# rust_macros.py - Generate rust_macros bindings from IDL. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. """Generate rust bindings information for the IDL file specified""" from xpidl import rust, xpidl derive_method_tmpl = """\ Method { name: "%(name)s", params: &[%(params)s], ret: "%(ret)s", }""" def attrAsMethodStruct(iface, m, getter): params = [ 'Param { name: "%s", ty: "%s" }' % x for x in rust.attributeRawParamList(iface, m, getter) ] return derive_method_tmpl % { "name": rust.attributeNativeName(m, getter), "params": ", ".join(params), "ret": "::nserror::nsresult", } def methodAsMethodStruct(iface, m): params = [ 'Param { name: "%s", ty: "%s" }' % x for x in rust.methodRawParamList(iface, m) ] return derive_method_tmpl % { "name": rust.methodNativeName(m), "params": ", ".join(params), "ret": rust.methodReturnType(m), } derive_iface_tmpl = """\ Interface { name: "%(name)s", base: %(base)s, methods: %(methods)s, }, """ def write_interface(iface, fd): if iface.namemap is None: raise Exception("Interface was not resolved.") assert iface.base or (iface.name == "nsISupports") base = 'Some("%s")' % iface.base if iface.base is not None else "None" try: methods = "" for member in iface.members: if type(member) == xpidl.Attribute: methods += "/* %s */\n" % member.toIDL() methods += "%s,\n" % attrAsMethodStruct(iface, member, True) if not member.readonly: methods += "%s,\n" % attrAsMethodStruct(iface, member, False) methods += "\n" elif type(member) == xpidl.Method: methods += "/* %s */\n" % member.toIDL() methods += "%s,\n\n" % methodAsMethodStruct(iface, member) fd.write( derive_iface_tmpl % { "name": iface.name, "base": base, "methods": "Ok(&[\n%s])" % methods, } ) except xpidl.RustNoncompat as reason: fd.write( derive_iface_tmpl % { "name": iface.name, "base": base, "methods": 'Err("%s")' % reason, } ) header = """\ // // DO NOT EDIT. THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM $SRCDIR/%(relpath)s // """ def print_rust_macros_bindings(idl, fd, relpath): fd = rust.AutoIndent(fd) fd.write(header % {"relpath": relpath}) fd.write("{static D: &'static [Interface] = &[\n") for p in idl.productions: if p.kind == "interface": write_interface(p, fd) fd.write("]; D}\n")