//po4a: entry man manual //// Copyright 2021 Red Hat, Inc. This file may be copied under the terms of the GNU Public License. //// = lsfd(1) :doctype: manpage :man manual: User Commands :man source: util-linux {release-version} :page-layout: base :command: lsfd :colon: : == NAME lsfd - list file descriptors == SYNOPSIS *lsfd* [option] == DESCRIPTION *lsfd* is intended to be a modern replacement for *lsof*(8) on Linux systems. Unlike *lsof*, *lsfd* is specialized to Linux kernel; it supports Linux specific features like namespaces with simpler code. *lsfd* is not a drop-in replacement for *lsof*; they are different in the command line interface and output formats. *lsfd* uses Libsmartcols for output formatting and filtering. See the description of *--output* option for customizing the output format, and *--filter* option for filtering. == OPTIONS *-l*, *--threads*:: List in threads level. *-J*, *--json*:: Use JSON output format. *-n*, *--noheadings*:: Don't print headings. *-o*, *--output* _list_:: Specify which output columns to print. See the *OUTPUT COLUMNS* section for details of available columns. + The default list of columns may be extended if _list_ is specified in the format _+list_ (e.g., *lsfd -o +DELETED*). *-r*, *--raw*:: Use raw output format. *--notruncate*:: Don't truncate text in columns. *-p*, *--pid* _pids_:: Collect information only for specified processes. _pids_ is a list of pids. A comma or whitespaces can be used as separators. You can use this option with *pidof*(1). See *FILTER EXAMPLES*. + Both *-Q* option with an expression including PID, e.g. -Q (PID == 1), and *-p* option, e.g. -p 1, may print the same output but using *-p* option is much more efficient because *-p* option works at a much earlier stage of processing than the *-Q* option. *-Q*, *--filter* _expr_:: Print only the files matching the condition represented by the _expr_. See also *FILTER EXAMPLES*. *-C*, *--counter* __label__:__filter_expr__:: Define a custom counter used in *--summary* output. *lsfd* makes a counter named _label_. During collect information, *lsfd* counts files matching _filter_expr_, and stores the counted number to the counter named _label_. *lsfd* applies filters defined with *--filter* options before counting; files excluded by the filters are not counted. + See *FILTER EXPRESSION* about _filter_expr_. _label_ should not include _{_ nor _:_. You can define multiple counters by specifying this option multiple times. + See also *COUNTER EXAMPLES*. *--summary*[=_when_]:: This option controls summary lines output. The optional argument _when_ can be *only*, *append* or *never*. If the _when_ argument is omitted, it defaults to *only*. + The summary reports counters. A counter consists of a label and an integer value. *--counter* is the option for defining a counter. If a user defines no counter, *lsfd* uses the definitions of pre-defined built-in counters (default counters) to make the summary output. + CAUTION{colon} Using *--summary* and *--json* may make the output broken. Only combining *--summary*=*only* and *--json* is valid. //TRANSLATORS: Keep {colon} untranslated. *--debug-filter*:: Dump the internal data structure for the filter and exit. This is useful only for *lsfd* developers. *--dump-counters*:: Dump the definition of counters used in *--summary* output. include::man-common/help-version.adoc[] == OUTPUT COLUMNS Each column has a type. Types are surround by < and >. //TRANSLATORS: Keep {colon} untranslated. CAUTION{colon} The names and types of columns are not stable yet. They may be changed in the future releases. ASSOC <__string__>:: Association between file and process. BLKDRV <__string__>:: Block device driver name resolved by _/proc/devices_. CHRDRV <__string__>:: Character device driver name resolved by _/proc/devices_. COMMAND <__string__>:: Command of the process opening the file. DELETED <__boolean__>:: Reachability from the file system. DEV <__string__>:: ID of the device containing the file. DEVTYPE <__string__>:: Device type (_blk_, _char_, or _nodev_). FD <__number__>:: File descriptor for the file. FLAGS <__string__>:: Flags specified when opening the file. FUID <__number__>:: User ID number of the file's owner. INODE <__number__>:: Inode number. KTHREAD <__boolean__>:: Whether the process is a kernel thread or not. MAJ:MIN <__string__>:: Device ID for special, or ID of device containing file. MAPLEN <__number__>:: Length of file mapping (in page). MISCDEV <__string__>:: Misc character device name resolved by _/proc/misc_. MNTID <__number__>:: Mount ID. MODE <__string__>:: Access mode (rwx). NAME <__string__>:: Name of the file. NLINK <__number__>:: Link count. OWNER <__string__>:: Owner of the file. PARTITION <__string__>:: Block device name resolved by _/proc/partition_. PID <__number__>:: PID of the process opening the file. POS <__number__>:: File position. PROTONAME <__string__>:: Protocol name. RDEV <__string__>:: Device ID (if special file). SIZE <__number__>:: File size. SOURCE <__string__>:: File system, partition, or device containing the file. TID <__number__>:: Thread ID of the process opening the file. TYPE <__string__>:: File type. UID <__number__>:: User ID number. USER <__string__>:: User of the process. == FILTER EXPRESSION *lsfd* evaluates the expression passed to *--filter* option every time before printing a file line. *lsfd* prints the line only if the result of evaluation is _true_. An expression consists of column names, literals and, operators like: `DELETED`, `(PID == 1)`, `(NAME == "/etc/passwd")`, `(PID == 1) && DELETED`. `DELETED`, `PID`, and `NAME` are column names in the example. `1` and "/etc/passwd" are literals. `==` and `&&` are operators. Before evaluation, *lsfd* substitutes column names in the given expression with actual column values in the line. There are three different data types: _boolean_, _string_, and _number_. For columns with a _boolean_ type, the value can be stand-alone. For _string_ and _number_ values, the value must be an operand of an operator, for example, `(PID == 1)`. See the "OUTPUT COLUMNS" about the types of columns. Literal is for representing a value directly. See BOOLLIT, STRLIT, and NUMLIT. Different data types have different literal syntax. An operator works with one or two operand(s). An operator has an expectation about the data type(s) of its operands. Giving an unexpected data type to an operator causes a syntax error. Operators taking two operands are _and_, _or_, _eq_, _ne_, _le_, _lt_, _ge_, _gt_, _=~_, _!~_. Alphabetically named operators have C-language flavored aliases: _&&_, _||_, _==_, _!=_, _<_, _<=_, _>=_, and _>_. _!_ is the only operator that takes one operand. _eq_, _ne_, and their aliases expect operands have the same data type. Applying these operators return a _boolean_. _and_, _or_, _not_ and their aliases expect operands have _bool_ data type. Applying these operators return a _boolean_. _lt_, _le_, _gt_, _ge_, and their aliases expect operands have _number_ data types. Applying these operators return a _boolean_. _=~_ is for regular expression matching; if a string at the right side matches a regular expression at the left side, the result is true. The right side operand must be a string literal. See STRLIT about the syntax. _!~_ is a short-hand version of `not (STR =~ PAT)`; it inverts the result of _=~_. === Limitations The current implementation does not define precedences within operators. Use _(_ and _)_ explicitly for grouping the sub-expressions if your expression uses more than two operators. About _number_ typed values, the filter engine supports only non-negative integers. === Semi-formal syntax //TRANSLATORS: In the following messages, translate only the <__variables__>. EXPR :: BOOLEXP BOOLEXP0 :: COLUMN <__boolean__> | BOOLLIT | _(_ BOOLEXP _)_ BOOLEXP :: BOOLEXP0 | BOOLOP1 | BOOLOP2 | BOOLOP2BL | BOOLOP2CMP | BOOLOP2REG COLUMN :: [\_A-Za-z][-_:A-Za-z0-9]* BOOLOP1 :: _!_ BOOLEXP0 | _not_ BOOLEXP0 STREXP :: COLUMN <__string__> | STRLIT NUMEXP :: COLUMN <__number__> | NUMLIT BOOLLIT :: _true_ | _false_ CHARS :: ( [^\] | _\\_ | _\'_ | _\"_ )* STRLIT :: _'_ CHARS _'_ | _"_ CHARS _"_ NUMLIT :: [1-9][0-9]* | _0_ BOOLOP2 :: STREXP OP2 STREXP | NUMEXP OP2 NUMEXP | BOOLEXP0 OP2 BOOLEXP0 OP2 :: _==_ | _eq_ | _!=_ | _ne_ BOOLOP2BL :: BOOLEXP0 OP2BL BOOLEXP0 OP2BL :: _&&_ | _and_ | _||_ | _or_ BOOLOP2CMP :: NUMEXP OP2CMP NUMEXP OP2CMP :: _<_ | _lt_ | _\<=_ | _le_ | _>_ | _gt_ | _>=_ | _ge_ BOOLOP2REG :: STREXP OP2REG STRLIT OP2REG :: _=~_ | _!~_ == FILTER EXAMPLES *lsfd* has few options for filtering. In most of cases, what you should know is *-Q* (or *--filter*) option. Combined with *-o* (or *--output*) option, you can customize the output as you want. //TRANSLATORS: In the following messages, don't forget to add whitespace at the end! List files associated with PID 1 and PID 2 processes: :: .... # lsfd -Q '(PID == 1) or (PID == 2)' .... Do the same in an alternative way: :: .... # lsfd -Q '(PID == 1) || (PID == 2)' .... Do the same in a more efficient way: :: .... # lsfd --pid 1,2 .... Whitescapes can be used instead of a comma: :: .... # lsfd --pid '1 2' .... Utilize *pidof*(1) for list the files associated with "firefox": :: .... # lsfd --pid "$(pidof firefox)" .... List the 1st file descriptor opened by PID 1 process: :: .... # lsfd -Q '(PID == 1) and (FD == 1)' .... Do the same in an alternative way: :: .... # lsfd -Q '(PID == 1) && (FD == 1)' .... List all running executables: :: .... # lsfd -Q 'ASSOC == "exe"' .... Do the same in an alternative way: :: .... # lsfd -Q 'ASSOC eq "exe"' .... Do the same but print only file names: :: .... # lsfd -o NAME -Q 'ASSOC eq "exe"' | sort -u .... List deleted files associated to processes: :: .... # lsfd -Q 'DELETED' .... List non-regular files: :: .... # lsfd -Q 'TYPE != "REG"' .... List block devices: :: .... # lsfd -Q 'DEVTYPE == "blk"' .... Do the same with TYPE column: :: .... # lsfd -Q 'TYPE == "BLK"' .... List files including "dconf" directory in their names: :: .... # lsfd -Q 'NAME =~ ".\*/dconf/.*"' .... List files opened in a QEMU virtual machine: :: .... # lsfd -Q '(COMMAND =~ ".\*qemu.*") and (FD >= 0)' .... Hide files associated to kernel threads: :: .... # lsfd -Q '!KTHREAD' .... == COUNTER EXAMPLES Report the numbers of netlink socket descriptors and unix socket descriptors: :: .... # lsfd --summary=only \ -C 'netlink sockets':'(NAME =~ "NETLINK:.*")' \ -C 'unix sockets':'(NAME =~ "UNIX:.*")' VALUE COUNTER 57 netlink sockets 1552 unix sockets .... Do the same but print in JSON format: :: .... # lsfd --summary=only --json \ -C 'netlink sockets':'(NAME =~ "NETLINK:.*")' \ -C 'unix sockets':'(NAME =~ "UNIX:.*")' { "lsfd-summary": [ { "value": 15, "counter": "netlink sockets" },{ "value": 798, "counter": "unix sockets" } ] } .... == HISTORY The *lsfd* command is part of the util-linux package since v2.38. == AUTHORS mailto:yamato@redhat.com[Masatake YAMATO], mailto:kzak@redhat.com[Karel Zak] == SEE ALSO *lsof*(8) *pidof*(1) *proc*(5) include::man-common/bugreports.adoc[] include::man-common/footer.adoc[] ifdef::translation[] include::man-common/translation.adoc[] endif::[]