/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include #include #include #include "MainThreadUtils.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/CondVar.h" #include "mozilla/gtest/MozAssertions.h" #include "mozilla/Mutex.h" #include "mozilla/RefPtr.h" #include "mozilla/ThrottledEventQueue.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsError.h" #include "nsIRunnable.h" #include "nsISerialEventTarget.h" #include "nsIThread.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "prinrval.h" using mozilla::CondVar; using mozilla::MakeRefPtr; using mozilla::Mutex; using mozilla::MutexAutoLock; using mozilla::ThrottledEventQueue; using std::function; using std::string; namespace TestThrottledEventQueue { // A simple queue of runnables, to serve as the base target of // ThrottledEventQueues in tests. // // This is much simpler than mozilla::TaskQueue, and so better for unit tests. // It's about the same as mozilla::EventQueue, but that doesn't implement // nsIEventTarget, so it can't be the base target of a ThrottledEventQueue. struct RunnableQueue : nsISerialEventTarget { std::queue> runnables; bool IsEmpty() { return runnables.empty(); } size_t Length() { return runnables.size(); } [[nodiscard]] nsresult Run() { while (!runnables.empty()) { auto runnable = std::move(runnables.front()); runnables.pop(); nsresult rv = runnable->Run(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } return NS_OK; } // nsIEventTarget methods [[nodiscard]] NS_IMETHODIMP Dispatch(already_AddRefed aRunnable, uint32_t aFlags) override { MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(aFlags == nsIEventTarget::DISPATCH_NORMAL); runnables.push(aRunnable); return NS_OK; } [[nodiscard]] NS_IMETHODIMP DispatchFromScript(nsIRunnable* aRunnable, uint32_t aFlags) override { RefPtr r = aRunnable; return Dispatch(r.forget(), aFlags); } NS_IMETHOD_(bool) IsOnCurrentThreadInfallible(void) override { return NS_IsMainThread(); } [[nodiscard]] NS_IMETHOD IsOnCurrentThread(bool* retval) override { *retval = IsOnCurrentThreadInfallible(); return NS_OK; } [[nodiscard]] NS_IMETHODIMP DelayedDispatch( already_AddRefed aEvent, uint32_t aDelay) override { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHOD RegisterShutdownTask(nsITargetShutdownTask*) override { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHOD UnregisterShutdownTask(nsITargetShutdownTask*) override { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // nsISupports methods NS_DECL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS private: virtual ~RunnableQueue() = default; }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(RunnableQueue, nsIEventTarget, nsISerialEventTarget) static void Enqueue(nsIEventTarget* target, function&& aCallable) { nsresult rv = target->Dispatch( NS_NewRunnableFunction("TEQ GTest", std::move(aCallable))); MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); } } // namespace TestThrottledEventQueue using namespace TestThrottledEventQueue; TEST(ThrottledEventQueue, RunnableQueue) { string log; RefPtr queue = MakeRefPtr(); Enqueue(queue, [&]() { log += 'a'; }); Enqueue(queue, [&]() { log += 'b'; }); Enqueue(queue, [&]() { log += 'c'; }); ASSERT_EQ(log, ""); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(queue->Run()); ASSERT_EQ(log, "abc"); } TEST(ThrottledEventQueue, SimpleDispatch) { string log; auto base = MakeRefPtr(); RefPtr throttled = ThrottledEventQueue::Create(base, "test queue 1"); Enqueue(throttled, [&]() { log += 'a'; }); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(base->Run()); ASSERT_EQ(log, "a"); ASSERT_TRUE(base->IsEmpty()); ASSERT_TRUE(throttled->IsEmpty()); } TEST(ThrottledEventQueue, MixedDispatch) { string log; auto base = MakeRefPtr(); RefPtr throttled = ThrottledEventQueue::Create(base, "test queue 2"); // A ThrottledEventQueue limits its impact on the base target by only queuing // its next event on the base once the prior event has been run. What it // actually queues on the base is a sort of proxy event called an // "executor": the base running the executor draws an event from the // ThrottledEventQueue and runs that. If the ThrottledEventQueue has further // events, it re-queues the executor on the base, effectively "going to the // back of the line". // Queue an event on the ThrottledEventQueue. This also queues the "executor" // event on the base. Enqueue(throttled, [&]() { log += 'a'; }); ASSERT_EQ(throttled->Length(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(base->Length(), 1U); // Add a second event to the throttled queue. The executor is already queued. Enqueue(throttled, [&]() { log += 'b'; }); ASSERT_EQ(throttled->Length(), 2U); ASSERT_EQ(base->Length(), 1U); // Add an event directly to the base, after the executor. Enqueue(base, [&]() { log += 'c'; }); ASSERT_EQ(throttled->Length(), 2U); ASSERT_EQ(base->Length(), 2U); // Run the base target. This runs: // - the executor, which runs the first event from the ThrottledEventQueue, // and re-enqueues itself // - the event queued directly on the base // - the executor again, which runs the second event from the // ThrottledEventQueue. ASSERT_EQ(log, ""); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(base->Run()); ASSERT_EQ(log, "acb"); ASSERT_TRUE(base->IsEmpty()); ASSERT_TRUE(throttled->IsEmpty()); } TEST(ThrottledEventQueue, EnqueueFromRun) { string log; auto base = MakeRefPtr(); RefPtr throttled = ThrottledEventQueue::Create(base, "test queue 3"); // When an event from the throttled queue dispatches a new event directly to // the base target, it is queued after the executor, so the next event from // the throttled queue will run before it. Enqueue(base, [&]() { log += 'a'; }); Enqueue(throttled, [&]() { log += 'b'; Enqueue(base, [&]() { log += 'c'; }); }); Enqueue(throttled, [&]() { log += 'd'; }); ASSERT_EQ(log, ""); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(base->Run()); ASSERT_EQ(log, "abdc"); ASSERT_TRUE(base->IsEmpty()); ASSERT_TRUE(throttled->IsEmpty()); } TEST(ThrottledEventQueue, RunFromRun) { string log; auto base = MakeRefPtr(); RefPtr throttled = ThrottledEventQueue::Create(base, "test queue 4"); // Running the event queue from within an event (i.e., a nested event loop) // does not stall the ThrottledEventQueue. Enqueue(throttled, [&]() { log += '('; // This should run subsequent events from throttled. ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(base->Run()); log += ')'; }); Enqueue(throttled, [&]() { log += 'a'; }); ASSERT_EQ(log, ""); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(base->Run()); ASSERT_EQ(log, "(a)"); ASSERT_TRUE(base->IsEmpty()); ASSERT_TRUE(throttled->IsEmpty()); } TEST(ThrottledEventQueue, DropWhileRunning) { string log; auto base = MakeRefPtr(); // If we drop the event queue while it still has events, they still run. { RefPtr throttled = ThrottledEventQueue::Create(base, "test queue 5"); Enqueue(throttled, [&]() { log += 'a'; }); } ASSERT_EQ(log, ""); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(base->Run()); ASSERT_EQ(log, "a"); } TEST(ThrottledEventQueue, AwaitIdle) { Mutex mutex MOZ_UNANNOTATED("TEQ AwaitIdle"); CondVar cond(mutex, "TEQ AwaitIdle"); string dequeue_await; // mutex bool threadFinished = false; // mutex & cond bool runnableFinished = false; // main thread only auto base = MakeRefPtr(); RefPtr throttled = ThrottledEventQueue::Create(base, "test queue 6"); // Put an event in the queue so the AwaitIdle might block. Enqueue(throttled, [&]() { runnableFinished = true; }); // Create a separate thread that waits for the queue to become idle, and // then takes observable action. nsCOMPtr await = NS_NewRunnableFunction("TEQ AwaitIdle", [&]() { throttled->AwaitIdle(); MutexAutoLock lock(mutex); dequeue_await += " await"; threadFinished = true; cond.Notify(); }); nsCOMPtr thread; nsresult rv = NS_NewNamedThread("TEQ AwaitIdle", getter_AddRefs(thread), await); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); // We can't guarantee that the thread has reached the AwaitIdle call, but we // can get pretty close. Either way, it shouldn't affect the behavior of the // test. PR_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(100)); // Drain the queue. { MutexAutoLock lock(mutex); ASSERT_EQ(dequeue_await, ""); dequeue_await += "dequeue"; ASSERT_FALSE(threadFinished); } ASSERT_FALSE(runnableFinished); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(base->Run()); ASSERT_TRUE(runnableFinished); // Wait for the thread to finish. { MutexAutoLock lock(mutex); while (!threadFinished) cond.Wait(); ASSERT_EQ(dequeue_await, "dequeue await"); } ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(thread->Shutdown()); } TEST(ThrottledEventQueue, AwaitIdleMixed) { // Create a separate thread that waits for the queue to become idle, and // then takes observable action. nsCOMPtr thread; ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED( NS_NewNamedThread("AwaitIdleMixed", getter_AddRefs(thread)))); Mutex mutex MOZ_UNANNOTATED("AwaitIdleMixed"); CondVar cond(mutex, "AwaitIdleMixed"); // The following are protected by mutex and cond, above. string log; bool threadStarted = false; bool threadFinished = false; auto base = MakeRefPtr(); RefPtr throttled = ThrottledEventQueue::Create(base, "test queue 7"); Enqueue(throttled, [&]() { MutexAutoLock lock(mutex); log += 'a'; }); Enqueue(throttled, [&]() { MutexAutoLock lock(mutex); log += 'b'; }); nsCOMPtr await = NS_NewRunnableFunction("AwaitIdleMixed", [&]() { { MutexAutoLock lock(mutex); // Note that we are about to begin awaiting. When the main thread sees // this notification, it will begin draining the queue. log += '('; threadStarted = true; cond.Notify(); } // Wait for the main thread to drain the TEQ. throttled->AwaitIdle(); { MutexAutoLock lock(mutex); // Note that we have finished awaiting. log += ')'; threadFinished = true; cond.Notify(); } }); { MutexAutoLock lock(mutex); ASSERT_EQ(log, ""); } ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(thread->Dispatch(await.forget())); // Wait for the thread to be ready to await. We can't be sure it will actually // be blocking before we get around to draining the event queue, but that's // the nature of the API; this test should work even if we drain the queue // before it awaits. { MutexAutoLock lock(mutex); while (!threadStarted) cond.Wait(); ASSERT_EQ(log, "("); } // Let the queue drain. ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(base->Run()); { MutexAutoLock lock(mutex); // The first runnable must always finish before AwaitIdle returns. But the // TEQ notifies the condition variable as soon as it dequeues the last // runnable, without waiting for that runnable to complete. So the thread // and the last runnable could run in either order. Or, we might beat the // thread to the mutex. // // (The only combination excluded here is "(a)": the 'b' runnable should // definitely have run.) ASSERT_TRUE(log == "(ab" || log == "(a)b" || log == "(ab)"); while (!threadFinished) cond.Wait(); ASSERT_TRUE(log == "(a)b" || log == "(ab)"); } ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(thread->Shutdown()); } TEST(ThrottledEventQueue, SimplePauseResume) { string log; auto base = MakeRefPtr(); RefPtr throttled = ThrottledEventQueue::Create(base, "test queue 8"); ASSERT_FALSE(throttled->IsPaused()); Enqueue(throttled, [&]() { log += 'a'; }); ASSERT_EQ(log, ""); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(base->Run()); ASSERT_EQ(log, "a"); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(throttled->SetIsPaused(true)); ASSERT_TRUE(throttled->IsPaused()); Enqueue(throttled, [&]() { log += 'b'; }); ASSERT_EQ(log, "a"); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(base->Run()); ASSERT_EQ(log, "a"); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(throttled->SetIsPaused(false)); ASSERT_FALSE(throttled->IsPaused()); ASSERT_EQ(log, "a"); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(base->Run()); ASSERT_EQ(log, "ab"); ASSERT_TRUE(base->IsEmpty()); ASSERT_TRUE(throttled->IsEmpty()); } TEST(ThrottledEventQueue, MixedPauseResume) { string log; auto base = MakeRefPtr(); RefPtr throttled = ThrottledEventQueue::Create(base, "test queue 9"); ASSERT_FALSE(throttled->IsPaused()); Enqueue(base, [&]() { log += 'A'; }); Enqueue(throttled, [&]() { log += 'b'; MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(throttled->SetIsPaused(true))); }); Enqueue(throttled, [&]() { log += 'c'; }); Enqueue(base, [&]() { log += 'D'; }); ASSERT_EQ(log, ""); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(base->Run()); // Since the 'b' event paused the throttled queue, 'c' should not have run. // but 'D' was enqueued directly on the base, and should have run. ASSERT_EQ(log, "AbD"); ASSERT_TRUE(base->IsEmpty()); ASSERT_FALSE(throttled->IsEmpty()); ASSERT_TRUE(throttled->IsPaused()); Enqueue(base, [&]() { log += 'E'; }); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(throttled->SetIsPaused(false)); Enqueue(base, [&]() { log += 'F'; }); ASSERT_FALSE(throttled->IsPaused()); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(base->Run()); // Since we've unpaused, 'c' should be able to run now. The executor should // have been enqueued between 'E' and 'F'. ASSERT_EQ(log, "AbDEcF"); ASSERT_TRUE(base->IsEmpty()); ASSERT_TRUE(throttled->IsEmpty()); } TEST(ThrottledEventQueue, AwaitIdlePaused) { Mutex mutex MOZ_UNANNOTATED("AwaitIdlePaused"); CondVar cond(mutex, "AwaitIdlePaused"); string dequeue_await; // mutex bool threadFinished = false; // mutex & cond bool runnableFinished = false; // main thread only auto base = MakeRefPtr(); RefPtr throttled = ThrottledEventQueue::Create(base, "test queue 10"); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(throttled->SetIsPaused(true)); // Put an event in the queue so the AwaitIdle might block. Since throttled is // paused, this should not enqueue an executor in the base target. Enqueue(throttled, [&]() { runnableFinished = true; }); ASSERT_TRUE(base->IsEmpty()); // Create a separate thread that waits for the queue to become idle, and // then takes observable action. nsCOMPtr await = NS_NewRunnableFunction("AwaitIdlePaused", [&]() { throttled->AwaitIdle(); MutexAutoLock lock(mutex); dequeue_await += " await"; threadFinished = true; cond.Notify(); }); nsCOMPtr thread; nsresult rv = NS_NewNamedThread("AwaitIdlePaused", getter_AddRefs(thread), await); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); // We can't guarantee that the thread has reached the AwaitIdle call, but we // can get pretty close. Either way, it shouldn't affect the behavior of the // test. PR_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(100)); // The AwaitIdle call should be blocked, even though there is no executor, // because throttled is paused. { MutexAutoLock lock(mutex); ASSERT_EQ(dequeue_await, ""); dequeue_await += "dequeue"; ASSERT_FALSE(threadFinished); } // A paused TEQ contributes no events to its base target. (This is covered by // other tests...) ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(base->Run()); ASSERT_TRUE(base->IsEmpty()); ASSERT_FALSE(throttled->IsEmpty()); // Resume and drain the queue. ASSERT_FALSE(runnableFinished); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(throttled->SetIsPaused(false)); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(base->Run()); ASSERT_TRUE(base->IsEmpty()); ASSERT_TRUE(throttled->IsEmpty()); ASSERT_TRUE(runnableFinished); // Wait for the thread to finish. { MutexAutoLock lock(mutex); while (!threadFinished) cond.Wait(); ASSERT_EQ(dequeue_await, "dequeue await"); } ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(thread->Shutdown()); } TEST(ThrottledEventQueue, ExecutorTransitions) { string log; auto base = MakeRefPtr(); RefPtr throttled = ThrottledEventQueue::Create(base, "test queue 11"); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(throttled->SetIsPaused(true)); // Since we're paused, queueing an event on throttled shouldn't queue the // executor on the base target. Enqueue(throttled, [&]() { log += 'a'; }); ASSERT_EQ(throttled->Length(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(base->Length(), 0U); // Resuming throttled should create the executor, since throttled is not // empty. ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(throttled->SetIsPaused(false)); ASSERT_EQ(throttled->Length(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(base->Length(), 1U); // Pausing can't remove the executor from the base target since we've already // queued it there, but it can ensure that it doesn't do anything. ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(throttled->SetIsPaused(true)); ASSERT_EQ(log, ""); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(base->Run()); ASSERT_EQ(log, ""); ASSERT_EQ(throttled->Length(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(base->Length(), 0U); // As before, resuming must create the executor, since throttled is not empty. ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(throttled->SetIsPaused(false)); ASSERT_EQ(throttled->Length(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(base->Length(), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(log, ""); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(base->Run()); ASSERT_EQ(log, "a"); ASSERT_EQ(throttled->Length(), 0U); ASSERT_EQ(base->Length(), 0U); // Since throttled is empty, pausing and resuming now should not enqueue an // executor. ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(throttled->SetIsPaused(true)); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(throttled->SetIsPaused(false)); ASSERT_EQ(throttled->Length(), 0U); ASSERT_EQ(base->Length(), 0U); }