enable); } return TRUE; } void WinUtils::EnableWindowOcclusion(const bool aEnable) { if (aEnable) { WinWindowOcclusionTracker::Ensure(); } ::EnumWindows(EnumUpdateWindowOcclusionProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&aEnable)); } bool WinUtils::GetTimezoneName(wchar_t* aBuffer) { DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzInfo; DWORD tzid = GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation(&tzInfo); if (tzid == TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) { return false; } wcscpy_s(aBuffer, 128, tzInfo.TimeZoneKeyName); return true; } // There are undocumented APIs to query/change the system DPI settings found by // https://github.com/lihas/ . We use those APIs only for testing purpose, i.e. // in mochitests or some such. To avoid exposing them in our official release // builds unexpectedly we restrict them only in debug builds. #ifdef DEBUG # define DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_SET_SOURCE_DPI_SCALE (int)-4 # define DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_GET_SOURCE_DPI_SCALE (int)-3 // Following two struts are copied from // https://github.com/lihas/windows-DPI-scaling-sample/blob/master/DPIHelper/DpiHelper.h /* * struct DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_DPI_SCALE_GET * @brief used to fetch min, max, suggested, and currently applied DPI scaling * values. All values are relative to the recommended DPI scaling value Note * that DPI scaling is a property of the source, and not of target. */ struct DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_DPI_SCALE_GET { DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_HEADER header; /* * @brief min value of DPI scaling is always 100, minScaleRel gives no. of * steps down from recommended scaling eg. if minScaleRel is -3 => 100 is 3 * steps down from recommended scaling => recommended scaling is 175% */ int32_t minScaleRel; /* * @brief currently applied DPI scaling value wrt the recommended value. eg. * if recommended value is 175%, * => if curScaleRel == 0 the current scaling is 175%, if curScaleRel == -1, * then current scale is 150% */ int32_t curScaleRel; /* * @brief maximum supported DPI scaling wrt recommended value */ int32_t maxScaleRel; }; /* * struct DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_DPI_SCALE_SET * @brief set DPI scaling value of a source * Note that DPI scaling is a property of the source, and not of target. */ struct DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_DPI_SCALE_SET { DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_HEADER header; /* * @brief The value we want to set. The value should be relative to the * recommended DPI scaling value of source. eg. if scaleRel == 1, and * recommended value is 175% => we are trying to set 200% scaling for the * source */ int32_t scaleRel; }; static int32_t sCurRelativeScaleStep = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(); static LONG SetRelativeScaleStep(LUID aAdapterId, int32_t aRelativeScaleStep) { DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_DPI_SCALE_SET setDPIScale = {}; setDPIScale.header.adapterId = aAdapterId; setDPIScale.header.type = (DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE) DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_SET_SOURCE_DPI_SCALE; setDPIScale.header.size = sizeof(setDPIScale); setDPIScale.scaleRel = aRelativeScaleStep; return DisplayConfigSetDeviceInfo(&setDPIScale.header); } nsresult WinUtils::SetHiDPIMode(bool aHiDPI) { if (!IsWin10OrLater()) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } auto config = GetDisplayConfig(); if (!config) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } if (config->mPaths.empty()) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_DPI_SCALE_GET dpiScale = {}; dpiScale.header.adapterId = config->mPaths[0].targetInfo.adapterId; dpiScale.header.type = (DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE) DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_GET_SOURCE_DPI_SCALE; dpiScale.header.size = sizeof(dpiScale); LONG result = ::DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(&dpiScale.header); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (dpiScale.minScaleRel == dpiScale.maxScaleRel) { // We can't change the setting at all. return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } if (aHiDPI && dpiScale.curScaleRel == dpiScale.maxScaleRel) { // We've already at the maximum level. if (sCurRelativeScaleStep == std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()) { sCurRelativeScaleStep = dpiScale.curScaleRel; } return NS_OK; } if (!aHiDPI && dpiScale.curScaleRel == dpiScale.minScaleRel) { // We've already at the minimum level. if (sCurRelativeScaleStep == std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()) { sCurRelativeScaleStep = dpiScale.curScaleRel; } return NS_OK; } result = SetRelativeScaleStep( config->mPaths[0].targetInfo.adapterId, aHiDPI ? dpiScale.maxScaleRel : dpiScale.minScaleRel); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (sCurRelativeScaleStep == std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) { sCurRelativeScaleStep = dpiScale.curScaleRel; } return NS_OK; } nsresult WinUtils::RestoreHiDPIMode() { if (!IsWin10OrLater()) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } if (sCurRelativeScaleStep == std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) { // The DPI setting hasn't been changed. return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } auto config = GetDisplayConfig(); if (!config) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } if (config->mPaths.empty()) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } LONG result = SetRelativeScaleStep(config->mPaths[0].targetInfo.adapterId, sCurRelativeScaleStep); sCurRelativeScaleStep = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return NS_OK; } #endif /* static */ const char* WinUtils::WinEventToEventName(UINT msg) { const auto eventMsgInfo = mozilla::widget::gAllEvents.find(msg); return eventMsgInfo != mozilla::widget::gAllEvents.end() ? eventMsgInfo->second.mStr : nullptr; } // Note to testers and/or test-authors: on Windows 10, and possibly on other // versions as well, supplying the `WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL` flag here has no effect // whatsoever on child common-dialogs **unless the system UI locale is also set // to an RTL language**. // // If it is, the flag is still required; otherwise, the picker dialog will be // presented in English (or possibly some other LTR language) as a fallback. ScopedRtlShimWindow::ScopedRtlShimWindow(nsIWidget* aParent) : mWnd(nullptr) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(aParent); // Headless windows don't have HWNDs, but also probably shouldn't be launching // print dialogs. HWND const hwnd = (HWND)aParent->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WINDOW); NS_ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(hwnd); nsWindow* const win = WinUtils::GetNSWindowPtr(hwnd); NS_ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(win); ATOM const wclass = ::GetClassWord(hwnd, GCW_ATOM); mWnd = ::CreateWindowExW( win->IsRTL() ? WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL : 0, (LPCWSTR)(uintptr_t)wclass, L"", WS_CHILD, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, hwnd, nullptr, nsToolkit::mDllInstance, nullptr); MOZ_ASSERT(mWnd); } ScopedRtlShimWindow::~ScopedRtlShimWindow() { if (mWnd) { ::DestroyWindow(mWnd); } } } // namespace widget } // namespace mozilla