path: root/runtime/doc/version7.txt
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+*version7.txt* For Vim version 9.0. Last change: 2021 May 17
+ VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar
+ *vim7* *version-7.0* *version7.0*
+Welcome to Vim 7! A large number of features has been added. This file
+mentions all the new items, changes to existing features and bug fixes
+since Vim 6.x. Use this command to see the version you are using: >
+ :version
+See |vi_diff.txt| for an overview of differences between Vi and Vim 7.0.
+See |version4.txt| for differences between Vim 3.x and Vim 4.x.
+See |version5.txt| for differences between Vim 4.x and Vim 5.x.
+See |version6.txt| for differences between Vim 5.x and Vim 6.x.
+INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES |incompatible-7|
+Vim script enhancements |new-vim-script|
+Spell checking |new-spell|
+Omni completion |new-omni-completion|
+MzScheme interface |new-MzScheme|
+Printing multibyte text |new-print-multibyte|
+Tab pages |new-tab-pages|
+Undo branches |new-undo-branches|
+Extended Unicode support |new-more-unicode|
+More highlighting |new-more-highlighting|
+Translated manual pages |new-manpage-trans|
+Internal grep |new-vimgrep|
+Scroll back in messages |new-scroll-back|
+Cursor past end of the line |new-onemore|
+POSIX compatibility |new-posix|
+Debugger support |new-debug-support|
+Remote file explorer |new-netrw-explore|
+Define an operator |new-define-operator|
+Mapping to an expression |new-map-expression|
+Visual and Select mode mappings |new-map-select|
+Location list |new-location-list|
+Various new items |new-items-7|
+IMPROVEMENTS |improvements-7|
+COMPILE TIME CHANGES |compile-changes-7|
+BUG FIXES |bug-fixes-7|
+VERSION 7.1 |version-7.1|
+Changed |changed-7.1|
+Added |added-7.1|
+Fixed |fixed-7.1|
+VERSION 7.2 |version-7.2|
+Changed |changed-7.2|
+Added |added-7.2|
+Fixed |fixed-7.2|
+VERSION 7.3 |version-7.3|
+Persistent undo |new-persistent-undo|
+More encryption |new-more-encryption|
+Conceal text |new-conceal|
+Lua interface |new-lua|
+Python3 interface |new-python3|
+Changed |changed-7.3|
+Added |added-7.3|
+Fixed |fixed-7.3|
+VERSION 7.4 |version-7.4|
+New regexp engine |new-regexp-engine|
+Better Python interface |better-python-interface|
+Changed |changed-7.4|
+Added |added-7.4|
+Fixed |fixed-7.4|
+INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES *incompatible-7*
+These changes are incompatible with previous releases. Check this list if you
+run into a problem when upgrading from Vim 6.x to 7.0.
+A ":write file" command no longer resets the 'modified' flag of the buffer,
+unless the '+' flag is in 'cpoptions' |cpo-+|. This was illogical, since the
+buffer is still modified compared to the original file. And when undoing
+all changes the file would actually be marked modified. It does mean that
+":quit" fails now.
+":helpgrep" now uses a help window to display a match.
+In an argument list double quotes could be used to include spaces in a file
+name. This caused a difference between ":edit" and ":next" for escaping
+double quotes and it is incompatible with some versions of Vi.
+ Command Vim 6.x file name Vim 7.x file name ~
+ :edit foo\"888 foo"888 foo"888
+ :next foo\"888 foo888 foo"888
+ :next a\"b c\"d ab cd a"b and c"d
+In a |literal-string| a single quote can be doubled to get one.
+":echo 'a''b'" would result in "a b", but now that two quotes stand for one it
+results in "a'b".
+When overwriting a file with ":w! fname" there was no warning for when "fname"
+was being edited by another Vim. Vim now gives an error message |E768|.
+The support for Mac OS 9 has been removed.
+Files ending in .tex now have 'filetype' set to "context", "plaintex", or
+"tex". |ft-tex-plugin|
+Minor incompatibilities:
+For filetype detection: For many types, use */.dir/filename instead of
+~/.dir/filename, so that it also works for other user's files.
+For quite a few filetypes the indent settings have been moved from the
+filetype plugin to the indent plugin. If you used: >
+ :filetype plugin on
+Then some indent settings may be missing. You need to use: >
+ :filetype plugin indent on
+":0verbose" now sets 'verbose' to zero instead of one.
+Removed the old and incomplete "VimBuddy" code.
+Buffers without a name report "No Name" instead of "No File". It was
+confusing for buffers with a name and 'buftype' set to "nofile".
+When ":file xxx" is used in a buffer without a name, the alternate file name
+isn't set. This avoids creating buffers without a name, they are not useful.
+The "2html.vim" script now converts closed folds to HTML. This means the HTML
+looks like it's displayed, with the same folds open and closed. Use "zR", or
+"let html_ignore_folding=1", if no folds should appear in the HTML. (partly by
+Carl Osterwisch)
+Diff mode is now also converted to HTML as it is displayed.
+Win32: The effect of the <F10> key depended on 'winaltkeys'. Now it depends
+on whether <F10> has been mapped or not. This allows mapping <F10> without
+changing 'winaltkeys'.
+When 'octal' is in 'nrformats' and using CTRL-A on "08" it became "018", which
+is illogical. Now it becomes "9". The leading zero(s) is(are) removed to
+avoid the number becoming octal after incrementing "009" to "010".
+When 'encoding' is set to a Unicode encoding, the value for 'fileencodings'
+now includes "default" before "latin1". This means that for files with 8-bit
+encodings the default is to use the encoding specified by the environment, if
+possible. Previously latin1 would always be used, which is wrong in a
+non-latin1 environment, such as Russian.
+Previously Vim would exit when there are two windows, both of them displaying
+a help file, and using ":quit". Now only the window is closed.
+"-w {scriptout}" only works when {scriptout} doesn't start with a digit.
+Otherwise it's used to set the 'window' option.
+Previously <Home> and <xHome> could be mapped separately. This had the
+disadvantage that all mappings (with modifiers) had to be duplicated, since
+you can't be sure what the keyboard generates. Now all <xHome> are internally
+translated to <Home>, both for the keys and for mappings. Also for <xEnd>,
+<xF1>, etc.
+":put" now leaves the cursor on the last inserted line.
+When a .gvimrc file exists then 'compatible' is off, just like when a ".vimrc"
+file exists.
+When making a string upper-case with "vlllU" or similar then the German sharp
+s is replaced with "SS". This does not happen with "~" to avoid backwards
+compatibility problems and because "SS" can't be changed back to a sharp s.
+"gd" previously found the very first occurrence of a variable in a function,
+that could be the function argument without type. Now it finds the position
+where the type is given.
+The line continuation in functions was not taken into account, line numbers in
+errors were logical lines, not lines in the sourced file. That made it
+difficult to locate errors. Now the line number in the sourced file is
+reported, relative to the function start. This also means that line numbers
+for ":breakadd func" are different.
+When defining a user command with |:command| the special items could be
+abbreviated. This caused unexpected behavior, such as <li> being recognized
+as <line1>. The items can no longer be abbreviated.
+When executing a FileChangedRO autocommand it is no longer allowed to switch
+to another buffer or edit another file. This is to prevent crashes (the event
+is triggered deep down in the code where changing buffers is not anticipated).
+It is still possible to reload the buffer.
+At the |more-prompt| and the |hit-enter-prompt|, when the 'more' option is
+set, the 'k', 'u', 'g' and 'b' keys are now used to scroll back to previous
+messages. Thus they are no longer used as typeahead.
+Vim script enhancements *new-vim-script*
+In Vim scripts the following types have been added:
+ |List| ordered list of items
+ |Dictionary| associative array of items
+ |Funcref| reference to a function
+Many functions and commands have been added to support the new types.
+The |string()| function can be used to get a string representation of a
+variable. Works for Numbers, Strings and composites of them. Then |eval()|
+can be used to turn the string back into the variable value.
+The |:let| command can now use "+=", "-=" and ".=": >
+ :let var += expr " works like :let var = var + expr
+ :let var -= expr " works like :let var = var - expr
+ :let var .= string " works like :let var = var . string
+With the |:profile| command you can find out where your function or script
+is wasting time.
+In the Python interface vim.eval() also handles Dictionaries and Lists.
+|python-eval| (G. Sumner Hayes)
+The |getscript| plugin was added as a convenient way to update scripts from automatically. (Charles Campbell)
+The |vimball| plugin was added as a convenient way to distribute a set of
+files for a plugin (plugin file, autoload script, documentation). (Charles
+Spell checking *new-spell*
+Spell checking has been integrated in Vim. There were a few implementations
+with scripts, but they were slow and/or required an external program.
+The 'spell' option is used to switch spell checking on or off
+The 'spelllang' option is used to specify the accepted language(s)
+The 'spellfile' option specifies where new words are added
+The 'spellsuggest' option specifies the methods used for making suggestions
+The |]s| and |[s| commands can be used to move to the next or previous error
+The |zg| and |zw| commands can be used to add good and wrong words
+The |z=| command can be used to list suggestions and correct the word
+The |:mkspell| command is used to generate a Vim spell file from word lists
+The "undercurl" highlighting attribute was added to nicely point out spelling
+mistakes in the GUI (based on patch from Marcin Dalecki).
+The "guisp" color can be used to give it a color different from foreground and
+The number of possible different highlight attributes was raised from about
+220 to over 30000. This allows for the attributes of spelling to be combined
+with syntax highlighting attributes. This is also used for syntax
+highlighting and marking the Visual area.
+Much more info here: |spell|.
+Omni completion *new-omni-completion*
+This could also be called "intellisense", but that is a trademark. It is a
+smart kind of completion. The text in front of the cursor is inspected to
+figure out what could be following. This may suggest struct and class
+members, system functions, etc.
+Use CTRL-X CTRL-O in Insert mode to start the completion. |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-O|
+The 'omnifunc' option is set by filetype plugins to define the function that
+figures out the completion.
+Currently supported languages:
+ C |ft-c-omni|
+ (X)HTML with CSS |ft-html-omni|
+ JavaScript |ft-javascript-omni|
+ PHP |ft-php-omni|
+ Python
+ Ruby |ft-ruby-omni|
+ SQL |ft-sql-omni|
+ XML |ft-xml-omni|
+ any language with syntax highlighting |ft-syntax-omni|
+You can add your own omni completion scripts.
+When the 'completeopt' option contains "menu" then matches for Insert mode
+completion are displayed in a (rather primitive) popup menu.
+MzScheme interface *new-MzScheme*
+The MzScheme interpreter is supported. |MzScheme|
+The |:mzscheme| command can be used to execute MzScheme commands
+The |:mzfile| command can be used to execute an MzScheme script file
+This depends on Vim being compiled with the |+mzscheme| feature.
+Printing multibyte text *new-print-multibyte*
+The |:hardcopy| command now supports printing multibyte characters when using
+The 'printmbcharset' and 'printmbfont' options are used for this.
+Also see |postscript-cjk-printing|. (Mike Williams)
+Tab pages *new-tab-pages*
+A tab page is a page with one or more windows with a label (aka tab) at the top.
+By clicking on the label you can quickly switch between the tab pages. And
+with the keyboard, using the |gt| (Goto Tab) command. This is a convenient
+way to work with many windows.
+To start Vim with each file argument in a separate tab page use the |-p|
+argument. The maximum number of pages can be set with 'tabpagemax'.
+The line with tab labels is either made with plain text and highlighting or
+with a GUI mechanism. The GUI labels look better but are only available on a
+few systems. The line can be customized with 'tabline', 'guitablabel' and
+'guitabtooltip'. Whether it is displayed is set with 'showtabline'. Whether
+to use the GUI labels is set with the "e" flag in 'guioptions'.
+The |:tab| command modifier can be used to have most commands that open a new
+window open a new tab page instead.
+The |--remote-tab| argument can be used to edit a file in a new tab page in an
+already running Vim server.
+Variables starting with "t:" are local to a tab page.
+More info here: |tabpage|
+Most of the GUI stuff was implemented by Yegappan Lakshmanan.
+Undo branches *new-undo-branches*
+Previously there was only one line of undo-redo. If, after undoing a number
+of changes, a new change was made all the undone changes were lost. This
+could lead to accidentally losing work.
+Vim now makes an undo branch in this situation. Thus you can go back to the
+text after any change, even if they were undone. So long as you do not run
+into 'undolevels', when undo information is freed up to limit the memory used.
+To be able to navigate the undo branches each change is numbered sequentially.
+The commands |g-| and |:earlier| go back in time, to older changes. The
+commands |g+| and |:later| go forward in time, to newer changes.
+The changes are also timestamped. Use ":earlier 10m" to go to the text as it
+was about ten minutes earlier.
+The |:undolist| command can be used to get an idea of which undo branches
+exist. The |:undo| command now takes an argument to directly jump to a
+specific position in this list. The |changenr()| function can be used to
+obtain the change number.
+There is no graphical display of the tree with changes, navigation can be
+quite confusing.
+Extended Unicode support *new-more-unicode*
+Previously only two combining characters were displayed. The limit is now
+raised to 6. This can be set with the 'maxcombine' option. The default is
+still 2.
+|ga| now shows all combining characters, not just the first two.
+Previously only 16 bit Unicode characters were supported for displaying. Now
+the full 32 bit character set can be used. Unless manually disabled at
+compile time to save a bit of memory.
+For pattern matching it is now possible to search for individual composing
+characters. |patterns-composing|
+The |8g8| command searches for an illegal UTF-8 byte sequence.
+More highlighting *new-more-highlighting*
+Highlighting matching parens:
+When moving the cursor through the text and it is on a paren, then the
+matching paren can be highlighted. This uses the new |CursorMoved|
+autocommand event.
+This means some commands are executed every time you move the cursor. If this
+slows you down too much switch it off with: >
+ :NoMatchParen
+See |matchparen| for more information.
+The plugin uses the |:match| command. It now supports three match patterns.
+The plugin uses the third one. The first one is for the user and the second
+one can be used by another plugin.
+Highlighting the cursor line and column:
+The 'cursorline' and 'cursorcolumn' options have been added. These highlight
+the screen line and screen column of the cursor. This makes the cursor
+position easier to spot. 'cursorcolumn' is also useful to align text. This
+may make screen updating quite slow. The CursorColumn and CursorLine
+highlight groups allow changing the colors used. |hl-CursorColumn|
+The number of possible different highlight attributes was raised from about
+220 to over 30000. This allows for the attributes of spelling to be combined
+with syntax highlighting attributes. This is also used for syntax
+highlighting, marking the Visual area, CursorColumn, etc.
+Translated manual pages *new-manpage-trans*
+The manual page of Vim and associated programs is now also available in
+several other languages.
+French - translated by David Blanchet
+Italian - translated by Antonio Colombo
+Russian - translated by Vassily Ragosin
+Polish - translated by Mikolaj Machowski
+The Unix Makefile installs the Italian manual pages in .../man/it/man1/,
+.../man/it.ISO8859-1/man1/ and .../man/it.UTF-8/man1/. There appears to be no
+standard for what encoding goes in the "it" directory, the 8-bit encoded file
+is used there as a best guess.
+Other languages are installed in similar places.
+The translated pages are not automatically installed when Vim was configured
+with "--disable-nls", but "make install-languages install-tool-languages" will
+do it anyway.
+Internal grep *new-vimgrep*
+The ":vimgrep" command can be used to search for a pattern in a list of files.
+This is like the ":grep" command, but no external program is used. Besides
+better portability, handling of different file encodings and using multi-line
+patterns, this also allows grepping in compressed and remote files.
+If you want to use the search results in a script you can use the
+|getqflist()| function.
+To grep files in various directories the "**" pattern can be used. It expands
+into an arbitrary depth of directories. "**" can be used in all places where
+file names are expanded, thus also with |:next| and |:args|.
+Scroll back in messages *new-scroll-back*
+When displaying messages, at the |more-prompt| and the |hit-enter-prompt|, The
+'k', 'u', 'g' and 'b' keys can be used to scroll back to previous messages.
+This is especially useful for commands such as ":syntax", ":autocommand" and
+":highlight". This is implemented in a generic way thus it works for all
+commands and highlighting is kept. Only works when the 'more' option is set.
+Previously it only partly worked for ":clist".
+The |g<| command can be used to see the last page of messages after you have
+hit <Enter> at the |hit-enter-prompt|. Then you can scroll further back.
+Cursor past end of the line *new-onemore*
+When the 'virtualedit' option contains "onemore" the cursor can move just past
+the end of the line. As if it's on top of the line break.
+This makes some commands more consistent. Previously the cursor was always
+past the end of the line if the line was empty. But it is far from Vi
+compatible. It may also break some plugins or Vim scripts. Use with care!
+The patch was provided by Mattias Flodin.
+POSIX compatibility *new-posix*
+The POSIX test suite was used to verify POSIX compatibility. A number of
+problems have been fixed to make Vim more POSIX compatible. Some of them
+conflict with traditional Vi or expected behavior. The $VIM_POSIX environment
+variable can be set to get POSIX compatibility. See |posix|.
+Items that were fixed for both Vi and POSIX compatibility:
+- repeating "R" with a count only overwrites text once; added the 'X' flag to
+ 'cpoptions' |cpo-X|
+- a vertical movement command that moves to a non-existing line fails; added
+ the '-' flag to 'cpoptions' |cpo--|
+- when preserving a file and doing ":q!" the file can be recovered; added the
+ '&' flag to 'cpoptions' |cpo-&|
+- The 'window' option is partly implemented. It specifies how much CTRL-F and
+ CTRL-B scroll when there is one window. The "-w {number}" argument is now
+ accepted. "-w {scriptout}" only works when {scriptout} doesn't start with a
+ digit.
+- Allow "-c{command}" argument, no space between "-c" and {command}.
+- When writing a file with ":w!" don't reset 'readonly' when 'Z' is present in
+ 'cpoptions'.
+- Allow 'l' and '#' flags for ":list", ":print" and ":number".
+- Added the '.' flag to 'cpoptions': ":cd" fails when the buffer is modified.
+- In Ex mode with an empty buffer ":read file" doesn't keep an empty line
+ above or below the new lines.
+- Remove a backslash before a NL for the ":global" command.
+- When ":append", ":insert" or ":change" is used with ":global", get the
+ inserted lines from the command. Can use backslash-NL to separate lines.
+- Can use ":global /pat/ visual" to execute Normal mode commands at each
+ matched line. Use "Q" to continue and go to the next line.
+- The |:open| command has been partially implemented. It stops Ex mode, but
+ redraws the whole screen, not just one line as open mode is supposed to do.
+- Support using a pipe to read the output from and write input to an external
+ command. Added the 'shelltemp' option and has("filterpipe").
+- In ex silent mode the ":set" command output is displayed.
+- The ":@@" and ":**" give an error message when no register was used before.
+- The search pattern "[]-`]" matches ']', '^', '_' and '`'.
+- Autoindent for ":insert" is using the line below the insert.
+- Autoindent for ":change" is using the first changed line.
+- Editing Ex command lines is not done in cooked mode, because CTRL-D and
+ CTRL-T cannot be handled then.
+- In Ex mode, "1,3" prints three lines. "%" prints all lines.
+- In Ex mode "undo" would undo all changes since Ex mode was started.
+- Implemented the 'prompt' option.
+Debugger support *new-debug-support*
+The 'balloonexpr' option has been added. This is a generic way to implement
+balloon functionality. You can use it to show info for the word under the
+mouse pointer.
+Remote file explorer *new-netrw-explore*
+The netrw plugin now also supports viewing a directory, when "scp://" is used.
+Deleting and renaming files is possible.
+To avoid duplicating a lot of code, the previous file explorer plugin has been
+integrated in the netrw plugin. This means browsing local and remote files
+works the same way.
+":browse edit" and ":browse split" use the netrw plugin when it's available
+and a GUI dialog is not possible.
+The netrw plugin is maintained by Charles Campbell.
+Define an operator *new-define-operator*
+Previously it was not possible to define your own operator; a command that is
+followed by a {motion}. Vim 7 introduces the 'operatorfunc' option and the
+|g@| operator. This makes it possible to define a mapping that works like an
+operator. The actual work is then done by a function, which is invoked
+through the |g@| operator.
+See |:map-operator| for the explanation and an example.
+Mapping to an expression *new-map-expression*
+The {rhs} argument of a mapping can be an expression. That means the
+resulting characters can depend on the context. Example: >
+ :inoremap <expr> . InsertDot()
+Here the dot will be mapped to whatever InsertDot() returns.
+This also works for abbreviations. See |:map-<expr>| for the details.
+Visual and Select mode mappings *new-map-select*
+Previously Visual mode mappings applied both to Visual and Select mode. With
+a trick to have the mappings work in Select mode like they would in Visual
+Commands have been added to define mappings for Visual and Select mode
+separately: |:xmap| and |:smap|. With the associated "noremap" and "unmap"
+The same is done for menus: |:xmenu|, |:smenu|, etc.
+Location list *new-location-list*
+The support for a per-window quickfix list (location list) is added. The
+location list can be displayed in a location window (similar to the quickfix
+window). You can open more than one location list window. A set of commands
+similar to the quickfix commands are added to browse the location list.
+(Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Various new items *new-items-7*
+Normal mode commands: ~
+a", a' and a` New text objects to select quoted strings. |a'|
+i", i' and i` (Taro Muraoka)
+CTRL-W <Enter> In the quickfix window: opens a new window to show the
+ location of the error under the cursor.
+|at| and |it| text objects select a block of text between HTML or XML tags.
+<A-LeftMouse> ('mousemodel' "popup" or "popup-setpos")
+<A-RightMouse> ('mousemodel' "extend")
+ Make a blockwise selection. |<A-LeftMouse>|
+gF Start editing the filename under the cursor and jump
+ to the line number following the file name.
+ (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+CTRL-W F Start editing the filename under the cursor in a new
+ window and jump to the line number following the file
+ name. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Insert mode commands: ~
+CTRL-\ CTRL-O Execute a Normal mode command. Like CTRL-O but
+ without moving the cursor. |i_CTRL-\_CTRL-O|
+Options: ~
+'balloonexpr' expression for text to show in evaluation balloon
+'completefunc' The name of the function used for user-specified
+ Insert mode completion. CTRL-X CTRL-U can be used in
+ Insert mode to do any kind of completion. (Taro
+ Muraoka)
+'completeopt' Enable popup menu and other settings for Insert mode
+ completion.
+'cursorcolumn' highlight column of the cursor
+'cursorline' highlight line of the cursor
+'formatexpr' expression for formatting text with |gq| and when text
+ goes over 'textwidth' in Insert mode.
+'formatlistpat' pattern to recognize a numbered list for formatting.
+ (idea by Hugo Haas)
+'fsync' Whether fsync() is called after writing a file.
+ (Ciaran McCreesh)
+'guitablabel' expression for text to display in GUI tab page label
+'guitabtooltip' expression for text to display in GUI tab page tooltip
+'macatsui' Mac: use ATSUI text display functions
+'maxcombine' maximum number of combining characters displayed
+'maxmempattern' maximum amount of memory to use for pattern matching
+'mkspellmem' parameters for |:mkspell| memory use
+'mzquantum' Time in msec to schedule MzScheme threads.
+'numberwidth' Minimal width of the space used for the 'number' and
+ 'relativenumber' option. (Emmanuel Renieris)
+'omnifunc' The name of the function used for omni completion.
+'operatorfunc' function to be called for |g@| operator
+'printmbcharset' CJK character set to be used for :hardcopy
+'printmbfont' font names to be used for CJK output of :hardcopy
+'pumheight' maximum number of items to show in the popup menu
+'quoteescape' Characters used to escape quotes inside a string.
+ Used for the a", a' and a` text objects. |a'|
+'shelltemp' whether to use a temp file or pipes for shell commands
+'showtabline' whether to show the tab pages line
+'spell' switch spell checking on/off
+'spellcapcheck' pattern to locate the end of a sentence
+'spellfile' file where good and wrong words are added
+'spelllang' languages to check spelling for
+'spellsuggest' methods for spell suggestions
+'synmaxcol' maximum column to look for syntax items; avoids very
+ slow redrawing when there are very long lines
+'tabline' expression for text to display in the tab pages line
+'tabpagemax' maximum number of tab pages to open for |-p|
+'verbosefile' Log messages in a file.
+'wildoptions' "tagfile" value enables listing the file name of
+ matching tags for CTRL-D command line completion.
+ (based on an idea from Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+'winfixwidth' window with fixed width, similar to 'winfixheight'
+Ex commands: ~
+Win32: The ":winpos" command now also works in the console. (Vipin Aravind)
+|:startreplace| Start Replace mode. (Charles Campbell)
+|:startgreplace| Start Virtual Replace mode.
+|:0file| Removes the name of the buffer. (Charles Campbell)
+|:diffoff| Switch off diff mode in the current window or in all
+ windows.
+|:delmarks| Delete marks.
+|:exusage| Help for Ex commands (Nvi command).
+|:viusage| Help for Vi commands (Nvi command).
+|:sort| Sort lines in the buffer without depending on an
+ external command. (partly by Bryce Wagner)
+|:vimgrep| Internal grep command, search for a pattern in files.
+|:vimgrepadd| Like |:vimgrep| but don't make a new list.
+|:caddfile| Add error messages to an existing quickfix list
+ (Yegappan Lakshmanan).
+|:cbuffer| Read error lines from a buffer. (partly by Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan)
+|:cgetbuffer| Create a quickfix list from a buffer but don't jump to
+ the first error.
+|:caddbuffer| Add errors from the current buffer to the quickfix
+ list.
+|:cexpr| Read error messages from a Vim expression (Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan).
+|:caddexpr| Add error messages from a Vim expression to an
+ existing quickfix list. (Yegappan Lakshmanan).
+|:cgetexpr| Create a quickfix list from a Vim expression, but
+ don't jump to the first error. (Yegappan Lakshmanan).
+|:lfile| Like |:cfile| but use the location list.
+|:lgetfile| Like |:cgetfile| but use the location list.
+|:laddfile| Like |:caddfile| but use the location list.
+|:lbuffer| Like |:cbuffer| but use the location list.
+|:lgetbuffer| Like |:cgetbuffer| but use the location list.
+|:laddbuffer| Like |:caddbuffer| but use the location list.
+|:lexpr| Like |:cexpr| but use the location list.
+|:lgetexpr| Like |:cgetexpr| but use the location list.
+|:laddexpr| Like |:caddexpr| but use the location list.
+|:ll| Like |:cc| but use the location list.
+|:llist| Like |:clist| but use the location list.
+|:lnext| Like |:cnext| but use the location list.
+|:lprevious| Like |:cprevious| but use the location list.
+|:lNext| Like |:cNext| but use the location list.
+|:lfirst| Like |:cfirst| but use the location list.
+|:lrewind| Like |:crewind| but use the location list.
+|:llast| Like |:clast| but use the location list.
+|:lnfile| Like |:cnfile| but use the location list.
+|:lpfile| Like |:cpfile| but use the location list.
+|:lNfile| Like |:cNfile| but use the location list.
+|:lolder| Like |:colder| but use the location list.
+|:lnewer| Like |:cnewer| but use the location list.
+|:lwindow| Like |:cwindow| but use the location list.
+|:lopen| Like |:copen| but use the location list.
+|:lclose| Like |:cclose| but use the location list.
+|:lmake| Like |:make| but use the location list.
+|:lgrep| Like |:grep| but use the location list.
+|:lgrepadd| Like |:grepadd| but use the location list.
+|:lvimgrep| Like |:vimgrep| but use the location list.
+|:lvimgrepadd| Like |:vimgrepadd| but use the location list.
+|:lhelpgrep| Like |:helpgrep| but use the location list.
+|:lcscope| Like |:cscope| but use the location list.
+|:ltag| Jump to a tag and add matching tags to a location list.
+|:undojoin| Join a change with the previous undo block.
+|:undolist| List the leafs of the undo tree.
+|:earlier| Go back in time for changes in the text.
+|:later| Go forward in time for changes in the text.
+|:for| Loop over a |List|.
+|:lockvar| Lock a variable, prevents it from being changed.
+|:unlockvar| Unlock a locked variable.
+|:mkspell| Create a Vim spell file.
+|:spellgood| Add a word to the list of good words.
+|:spellwrong| Add a word to the list of bad words
+|:spelldump| Dump list of good words.
+|:spellinfo| Show information about the spell files used.
+|:spellrepall| Repeat a spelling correction for the whole buffer.
+|:spellundo| Remove a word from list of good and bad words.
+|:mzscheme| Execute MzScheme commands.
+|:mzfile| Execute an MzScheme script file.
+|:nbkey| Pass a key to NetBeans for processing.
+|:profile| Commands for Vim script profiling.
+|:profdel| Stop profiling for specified items.
+|:smap| Select mode mapping.
+|:xmap| Visual mode mapping, not used for Select mode.
+|:smenu| Select mode menu.
+|:xmenu| Visual mode menu, not used for Select mode.
+|:tabclose| Close the current tab page.
+|:tabdo| Perform a command in every tab page.
+|:tabedit| Edit a file in a new tab page.
+|:tabnew| Open a new tab page.
+|:tabfind| Search for a file and open it in a new tab page.
+|:tabnext| Go to the next tab page.
+|:tabprevious| Go to the previous tab page.
+|:tabNext| Go to the previous tab page.
+|:tabfirst| Go to the first tab page.
+|:tabrewind| Go to the first tab page.
+|:tablast| Go to the last tab page.
+|:tabmove| Move the current tab page elsewhere.
+|:tabonly| Close all other tab pages.
+|:tabs| List the tab pages and the windows they contain.
+Ex command modifiers: ~
+|:keepalt| Do not change the alternate file.
+|:noautocmd| Do not trigger autocommand events.
+|:sandbox| Execute a command in the sandbox.
+|:tab| When opening a new window create a new tab page.
+Ex command arguments: ~
+|++bad| Specify what happens with characters that can't be
+ converted and illegal bytes. (code example by Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+ Also, when a conversion error occurs or illegal bytes
+ are found include the line number in the error
+ message.
+New and extended functions: ~
+|add()| append an item to a List
+|append()| append List of lines to the buffer
+|argv()| without an argument return the whole argument list
+|browsedir()| dialog to select a directory
+|bufnr()| takes an extra argument: create buffer
+|byteidx()| index of a character (Ilya Sher)
+|call()| call a function with List as arguments
+|changenr()| number of current change
+|complete()| set matches for Insert mode completion
+|complete_add()| add match for 'completefunc'
+|complete_check()| check for key pressed, for 'completefunc'
+|copy()| make a shallow copy of a List or Dictionary
+|count()| count nr of times a value is in a List or Dictionary
+|cursor()| also accepts an offset for 'virtualedit', and
+ the first argument can be a list: [lnum, col, off]
+|deepcopy()| make a full copy of a List or Dictionary
+|diff_filler()| returns number of filler lines above line {lnum}.
+|diff_hlID()| returns the highlight ID for diff mode
+|empty()| check if List or Dictionary is empty
+|eval()| evaluate {string} and return the result
+|extend()| append one List to another or add items from one
+ Dictionary to another
+|feedkeys()| put characters in the typeahead buffer
+|filter()| remove selected items from a List or Dictionary
+|finddir()| find a directory in 'path'
+|findfile()| find a file in 'path' (Johannes Zellner)
+|foldtextresult()| the text displayed for a closed fold at line "lnum"
+|function()| make a Funcref out of a function name
+|garbagecollect()| cleanup unused |Lists| and |Dictionaries| with circular
+ references
+|get()| get an item from a List or Dictionary
+|getbufline()| get a list of lines from a specified buffer
+ (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+|getcmdtype()| return the current command-line type
+ (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+|getfontname()| get actual font name being used
+|getfperm()| get file permission string (Nikolai Weibull)
+|getftype()| get type of file (Nikolai Weibull)
+|getline()| with second argument: get List with buffer lines
+|getloclist()| list of location list items (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+|getpos()| return a list with the position of cursor, mark, etc.
+|getqflist()| list of quickfix errors (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+|getreg()| get contents of a register
+|gettabwinvar()| get variable from window in specified tab page.
+|has_key()| check whether a key appears in a Dictionary
+|haslocaldir()| check if current window used |:lcd|
+|hasmapto()| check for a mapping to a string
+|index()| index of item in List
+|inputlist()| prompt the user to make a selection from a list
+|insert()| insert an item somewhere in a List
+|islocked()| check if a variable is locked
+|items()| get List of Dictionary key-value pairs
+|join()| join List items into a String
+|keys()| get List of Dictionary keys
+|len()| number of items in a List or Dictionary
+|map()| change each List or Dictionary item
+|maparg()| extra argument: use abbreviation
+|mapcheck()| extra argument: use abbreviation
+|match()| extra argument: count
+|matcharg()| return arguments of |:match| command
+|matchend()| extra argument: count
+|matchlist()| list with match and submatches of a pattern in a string
+|matchstr()| extra argument: count
+|max()| maximum value in a List or Dictionary
+|min()| minimum value in a List or Dictionary
+|mkdir()| create a directory
+|pathshorten()| reduce directory names to a single character
+|printf()| format text
+|pumvisible()| check whether the popup menu is displayed
+|range()| generate a List with numbers
+|readfile()| read a file into a list of lines
+|reltime()| get time value, possibly relative
+|reltimestr()| turn a time value into a string
+|remove()| remove one or more items from a List or Dictionary
+|repeat()| repeat "expr" "count" times (Christophe Poucet)
+|reverse()| reverse the order of a List
+|search()| extra argument:
+|searchdecl()| search for declaration of variable
+|searchpair()| extra argument: line to stop searching
+|searchpairpos()| return a List with the position of the match
+|searchpos()| return a List with the position of the match
+|setloclist()| modify a location list (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+|setpos()| set cursor or mark to a position
+|setqflist()| modify a quickfix list (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+|settabwinvar()| set variable in window of specified tab page
+|sort()| sort a List
+|soundfold()| get the sound-a-like equivalent of a word
+|spellbadword()| get a badly spelled word
+|spellsuggest()| get suggestions for correct spelling
+|split()| split a String into a List
+|str2nr()| convert a string to a number, base 2, 8, 10 or 16
+|stridx()| extra argument: start position
+|strridx()| extra argument: start position
+|string()| string representation of a List or Dictionary
+|system()| extra argument: filters {input} through a shell command
+|tabpagebuflist()| List of buffers in a tab page
+|tabpagenr()| number of current or last tab page
+|tabpagewinnr()| window number in a tab page
+|tagfiles()| List with tags file names
+|taglist()| get list of matching tags (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+|tr()| translate characters (Ron Aaron)
+|uniq()| remove copies of repeated adjacent list items
+|values()| get List of Dictionary values
+|winnr()| takes an argument: what window to use
+|winrestview()| restore the view of the current window
+|winsaveview()| save the view of the current window
+|writefile()| write a list of lines into a file
+User defined functions can now be loaded automatically from the "autoload"
+directory in 'runtimepath'. See |autoload-functions|.
+New Vim variables: ~
+|v:insertmode| used for |InsertEnter| and |InsertChange| autocommands
+|v:val| item value in a |map()| or |filter()| function
+|v:key| item key in a |map()| or |filter()| function
+|v:profiling| non-zero after a ":profile start" command
+|v:fcs_reason| the reason why |FileChangedShell| was triggered
+|v:fcs_choice| what should happen after |FileChangedShell|
+|v:beval_bufnr| buffer number for 'balloonexpr'
+|v:beval_winnr| window number for 'balloonexpr'
+|v:beval_lnum| line number for 'balloonexpr'
+|v:beval_col| column number for 'balloonexpr'
+|v:beval_text| text under the mouse pointer for 'balloonexpr'
+|v:scrollstart| what caused the screen to be scrolled up
+|v:swapname| name of the swap file for the |SwapExists| event
+|v:swapchoice| what to do for an existing swap file
+|v:swapcommand| command to be executed after handling |SwapExists|
+|v:char| argument for evaluating 'formatexpr'
+New autocommand events: ~
+|ColorScheme| after loading a color scheme
+|CursorHoldI| the user doesn't press a key for a while in Insert mode
+|CursorMoved| the cursor was moved in Normal mode
+|CursorMovedI| the cursor was moved in Insert mode
+|FileChangedShellPost| after handling a file changed outside of Vim
+|InsertEnter| starting Insert or Replace mode
+|InsertChange| going from Insert to Replace mode or back
+|InsertLeave| leaving Insert or Replace mode
+|MenuPopup| just before showing popup menu
+|QuickFixCmdPre| before :make, :grep et al. (Ciaran McCreesh)
+|QuickFixCmdPost| after :make, :grep et al. (Ciaran McCreesh)
+|SessionLoadPost| after loading a session file. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+|ShellCmdPost| after executing a shell command
+|ShellFilterPost| after filtering with a shell command
+|SourcePre| before sourcing a Vim script
+|SpellFileMissing| when a spell file can't be found
+|SwapExists| found existing swap file when editing a file
+|TabEnter| just after entering a tab page
+|TabLeave| just before leaving a tab page
+|VimResized| after the Vim window size changed (Yakov Lerner)
+New highlight groups: ~
+Pmenu Popup menu: normal item |hl-Pmenu|
+PmenuSel Popup menu: selected item |hl-PmenuSel|
+PmenuThumb Popup menu: scrollbar |hl-PmenuThumb|
+PmenuSbar Popup menu: Thumb of the scrollbar |hl-PmenuSbar|
+TabLine tab pages line, inactive label |hl-TabLine|
+TabLineSel tab pages line, selected label |hl-TabLineSel|
+TabLineFill tab pages line, filler |hl-TabLineFill|
+SpellBad badly spelled word |hl-SpellBad|
+SpellCap word with wrong caps |hl-SpellCap|
+SpellRare rare word |hl-SpellRare|
+SpellLocal word only exists in other region |hl-SpellLocal|
+CursorColumn 'cursorcolumn' |hl-CursorColumn|
+CursorLine 'cursorline' |hl-CursorLine|
+MatchParen matching parens |pi_paren.txt| |hl-MatchParen|
+New items in search patterns: ~
+|/\%d| \%d123 search for character with decimal number
+|/\]| [\d123] idem, in a collection
+|/\%o| \%o103 search for character with octal number
+|/\]| [\o1o3] idem, in a collection
+|/\%x| \%x1a search for character with 2 pos. hex number
+|/\]| [\x1a] idem, in a collection
+|/\%u| \%u12ab search for character with 4 pos. hex number
+|/\]| [\u12ab] idem, in a collection
+|/\%U| \%U1234abcd search for character with 8 pos. hex number
+|/\]| [\U1234abcd] idem, in a collection
+ (The above partly by Ciaran McCreesh)
+|/[[=| [[=a=]] an equivalence class (only for latin1 characters)
+|/[[.| [[.a.]] a collation element (only works with single char)
+|/\%'m| \%'m match at mark m
+|/\%<'m| \%<'m match before mark m
+|/\%>'m| \%>'m match after mark m
+|/\%V| \%V match in Visual area
+Nesting |/multi| items no longer is an error when an empty match is possible.
+It is now possible to use \{0}, it matches the preceding atom zero times. Not
+useful, just for compatibility.
+New Syntax/Indent/FTplugin files: ~
+Moved all the indent settings from the filetype plugin to the indent file.
+Implemented b:undo_indent to undo indent settings when setting 'filetype' to a
+different value.
+a2ps syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+ABAB/4 syntax file. (Marius van Wyk)
+alsaconf ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+AppendMatchGroup ftplugin file. (Dave Silvia)
+arch ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+asterisk and asteriskvm syntax file. (Tilghman Lesher)
+BDF ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+BibTeX indent file. (Dorai Sitaram)
+BibTeX Bibliography Style syntax file. (Tim Pope)
+BTM ftplugin file. (Bram Moolenaar)
+calendar ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Changelog indent file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+ChordPro syntax file. (Niels Bo Andersen)
+Cmake indent and syntax file. (Andy Cedilnik)
+conf ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+context syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+CRM114 ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+cvs RC ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+D indent file. (Jason Mills)
+Debian Sources.list syntax file. (Matthijs Mohlmann)
+dictconf and dictdconf syntax, indent and ftplugin files. (Nikolai Weibull)
+diff ftplugin file. (Bram Moolenaar)
+dircolors ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+django and htmldjango syntax file. (Dave Hodder)
+doxygen syntax file. (Michael Geddes)
+elinks ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+eterm ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+eviews syntax file. (Vaidotas Zemlys)
+fetchmail RC ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+FlexWiki syntax and ftplugin file. (George Reilly)
+Generic indent file. (Dave Silvia)
+gpg ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+gretl syntax file. (Vaidotas Zemlys)
+groovy syntax file. (Alessio Pace)
+group syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+grub ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Haskell ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+help ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+indent ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Javascript ftplugin file. (Bram Moolenaar)
+Kconfig ftplugin and syntax file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+ld syntax, indent and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+lftp ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+libao config ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+limits syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Lisp indent file. (Sergey Khorev)
+loginaccess and logindefs syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+m4 ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+mailaliases syntax file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+mailcap ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+manconf syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+matlab ftplugin file. (Jake Wasserman)
+Maxima syntax file. (Robert Dodier)
+MGL syntax file. (Gero Kuhlmann)
+modconf ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+mplayer config ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Mrxvtrc syntax and ftplugin file. (Gautam Iyer)
+MuPAD source syntax, indent and ftplugin. (Dave Silvia)
+mutt RC ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+nanorc syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+netrc ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+pamconf syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Pascal indent file. (Neil Carter)
+passwd syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+PHP compiler plugin. (Doug Kearns)
+pinfo ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+plaintex syntax and ftplugin files. (Nikolai Weibull, Benji Fisher)
+procmail ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+prolog ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+protocols syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+quake ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+racc syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+readline ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+rhelp syntax file. (Johannes Ranke)
+rnoweb syntax file. (Johannes Ranke)
+Relax NG compact ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Scheme indent file. (Sergey Khorev)
+screen ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+sensors syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+services syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+setserial syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+sieve syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+SiSU syntax file (Ralph Amissah)
+Sive syntax file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+slp config, reg and spi syntax and ftplugin files. (Nikolai Weibull)
+SML indent file. (Saikat Guha)
+SQL anywhere syntax and indent file. (David Fishburn)
+SQL indent file.
+SQL-Informix syntax file. (Dean L Hill)
+SQL: Handling of various variants. (David Fishburn)
+sshconfig ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Stata and SMCL syntax files. (Jeff Pitblado)
+sudoers ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+sysctl syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+terminfo ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+trustees syntax file. (Nima Talebi)
+Vera syntax file. (David Eggum)
+udev config, permissions and rules syntax and ftplugin files. (Nikolai Weibull)
+updatedb syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+VHDL indent file (Gerald Lai)
+WSML syntax file. (Thomas Haselwanter)
+Xdefaults ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+XFree86 config ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+xinetd syntax, indent and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+xmodmap ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Xquery syntax file. (Jean-Marc Vanel)
+xsd (XML schema) indent file.
+YAML ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Zsh ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
+New Keymaps: ~
+Sinhala (Sri Lanka) (Harshula Jayasuriya)
+Tamil in TSCII encoding (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Greek in cp737 (Panagiotis Louridas)
+Polish-slash (HS6_06)
+Ukrainian-jcuken (Anatoli Sakhnik)
+Kana (Edward L. Fox)
+New message translations: ~
+The Ukrainian messages are now also available in cp1251.
+Vietnamese message translations and menu. (Phan Vinh Thinh)
+Others: ~
+The |:read| command has the |++edit| argument. This means it will use the
+detected 'fileformat', 'fileencoding' and other options for the buffer. This
+also fixes the problem that editing a compressed file didn't set these
+The Netbeans interface was updated for Sun Studio 10. The protocol number
+goes from 2.2 to 2.3. (Gordon Prieur)
+Mac: When starting up Vim will load the $VIMRUNTIME/macmap.vim script to
+define default command-key mappings. (mostly by Benji Fisher)
+Mac: Add the selection type to the clipboard, so that Block, line and
+character selections can be used between two Vims. (Eckehard Berns)
+Also fixes the problem that setting 'clipboard' to "unnamed" breaks using
+Mac: GUI font selector. (Peter Cucka)
+Mac: support for multibyte characters. (Da Woon Jung)
+This doesn't always work properly. If you see text drawing problems try
+switching the 'macatsui' option off.
+Mac: Support the xterm mouse in the non-GUI version.
+Mac: better integration with Xcode. Post a fake mouse-up event after the odoc
+event and the drag receive handler to work around a stall after Vim loads a
+file. Fixed an off-by-one line number error. (Da Woon Jung)
+Mac: When started from Finder change directory to the file being edited or the
+user home directory.
+Added the t_SI and t_EI escape sequences for starting and ending Insert mode.
+To be used to set the cursor shape to a bar or a block. No default values,
+they are not supported by termcap/terminfo.
+GUI font selector for Motif. (Marcin Dalecki)
+Nicer toolbar buttons for Motif. (Marcin Dalecki)
+Mnemonics for the Motif find/replace dialog. (Marcin Dalecki)
+Included a few improvements for Motif from Marcin Dalecki. Draw label
+contents ourselves to make them handle fonts in a way configurable by Vim and
+a bit less dependent on the X11 font management.
+Autocommands can be defined local to a buffer. This means they will also work
+when the buffer does not have a name or no specific name. See
+|autocmd-buflocal|. (Yakov Lerner)
+For xterm most combinations of modifiers with function keys are recognized.
+When 'verbose' is set the output of ":highlight" will show where a highlight
+item was last set.
+When 'verbose' is set the output of the ":map", ":abbreviate", ":command",
+":function" and ":autocmd" commands will show where it was last defined.
+(Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+":function /pattern" lists functions matching the pattern.
+"1gd" can be used like "gd" but ignores matches in a {} block that ends before
+the cursor position. Likewise for "1gD" and "gD".
+'scrolljump' can be set to a negative number to scroll a percentage of the
+window height.
+The |v:scrollstart| variable has been added to help find the location in
+your script that causes the hit-enter prompt.
+To make it possible to handle the situation that a file is being edited that
+is already being edited by another Vim instance, the |SwapExists| event has
+been added. The |v:swapname|, |v:swapchoice| and |v:swapcommand| variables
+can be used, for example to use the |client-server| functionality to bring the
+other Vim to the foreground.
+When starting Vim with a "-t tag" argument, there is an existing swapfile and
+the user selects "quit" or "abort" then exit Vim.
+Undo now also restores the '< and '> marks. "gv" selects the same area as
+before the change and undo.
+When editing a search pattern for a "/" or "?" command and 'incsearch' is set
+CTRL-L can be used to add a character from the current match. CTRL-R CTRL-W
+will add a word, but exclude the part of the word that was already typed.
+Ruby interface: add line number methods. (Ryan Paul)
+The $MYVIMRC environment variable is set to the first found vimrc file.
+The $MYGVIMRC environment variable is set to the first found gvimrc file.
+IMPROVEMENTS *improvements-7*
+":helpgrep" accepts a language specifier after the pattern: "pat@it".
+Moved the help for printing to a separate help file. It's quite a lot now.
+When doing completion for ":!cmd", ":r !cmd" or ":w !cmd" executable files are
+found in $PATH instead of looking for ordinary files in the current directory.
+When ":silent" is used and a backwards range is given for an Ex command the
+range is swapped automatically instead of asking if that is OK.
+The pattern matching code was changed from a recursive function to an
+iterative mechanism. This avoids out-of-stack errors. State is stored in
+allocated memory, running out of memory can always be detected. Allows
+matching more complex things, but Vim may seem to hang while doing that.
+Previously some options were always evaluated in the |sandbox|. Now that only
+happens when the option was set from a modeline or in secure mode. Applies to
+'balloonexpr', 'foldexpr', 'foldtext' and 'includeexpr'. (Sumner Hayes)
+Some commands and expressions could have nasty side effects, such as using
+CTRL-R = while editing a search pattern and the expression invokes a function
+that jumps to another window. The |textlock| has been added to prevent this
+from happening.
+":breakadd here" and ":breakdel here" can be used to set or delete a
+breakpoint at the cursor.
+It is now possible to define a function with: >
+ :exe "func Test()\n ...\n endfunc"
+The tutor was updated to make it simpler to use and text was added to explain
+a few more important commands. Used ideas from Gabriel Zachmann.
+Unix: When libcall() fails obtain an error message with dlerror() and display
+it. (Johannes Zellner)
+Mac and Cygwin: When editing an existing file make the file name the same case
+of the edited file. Thus when typing ":e os_UNIX.c" the file name becomes
+Added "nbsp" in 'listchars'. (David Blanchet)
+Added the "acwrite" value for the 'buftype' option. This is for a buffer that
+does not have a name that refers to a file and is written with BufWriteCmd
+For lisp indenting and matching parenthesis: (Sergey Khorev)
+- square brackets are recognized properly
+- #\(, #\), #\[ and #\] are recognized as character literals
+- Lisp line comments (delimited by semicolon) are recognized
+Added the "count" argument to match(), matchend() and matchstr(). (Ilya Sher)
+winnr() takes an optional "$" or "#" argument. (Nikolai Weibull, Yegappan
+Added 's' flag to search(): set ' mark if cursor moved. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Added 'n' flag to search(): don't move the cursor. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Added 'c' flag to search(): accept match at the cursor.
+Added 'e' flag to search(): move to end of the match. (Benji Fisher)
+Added 'p' flag to search(): return number of sub-pattern. (Benji Fisher)
+These also apply to searchpos(), searchpair() and searchpairpos().
+The search() and searchpair() functions have an extra argument to specify
+where to stop searching. Speeds up searches that should not continue too far.
+When uncompressing fails in the gzip plugin, give an error message but don't
+delete the raw text. Helps if the file has a .gz extension but is not
+actually compressed. (Andrew Pimlott)
+When C, C++ or IDL syntax is used, may additionally load doxygen syntax.
+(Michael Geddes)
+Support setting 'filetype' and 'syntax' to "aaa.bbb" for "aaa" plus "bbb"
+filetype or syntax.
+The ":registers" command now displays multibyte characters properly.
+VMS: In the usage message mention that a slash can be used to make a flag
+upper case. Add color support to the builtin vt320 terminal codes.
+(Zoltan Arpadffy)
+For the '%' item in 'viminfo', allow a number to set a maximum for the number
+of buffers.
+For recognizing the file type: When a file looks like a shell script, check
+for an "exec" command that starts the tcl interpreter. (suggested by Alexios
+Support conversion between utf-8 and latin9 (iso-8859-15) internally, so that
+digraphs still work when iconv is not available.
+When a session file is loaded while editing an unnamed, empty buffer that
+buffer is wiped out. Avoids that there is an unused buffer in the buffer
+Win32: When libintl.dll supports bind_textdomain_codeset(), use it.
+(NAKADAIRA Yukihiro)
+Win32: Vim was not aware of hard links on NTFS file systems. These are
+detected now for when 'backupcopy' is "auto". Also fixed a bogus "file has
+been changed since reading it" error for links.
+When foldtext() finds no text after removing the comment leader, use the
+second line of the fold. Helps for C-style /* */ comments where the first
+line is just "/*".
+When editing the same file from two systems (e.g., Unix and MS-Windows) there
+mostly was no warning for an existing swap file, because the name of the
+edited file differs (e.g., y:\dir\file vs /home/me/dir/file). Added a flag to
+the swap file to indicate it is in the same directory as the edited file. The
+used path then doesn't matter and the check for editing the same file is much
+more reliable.
+Unix: When editing a file through a symlink the swap file would use the name
+of the symlink. Now use the name of the actual file, so that editing the same
+file twice is detected. (suggestions by Stefano Zacchiroli and James Vega)
+Client-server communication now supports 'encoding'. When setting 'encoding'
+in a Vim server to "utf-8", and using "vim --remote fname" in a console,
+"fname" is converted from the console encoding to utf-8. Also allows Vims
+with different 'encoding' settings to exchange messages.
+Internal: Changed ga_room into ga_maxlen, so that it doesn't need to be
+incremented/decremented each time.
+When a register is empty it is not stored in the viminfo file.
+Removed the tcltags script, it's obsolete.
+":redir @*>>" and ":redir @+>>" append to the clipboard. Better check for
+invalid characters after the register name. |:redir|
+":redir => variable" and ":redir =>> variable" write or append to a variable.
+(Yegappan Lakshmanan) |:redir|
+":redir @{a-z}>>" appends to register a to z. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+The 'verbosefile' option can be used to log messages in a file. Verbose
+messages are not displayed then. The "-V{filename}" argument can be used to
+log startup messages.
+":let g:" lists global variables.
+":let b:" lists buffer-local variables.
+":let w:" lists window-local variables.
+":let v:" lists Vim variables.
+The stridx() and strridx() functions take a third argument, where to start
+searching. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+The getreg() function takes an extra argument to be able to get the expression
+for the '=' register instead of the result of evaluating it.
+The setline() function can take a List argument to set multiple lines. When
+the line number is just below the last line the line is appended.
+g CTRL-G also shows the number of characters if it differs from the number of
+Completion for ":debug" and entering an expression for the '=' register. Skip
+":" between range and command name. (Peter Winters)
+CTRL-Q in Insert mode now works like CTRL-V by default. Previously it was
+When "beep" is included in 'debug' a function or script that causes a beep
+will result in a message with the source of the error.
+When completing buffer names, match with "\(^\|[\/]\)" instead of "^", so that
+":buf stor<Tab>" finds both "include/storage.h" and "storage/main.c".
+To count items (pattern matches) without changing the buffer the 'n' flag has
+been added to |:substitute|. See |count-items|.
+In a |:substitute| command the \u, \U, \l and \L items now also work for
+multibyte characters.
+The "screen.linux" $TERM name is recognized to set the default for
+'background' to "dark". (Ciaran McCreesh) Also for "cygwin" and "putty".
+The |FileChangedShell| autocommand event can now use the |v:fcs_reason|
+variable that specifies what triggered the event. |v:fcs_choice| can be used
+to reload the buffer or ask the user what to do.
+Not all modifiers were recognized for xterm function keys. Added the
+possibility in term codes to end in ";*X" or "O*X", where X is any character
+and the * stands for the modifier code.
+Added the <xUp>, <xDown>, <xLeft> and <xRight> keys, to be able to recognize
+the two forms that xterm can send their codes in and still handle all possible
+getwinvar() now also works to obtain a buffer-local option from the specified
+Added the "%s" item to 'errorformat'. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Added the "%>" item to 'errorformat'.
+For 'errorformat' it was not possible to have a file name that contains the
+character that follows after "%f". For example, in "%f:%l:%m" the file name
+could not contain ":". Now include the first ":" where the rest of the
+pattern matches. In the example a ":" not followed by a line number is
+included in the file name. (suggested by Emanuele Giaquinta)
+GTK GUI: use the GTK file dialog when it's available. Mix from patches by
+Grahame Bowland and Evan Webb.
+Added ":scriptnames" to bugreport.vim, so that we can see what plugins were
+Win32: If the user changes the setting for the number of lines a scroll wheel
+click scrolls it is now used immediately. Previously Vim would need to be
+When using @= in an expression the value is expression @= contains. ":let @=
+= value" can be used to set the register contents.
+A ! can be added to ":popup" to have the popup menu appear at the mouse
+pointer position instead of the text cursor.
+The table with encodings has been expanded with many MS-Windows codepages,
+such as cp1250 and cp737, so that these can also be used on Unix without
+prepending "8bit-".
+When an encoding name starts with "microsoft-cp" ignore the "microsoft-" part.
+Added the "customlist" completion argument to a user-defined command. The
+user-defined completion function should return the completion candidates as a
+Vim List and the returned results are not filtered by Vim. (Yegappan
+Win32: Balloons can have multiple lines if common controls supports it.
+(Sergey Khorev)
+For command-line completion the matches for various types of arguments are now
+sorted: user commands, variables, syntax names, etc.
+When no locale is set, thus using the "C" locale, Vim will work with latin1
+characters, using its own isupper()/toupper()/etc. functions.
+When using an rxvt terminal emulator guess the value of 'background' using the
+COLORFGBG environment variable. (Ciaran McCreesh)
+Also support t_SI and t_EI on Unix with normal features. (Ciaran McCreesh)
+When 'foldcolumn' is one then put as much info in it as possible. This allows
+closing a fold with the mouse by clicking on the '-'.
+input() takes an optional completion argument to specify the type of
+completion supported for the input. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+"dp" works with more than two buffers in diff mode if there is only one where
+'modifiable' is set.
+The 'diffopt' option has three new values: "horizontal", "vertical" and
+When the 'include' option contains \zs the file name found is what is being
+matched from \zs to the end or \ze. Useful to pass more to 'includeexpr'.
+Loading plugins on startup now supports subdirectories in the plugin
+directory. |load-plugins|
+In the foldcolumn always show the '+' for a closed fold, so that it can be
+opened easily. It may overwrite another character, esp. if 'foldcolumn' is 1.
+It is now possible to get the W10 message again by setting 'readonly'. Useful
+in the FileChangedRO autocommand when checking out the file fails.
+Unix: When open() returns EFBIG give an appropriate message.
+":mksession" sets the SessionLoad variable to notify plugins. A modeline is
+added to the session file to set 'filetype' to "vim".
+In the ATTENTION prompt put the "Delete it" choice before "Quit" to make it
+more logical. (Robert Webb)
+When appending to a file while the buffer has no name the name of the appended
+file would be used for the current buffer. But the buffer contents is
+actually different from the file content. Don't set the file name, unless the
+'P' flag is present in 'cpoptions'.
+When starting to edit a new file and the directory for the file doesn't exist
+then Vim will report "[New DIRECTORY]" instead of "[New File] to give the user
+a hint that something might be wrong.
+Win32: Preserve the hidden attribute of the viminfo file.
+In Insert mode CTRL-A didn't keep the last inserted text when using CTRL-O and
+then a cursor key. Now keep the previously inserted text if nothing is
+inserted after the CTRL-O. Allows using CTRL-O commands to move the cursor
+without losing the last inserted text.
+The exists() function now supports checking for autocmd group definition
+and for supported autocommand events. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Allow using ":global" in the sandbox, it doesn't do anything harmful by
+":saveas asdf.c" will set 'filetype' to c when it's empty. Also for ":w
+asdf.c" when it sets the filename for the buffer.
+Insert mode completion for whole lines now also searches unloaded buffers.
+The colortest.vim script can now be invoked directly with ":source" or
+":runtime syntax/colortest.vim".
+The 'statusline' option can be local to the window, so that each window can
+have a different value. (partly by Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+The 'statusline' option and other options that support the same format can now
+use these new features:
+- When it starts with "%!" the value is first evaluated as an expression
+ before parsing the value.
+- "%#HLname#" can be used to start highlighting with HLname.
+When 'statusline' is set to something that causes an error message then it is
+made empty to avoid an endless redraw loop. Also for other options, such at
+'tabline' and 'titlestring'. ":verbose set statusline" will mention that it
+was set in an error handler.
+When there are several matching tags, the ":tag <name>" and CTRL-] commands
+jump to the [count] matching tag. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Win32: In the batch files generated by the install program, use $VIMRUNTIME or
+$VIM if it's set. Example provided by Mathias Michaelis.
+Also create a vimtutor.bat batch file.
+The 'balloonexpr' option is now |global-local|.
+The system() function now runs in cooked mode, thus can be interrupted by
+COMPILE TIME CHANGES *compile-changes-7*
+Dropped the support for the BeOS and Amiga GUI. They were not maintained and
+probably didn't work. If you want to work on this: get the Vim 6.x version
+and merge it back in.
+When running the tests and one of them fails to produce "test.out" the
+following tests are still executed. This helps when running out of memory.
+When compiling with EXITFREE defined and the ccmalloc library, it is possible
+to detect memory leaks. Some memory will always be reported as leaked, such
+as allocated by X11 library functions and the memory allocated in
+alloc_cmdbuff() to store the ":quit" command.
+Moved the code for printing to src/hardcopy.c.
+Moved some code from main() to separate functions to make it easier to see
+what is being done. Using a structure to avoid a lot of arguments to the
+Moved unix_expandpath() to misc1.c, so that it can also be used by os_mac.c
+without copying the code.
+--- Mac ---
+"make" now creates the directory and "make install" copies it to its
+final destination. (Raf)
+Put the runtime directory not directly in but in, so that it's according to Mac specs.
+Made it possible to compile with Motif, Athena or GTK without tricks and still
+being able to use the MacRoman conversion. Added the os_mac_conv.c file.
+When running "make install" the runtime files are installed as for Unix.
+Avoids that too many files are copied. When running "make" a link to the
+runtime files is created to avoid a recursive copy that takes much time.
+Configure will attempt to build Vim for both Intel and PowerPC. The
+--with-mac-arch configure argument can change it.
+--- Win32 ---
+The Make_mvc.mak file was adjusted to work with the latest MS compilers,
+including the free version of Visual Studio 2005. (George Reilly)
+INSTALLpc.txt was updated for the recent changes. (George Reilly)
+The distributed executable is now produced with the free Visual C++ Toolkit
+2003 and other free SDK chunks. msvcsetup.bat was added to support this.
+Also generate the .pdb file that can be used to generate a useful crash report
+on MS-Windows. (George Reilly)
+BUG FIXES *bug-fixes-7*
+When using PostScript printing on MS-DOS the default 'printexpr' used "lpr"
+instead of "copy". When 'printdevice' was empty the copy command did not
+work. Use "LPT1" then.
+The GTK font dialog uses a font size zero when the font name doesn't include a
+size. Use a default size of 10.
+This example in the documentation didn't work: >
+ :e `=foo . ".c"`
+Skip over the expression in `=expr` when looking for comments, |, % and #.
+When ":helpgrep" doesn't find anything there is no error message.
+"L" and "H" did not take closed folds into account.
+Win32: The "-P title" argument stopped at the first title that matched, even
+when it doesn't support MDI.
+Mac GUI: CTRL-^ and CTRL-@ did not work.
+"2daw" on "word." at the end of a line didn't include the preceding white
+Win32: Using FindExecutable() doesn't work to find a program. Use
+SearchPath() instead. For executable() use $PATHEXT when the program searched
+for doesn't have an extension.
+When 'virtualedit' is set, moving the cursor up after appending a character
+may move it to a different column. Was caused by auto-formatting moving the
+cursor and not putting it back where it was.
+When indent was added automatically and then moving the cursor, the indent was
+not deleted (like when pressing ESC). The "I" flag in 'cpoptions' can be used
+to make it work the old way.
+When opening a command-line window, 'textwidth' gets set to 78 by the Vim
+filetype plugin. Reset 'textwidth' to 0 to avoid lines are broken.
+After using cursor(line, col) moving up/down doesn't keep the same column.
+Win32: Borland C before 5.5 requires using ".u." for LowPart and HighPart
+fields. (Walter Briscoe)
+On Sinix SYS_NMLN isn't always defined. Define it ourselves. (Cristiano De
+Printing with PostScript may keep the printer waiting for more. Append a
+CTRL-D to the printer output. (Mike Williams)
+When converting a string with a hex or octal number the leading '-' was
+ignored. ":echo '-05' + 0" resulted in 5 instead of -5.
+Using "@:" to repeat a command line didn't work when it contains control
+characters. Also remove "'<,'>" when in Visual mode to avoid that it appears
+When using file completion for a user command, it would not expand environment
+variables like for a regular command with a file argument.
+'cindent': When the argument of a #define looks like a C++ class the next line
+is indented too much.
+When 'comments' includes multibyte characters inserting the middle part and
+alignment may go wrong. 'cindent' also suffers from this for right-aligned
+Win32: when 'encoding' is set to "utf-8" getenv() still returns strings in the
+active codepage. Convert to utf-8. Also for $HOME.
+The default for 'helplang' was "zh" for both "zh_cn" and "zh_tw". Now use
+"cn" or "tw" as intended.
+When 'bin' is set and 'eol' is not set then line2byte() added the line break
+after the last line while it's not there.
+Using foldlevel() in a WinEnter autocommand may not work. Noticed when
+resizing the GUI shell upon startup.
+Python: Using buffer.append(f.readlines()) didn't work. Allow appending a
+string with a trailing newline. The newline is ignored.
+When using the ":saveas f2" command for buffer "f1", the Buffers menu would
+contain "f2" twice, one of them leading to "f1". Also trigger the BufFilePre
+and BufFilePost events for the alternate buffer that gets the old name.
+strridx() did not work well when the needle is empty. (Ciaran McCreesh)
+GTK: Avoid a potential hang in gui_mch_wait_for_chars() when input arrives
+just before it is invoked
+VMS: Occasionally CR characters were inserted in the file. Expansion of
+environment variables was not correct. (Zoltan Arpadffy)
+UTF-8: When 'delcombine' is set "dw" only deleted the last combining character
+from the first character of the word.
+When using ":sball" in an autocommand only the filetype in one buffer was
+detected. Reset did_filetype in enter_buffer().
+When using ":argdo" and the window already was at the first argument index,
+but not actually editing it, the current buffer would be used instead.
+When ":next dir/*" includes many matches, adding the names to the argument
+list may take an awful lot of time and can't be interrupted. Allow
+interrupting this.
+When editing a file that was already loaded in a buffer, modelines were not
+used. Now window-local options in the modeline are set. Buffer-local options
+and global options remain unmodified.
+Win32: When 'encoding' is set to "utf-8" in the vimrc file, files from the
+command line with non-ASCII characters are not used correctly. Recode the
+file names when 'encoding' is set, using the Unicode command line.
+Win32 console: When the default for 'encoding' ends up to be "latin1", the
+default value of 'isprint' was wrong.
+When an error message is given while waiting for a character (e.g., when an
+xterm reports the number of colors), the hit-enter prompt overwrote the last
+line. Don't reset msg_didout in normal_cmd() for K_IGNORE.
+Mac GUI: Shift-Tab didn't work.
+When defining tooltip text, don't translate terminal codes, since it's not
+going to be used like a command.
+GTK 2: Check the tooltip text for valid utf-8 characters to avoid getting a
+GTK error. Invalid characters may appear when 'encoding' is changed.
+GTK 2: Add a safety check for invalid utf-8 sequences, they can crash pango.
+Win32: When 'encoding' is changed while starting up, use the Unicode command
+line to convert the file arguments to 'encoding'. Both for the GUI and the
+console version.
+Win32 GUI: latin9 text (iso-8859-15) was not displayed correctly, because
+there is no codepage for latin9. Do our own conversion from latin9 to UCS2.
+When two versions of GTK+ 2 are installed it was possible to use the header
+files from one and the library from the other. Use GTK_LIBDIR to put the
+directory for the library early in the link flags.
+With the GUI find/replace dialog a replace only worked if the pattern was
+literal text. Now it works for any pattern.
+When 'equalalways' is set and 'eadirection' is "hor", ":quit" would still
+cause equalizing window heights in the vertical direction.
+When ":emenu" is used in a startup script the command was put in the typeahead
+buffer, causing a prompt for the crypt key to be messed up.
+Mac OS/X: The default for 'isprint' included characters 128-160, causes
+problems for
+When a syntax item with "containedin" is used, it may match in the start or
+end of a region with a matchgroup, while this doesn't happen for a "contains"
+When a transparent syntax items matches in another item where the highlighting
+has already stopped (because of a he= argument), the highlighting would come
+When cscope is used to set the quickfix error list, it didn't get set if there
+was only one match. (Sergey Khorev)
+When 'confirm' is set and using ":bdel" in a modified buffer, then selecting
+"cancel", would still give an error message.
+The PopUp menu items that started Visual mode didn't work when not in Normal
+mode. Switching between selecting a word and a line was not possible.
+Win32: The keypad decimal point always resulted in a '.', while on some
+keyboards it's a ','. Use MapVirtualKey(VK_DECIMAL, 2).
+Removed unused function DisplayCompStringOpaque() from gui_w32.c
+In Visual mode there is not always an indication whether the line break is
+selected or not. Highlight the character after the line when the line break
+is included, e.g., after "v$o".
+GTK: The <F10> key can't be mapped, it selects the menu. Disable that with a
+GTK setting and do select the menu when <F10> isn't mapped. (David Necas)
+After "Y" '[ and '] were not at start/end of the yanked text.
+When a telnet connection is dropped Vim preserves files and exits. While
+doing that a SIGHUP may arrive and disturb us, thus ignore it. (Scott
+Anderson) Also postpone SIGHUP, SIGQUIT and SIGTERM until it's safe to
+handle. Added handle_signal().
+When completing a file name on the command line backslashes are required for
+white space. Was only done for a space, not for a Tab.
+When configure could not find a terminal library, compiling continued for a
+long time before reporting the problem. Added a configure check for tgetent()
+being found in a library.
+When the cursor is on the first char of the last line a ":g/pat/s///" command
+may cause the cursor to be displayed below the text.
+Win32: Editing a file with non-ASCII characters doesn't work when 'encoding'
+is "utf-8". use _wfullpath() instead of _fullpath(). (Yu-sung Moon)
+When recovering the 'fileformat' and 'fileencoding' were taken from the
+original file instead of from the swapfile. When the file didn't exist, was
+empty or the option was changed (e.g., with ":e ++fenc=cp123 file") it could
+be wrong. Now store 'fileformat' and 'fileencoding' in the swapfile and use
+the values when recovering.
+":bufdo g/something/p" overwrites each last printed text line with the file
+message for the next buffer. Temporarily clear 'shortmess' to avoid that.
+Win32: Cannot edit a file starting with # with --remote. Do escape % and #
+when building the ":drop" command.
+A comment or | just after an expression-backtick argument was not recognized.
+E.g. in :e `="foo"`"comment.
+"(" does not stop at an empty sentence (single dot and white space) while ")"
+does. Also breaks "das" on that dot.
+When doing "yy" with the cursor on a TAB the ruler could be wrong and "k"
+moved the cursor to another column.
+When 'commentstring' is '"%s' and there is a double quote in the line a double
+quote before the fold marker isn't removed in the text displayed for a closed
+In Visual mode, when 'bin' and 'eol' set, g CTRL-G counted the last line
+break, resulting in "selected 202 of 201 bytes".
+Motif: fonts were not used for dialog components. (Marcin Dalecki)
+Motif: After using a toolbar button the keyboard focus would be on the toolbar
+(Lesstif problem). (Marcin Dalecki)
+When using "y<C-V>`x" where mark x is in the first column, the last line was
+not included.
+Not all test scripts work properly on MS-Windows when checked out from CVS.
+Use a Vim command to fix all fileformats to dos before executing the tests.
+When using ":new" and the file fits in the window, lines could still be above
+the window. Now remove empty lines instead of keeping the relative position.
+Cmdline completion didn't work after ":let var1 var<Tab>".
+When using ":startinsert" or ":startreplace" when already in Insert mode
+(possible when using CTRL-R =), pressing Esc would directly restart Insert
+mode. (Peter Winters)
+"2daw" didn't work at end of file if the last word is a single character.
+Completion for ":next a'<Tab>" put a backslash before single quote, but it was
+not removed when editing a file. Now halve backslashes in save_patterns().
+Also fix expanding a file name with the shell that contains "\'".
+When doing "1,6d|put" only "fewer lines" was reported. Now a following "more
+lines" overwrites the message.
+Configure could not handle "-Dfoo=long\ long" in the TCL config output.
+When searching backwards, using a pattern that matches a newline and uses \zs
+after that, didn't find a match. Could also get a hang or end up in the right
+column in the wrong line.
+When $LANG is "sl" for slovenian, the slovak menu was used, since "slovak"
+starts with "sl".
+When 'paste' is set in the GUI the Paste toolbar button doesn't work. Clear
+'paste' when starting the GUI.
+A message about a wrong viminfo line included the trailing NL.
+When 'paste' is set in the GUI the toolbar button doesn't work in Insert mode.
+Use ":exe" in menu.vim to avoid duplicating the commands, instead of using a
+Treat "mlterm" as an xterm-like terminal. (Seiichi Sato)
+":z.4" and ":z=4" didn't work Vi compatible.
+When sourcing a file, editing it and sourcing it again, it could appear twice
+in ":scriptnames" and get a new <SID>, because the inode has changed.
+When $SHELL is set but empty the 'shell' option would be empty. Don't use an
+empty $SHELL value.
+A command "w! file" in .vimrc or $EXINIT didn't work. Now it writes an empty
+When a CTRL-F command at the end of the file failed, the cursor was still
+moved to the start of the line. Now it remains where it is.
+When using ":s" or "&" to repeat the last substitute and "$" was used to put
+the cursor in the last column, put the cursor in the last column again. This
+is Vi compatible.
+Vim is not fully POSIX compliant but sticks with traditional Vi behavior.
+Added a few flags in 'cpoptions' to behave the POSIX way when wanted. The
+$VIM_POSIX environment variable is checked to set the default.
+Appending to a register didn't insert a line break like Vi. Added the '>'
+flag to 'cpoptions' for this.
+Using "I" in a line with only blanks appended to the line. This is not Vi
+compatible. Added the 'H' flag in 'cpoptions' for this.
+When joining multiple lines the cursor would be at the last joint, but Vi
+leaves it at the position where "J" would put it. Added the 'q' flag in
+'cpoptions' for this.
+Autoindent didn't work for ":insert" and ":append".
+Using ":append" in an empty buffer kept the dummy line. Now it's deleted to
+be Vi compatible.
+When reading commands from a file and stdout goes to a terminal, would still
+request the xterm version. Vim can't read it, thus the output went to the
+shell and caused trouble there.
+When redirecting to a register with an invalid name the redirection would
+still be done (after an error message). Now reset "redir_reg". (Yegappan
+It was not possible to use a NL after a backslash in Ex mode. This is
+sometimes used to feed multiple lines to a shell command.
+When 'cmdheight' is set to 2 in .vimrc and the GUI uses the number of lines
+from the terminal we actually get 3 lines for the cmdline in gvim.
+When setting $HOME allocated memory would leak.
+Win32: bold characters may sometimes write in another character cell. Use
+unicodepdy[] as for UTF-8. (Taro Muraoka)
+":w fname" didn't work for files with 'buftype' set to "nofile".
+The method used to locate user commands for completion differed from when they
+are executed. Ambiguous command names were not completed properly.
+Incremental search may cause a crash when there is a custom statusline that
+indirectly invokes ":normal".
+Diff mode failed when $DIFF_OPTIONS was set in the environment. Unset it
+before invoking "diff".
+Completion didn't work after ":argdo", ":windo" and ":bufdo". Also for ":set
+&l:opt" and ":set &g:opt". (Peter Winters)
+When setting 'ttymouse' to "dec" in an xterm that supports the DEC mouse
+locator it doesn't work. Now switch off the mouse before selecting another
+mouse model.
+When the CursorHold event is triggered and the commands peek for typed
+characters the typeahead buffer may be messed up, e.g., when a mouse-up event
+is received. Avoid invoking the autocommands from the function waiting for a
+character, let it put K_CURSORHOLD in the input buffer.
+Removed the "COUNT" flag from ":argadd", to avoid ":argadd 1*" to be used like
+":1argadd *". Same for ":argdelete" and ":argedit".
+Avoid that $LANG is used for the menus when LC_MESSAGES is "en_US".
+Added backslashes before dashes in the vim.1 manual page to make them appear
+as real dashes. (Pierre Habouzit)
+Where "gq" left the cursor depended on the value of 'formatprg'. Now "gq"
+always leaves the cursor at the last line of the formatted text.
+When editing a compressed file, such as "changelog.Debian.gz" file, filetype
+detection may try to check the contents of the file while it's still
+compressed. Skip setting 'filetype' for compressed files until they have been
+decompressed. Required for patterns that end in a "*".
+Starting with an argument "+cmd" or "-S script" causes the cursor to be moved
+to the first line. That breaks a BufReadPost autocommand that uses g`".
+Don't move the cursor if it's somewhere past the first line.
+"gg=G" while 'modifiable' is off was uninterruptible.
+When 'encoding' is "sjis" inserting CTRL-V u d800 a few times causes a crash.
+Don't insert a DBCS character with a NUL second byte.
+In Insert mode CTRL-O <Home> didn't move the cursor. Made "ins_at_eol" global
+and reset it in nv_home().
+Wildcard expansion failed: ":w /tmp/$$.`echo test`". Don't put quotes around
+spaces inside backticks.
+After this sequence of commands: Y V p gv: the wrong line is selected. Now
+let "gv" select the text that was put, since the original text is deleted.
+This should be the most useful thing to do.
+":sleep 100u" sleeps for 100 seconds, not 100 usec as one might expect. Give
+an error message when the argument isn't recognized.
+In gui_mch_draw_string() in gui_w32.c "unibuflen" wasn't static, resulting in
+reallocating the buffer every time. (Alexei Alexandrov)
+When using a Python "atexit" function it was not invoked when Vim exits. Now
+call Py_Finalize() for that. (Ugo Di Girolamo)
+This breaks the thread stuff though, fixed by Ugo.
+GTK GUI: using a .vimrc with "set cmdheight=2 lines=43" and ":split" right
+after startup, the window layout is messed up. (Michael Schaap) Added
+win_new_shellsize() call in gui_init() to fix the topframe size.
+Trick to get ...MOUSE_NM not used when there are vertical splits. Now pass
+column -1 for the left most window and add MOUSE_COLOFF for others. Limits
+mouse column to 10000.
+searchpair() may hang when the end pattern has "\zs" at the end. Check that
+we find the same position again and advance one character.
+When in diff mode and making a change that causes the "changed" highlighting
+to disappear or reappear, it was still highlighted in another window.
+When a ":next" command fails because the user selects "Abort" at the ATTENTION
+prompt the argument index was advanced anyway.
+When "~" is in 'iskeyword' the "gd" doesn't work, it's used for the previous
+substitute pattern. Put "\V" in the pattern to avoid that.
+Use of sprintf() sometimes didn't check properly for buffer overflow. Also
+when using smsg(). Included code for snprintf() to avoid having to do size
+checks where invoking them
+":help \=<Tab>" didn't find "sub-replace-\=". Wild menu for help tags didn't
+show backslashes. ":he :s\=" didn't work.
+When reading an errorfile "~/" in a file name was not expanded.
+GTK GUI: When adding a scrollbar (e.g. when using ":vsplit") in a script or
+removing it the window size may change. GTK sends us resize events when we
+change the window size ourselves, but they may come at an unexpected moment.
+Peek for a character to get any window resize events and fix 'columns' and
+'lines' to undo this.
+When using the GTK plug mechanism, resizing and focus was not working
+properly. (Neil Bird)
+After deleting files from the argument list a session file generated with
+":mksession" may contain invalid ":next" commands.
+When 'shortmess' is empty and 'keymap' set to accents, in Insert mode CTRL-N
+may cause the hit-enter prompt. Typing 'a then didn't result in the accented
+character. Put the character typed at the prompt back in the typeahead buffer
+so that mapping is done in the right mode.
+setbufvar() and setwinvar() did not give error messages.
+It was possible to set a variable with an illegal name, e.g. with setbufvar().
+It was possible to define a function with illegal name, e.t. ":func F{-1}()"
+CTRL-W F and "gf" didn't use the same method to get the file name.
+When reporting a conversion error the line number of the last error could be
+given. Now report the first encountered error.
+When using ":e ++enc=name file" and iconv() was used for conversion an error
+caused a fall-back to no conversion. Now replace a character with '?' and
+When opening a new buffer the local value of 'bomb' was not initialized from
+the global value.
+Win32: When using the "Edit with Vim" entry the file name was limited to about
+200 characters.
+When using command line completion for ":e *foo" and the file "+foo" exists
+the resulting command ":e +foo" doesn't work. Now insert a backslash: ":e
+When the translation of "-- More --" was not 10 characters long the following
+message would be in the wrong position.
+At the more-prompt the last character in the last line wasn't drawn.
+When deleting non-existing text while 'virtualedit' is set the '[ and '] marks
+were not set.
+Win32: Could not use "**/" in 'path', it had to be "**\".
+The search pattern "\n" did not match at the end of the last line.
+Searching for a pattern backwards, starting on the NUL at the end of the line
+and 'encoding' is "utf-8" would match the pattern just before it incorrectly.
+Affected searchpair('/\*', '', '\*/').
+For the Find/Replace dialog it was possible that not finding the text resulted
+in an error message while redrawing, which cleared the syntax highlighting
+while it was being used, resulting in a crash. Now don't clear syntax
+highlighting, disable it with b_syn_error.
+Win32: Combining UTF-8 characters were drawn on the previous character.
+Could be noticed with a Thai font.
+Output of ":function" could leave some of the typed text behind. (Yegappan
+When the command line history has only a few lines the command line window
+would be opened with these lines above the first window line.
+When using a command line window for search strings ":qa" would result in
+searching for "qa" instead of quitting all windows.
+GUI: When scrolling with the scrollbar and there is a line that doesn't fit
+redrawing may fail. Make sure w_skipcol is valid before redrawing.
+Limit the values of 'columns' and 'lines' to avoid an overflow in Rows *
+Columns. Fixed bad effects when running out of memory (command line would be
+reversed, ":qa!" resulted in ":!aq").
+Motif: "gvim -iconic" opened the window anyway. (David Harrison)
+There is a tiny chance that a symlink gets created between checking for an
+existing file and creating a file. Use the O_NOFOLLOW for open() if it's
+In an empty line "ix<CTRL-O>0" moved the cursor to after the line instead of
+sticking to the first column.
+When using ":wq" and a BufWriteCmd autocmd uses inputsecret() the text was
+echoed anyway. Set terminal to raw mode in getcmdline().
+Unix: ":w a;b~c" caused an error in expanding wildcards.
+When appending to a file with ":w >>fname" in a buffer without a name, causing
+the buffer to use "fname", the modified flag was reset.
+When appending to the current file the "not edited" flag would be reset.
+":w" would overwrite the file accidentally.
+Unix: When filtering text with an external command Vim would still read input,
+causing text typed for the command (e.g., a password) to be eaten and echoed.
+Don't read input when the terminal is in cooked mode.
+The Cygwin version of xxd used CR/LF line separators. (Corinna Vinschen)
+Unix: When filtering text through a shell command some resulting text may be
+dropped. Now after detecting that the child has exited try reading some more
+of its output.
+When inside input(), using "CTRL-R =" and the expression throws an exception
+the command line was not abandoned but it wasn't used either. Now abandon
+typing the command line.
+'delcombine' was also used in Visual and Select mode and for commands like
+"cl". That was illogical and has been disabled.
+When recording while a CursorHold autocommand was defined special keys would
+appear in the register. Now the CursorHold event is not triggered while
+Unix: the src/configure script used ${srcdir-.}, not all shells understand
+that. Use ${srcdir:-.} instead.
+When editing file "a" which is a symlink to file "b" that doesn't exist,
+writing file "a" to create "b" and then ":split b" resulted in two buffers on
+the same file with two different swapfile names. Now set the inode in the
+buffer when creating a new file.
+When 'esckeys' is not set don't send the xterm code to request the version
+string, because it may cause trouble in Insert mode.
+When evaluating an expression for CTRL-R = on the command line it was possible
+to call a function that opens a new window, resulting in errors for
+incremental search, and many other nasty things were possible. Now use the
+|textlock| to disallow changing the buffer or jumping to another window
+to protect from unexpected behavior. Same for CTRL-\ e.
+"d(" deleted the character under the cursor, while the documentation specified
+an exclusive motion. Vi also doesn't delete the character under the cursor.
+Shift-Insert in Insert mode could put the cursor before the last character
+when it just fits in the window. In coladvance() don't stop at the window
+edge when filling with spaces and when in Insert mode. In mswin.vim avoid
+getting a beep from the "l" command.
+Win32 GUI: When Alt-F4 is used to close the window and Cancel is selected in
+the dialog then Vim would insert <M-F4> in the text. Now it's ignored.
+When ":silent! {cmd}" caused the swap file dialog, which isn't displayed,
+there would still be a hit-enter prompt.
+Requesting the termresponse (|t_RV|) early may cause problems with "-c"
+arguments that invoke an external command or even "-c quit". Postpone it
+until after executing "-c" arguments.
+When typing in Insert mode so that a new line is started, using CTRL-G u to
+break undo and start a new change, then joining the lines with <BS> caused
+undo info to be missing. Now reset the insertion start point.
+Syntax HL: When a region start match has a matchgroup and an offset that
+happens to be after the end of the line then it continued in the next line and
+stopped at the region end match, making the region continue after that.
+Now check for the column being past the end of the line in syn_add_end_off().
+When changing a file, setting 'swapfile' off and then on again, making another
+change and killing Vim, then some blocks may be missing from the swapfile.
+When 'swapfile' is switched back on mark all blocks in the swapfile as dirty.
+Added mf_set_dirty().
+Expanding wildcards in a command like ":e aap;<>!" didn't work. Put
+backslashes before characters that are special to the shell. (Adri Verhoef)
+A CursorHold autocommand would cause a message to be cleared. Don't show the
+special key for the event for 'showcmd'.
+When expanding a file name for a shell command, as in "!cmd foo<Tab>" or ":r
+!cmd foo<Tab>" also escape characters that are special for the shell:
+When the name of the buffer was set by a ":r fname" command |cpo-f| no
+autocommands were triggered to notify about the change in the buffer list.
+In the quickfix buffer 'bufhidden' was set to "delete", which caused closing
+the quickfix window to leave an unlisted "No Name" buffer behind every time.
+Win32: when using two screens of different size, setting 'lines' to a large
+value didn't fill the whole screen. (SungHyun Nam)
+Win32 installer: The generated _vimrc contained an absolute path to diff.exe.
+After upgrading it becomes invalid. Now use $VIMRUNTIME instead.
+The command line was cleared too often when 'showmode' was set and ":silent
+normal vy" was used. Don't clear the command line unless the mode was
+actually displayed. Added the "mode_displayed" variable.
+The "load session" toolbar item could not handle a space or other special
+characters in v:this_session.
+":set sta ts=8 sw=4 sts=2" deleted 4 spaces halfway a line instead of 2.
+In a multibyte file the foldmarker could be recognized in the trail byte.
+(Taro Muraoka)
+Pasting with CTRL-V and menu didn't work properly when some commands are
+mapped. Use ":normal!" instead of ":normal". (Tony Apuzzo)
+Crashed when expanding a file name argument in backticks.
+In some situations the menu and scrollbar didn't work, when the value contains
+a CSI byte. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+GTK GUI: When drawing the balloon focus changes and we might get a key release
+event that removed the balloon again. Ignore the key release event.
+'titleold' was included in ":mkexrc" and ":mksession" files.
+":set background&" didn't use the same logic as was used when starting up.
+When "umask" is set such that nothing is writable then the viminfo file would
+be written without write permission. (Julian Bridle)
+Motif: In diff mode dragging one scrollbar didn't update the scrollbar of the
+other diff'ed window.
+When editing in an xterm with a different number of colors than expected the
+screen would be cleared and redrawn, causing the message about the edited file
+to be cleared. Now set "keep_msg" to redraw the last message.
+For a color terminal: When the Normal HL uses bold, possibly to make the color
+lighter, and another HL group specifies a color it might become light as well.
+Now reset bold if a HL group doesn't specify bold itself.
+When using 256 color xterm the color 255 would show up as color 0. Use a
+short instead of a char to store the color number.
+ml_get errors when searching for "\n\zs" in an empty file.
+When selecting a block and using "$" to select until the end of every line and
+not highlighting the character under the cursor the first character of the
+block could be unhighlighted.
+When counting words for the Visual block area and using "$" to select until
+the end of every line only up to the length of the last line was counted.
+"dip" in trailing empty lines left one empty line behind.
+The script ID was only remembered globally for each option. When a buffer- or
+window-local option was set the same "last set" location was changed for all
+buffers and windows. Now remember the script ID for each local option
+GUI: The "Replace All" button didn't handle backslashes in the replacement in
+the same way as "Replace". Escape backslashes so that they are taken
+When using Select mode from Insert mode and typing a key, causing lines to be
+deleted and a message displayed, delayed the effect of inserting the key.
+Now overwrite the message without delay.
+When 'whichwrap' includes "l" then "dl" and "yl" on a single letter line
+worked differently. Now recognize all operators when using "l" at the end of
+a line.
+GTK GUI: when the font selector returned a font name with a comma in it then
+it would be handled like two font names. Now put a backslash before the
+MS-DOS, Win32: When 'encoding' defaults to "latin1" then the value for
+'iskeyword' was still for CPxxx. And when 'nocompatible' was set 'isprint'
+would also be the wrong value.
+When a command was defined not to take arguments and no '|' no warning message
+would be given for using a '|'. Also with ":loadkeymap".
+Motif: When using a fontset and 'encoding' is "utf-8" and sizeof(wchar_t) !=
+sizeof(XChar2b) then display was wrong. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+":all" always set the current window to the first window, even when it
+contains a buffer that is not in the argument list (can't be closed because it
+is modified). Now go to the window that has the first item of the argument
+GUI: To avoid left-over pixels from bold text all characters after a character
+with special attributes were redrawn. Now only do this for characters that
+actually are bold. Speeds up displaying considerably.
+When only highlighting changes and the text is scrolled at the same time
+everything is redrawn instead of using a scroll and updating the changed text.
+E.g., when using ":match" to highlight a paren that the cursor landed on.
+Added SOME_VALID: Redraw the whole window but also try to scroll to minimize
+Win32: When using Korean IME making it active didn't work properly. (Moon,
+Yu-sung, 2005 March 21)
+Ruby interface: when inserting/deleting lines display wasn't updated. (Ryan
+--- fixes since Vim 7.0b ---
+Getting the GCC version in configure didn't work with Solaris sed. First
+strip any "darwin." and then get the version number.
+The "autoload" directory was missing from the self-installing executable for
+The MS-Windows install program would find "vimtutor.bat" in the install
+directory. After changing to "c:" also change to "\" to avoid looking in the
+install directory.
+To make the 16 bit DOS version compile exclude not used highlight
+initializations and build a tiny instead of small version.
+finddir() and findfile() accept a negative count and return a List then.
+The Python indent file contained a few debugging statements, removed.
+Expanding {} for a function name, resulting in a name starting with "s:" was
+not handled correctly.
+Spelling: renamed COMPOUNDMAX to COMPOUNDWORDMAX. Added several items to be
+able to handle the new Hungarian dictionary.
+Mac: Default to building for the current platform only, that is much faster
+than building a universal binary. Also, using Perl/Python/etc. only works for
+the current platform.
+The time on undo messages disappeared for someone. Using %T for strftime()
+apparently doesn't work everywhere. Use %H:%M:%S instead.
+Typing BS at the "z=" prompt removed the prompt.
+--- fixes and changes since Vim 7.0c ---
+When jumping to another tab page the Vim window size was always set, even when
+nothing in the layout changed.
+Win32 GUI tab pages line wasn't always enabled. Do a proper check for the
+compiler version.
+Win32: When switching between tab pages the Vim window was moved when part of
+it was outside of the screen. Now only do that in the direction of a size
+Win32: added menu to GUI tab pages line. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Mac: Added document icons. (Benji Fisher)
+Insert mode completion: Using Enter to accept the current match causes
+confusion. Use CTRL-Y instead. Also, use CTRL-E to go back to the typed
+GUI: When there are left and right scrollbars, ":tabedit" kept them instead of
+using the one that isn't needed.
+Using "gP" to replace al the text could leave the cursor below the last line,
+causing ml_get errors.
+When 'cursorline' is set don't use the highlighting when Visual mode is
+active, otherwise it's difficult to see the selected area.
+The matchparen plugin restricts the search to 100 lines, to avoid a long delay
+when there are closed folds.
+Sometimes using CTRL-X s to list spelling suggestions used text from another
+Win32: Set the default for 'isprint' back to the wrong default "@,~-255",
+because many people use Windows-1252 while 'encoding' is "latin1".
+GTK: Added a workaround for gvim crashing when used over an untrusted ssh
+link, caused by GTK doing something nasty. (Ed Catmur)
+Win32: The font used for the tab page labels is too big. Use the system menu
+font. (George Reilly)
+Win32: Adjusting the window position and size to keep it on the screen didn't
+work properly when the taskbar is on the left or top of the screen.
+The and scripts use ${10}, that didn't work with
+old shells. And use "test -f" instead of "test -e".
+Win32: When 'encoding' was set in the vimrc then a directory argument for diff
+mode didn't work.
+GUI: at the inputlist() prompt the cursorshape was adjusted as if the windows
+were still at their old position.
+The parenmatch plugin didn't remember the highlighting per window.
+Using ":bd" for a buffer that's the current window in another tab page caused
+a crash.
+For a new tab page the 'scroll' option wasn't set to a good default.
+Using an end offset for a search "/pat/e" didn't work properly for multibyte
+text. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+":s/\n/,/" doubled the text when used on the last line.
+When "search" is in 'foldopen' "[s" and "]s" now open folds.
+When using a numbered function "dict" can be omitted, but "self" didn't work
+then. Always add FC_DICT to the function flags when it's part of a
+When "--remote-tab" executes locally it left an empty tab page.
+"gvim -u NONE", ":set cursorcolumn", "C" in the second line didn't update
+text. Do update further lines even though the "$" is displayed.
+VMS: Support GTK better, also enable +clientserver. (Zoltan Arpadffy)
+When highlighting of statusline or tabline is changed there was no redraw to
+show the effect.
+Mac: Added "CFBundleIdentifier" to infplist.xml.
+Added tabpage-local variables t:var.
+Win32: Added double-click in tab pages line creates new tab. (Yegappan
+Motif: Added GUI tab pages line. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Fixed crash when 'lines' was set to 1000 in a modeline.
+When init_spellfile() finds a writable directory in 'runtimepath' but it
+doesn't contain a "spell" directory, create one.
+Win32: executable() also finds "xxd" in the directory where Vim was started,
+but "!xxd" doesn't work. Append the Vim starting directory to $PATH.
+The tab page labels are shortened, directory names are reduced to a single
+letter by default. Added the pathshorten() function to allow a user to do the
+":saveas" now resets 'readonly' if the file was successfully written.
+Set $MYVIMRC file to the first found .vimrc file.
+Set $MYGVIMRC file to the first found .gvimrc file.
+Added menu item "Startup Settings" that edits the $MYVIMRC file
+Added matcharg().
+Error message E745 appeared twice. Renamed one to E786.
+Fixed crash when using "au BufRead * Sexplore" and doing ":help". Was wiping
+out a buffer that's still in a window.
+":hardcopy" resulted in an error message when 'encoding' is "utf-8" and
+'printencoding' is empty. Now it assumes latin1. (Mike Williams)
+The check for the toolbar feature for Motif, depending on certain included
+files, wasn't detailed enough, causing building to fail in gui_xmebw.c.
+Using CTRL-E in Insert mode completion after CTRL-P inserted the first match
+instead of the original text.
+When displaying a UTF-8 character with a zero lower byte Vim might think the
+previous character is double-wide.
+The "nbsp" item of 'listchars' didn't work when 'encoding' was utf-8.
+Motif: when Xm/xpm.h is missing gui_xmebw.c would not compile.
+HAVE_XM_UNHIGHLIGHTT_H was missing a T.
+Mac: Moved the .icns files into src/os_mac_rsrc, so that they can all be
+copied at once. Adjusted the Info.plist file for three icons.
+When Visual mode is active while switching to another tabpage could get ml_get
+When 'list' is set, 'nowrap' the $ in the first column caused 'cursorcolumn'
+to move to the right.
+When a line wraps, 'cursorcolumn' was never displayed past the end of the
+'autochdir' was only available when compiled with NetBeans and GUI. Now it's
+a separate feature, also available in the "big" version.
+Added CTRL-W gf: open file under cursor in new tab page.
+When using the menu in the tab pages line, "New Tab" opens the new tab before
+where the click was. Beyond the labels the new tab appears at the end instead
+of after the current tab page.
+Inside a mapping with an expression getchar() could not be used.
+When vgetc is used recursively vgetc_busy protects it from being used
+recursively. But after a ":normal" command the protection was reset.
+":s/a/b/n" didn't work when 'modifiable' was off.
+When $VIMRUNTIME includes a multibyte character then rgb.txt could not be
+found. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+":mkspell" didn't work correctly for non-ASCII affix flags when conversion is
+needed on the spell file.
+glob('/dir/\$ABC/*') didn't work.
+When using several tab pages and changing 'cmdheight' the display could become
+messed up. Now store the value of 'cmdheight' separately for each tab page.
+The user of the Enter key while the popup menu is visible was still confusing.
+Now use Enter to select the match after using a cursor key.
+Added "usetab" to 'switchbuf'.
+--- fixes and changes since Vim 7.0d ---
+Added CTRL-W T: move a window to a new tab page.
+Using CTRL-X s in Insert mode to complete spelling suggestions and using BS
+deleted characters before the bad word.
+A few small fixes for the VMS makefile. (Zoltan Arpadffy)
+With a window of 91 lines 45 cols, ":vsp" scrolled the window. Copy w_wrow
+when splitting a window and skip setting the height when it's already at the
+right value.
+Using <silent> in a mapping with a shell command and the GUI caused redraw
+to use wrong attributes.
+Win32: Using MSVC 4.1 for install.exe resulted in the start menu items to be
+created in the administrator directory instead of "All Users". Define the
+CSIDL_ items if they are missing.
+Motif: The GUI tabline did not use the space above the right scrollbar. Work
+around a bug in the Motif library. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+The extra files for XML Omni completion are now also installed.
+GTK GUI: when 'm' is missing from 'guioptions' during startup and pressing
+<F10> GTK produced error messages. Now do create the menu but disable it just
+after the first gui_mch_update().
+":mkspell" doesn't work well with the Hungarian dictionary from the Hunspell
+project. Back to the Myspell dictionary.
+In help files hide the | used around tags.
+Renamed pycomplete to pythoncomplete.
+Added "tabpages" to 'sessionoptions'.
+When 'guitablabel' is set the effect wasn't visible right away.
+Fixed a few 'cindent' errors.
+When completing menu names, e.g., after ":emenu", don't sort the entries but
+keep them in the original order.
+Fixed a crash when editing a directory in diff mode. Don't trigger
+autocommands when executing the diff command.
+Getting a keystroke could get stuck if 'encoding' is a multibyte encoding and
+typing a special key.
+When 'foldignore' is set the folds were not updated right away.
+When a list is indexed with [a : b] and b was greater than the length an error
+message was given. Now silently truncate the result.
+When using BS during Insert mode completion go back to the original text, so
+that CTRL-N selects the first matching entry.
+Added the 'M' flag to 'cinoptions'.
+Win32: Make the "gvim --help" window appear in the middle of the screen
+instead of at an arbitrary position. (Randall W. Morris)
+Added gettabwinvar() and settabwinvar().
+Command line completion: pressing <Tab> after ":e /usr/*" expands the whole
+tree, because it becomes ":e /usr/**". Don't add a star if there already is
+Added grey10 to grey90 to all GUIs, so that they can all be used for
+initializing highlighting. Use grey40 for CursorColumn and CursorLine when
+'background' is "dark".
+When reading a file and using iconv for conversion, an incomplete byte
+sequence at the end caused problems. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+--- fixes and changes since Vim 7.0e ---
+Default color for MatchParen when 'background' is "dark" is now DarkCyan.
+":syn off" had to be used twice in a file that sets 'syntax' in a modeline.
+(Michael Geddes)
+When using ":vsp" or ":sp" the available space wasn't used equally between
+windows. (Servatius Brandt)
+Expanding <cWORD> on a trailing blank resulted in the first word in the line
+if 'encoding' is a multibyte encoding.
+Spell checking: spellbadword() didn't see a missing capital in the first word
+of a line. Popup menu now only suggest the capitalized word when appropriate.
+When using whole line completion CTRL-L moves through the matches but it
+didn't work when at the original text.
+When completion finds the longest match, don't go to the first match but stick
+at the original text, so that CTRL-N selects the first one.
+Recognize "zsh-beta" like "zsh" for setting the 'shellpipe' default. (James
+When using ":map <expr>" and the expression results in something with a
+special byte (NUL or CSI) then it didn't work properly. Now escape special
+The default Visual highlighting for a color xterm with 8 colors was a magenta
+background, which made magenta text disappear. Now use reverse in this
+specific situation.
+After completing the longest match "." didn't insert the same text. Repeating
+also didn't work correctly for multibyte text.
+When using Insert mode completion and BS the whole word that was completed
+would result in all possible matches. Now stop completion. Also fixes that
+for spell completion the previous word was deleted.
+GTK: When 'encoding' is "latin1" and using non-ASCII characters in a file name
+the tab page label was wrong and an error message would be given.
+The taglist() function could hang on a tags line with a non-ASCII character.
+Win32: When 'encoding' differs from the system encoding tab page labels with
+non-ASCII characters looked wrong. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Motif: building failed when Xm/Notebook.h doesn't exist. Added a configure
+check, disable GUI tabline when it's missing.
+Mac: When compiled without multibyte feature the clipboard didn't work.
+It was possible to switch to another tab page when the cmdline window is open.
+Completion could hang when 'lines' is 6 and a preview window was opened.
+Added CTRL-W gF: open file under cursor in new tab page and jump to the line
+number following the file name.
+Added 'guitabtooltip'. Implemented for Win32 (Yegappan Lakshmanan).
+Added "throw" to 'debug' option: throw an exception for error messages even
+when they would otherwise be ignored.
+When 'keymap' is set and a line contains an invalid entry could get a "No
+mapping found" warning instead of a proper error message.
+Motif: default to using XpmAttributes instead of XpmAttributes_21.
+A few more changes for 64 bit MS-Windows. (George Reilly)
+Got ml_get errors when doing "o" and selecting in other window where there are
+less lines shorter than the cursor position in the other window. ins_mouse()
+was using position in wrong window.
+Win32 GUI: Crash when giving a lot of messages during startup. Allocate twice
+as much memory for the dialog template.
+Fixed a few leaks and wrong pointer use reported by coverity.
+When showing menus the mode character was sometimes wrong.
+Added feedkeys(). (Yakov Lerner)
+Made matchlist() always return all submatches.
+Moved triggering QuickFixCmdPost to before jumping to the first location.
+Mac: Added the 'macatsui' option as a temporary work around for text drawing
+Line completion on "/**" gave error messages when scanning an unloaded buffer.
+--- fixes and changes since Vim 7.0f ---
+Win32: The height of the tab page labels is now adjusted to the font height.
+(Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Win32: selecting the tab label was off by one. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Added tooltips for Motif and GTK tab page labels. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+When 'encoding' is "utf-8" then ":help spell" would report an illegal byte and
+the file was not converted from latin1 to utf-8. Now retry with latin1 if
+reading the file as utf-8 results in illegal bytes.
+Escape the argument of feedkeys() before putting it in the typeahead buffer.
+(Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Added the v:char variable for evaluating 'formatexpr'. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+With 8 colors Search highlighting combined with Statement highlighted text
+made the text disappear.
+VMS: avoid warnings for redefining MAX and MIN. (Zoltan Arpadffy)
+When 'virtualedit' includes "onemore", stopping Visual selection would still
+move the cursor left.
+Prevent that using CTRL-R = in Insert mode can start Visual mode.
+Fixed a crash that occurred when in Insert mode with completion active and a
+mapping caused edit() to be called recursively.
+When using CTRL-O in Insert mode just after the last character while
+'virtualedit' is "all", then typing CR moved the last character to the next
+line. Call coladvance() before starting the new line.
+When using |:shell| ignore clicks on the tab page labels. Also when using the
+command line window.
+When 'eventignore' is "all" then adding more to ignoring some events, e.g.,
+for ":vimgrep", would actually trigger more events.
+Win32: When a running Vim uses server name GVIM1 then "gvim --remote fname"
+didn't find it. When looking for a server name that doesn't end in a digit
+and it is not found then use another server with that name and a number (just
+like on Unix).
+When using "double" in 'spellsuggest' when the language doesn't support sound
+folding resulted in too many suggestions.
+Win32: Dropping a shortcut on the Vim icon didn't edit the referred file like
+editing it in another way would. Use fname_expand() in buf_set_name() instead
+of simply make the file name a full path.
+Using feedkeys() could cause Vim to hang.
+When closing another tab page from the tabline menu in Insert mode the tabline
+was not updated right away.
+The syntax menu didn't work in compatible mode.
+After using ":tag id" twice with the same "id", ":ts" and then ":pop" a ":ts"
+reported no matching tag. Clear the cached tag name.
+In Insert mode the matchparen plugin highlighted the wrong paren when there is
+a string just next to a paren.
+GTK: After opening a new tab page the text was sometimes not drawn correctly.
+Flush output and catch up with events when updating the tab page labels.
+In the GUI, using CTRL-W q to close the last window of a tab page could cause
+a crash.
+GTK: The tab pages line menu was not converted from 'encoding' to utf-8.
+Typing a multibyte character or a special key at the hit-enter prompt did not
+When 'virtualedit' contains "onemore" CTRL-O in Insert mode still moved the
+cursor left when it was after the end of the line, even though it's allowed to
+be there.
+Added test for using tab pages.
+towupper() and towlower() were not used, because of checking for
+__STDC__ISO_10646__ instead of __STDC_ISO_10646__. (sertacyildiz)
+For ":map <expr>" forbid changing the text, jumping to another buffer and
+using ":normal" to avoid nasty side effects.
+--- fixes and changes since Vim 7.0g ---
+Compilation error on HP-UX, use of "dlerr" must be inside a #ifdef.
+(Gary Johnson)
+Report +reltime feature in ":version" output.
+The tar and zip plugins detect failure to get the contents of the archive and
+edit the file as-is.
+When the result of 'guitablabel' is empty fall back to the default label.
+Fixed crash when using ":insert" in a while loop and missing "endwhile".
+"gt" and other commands could move to another window when |textlock| active
+and when the command line window was open.
+Spell checking a file with syntax highlighting and a bad word at the end of
+the line is ignored could make "]s" hang.
+Mac: inputdialog() didn't work when compiled with big features.
+Interrupting ":vimgrep" while it is busy loading a file left a modified and
+hidden buffer behind. Use enter_cleanup() and leave_cleanup() around
+When making 'keymap' empty the b:keymap_name variable wasn't deleted.
+Using CTRL-N that searches a long time, pressing space to interrupt the
+searching and accept the first match, the popup menu was still displayed
+When setting the Vim window height with -geometry the 'window' option could be
+at a value that makes CTRL-F behave differently.
+When opening a quickfix window in two tabs they used different buffers,
+causing redrawing problems later. Now use the same buffer for all quickfix
+windows. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+When 'mousefocus' is set moving the mouse to the text tab pages line would
+move focus to the first window. Also, the mouse pointer would jump to the
+active window.
+In a session file, when an empty buffer is wiped out, do this silently.
+When one window has the cursor on the last line and another window is resized
+to make that window smaller, the cursor line could go below the displayed
+lines. In win_new_height() subtract one from the available space.
+Also avoid that using "~" lines makes the window scroll down.
+Mac: When sourcing the "macmap.vim" script and then finding a .vimrc file the
+'cpo' option isn't set properly, because it was already set and restored.
+Added the <special> argument to ":map", so that 'cpo' doesn't need to be
+changed to be able to use <> notation. Also do this for ":menu" for
+When using "/encoding=abc" in a spell word list, only "bc" was used.
+When 'encoding' and 'printencoding' were both "utf-8" then ":hardcopy" didn't
+work. (Mike Williams)
+Mac: When building with "--disable-gui" the install directory would still be
+"/Applications" and would be installed. Now install in /usr/local as
+usual for a console application.
+GUI: when doing completion and there is one match and still searching for
+another, the cursor was displayed at the end of the line instead of after the
+match. Now show the cursor after the match while still searching for matches.
+GUI: The mouse shape changed on the statusline even when 'mouse' was empty and
+they can't be dragged.
+GTK2: Selecting a button in the confirm() dialog with Tab or cursor keys and
+hitting Enter didn't select that button. Removed GTK 1 specific code. (Neil
+When evaluating 'balloonexpr' takes a long time it could be called
+recursively, which could cause a crash.
+exists() could not be used to detect whether ":2match" is supported. Added a
+check for it specifically.
+GTK1: Tab page labels didn't work. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Insert mode completion: When finding matches use 'ignorecase', but when adding
+matches to the list don't use it, so that all words with different case are
+added, "word", "Word" and "WORD".
+When 'cursorline' and 'hlsearch' are set and the search pattern is "x\n"
+the rest of the line was highlighted as a match.
+Cursor moved while evaluating 'balloonexpr' that invokes ":isearch" and
+redirects the output. Don't move the cursor to the command line if msg_silent
+is set.
+exists() ignored text after a function name and option name, which could
+result in false positives.
+exists() ignored characters after the recognized word, which can be wrong when
+using a name with non-keyword characters. Specifically, these calls no longer
+allow characters after the name: exists('*funcname') exists('*funcname(...')
+exists('&option') exists(':cmd') exists('g:name') exists('g:name[n]')
+Trigger the TabEnter autocommand only after entering the current window of the
+tab page, otherwise the commands are executed with an invalid current window.
+Win32: When using two monitors and Vim is on the second monitor, changing the
+width of the Vim window could make it jump to the first monitor.
+When scrolling back at the more prompt and the quitting a line of text would
+be left behind when 'cmdheight' is 2 or more.
+Fixed a few things for Insert mode completion, especially when typing BS,
+CTRL-N or a printable character while still searching for matches.
+VERSION 7.1 *version-7.1* *version7.1*
+This section is about improvements made between version 7.0 and 7.1.
+This is a bug-fix release, there are no fancy new features.
+Changed *changed-7.1*
+Added setting 'mouse' in vimrc_example.vim.
+When building with MZscheme also look for include files in the "plt"
+subdirectory. That's where they are for FreeBSD.
+The Ruby interface module is now called "Vim" instead of "VIM". But "VIM" is
+an alias, so it's backwards compatible. (Tim Pope)
+Added *added-7.1*
+New syntax files:
+ /var/log/messages (Yakov Lerner)
+ Autohotkey (Nikolai Weibull)
+ AutoIt v3 (Jared Breland)
+ Bazaar commit file "bzr". (Dmitry Vasiliev)
+ Cdrdao TOC (Nikolai Weibull)
+ Cmusrc (Nikolai Weibull)
+ Conary recipe (rPath Inc)
+ Framescript (Nikolai Weibull)
+ FreeBasic (Mark Manning)
+ Hamster (David Fishburn)
+ IBasic (Mark Manning)
+ Initng (Elan Ruusamae)
+ Ldapconf (Nikolai Weibull)
+ Litestep (Nikolai Weibull)
+ Privoxy actions file (Doug Kearns)
+ Streaming Descriptors "sd" (Puria Nafisi Azizi)
+New tutor files:
+ Czech (Lubos Turek)
+ Hungarian (Arpad Horvath)
+ Turkish (Serkan kkk)
+ utf-8 version of Greek tutor.
+ utf-8 version of Russian tutor.
+ utf-8 version of Slowak tutor.
+New filetype plugins:
+ Bst (Tim Pope)
+ Cobol (Tim Pope)
+ Fvwm (Gautam Iyer)
+ Hamster (David Fishburn)
+ Django HTML template (Dave Hodder)
+New indent files:
+ Bst (Tim Pope)
+ Cobol (Tim Pope)
+ Hamster (David Fishburn)
+ Django HTML template (Dave Hodder)
+ Javascript
+ JSP (David Fishburn)
+New keymap files:
+ Bulgarian (Boyko Bantchev)
+ Mongolian (Natsagdorj Shagdar)
+ Thaana (Ibrahim Fayaz)
+ Vietnamese (Samuel Thibault)
+Other new runtime files:
+ Ada support files. (Neil Bird, Martin Krischik)
+ Slovenian menu translations (Mojca Miklavec)
+ Mono C# compiler plugin (Jarek Sobiecki)
+Fixed *fixed-7.1*
+Could not build the Win32s version. Added a few structure definitions in
+Patch 7.0.001
+Problem: ":set spellsuggest+=10" does not work. (Suresh Govindachar)
+Solution: Add P_COMMA to the 'spellsuggest' flags.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.0.002
+Problem: C omni completion has a problem with tags files with a path
+ containing "#" or "%".
+Solution: Escape these characters. (Sebastian Baberowski)
+Files: runtime/autoload/ccomplete.vim
+Patch 7.0.003
+Problem: GUI: clicking in the lower part of a label in the tab pages line
+ while 'mousefocus' is set may warp the mouse pointer. (Robert
+ Webb)
+Solution: Check for a negative mouse position.
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.0.004
+Problem: Compiler warning for debug_saved used before set. (Todd Blumer)
+Solution: Remove the "else" for calling save_dbg_stuff().
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.0.005 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: The installer doesn't remove the "autoload" and "spell"
+ directories. (David Fishburn)
+Solution: Add the directories to the list to be removed.
+Files: nsis/gvim.nsi
+Patch 7.0.006
+Problem: Mac: "make shadow" doesn't make a link for infplist.xml. (Axel
+ Kielhorn)
+Solution: Make the link.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.0.007
+Problem: AIX: compiling fails for message.c. (Ruediger Hornig)
+Solution: Move the #if outside of memchr().
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.0.008
+Problem: Can't call a function that uses both <SID> and {expr}. (Thomas)
+Solution: Check both the expanded and unexpanded name for <SID>.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.009
+Problem: ml_get errors with both 'sidescroll' and 'spell' set.
+Solution: Use ml_get_buf() instead of ml_get(), get the line from the right
+ buffer, not the current one.
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.0.010
+Problem: The spellfile plugin required typing login name and password.
+Solution: Use "anonymous" and "vim7user" by default. No need to setup a
+ .netrc file.
+Files: runtime/autoload/spellfile.vim
+Patch 7.0.011
+Problem: Can't compile without the folding and with the eval feature.
+Solution: Add an #ifdef. (Vallimar)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.0.012
+Problem: Using the matchparen plugin, moving the cursor in Insert mode to a
+ shorter line that ends in a brace, changes the preferred column
+Solution: Use winsaveview()/winrestview() instead of getpos()/setpos().
+Files: runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
+Patch 7.0.013
+Problem: Insert mode completion: using CTRL-L to add an extra character
+ also deselects the current match, making it impossible to use
+ CTRL-L a second time.
+Solution: Keep the current match. Also make CTRL-L work at the original
+ text, using the first displayed match.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.014
+Problem: Compiling gui_xmebw.c fails on Dec Alpha Tru64. (Rolfe)
+Solution: Disable some code for Motif 1.2 and older.
+Files: src/gui_xmebw.c
+Patch 7.0.015
+Problem: Athena: compilation problems with modern compiler.
+Solution: Avoid type casts for lvalue. (Alexey Froloff)
+Files: src/gui_at_fs.c
+Patch 7.0.016
+Problem: Printing doesn't work for "dec-mcs" encoding.
+Solution: Add "dec-mcs", "mac-roman" and "hp-roman8" to the list of
+ recognized 8-bit encodings. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.0.017 (after 7.0.014)
+Problem: Linking gui_xmebw.c fails on Dec Alpha Tru64. (Rolfe)
+Solution: Adjust defines for Motif 1.2 and older.
+Files: src/gui_xmebw.c
+Patch 7.0.018
+Problem: VMS: plugins are not loaded on startup.
+Solution: Remove "**" from the path. (Zoltan Arpadffy)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.0.019
+Problem: Repeating "VjA789" may cause a crash. (James Vega)
+Solution: Check the cursor column after moving it to another line.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.0.020
+Problem: Crash when using 'mousefocus'. (William Fulton)
+Solution: Make buffer for mouse coordinates 2 bytes longer. (Juergen Weigert)
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.0.021
+Problem: Crash when using "\\[" and "\\]" in 'errorformat'. (Marc Weber)
+Solution: Check for valid submatches after matching the pattern.
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.0.022
+Problem: Using buffer.append() in Ruby may append the line to the wrong
+ buffer. (Alex Norman)
+Solution: Properly switch to the buffer to do the appending. Also for
+ buffer.delete() and setting a buffer line.
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.0.023
+Problem: Crash when doing spell completion in an empty line and pressing
+Solution: Check for a zero pointer. (James Vega)
+ Also handle a situation without a matching pattern better, report
+ "No matches" instead of remaining in undefined CTRL-X mode. And
+ get out of CTRL-X mode when typing a letter.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.024
+Problem: It is possible to set arbitrary "v:" variables.
+Solution: Disallow setting "v:" variables that are not predefined.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.025
+Problem: Crash when removing an element of a:000. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Solution: Mark the a:000 list with VAR_FIXED.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.026
+Problem: Using libcall() may show an old error.
+Solution: Invoke dlerror() to clear a previous error. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.0.027 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: When compiled with SNIFF gvim may hang on exit.
+Solution: Translate and dispatch the WM_USER message. (Mathias Michaelis)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.0.028 (extra)
+Problem: OS/2: Vim doesn't compile with gcc 3.2.1.
+Solution: Add argument to after_pathsep(), don't define vim_handle_signal(),
+ define HAVE_STDARG_H. (David Sanders)
+Files: src/os_unix.c, src/vim.h, src/os_os2_cfg.h
+Patch 7.0.029
+Problem: getchar() may not position the cursor after a space.
+Solution: Position the cursor explicitly.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.030
+Problem: The ":compiler" command can't be used in a FileChangedRO event.
+ (Hari Krishna Dara)
+Solution: Add the CMDWIN flag to the ":compiler" command.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h
+Patch 7.0.031
+Problem: When deleting a buffer the buffer-local mappings for Select mode
+ remain.
+Solution: Add the Select mode bit to MAP_ALL_MODES. (Edwin Steiner)
+Files: src/vim.h
+Patch 7.0.032 (extra, after 7.0.027)
+Problem: Missing semicolon.
+Solution: Add the semicolon.
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.0.033
+Problem: When pasting text, with the menu or CTRL-V, autoindent is removed.
+Solution: Use "x<BS>" to avoid indent to be removed. (Benji Fisher)
+Files: runtime/autoload/paste.vim
+Patch 7.0.034
+Problem: After doing completion and typing more characters or using BS
+ repeating with "." didn't work properly. (Martin Stubenschrott)
+Solution: Don't put BS and other characters in the redo buffer right away,
+ do this when finishing completion.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.035
+Problem: Insert mode completion works when typed but not when replayed from
+ a register. (Hari Krishna Dara)
+ Also: Mappings for Insert mode completion don't always work.
+Solution: When finding a non-completion key in the input don't interrupt
+ completion when it wasn't typed.
+ Do use mappings when checking for typeahead while still finding
+ completions. Avoids that completion is interrupted too soon.
+ Use "compl_pending" in a different way.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.036
+Problem: Can't compile with small features and syntax highlighting or the
+ diff feature.
+Solution: Define LINE_ATTR whenever syntax highlighting or the diff feature
+ is enabled.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.0.037
+Problem: Crash when resizing the GUI window vertically when there is a line
+ that doesn't fit.
+Solution: Don't redraw while the screen data is invalid.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.0.038
+Problem: When calling complete() from an Insert mode expression mapping
+ text could be inserted in an improper way.
+Solution: Make undo_allowed() global and use it in complete().
+Files: src/undo.c, src/proto/, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.039
+Problem: Calling inputdialog() with a third argument in the console doesn't
+ work.
+Solution: Make a separate function for input() and inputdialog(). (Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.040
+Problem: When 'cmdheight' is larger than 1 using inputlist() or selecting
+ a spell suggestion with the mouse gets the wrong entry.
+Solution: Start listing the first alternative on the last line of the screen.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/spell.c
+Patch 7.0.041
+Problem: cursor([1, 1]) doesn't work. (Peter Hodge)
+Solution: Allow leaving out the third item of the list and use zero for the
+ virtual column offset.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.042
+Problem: When pasting a block of text in Insert mode Vim hangs or crashes.
+ (Noam Halevy)
+Solution: Avoid that the cursor is positioned past the NUL of a line.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.0.043
+Problem: Using "%!" at the start of 'statusline' doesn't work.
+Solution: Recognize the special item when the option is being set.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.0.044
+Problem: Perl: setting a buffer line in another buffer may result in
+ changing the current buffer.
+Solution: Properly change to the buffer to be changed.
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.0.045 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Warnings when compiling OLE version with MSVC 2005.
+Solution: Move including vim.h to before windows.h. (Ilya Bobir)
+Files: src/if_ole.cpp
+Patch 7.0.046
+Problem: The matchparen plugin ignores parens in strings, but not in single
+ quotes, often marked with "character".
+Solution: Also ignore parens in syntax items matching "character".
+Files: runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
+Patch 7.0.047
+Problem: When running configure the exit status is wrong.
+Solution: Handle the exit status properly. (Matthew Woehlke)
+Files: configure, src/configure
+Patch 7.0.048
+Problem: Writing a compressed file fails when there are parens in the name.
+ (Wang Jian)
+Solution: Put quotes around the temp file name.
+Files: runtime/autoload/gzip.vim
+Patch 7.0.049
+Problem: Some TCL scripts are not recognized. (Steven Atkinson)
+Solution: Check for "exec wish" in the file.
+Files: runtime/scripts.vim
+Patch 7.0.050
+Problem: After using the netbeans interface close command a stale pointer
+ may be used.
+Solution: Clear the pointer to the closed buffer. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.0.051 (after 7.0.44)
+Problem: The Perl interface doesn't compile or doesn't work properly.
+Solution: Remove the spaces before #ifdef and avoid an empty line above it.
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.0.052
+Problem: The user may not be aware that the Vim server allows others more
+ functionality than desired.
+Solution: When running Vim as root don't become a Vim server without an
+ explicit --servername argument.
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.0.053
+Problem: Shortening a directory name may fail when there are multibyte
+ characters.
+Solution: Copy the correct bytes. (Titov Anatoly)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.0.054
+Problem: Mac: Using a menu name that only has a mnemonic or accelerator
+ causes a crash. (Elliot Shank)
+Solution: Check for an empty menu name. Also delete empty submenus that
+ were created before detecting the error.
+Files: src/menu.c
+Patch 7.0.055
+Problem: ":startinsert" in a CmdwinEnter autocommand doesn't take immediate
+ effect. (Bradley White)
+Solution: Put a NOP key in the typeahead buffer. Also avoid that using
+ CTRL-C to go back to the command line moves the cursor left.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.0.056
+Problem: "#!something" gives an error message.
+Solution: Ignore this line, so that it can be used in an executable Vim
+ script.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.0.057 (extra, after 7.0.45)
+Problem: Win32: Compilation problem with Borland C 5.5.
+Solution: Include vim.h as before. (Mark S. Williams)
+Files: src/if_ole.cpp
+Patch 7.0.058
+Problem: The gbk and gb18030 encodings are not recognized.
+Solution: Add aliases to cp936. (Edward L. Fox)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.0.059
+Problem: The Perl interface doesn't compile with ActiveState Perl 5.8.8.
+Solution: Remove the __attribute__() items. (Liu Yubao)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.0.060 (after 7.0.51)
+Problem: Code for temporarily switching to another buffer is duplicated in
+ quite a few places.
+Solution: Use aucmd_prepbuf() and aucmd_restbuf() also when FEAT_AUTOCMD is
+ not defined.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/eval.c, src/fileio.c, src/if_ruby.c,
+ src/if_perl.xs, src/quickfix.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.0.061
+Problem: Insert mode completion for Vim commands may crash if there is
+ nothing to complete.
+Solution: Instead of freeing the pattern make it empty, so that a "not
+ found" error is given. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.062
+Problem: Mac: Crash when using the popup menu for spell correction. The
+ popup menu appears twice when letting go of the right mouse button
+ early.
+Solution: Don't show the popup menu on the release of the right mouse
+ button. Also check that a menu pointer is actually valid.
+Files: src/proto/, src/menu.c, src/normal.c, src/term.c
+Patch 7.0.063
+Problem: Tiny chance for a memory leak. (coverity)
+Solution: Free pointer when next memory allocation fails.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.064
+Problem: Using uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: When not used set "temp" to zero. Also avoid a warning for
+ "files" in ins_compl_dictionaries().
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.065 (extra)
+Problem: Mac: left-right movement of the scrollwheel causes up-down
+ scrolling.
+Solution: Ignore mouse wheel events that are not up-down. (Nicolas Weber)
+Files: src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.0.066
+Problem: After the popup menu for Insert mode completion overlaps the tab
+ pages line it is not completely removed.
+Solution: Redraw the tab pages line after removing the popup menu. (Ori
+ Avtalion)
+Files: src/popupmnu.c
+Patch 7.0.067
+Problem: Undo doesn't always work properly when using "scim" input method.
+ Undo is split up when using preediting.
+Solution: Reset xim_has_preediting also when preedit_start_col is not
+ MAXCOL. Don't split undo when <Left> is used while preediting.
+ (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.0.068
+Problem: When 'ignorecase' is set and using Insert mode completion,
+ typing characters to change the list of matches, case is not
+ ignored. (Hugo Ahlenius)
+Solution: Store the 'ignorecase' flag with the matches where needed.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/search.c, src/spell.c
+Patch 7.0.069
+Problem: Setting 'guitablabel' to %!expand(\%) causes Vim to free an
+ invalid pointer. (Kim Schulz)
+Solution: Don't try freeing a constant string pointer.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.0.070
+Problem: Compiler warnings for shadowed variables and uninitialized
+ variables.
+Solution: Rename variables such as "index", "msg" and "dup". Initialize
+ variables.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_cmds2.c,
+ src/ex_docmd.c, src/gui_beval.c, src/gui_gtk.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c,
+ src/hardcopy.c, src/if_cscope.c, src/main.c, src/mbyte.c,
+ src/memline.c, src/netbeans.c, src/normal.c, src/option.c,
+ src/os_unix.c, src/quickfix.c, src/regexp.c, src/screen.c,
+ src/search.c, src/spell.c, src/ui.c, src/undo.c, src/window.c,
+ src/version.c
+Patch 7.0.071
+Problem: Using an empty search pattern may cause a crash.
+Solution: Avoid using a NULL pointer.
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.0.072
+Problem: When starting the GUI fails there is no way to adjust settings or
+ do something else.
+Solution: Add the GUIFailed autocommand event.
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/gui.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.0.073
+Problem: Insert mode completion: Typing <CR> sometimes selects the original
+ text instead of keeping what was typed. (Justin Constantino)
+Solution: Don't let <CR> select the original text if there is no popup menu.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.074 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: tooltips were not converted from 'encoding' to Unicode.
+Solution: Set the tooltip to use Unicode and do the conversion. Also
+ cleanup the code for the tab pages tooltips. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.0.075
+Problem: winsaveview() did not store the actual value of the desired cursor
+ column. This could move the cursor in the matchparen plugin.
+Solution: Call update_curswant() before using the value w_curswant.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.076 (after 7.0.010)
+Problem: Automatic downloading of spell files only works for ftp.
+Solution: Don't add login and password for non-ftp URLs. (Alexander Patrakov)
+Files: runtime/autoload/spellfile.vim
+Patch 7.0.077
+Problem: ":unlet v:this_session" causes a crash. (Marius Roets)
+Solution: When trying to unlet a fixed variable give an error message.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.078
+Problem: There are two error messages E46.
+Solution: Change the number for the sandbox message to E794.
+Files: src/globals.h
+Patch 7.0.079
+Problem: Russian tutor doesn't work when 'encoding' is "utf-8".
+Solution: Use as the master, and generate the other encodings
+ from it. Select the right tutor depending on 'encoding'. (Alexey
+ Froloff)
+Files: runtime/tutor/Makefile, runtime/tutor/tutor.vim,
+ runtime/tutor/
+Patch 7.0.080
+Problem: Generating auto/pathdef.c fails for CFLAGS with a backslash.
+Solution: Double backslashes in the string. (Alexey Froloff)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.0.081
+Problem: Command line completion doesn't work for a shell command with an
+ absolute path.
+Solution: Don't use $PATH when there is an absolute path.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.0.082
+Problem: Calling a function that waits for input may cause List and
+ Dictionary arguments to be freed by the garbage collector.
+Solution: Keep a list of all arguments to internal functions.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.083
+Problem: Clicking with the mouse on an item for inputlist() doesn't work
+ when 'compatible' is set and/or when 'cmdheight' is more than one.
+ (Christian J. Robinson)
+Solution: Also decrement "lines_left" when 'more' isn't set. Set
+ "cmdline_row" to zero to get all mouse events.
+Files: src/message.c, src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.0.084
+Problem: The garbage collector may do its work while some Lists or
+ Dictionaries are used internally, e.g., by ":echo" that runs into
+ the more-prompt or ":echo [garbagecollect()]".
+Solution: Only do garbage collection when waiting for a character at the
+ toplevel. Let garbagecollect() set a flag that is handled at the
+ toplevel before waiting for a character.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/getchar.c, src/globals.h, src/main.c
+Patch 7.0.085
+Problem: When doing "make test" the viminfo file is modified.
+Solution: Use another viminfo file after setting 'compatible'.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.0.086
+Problem: getqflist() returns entries for pattern and text with the number
+ zero. Passing these to setqflist() results in the string "0".
+Solution: Use an empty string instead of the number zero.
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.0.087
+Problem: After ":file fname" and ":saveas fname" the 'autochdir' option
+ does not take effect. (Yakov Lerner)
+ Commands for handling 'autochdir' are repeated many times.
+Solution: Add the DO_AUTOCHDIR macro and do_autochdir(). Use it for
+ ":file fname" and ":saveas fname".
+Files: src/proto/, src/buffer.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/macros.h,
+ src/netbeans.c, src/option.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.0.088
+Problem: When compiled with Perl the generated prototypes have "extern"
+ unnecessarily added.
+Solution: Remove the "-pipe" argument from PERL_CFLAGS.
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.0.089
+Problem: "ga" does not work properly for a non-Unicode multibyte encoding.
+Solution: Only check for composing chars for utf-8. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.0.090
+Problem: Cancelling the conform() dialog on the console with Esc requires
+ typing it twice. (Benji Fisher)
+Solution: When the start of an escape sequence is found use 'timeoutlen' or
+ 'ttimeoutlen'.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.0.091
+Problem: Using winrestview() while 'showcmd' is set causes the cursor to be
+ displayed in the wrong position. (Yakov Lerner)
+Solution: Set the window topline properly.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.092 (after 7.0.082 and 7.0.084)
+Problem: The list of internal function arguments is obsolete now that
+ garbage collection is only done at the toplevel.
+Solution: Remove the list of all arguments to internal functions.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.093
+Problem: The matchparen plugin can't handle a 'matchpairs' value where a
+ colon is matched.
+Solution: Change the split() that is used to change 'matchpairs' into a
+ List.
+Files: runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
+Patch 7.0.094
+Problem: When a hidden buffer is made the current buffer and another file
+ edited later, the file message will still be given. Using
+ ":silent" also doesn't prevent the file message. (Marvin Renich)
+Solution: Reset the need_fileinfo flag when reading a file. Don't set
+ need_fileinfo when msg_silent is set.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.0.095
+Problem: The Greek tutor is not available in utf-8. "el" is used for the
+ language, only "gr" for the country is recognized.
+Solution: Add the utf-8 Greek tutor. Use it for conversion to iso-8859-7
+ and cp737. (Lefteris Dimitroulakis)
+Files: runtime/tutor/Makefile, runtime/tutor/,
+ runtime/tutor/tutor.vim
+Patch 7.0.096
+Problem: taglist() returns the filename relative to the tags file, while
+ the directory of the tags file is unknown. (Hari Krishna Dara)
+Solution: Expand the file name. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 7.0.097
+Problem: ":tabclose N" that closes another tab page does not remove the tab
+ pages line. Same problem when using the mouse.
+Solution: Adjust the tab pages line when needed in tabpage_close_other().
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.0.098
+Problem: Redirecting command output in a cmdline completion function
+ doesn't work. (Hari Krishna Dara)
+Solution: Enable redirection when redirection is started.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.0.099
+Problem: GUI: When the popup menu is visible using the scrollbar messes up
+ the display.
+Solution: Disallow scrolling the current window. Redraw the popup menu
+ after scrolling another window.
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.0.100
+Problem: "zug" may report the wrong filename. (Lawrence Kesteloot)
+Solution: Call home_replace() to fill NameBuff[].
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.0.101
+Problem: When the "~/.vim/spell" directory does not exist "zg" may create
+ a wrong directory. "zw" doesn't work.
+Solution: Use the directory of the file name instead of NameBuff. For "zw"
+ not only remove a good word but also add the word with "!".
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.0.102
+Problem: Redrawing cmdline is not correct when using SCIM.
+Solution: Don't call im_get_status(). (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.0.103 (after 7.0.101)
+Problem: Compiler warning for uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Init variable.
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.0.104
+Problem: The CursorHoldI event only triggers once in Insert mode. It also
+ triggers after CTRL-V and other two-key commands.
+Solution: Set "did_cursorhold" before getting a second key. Reset
+ "did_cursorhold" after handling a command.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.0.105
+Problem: When using incremental search the statusline ruler isn't updated.
+ (Christoph Koegl)
+Solution: Update the statusline when it contains the ruler.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.0.106
+Problem: The spell popup menu uses ":amenu", triggering mappings. Other
+ PopupMenu autocommands are removed. (John Little)
+Solution: Use ":anoremenu" and use an autocmd group.
+Files: runtime/menu.vim
+Patch 7.0.107
+Problem: Incremental search doesn't redraw the text tabline. (Ilya Bobir)
+ Also happens in other situations with one window in a tab page.
+Solution: Redraw the tabline after clearing the screen.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.0.108 (extra)
+Problem: Amiga: Compilation problem.
+Solution: Have mch_mkdir() return a failure flag. (Willy Catteau)
+Files: src/os_amiga.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.0.109
+Problem: Lisp indenting is confused by escaped quotes in strings. (Dorai
+ Sitaram)
+Solution: Check for backslash inside strings. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.0.110
+Problem: Amiga: Compilation problems when not using libnix.
+Solution: Change a few #ifdefs. (Willy Catteau)
+Files: src/memfile.c
+Patch 7.0.111
+Problem: The gzip plugin can't handle filenames with single quotes.
+Solution: Add and use the shellescape() function. (partly by Alexey Froloff)
+Files: runtime/autoload/gzip.vim, runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c,
+ src/mbyte.c, src/misc2.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.0.112
+Problem: Python interface does not work with Python 2.5.
+Solution: Change PyMem_DEL() to Py_DECREF(). (Sumner Hayes)
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.0.113
+Problem: Using CTRL-L in Insert completion when there is no current match
+ may cause a crash. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Check for compl_leader to be NULL
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.114
+Problem: When aborting an insert with CTRL-C an extra undo point is
+ created in the GUI. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Call gotchars() only when advancing.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.0.115
+Problem: When 'ignorecase' is set, Insert mode completion only adds "foo"
+ and not "Foo" when both are found.
+ A found match isn't displayed right away when 'completeopt' does
+ not have "menu" or "menuone".
+Solution: Do not ignore case when checking if a completion match already
+ exists. call ins_compl_check_keys() also when not using a popup
+ menu. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.116
+Problem: 64 bit Windows version reports "32 bit" in the ":version" output.
+ (M. Veerman)
+Solution: Change the text for Win64.
+Files: src/version.c
+Patch 7.0.117
+Problem: Using "extend" on a syntax item inside a region with "keepend", an
+ intermediate item may be truncated.
+ When applying the "keepend" and there is an offset to the end
+ pattern the highlighting of a contained item isn't adjusted.
+Solution: Use the seen_keepend flag to remember when to apply the "keepend"
+ flag. Adjust the keepend highlighting properly. (Ilya Bobir)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.0.118
+Problem: printf() does not do zero padding for strings.
+Solution: Do allow zero padding for strings.
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.0.119
+Problem: When going back from Insert to Normal mode the CursorHold event
+ doesn't trigger. (Yakov Lerner)
+Solution: Reset "did_cursorhold" when leaving Insert mode.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.120
+Problem: Crash when using CTRL-R = at the command line and entering
+ "getreg('=')". (James Vega)
+Solution: Avoid recursiveness of evaluating the = register.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.0.121
+Problem: GUI: Dragging the last status line doesn't work when there is a
+ text tabline. (Markus Wolf)
+Solution: Take the text tabline into account when deciding to start modeless
+ selection.
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.0.122
+Problem: GUI: When clearing after a bold, double-wide character half a
+ character may be drawn.
+Solution: Check for double-wide character and redraw it. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.0.123
+Problem: On SCO Openserver configure selects the wrong terminal library.
+Solution: Put terminfo before the other libraries. (Roger Cornelius)
+ Also fix a small problem compiling on Mac without Darwin.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.0.124
+Problem: getwinvar() obtains a dictionary with window-local variables, but
+ it's always for the current window.
+Solution: Get the variables of the specified window. (Geoff Reedy)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.125
+Problem: When "autoselect" is in the 'clipboard' option then the '< and '>
+ marks are set while Visual mode is still active.
+Solution: Don't set the '< and '> marks when yanking the selected area for
+ the clipboard.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.0.126
+Problem: When 'formatexpr' uses setline() and later internal formatting is
+ used undo information is not correct. (Jiri Cerny, Benji Fisher)
+Solution: Set ins_need_undo after using 'formatexpr'.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.127
+Problem: Crash when swap file has invalid timestamp.
+Solution: Check return value of ctime() for being NULL.
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.0.128
+Problem: GUI: when closing gvim is cancelled because there is a changed
+ buffer the screen isn't updated to show the changed buffer in the
+ current window. (Krzysztof Kacprzak)
+Solution: Redraw when closing gvim is cancelled.
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.0.129
+Problem: GTK GUI: the GTK file dialog can't handle a relative path.
+Solution: Make the initial directory a full path before passing it to GTK.
+ (James Vega) Also postpone adding the default file name until
+ after setting the directory.
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c
+Patch 7.0.130 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Trying to edit or write devices may cause Vim to get stuck.
+Solution: Add the 'opendevice' option, default off. Disallow
+ reading/writing from/to devices when it's off.
+ Also detect more devices by the full name starting with "\\.\".
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/fileio.c, src/option.c, src/option.h,
+ src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.0.131
+Problem: Win32: "vim -r" does not list all the swap files.
+Solution: Also check for swap files starting with a dot.
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.0.132 (after 7.0.130)
+Problem: Win32: Crash when Vim reads from stdin.
+Solution: Only use mch_nodetype() when there is a file name.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.0.133
+Problem: When searching included files messages are added to the history.
+Solution: Set msg_hist_off for messages about scanning included files.
+ Set msg_silent to avoid message about wrapping around.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/globals.h, src/message.c, src/search.c
+Patch 7.0.134
+Problem: Crash when comparing a recursively looped List or Dictionary.
+Solution: Limit recursiveness for comparing to 1000.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.135
+Problem: Crash when garbage collecting list or dict with loop.
+Solution: Don't use DEL_REFCOUNT but don't recurse into Lists and
+ Dictionaries when freeing them in the garbage collector.
+ Also add allocated Dictionaries to the list of Dictionaries to
+ avoid leaking memory.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/proto/, src/tag.c
+Patch 7.0.136
+Problem: Using "O" while matching parens are highlighted may not remove the
+ highlighting. (Ilya Bobir)
+Solution: Also trigger CursorMoved when a line is inserted under the cursor.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.0.137
+Problem: Configure check for big features is wrong.
+Solution: Change "==" to "=". (Martti Kuparinen)
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.0.138 (extra)
+Problem: Mac: modifiers don't work with function keys.
+Solution: Use GetEventParameter() to obtain modifiers. (Nicolas Weber)
+Files: src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.0.139
+Problem: Using CTRL-PageUp or CTRL-PageDown in Insert mode to go to another
+ tab page does not prepare for undo properly. (Stefano Zacchiroli)
+Solution: Call start_arrow() before switching tab page.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.140 (after 7.0.134)
+Problem: Comparing recursively looped List or Dictionary doesn't work well.
+Solution: Detect comparing a List or Dictionary with itself.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.141
+Problem: When pasting a while line on the command line an extra CR is added
+ literally.
+Solution: Don't add the trailing CR when pasting with the mouse.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/proto/, src/ops.c
+Patch 7.0.142
+Problem: Using the middle mouse button in Select mode to paste text results
+ in an extra "y". (Kriton Kyrimis)
+Solution: Let the middle mouse button replace the selected text with the
+ contents of the clipboard.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.0.143
+Problem: Setting 'scroll' to its default value was not handled correctly.
+Solution: Compare the right field to PV_SCROLL.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.0.144
+Problem: May compare two unrelated pointers when matching a pattern against
+ a string. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Avoid calling reg_getline() when REG_MULTI is false.
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.0.145 (after 7.0.142)
+Problem: Compiler warning.
+Solution: Add type cast.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.0.146
+Problem: When 'switchbuf' is set to "usetab" and the current tab has only a
+ quickfix window, jumping to an error always opens a new window.
+ Also, when the buffer is open in another tab page it's not found.
+Solution: Check for the "split" value of 'switchbuf' properly. Search in
+ other tab pages for the desired buffer. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.0.147
+Problem: When creating a session file and there are several tab pages and
+ some windows have a local directory a short file name may be used
+ when it's not valid. (Marius Roets)
+ A session with multiple tab pages may result in "No Name" buffers.
+ (Bill McCarthy)
+Solution: Don't enter tab pages when going through the list, only use a
+ pointer to the first window in each tab page.
+ Use "tabedit" instead of "tabnew | edit" when possible.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.0.148
+Problem: When doing "call" and "xyz" does not exist in dictionary
+ "a" there is no error message. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Solution: Add the error message.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.149
+Problem: When resizing a window that shows "~" lines the text sometimes
+ jumps down.
+Solution: Remove code that uses "~" lines in some situations. Fix the
+ computation of the screen line of the cursor. Also set w_skipcol
+ to handle very long lines.
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.0.150
+Problem: When resizing the Vim window scrollbinding doesn't work. (Yakov
+ Lerner)
+Solution: Do scrollbinding in set_shellsize().
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.0.151
+Problem: Buttons in file dialog are not according to Gnome guidelines.
+Solution: Swap Cancel and Open buttons. (Stefano Zacchiroli)
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c
+Patch 7.0.152
+Problem: Crash when using lesstif 2.
+Solution: Fill in the extension field. (Ben Hutchings)
+Files: src/gui_xmebw.c
+Patch 7.0.153
+Problem: When using cscope and opening the temp file fails Vim crashes.
+ (Kaya Bekiroglu)
+Solution: Check for NULL pointer returned from mch_open().
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.0.154
+Problem: When 'foldnestmax' is negative Vim can hang. (James Vega)
+Solution: Avoid the fold level becoming negative.
+Files: src/fold.c, src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.0.155
+Problem: When getchar() returns a mouse button click there is no way to get
+ the mouse coordinates.
+Solution: Add v:mouse_win, v:mouse_lnum and v:mouse_col.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.0.156 (extra)
+Problem: Vim doesn't compile for Amiga OS 4.
+Solution: Various changes for Amiga OS4. (Peter Bengtsson)
+Files: src/feature.h, src/mbyte.c, src/memfile.c, src/memline.c,
+ src/os_amiga.c, src/os_amiga.h, src/pty.c
+Patch 7.0.157
+Problem: When a function is used recursively the profiling information is
+ invalid. (Mikolaj Machowski)
+Solution: Put the start time on the stack instead of in the function.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.158
+Problem: In a C file with ":set foldmethod=syntax", typing {<CR> on the
+ last line results in the cursor being in a closed fold. (Gautam
+ Iyer)
+Solution: Open fold after inserting a new line.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.159
+Problem: When there is an I/O error in the swap file the cause of the error
+ cannot be seen.
+Solution: Use PERROR() instead of EMSG() where possible.
+Files: src/memfile.c
+Patch 7.0.160
+Problem: ":@a" echoes the command, Vi doesn't do that.
+Solution: Set the silent flag in the typeahead buffer to avoid echoing the
+ command.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/normal.c, src/ops.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.0.161
+Problem: Win32: Tab pages line popup menu isn't using the right encoding.
+ (Yongwei Wu)
+Solution: Convert the text when necessary. Also fixes the Find/Replace
+ dialog title. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.0.162
+Problem: "vim -o a b" when file "a" triggers the ATTENTION dialog,
+ selecting "Quit" exits Vim instead of editing "b" only.
+ When file "b" triggers the ATTENTION dialog selecting "Quit" or
+ "Abort" results in editing file "a" in that window.
+Solution: When selecting "Abort" exit Vim. When selecting "Quit" close the
+ window. Also avoid hit-enter prompt when selecting Abort.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/main.c
+Patch 7.0.163
+Problem: Can't retrieve the position of a sign after it was set.
+Solution: Add the netbeans interface getAnno command. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: runtime/doc/netbeans.txt, src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.0.164
+Problem: ":redir @+" doesn't work.
+Solution: Accept "@+" just like "@*". (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.0.165
+Problem: Using CTRL-L at the search prompt adds a "/" and other characters
+ without escaping, causing the pattern not to match.
+Solution: Escape special characters with a backslash.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.0.166
+Problem: Crash in cscope code when connection could not be opened.
+ (Kaya Bekiroglu)
+Solution: Check for the file descriptor to be NULL.
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.0.167
+Problem: ":function" redefining a dict function doesn't work properly.
+ (Richard Emberson)
+Solution: Allow a function name to be a number when it's a function
+ reference.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.168
+Problem: Using uninitialized memory and memory leak. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Use alloc_clear() instead of alloc() for w_lines. Free
+ b_ml.ml_stack after recovery.
+Files: src/memline.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.0.169
+Problem: With a Visual block selection, with the cursor in the left upper
+ corner, pressing "I" doesn't remove the highlighting. (Guopeng
+ Wen)
+Solution: When checking if redrawing is needed also check if Visual
+ selection is still active.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.0.170 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Using "gvim --remote-tab foo" when gvim is minimized while
+ it previously was maximized, un-maximizing doesn't work properly.
+ And the labels are not displayed properly when 'encoding' is
+ utf-8.
+Solution: When minimized check for SW_SHOWMINIMIZED. When updating the tab
+ pages line use TCM_SETITEMW instead of TCM_INSERTITEMW. (Liu
+ Yubao)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.0.171 (extra)
+Problem: VMS: A file name with multiple paths is written in the wrong file.
+Solution: Get the actually used file name. (Zoltan Arpadffy)
+ Also add info to the :version command about compilation.
+Files: src/Make_vms.mms, src/buffer.c, src/os_unix.c, src/version.c
+Patch 7.0.172
+Problem: Crash when recovering and quitting at the "press-enter" prompt.
+Solution: Check for "msg_list" to be NULL. (Liu Yubao)
+Files: src/ex_eval.c
+Patch 7.0.173
+Problem: ":call f().TT()" doesn't work. (Richard Emberson)
+Solution: When a function returns a Dictionary or another composite continue
+ evaluating what follows.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.174
+Problem: ":mksession" doesn't restore window layout correctly in tab pages
+ other than the current one. (Zhibin He)
+Solution: Use the correct topframe for producing the window layout commands.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.0.175
+Problem: The result of tr() is missing the terminating NUL. (Ingo Karkat)
+Solution: Add the NUL.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.176
+Problem: ":emenu" isn't executed directly, causing the encryption key
+ prompt to fail. (Life Jazzer)
+Solution: Fix wrong #ifdef.
+Files: src/menu.c
+Patch 7.0.177
+Problem: When the press-enter prompt gets a character from a non-remappable
+ mapping, it's put back in the typeahead buffer as remappable,
+ which may cause an endless loop.
+Solution: Restore the non-remappable flag and the silent flag when putting a
+ char back in the typeahead buffer.
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/message.c, src/normal.c
+Patch 7.0.178
+Problem: When 'enc' is "utf-8" and 'ignorecase' is set the result of ":echo
+ ("\xe4" == "\xe4")" varies.
+Solution: In mb_strnicmp() avoid looking past NUL bytes.
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.0.179
+Problem: Using ":recover" or "vim -r" without a swapfile crashes Vim.
+Solution: Check for "buf" to be unequal NULL. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.0.180 (extra, after 7.0.171)
+Problem: VMS: build failed. Problem with swapfiles.
+Solution: Add "compiled_arch". Always expand path and pass it to
+ buf_modname(). (Zoltan Arpadffy)
+Files: src/globals.h, src/memline.c, src/os_unix.c, runtime/menu.vim
+Patch 7.0.181
+Problem: When reloading a file that starts with an empty line, the reloaded
+ buffer has an extra empty line at the end. (Motty Lentzitzky)
+Solution: Delete all lines, don't use bufempty().
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.0.182
+Problem: When using a mix of undo and "g-" it may no longer be possible to
+ go to every point in the undo tree. (Andy Wokula)
+Solution: Correctly update pointers in the undo tree.
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.0.183
+Problem: Crash in ":let" when redirecting to a variable that's being
+ displayed. (Thomas Link)
+Solution: When redirecting to a variable only do the assignment when
+ stopping redirection to avoid that setting the variable causes a
+ freed string to be accessed.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.184
+Problem: When the cscope program is called "mlcscope" the Cscope interface
+ doesn't work.
+Solution: Accept "\S*cscope:" instead of "cscope:". (Frodak D. Baksik)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.0.185
+Problem: Multi-byte characters in a message are displayed with attributes
+ from what comes before it.
+Solution: Don't use the attributes for a multibyte character. Do use
+ attributes for special characters. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.0.186
+Problem: Get an ml_get error when 'encoding' is "utf-8" and searching for
+ "/\_s*/e" in an empty buffer. (Andrew Maykov)
+Solution: Don't try getting the line just below the last line.
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.0.187
+Problem: Can't source a remote script properly.
+Solution: Add the SourceCmd event. (Charles Campbell)
+Files: runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/fileio.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.0.188 (after 7.0.186)
+Problem: Warning for wrong pointer type.
+Solution: Add a type cast.
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.0.189
+Problem: Translated message about finding matches is truncated. (Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira)
+Solution: Enlarge the buffer. Also use vim_snprintf().
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.190
+Problem: "syntax spell default" results in an error message.
+Solution: Change 4 to 7 for STRNICMP(). (Raul Nunez de Arenas Coronado)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.0.191
+Problem: The items used by getqflist() and setqflist() don't match.
+Solution: Support the "bufnum" item for setqflist(). (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.0.192
+Problem: When 'swapfile' is switched off in an empty file it is possible
+ that not all blocks are loaded into memory, causing ml_get errors
+ later.
+Solution: Rename "dont_release" to "mf_dont_release" and also use it to
+ avoid using the cached line and locked block.
+Files: src/globals.h, src/memfile.c, src/memline.c
+Patch 7.0.193
+Problem: Using --remote or --remote-tab with an argument that matches
+ 'wildignore' causes a crash.
+Solution: Check the argument count before using ARGLIST[0].
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.0.194
+Problem: Once an ml_get error is given redrawing part of the screen may
+ cause it again, resulting in an endless loop.
+Solution: Don't give the error message for a recursive call.
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.0.195
+Problem: When a buffer is modified and 'autowriteall' is set, ":quit"
+ results in an endless loop when there is a conversion error while
+ writing. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Solution: Make autowrite() return FAIL if the buffer is still changed after
+ writing it.
+ /* put the cursor on the last char, for 'tw' formatting */
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.0.196
+Problem: When using ":vert ball" the computation of the mouse pointer
+ position may be off by one column. (Stefan Karlsson)
+Solution: Recompute the frame width when moving the vertical separator from
+ one window to another.
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.0.197 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Compiling with EXITFREE doesn't work.
+Solution: Adjust a few #ifdefs. (Alexei Alexandrof)
+Files: src/misc2.c, src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.0.198 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Compiler warnings. No need to generate gvim.exe.mnf.
+Solution: Add type casts. Use "*" for processorArchitecture. (George Reilly)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak, src/eval.c, src/gvim.exe.mnf, src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.0.199
+Problem: When using multibyte characters the combination of completion and
+ formatting may result in a wrong cursor position.
+Solution: Don't decrement the cursor column, use dec_cursor(). (Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira) Also check for the column to be zero.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.200
+Problem: Memory leaks when out of memory.
+Solution: Free the memory.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/diff.c
+Patch 7.0.201
+Problem: Message for ":diffput" about buffer not being in diff mode may be
+ wrong.
+Solution: Check for buffer in diff mode but not modifiable.
+Files: src/diff.c
+Patch 7.0.202
+Problem: Problems on Tandem systems while compiling and at runtime.
+Solution: Recognize root uid is 65535. Check select() return value for it
+ not being supported. Avoid wrong function prototypes. Mention
+ use of -lfloss. (Matthew Woehlke)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/ex_cmds.c, src/fileio.c, src/main.c,
+ src/, src/, src/os_unix.c, src/pty.c,
+ src/vim.h
+Patch 7.0.203
+Problem: 0x80 characters in a register are not handled correctly for the
+ "@" command.
+Solution: Escape CSI and 0x80 characters. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.0.204
+Problem: Cscope: Parsing matches for listing isn't done properly.
+Solution: Check for line number being found. (Yu Zhao)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.0.205 (after 7.0.203)
+Problem: Can't compile.
+Solution: Always include the vim_strsave_escape_csi function.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.0.206 (after 7.0.058)
+Problem: Some characters of the "gb18030" encoding are not handled
+ properly.
+Solution: Do not use "cp936" as an alias for "gb18030" encoding. Instead
+ initialize 'encoding' to "cp936".
+Files: src/mbyte.c, src/option.c
+Patch 7.0.207
+Problem: After patch 2.0.203 CSI and K_SPECIAL characters are escaped when
+ recorded and then again when the register is executed.
+Solution: Remove escaping before putting the recorded characters in a
+ register. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/ops.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.0.208 (after 7.0.171 and 7.0.180)
+Problem: VMS: changes to path handling cause more trouble than they solve.
+Solution: Revert changes.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/memline.c, src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.0.209
+Problem: When replacing a line through Python the cursor may end up beyond
+ the end of the line.
+Solution: Check the cursor column after replacing the line.
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.0.210
+Problem: ":cbuffer" and ":lbuffer" always fail when the buffer is modified.
+ (Gary Johnson)
+Solution: Support adding a !. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: runtime/doc/quickfix.txt, src/ex_cmds.h
+Patch 7.0.211
+Problem: With ":set cindent noai bs=0" using CTRL-U in Insert mode will
+ delete auto-indent. After ":set ai" it doesn't.
+Solution: Also check 'cindent' being set. (Ryan Lortie)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.212
+Problem: The GUI can't be terminated with SIGTERM. (Mark Logan)
+Solution: Use the signal protection in the GUI as in the console, allow
+ signals when waiting for 100 msec or longer.
+Files: src/ui.c
+Patch 7.0.213
+Problem: When 'spellfile' has two regions that use the same sound folding
+ using "z=" will cause memory to be freed twice. (Mark Woodward)
+Solution: Clear the hashtable properly so that the items are only freed once.
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.0.214
+Problem: When using <f-args> in a user command it's not possible to have an
+ argument end in '\ '.
+Solution: Change the handling of backslashes. (Yakov Lerner)
+Files: runtime/doc/map.txt, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.0.215 (extra)
+Problem: Mac: Scrollbar size isn't set. Context menu has disabled useless
+ Help entry. Call to MoreMasterPointers() is ignored.
+Solution: Call SetControlViewSize() in gui_mch_set_scrollbar_thumb(). Use
+ kCMHelpItemRemoveHelp for ContextualMenuSelect(). Remove call to
+ MoreMasterPointers(). (Nicolas Weber)
+Files: src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.0.216
+Problem: ":tab wincmd ]" does not open a tab page. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Copy the value to postponed_split_tab and use it.
+Files: src/globals.h, src/ex_docmd.c, src/if_cscope.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.0.217
+Problem: This hangs when pressing "n": ":%s/\n/,\r/gc". (Ori Avtalion)
+Solution: Set "skip_match" to advance to the next line.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.0.218
+Problem: "%B" in 'statusline' always shows zero in Insert mode. (DervishD)
+Solution: Remove the exception for Insert mode, check the column for being
+ valid instead.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.0.219
+Problem: When using the 'editexisting.vim' script and a file is being
+ edited in another tab page the window is split. The "+123"
+ argument is not used.
+Solution: Make the tab page with the file the current tab page. Set
+ v:swapcommand when starting up to the first "+123" or "-c" command
+ line argument.
+Files: runtime/macros/editexisting.vim, src/main.c
+Patch 7.0.220
+Problem: Crash when using winnr('#') in a new tab page. (Andy Wokula)
+Solution: Check for not finding the window.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.221
+Problem: finddir() uses 'path' by default, where "." means relative to the
+ current file. But it works relative to the current directory.
+ (Tye Zdrojewski)
+Solution: Add the current buffer name to find_file_in_path_option() for the
+ relative file name.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.222
+Problem: Perl indenting using 'cindent' works almost right.
+Solution: Recognize '#' to start a comment. (Alex Manoussakis) Added '#'
+ flag in 'cinoptions'.
+Files: runtime/doc/indent.txt, src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.0.223
+Problem: Unprintable characters in completion text mess up the popup menu.
+ (Gombault Damien)
+Solution: Use strtrans() to make the text printable.
+Files: src/charset.c, src/popupmnu.c
+Patch 7.0.224
+Problem: When expanding "##" spaces are escaped twice. (Pavol Juhas)
+Solution: Don't escape the spaces that separate arguments.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.0.225
+Problem: When using setline() in an InsertEnter autocommand and doing "A"
+ the cursor ends up on the last byte in the line. (Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira)
+Solution: Only adjust the column when using setline() for the cursor line.
+ Move it back to the head byte if necessary.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.0.226
+Problem: Display flickering when updating signs through the netbeans
+ interface. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Solution: Remove the redraw_later(CLEAR) call.
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.0.227
+Problem: Crash when closing a window in the GUI. (Charles Campbell)
+Solution: Don't call out_flush() from win_free().
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.0.228
+Problem: Cygwin: problem with symlink to DOS style path.
+Solution: Invoke cygwin_conv_to_posix_path(). (Luca Masini)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.0.229
+Problem: When 'pastetoggle' starts with Esc then pressing Esc in Insert
+ mode will not time out. (Jeffery Small)
+Solution: Use KL_PART_KEY instead of KL_PART_MAP, so that 'ttimeout' applies
+ to the 'pastetoggle' key.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.0.230
+Problem: After using ":lcd" a script doesn't know how to restore the
+ current directory.
+Solution: Add the haslocaldir() function. (Bob Hiestand)
+Files: runtime/doc/usr_41.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.231
+Problem: When recovering from a swap file the page size is likely to be
+ different from the minimum. The block used for the first page
+ then has a buffer of the wrong size, causing a crash when it's
+ reused later. (Zephaniah Hull)
+Solution: Reallocate the buffer when the page size changes. Also check that
+ the page size is at least the minimum value.
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.0.232 (extra)
+Problem: Mac: doesn't support GUI tab page labels.
+Solution: Add GUI tab page labels. (Nicolas Weber)
+Files: src/feature.h, src/gui.c, src/gui.h, src/gui_mac.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.0.233 (extra)
+Problem: Mac: code formatted badly.
+Solution: Fix code formatting
+Files: src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.0.234
+Problem: It's possible to use feedkeys() from a modeline. That is a
+ security issue, can be used for a trojan horse.
+Solution: Disallow using feedkeys() in the sandbox.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.235
+Problem: It is possible to use writefile() in the sandbox.
+Solution: Add a few more checks for the sandbox.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.236
+Problem: Linux 2.4 uses sysinfo() with a mem_unit field, which is not
+ backwards compatible.
+Solution: Add an autoconf check for sysinfo.mem_unit. Let mch_total_mem()
+ return Kbyte to avoid overflow.
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/, src/,
+ src/option.c, src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.0.237
+Problem: For root it is recommended to not use 'modeline', but in
+ not-compatible mode the default is on.
+Solution: Let 'modeline' default to off for root.
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/option.c
+Patch 7.0.238
+Problem: Crash when ":match" pattern runs into 'maxmempattern'. (Yakov
+ Lerner)
+Solution: Don't free the regexp program of match_hl.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.0.239
+Problem: When using local directories and tab pages ":mksession" uses a
+ short file name when it shouldn't. Window-local options from a
+ modeline may be applied to the wrong window. (Teemu Likonen)
+Solution: Add the did_lcd flag, use the full path when it's set. Don't use
+ window-local options from the modeline when using the current
+ window for another buffer in ":doautoall".
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.0.240
+Problem: Crash when splitting a window in the GUI. (opposite of 7.0.227)
+Solution: Don't call out_flush() from win_alloc(). Also avoid this for
+ win_delete(). Also block autocommands while the window structure
+ is invalid.
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.0.241
+Problem: ":windo throw 'foo'" loops forever. (Andy Wokula)
+Solution: Detect that win_goto() doesn't work.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.0.242 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Using "-register" in a Vim that does not support OLE causes
+ a crash.
+Solution: Don't use EMSG() but mch_errmsg(). Check p_go for being NULL.
+ (partly by Michael Wookey)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.0.243 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: When GvimExt is built with MSVC 2005 or later, the "Edit
+ with vim" context menu doesn't appear in the Windows Explorer.
+Solution: Embed the linker manifest file into the resources of GvimExt.dll.
+ (Mathias Michaelis)
+Files: src/GvimExt/Makefile
+Fixes after Vim 7.1a BETA:
+The extra archive had CVS directories included below "farsi" and
+"runtime/icons". CVS was missing the farsi icon files.
+Fix compiling with Gnome 2.18, undefine bind_textdomain_codeset. (Daniel
+Mac: "make install" didn't copy rgb.txt.
+When editing a compressed file while there are folds caused "ml_get" errors
+and some lines could be missing. When decompressing failed option values were
+not restored.
+Patch 7.1a.001
+Problem: Crash when downloading a spell file. (Szabolcs Horvat)
+Solution: Avoid that did_set_spelllang() is used recursively when a new
+ window is opened for the download.
+ Also avoid wiping out the wrong buffer.
+Files: runtime/autoload/spellfile.vim, src/buffer.c, src/ex_cmds.c,
+ src/spell.c
+Patch 7.1a.002 (extra)
+Problem: Compilation error with MingW.
+Solution: Check for LPTOOLTIPTEXT to be defined.
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Fixes after Vim 7.1b BETA:
+Made the Mzscheme interface build both with old and new versions of Mzscheme,
+using an #ifdef. (Sergey Khorev)
+Mzscheme interface didn't link, missing function. Changed order of libraries
+in the configure script.
+Ruby interface didn't compile on Mac. Changed #ifdef. (Kevin Ballard)
+Patch 7.1b.001 (extra)
+Problem: Random text in a source file. No idea how it got there.
+Solution: Delete the text.
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.1b.002
+Problem: When 'maxmem' is large there can be an overflow in computations.
+ (Thomas Wiegner)
+Solution: Use the same mechanism as in mch_total_mem(): first reduce the
+ multiplier as much as possible.
+Files: src/memfile.c
+VERSION 7.2 *version-7.2* *version7.2*
+This section is about improvements made between version 7.1 and 7.2.
+This is mostly a bug-fix release. The main new feature is floating point
+support. |Float|
+Changed *changed-7.2*
+Changed the command line buffer name from "command-line" to "[Command Line]".
+Removed optional ! for ":caddexpr", ":cgetexpr", ":cgetfile", ":laddexpr",
+":lgetexpr" and ":lgetfile". They are not needed. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+An offset for syntax matches worked on bytes instead of characters. That is
+inconsistent and can easily be done wrong. Use character offsets now.
+(Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+The FileChangedShellPost event was also given when a file didn't change.
+(John Little)
+When the current line is long (doesn't fit) the popup menu can't be seen.
+Display it below the screen line instead of below the text line.
+(Francois Ingelrest)
+Switched to autoconf version 2.62.
+Moved including fcntl.h to vim.h and removed it from all .c files.
+Introduce macro STRMOVE(d, s), like STRCPY() for overlapping strings.
+Use it instead of mch_memmove(p, p + x, STRLEN(p + x) + 1).
+Removed the bulgarian.vim keymap file, two more standard ones replace it.
+(Boyko Bantchev)
+Increased the maximum number of tag matches for command line completion from
+200 to 300.
+Renamed help file sql.txt to ft_sql.txt and ada.txt to ft_ada.txt.
+Added *added-7.2*
+New syntax files:
+ CUDA (Timothy B. Terriberry)
+ Cdrdao config (Nikolai Weibull)
+ Coco/R (Ashish Shukla)
+ Denyhosts config (Nikolai Weibull)
+ Dtrace script (Nicolas Weber)
+ Git output, commit, config, rebase, send-email (Tim Pope)
+ HASTE and HastePreProc (M. Tranchero)
+ Haml (Tim Pope)
+ Host conf (Nikolai Weibull)
+ Linden script (Timo Frenay)
+ MS messages (Kevin Locke)
+ PDF (Tim Pope)
+ ProMeLa (Maurizio Tranchero)
+ Reva Foth (Ron Aaron)
+ Sass (Tim Pope)
+ Symbian meta-makefile, MMP (Ron Aaron)
+ VOS CM macro (Andrew McGill)
+ XBL (Doug Kearns)
+New tutor files:
+ Made UTF-8 versions of all the tutor files.
+ Greek renamed from ".gr" to ".el" (Greek vs Greece).
+ Esperanto (Dominique Pelle)
+ Croatian (Paul B. Mahol)
+New filetype plugins:
+ Cdrdao config (Nikolai Weibull)
+ Debian control files (Debian Vim maintainers)
+ Denyhosts (Nikolai Weibull)
+ Dos .ini file (Nikolai Weibull)
+ Dtrace script (Nicolas Weber)
+ FnameScript (Nikolai Weibull)
+ Git, Git config, Git commit, Git rebase, Git send-email (Tim Pope)
+ Haml (Tim Pope)
+ Host conf (Nikolai Weibull)
+ Host access (Nikolai Weibull)
+ Logtalk (Paulo Moura)
+ MS messages (Kevin Locke)
+ NSIS script (Nikolai Weibull)
+ PDF (Tim Pope)
+ Reva Forth (Ron Aaron)
+ Sass (Tim Pope)
+New indent files:
+ DTD (Nikolai Weibull)
+ Dtrace script (Nicolas Weber)
+ Erlang (Csaba Hoch)
+ FrameScript (Nikolai Weibull)
+ Git config (Tim Pope)
+ Haml (Tim Pope)
+ Logtalk (Paulo Moura)
+ Sass (Tim Pope)
+ Tiny Fugue (Christian J. Robinson)
+New compiler plugins:
+ RSpec (Tim Pope)
+New keymap files:
+ Croatian (Paul B. Mahol)
+ Russian Dvorak (Serhiy Boiko)
+ Ukrainian Dvorak (Serhiy Boiko)
+ Removed plain Bulgarian, "bds" and phonetic are sufficient.
+Other new runtime files:
+ Esperanto menu and message translations. (Dominique Pelle)
+ Finnish menu and message translations. (Flammie Pirinen)
+ Brazilian Portuguese message translations. (Eduardo Dobay)
+Added floating point support. |Float|
+Added argument to mode() to return a bit more detail about the current mode.
+(Ben Schmidt)
+Added support for BSD console mouse: |sysmouse|. (Paul B. Mahol)
+Added the "newtab" value for the 'switchbuf' option. (partly by Yegappan
+Improved error messages for the netbeans interface. (Philippe Fremy)
+Added support for using xterm mouse codes for screen. (Micah Cowan)
+Added support for cross compiling:
+Adjusted and added INSTALLcross.txt. (Marc Haisenko) Fixed
+mistakes in after that.
+Don't use /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib in configure. (Philip
+For cross compiling the Cygwin version on Unix, change VIM.TLB to vim.tlb in
+src/vim.rc. (Tsuneo Nakagawa)
+Added v:searchforward variable: What direction we're searching in. (Yakov
+Fixed *fixed-7.2*
+Patch 7.1.001
+Problem: Still can't build with Gnome libraries.
+Solution: Fix typo in bind_textdomain_codeset. (Mike Kelly)
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.1.002
+Problem: Oracle Pro*C/C++ files are not detected.
+Solution: Add the missing star. (Micah J. Cowan)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim
+Patch 7.1.003 (extra)
+Problem: The "Tear off this menu" message appears in the message history
+ when using a menu. (Yongwei Wu)
+Solution: Disable message history when displaying the menu tip.
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.1.004
+Problem: Crash when doing ":next directory". (Raphael Finkel)
+Solution: Do not use "buf", it may be invalid after autocommands.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.1.005
+Problem: "cit" used on <foo></foo> deletes <foo>. Should not delete
+ anything and start insertion, like "ci'" does on "". (Michal
+ Bozon)
+Solution: Handle an empty object specifically. Made it work consistent for
+ various text objects.
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.1.006
+Problem: Resetting 'modified' in a StdinReadPost autocommand doesn't work.
+Solution: Set 'modified' before the autocommands instead of after it.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.1.007 (extra)
+Problem: Mac: Context menu doesn't work on Intel Macs.
+ Scrollbars are not dimmed when Vim is not the active application.
+Solution: Remove the test whether context menus are supported. They are
+ always there in OS/X. Handle the dimming. (Nicolas Weber)
+Files: src/gui_mac.c, src/gui.h
+Patch 7.1.008
+Problem: getfsize() returns a negative number for very big files.
+Solution: Check for overflow and return -2.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.009
+Problem: In diff mode, displaying the difference between a tab and spaces
+ is not highlighted correctly.
+Solution: Only change highlighting at the end of displaying a tab.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.1.010
+Problem: The Gnome session file doesn't restore tab pages.
+Solution: Add SSOP_TABPAGES to the session flags. (Matias D'Ambrosio)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.1.011
+Problem: Possible buffer overflow when $VIMRUNTIME is very long. (Victor
+ Stinner)
+Solution: Use vim_snprintf().
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.1.012
+Problem: ":let &shiftwidth = 'asdf'" doesn't produce an error message.
+Solution: Check for a string argument. (Chris Lubinski)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.1.013
+Problem: ":syn include" only loads the first file, while it is documented
+ as doing the equivalent of ":runtime!".
+Solution: Change the argument to source_runtime(). (James Vega)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.1.014
+Problem: Crash when doing C indenting. (Chris Monson)
+Solution: Obtain the current line again after invoking cin_islabel().
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.1.015
+Problem: MzScheme interface: current-library-collection-paths produces no
+ list. Interface doesn't build on a Mac.
+Solution: Use a list instead of a pair. (Bernhard Fisseni) Use "-framework"
+ argument for MZSCHEME_LIBS in configure.
+Files: src/, src/if_mzsch.c, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.1.016 (after patch 7.1.012)
+Problem: Error message about setting 'diff' to a string.
+Solution: Don't pass an empty string to set_option_value() when setting
+ 'diff'.
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/popupmnu.c
+Patch 7.1.017
+Problem: ":confirm w" does give a prompt when 'readonly' is set, but not
+ when the file permissions are read-only. (Michael Schaap)
+Solution: Provide a dialog in both situations. (Chris Lubinski)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/fileio.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.1.018
+Problem: When 'virtualedit' is set a "p" of a block just past the end of
+ the line inserts before the cursor. (Engelke)
+Solution: Check for the cursor being just after the line (Chris Lubinski)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.1.019
+Problem: ":py" asks for an argument, ":py asd" then gives the error that
+ ":py" isn't implemented. Should already happen for ":py".
+Solution: Compare with ex_script_ni. (Chris Lubinski)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.1.020
+Problem: Reading from uninitialized memory when using a dialog. (Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Solution: In msg_show_console_dialog() append a NUL after every appended
+ character.
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.1.021 (after 7.1.015)
+Problem: Mzscheme interface doesn't compile on Win32.
+Solution: Fix the problem that 7.1.015 fixed in a better way. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/if_mzsch.c
+Patch 7.1.022
+Problem: When setting 'keymap' twice the b:keymap_name variable isn't set.
+ (Milan Berta)
+Solution: Don't unlet b:keymap_name for ":loadkeymap". (Martin Toft)
+Files: src/digraph.c
+Patch 7.1.023
+Problem: "dw" in a line with one character deletes the line. Vi and nvi
+ don't do this. (Kjell Arne Rekaa)
+Solution: Check for one-character words especially.
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.1.024
+Problem: Using a pointer that has become invalid. (Chris Monson)
+Solution: Obtain the line pointer again after we looked at another line.
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.1.025
+Problem: search() and searchpos() don't use match under cursor at start of
+ line when using 'bc' flags. (Viktor Kojouharov)
+Solution: Don't go to the previous line when the 'c' flag is present.
+ Also fix that "j" doesn't move the cursor to the right column.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/search.c
+Patch 7.1.026
+Problem: "[p" doesn't work in Visual mode. (David Brown)
+Solution: Use checkclearop() instead of checkclearopq().
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.1.027
+Problem: On Sun systems opening /dev/fd/N doesn't work, and they are used
+ by process substitutions.
+Solution: Allow opening specific character special files for Sun systems.
+ (Gary Johnson)
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/os_unix.h
+Patch 7.1.028
+Problem: Can't use last search pattern for ":sort". (Brian McKee)
+Solution: When the pattern is empty use the last search pattern. (Martin
+ Toft)
+Files: runtime/doc/change.txt, src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.1.029 (after 7.1.019)
+Problem: Can't compile when all interfaces are used. (Taylor Venable)
+Solution: Only check for ex_script_ni when it's defined.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.1.030
+Problem: The "vimtutor" shell script checks for "vim6" but not for "vim7".
+ (Christian Robinson)
+Solution: Check for more versions, but prefer using "vim".
+Files: src/vimtutor
+Patch 7.1.031
+Problem: virtcol([123, '$']) doesn't work. (Michael Schaap)
+Solution: When '$' is used for the column number get the last column.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.032
+Problem: Potential crash when editing a command line. (Chris Monson)
+Solution: Check the position to avoid access before the start of an array.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.1.033
+Problem: A buffer is marked modified when it was first deleted and then
+ added again using a ":next" command. (John Mullin)
+Solution: When checking if a buffer is modified use the BF_NEVERLOADED flag.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.1.034
+Problem: Win64: A few compiler warnings. Problems with optimizer.
+Solution: Use int instead of size_t. Disable the optimizer in one function.
+ (George V. Reilly)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/spell.c
+Patch 7.1.035
+Problem: After ":s/./&/#" all listed lines have a line number. (Yakov
+ Lerner)
+Solution: Reset the line number flag when not using the "&" flag.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.1.036
+Problem: Completing ":echohl" argument should include "None". (Ori
+ Avtalion) ":match" should have "none" too.
+Solution: Add flags to use expand_highlight(). Also fix that when disabling
+ FEAT_CMDL_COMPL compilation fails. (Chris Lubinski)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/proto/
+ src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.1.037
+Problem: strcpy() used for overlapping strings. (Chris Monson)
+Solution: Use mch_memmove() instead.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.1.038
+Problem: When 'expandtab' is set then a Tab copied for 'copyindent' is
+ expanded to spaces, even when 'preserveindent' is set. (Alexei
+ Alexandrov)
+Solution: Remove the check for 'expandtab'. Also fix that ">>" doesn't obey
+ 'preserveindent'. (Chris Lubinski)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.1.039
+Problem: A tag in a help file that starts with "help-tags" and contains a
+ percent sign may make Vim crash. (Ulf Harnhammar)
+Solution: Use puts() instead of fprintf().
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.1.040
+Problem: ":match" only supports three matches.
+Solution: Add functions clearmatches(), getmatches(), matchadd(),
+ matchdelete() and setmatches(). Changed the data structures for
+ this. A small bug in syntax.c is fixed, so newly created
+ highlight groups can have their name resolved correctly from their
+ ID. (Martin Toft)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/pattern.txt,
+ runtime/doc/usr_41.txt, src/eval.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/proto/, src/screen.c, src/structs.h, src/syntax.c,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test63.ok, src/window.c
+Patch 7.1.041 (extra, after 7.1.040)
+Problem: Some changes for patch 7.1.040 are in extra files.
+Solution: Update the extra files.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.1.042 (after 7.1.040)
+Problem: Internal error when using matchadd(). (David Larson)
+Solution: Check the third argument to be present before using the fourth
+ argument. (Martin Toft)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.043
+Problem: In Ex mode using CTRL-D twice may cause a crash. Cursor isn't
+ positioned properly after CTRL-D.
+Solution: Set prev_char properly. Position the cursor correctly. (Antony
+ Scriven)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.1.044
+Problem: In Insert mode 0 CTRL-T deletes all indent, it should add indent.
+ (Gautam Iyer)
+Solution: Check for CTRL-D typed.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.1.045
+Problem: Unnecessary screen redrawing. (Jjgod Jiang)
+Solution: Reset "must_redraw" after clearing the screen.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.1.046
+Problem: ":s" command removes combining characters. (Ron Aaron)
+Solution: Copy composing characters individually. (Chris Lubinski)
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.1.047
+Problem: vim_regcomp() called with invalid argument. (Xiaozhou Liu)
+Solution: Change TRUE to RE_MAGIC + RE_STRING.
+Files: src/ex_eval.c
+Patch 7.1.048
+Problem: The matchparen plugin doesn't update the match when scrolling with
+ the mouse wheel. (Ilya Bobir)
+Solution: Set the match highlighting for text that can be scrolled into the
+ viewable area without moving the cursor. (Chris Lubinski)
+Files: runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
+Patch 7.1.049
+Problem: Cannot compile GTK2 version with Hangul input feature.
+Solution: Don't define FEAT_XFONTSET when using GTK2.
+Files: src/feature.h
+Patch 7.1.050
+Problem: Possible crash when using C++ indenting. (Chris Monson)
+Solution: Keep the line pointer to the line to compare with. Avoid going
+ past the end of line.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.1.051
+Problem: Accessing uninitialized memory when finding spell suggestions.
+Solution: Don't try swapping characters at the end of a word.
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.1.052
+Problem: When creating a new match not all fields are initialized, which
+ may lead to unpredictable results.
+Solution: Initialise rmm_ic and rmm_maxcol.
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.1.053
+Problem: Accessing uninitialized memory when giving a message.
+Solution: Check going the length before checking for a NUL byte.
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.1.054
+Problem: Accessing uninitialized memory when displaying the fold column.
+Solution: Add a NUL to the extra array. (Dominique Pelle). Also do this in
+ a couple of other situations.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.1.055
+Problem: Using strcpy() with arguments that overlap.
+Solution: Use mch_memmove() instead.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/charset.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_getln.c,
+ src/misc1.c, src/regexp.c, src/termlib.c
+Patch 7.1.056
+Problem: More prompt does not behave correctly after scrolling back.
+ (Randall W. Morris)
+Solution: Avoid lines_left becomes negative. (Chris Lubinski) Don't check
+ mp_last when deciding to show the more prompt. (Martin Toft)
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.1.057
+Problem: Problem with CursorHoldI when using "r" in Visual mode (Max
+ Dyckhoff)
+Solution: Ignore CursorHold(I) when getting a second character for a Normal
+ mode command. Also abort the "r" command in Visual when a special
+ key is typed.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.1.058
+Problem: When 'rightleft' is set the completion menu is positioned wrong.
+ (Baha-Eddine MOKADEM)
+Solution: Fix the completion menu. (Martin Toft)
+Files: src/popupmnu.c, src/proto/, src/search.c
+Patch 7.1.059
+Problem: When in Ex mode and doing "g/^/vi" and then pressing CTRL-C Vim
+ hangs and beeps. (Antony Scriven)
+Solution: Clear "got_int" in the main loop to avoid the hang. When typing
+ CTRL-C twice in a row abort the ":g" command. This is Vi
+ compatible.
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.1.060
+Problem: Splitting quickfix window messes up window layout. (Marius
+ Gedminas)
+Solution: Compute the window size in a smarter way. (Martin Toft)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.1.061
+Problem: Win32: When 'encoding' is "latin1" 'ignorecase' doesn't work for
+ characters with umlaut. (Joachim Hofmann)
+Solution: Do not use islower()/isupper()/tolower()/toupper() but our own
+ functions. (Chris Lubinski)
+Files: src/mbyte.c, src/regexp.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.1.062 (after 7.1.038)
+Problem: Indents of C comments can be wrong. (John Mullin)
+Solution: Adjust ind_len. (Chris Lubinski)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.1.063 (after 7.1.040)
+Problem: Warning for uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Initialise it to NULL.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.1.064
+Problem: On Interix some files appear not to exist.
+Solution: Remove the top bit from st_mode. (Ligesh)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.1.065 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Compilation problem for newer version of w32api.
+Solution: Only define __IID_DEFINED__ when needed. (Chris Sutcliffe)
+Files: src/Make_ming.mak, src/iid_ole.c
+Patch 7.1.066
+Problem: When 'bomb' is set or reset the file should be considered
+ modified. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Handle like 'endofline'. (Martin Toft)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/fileio.c, src/option.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.1.067
+Problem: 'thesaurus' doesn't work when 'infercase' is set. (Mohsin)
+Solution: Don't copy the characters being completed but check the case and
+ apply it to the suggested word. Also fix that the first word in
+ the thesaurus line is not used. (Martin Toft)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.1.068
+Problem: When 'equalalways' is set and splitting a window, it's possible
+ that another small window gets bigger.
+Solution: Only equalize window sizes when after a split the windows are
+ smaller than another window. (Martin Toft)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, runtime/doc/windows.txt, src/window.c
+Patch 7.1.069
+Problem: GTK GUI: When using confirm() without a default button there still
+ is a default choice.
+Solution: Ignore Enter and Space when there is no default button. (Chris
+ Lubinski)
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c
+Patch 7.1.070 (extra)
+Problem: Win32 GUI: When using confirm() without a default button there
+ still is a default choice.
+Solution: Set focus on something else than a button. (Chris Lubinski)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.1.071 (after 7.1.040)
+Problem: Regexp patterns are not tested.
+Solution: Add a basic test, to be expanded later.
+ Also add (commented-out) support for valgrind.
+Files: src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.1.072 (extra, after 7.1.041 and 7.1.071)
+Problem: Some changes for patch 7.1.071 are in extra files.
+Solution: Update the extra files. Also fix a few warnings from the DOS test
+ makefile.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.1.073 (after 7.1.062)
+Problem: Wrong cursor position and crash when 'preserveindent' is set.
+ (Charles Campbell)
+Solution: Handle the situation that we start without indent. (Chris
+ Lubinski)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.1.074
+Problem: Crash when calling string() on a recursively nested List.
+Solution: Check result value for being NULL. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.075
+Problem: ":let v:statusmsg" reads memory already freed.
+Solution: Don't set v:statusmsg when listing it.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.076
+Problem: Another strcpy() with overlapping arguments.
+Solution: Use mch_memmove(). (Dominique Pelle) And another one.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/normal.c
+Patch 7.1.077
+Problem: Using "can_spell" without initializing it. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Set a default for get_syntax_attr().
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.1.078
+Problem: Dropping a file name on gvim that contains a CSI byte doesn't work
+ when editing the command line.
+Solution: Escape the CSI byte when inserting in the input buffer. (Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira)
+Files: src/gui.c, src/ui.c
+Patch 7.1.079
+Problem: When the locale is "C" and 'encoding' is "latin1" then the "@"
+ character in 'isfname', 'isprint', etc. doesn't pick up accented
+ characters.
+Solution: Instead of isalpha() use MB_ISLOWER() and MB_ISUPPER().
+Files: src/charset.c, src/macros.h
+Patch 7.1.080 (extra)
+Problem: Compiler warnings for using "const char *" for "char *".
+Solution: Add type casts. (Chris Sutcliffe)
+Files: src/GvimExt/gvimext.cpp
+Patch 7.1.081
+Problem: Command line completion for a shell command: "cat </tmp/file<Tab>"
+ doesn't work.
+Solution: Start the file name at any character that can't be in a file name.
+ (Martin Toft)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.1.082
+Problem: After a ":split" the matchparen highlighting isn't there.
+Solution: Install a WinEnter autocommand. Also fixes that after
+ ":NoMatchParen" only the current window is updated. (Martin Toft)
+Files: runtime/doc/pi_paren.txt, runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
+Patch 7.1.083 (after 7.1.081)
+Problem: Command line completion doesn't work with wildcards.
+Solution: Add vim_isfilec_or_wc() and use it. (Martin Toft)
+Files: src/charset.c, src/proto/, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.1.084
+Problem: Using the "-nb" argument twice causes netbeans not to get
+ fileOpened events.
+Solution: Change "&" to "&&". (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.1.085
+Problem: ":e fold.c" then ":sp fold.c" results in folds of original window
+ to disappear. (Akita Noek)
+Solution: Invoke foldUpdateAll() for all windows of the changed buffer.
+ (Martin Toft)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.1.086
+Problem: Crash when using specific Python syntax highlighting. (Quirk)
+Solution: Check for a negative index, coming from a keyword match at the
+ start of a line from a saved state.
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.1.087
+Problem: Reading past ":cscope find" command. Writing past end of a buffer.
+Solution: Check length of the argument before using the pattern. Use
+ vim_strncpy(). (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.1.088 (extra)
+Problem: The coordinates used by ":winpos" differ from what getwinposx()
+ and getwinposy() return.
+Solution: Use MoveWindowStructure() instead of MoveWindow(). (Michael Henry)
+Files: src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.1.089
+Problem: ":let loaded_getscriptPlugin" doesn't clear to eol, result is
+ "#1in".
+Solution: Clear to the end of the screen after displaying the first variable
+ value.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.090
+Problem: Compiler warning on Mac OS X 10.5.
+Solution: Don't redeclare sigaltstack(). (Hisashi T Fujinaka)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.1.091 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Can't embed Vim inside another application.
+Solution: Add the --windowid argument. (Nageshwar)
+Files: runtime/doc/gui_w32.txt, runtime/doc/starting.txt,
+ runtime/doc/vi_diff.txt, src/globals.h, src/gui_w32.c, src/main.c
+Patch 7.1.092 (extra, after 7.1.088)
+Problem: Wrong arguments for MoveWindowStructure().
+Solution: Remove "TRUE". (Michael Henry)
+Files: src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.1.093
+Problem: Reading past end of a screen line when determining cell width.
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Add an argument to mb_off2cells() for the maximum offset.
+Files: src/globals.h, src/gui.c, src/mbyte.c, src/proto/,
+ src/screen.c
+Patch 7.1.094
+Problem: When checking if syntax highlighting is present, looking in the
+ current buffer instead of the specified one.
+Solution: Use "buf" instead of "curbuf".
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.1.095
+Problem: The FocusLost and FocusGained autocommands are triggered
+ asynchronously in the GUI. This may cause arbitrary problems.
+Solution: Put the focus event in the input buffer and handle it when ready
+ for it.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/getchar.c, src/gui.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c,
+ src/keymap.h
+Patch 7.1.096
+Problem: Reading past end of a string when resizing Vim. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Check the string pointer before getting the char it points to.
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.1.097
+Problem: ":setlocal stl=%!1+1" does not work.
+Solution: Adjust check for pointer. (Politz)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.1.098
+Problem: ":call s:var()" doesn't work if "s:var" is a Funcref. (Andy Wokula)
+Solution: Before converting "s:" into a script ID, check if it is a Funcref.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.099
+Problem: When the 'keymap' and 'paste' options have a non-default value,
+ ":mkexrc" and ":mksession" do not correctly set the options.
+Solution: Set the options with side effects before other options.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.1.100
+Problem: Win32: Executing cscope doesn't always work properly.
+Solution: Use another way to invoke cscope. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c, src/if_cscope.h, src/main.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.1.101
+Problem: Ruby: The Buffer.line= method does not work.
+Solution: Add the "self" argument to set_current_line(). (Jonathan Hankins)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.1.102
+Problem: Perl interface doesn't compile with new version of Perl.
+Solution: Add two variables to the dynamic library loading. (Suresh
+ Govindachar)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.1.103
+Problem: Using "dw" with the cursor past the end of the last line (using
+ CTRL-\ CTRL-O from Insert mode) deletes a character. (Tim Chase)
+Solution: Don't move the cursor back when the movement failed.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.1.104 (after 7.1.095)
+Problem: When 'lazyredraw' is set a focus event causes redraw to be
+ postponed until a key is pressed.
+Solution: Instead of not returning from vgetc() when a focus event is
+ encountered return K_IGNORE. Add plain_vgetc() for when the
+ caller doesn't want to get K_IGNORE.
+Files: src/digraph.c, src/edit.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_getln.c,
+ src/getchar.c, src/normal.c, src/proto/, src/window.c
+Patch 7.1.105
+Problem: Internal error when using "0 ? {'a': 1} : {}". (A.Politz)
+Solution: When parsing a dictionary value without using the value, don't try
+ obtaining the key name.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.106
+Problem: ":messages" doesn't quit listing on ":".
+Solution: Break the loop when "got_int" is set.
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.1.107
+Problem: When doing a block selection and using "s" to change the text,
+ while triggering auto-indenting, causes the wrong text to be
+ repeated in other lines. (Adri Verhoef)
+Solution: Compute the change of indent and compensate for that.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.1.108 (after 7.1.100)
+Problem: Win32: Compilation problems in Cscope code. (Jeff Lanzarotta)
+Solution: Use (long) instead of (intptr_t) when it's not defined.
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.1.109
+Problem: GTK: when there are many tab pages, clicking on the arrow left of
+ the labels moves to the next tab page on the right. (Simeon Bird)
+Solution: Check the X coordinate of the click and pass -1 as value for the
+ left arrow.
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/term.c
+Patch 7.1.110 (after 7.1.102)
+Problem: Win32: Still compilation problems with Perl.
+Solution: Change the #ifdefs. (Suresh Govindachar)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.1.111
+Problem: When using ":vimgrep" with the "j" flag folds from another buffer
+ may be displayed. (A.Politz)
+Solution: When not jumping to another buffer update the folds.
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.1.112
+Problem: Using input() with a wrong argument may crash Vim. (A.Politz)
+Solution: Init the input() return value to NULL.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.113
+Problem: Using map() to go over an empty list causes memory to be freed
+ twice. (A.Politz)
+Solution: Don't clear the typeval in restore_vimvar().
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.114
+Problem: Memory leak in getmatches().
+Solution: Don't increment the refcount twice.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.115 (after 7.1.105)
+Problem: Compiler warning for uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Init variable to NULL.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.116
+Problem: Cannot display Unicode characters above 0x10000.
+Solution: Remove the replacement with a question mark when UNICODE16 is not
+ defined. (partly by Nicolas Weber)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.1.117
+Problem: Can't check whether Vim was compiled with Gnome. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Add gui_gnome to the has() list.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.118 (after 7.1.107)
+Problem: Compiler warning for Visual C compiler.
+Solution: Add typecast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.1.119
+Problem: Crash when 'cmdheight' set to very large value. (A.Politz)
+Solution: Limit 'cmdheight' to 'lines' minus one. Store right value of
+ 'cmdheight' when running out of room.
+Files: src/option.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.1.120
+Problem: Can't properly check memory leaks while running tests.
+Solution: Add an argument to garbagecollect(). Delete functions and
+ variables in the test scripts.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt src/eval.c, src/globals.h, src/main.c,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test60.vim, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+Patch 7.1.121
+Problem: Using ":cd %:h" when editing a file in the current directory
+ results in an error message for using an empty string.
+Solution: When "%:h" results in an empty string use ".".
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.122
+Problem: Mac: building fails. Using wrong architecture.
+Solution: Use line continuation for the gui_bundle dependency. Detect the
+ system architecture with "uname -a".
+Files: src/main.aap
+Patch 7.1.123
+Problem: Win32: ":edit foo ~ foo" expands "~".
+Solution: Change the call to expand_env().
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/misc1.c, src/proto/, src/option.c
+Patch 7.1.124 (extra)
+Problem: Mac: When dropping a file on that is already in the buffer
+ list (from .viminfo) results in editing an empty, unnamed buffer.
+ (Axel Kielhorn) Also: warning for unused variable.
+Solution: Move to the buffer of the first argument. Delete unused variable.
+Files: src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.1.125
+Problem: The TermResponse autocommand event is not always triggered. (Aron
+ Griffis)
+Solution: When unblocking autocommands check if v:termresponse changed and
+ trigger the event then.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/diff.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/fileio.c,
+ src/globals.h, src/misc2.c, src/proto/, src/window.c
+Patch 7.1.126 (extra)
+Problem: ":vimgrep */*" fails when a BufRead autocommand changes directory.
+ (Bernhard Kuhn)
+Solution: Change back to the original directory after loading a file.
+ Also: use shorten_fname1() to avoid duplicating code.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/fileio.c, src/gui_gtk.c,
+ src/gui_w48.c, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.1.127
+Problem: Memory leak when doing cmdline completion. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Free "orig" argument of ExpandOne() when it's not used.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.1.128 (extra)
+Problem: Build problems with new version of Cygwin.
+Solution: Remove -D__IID_DEFINED__, like with MingW. (Guopeng Wen)
+Files: src/Make_cyg.mak
+Patch 7.1.129 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Can't get the user name when it is longer than 15
+ characters.
+Solution: Use UNLEN instead of MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH. (Alexei Alexandrov)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.1.130
+Problem: Crash with specific order of undo and redo. (A.Politz)
+Solution: Clear and adjust pointers properly. Add u_check() for debugging.
+Files: src/undo.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.1.131
+Problem: ":mksession" always adds ":setlocal autoread". (Christian J.
+ Robinson)
+Solution: Skip boolean global/local option using global value.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.1.132
+Problem: getpos("'>") may return a negative column number for a Linewise
+ selection. (A.Politz)
+Solution: Don't add one to MAXCOL.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.133 (after 7.1.126)
+Problem: shorten_fname1() linked when it's not needed.
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.1.134 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Can't build with VC8
+Solution: Detect the MSVC version instead of using NMAKE_VER.
+ (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.1.135
+Problem: Win32: When editing a file c:\tmp\foo and c:\tmp\\foo we have two
+ buffers for the same file. (Suresh Govindachar)
+Solution: Invoke FullName_save() when a path contains "//" or "\\".
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.1.136
+Problem: Memory leak when using Ruby syntax highlighting. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Free the contained-in list.
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.1.137
+Problem: Build failure when using EXITFREE. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Add an #ifdef around using clip_exclude_prog.
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.1.138
+Problem: The Perl Msg() function doesn't stop when "q" is typed at the more
+ prompt. (Hari Krishna Dara)
+Solution: Check got_int.
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.1.139
+Problem: When using marker folding and ending Insert mode with CTRL-C the
+ current fold is truncated. (Fred Kater)
+Solution: Ignore got_int while updating folds.
+Files: src/fold.c
+Patch 7.1.140
+Problem: v:count is set only after typing a non-digit, that makes it
+ difficult to make a nice mapping.
+Solution: Set v:count while still typing the count.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.1.141
+Problem: GTK: -geom argument doesn't support a negative offset.
+Solution: Compute position from the right/lower corner.
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.1.142
+Problem: ":redir @A>" doesn't work.
+Solution: Ignore the extra ">" also when appending. (James Vega)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.1.143
+Problem: Uninitialized memory read when diffing three files. (Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Solution: Remove "+ !notset" so that we don't use fields that were not
+ computed.
+Files: src/diff.c
+Patch 7.1.144
+Problem: After ":diffup" cursor can be in the wrong position.
+Solution: Force recomputing the cursor position.
+Files: src/diff.c
+Patch 7.1.145
+Problem: Insert mode completion: When using the popup menu, after
+ completing a word and typing a non-word character Vim is still
+ completing the same word, following CTRL-N doesn't work.
+ Insert mode Completion: When using CTRL-X O and there is only
+ "struct." before the cursor, typing one char to reduce the
+ matches, then BS completion stops.
+Solution: When typing a character that is not part of the item being
+ completed, stop complete mode. For whole line completion also
+ accept a space. For file name completion stop at a path
+ separator.
+ For omni completion stay in completion mode even if completing
+ with empty string.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.1.146 (extra)
+Problem: VMS: Files with a very rare record organization (VFC) cannot be
+ properly written by Vim.
+ On older VAX systems mms runs into a syntax error.
+Solution: Check for this special situation. Do not wrap a comment, make it
+ one long line. (Zoltan Arpadffy)
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.1.147 (after 7.1.127)
+Problem: Freeing memory already freed when completing user name. (Meino
+ Cramer)
+Solution: Use a flag to remember if "orig" needs to be freed.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.1.148
+Problem: Some types are not found by configure.
+Solution: Test for the sys/types.h header file. (Sean Boudreau)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.1.149
+Problem: GTK GUI: When the completion popup menu is used scrolling another
+ window by the scrollbar is OK, but using the scroll wheel it
+ behaves line <Enter>.
+Solution: Ignore K_MOUSEDOWN and K_MOUSEUP. Fix redrawing the popup menu.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/gui.c
+Patch 7.1.150
+Problem: When 'clipboard' has "unnamed" using "p" in Visual mode doesn't
+ work correctly. (Jianrong Yu)
+Solution: When 'clipboard' has "unnamed" also obtain the selection when
+ getting the default register.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.1.151
+Problem: Using whole line completion with 'ignorecase' and 'infercase' set
+ and the line is empty get an lalloc(0) error.
+Solution: Don't try changing case for an empty match. (Matthew Wozniski)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.1.152
+Problem: Display problem when 'hls' and 'cursorcolumn' are set and
+ searching for "$". (John Mullin) Also when scrolling
+ horizontally when 'wrap' is off.
+Solution: Keep track of the column where highlighting was set. Check the
+ column offset when skipping characters.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.1.153
+Problem: Compiler warnings on SGI. Undefined XpmAllocColor (Charles
+ Campbell)
+Solution: Add type casts. Init st_dev and st_ino separately. Don't use
+ type casts for vim_snprintf() when HAVE_STDARG_H is defined.
+ Define XpmAllocColor when needed.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/fileio.c, src/misc2.c,
+ src/gui_xmebw.c
+Patch 7.1.154
+Problem: Compiler warning for signed/unsigned compare.
+Solution: Add type cast.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.1.155
+Problem: Crash when 'undolevels' is 0 and repeating "udd". (James Vega)
+Solution: When there is only one branch use u_freeheader() to delete it.
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.1.156
+Problem: Overlapping arguments for strcpy() when expanding command line
+ variables.
+Solution: Use mch_memmove() instead of STRCPY(). Also fix a few typos.
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.1.157
+Problem: In Ex mode, :" gives an error at end-of-file. (Michael Hordijk)
+Solution: Only give an error for an empty line, not for a comment.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.1.158 (extra)
+Problem: Win32 console: When 'encoding' is "utf-8" and typing Alt-y the
+ result is wrong. Win32 GUI: Alt-y results in "u" when 'encoding'
+ is "cp1250" (Lukas Cerman)
+Solution: For utf-8 don't set the 7th bit in a byte, convert to the correct
+ byte sequence. For cp1250, when conversion to 'encoding' results
+ in the 7th bit not set, set the 7th bit after conversion.
+Files: src/os_win32.c, src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.1.159
+Problem: strcpy() has overlapping arguments.
+Solution: Use mch_memmove() instead. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.1.160
+Problem: When a focus autocommand is defined, getting or losing focus
+ causes the hit-enter prompt to be redrawn. (Bjorn Winckler)
+Solution: Overwrite the last line.
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.1.161
+Problem: Compilation errors with tiny features and EXITFREE.
+Solution: Add #ifdefs. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.1.162
+Problem: Crash when using a modifier before "while" or "for". (A.Politz)
+Solution: Skip modifiers when checking for a loop command.
+Files: src/proto/, src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_eval.c
+Patch 7.1.163
+Problem: Warning for the unknown option 'bufsecret'.
+Solution: Remove the lines .vim that use this option. (Andy Wokula)
+Files: runtime/menu.vim
+Patch 7.1.164
+Problem: Reading past end of regexp pattern. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Use utf_ptr2len().
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.1.165
+Problem: Crash related to getting X window ID. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Don't trust the window ID that we got in the past, check it every
+ time.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.1.166
+Problem: Memory leak for using "gp" in Visual mode.
+Solution: Free memory in put_register(). (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.1.167
+Problem: Xxd crashes when using "xxd -b -c 110". (Debian bug 452789)
+Solution: Allocate more memory. Fix check for maximum number of columns.
+Files: src/xxd/xxd.c
+Patch 7.1.168 (extra)
+Problem: Win32 GUI: Since patch 7.1.095, when the Vim window does not have
+ focus, clicking in it doesn't position the cursor. (Juergen
+ Kraemer)
+Solution: Don't reset s_button_pending just after receiving focus.
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.1.169
+Problem: Using uninitialized variable when system() fails. (Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Solution: Let system() return an empty string when it fails.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.170
+Problem: Valgrind warning for overlapping arguments for strcpy().
+Solution: Use mch_memmove() instead. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.1.171
+Problem: Reading one byte before allocated memory.
+Solution: Check index not to become negative. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.1.172
+Problem: When 'buftype' is "acwrite" Vim still checks if the file or
+ directory exists before overwriting.
+Solution: Don't check for overwriting when the buffer name is not a file
+ name.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.1.173
+Problem: Accessing freed memory. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Don't call reg_getline() to check if a line is the first in the
+ file.
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.1.174
+Problem: Writing NUL past end of a buffer.
+Solution: Copy one byte less when using strncat(). (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+Patch 7.1.175
+Problem: <BS> doesn't work with some combination of 'sts', 'linebreak' and
+ 'backspace'. (Francois Ingelrest)
+Solution: When adding white space results in not moving back delete one
+ character.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.1.176
+Problem: Building with Aap fails when the "compiledby" argument contains
+ '<' or '>' characters. (Alex Yeh)
+Solution: Change how quoting is done in the Aap recipe.
+Files: src/main.aap
+Patch 7.1.177
+Problem: Freeing memory twice when in debug mode while reading a script.
+Solution: Ignore script input while in debug mode.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/getchar.c, src/globals.h
+Patch 7.1.178
+Problem: "%" doesn't work on "/* comment *//* comment */".
+Solution: Don't handle the "//" in "*//*" as a C++ comment. (Markus
+ Heidelberg)
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.1.179
+Problem: Need to check for TCL 8.5.
+Solution: Adjust configure script. (Alexey Froloff)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.1.180
+Problem: Regexp patterns not tested sufficiently.
+Solution: Add more checks to the regexp test.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.1.181
+Problem: Accessing uninitialized memory in Farsi mode. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Only invoke lrF_sub() when there is something to do.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.1.182
+Problem: When using tab pages and an argument list the session file may
+ contain wrong "next" commands. (Alexander Bluem)
+Solution: Use "argu" commands and only when needed.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.1.183
+Problem: "Internal error" for ":echo matchstr('a', 'a\%[\&]')" (Mitanu
+ Paul)
+Solution: Inside "\%[]" detect \&, \| and \) as an error.
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.1.184
+Problem: Crash when deleting backwards over a line break in Insert mode.
+Solution: Don't advance the cursor when it's already on the NUL after a
+ line. (Matthew Wozniski)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.1.185
+Problem: Using "gR" with a multibyte encoding and typing a CR pushes
+ characters onto the replace stack incorrectly, resulting in BS
+ putting back the wrong characters. (Paul B. Mahol)
+Solution: Push multibyte characters onto the replace stack in reverse byte
+ order. Add replace_push_mb().
+Files: src/edit.c, src/misc1.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.1.186
+Problem: "expand('<afile>')" returns a bogus value after changing
+ directory. (Dave Fishburn)
+Solution: Copy "autocmd_fname" to allocated memory and expand to full
+ filename. Shorten the path when expanding <afile>.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.1.187
+Problem: Win32 GUI: Custom completion using system() no longer works
+ after patch 7.1.104. (Erik Falor)
+Solution: Loop when safe_vgetc() returns K_IGNORE.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.1.188
+Problem: When 'showmode' is off the message for changing a readonly file is
+ given in the second column instead of the first. (Payl B. Mahol)
+Solution: Put the W10 message in the first column.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.1.189 (after 7.1.104)
+Problem: Patch 7.1.104 was incomplete.
+Solution: Also call plain_vgetc() in ask_yesno().
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.1.190
+Problem: Cursor after end-of-line: "iA sentence.<Esc>)"
+Solution: Move cursor back and make motion inclusive.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.1.191
+Problem: Win32 GUI: after patch 7.1.168 there is still a problem when
+ clicking in a scrollbar. (Juergen Jottkaerr)
+Solution: Don't check the input buffer when dragging the scrollbar.
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.1.192
+Problem: With Visual block selection, "s" and typing something, CTRL-C
+ doesn't stop Vim from repeating the replacement in other lines,
+ like happens for "I".
+Solution: Check for "got_int" to be set.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.1.193
+Problem: Some Vim 5.x digraphs are missing in Vim 7, even though the
+ character pairs are not used. (Philippe de Muyter)
+Solution: Add those Vim 5.x digraphs that don't conflict with others.
+Files: src/digraph.c
+Patch 7.1.194
+Problem: ":echo glob('~/{}')" results in /home/user//.
+Solution: Don't add a slash if there already is one.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.1.195
+Problem: '0 mark doesn't work for "~/foo ~ foo".
+Solution: Don't expand the whole file name, only "~/".
+Files: src/mark.c
+Patch 7.1.196 (extra)
+Problem: Win32 GUI: "\n" in a tooltip doesn't cause a line break. (Erik
+ Falor)
+Solution: Use the TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH message.
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.1.197
+Problem: Mac: "make install" doesn't work when prefix defined.
+Solution: Pass different arguments to "make installruntime". (Jjgod Jiang)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.1.198
+Problem: Hang when using ":s/\n//gn". (Burak Gorkemli)
+Solution: Set "skip_match".
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.1.199
+Problem: Can't do command line completion for a specific file name
+ extension.
+Solution: When the pattern ends in "$" don't add a star for completion and
+ remove the "$" before matching with file names.
+Files: runtime/doc/cmdline.txt, src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.1.200 (after 7.1.177 and 7.1.182)
+Problem: Compiler warnings for uninitialized variables.
+Solution: Init variables.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.1.201
+Problem: When reading stdin 'fenc' and 'ff' are not set.
+Solution: Set the options after reading stdin. (Ben Schmidt)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.1.202
+Problem: Incomplete utf-8 byte sequence is not checked for validity.
+Solution: Check the bytes that are present for being valid. (Ben Schmidt)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.1.203
+Problem: When 'virtualedit' is "onemore" then "99|" works but ":normal 99|"
+ doesn't. (Andy Wokula)
+Solution: Check for "onemore" flag in check_cursor_col().
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.1.204 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Using the example at 'balloonexpr' the balloon disappears
+ after four seconds and then comes back again. Also moves the
+ mouse pointer a little bit. (Yongwei Wu)
+Solution: Set the autopop time to 30 seconds (the max value). (Sergey
+ Khorev) Move the mouse two pixels forward and one back to end up
+ in the same position (really!).
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.1.205
+Problem: Can't get the operator in an ":omap".
+Solution: Add the "v:operator" variable. (Ben Schmidt)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/normal.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.1.206
+Problem: Compiler warnings when using MODIFIED_BY.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Ben Schmidt)
+Files: src/version.c
+Patch 7.1.207
+Problem: Netbeans: "remove" cannot delete one line.
+Solution: Remove partial lines and whole lines properly. Avoid a memory
+ leak. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.1.208
+Problem: On Alpha get an unaligned access error.
+Solution: Store the dictitem pointer before using it. (Matthew Luckie)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.209
+Problem: GTK: When using the netrw plugin and doing ":gui" Vim hangs.
+Solution: Stop getting a selection after three seconds. This is a hack.
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.1.210
+Problem: Listing mapping for 0xdb fails when 'encoding' is utf-8. (Tony
+ Mechelynck)
+Solution: Recognize K_SPECIAL KS_EXTRA KE_CSI as a CSI byte.
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.1.211
+Problem: The matchparen plugin may take an unexpected amount of time, so
+ that it looks like Vim hangs.
+Solution: Add a timeout to searchpair(), searchpairpos(), search() and
+ searchpos(). Use half a second timeout in the plugin.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim, src/edit.c,
+ src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/normal.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/search.c
+Patch 7.1.212
+Problem: Accessing a byte before a line.
+Solution: Check that the column is 1 or more. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.1.213
+Problem: A ":tabedit" command that results in the "swap file exists" dialog
+ and selecting "abort" doesn't close the new tab. (Al Budden)
+Solution: Pass "old_curwin" to do_exedit().
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.1.214
+Problem: ":1s/g\n\zs1//" deletes characters from the first line. (A Politz)
+Solution: Start replacing in the line where the match starts.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.1.215
+Problem: It is difficult to figure out what syntax items are nested at a
+ certain position.
+Solution: Add the synstack() function.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/proto/,
+ src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.1.216
+Problem: Variants of --remote-tab are not mentioned for "vim --help".
+Solution: Display optional -wait and -silent.
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.1.217
+Problem: The "help-tags" tag may be missing from runtime/doc/tags when it
+ was generated during "make install".
+Solution: Add the "++t" argument to ":helptags" to force adding the tag.
+Files: runtime/doc/Makefile, runtime/doc/various.txt, src/ex_cmds.c,
+ src/ex_cmds.h
+Patch 7.1.218
+Problem: A syntax region without a "keepend", containing a region with
+ "extend" could be truncated at the end of the containing region.
+Solution: Do not call syn_update_ends() when there are no keepend items.
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.1.219 (after 7.1.215)
+Problem: synstack() returns situation after the current character, can't
+ see the state for a one-character region.
+Solution: Don't update ending states in the requested column.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/hardcopy.c,
+ src/proto/, src/screen.c, src/spell.c, src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.1.220
+Problem: When a ")" or word movement command moves the cursor back from the
+ end of the line it may end up on the trail byte of a multibyte
+ character. It's also moved back when it isn't needed.
+Solution: Add the adjust_cursor() function.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.1.221
+Problem: When inserting a "(", triggering the matchparen plugin, the
+ following highlighting may be messed up.
+Solution: Before triggering the CursorMovedI autocommands update the display
+ to update the stored syntax stacks for the change.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.1.222 (after 7.1.217)
+Problem: Wildcards in argument of ":helptags" are not expanded. (Marcel
+ Svitalsky)
+Solution: Expand wildcards in the directory name.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.1.223
+Problem: glob() doesn't work properly when 'shell' is "sh" or "bash" and
+ the expanded name contains spaces, '~', single quotes and other
+ special characters. (Adri Verhoef, Charles Campbell)
+Solution: For Posix shells define a vimglob() function to list the matches
+ instead of using "echo" directly.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.1.224
+Problem: When using "vim -F -o file1 file2" only one window is
+ right-to-left. Same for "-H". (Ben Schmidt)
+Solution: use set_option_value() to set 'rightleft'.
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.1.225
+Problem: Using uninitialized value when XGetWMNormalHints() fails.
+Solution: Check the return value. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.1.226
+Problem: Command line completion doesn't work when a file name contains a
+ '&' character.
+Solution: Accept all characters in a file name, except ones that end a
+ command or white space.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.1.227
+Problem: Hang in syntax HL when moving over a ")". (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Avoid storing a syntax state in the wrong position in the list of
+ remembered states.
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.1.228
+Problem: When 'foldmethod' is "indent" and a fold is created with ">>" it
+ can't be closed with "zc". (Daniel Shahaf)
+Solution: Reset the "small" flag of a fold when adding a line to it.
+Files: src/fold.c
+Patch 7.1.229
+Problem: A fold is closed when it shouldn't when 'foldmethod' is "indent"
+ and backspacing a non-white character so that the indent increases.
+Solution: Keep the fold open after backspacing a character.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.1.230
+Problem: Memory leak when executing SourceCmd autocommands.
+Solution: Free the memory. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.1.231
+Problem: When shifting lines the change is acted upon multiple times.
+Solution: Don't have shift_line() call changed_bytes.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/ops.c, src/proto/, src/proto/
+Patch 7.1.232 (after 7.1.207 and 7.1.211)
+Problem: Compiler warnings with MSVC.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.1.233
+Problem: Crash when doing Insert mode completion for a user defined
+ command. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Solution: Don't use the non-existing command line.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.1.234
+Problem: When diff'ing three files the third one isn't displayed correctly.
+ (Gary Johnson)
+Solution: Compute the size of diff blocks correctly when merging blocks.
+ Compute filler lines correctly when scrolling.
+Files: src/diff.c
+Patch 7.1.235
+Problem: Pattern matching is slow when using a lot of simple patterns.
+Solution: Avoid allocating memory by not freeing it when it's not so much.
+ (Alexei Alexandrov)
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.1.236
+Problem: When using 'incsearch' and 'hlsearch' a complicated pattern may
+ make Vim hang until CTRL-C is pressed.
+Solution: Add the 'redrawtime' option.
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/gui.c, src/misc1.c, src/normal.c,
+ src/option.c, src/quickfix.c, src/regexp.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/search.c, src/screen.c,
+ src/option.h, src/spell.c, src/structs.h, src/syntax.c, src/tag.c,
+ src/vim.h
+Patch 7.1.237
+Problem: Compiler warning on an Alpha processor in Motif code.
+Solution: Change a typecast. (Adri Verhoef)
+Files: src/gui_motif.c
+Patch 7.1.238
+Problem: Using the 'c' flag with searchpair() may cause it to fail. Using
+ the 'r' flag doesn't work when 'wrapscan' is set. (A.Politz)
+Solution: Only use the 'c' flag for the first search, not for repeating.
+ When using 'r' imply 'W'. (Antony Scriven)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.239 (after 7.1.233)
+Problem: Compiler warning for sprintf() argument.
+Solution: Add a typecast. (Nico Weber)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.1.240
+Problem: When "gUe" turns a German sharp s into SS the operation stops
+ before the end of the word. Latin2 has the same sharp s but it's
+ not changed to SS there.
+Solution: Make sure all the characters are operated upon. Detect the sharp
+ s in latin2. Also fixes that changing case of a multibyte
+ character that changes the byte count doesn't always work.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.1.241
+Problem: Focus change events not always ignored. (Erik Falor)
+Solution: Ignore K_IGNORE in Insert mode in a few more places.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.1.242 (after 7.1.005)
+Problem: "cib" doesn't work properly on "(x)". (Tim Pope)
+Solution: Use ltoreq() instead of lt(). Also fix "ciT" on "<a>x</a>".
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.1.243 (after 7.1.240)
+Problem: "U" doesn't work on all text in Visual mode. (Adri Verhoef)
+Solution: Loop over all the lines to be changed. Add tests for this.
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test39.ok
+Patch 7.1.244
+Problem: GUI may have part of the command line cut off.
+Solution: Don't round the number of lines up, always round down.
+ (Tony Houghton, Scott Dillard)
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.1.245
+Problem: Pressing CTRL-\ three times causes Vim to quit. (Ranganath Rao).
+ Also for f CTRL-\ CTRL-\.
+Solution: When going to cooked mode in mch_delay() set a flag to ignore
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.1.246
+Problem: Configure hangs when the man pager is something strange. (lorien)
+Solution: Set MANPAGER and PAGER to "cat". (Micah Cowan)
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.1.247
+Problem: When using Netbeans backspacing in Insert mode skips a character
+ now and then. (Ankit Jain)
+Solution: Avoid calling netbeans_removed(), it frees the line pointer.
+ (partly by Dominique Pelle).
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.1.248
+Problem: Can't set the '" mark. Can't know if setpos() was successful.
+Solution: Allow setting the '" mark with setpos(). Have setpos() return a
+ value indicating success/failure.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/mark.c
+Patch 7.1.249
+Problem: After "U" the cursor can be past end of line. (Adri Verhoef)
+Solution: Adjust the cursor position in u_undoline().
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.1.250
+Problem: ":setglobal fenc=anything" gives an error message in a buffer
+ where 'modifiable' is off. (Ben Schmidt)
+Solution: Don't give an error if 'modifiable' doesn't matter.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.1.251
+Problem: Using freed memory when spell checking enabled.
+Solution: Obtain the current line again after calling spell_move_to().
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.1.252 (after 7.1.243)
+Problem: Test 39 fails when the environment has a utf-8 locale. (Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Solution: Force 'encoding' to be latin1.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.1.253
+Problem: ":sort" doesn't work in a one line file. (Patrick Texier)
+Solution: Don't sort if there is only one line. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.1.254
+Problem: Tests 49 and 55 fail when the locale is French.
+Solution: Using C messages for test 49. Filter the error message in test 55
+ such that it works when the number is halfway the message.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.1.255
+Problem: Vim doesn't support utf-32. (Yongwei Wu)
+Solution: Add aliases for utf-32, it's the same as ucs-4.
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.1.256
+Problem: findfile() also returns directories.
+Solution: Cleanup the code for finding files and directories in a list of
+ directories. Remove the ugly global ff_search_ctx.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/misc2.c, src/vim.h, src/tag.c
+Patch 7.1.257
+Problem: Configure can't always find the Tcl header files.
+Solution: Also look in /usr/local/include/tcl$tclver and
+ /usr/include/tcl$tclver (James Vega)
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.1.258
+Problem: Crash when doing "d/\n/e" and 'virtualedit' is "all". (Andy Wokula)
+Solution: Avoid that the column becomes negative. Also fixes other problems
+ with the end of a pattern match is in column zero. (A.Politz)
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.1.259
+Problem: Cursor is in the wrong position when 'rightleft' is set,
+ 'encoding' is "utf-8" and on an illegal byte. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Only put the cursor in the first column when actually on a
+ double-wide character. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.1.260
+Problem: Cursor positioning problem after ^@ wrapping halfway when
+ 'encoding' is utf-8.
+Solution: Only count a position for printable characters. (partly by
+ Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/charset.c
+Patch 7.1.261
+Problem: When a 2 byte BOM is detected Vim uses UCS-2, which doesn't work
+ for UTF-16 text. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Default to UTF-16.
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/testdir/test42.ok
+Patch 7.1.262
+Problem: Can't get the process ID of Vim.
+Solution: Implement getpid().
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.1.263
+Problem: The filetype can consist of two dot separated names. This works
+ for syntax and ftplugin, but not for indent. (Brett Stahlman)
+Solution: Use split() and loop over each dot separated name.
+Files: runtime/indent.vim
+Patch 7.1.264
+Problem: Crash when indenting lines. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Set the cursor column when changing the cursor line.
+Files: src/ops.c, src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.1.265
+Problem: When 'isfname' contains a space, cmdline completion can hang.
+ (James Vega)
+Solution: Reset the "len" variable.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.1.266
+Problem: When the version string returned by the terminal contains
+ unexpected characters, it is used as typed input. (James Vega)
+Solution: Assume the escape sequence ends in a letter.
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.1.267
+Problem: When changing folds cursor may be positioned in the wrong place.
+Solution: Call changed_window_setting_win() instead of
+ changed_window_setting().
+Files: src/fold.c
+Patch 7.1.268
+Problem: Always shows "+" at end of screen line with: ":set
+ listchars=eol:$,extends:+ nowrap list cursorline" (Gary Johnson)
+Solution: Check for lcs_eol_one instead of lcs_eol.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.1.269
+Problem: The matchparen plugin has an arbitrary limit for the number of
+ lines to look for a match.
+Solution: Rely on the searchpair() timeout.
+Files: runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
+Patch 7.1.270
+Problem: ":?foo?" matches in current line since patch 7.1.025. (A.Politz)
+Solution: Remove the SEARCH_START flag.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/search.c
+Patch 7.1.271
+Problem: In a Vim build without autocommands, checking a file that was
+ changed externally causes the current buffer to be changed
+ unexpectedly. (Karsten Hopp)
+Solution: Store "curbuf" instead of "buf".
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.1.272
+Problem: The special buffer name [Location List] is not used for a buffer
+ displayed in another tab page.
+Solution: Use FOR_ALL_TAB_WINDOWS instead of FOR_ALL_WINDOWS. (Hiroaki
+ Nishihara)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.1.273
+Problem: When profiling on Linux Vim exits early. (Liu Yubao)
+Solution: When profiling don't exit on SIGPROF.
+Files: src/Makefile, src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.1.274 (after 7.1.272)
+Problem: Compiler warning for optimized build.
+Solution: Init win to NULL.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.1.275 (extra)
+Problem: Mac: ATSUI and 'antialias' don't work properly together.
+Solution: Fix this and the input method. (Jjgod Jiang)
+Files: src/vim.h, src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.1.276
+Problem: "gw" uses 'formatexpr', even though the docs say it doesn't.
+Solution: Don't use 'formatexpr' for "gw".
+Files: src/vim.h, src/edit.c, src/ops.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.1.277
+Problem: Default for 'paragraphs' misses some items (Colin Watson)
+Solution: Add TP, HP, Pp, Lp and It to 'paragraphs'. (James Vega)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/option.c
+Patch 7.1.278 (extra, after 7.1.275)
+Problem: Build failure when USE_CARBONKEYHANDLER is not defined.
+Solution: Remove #ifdef.
+Files: src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.1.279
+Problem: When using cscope temporary files are left behind.
+Solution: Send the quit command to cscope and give it two seconds to exit
+ nicely before killing it. (partly by Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.1.280 (after 7.1.275)
+Problem: Mac: build problems when not using multibyte feature. (Nicholas
+ Stallard)
+Solution: Don't define USE_IM_CONTROL when not using multibyte.
+Files: src/vim.h
+Patch 7.1.281 (after 7.1.279)
+Problem: sa.sa_mask is not initialized. Cscope may not exit.
+Solution: Use sigemptyset(). Use SIGKILL instead of SIGTERM. (Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.1.282 (extra)
+Problem: Win64: Edit with Vim context menu isn't installed correctly.
+ Compiler warnings and a few other things.
+Solution: Add [ and ] to entry of class name. Use UINT_PTR instead of UINT.
+ And fixes for other things. (George V. Reilly)
+Files: src/GvimExt/Makefile, src/dosinst.c, src/if_ole.cpp, src/if_ole.h,
+ src/if_ole.idl, src/INSTALLpc.txt, src/Make_mvc.mak,
+ src/os_win32.c,
+Patch 7.1.283
+Problem: Non-extra part for 7.1.282.
+Solution: Various changes.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/globals.h, src/if_cscope.c, src/main.c,
+ src/mark.c, src/netbeans.c, src/popupmnu.c, src/vim.h,
+ src/window.c
+Patch 7.1.284
+Problem: Compiler warnings for functions without prototype.
+Solution: Add the function prototypes. (Patrick Texier)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.1.285 (extra)
+Problem: Mac: dialog hotkeys don't work.
+Solution: Add hotkey support. (Dan Sandler)
+Files: src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.1.286 (after 7.1.103)
+Problem: "w" at the end of the buffer moves the cursor past the end of the
+ line. (Markus Heidelberg)
+Solution: Move the cursor back from the NUL when it was moved forward.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.1.287
+Problem: Crash when reversing a list after using it. (Andy Wokula)
+Solution: Update the pointer to the last used element. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.288 (after 7.1.281)
+Problem: Cscope still leaves behind temp files when using gvim.
+Solution: When getting the ECHILD error loop for a while until cscope exits.
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.1.289
+Problem: When EXITFREE is defined and 'acd' is set freed memory is used.
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Reset p_acd before freeing all buffers.
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.1.290
+Problem: Reading bytes that were not written when spell checking and a line
+ has a very large indent.
+Solution: Don't copy the start of the next line when it only contains
+ spaces. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.1.291 (after 7.1.288)
+Problem: Compiler warning.
+Solution: Change 50 to 50L.
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.1.292
+Problem: When using a pattern with "\@<=" the submatches can be wrong.
+ (Brett Stahlman)
+Solution: Save the submatches when attempting a look-behind match.
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.1.293
+Problem: Spell checking considers super- and subscript characters as word
+ characters.
+Solution: Recognize the Unicode super and subscript characters.
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.1.294
+Problem: Leaking memory when executing a shell command.
+Solution: Free memory when not able to save for undo. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.1.295
+Problem: Vimtutor only works with vim, not gvim.
+Solution: Add the -g flag to vimtutor. (Dominique Pelle) Add gvimtutor.
+Files: src/Makefile, src/gvimtutor, src/vimtutor, runtime/doc/vimtutor.1
+Patch 7.1.296
+Problem: SELinux is not supported.
+Solution: Detect the selinux library and use mch_copy_sec(). (James Vega)
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/, src/,
+ src/fileio.c, src/memfile.c, src/os_unix.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.1.297
+Problem: When using the search/replace dialog the parenmatch highlighting
+ can be wrong. (Tim Duncan)
+Solution: In the GUI redraw function invoke the CursorMoved autocmd.
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.1.298 (after 7.1.295)
+Problem: src/gvimtutor is not distributed.
+Solution: Add it to the list of distributed files.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.1.299
+Problem: Filetype detection doesn't work properly for file names ending in
+ a part that is ignored and contain a space or other special
+ characters.
+Solution: Escape the special characters using the new fnameescape function.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/filetype.vim, src/eval.c,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/proto/, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.1.300
+Problem: Value of asmsyntax argument isn't checked for valid characters.
+Solution: Only accepts letters and digits.
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim
+Patch 7.1.301
+Problem: When the "File/Save" menu is used in Insert mode, a tab page label
+ is not updated to remove the "+".
+Solution: Call draw_tabline() from showruler(). (Bjorn Winckler)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.1.302 (after 7.1.299)
+Problem: Compilation error on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Don't use xp_shell when it's not defined.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.1.303 (after 7.1.302)
+Problem: Compilation error on MS-Windows, again.
+Solution: Declare p.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.1.304
+Problem: Shortpath_for_invalid_fname() does not work correctly and is
+ unnecessary complex.
+Solution: Clean up shortpath_for_invalid_fname(). (mostly by Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.305
+Problem: Editing a compressed file with special characters in the name
+ doesn't work properly.
+Solution: Escape special characters.
+Files: runtime/autoload/gzip.vim
+Patch 7.1.306
+Problem: Some Unicode characters are handled like word characters while
+ they are symbols.
+Solution: Adjust the table for Unicode classification.
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.1.307
+Problem: Many warnings when compiling with Python 2.5.
+Solution: Use ssize_t instead of int for some types. (James Vega)
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.1.308
+Problem: When in readonly mode ":options" produces an error.
+Solution: Reset 'readonly'. (Gary Johnson)
+Files: runtime/optwin.vim
+Patch 7.1.309
+Problem: Installing and testing with a shadow directory doesn't work.
+ (James Vega)
+Solution: Add "po" to the list of directories to link. Also link the Vim
+ scripts in testdir. And a few more small fixes.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.1.310
+Problem: Incomplete utf-8 byte sequence at end of the file is not detected.
+ Accessing memory that wasn't written.
+Solution: Check the last bytes in the buffer for being a valid utf-8
+ character. (mostly by Ben Schmidt)
+ Also fix that the reported line number of the error was wrong.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.1.311
+Problem: Compiler warning for missing sentinel in X code.
+Solution: Change 0 to NULL. (Markus Heidelberg)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.1.312
+Problem: The .po files have mistakes in error numbers.
+Solution: Search for these mistakes in the check script. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/po/check.vim
+Patch 7.1.313
+Problem: When the netbeans interface setModified call is used the status
+ lines and window title are not updated.
+Solution: Redraw the status lines and title. (Philippe Fremy)
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.1.314
+Problem: The value of 'pastetoggle' is written to the session file without
+ any escaping. (Randall Hansen)
+Solution: Use put_escstr(). (Ben Schmidt)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.1.315
+Problem: Crash with specific search pattern using look-behind match.
+ (Andreas Politz)
+Solution: Also save the value of "need_clear_subexpr".
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.1.316
+Problem: When 'cscopetag' is set ":tag" gives an error message instead of
+ going to the next tag in the tag stack.
+Solution: Don't call do_cstag() when there is no argument. (Mark Goldman)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.1.317
+Problem: Compiler warnings in Motif calls.
+Solution: Change zero to NULL. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_motif.c
+Patch 7.1.318
+Problem: Memory leak when closing xsmp connection. Crash on exit when
+ using Lesstif.
+Solution: Don't close the X display to work around a Lesstif bug. Free
+ clientid. Also fix a leak for Motif and Athena. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_x11.c, src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.1.319
+Problem: When a register has an illegal utf-8 sequence, pasting it on the
+ command line causes an illegal memory access.
+Solution: Use mb_cptr2char_adv(). (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.1.320 (extra)
+Problem: Win64: Warnings while compiling Python interface.
+Solution: Use PyInt in more places. Also update version message for the
+ console. (George Reilly)
+Files: src/if_python.c, src/version.c
+Patch 7.1.321 (extra)
+Problem: Win32 / Win64: Install file is outdated.
+Solution: Update the text for recent compiler. (George Reilly)
+Files: src/INSTALLpc.txt
+Patch 7.1.322
+Problem: Can't get start of Visual area in an <expr> mapping.
+Solution: Add the 'v' argument to getpos().
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.1.323
+Problem: Test 19 fails with some termcaps. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Set the t_kb and t_kD termcap values.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.1.324
+Problem: File name path length on Unix is limited to 1024.
+Solution: Use PATH_MAX when it's more than 1000.
+Files: src/os_unix.h
+Patch 7.1.325
+Problem: When editing a command line that's longer than available space in
+ the window, the characters at the end are in reverse order.
+Solution: Increment the insert position even when the command line doesn't
+ fit. (Ingo Karkat)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.1.326
+Problem: ":s!from!to!" works, but ":smagic!from!to!" doesn't. It sees the
+ "!" as a flag to the command. Same for ":snomagic". (Johan Spetz)
+Solution: When checking for a forced command also ignore ":smagic" and
+ ":snomagic". (Ian Kelling)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.1.327
+Problem: The GUI tutor is installed when there is no GUI version.
+Solution: Only install gvimtutor when building a GUI version.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.1.328
+Problem: Crash when using Cygwin and non-posix path name in tags file.
+Solution: Use separate buffer for posix path. (Ben Schmidt)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.1.329
+Problem: When the popup menu is removed a column of cells, the right half
+ of double-wide characters, may not be redrawn.
+Solution: Check if the right half of a character needs to be redrawn.
+ (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.1.330
+Problem: Reading uninitialized memory when using Del in replace mode.
+Solution: Use utfc_ptr2len_len() instead of mb_ptr2len(). (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Warning for missing sentinel in gui_xmldlg.c. (Dominique Pelle)
+A search offset from the end of a match didn't work properly for multibyte
+characters. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+When displaying the value of 'key' don't show "*****" when the value is empty.
+(Ben Schmidt)
+Internal error when compiled with EXITFREE and using the nerd_tree plugin.
+Set last_msg_hist to NULL when history becomes empty. Call
+free_all_functions() after garbage collection. (Dominique Pelle)
+GTK with XIM: <S-Space> does not work. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Some shells do not support "echo -n", which breaks glob(). Use "echo" instead
+of "echo -n $1; echo". (Gary Johnson)
+"echo 22,44" printed "22" on top of the command, the error messages caused
+the rest not to be cleared. Added the need_clr_eos flag.
+Netbeans events are handled while updating the screen, causing a crash.
+Change the moment when events are handled. Rename nb_parse_messages() to
+netbeans_parse_messages(). (Xavier de Gaye)
+Test 11 was broken after patch 7.1.186 on Win32 console. (Daniel Shahaf)
+Use shellescape() on the file name.
+IM was turned off in im_preedit_end_cb() for no good reason. (Takuhiro
+A corrupted spell file could cause Vim to use lots of memory. Better
+detection for running into the end of the file. (idea from James Vega)
+Mac: Included a patch to make it build with GTK. Moved language init to
+mac_lang_init() function. (Ben Schmidt)
+Problem with 'wildmenu' after ":lcd", up/down arrows don't work. (Erik Falor)
+Fix to avoid "implicitly declared" warnings when running
+Fixed a memory leak when redefining a keymap. (Dominique Pelle)
+Setting 'pastetoggle' to "jj" didn't work.
+'ic' and 'smartcase' don't work properly when using \%V in a search pattern.
+(Kana Natsuno)
+Patch 7.2a.001
+Problem: On some systems X11/Xlib.h exists (from X11-dev package) but
+ X11/Intrinsic.h does not (in Xt-dev package). This breaks the
+ build. Also, on Solaris 9 sys/ptem.h isn't found.
+Solution: Have configure only accept X11 when X11/Intrinsic.h exists.
+ Check for sys/ptem.h while including sys/stream.h. (Vladimir
+ Marek)
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.2a.002
+Problem: getbufvar(N, "") gets the dictionary of the current buffer instead
+ of buffer N.
+Solution: Set curbuf before calling find_var_in_ht(). (Kana Natsuno)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2a.003
+Problem: Leaking memory when using ":file name" and using access control
+ lists.
+Solution: Invoke mch_free_acl() in vim_rename(). (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2a.004
+Problem: Some systems can't get spell files by ftp.
+Solution: Use http when it looks like it's possible. (James Vega)
+Files: runtime/autoload/spellfile.vim
+Patch 7.2a.005
+Problem: A few error messages use confusing names. Misspelling.
+Solution: Change "dissallows" to "disallows". (Dominique Pelle) Change
+ "number" to "Number".
+Files: src/eval.c, src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2a.006
+Problem: Reading past NUL in a string.
+Solution: Check for invalid utf-8 byte sequence. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/charset.c
+Patch 7.2a.007
+Problem: ":let v = 1.2.3" was OK in Vim 7.1, now it gives an error.
+Solution: Don't look for a floating point number after the "." operator.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2a.008
+Problem: printf("%g", 1) doesn't work.
+Solution: Convert Number to Float when needed.
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.2a.009
+Problem: cygwin_conv_to_posix_path() does not specify buffer size.
+Solution: Use new Cygwin function: cygwin_conv_path(). (Corinna Vinschen)
+Files: src/main.c, src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.2a.010
+Problem: When a file name has an illegal byte sequence Vim may read
+ uninitialised memory.
+Solution: Don't use UTF_COMPOSINGLIKE() on an illegal byte. In
+ msg_outtrans_len_attr() use char2cells() instead of ptr2cells().
+ In utf_ptr2char() don't check second byte when first byte is
+ illegal. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/mbyte.c, src/message.c
+Patch 7.2a.011
+Problem: The Edit/Startup Settings menu doesn't work.
+Solution: Expand environment variables. (Ben Schmidt)
+Files: runtime/menu.vim
+Patch 7.2a.012
+Problem: Compiler warnings for casting int to pointer.
+Solution: Add cast to long in between. (Martin Toft)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.2a.013
+Problem: shellescape() does not escape "%" and "#" characters.
+Solution: Add find_cmdline_var() and use it when the second argument to
+ shellescape() is non-zero.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.2a.014
+Problem: Problem with % in message.
+Solution: Put % in single quotes.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2a.015 (after 7.2a.010)
+Problem: Misaligned messages.
+Solution: Compute length of unprintable chars correctly.
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.2a.016
+Problem: Using CTRL-W v in the quickfix window results in two quickfix
+ windows, which is not allowed. ":tab split" should be allowed to
+ open a new quickfix window in another tab.
+Solution: For CTRL-W v instead of splitting the window open a new one.
+ When using ":tab" do allow splitting the quickfix window (was
+ already included in patch 7.2a.013).
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.2a.017
+Problem: ":doautoall" executes autocommands for all buffers instead of just
+ for loaded buffers.
+Solution: Change "curbuf" to "buf".
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2a.018
+Problem: Compiler warnings when compiling with Gnome. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Add type casts.
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.2a.019
+Problem: ":let &g:tw = 44" sets the local option value. (Cyril Slobin)
+Solution: Use get_varp_scope() instead of get_varp(). (Ian Kelling)
+Files: src/option.c
+There is no way to avoid adding /usr/local/{include|lib} to the build
+commands. Add the --with-local-dir argument to configure. (Michael
+When using CTRL-D after ":help", the number of matches could be thousands.
+Restrict to TAG_MANY to avoid this taking too long. (Ian Kelling)
+The popup menu could be placed at a weird location. Caused by w_wcol computed
+by curs_columns(). (Dominique Pelle)
+Overlapping STRCPY() arguments when using %r item in 'errorformat'. Use
+STRMOVE() instead. (Ralf Wildenhues)
+Mac: On Leopard gvim, when using the mouse wheel nothing would happen until
+another event occurs, such as moving the mouse. Then the recorded scrolling
+would take place all at once. (Eckehard Berns)
+Solution for cursor color not reflecting IM status for GTK 2. Add
+preedit_is_active flag. (SungHyun Nam)
+filereadable() can hang on a FIFO on Linux. Use open() instead of fopen(),
+with O_NONBLOCK. (suggested by Lars Kotthoff)
+Included patch to support Perl 5.10. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+When files are dropped on gvim while the screen is being updated, ignore the
+drop command to avoid freeing memory that is being used.
+In a terminal, when drawing the popup menu over double-wide characters, half
+characters may not be cleared properly. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+The #ifdef for including "vimio.h" was inconsistent. In a few files it
+depended on MSWIN, which isn't defined until later.
+Patch 7.2b.001
+Problem: Compilation problem: mb_fix_col() missing with multibyte feature
+ but without GUI or clipboard.
+Solution: Remove #ifdef.
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.2b.002
+Problem: Compiler warnings for signed/unsigned mismatch.
+Solution: Add type casts.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2b.003
+Problem: Still a compilation problem, check_col() and check_row() missing.
+Solution: Add FEAT_MBYTE to the #if.
+Files: src/ui.c
+Patch 7.2b.004
+Problem: Trying to free memory for a static string when using ":helpgrep".
+ (George Reilly)
+Solution: Set 'cpo' to empty_option instead of an empty string. Also for
+ searchpair() and substitute().
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2b.005
+Problem: The special character "!" isn't handled properly in shellescape().
+ (Jan Minar)
+Solution: Escape "!" when using a "csh" like shell and with
+ shellescape(s, 1). Twice for both. Also escape <NL>.
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.2b.006
+Problem: Reading past end of string when reading info from tags line.
+Solution: Break the loop when encountering a NUL. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 7.2b.007
+Problem: Part of a message cannot be translated.
+Solution: Put _() around the message.
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.2b.008
+Problem: A few filetypes are not detected or not detected properly.
+Solution: Add filetype detection patterns. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim
+Patch 7.2b.009
+Problem: Reading past end of screen line. (Epicurus)
+Solution: Avoid going past the value of Columns.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2b.010
+Problem: ":mksession" doesn't work for ":map , foo", ":sunmap ,". (Ethan
+ Mallove)
+Solution: Check for "nxo", "nso" and other strange mapping combinations.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.2b.011
+Problem: Configure for TCL ends up with include file in compiler command.
+ (Richard Hogg)
+Solution: Delete items from $TCL_DEFS that do not start with a dash.
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.2b.012
+Problem: Build failure with +multi_byte but without +diff.
+Solution: Add #ifdef. (Patrick Texier)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.2b.013
+Problem: Build fails with tiny features and Perl. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Define missing functions. Also when compiling Python.
+Files: src/if_perl.xs, src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.2b.014
+Problem: Configure uses an unsafe temp file to store commands.
+Solution: Create the temp file in local directory.
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.2b.015
+Problem: Build fails on Mac when using Aap.
+Solution: Fix typo in configure script.
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.2b.016
+Problem: Build fails with normal features but without +autocmd.
+Solution: Fix #ifdefs. (Ian Kelling)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/quickfix.c, src/option.c,
+ src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.2b.017
+Problem: "vim -O foo foo" results in only one window. (Zdenek Sekera)
+Solution: Handle result of ATTENTION prompt properly. (Ian Kelling)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.2b.018
+Problem: When doing command line completion on a file name for a csh-like
+ shell argument a '!' character isn't escaped properly.
+Solution: Add another backslash.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/misc2.c, src/proto/, src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2b.019 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Various compiler warnings.
+Solution: Use __w64 attribute. Comment-out unused parameters. Adjust a few
+ #ifdefs. (George Reilly)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c, src/GvimExt/gvimext.cpp, src/Make_mvc.mak,
+ src/os_mswin.c, src/os_win32.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.2b.020
+Problem: ":sort n" doesn't handle negative numbers. (James Vega)
+Solution: Include '-' in the number.
+Files: src/charset.c, src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.2b.021
+Problem: Reloading doesn't read the BOM correctly. (Steve Gardner)
+Solution: Accept utf-8 BOM when specified file encoding is utf-8.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2b.022
+Problem: When using ":normal" while updating the status line the count of
+ an operator is lost. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Save and restore "opcount".
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/globals.h, src/normal.c
+Patch 7.2b.023
+Problem: Crash when using the result of synstack(0,0). (Matt Wozniski)
+Solution: Check for v_list to be NULL in a few more places.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2b.024
+Problem: Using ":gui" while the netrw plugin is active causes a delay in
+ updating the display.
+Solution: Don't check for terminal codes when starting the GUI.
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.2b.025
+Problem: When the CursorHold event triggers a pending count is lost.
+ (Juergen Kraemer)
+Solution: Save the counts and restore them.
+Files: src/normal.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.2b.026
+Problem: The GTK 2 file chooser causes the ~/.recently-used.xbel file to be
+ written over and over again. This may cause a significant
+ slowdown. (Guido Berhoerster)
+Solution: Don't use the GTK 2 file chooser.
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c
+Patch 7.2b.027
+Problem: Memory leak for Python, Perl, etc. script command with end marker.
+Solution: Free the memory of the end marker. (Andy Kittner)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.2b.028
+Problem: Reading uninitialized memory when doing ":gui -f". (Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Solution: Don't position the cursor when the screen size is invalid.
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.2b.029
+Problem: ":help a" doesn't jump to "a" tag in docs. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Get all tags and throw away more than TAG_MANY after sorting.
+ When there is no argument find matches for "help" to avoid a long
+ delay.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.2b.030
+Problem: When changing the value of t_Co from 8 to 16 the Visual
+ highlighting keeps both reverse and a background color.
+Solution: Remove the attribute when setting the default highlight color.
+ (Markus Heidelberg)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Error when cancelling completion menu and auto-formatting. (fixed by Ian
+Patch 7.2c.001
+Problem: ":let x=[''] | let x += x" causes hang. (Matt Wozniski)
+Solution: Only insert elements up to the original length of the List.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2c.002
+Problem: fnameescape() doesn't handle a leading '+' or '>'. (Jan Minar)
+Solution: Escape a leading '+' and '>'. And a single '-'.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.2c.003
+Problem: Searching for "foo\%[bar]\+" gives a "Corrupted regexp program"
+ error. (Joachim Hofmann)
+Solution: Mark the \%[] item as not being simple.
+Files: src/regexp.c
+On Vista access to system directories is virtualized. (Michael Mutschler)
+Adjusted the manifest file to avoid this. (George Reilly)
+Memory leak when using CTRL-C to cancel listing the jump list. (Dominique
+Mac: Could not build with Perl interface.
+VERSION 7.3 *version-7.3* *version7.3*
+This section is about improvements made between version 7.2 and 7.3.
+This release has hundreds of bug fixes and there are a few new features. The
+most notable new features are:
+Persistent undo *new-persistent-undo*
+Store undo information in a file. Can undo to before when the file was read,
+also for unloaded buffers. See |undo-persistence| (partly by Jordan Lewis)
+Added the ":earlier 1f" and ":later 1f" commands.
+Added file save counter to undo information.
+Added the |undotree()| and |undofile()| functions.
+Also added the 'undoreload' option. This makes it possible to save the
+current text when reloading the buffer, so that the reload can be undone.
+More encryption *new-more-encryption*
+Support for Blowfish encryption. Added the 'cryptmethod' option.
+Mostly by Mohsin Ahmed.
+Also encrypt the text in the swap file and the undo file.
+Conceal text *new-conceal*
+Added the |+conceal| feature. (Vince Negri)
+This allows hiding stretches of text, based on syntax highlighting.
+It also allows replacing a stretch of text by a character |:syn-cchar|.
+The 'conceallevel' option specifies what happens with text matching a syntax
+item that has the conceal attribute.
+The 'concealcursor' option specifies what happens in the cursor line.
+The help files conceal characters used to mark tags and examples.
+Added the |synconcealed()| function and use it for :TOhtml. (Benjamin Fritz)
+Added the 'cursorbind' option, keeps the cursor in two windows with the same
+text in sync.
+Lua interface *new-lua*
+Added the |Lua| interface. (Luis Carvalho)
+Python3 interface *new-python3*
+Added the Python3 interface. It exists next to Python 2.x, both can be used
+at the same time. See |python3| (Roland Puntaier)
+Changed *changed-7.3*
+The MS-Windows installer no longer requires the user to type anything in the
+console windows. The installer now also works on 64 bit systems, including
+the "Edit with Vim" context menu.
+The gvim executable is 32 bits, the installed gvimext.dll is either a 32 or 64
+bit version. (mostly by George Reilly)
+Made the DOS installer work with more compilers.
+The MS-Windows big gvim is now built with Python 2.7 and 3.1.2, Perl 5.12 and
+Ruby 1.9.1. You need the matching .dll files to use them.
+The extra and language files are no longer distributed separately.
+The source files for all systems are included in one distribution.
+After using ":recover" or recovering a file in another way, ":x" and "ZZ"
+didn't save what you see. This could result in work being lost. Now the text
+after recovery is compared to the original file contents. When they differ
+the buffer is marked as modified.
+When Vim is exiting because of a deadly signal, when v:dying is 2 or more,
+VimLeavePre, VimLeave, BufWinLeave and BufUnload autocommands are not
+Removed support for GTK 1. It was no longer maintained and required a lot of
+#ifdefs in the source code. GTK 2 should be available for every system.
+(James Vega)
+It is no longer allowed to set the 'encoding' option from a modeline. It
+would corrupt the text. (Patrick Texier)
+Renamed runtime/spell/fixdup to runtime/spell/fixdup.vim.
+Removed obsolete Mac code.
+Updated spell files for Ubuntu locale names.
+Switched from autoconf 2.63 to 2.65.
+Removed Mupad indent and ftplugin files, they are not useful.
+The maximum number of messages remembered in the history is now 200 (was 100).
+Added *added-7.3*
+Added the 'relativenumber' option. (Markus Heidelberg)
+Added the 'colorcolumn' option: highlight one or more columns in a window.
+E.g. to highlight the column after 'textwidth'. (partly by Gregor Uhlenheuer)
+Added support for NetBeans in a terminal. Added |:nbstart| and |:nbclose|.
+(Xavier de Gaye)
+More floating point functions: |acos()|, |asin()|, |atan2()|, |cosh()|,
+|exp()|, |fmod()|, |log()|, |sinh()|, |tan()|, |tanh()|. (Bill McCarthy)
+Added the |gettabvar()| and |settabvar()| functions. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Added the |strchars()|, |strwidth()| and |strdisplaywidth()| functions.
+Support GDK_SUPER_MASK for GTK on Mac. (Stephan Schulz)
+Made CTRL and ALT modifier work for mouse wheel. (Benjamin Haskell)
+Added support for horizontal scroll wheel. (Bjorn Winckler)
+When the buffer is in diff mode, have :TOhtml create HTML to show the diff
+side-by-side. (Christian Brabandt)
+Various improvements to ":TOhtml" and the 2html.vim script. (Benjamin Fritz)
+Add the 'L' item to 'cinoptions'. (Manuel Konig)
+Improve Javascript indenting. Add "J" flag to 'cinoptions'. (Hari Kumar G)
+Mac: Support disabling antialias. (LC Mi)
+Mac: Add clipboard support in the Mac console. (Bjorn Winckler)
+Make it possible to drag a tab page label to another position. (Paul B. Mahol)
+Better implementation of creating the Color Scheme menu. (Juergen Kraemer)
+In Visual mode with 'showcmd' display the number of bytes and characters.
+Allow synIDattr() getting GUI attributes when built without GUI. (Matt
+Support completion for ":find". Added test 73. (Nazri Ramliy)
+Command line completion for :ownsyntax and :setfiletype. (Dominique Pelle)
+Command line completion for :lmap and :lunmap.
+Support syntax and filetype completion for user commands. (Christian Brabandt)
+Avoid use of the GTK main_loop() so that the GtkFileChooser can be used.
+(James Vega)
+When 'formatexpr' evaluates to non-zero fall back to internal formatting, also
+for "gq". (James Vega)
+Support :browse for commands that use an error file argument. (Lech Lorens)
+Support wide file names in gvimext. (Szabolcs Horvat)
+Improve test for joining lines. (Milan Vancura)
+Make joining a range of lines much faster. (Milan Vancura)
+Add patch to improve support of z/OS (OS/390). (Ralf Schandl)
+Added the helphelp.txt file. Moved text from various.txt to it.
+Added "q" item for 'statusline'. Added |w:quickfix_title|. (Lech Lorens)
+Various improvements for VMS. (Zoltan Arpadffy)
+New syntax files: ~
+Haskell Cabal build file (Vincent Berthoux)
+ChaiScript (Jason Turner)
+Cucumber (Tim Pope)
+Datascript (Dominique Pelle)
+Fantom (Kamil Toman)
+Liquid (Tim Pope)
+Markdown (Tim Pope)
+wavefront's obj file (Vincent Berthoux)
+Perl 6 (Andy Lester)
+SDC - Synopsys Design Constraints (Maurizio Tranchero)
+SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics (Vincent Berthoux)
+task data (John Florian)
+task 42 edit (John Florian)
+New filetype plugins: ~
+Cucumber (Tim Pope)
+Liquid (Tim Pope)
+Logcheck (Debian)
+Markdown (Tim Pope)
+Perl 6 (Andy Lester)
+Quickfix window (Lech Lorens)
+Tcl (Robert L Hicks)
+New indent plugins: ~
+CUDA (Bram Moolenaar)
+ChaiScript (Jason Turner)
+Cucumber (Tim Pope)
+LifeLines (Patrick Texier)
+Liquid (Tim Pope)
+Mail (Bram Moolenaar)
+Perl 6 (Andy Lester)
+Other new runtime files: ~
+Breton spell file (Dominique Pelle)
+Dvorak keymap (Ashish Shukla)
+Korean translations. (SungHyun Nam)
+Python 3 completion (Aaron Griffin)
+Serbian menu translations (Aleksandar Jelenak)
+Tetum spell files
+Tutor Bairish (Sepp Hell)
+Tutor in Esperanto. (Dominique Pellé)
+Tutor in Portuguese.
+Norwegian Tutor now also available as tutor.nb
+Removed the Mupad runtime files, they were not maintained.
+Fixed *fixed-7.3*
+Patch 7.2.001
+Problem: Mac: pseudo-ttys don't work properly on Leopard, resulting in the
+ shell not to have a prompt, CTRL-C not working, etc.
+Solution: Don't use SVR4 compatible ptys, even though they are detected.
+ (Ben Schmidt)
+Files: src/pty.c
+Patch 7.2.002
+Problem: Leaking memory when displaying menus.
+Solution: Free allocated memory. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/menu.c
+Patch 7.2.003
+Problem: Typo in translated message. Message not translated.
+Solution: Correct spelling. Add _(). (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/spell.c, src/version.c
+Patch 7.2.004
+Problem: Cscope help message is not translated.
+Solution: Put it in _(). (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c, src/if_cscope.h
+Patch 7.2.005
+Problem: A few problems when profiling. Using flag pointer instead of flag
+ value. Allocating zero bytes. Not freeing used memory.
+Solution: Remove wrong '&' characters. Skip dumping when there is nothing
+ to dump. Free used memory. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.006
+Problem: HTML files are not recognized by contents.
+Solution: Add a rule to the scripts file. (Nico Weber)
+Files: runtime/scripts.vim
+Patch 7.2.007 (extra)
+Problem: Minor issues for VMS.
+Solution: Minor fixes for VMS. Add float support. (Zoltan Arpadffy)
+Files: runtime/doc/os_vms.txt, src/os_vms_conf.h, src/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.2.008
+Problem: With a BufHidden autocommand that invokes ":bunload" the window
+ count for a buffer can be wrong. (Bob Hiestand)
+Solution: Don't call enter_buffer() when already in that buffer.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.2.009
+Problem: Can't compile with Perl 5.10 on MS-Windows. (Cesar Romani)
+Solution: Add the Perl_sv_free2 function for dynamic loading. (Dan Sharp)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.2.010
+Problem: When using "K" in Visual mode not all characters are properly
+ escaped. (Ben Schmidt)
+Solution: Use a function with the functionality of shellescape(). (Jan
+ Minar)
+Files: src/mbyte.c, src/misc2.c, src/normal.c
+Patch 7.2.011
+Problem: Get an error when inserting a float value from the expression
+ register.
+Solution: Convert the Float to a String automatically in the same place
+ where a List would be converted to a String.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.012
+Problem: Compiler warnings when building with startup timing.
+Solution: Add type casts.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.2.013
+Problem: While waiting for the X selection Vim consumes a lot of CPU time
+ and hangs until a response is received.
+Solution: Sleep a bit when the selection event hasn't been received yet.
+ Time out after a couple of seconds to avoid a hang when the
+ selection owner isn't responding.
+Files: src/ui.c
+Patch 7.2.014
+Problem: synstack() doesn't work in an empty line.
+Solution: Accept column zero as a valid position.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.015
+Problem: "make all test install" doesn't stop when the test fails. (Daniel
+ Shahaf)
+Solution: When test.log contains failures exit with non-zero status.
+Files: src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.2.016
+Problem: The pattern being completed may be in freed memory when the
+ command line is being reallocated. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Keep a pointer to the expand_T in the command line structure.
+ Don't use <S-Tab> as CTRL-P when there are no results. Clear the
+ completion when using a command line from the history.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.2.017
+Problem: strlen() used on text that may not end in a NUL. (Dominique Pelle)
+ Pasting a very big selection doesn't work.
+Solution: Use the length passed to the XtSelectionCallbackProc() function.
+ After getting the SelectionNotify event continue dispatching
+ events until the callback is actually called. Also dispatch the
+ PropertyNotify event.
+Files: src/ui.c
+Patch 7.2.018
+Problem: Memory leak when substitute is aborted.
+Solution: Free the buffer allocated for the new text. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.2.019
+Problem: Completion of ":noautocmd" doesn't work and exists(":noautocmd")
+ returns zero. (Ben Fritz)
+Solution: Add "noautocmd" to the list of modifiers and commands.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.2.020
+Problem: Starting the GUI when the executable starts with 'k', but the KDE
+ version no longer exists.
+Solution: Don't have "kvim" start the GUI.
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.2.021
+Problem: When executing autocommands getting the full file name may be
+ slow. (David Kotchan)
+Solution: Postpone calling FullName_save() until autocmd_fname is used.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/fileio.c, src/globals.h
+Patch 7.2.022 (extra)
+Problem: Testing is not possible when compiling with MingW.
+Solution: Add a MingW specific test Makefile. (Bill McCarthy)
+Files: Filelist, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.2.023
+Problem: 'cursorcolumn' is in the wrong place in a closed fold when the
+ display is shifted left. (Gary Johnson)
+Solution: Subtract w_skipcol or w_leftcol when needed.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.024
+Problem: It's possible to set 'history' to a negative value and that causes
+ an out-of-memory error.
+Solution: Check that 'history' has a positive value. (Doug Kearns)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.2.025
+Problem: When a CursorHold event invokes system() it is retriggered over
+ and over again.
+Solution: Don't reset did_cursorhold when getting K_IGNORE.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.2.026 (after 7.2.010)
+Problem: "K" doesn't use the length of the identifier but uses the rest of
+ the line.
+Solution: Copy the desired number of characters first.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.2.027
+Problem: Can use cscope commands in the sandbox.
+Solution: Disallow them, they might not be safe.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h
+Patch 7.2.028
+Problem: Confusing error message for missing ().
+Solution: Change "braces" to "parentheses". (Gary Johnson)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.029
+Problem: No completion for ":doautoall".
+Solution: Complete ":doautoall" like ":doautocmd". (Doug Kearns)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.2.030 (after 7.2.027)
+Problem: Can't compile.
+Solution: Remove prematurely added ex_oldfiles.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h
+Patch 7.2.031
+Problem: Information in the viminfo file about previously edited files is
+ not available to the user. There is no way to get a complete list
+ of files edited in previous Vim sessions.
+Solution: Add v:oldfiles and fill it with the list of old file names when
+ first reading the viminfo file. Add the ":oldfiles" command,
+ ":browse oldfiles" and the "#<123" special file name. Increase
+ the default value for 'viminfo' from '20 to '100.
+Files: runtime/doc/cmdline.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt,
+ runtime/doc/starting.txt, runtime/doc/usr_21.txt, src/eval.c,
+ src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_docmd.c, src/feature.h,
+ src/fileio.c, src/main.c, src/mark.c, src/misc1.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/option.c, src/structs.h, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.2.032 (after 7.2.031)
+Problem: Can't build with EXITFREE defined. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Change vv_string to vv_str.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.033
+Problem: When detecting a little endian BOM "ucs-2le" is used, but the text
+ might be "utf-16le".
+Solution: Default to "utf-16le", it also works for "ucs-2le". (Jia Yanwei)
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/testdir/test42.ok
+Patch 7.2.034
+Problem: Memory leak in spell info when deleting buffer.
+Solution: Free the memory. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.2.035
+Problem: Mismatches between alloc/malloc, free/vim_free,
+ realloc/vim_realloc.
+Solution: Use the right function. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_x11.c, src/mbyte.c, src/misc2.c, src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.2.036 (extra)
+Problem: Mismatches between alloc/malloc, free/vim_free,
+ realloc/vim_realloc.
+Solution: Use the right function. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_riscos.c, src/gui_w48.c, src/mbyte.c, src/os_vms.c,
+ src/os_w32exe.c, src/os_win16.c
+Patch 7.2.037
+Problem: Double free with GTK 1 and compiled with EXITFREE.
+Solution: Don't close display. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.2.038
+Problem: Overlapping arguments to memcpy().
+Solution: Use mch_memmove(). (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/if_xcmdsrv.c
+Patch 7.2.039
+Problem: Accessing freed memory on exit when EXITFREE is defined.
+Solution: Call hash_init() on the v: hash table.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.040
+Problem: When using ":e ++ff=dos fname" and the file contains a NL without
+ a CR before it and 'ffs' contains "unix" then the fileformat
+ becomes unix.
+Solution: Ignore 'ffs' when using the ++ff argument. (Ben Schmidt)
+ Also remove unreachable code.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.041
+Problem: In diff mode, when using two tabs, each with two diffed buffers,
+ editing a buffer of the other tab messes up the diff. (Matt
+ Mzyzik)
+Solution: Only copy options from a window where the buffer was edited that
+ doesn't have 'diff' set or is for the current tab page.
+ Also fix that window options for a buffer are stored with the
+ wrong window.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/if_sniff.c, src/main.c, src/netbeans.c,
+ src/normal.c, src/popupmnu.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/ src/quickfix.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.2.042
+Problem: When using winrestview() in a BufWinEnter autocommand the window
+ is scrolled anyway. (Matt Zyzik)
+Solution: Don't recompute topline when above 'scrolloff' from the bottom.
+ Don't always put the cursor halfway when entering a buffer. Add
+ "w_topline_was_set".
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/move.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.2.043
+Problem: VMS: Too many characters are escaped in filename and shell
+ commands.
+Solution: Escape fewer characters. (Zoltan Arpadffy)
+Files: src/vim.h
+Patch 7.2.044
+Problem: Crash because of STRCPY() being over protective of the destination
+ size. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Add -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 to CFLAGS. Use an intermediate variable
+ for the pointer to avoid a warning.
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.045
+Problem: The Python interface has an empty entry in sys.path.
+Solution: Filter out the empty entry. (idea from James Vega)
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.2.046
+Problem: Wrong check for filling buffer with encoding. (Danek Duvall)
+Solution: Remove pointers. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.2.047
+Problem: Starting Vim with the -nb argument while it's not supported causes
+ the other side to hang.
+Solution: When -nb is used while it's not supported exit Vim. (Xavier de
+ Gaye)
+Files: src/main.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.2.048
+Problem: v:prevcount is changed too often. Counts are not multiplied when
+ setting v:count.
+Solution: Set v:prevcount properly. Multiply counts. (idea by Ben Schmidt)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/normal.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.049 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: the clipboard doesn't support UTF-16.
+Solution: Change UCS-2 support to UTF-16 support. (Jia Yanwei)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_w48.c, src/mbyte.c, src/misc1.c,
+ src/os_mswin.c, src/os_win32.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.050
+Problem: Warnings for not checking return value of fwrite(). (Chip Campbell)
+Solution: Use the return value.
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.2.051
+Problem: Can't avoid 'wildignore' and 'suffixes' for glob() and globpath().
+Solution: Add an extra argument to these functions. (Ingo Karkat)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/proto/,
+ runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/options.txt
+Patch 7.2.052
+Problem: synIDattr() doesn't support "sp" for special color.
+Solution: Recognize "sp" and "sp#". (Matt Wozniski)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.053
+Problem: Crash when using WorkShop command ":ws foo". (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Avoid using a NULL pointer.
+Files: src/workshop.c
+Patch 7.2.054
+Problem: Compilation warnings for format in getchar.c.
+Solution: Use fputs() instead of fprintf(). (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.2.055
+Problem: Various compiler warnings with strict checking.
+Solution: Avoid the warnings by using return values and renaming.
+Files: src/diff.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/fileio.c, src/fold.c, src/globals.h, src/gui.c,
+ src/gui_at_sb.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/gui_xmdlg.c,
+ src/gui_xmebw.c, src/main.c, src/mbyte.c, src/message.c,
+ src/netbeans.c, src/option.c, src/os_unix.c, src/spell.c,
+ src/ui.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.2.056 (after 7.2.050)
+Problem: Tests 58 and 59 fail.
+Solution: Don't invoke fwrite() with a zero length. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.2.057 (after 7.2.056)
+Problem: Combination of int and size_t may not work.
+Solution: Use size_t for variable.
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.2.058
+Problem: Can't add a patch name to the ":version" output.
+Solution: Add the extra_patches array.
+Files: src/version.c
+Patch 7.2.059
+Problem: Diff display is not always updated.
+Solution: Update the display more often.
+Files: src/diff.c
+Patch 7.2.060
+Problem: When a spell files has many compound rules it may take a very long
+ time making the list of suggestions. Displaying also can be slow
+ when there are misspelled words.
+ Can't parse some Hunspell .aff files.
+Solution: Check if a compounding can possibly work before trying a
+ combination, if the compound rules don't contain wildcards.
+ Ignore COMPOUNDRULES. Ignore a comment after most items.
+ Accept FORBIDDENWORD as an alias for BAD.
+Files: runtime/doc/spell.txt, src/spell.c
+Patch 7.2.061
+Problem: Can't create a funcref for an autoload function without loading
+ the script first. (Marc Weber)
+Solution: Accept autoload functions that don't exist yet in function().
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.062
+Problem: "[Scratch]" is not translated.
+Solution: Mark the string for translation. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.2.063
+Problem: Warning for NULL argument of Perl_sys_init3().
+Solution: Use Perl_sys_init() instead. (partly by Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.2.064
+Problem: Screen update bug when repeating "~" on a Visual block and the
+ last line doesn't change.
+Solution: Keep track of changes for all lines. (Moritz Orbach)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.2.065
+Problem: GTK GUI: the cursor disappears when doing ":vsp" and the Vim
+ window is maximized. (Dominique Pelle, Denis Smolyar)
+Solution: Don't change "Columns" back to an old value at a wrong moment.
+ Do change "Rows" when it should not be a problem.
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.2.066
+Problem: It's not easy to see whether 'encoding' is a multibyte encoding.
+Solution: Add has('multi_byte_encoding').
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.067
+Problem: Session file can't load extra file when the path contains special
+ characters.
+Solution: Escape the file name. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.2.068
+Problem: Emacs tags file lines can be too long, resulting in an error
+ message. (James Vega)
+Solution: Ignore lines with errors if they are too long.
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 7.2.069 (after 7.2.060)
+Problem: Compiler warning for storing size_t in int.
+Solution: Add type cast.
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.2.070
+Problem: Crash when a function returns a:000. (Matt Wozniski)
+Solution: Don't put the function struct on the stack, allocate it. Free it
+ only when nothing in it is used.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.071 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Handling netbeans events while Vim is busy updating the
+ screen may cause a crash.
+Solution: Like with GTK, only handle netbeans messages in the main loop.
+ (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c, src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.2.072 (extra)
+Problem: Compiler warning in Sniff code.
+Solution: Use return value of pipe(). (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/if_sniff.c
+Patch 7.2.073
+Problem: ":set <xHome>" has the same output as ":set <Home>". (Matt
+ Wozniski)
+Solution: Don't translate "x" keys to its alternative for ":set".
+Files: src/gui_mac.c, src/misc2.c, src/option.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.074 (extra, after 7.2.073)
+Problem: ":set <xHome>" has the same output as ":set <Home>". (Matt
+ Wozniski)
+Solution: Don't translate "x" keys to its alternative for ":set".
+Files: src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.2.075 (after 7.2.058)
+Problem: Explanation about making a diff for extra_patches is unclear.
+Solution: Adjust comment.
+Files: src/version.c
+Patch 7.2.076
+Problem: rename(from, to) deletes the file if "from" and "to" are not equal
+ but still refer to the same file. E.g., on a FAT32 filesystem
+ under Unix.
+Solution: Go through another file name.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.077 (after 7.2.076)
+Problem: rename(from, to) doesn't work if "from" and "to" differ only in
+ case on a system that ignores case in file names.
+Solution: Go through another file name.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.078
+Problem: When deleting a fold that is specified with markers the cursor
+ position may be wrong. Folds may not be displayed properly after
+ a delete. Wrong fold may be deleted.
+Solution: Fix the problems. (mostly by Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/fold.c
+Patch 7.2.079
+Problem: "killed" netbeans events are not handled correctly.
+Solution: A "killed" netbeans event is sent when the buffer is deleted or
+ wiped out (in this case, the netbeans annotations in this buffer
+ have been removed). A user can still remove a sign with the
+ command ":sign unplace" and this does not trigger a "killed"
+ event. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: runtime/doc/netbeans.txt, src/buffer.c, src/globals.h,
+ src/netbeans.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.080
+Problem: When typing a composing character just after starting completion
+ may access memory before its allocation point. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Don't delete before the completion start column. Add extra checks
+ for the offset not being negative.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.2.081
+Problem: Compiler warning for floating point overflow on VAX.
+Solution: For VAX use a smaller number. (Zoltan Arpadffy)
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.2.082
+Problem: When 'ff' is "mac" then "ga" on a ^J shows 0x0d instead of 0x0a.
+ (Andy Wokula)
+Solution: Use NL for this situation. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.2.083
+Problem: ":tag" does not return to the right tag entry from the tag stack.
+Solution: Don't change the current match when there is no argument.
+ (Erik Falor)
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 7.2.084
+Problem: Recursive structures are not handled properly in Python
+ vim.eval().
+Solution: Keep track of references in a better way. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.2.085
+Problem: ":set <M-b>=<Esc>b" does not work when 'encoding' is utf-8.
+Solution: Put the <M-b> character in the input buffer as valid utf-8.
+ (partly by Matt Wozniski)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.2.086
+Problem: Using ":diffget 1" in buffer 1 corrupts the text.
+Solution: Don't do anything when source and destination of ":diffget" or
+ ":diffput" is the same buffer. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/diff.c
+Patch 7.2.087
+Problem: Adding URL to 'path' doesn't work to edit a file.
+Solution: Skip simplify_filename() for URLs. (Matt Wozniski)
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.2.088 (extra)
+Problem: OpenClipboard() may fail when another application is using the
+ clipboard.
+Solution: Retry OpenClipboard() a few times. (Jianrong Yu)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.2.089 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: crash when using Ultramon buttons.
+Solution: Don't use a WM_OLE message of zero size. (Ray Megal)
+Files: src/if_ole.cpp, src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.2.090
+Problem: User command containing 0x80 in multibyte character does not work
+ properly. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Solution: Undo replacement of K_SPECIAL and CSI characters when executing
+ the command.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.2.091
+Problem: ":cs help" output is not aligned for some languages.
+Solution: Compute character size instead of byte size. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.2.092
+Problem: Some error messages are not translated.
+Solution: Add _() around the messages. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.093 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: inputdialog() and find/replace dialogs can't handle
+ multibyte text.
+Solution: Use the wide version of dialog functions when available. (Yanwei
+ Jia)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.2.094
+Problem: Compiler warning for signed/unsigned compare.
+Solution: Add type cast. Also fix a few typos.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.2.095
+Problem: With Visual selection, "r" and then CTRL-C Visual mode is stopped
+ but the highlighting is not removed.
+Solution: Call reset_VIsual().
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.2.096
+Problem: After ":number" the "Press Enter" message may be on the wrong
+ screen, if switching screens for shell commands.
+Solution: Reset info_message. (James Vega)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.2.097
+Problem: "!xterm&" doesn't work when 'shell' is "bash".
+Solution: Ignore SIGHUP after calling setsid(). (Simon Schubert)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.2.098
+Problem: Warning for signed/unsigned pointer.
+Solution: Add type cast.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.099
+Problem: Changing GUI options causes an unnecessary redraw when the GUI
+ isn't active.
+Solution: Avoid the redraw. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.2.100
+Problem: When using ":source" on a FIFO or something else that can't rewind
+ the first three bytes are skipped.
+Solution: Instead of rewinding read the first line and detect a BOM in that.
+ (mostly by James Vega)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.2.101 (extra)
+Problem: MSVC version not recognized.
+Solution: Add the version number to the list. (Zhong Zhang)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.2.102 (after 7.2.100)
+Problem: When 'encoding' is "utf-8" a BOM at the start of a Vim script is
+ not removed. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: When no conversion is taking place make a copy of the line without
+ the BOM.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.2.103
+Problem: When 'bomb' is changed the window title is updated to show/hide a
+ "+", but the tab page label isn't. (Patrick Texier)
+Solution: Set "redraw_tabline" in most places where "need_maketitle" is set.
+ (partly by Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.2.104
+Problem: When using ":saveas bar.c" the tab label isn't updated right away.
+Solution: Set redraw_tabline. (Francois Ingelrest)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.2.105
+Problem: Modeline setting for 'foldmethod' overrules diff options. (Ingo
+ Karkat)
+Solution: Don't set 'foldmethod' and 'wrap' from a modeline when 'diff' is
+ on.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.2.106
+Problem: Endless loop when using "]s" in HTML when there are no
+ misspellings. (Ingo Karkat)
+Solution: Break the search loop. Also fix pointer alignment for systems
+ with pointers larger than int.
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.2.107
+Problem: When using a GUI dialog and ":echo" commands the messages are
+ deleted after the dialog. (Vincent Birebent)
+Solution: Don't call msg_end_prompt() since there was no prompt.
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.2.108 (after 7.2.105)
+Problem: Can't build without the diff feature.
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.2.109
+Problem: 'langmap' does not work for multibyte characters.
+Solution: Add a list of mapped multibyte characters. (based on work by
+ Konstantin Korikov, Agathoklis Hatzimanikas)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/edit.c, src/getchar.c, src/macros.h,
+ src/normal.c, src/option.c, src/proto/, src/window.c
+Patch 7.2.110
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused variable.
+Solution: Init the variable.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.2.111
+Problem: When using Visual block mode with 'cursorcolumn' it's unclear what
+ is selected.
+Solution: Don't use 'cursorcolumn' highlighting inside the Visual selection.
+ (idea by Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.112
+Problem: Cursor invisible in Visual mode when 'number' is set and cursor in
+ first column. (Matti Niemenmaa, Renato Alves)
+Solution: Check that vcol_prev is smaller than vcol.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.113
+Problem: Crash for substitute() call using submatch(1) while there is no
+ such submatch. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Also check the start of the submatch is set, it can be NULL when
+ an attempted match didn't work out.
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.2.114
+Problem: Using wrong printf format.
+Solution: Use "%ld" instead of "%d". (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.2.115
+Problem: Some debugging code is never used.
+Solution: Remove nbtrace() and nbprt(). (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/nbdebug.c, src/nbdebug.h
+Patch 7.2.116
+Problem: Not all memory is freed when EXITFREE is defined.
+Solution: Free allocated memory on exit. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/misc2.c, src/search.c,
+ src/tag.c
+Patch 7.2.117
+Problem: Location list incorrectly labelled "Quickfix List".
+Solution: Break out of both loops for finding window for location list
+ buffer. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/quickfix.c, src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.118
+Problem: <PageUp> at the more prompt only does half a page.
+Solution: Make <PageUp> go up a whole page. Also make 'f' go a page
+ forward, but not quit the more prompt. (Markus Heidelberg)
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.2.119
+Problem: Status line is redrawn too often.
+Solution: Check ScreenLinesUC[] properly. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.120
+Problem: When opening the quickfix window or splitting the window and
+ setting the location list, the location list is copied and then
+ deleted, which is inefficient.
+Solution: Don't copy the location list when not needed. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/vim.h, src/window.c
+Patch 7.2.121
+Problem: In gvim "!grep a *.c" spews out a lot of text that can't be
+ stopped with CTRL-C.
+Solution: When looping to read and show text, do check for typed characters
+ every two seconds.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.2.122
+Problem: Invalid memory access when the VimResized autocommand changes
+ 'columns' and/or 'lines'.
+Solution: After VimResized check for changed values. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.123
+Problem: Typing 'q' at more prompt for ":map" output still displays another
+ line, causing another more prompt. (Markus Heidelberg)
+Solution: Quit listing maps when 'q' typed.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.2.124
+Problem: Typing 'q' at more prompt for ":tselect" output still displays
+ more lines, causing another more prompt. (Markus Heidelberg)
+Solution: Quit listing tags when 'q' typed.
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 7.2.125
+Problem: Leaking memory when reading XPM bitmap for a sign.
+Solution: Don't allocate the memory twice. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_x11.c
+Patch 7.2.126
+Problem: When EXITFREE is defined signs are not freed.
+Solution: Free all signs on exit. Also free keymaps. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/misc2.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.127
+Problem: When listing mappings and a wrapping line causes the more prompt,
+ after typing 'q' there can be another more prompt. (Markus
+ Heidelberg)
+Solution: Set "lines_left" to allow more lines to be displayed.
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.2.128 (after 7.2.055)
+Problem: Using ":lcd" makes session files not work.
+Solution: Compare return value of mch_chdir() properly. (Andreas Bernauer)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.2.129
+Problem: When opening a command window from input() it uses the search
+ history.
+Solution: Use get_cmdline_type(). (James Vega)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.2.130
+Problem: Vim may hang until CTRL-C is typed when using CTRL-Z.
+Solution: Avoid using pause(). Also use "volatile" for variables used in
+ signal functions. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/, src/,
+ src/globals.h, src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.2.131
+Problem: When 'keymap' is cleared may still use the cursor highlighting for
+ when it's enabled.
+Solution: Reset 'iminsert' and 'imsearch'. (partly by Dominique Pelle)
+ Also avoid ":setlocal" for these options have a global effect.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.2.132
+Problem: When changing directory during a SwapExists autocmd freed memory
+ may be accessed. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Add the allbuf_lock flag.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/globals.h, src/fileio.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.133
+Problem: ":diffoff!" changes settings in windows not in diff mode.
+Solution: Only change settings in other windows when 'diff' is set, always
+ do it for the current window. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/diff.c
+Patch 7.2.134
+Problem: Warning for discarding "const" from pointer.
+Solution: Don't pass const pointer to mch_memmove().
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.135
+Problem: Memory leak when redefining user command with complete argument.
+Solution: Free the old complete argument. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.2.136 (after 7.2.132)
+Problem: ":cd" is still possible in a SwapExists autocmd.
+Solution: Check the allbuf_lock flag in ex_cd().
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.2.137
+Problem: When 'virtualedit' is set, a left shift of a blockwise selection
+ that starts and ends inside a tab shifts too much. (Helmut
+ Stiegler)
+Solution: Redo the block left shift code. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test66.ok
+Patch 7.2.138 (extra part of 7.2.137)
+Problem: See 7.2.137.
+Solution: See 7.2.137.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.2.139
+Problem: Crash when 'virtualedit' is "all". (James Vega)
+Solution: Avoid overflow when column is MAXCOL. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.2.140
+Problem: Diff highlighting isn't displayed before the Visual area if it
+ starts at the cursor position. (Markus Heidelberg)
+Solution: Also check fromcol_prev.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.141
+Problem: When redrawing a character for bold spill this causes the next
+ character to be redrawn as well.
+Solution: Only redraw one extra character. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.142
+Problem: Motif and Athena balloons don't use tooltip colors.
+Solution: Set the colors. (Matt Wozniski)
+Files: src/gui_beval.c
+Patch 7.2.143
+Problem: No command line completion for ":cscope" command.
+Solution: Add the completion for ":cscope". (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/if_cscope.c,
+ src/proto/, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.2.144
+Problem: When 't_Co' is set to the value it already had the color scheme is
+ reloaded anyway.
+Solution: Only load the colorscheme when the t_Co value changes. (Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.2.145
+Problem: White space in ":cscope find" is not ignored.
+Solution: Ignore the white space, but not when the leading white space is
+ useful for the argument.
+Files: runtime/doc/if_scop.txt, src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.2.146
+Problem: v:warningmsg isn't used for all warnings.
+Solution: Set v:warningmsg for relevant warnings. (Ingo Karkat)
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/misc1.c, src/option.c
+Patch 7.2.147
+Problem: When compiled as small version and 'number' is on the cursor is
+ displayed in the wrong position after a tab. (James Vega)
+Solution: Don't increment vcol when still displaying the line number.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.148
+Problem: When searching for "$" while 'hlsearch' is set, highlighting the
+ character after the line does not work in the cursor column.
+ Also highlighting for Visual mode after the line end when this
+ isn't needed. (Markus Heidelberg)
+Solution: Only compare the cursor column in the cursor line. Only highlight
+ for Visual selection after the last character when it's needed to
+ see where the Visual selection ends.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.149
+Problem: Using return value of function that doesn't return a value results
+ in reading uninitialized memory.
+Solution: Set the default to return zero. Make cursor() return -1 on
+ failure. Let complete() return an empty string in case of an
+ error. (partly by Dominique Pelle)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.150 (extra)
+Problem: Can't use tab pages from VisVim.
+Solution: Add tab page support to VisVim. (Adam Slater)
+Files: src/VisVim/Commands.cpp, src/VisVim/Resource.h,
+ src/VisVim/VisVim.rc
+Patch 7.2.151
+Problem: ":hist a" doesn't work like ":hist all" as the docs suggest.
+Solution: Make ":hist a" and ":hist al" work. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.2.152
+Problem: When using "silent echo x" inside ":redir" a next echo may start
+ halfway the line. (Tony Mechelynck, Dennis Benzinger)
+Solution: Reset msg_col after redirecting silently.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/message.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.153
+Problem: Memory leak for ":recover empty_dir/".
+Solution: Free files[] when it becomes empty. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.2.154 (after 7.2.132)
+Problem: ":cd" is still possible in a SwapExists autocmd.
+Solution: Set allbuf_lock in do_swapexists().
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.2.155
+Problem: Memory leak in ":function /pat".
+Solution: Free the memory. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.156 (after 7.2.143)
+Problem: No completion for :scscope and :lcscope commands.
+Solution: Implement the completion. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.157
+Problem: Illegal memory access when searching in path.
+Solution: Avoid looking at a byte after end of a string. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.2.158
+Problem: Warnings from VisualC compiler.
+Solution: Add type casts. (George Reilly)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.2.159
+Problem: When $x_includes ends up being "NONE" configure fails.
+Solution: Check for $x_includes not to be "NONE" (Rainer)
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.2.160
+Problem: Search pattern not freed on exit when 'rightleft' set.
+Solution: Free mr_pattern_alloced.
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.2.161
+Problem: Folds messed up in other tab page. (Vlad Irnov)
+Solution: Instead of going over all windows in current tab page go over all
+ windows in all tab pages. Also free memory for location lists in
+ other tab pages when exiting. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/mark.c, src/misc1.c, src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.2.162
+Problem: The quickfix window may get wrong filetype.
+Solution: Do not detect the filetype for the quickfix window. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.2.163
+Problem: The command line window may get folding.
+Solution: Default to no/manual folding. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.2.164
+Problem: When 'showbreak' is set the size of the Visual block may be
+ reported wrong. (Eduardo Daudt Flach)
+Solution: Temporarily make 'sbr' empty.
+Files: src/normal.c, src/ops.c
+Patch 7.2.165
+Problem: The argument for the FuncUndefined autocmd event is expanded like
+ a file name.
+Solution: Don't try expanding it. (Wang Xu)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.166
+Problem: No completion for ":sign" command.
+Solution: Add ":sign" completion. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/vim.h,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.167
+Problem: Splint doesn't work well for checking the code.
+Solution: Add splint arguments in the Makefile. Exclude some code from
+ splint that it can't handle. Tune splint arguments to give
+ reasonable errors. Add a filter for removing false warnings from
+ splint output. Many small changes to avoid warnings. More to
+ follow...
+Files: Filelist, src/Makefile, src/buffer.c, src/charset.c,
+ src/cleanlint.vim, src/digraph.c, src/edit.c, src/ex_cmds.c,
+ src/globals.h, src/ops.c, src/os_unix.c, src/os_unix.h,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/screen.c,
+ src/structs.h
+Patch 7.2.168
+Problem: When no ctags program can be found, "make tags" attempts to
+ execute the first C file.
+Solution: Default to "ctags" when no ctags program can be found.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.2.169
+Problem: Splint complains about a lot of things.
+Solution: Add type casts, #ifdefs and other changes to avoid warnings.
+ Change colnr_T from unsigned to int. Avoids mistakes with
+ subtracting columns.
+Files: src/cleanlint.vim, src/diff.c, src/edit.c, src/ex_cmds.c,
+ src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/quickfix.c, src/spell.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/term.h, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.2.170
+Problem: Using b_dev while it was not set. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Add the b_dev_valid flag.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/fileio.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.2.171 (after 7.2.169)
+Problem: Compiler warnings. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Add function prototype. (Patrick Texier) Init variable.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.2.172 (extra)
+Problem: Compiler warning.
+Solution: Adjust function prototype. (Patrick Texier)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.2.173
+Problem: Without lint there is no check for unused function arguments.
+Solution: Use gcc -Wunused-parameter instead of lint. For a few files add
+ attributes to arguments that are known not to be used.
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/buffer.c, src/charset.c, src/diff.c,
+ src/, src/, src/edit.c, src/ex_cmds.c,
+ src/ex_cmds2.c, src/version.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.2.174
+Problem: Too many warnings from gcc -Wextra.
+Solution: Change initializer. Add UNUSED. Add type casts.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/fileio.c, getchar.c, globals.h, main.c,
+ memline.c, message.c, src/misc1.c, src/move.c, src/normal.c,
+ src/option.c, src/os_unix.c, src/os_unix.h, src/regexp.c,
+ src/search.c, src/tag.c
+Patch 7.2.175
+Problem: Compiler warning in OpenBSD.
+Solution: Add type cast for NULL. (Dasn)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.2.176
+Problem: Exceptions for splint are not useful.
+Solution: Remove the S_SPLINT_S ifdefs.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/os_unix.c,
+ src/os_unix.h, src/os_unixx.h, src/structs.h, src/term.h
+Patch 7.2.177
+Problem: Compiler warnings when using -Wextra
+Solution: Add UNUSED and type casts.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_eval.c, src/ex_getln.c,
+ src/fileio.c, src/hardcopy.c, src/if_cscope.c, src/if_xcmdsrv.c,
+ src/farsi.c, src/mark.c, src/menu.c
+Patch 7.2.178
+Problem: Using negative value for device number might not work.
+Solution: Use a separate flag for whether ffv_dev was set.
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.2.179
+Problem: Using negative value for device number might not work.
+Solution: Use a separate flag for whether sn_dev was set.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.2.180
+Problem: Some more compiler warnings when using gcc -Wextra.
+Solution: Add UNUSED and type casts.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/macros.h, src/main.c,
+ src/menu.c, src/message.c, src/misc1.c, src/mbyte.c,
+ src/normal.c, src/option.c, src/os_unix.c, src/quickfix.c,
+ src/screen.c, src/search.c, src/spell.c, src/syntax.c, src/tag.c,
+ src/term.c, src/ui.c
+Patch 7.2.181
+Problem: Some more compiler warnings when using gcc -Wextra.
+Solution: Add UNUSED and type casts.
+Files: src/if_mzsch.c, src/gui.c, src/gui_gtk.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c,
+ src/gui_gtk_f.c, src/gui_beval.c, src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.2.182 (after 7.2.181)
+Problem: Compilation problems after previous patch for Motif. Gvim with
+ GTK crashes on startup.
+Solution: Add comma. Init form structure to zeroes.
+Files: src/netbeans.c, src/gui_gtk_f.c
+Patch 7.2.183
+Problem: Configure problem for sys/sysctl.h on OpenBSD. (Dasn)
+Solution: Add separate check for this header file. Also switch to newer
+ version of autoconf.
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.2.184
+Problem: Some more compiler warnings when using gcc -Wextra.
+Solution: Add UNUSED and type casts. Autoconf check for wchar_t.
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/, src/,
+ src/gui_athena.c, src/gui_x11.c, src/gui.c, src/gui_beval.c,
+ src/gui_at_sb.c, src/gui_at_fs.c, src/gui_motif.c,
+ src/gui_xmdlg.c, src/gui_xmebw.c, src/if_python.c, src/window.c,
+ src/workshop.c
+Patch 7.2.185
+Problem: Some more compiler warnings when using gcc -Wextra.
+Solution: Add UNUSED and type casts.
+Files: src/Makefile, src/if_tlc.c, src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.2.186
+Problem: Some more compiler warnings when using gcc -Wextra.
+Solution: Now with the intended if_tcl.c changes.
+Files: src/if_tcl.c
+Patch 7.2.187 (after 7.2.186)
+Problem: Doesn't build with older versions of TCL. (Yongwei Wu)
+Solution: Add #ifdefs. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/if_tcl.c
+Patch 7.2.188
+Problem: Crash with specific use of function calls. (Meikel Brandmeyer)
+Solution: Make sure the items referenced by a function call are not freed
+ twice. (based on patch from Nico Weber)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.189
+Problem: Possible hang for deleting auto-indent. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Make sure the position is not beyond the end of the line.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.2.190
+Problem: The register executed by @@ isn't restored.
+Solution: Mark the executable register in the viminfo file.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.2.191
+Problem: Mzscheme interface doesn't work on Ubuntu.
+Solution: Change autoconf rules. Define missing macro. Some changes to
+ avoid gcc warnings. Remove per-buffer namespace. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_mzsch.txt, src/Makefile, src/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/Make_mvc.mak, src/auto/configure, src/,
+ src/, src/eval.c, src/if_mzsch.c, src/if_mzsch.h,
+ src/main.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.192 (after 7.2.188)
+Problem: Still a crash in the garbage collector for a very rare situation.
+Solution: Make sure current_copyID is always incremented correctly. (Kent
+ Sibilev)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.193
+Problem: Warning for uninitialized values.
+Solution: Initialize all the struct items.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.194 (extra)
+Problem: MSVC: rem commands are echoed.
+Solution: Add commands to switch off echo. (Wang Xu)
+Files: src/msvc2008.bat
+Patch 7.2.195
+Problem: Leaking memory for the command Vim was started with.
+Solution: Remember the pointer and free it.
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.2.196 (after 7.2.167)
+Problem: Turns out splint doesn't work well enough to be usable.
+Solution: Remove splint support.
+Files: Filelist, src/cleanlint.vim
+Patch 7.2.197
+Problem: Warning for uninitialized values.
+Solution: Initialize all the struct items of typebuf.
+Files: src/globals.h
+Patch 7.2.198
+Problem: Size of buffer used for tgetent() may be too small.
+Solution: Use the largest known size everywhere.
+Files: src/vim.h
+Patch 7.2.199
+Problem: Strange character in comment.
+Solution: Change to "message". (Yongwei Wu)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.2.200
+Problem: Reading past end of string when navigating the menu bar or
+ resizing the window.
+Solution: Add and use mb_ptr2len_len(). (partly by Dominique Pelle)
+ Also add mb_ptr2cells_len() to prevent more trouble.
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/os_unix.c, src/globals.h, src/mbyte.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.201
+Problem: Cannot copy/paste HTML to/from Firefox via the clipboard.
+Solution: Implement this for GTK. Add the "html" value to 'clipboard'.
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/globals.h, src/gui_gtk_x11.c,
+ src/mbyte.c, src/proto/, src/option.c
+Patch 7.2.202
+Problem: BufWipeout autocommand that edits another buffer causes problems.
+Solution: Check for the situation, give an error and quit the operation.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.203
+Problem: When reloading a buffer or doing anything else with a buffer that
+ is not displayed in a visible window, autocommands may be applied
+ to the current window, folds messed up, etc.
+Solution: Instead of using the current window for the hidden buffer use a
+ special window, splitting the current one temporarily.
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/globals.h, src/gui.c, src/if_perl.xs,
+ src/progo/, src/proto/, src/screen.c,
+ src/structs.h, src/window.c
+Patch 7.2.204 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Can't build with Visual Studio 2010 beta 1.
+Solution: Fix the makefile. (George Reilly)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.2.205 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: No support for High DPI awareness.
+Solution: Fix the manifest file. (George Reilly)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak, src/gvim.exe.mnf
+Patch 7.2.206
+Problem: Win32: Can't build netbeans interface with Visual Studio 2010.
+Solution: Undefine ECONNREFUSED. (George Reilly)
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.2.207
+Problem: Using freed memory with ":redrawstatus" when it works recursively.
+Solution: Prevent recursively updating the status line. (partly by Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.208
+Problem: "set novice" gives an error message, it should be ignored.
+Solution: Don't see "no" in "novice" as unsetting an option. (Patrick
+ Texier)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.2.209
+Problem: For xxd setmode() is undefined on Cygwin.
+Solution: Include io.h. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/xxd/xxd.c
+Patch 7.2.210
+Problem: When a file that is being edited has its timestamp updated outside
+ of Vim and ":checktime" is used still get a warning when writing
+ the file. (Matt Mueller)
+Solution: Store the timestamp in b_mtime_read when the timestamp is the only
+ thing that changed.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.211
+Problem: Memory leak when expanding a series of file names.
+Solution: Use ga_clear_strings() instead of ga_clear().
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.2.212 (extra)
+Problem: Warnings for redefining SIG macros.
+Solution: Don't define them if already defined. (Bjorn Winckler)
+Files: src/os_mac.h
+Patch 7.2.213
+Problem: Warning for using vsprintf().
+Solution: Use vim_vsnprintf().
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.2.214
+Problem: Crash with complete function for user command. (Andy Wokula)
+Solution: Avoid using a NULL pointer (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.2.215
+Problem: ml_get error when using ":vimgrep".
+Solution: Load the memfile for the hidden buffer before putting it in a
+ window. Correct the order of splitting the window and filling
+ the window and buffer with data.
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/proto/, src/quickfix.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.2.216
+Problem: Two error messages have the same number E812.
+Solution: Give one message a different number.
+Files: runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, runtime/doc/if_mzsch.txt, src/if_mzsch.c
+Patch 7.2.217
+Problem: Running tests with valgrind doesn't work as advertised.
+Solution: Fix the line in the Makefile.
+Files: src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.2.218
+Problem: Cannot build GTK with hangul_input feature. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Adjust #ifdef. (SungHyun Nam)
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.2.219 (extra)
+Problem: Photon GUI is outdated.
+Solution: Updates for QNX 6.4.0. (Sean Boudreau)
+Files: src/gui_photon.c
+Patch 7.2.220 (after 7.2.215)
+Problem: a BufEnter autocommand that changes directory causes problems.
+ (Ajit Thakkar)
+Solution: Disable autocommands when opening a hidden buffer in a window.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.221
+Problem: X cut_buffer0 text is used as-is, it may be in the wrong encoding.
+Solution: Convert between 'enc' and latin1. (James Vega)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/message.c, src/ops.c, src/proto/,
+ src/ui.c
+Patch 7.2.222
+Problem: ":mksession" doesn't work properly with 'acd' set.
+Solution: Make it work. (Yakov Lerner)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.2.223
+Problem: When a script is run with ":silent" it is not able to give warning
+ messages.
+Solution: Add the ":unsilent" command.
+Files: runtime/doc/various.txt, src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.2.224
+Problem: Crash when using 'completefunc'. (Ingo Karkat)
+Solution: Disallow entering edit() recursively when doing completion.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.2.225
+Problem: When using ":normal" a saved character may be executed.
+Solution: Also store old_char when saving typeahead.
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.2.226
+Problem: ml_get error after deleting the last line. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Solution: When adjusting marks a callback may be invoked. Adjust the cursor
+ position before invoking deleted_lines_mark().
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/if_mzsch.c, src/if_python.c,
+ src/if_perl.xs, src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.2.227
+Problem: When using ":cd" in a script there is no way to track this.
+Solution: Display the directory when 'verbose' is 5 or higher.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.2.228
+Problem: Cscope is limited to 8 connections.
+Solution: Allocated the connection array to handle any number of
+ connections. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_cscop.txt, src/if_cscope.h, src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.2.229
+Problem: Warning for shadowed variable.
+Solution: Rename "wait" to "wait_time".
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.2.230
+Problem: A few old lint-style ARGUSED comments.
+Solution: Change to the new UNUSED style.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.2.231
+Problem: Warning for unreachable code.
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.2.232
+Problem: Cannot debug problems with being in a wrong directory.
+Solution: When 'verbose' is 5 or higher report directory changes.
+Files: src/os_unix.c, src/os_unix.h, src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.233 (extra part of 7.2.232)
+Problem: Cannot debug problems with being in a wrong directory.
+Solution: When 'verbose' is 5 or higher report directory changes.
+Files: src/os_msdos.c, src/os_mswin.c, src/os_riscos.c, src/os_mac.h
+Patch 7.2.234
+Problem: It is not possible to ignore file names without a suffix.
+Solution: Use an empty entry in 'suffixes' for file names without a dot.
+Files: runtime/doc/cmdline.txt, src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.2.235
+Problem: Using CTRL-O z= in Insert mode has a delay before redrawing.
+Solution: Reset msg_didout and msg_scroll.
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/spell.c
+Patch 7.2.236
+Problem: Mac: Compiling with Ruby doesn't always work.
+Solution: In configure filter out the --arch argument (Bjorn Winckler)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.2.237
+Problem: Crash on exit when window icon not set.
+Solution: Copy terminal name when using it for the icon name.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.2.238
+Problem: Leaking memory when setting term to "builtin_dumb".
+Solution: Free memory when resetting term option t_Co.
+Files: src/option.c, src/proto/, src/term.c
+Patch 7.2.239
+Problem: Using :diffpatch twice or when patching fails causes memory
+ corruption and/or a crash. (Bryan Venteicher)
+Solution: Detect missing output file. Avoid using non-existing buffer.
+Files: src/diff.c
+Patch 7.2.240
+Problem: Crash when using find/replace dialog repeatedly. (Michiel
+ Hartsuiker)
+Solution: Avoid doing the operation while busy or recursively. Also refuse
+ replace when text is locked.
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.2.241
+Problem: When using a combination of ":bufdo" and "doautoall" we may end up
+ in the wrong directory. (Ajit Thakkar)
+ Crash when triggering an autocommand in ":vimgrep". (Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira)
+Solution: Clear w_localdir and globaldir when using the aucmd_win.
+ Use a separate flag to decide aucmd_win needs to be restored.
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/globals.h, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.2.242
+Problem: Setting 'lazyredraw' causes the cursor column to be recomputed.
+ (Tom Link)
+Solution: Only recompute the cursor column for a boolean option if changes
+ the cursor position.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.2.243
+Problem: Memory leak when using :vimgrep and resizing. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Free memory for aucmd_win when resizing and don't allocate it
+ twice.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.244
+Problem: When 'enc' is utf-8 and 'fenc' is latin1, writing a non-latin1
+ character gives a conversion error without any hint what is wrong.
+Solution: When known add the line number to the error message.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.245
+Problem: When 'enc' is "utf-16" and 'fenc' is "utf-8" writing a file does
+ conversion while none should be done. (Yukihiro Nakadaira) When
+ 'fenc' is empty the file is written as utf-8 instead of utf-16.
+Solution: Do proper comparison of encodings, taking into account that all
+ Unicode values for 'enc' use utf-8 internally.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.246
+Problem: Cscope home page link is wrong.
+Solution: Update the URL. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_cscop.txt
+Patch 7.2.247
+Problem: Mzscheme interface minor problem.
+Solution: Better error message when build fails. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/if_mzsch.c
+Patch 7.2.248 (extra)
+Problem: Mzscheme interface building minor problems.
+Solution: Update Win32 makefiles. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/Make_cyg.mak, src/Make_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.2.249
+Problem: The script to check .po files can't handle '%' in plural forms.
+Solution: Remove "Plural-Forms:" from the checked string.
+Files: src/po/check.vim
+Patch 7.2.250 (extra)
+Problem: Possible buffer overflow.
+Solution: Compute the remaining space. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/GvimExt/gvimext.cpp
+Patch 7.2.251 (after 7.2.044)
+Problem: Compiler adds invalid memory bounds check.
+Solution: Remove _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 from CFLAGS. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.2.252
+Problem: When using a multibyte 'enc' the 'iskeyword' option cannot
+ contain characters above 128.
+Solution: Use mb_ptr2char_adv().
+Files: src/charset.c
+Patch 7.2.253
+Problem: Netbeans interface: getLength always uses current buffer.
+Solution: Use ml_get_buf() instead of ml_get(). (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.2.254
+Problem: Compiler warning for assigning size_t to int.
+Solution: Use size_t for the variable. (George Reilly)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.255 (after 7.2.242)
+Problem: Setting 'rightleft', 'linebreak' and 'wrap' may cause cursor to be
+ in wrong place.
+Solution: Recompute the cursor column for these options.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.2.256
+Problem: When 'guifont' was not set GTK font dialog doesn't have a default.
+ (Andreas Metzler)
+Solution: Set default to DEFAULT_FONT. (James Vega)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.2.257
+Problem: With GTK 2.17 lots of assertion error messages.
+Solution: Remove check for static gravity. (Sebastian Droege)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_f.c
+Patch 7.2.258
+Problem: v:beval_col and b:beval_text are wrong in UTF-8 text. (Tony
+ Mechelynck)
+Solution: Use byte number instead of character number for the column.
+Files: src/ui.c
+Patch 7.2.259
+Problem: exists() doesn't work properly for an empty aucmd group.
+Solution: Change how au_exists() handles a missing pattern. Also add a
+ test for this. (Bob Hiestand)
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test67.ok
+Patch 7.2.260 (extra part of 7.2.259)
+Problem: exists() doesn't work properly for empty aucmd group.
+Solution: Change how au_exists() handles a missing pattern. Also add a
+ test for this. (Bob Hiestand)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.2.261
+Problem: When deleting lines with a specific folding configuration E38 may
+ appear. (Shahaf)
+Solution: When adjusting nested folds for deleted lines take into account
+ that they don't start at the top of the enclosing fold.
+Files: src/fold.c
+Patch 7.2.262
+Problem: When using custom completion for a user command the pattern string
+ goes beyond the cursor position. (Hari Krishna Dara)
+Solution: Truncate the string at the cursor position.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.2.263
+Problem: GTK2: when using the -geom argument with an offset from the right
+ edge and the size is smaller than the default, the Vim window is
+ not positioned properly.
+Solution: Use another function to set the size. (Vitaly Minko)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.2.264
+Problem: GTK2: When the Vim window is maximized setting 'columns' or
+ 'lines' doesn't work.
+Solution: Unmaximize the window before setting the size. (Vitaly Minko)
+Files: src/gui.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.265
+Problem: When using ":silent broken" inside try/catch silency may persist.
+ (dr-dr xp)
+Solution: Set msg_silent when there is an error and it's bigger than the
+ saved value.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.2.266
+Problem: When an expression abbreviation is triggered, the typed character
+ is unknown.
+Solution: Make the typed character available in v:char.
+Files: runtime/doc/map.txt, src/eval.c, src/getchar.c, src/ops.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.267
+Problem: Crash for narrow window and double-width character.
+Solution: Check for zero width. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/charset.c
+Patch 7.2.268
+Problem: Crash when using Python to set cursor beyond end of line.
+ (winterTTr)
+Solution: Check the column to be valid.
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.2.269
+Problem: Many people struggle to find out why Vim startup is slow.
+Solution: Add the --startuptime command line flag.
+Files: runtime/doc/starting.txt, src/globals.h, src/feature.h,
+ src/main.c, src/macros.h
+Patch 7.2.270
+Problem: Using ":@c" when the c register contains a CR causes the rest to
+ be executed later. (Dexter Douglas)
+Solution: Don't check for typeahead to start with ':', keep executing
+ commands until all added typeahead has been used.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.2.271
+Problem: Using freed memory in Motif GUI version when making a choice.
+Solution: Free memory only after using it. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_xmdlg.c
+Patch 7.2.272
+Problem: "_.svz" is not recognized as a swap file. (David M. Besonen)
+Solution: Accept .s[uvw][a-z] as a swap file name extension.
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.2.273
+Problem: Crash with redir to unknown array. (Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: Don't assign the redir result when there was an error.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.274
+Problem: Syntax folding doesn't work properly when adding a comment.
+Solution: Fix it and add a test. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/fold.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test45.ok
+Patch 7.2.275
+Problem: Warning for unused argument and comparing signed and unsigned.
+Solution: Add type cast.
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.2.276
+Problem: Crash when setting 'isprint' to a small bullet. (Raul Coronado)
+Solution: Check for the character to be < 256. Also make it possible to
+ specify a range of multibyte characters. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/charset.c
+Patch 7.2.277
+Problem: CTRL-Y in a diff'ed window may move the cursor outside of the
+ window. (Lech Lorens)
+Solution: Limit the number of filler lines to the height of the window.
+ Don't reset filler lines to zero for an empty buffer.
+Files: src/move.c
+Patch 7.2.278
+Problem: Using magic number in the folding code.
+Solution: Use the defined MAX_LEVEL.
+Files: src/fold.c
+Patch 7.2.279
+Problem: Invalid memory read with visual mode "r". (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Make sure the cursor position is valid. Don't check the cursor
+ position but the position being used. And make sure we get the
+ right line.
+Files: src/misc2.c, src/ops.c
+Patch 7.2.280
+Problem: A redraw in a custom statusline with %! may cause a crash.
+ (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Make a copy of 'statusline'. Also fix typo in function name
+ redraw_custom_statusline. (partly by Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.281
+Problem: 'cursorcolumn' highlighting is wrong in diff mode.
+Solution: Adjust the column computation. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.282
+Problem: A fold can't be closed.
+Solution: Initialize fd_small to MAYBE. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/fold.c
+Patch 7.2.283
+Problem: Changing font while the window is maximized doesn't keep the
+ window maximized.
+Solution: Recompute number of lines and columns after changing font. (James
+ Vega)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.2.284
+Problem: When editing the same buffer in two windows, one with folding,
+ display may be wrong after changes.
+Solution: Call set_topline() to take care of side effects. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.2.285 (after 7.2.169)
+Problem: CTRL-U in Insert mode also deletes indent. (Andrey Voropaev)
+Solution: Fix mistake made in patch 7.2.169.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.2.286 (after 7.2.269)
+Problem: The "--startuptime=<file>" argument is not consistent with other
+ arguments.
+Solution: Use "--startuptime <file>". Added the +startuptime feature.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/starting.txt,
+ runtime/doc/various.txt, src/eval.c, src/main.c, src/version.c
+Patch 7.2.287
+Problem: Warning from gcc 3.4 about uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Move assignment outside of #ifdef.
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.2.288
+Problem: Python 2.6 pyconfig.h redefines macros.
+Solution: Undefine the macros before including pyconfig.h.
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.2.289
+Problem: Checking wrong struct member.
+Solution: Change tb_buf to tb_noremap. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.2.290
+Problem: Not freeing memory from ":lmap", ":xmap" and ":menutranslate".
+Solution: Free the memory when exiting. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.2.291
+Problem: Reading uninitialised memory in arabic mode.
+Solution: Use utfc_ptr2char_len() rather than utfc_ptr2char(). (Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.292
+Problem: Block right-shift doesn't work properly with multibyte encoding
+ and 'list' set.
+Solution: Add the missing "else". (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.2.293
+Problem: When setting 'comments' option it may be used in a wrong way.
+Solution: Don't increment after skipping over digits. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.2.294
+Problem: When using TEMPDIRS dir name could get too long.
+Solution: Overwrite tail instead of appending each time. Use mkdtemp() when
+ available. (James Vega)
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/, src/, src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.295
+Problem: When using map() on a List the index is not known.
+Solution: Set v:key to the index. (Hari Krishna Dara)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.296
+Problem: Help message about startuptime is wrong. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Remove the equal sign.
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.2.297
+Problem: Reading freed memory when writing ":reg" output to a register.
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Skip the register being written to.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.2.298
+Problem: ":vimgrep" crashes when there is an autocommand that sets a
+ window-local variable.
+Solution: Initialize the w: hashtab for re-use. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.299
+Problem: Crash when comment middle is longer than start.
+Solution: Fix size computation. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.2.300
+Problem: Vim doesn't close file descriptors when forking and executing
+ another command, e.g., ":shell".
+Solution: Use FD_CLOEXEC when available. (James Vega)
+Files: auto/configure, src/, src/,
+ src/ex_cmdds2.c, src/fileio.c, src/memfile.c, src/memline.c
+Patch 7.2.301
+Problem: Formatting is wrong when 'tw' is set to a small value.
+Solution: Fix it and add tests. Also fix behavior of "1" in 'fo'. (Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test68.ok, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test69,ok
+Patch 7.2.302 (extra part of 7.2.301)
+Problem: Formatting wrong with small 'tw' value.
+Solution: Add build rules for tests.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.2.303 (after 7.2.294)
+Problem: Can't build on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Add #ifdef around vim_settempdir(). (James Vega)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.304
+Problem: Compiler warning for bad pointer cast.
+Solution: Use another variable for int pointer.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.2.305
+Problem: Recursively redrawing causes a memory leak. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Disallow recursive screen updating.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.306
+Problem: shellescape("10%%", 1) only escapes first %. (Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: Don't copy the character after the escaped one.
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.2.307
+Problem: Crash with a very long syntax match statement. (Guy Gur Ari)
+Solution: When the offset does not fit in the two bytes available give an
+ error instead of continuing with invalid pointers.
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.2.308
+Problem: When using a regexp in the "\=" expression of a substitute
+ command, submatch() returns empty strings for further lines.
+ (Clockwork Jam)
+Solution: Save and restore the line number and line count when calling
+ reg_getline().
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.2.309 (after 7.2.308)
+Problem: Warning for missing function prototype. (Patrick Texier)
+Solution: Add the prototype.
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.2.310
+Problem: When a filetype plugin in ~/.vim/ftdetect uses ":setfiletype" and
+ the file starts with a "# comment" it gets "conf" filetype.
+Solution: Check for "conf" filetype after using ftdetect plugins.
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim
+Patch 7.2.311
+Problem: Can't compile with FreeMiNT.
+Solution: Change #ifdef for limits.h. (Alan Hourihane)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.312
+Problem: iconv() returns an invalid character sequence when conversion
+ fails. It should return an empty string. (Yongwei Wu)
+Solution: Be more strict about invalid characters in the input.
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.2.313
+Problem: Command line completion doesn't work after "%:h" and similar.
+Solution: Expand these items before doing the completion.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/misc1.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.314
+Problem: Missing function in small build.
+Solution: Always include concat_str.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.2.315
+Problem: Python libs can't be found on 64 bit system.
+Solution: Add lib64 to the list of directories. (Michael Henry)
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.2.316
+Problem: May get multiple _FORTIFY_SOURCE arguments. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: First remove all these arguments and then add the one we want.
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.2.317
+Problem: Memory leak when adding a highlight group with unprintable
+ characters, resulting in E669.
+Solution: Free the memory. And fix a few typos. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.2.318
+Problem: Wrong locale value breaks floating point numbers for gvim.
+Solution: Set the locale again after doing GUI inits. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.2.319
+Problem: Motif: accessing freed memory when cancelling font dialog.
+Solution: Destroy the widget only after accessing it. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_xmdlg.c
+Patch 7.2.320
+Problem: Unused function in Mzscheme interface.
+Solution: Remove the function and what depends on it. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/if_mzsch.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.321
+Problem: histadd() and searching with "*" fails to add entry to history
+ when it is empty.
+Solution: Initialize the history. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/normal.c
+Patch 7.2.322
+Problem: Wrong indenting in virtual replace mode with CTRL-Y below a short
+ line.
+Solution: Check for character to be NUL. (suggested by Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.2.323 (extra)
+Problem: Balloon evaluation crashes on Win64.
+Solution: Change pointer types. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.2.324
+Problem: A negative column argument in setpos() may cause a crash.
+Solution: Check for invalid column number. (James Vega)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.2.325
+Problem: A stray "w" in the startup vimrc file causes the edited file to be
+ replaced with an empty file. (Stone Kang).
+Solution: Do not write a buffer when it has never been loaded.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.326
+Problem: Win32: $HOME doesn't work when %HOMEPATH% is not defined.
+Solution: Use "\" for %HOMEPATH% when it is not defined.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.2.327
+Problem: Unused functions in Workshop.
+Solution: Add "#if 0" and minor cleanup. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/workshop.c, src/integration.c, src/integration.h
+Patch 7.2.328
+Problem: has("win64") does not return 1 on 64 bit MS-Windows version.
+Solution: Also check for _WIN64 besides WIN64.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.329
+Problem: "g_" doesn't position cursor correctly when in Visual mode and
+ 'selection' is "exclusive". (Ben Fritz)
+Solution: Call adjust_for_sel().
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.2.330
+Problem: Tables for Unicode case operators are outdated.
+Solution: Add a Vim script for generating the tables. Include tables for
+ Unicode 5.2.
+Files: runtime/tools/README.txt, runtime/tools/unicode.vim, src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.2.331
+Problem: Can't interrupt "echo list" for a very long list.
+Solution: Call line_breakcheck() in list_join().
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.332
+Problem: Crash when spell correcting triggers an autocommand that reloads
+ the buffer.
+Solution: Make a copy of the line to be modified. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.2.333
+Problem: Warnings from static code analysis.
+Solution: Small changes to various lines. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/edit.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/fileio.c,
+ src/if_cscope.c, src/netbeans.c, src/ops.c, src/quickfix.c,
+ src/syntax.c, src/ui.c
+Patch 7.2.334
+Problem: Postponing keys in Netbeans interface does not work properly.
+Solution: Store the key string instead of the number. Avoid an infinite
+ loop. (Mostly by Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/netbeans.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.335
+Problem: The CTRL-] command escapes too many characters.
+Solution: Use a different list of characters to be escaped. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.2.336
+Problem: MzScheme interface can't evaluate an expression.
+Solution: Add mzeval(). (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/if_mzsch.txt,
+ runtime/doc/usr_41.txt, src/eval.c, src/if_mzsch.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/main.aap, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test70.ok
+Patch 7.2.337
+Problem: The :compiler command doesn't function properly when invoked in a
+ function.
+Solution: Add "g:" before "current_compiler". (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.2.338 (after 7.2.300)
+Problem: Part of FD_CLOEXEC change is missing.
+Solution: Include source file skipped because of typo.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.2.339 (after 7.2.269)
+Problem: Part of --startuptime patch is missing.
+Solution: Add check for time_fd.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.2.340
+Problem: Gcc warning for condition that can never be true. (James Vega)
+Solution: Use start_lvl instead flp->lvl.
+Files: src/fold.c
+Patch 7.2.341
+Problem: Popup menu wraps to next line when double-wide character doesn't
+ fit. (Jiang Ma)
+Solution: Display a ">" instead. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.342
+Problem: Popup menu displayed wrong in 'rightleft' mode when there are
+ multibyte characters.
+Solution: Adjust the column computations. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/popupmnu.c
+Patch 7.2.343 (after 7.2.338)
+Problem: Can't compile on Win32.
+Solution: Insert the missing '|'.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.2.344 (after 7.2.343)
+Problem: Can't compile on some systems
+Solution: Move the #ifdef outside of the mch_open macro. (Patrick Texier)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.2.345
+Problem: Tab line is not updated when the value of 'bt' is changed.
+Solution: Call redraw_titles(). (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.2.346
+Problem: Repeating a command with @: causes a mapping to be applied twice.
+Solution: Do not remap characters inserted in the typeahead buffer. (Kana
+ Natsuno)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.2.347
+Problem: Crash when executing <expr> mapping redefines that same mapping.
+Solution: Save the values used before evaluating the expression.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.2.348 (after 7.2.330)
+Problem: Unicode double-width characters are not up-to date.
+Solution: Produce the double-width table like the others.
+Files: runtime/tools/unicode.vim, src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.2.349
+Problem: CTRL-W gf doesn't put the new tab in the same place as "tab split"
+ and "gf". (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Store the tab number in
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.2.350
+Problem: Win32: When changing font the window may jump from the secondary
+ to the primary screen. (Michael Wookey)
+Solution: When the screen position was negative don't correct it to zero.
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.2.351 (after 7.2.347)
+Problem: Can't build with some compilers.
+Solution: Move the #ifdef outside of a macro. Cleanup the code.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.2.352 (extra)
+Problem: Win64: Vim doesn't work when cross-compiled with MingW libraries.
+Solution: Always return TRUE for the WM_NCCREATE message. (Andy Kittner)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.2.353
+Problem: No command line completion for ":profile".
+Solution: Complete the subcommand and file name.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_getln.c,
+ src/proto/, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.2.354
+Problem: Japanese single-width double-byte characters not handled correctly.
+Solution: Put 0x8e in ScreenLines[] and the second byte in ScreenLines2[].
+ (partly by Kikuchan)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.355
+Problem: Computing the cursor column in validate_cursor_col() is wrong when
+ line numbers are used and 'n' is not in 'cpoptions', causing the
+ popup menu to be positioned wrong.
+Solution: Correctly use the offset. (partly by Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/move.c
+Patch 7.2.356
+Problem: When 'foldmethod' is changed not all folds are closed as expected.
+Solution: In foldUpdate() correct the start position and reset fd_flags when
+ w_foldinvalid is set. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/fold.c
+Patch 7.2.357
+Problem: When changing 'fileformat' from/to "mac" and there is a CR in the
+ text the display is wrong.
+Solution: Redraw the text when 'fileformat' is changed. (Ben Schmidt)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.2.358
+Problem: Compiler warnings on VMS. (Zoltan Arpadffy)
+Solution: Pass array itself instead its address. Return a value.
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.2.359
+Problem: Crash when using the Netbeans join command.
+Solution: Make sure the ml_flush_line() function is not used recursively.
+ (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.2.360
+Problem: Ruby on MS-Windows: can't use sockets.
+Solution: Call NtInitialize() during initialization. (Ariya Mizutani)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.2.361
+Problem: Ruby 1.9 is not supported.
+Solution: Add Ruby 1.9 support. (Masaki Suketa)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/auto/configure, src/, src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.2.362 (extra, after 7.2.352)
+Problem: Win64: Vim doesn't work when cross-compiled with MingW libraries.
+Solution: Instead of handling WM_NCCREATE, create wide text area window
+ class if the parent window iw side. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.2.363
+Problem: Can't dynamically load Perl 5.10.
+Solution: Add the function Perl_croak_xs_usage. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.2.364 (extra)
+Problem: Can't build gvimext.dll on Win 7 x64 using MinGW (John Marriott)
+Solution: Check if _MSC_VER is defined. (Andy Kittner)
+Files: src/GvimExt/gvimext.h
+Patch 7.2.365 (extra)
+Problem: MS-Windows with MingW: "File->Save As" does not work. (John
+ Marriott)
+Solution: Correctly fill in structure size. (Andy Kittner)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.2.366
+Problem: CTRL-B doesn't go back to the first line of the buffer.
+Solution: Avoid an overflow when adding MAXCOL.
+Files: src/move.c
+Patch 7.2.367
+Problem: "xxd -r -p" doesn't work as documented.
+Solution: Skip white space. (James Vega)
+Files: src/xxd/xxd.c
+Patch 7.2.368 (after 7.2.361)
+Problem: Ruby interface: Appending line doesn't work. (Michael Henry)
+Solution: Reverse check for NULL line. (James Vega)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.2.369
+Problem: Error message is not easy to understand.
+Solution: Add quotes. (SungHyun Nam)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.2.370 (after 7.2.356)
+Problem: A redraw may cause folds to be closed.
+Solution: Revert part of the previous patch. Add a test. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/diff.c, src/fold.c, src/option.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test45.ok
+Patch 7.2.371
+Problem: Build problems on Tandem NonStop.
+Solution: A few changes to #ifdefs (Joachim Schmitz)
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/, src/, src/vim.h,
+ src/if_cscope.c, src/, src/tag.c
+Patch 7.2.372 (extra)
+Problem: Cross-compiling GvimExt and xxd doesn't work.
+Solution: Change the build files. (Markus Heidelberg)
+Files: src/INSTALLpc.txt, src/GvimExt/Make_ming.mak, src/Make_cyg.mak,
+ src/Make_ming.mak, src/xxd/Make_cyg.mak
+Patch 7.2.373
+Problem: Gcc 4.5 adds more error messages. (Chris Indy)
+Solution: Update default 'errorformat'.
+Files: src/option.h
+Patch 7.2.374
+Problem: Ruby eval() doesn't understand Vim types.
+Solution: Add the vim_to_ruby() function. (George Gensure)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.2.375
+Problem: ml_get errors when using ":bprevious" in a BufEnter autocmd.
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Clear w_valid when entering another buffer.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.2.376
+Problem: ml_get error when using SiSU syntax. (Nathan Thomas)
+Solution: If the match ends below the last line move it to the end of the
+ last line.
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.2.377 (extra, after 7.2.372)
+Problem: Misplaced assignment. Duplicate build line for gvimext.dll.
+Solution: Move setting CROSS_COMPILE to before ifneq. Remove the wrong
+ build line. (Markus Heidelberg)
+Files: src/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.2.378
+Problem: C function declaration indented too much. (Rui)
+Solution: Don't see a line containing { or } as a type. (Matt Wozniski)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.2.379
+Problem: 'eventignore' is set to an invalid value inside ":doau". (Antony
+ Scriven)
+Solution: Don't include the leading comma when the option was empty.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.380 (after 7.2.363)
+Problem: Perl interface builds with 5.10.1 but not with 5.10.0.
+Solution: Change the #ifdefs. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.2.381
+Problem: No completion for :behave.
+Solution: Add :behave completion. Minor related fixes. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/proto/, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.2.382
+Problem: Accessing freed memory when closing the cmdline window when
+ 'bufhide' is set to "wipe".
+Solution: Check if the buffer still exists before invoking close_buffer()
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.2.383
+Problem: Vim doesn't build cleanly with MSVC 2010.
+Solution: Change a few types. (George Reilly)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/if_python.c, src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.2.384 (extra)
+Problem: Vim doesn't build properly with MSVC 2010.
+Solution: Add the nmake version to the build file. (George Reilly)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak
+Patch 7.2.385
+Problem: When in the command line window dragging status line only works
+ for last-but-one window. (Jean Johner)
+Solution: Remove the code that disallows this.
+Files: src/ui.c
+Patch 7.2.386
+Problem: Focus hack for KDE 3.1 causes problems for other window managers.
+Solution: Remove the hack. (forwarded by Joel Bradshaw)
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c
+Patch 7.2.387
+Problem: Ruby with MingW still doesn't build all versions.
+Solution: More #ifdefs for the Ruby code. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.2.388 (extra part of 7.2.387)
+Problem: Ruby with MingW still doesn't build all versions.
+Solution: Different approach to build file. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.2.389
+Problem: synIDattr() cannot return the font.
+Solution: Support the "font" argument. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.2.390
+Problem: In some situations the popup menu can be displayed wrong.
+Solution: Remove the popup menu if the cursor moved. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.2.391
+Problem: Internal alloc(0) error when doing "CTRL-V $ c". (Martti Kuparinen)
+Solution: Fix computations in getvcol(). (partly by Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/charset.c, src/memline.c
+Patch 7.2.392
+Problem: Netbeans hangs reading from a socket at the maximum block size.
+Solution: Use select() or poll(). (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/vim.h, src/os_unixx.h, src/if_xcmdsrv.c, src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.2.393
+Problem: Mac: Can't build with different Xcode developer tools directory.
+Solution: make "Developer" directory name configurable. (Rainer Muller)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.2.394
+Problem: .lzma and .xz files are not supported.
+Solution: Recognize .lzma and .xz files so that they can be edited.
+Files: runtime/plugin/gzip.vim
+Patch 7.2.395
+Problem: In help CTRL=] on g?g? escapes the ?, causing it to fail. (Tony
+ Mechelynck)
+Solution: Don't escape ? for a help command. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.2.396
+Problem: Get E38 errors. (Dasn)
+Solution: Set cursor to line 1 instead of 0. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/popupmnu.c
+Patch 7.2.397
+Problem: Redundant check for w_lines_valid.
+Solution: Remove the if. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/fold.c
+Patch 7.2.398
+Problem: When moving windows the cursor ends up in the wrong line.
+Solution: Set the window width and height properly. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.2.399 (extra, after 7.2.388)
+Problem: Cannot compile on MingW.
+Solution: Move ifneq to separate line. (Vlad Sandrini, Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.2.400 (after 7.2.387)
+Problem: Dynamic Ruby is not initialised properly for version 1.9.1.
+ Ruby cannot create strings from NULL.
+Solution: Cleanup #ifdefs. Handle NULL like an empty string. Add
+ ruby_init_stack. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.2.401
+Problem: ":e dir<Tab>" with 'wildmode' set to "list" doesn't highlight
+ directory names with a space. (Alexandre Provencio)
+Solution: Remove the backslash before checking if the name is a directory.
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.2.402
+Problem: This gives a #705 error: let X = function('haslocaldir')
+ let X = function('getcwd')
+Solution: Don't give E705 when the name is found in the hashtab. (Sergey
+ Khorev)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.403 (after 7.2.400)
+Problem: Compiler warning for pointer type. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Move type cast to the right place.
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.2.404
+Problem: Pointers for composing characters are not properly initialized.
+Solution: Compute the size of the pointer, not what it points to. (Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.405
+Problem: When built with small features the matching text is not
+ highlighted for ":s/pat/repl/c".
+Solution: Remove the #ifdef for IncSearch. (James Vega)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.2.406
+Problem: Patch 7.2.119 introduces uninit mem read. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Only used ScreenLinesC when ScreenLinesUC is not zero. (Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira) Also clear ScreenLinesC when allocating.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.2.407
+Problem: When using an expression in ":s" backslashes in the result are
+ dropped. (Sergey Goldgaber, Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: Double backslashes.
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.2.408
+Problem: With ":g/the/s/foo/bar/" the '[ and '] marks can be set to a line
+ that was not changed.
+Solution: Only set '[ and '] marks when a substitution was done.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.2.409
+Problem: Summary of number of substitutes is incorrect for ":folddo". (Jean
+ Johner)
+Solution: Reset sub_nsubs and sub_nlines in global_exe().
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.2.410
+Problem: Highlighting directories for completion doesn't work properly.
+Solution: Don't halve backslashes when not needed, expanded "~/".
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.2.411
+Problem: When parsing 'cino' a comma isn't skipped properly.
+Solution: Skip the comma. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.2.412
+Problem: [ or ] followed by mouse click doesn't work.
+Solution: Reverse check for key being a mouse event. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.2.413
+Problem: Large file support is incorrect.
+Solution: Add AC_SYS_LARGEFILE to configure. (James Vega)
+Files: src/, src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.2.414
+Problem: CTRL-K <space> <space> does not produce 0xa0 as expected. (Tony
+ Mechelynck)
+Solution: Remove the Unicode range 0xe000 - 0xefff from digraphs, these are
+ not valid characters.
+Files: src/digraph.c
+Patch 7.2.415
+Problem: Win32: Can't open a remote file when starting Vim.
+Solution: Don't invoke cygwin_conv_path() for URLs. (Tomoya Adachi)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.2.416
+Problem: Logtalk.dict is not installed.
+Solution: Add it to the install target. (Markus Heidelberg)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.2.417
+Problem: When 'shell' has an argument with a slash then 'shellpipe' is not
+ set properly. (Britton Kerin)
+Solution: Assume there are no spaces in the path, arguments follow.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.2.418
+Problem: Vim tries to set the background or foreground color in a terminal
+ to -1. (Graywh) Happens with ":hi Normal ctermbg=NONE".
+Solution: When resetting the foreground or background color don't set the
+ color, let the clear screen code do that.
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.2.419
+Problem: Memory leak in Motif when clicking on "Search Vim Help".
+Solution: Free string returned by XmTextGetString(). (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_motif.c
+Patch 7.2.420
+Problem: ":argedit" does not accept "++enc=utf8" as documented. (Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Solution: Add the ARGOPT flag to ":argedit".
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h
+Patch 7.2.421
+Problem: Folds are sometimes not updated properly and there is no way to
+ force an update.
+Solution: Make "zx" and "zX" recompute folds (suggested by Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.2.422
+Problem: May get E763 when using spell dictionaries.
+Solution: Avoid utf-8 case folded character to be truncated to 8 bits and
+ differ from latin1. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.2.423
+Problem: Crash when assigning s: to variable. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Make ga_scripts contain pointer to scriptvar_T instead of
+ scriptvar_T itself. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.2.424
+Problem: ":colorscheme" without an argument doesn't do anything.
+Solution: Make it echo the current color scheme name. (partly by Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/syntax.txt, src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.2.425
+Problem: Some compilers complain about fourth EX() argument.
+Solution: Add cast to long_u.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h
+Patch 7.2.426
+Problem: Commas in 'langmap' are not always handled correctly.
+Solution: Require commas to be backslash escaped. (James Vega)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.2.427
+Problem: The swapfile is created using the destination of a symlink, but
+ recovery doesn't follow symlinks.
+Solution: When recovering, resolve symlinks. (James Vega)
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.2.428
+Problem: Using setqflist([]) to clear the error list doesn't work properly.
+Solution: Set qf_nonevalid to TRUE when appropriate. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.2.429
+Problem: A file that exists but access is denied may result in a "new file"
+ message. E.g. when its directory is unreadable.
+Solution: Specifically check for ENOENT to decide a file doesn't exist.
+ (partly by James Vega)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.2.430
+Problem: The ++bad argument is handled wrong, resulting in an invalid
+ memory access.
+Solution: Use the bad_char field only for the replacement character, add
+ bad_char_idx to store the position. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.2.431
+Problem: ":amenu" moves the cursor when in Insert mode.
+Solution: Use CTRL-\ CTRL-O instead of CTRL-O. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/menu.c
+Patch 7.2.432
+Problem: When menus are translated they can only be found by the translated
+ name. That makes ":emenu" difficult to use.
+Solution: Store the untranslated name and use it for completion and :emenu.
+ (Liang Peng (Bezetek James), Edward L. Fox)
+Files: src/menu.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.2.433
+Problem: Can't use cscope with QuickFixCmdPre and QuickFixCmdPost.
+Solution: Add cscope support for these autocmd events. (Bryan Venteicher)
+Files: runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.2.434 (after 7.2.432)
+Problem: Compilation fails without the multi-lang feature.
+Solution: Add #ifdefs. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/menu.c
+Patch 7.2.435 (after 7.2.430)
+Problem: Crash when using bad_char_idx uninitialized. (Patrick Texier)
+Solution: Don't use bad_char_idx, reproduce the ++bad argument from bad_char.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.2.436
+Problem: Reproducible crash in syntax HL. (George Reilly, Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Make sst_stacksize an int instead of short. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/structs.h
+Patch 7.2.437 (after 7.2.407)
+Problem: When "\\\n" appears in the expression result the \n doesn't result
+ in a line break. (Andy Wokula)
+Solution: Also replace a \n after a backslash into \r.
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.2.438 (after 7.2.427)
+Problem: "vim -r" crashes.
+Solution: Don't use NULL pointer argument.
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.2.439
+Problem: Invalid memory access when doing thesaurus completion and
+ 'infercase' is set.
+Solution: Use the minimal length of completed word and replacement.
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.2.440
+Problem: Calling a function through a funcref, where the function deletes
+ the funcref, leads to an invalid memory access.
+Solution: Make a copy of the function name. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test34.ok
+Patch 7.2.441
+Problem: When using ":earlier" undo information may be wrong.
+Solution: When changing alternate branches also adjust b_u_oldhead.
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.2.442 (after 7.2.201)
+Problem: Copy/paste with OpenOffice doesn't work.
+Solution: Do not offer the HTML target when it is not supported. (James
+ Vega)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/option.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.2.443
+Problem: Using taglist() on a tag file with duplicate fields generates an
+ internal error. (Peter Odding)
+Solution: Check for duplicate field names.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/proto/, src/tag.c
+Patch 7.2.444 (after 7.2.442)
+Problem: Can't build with GTK 1, gtk_selection_clear_targets() is not
+ available. (Patrick Texier)
+Solution: Don't change the targets for GTK 1, set them once.
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/option.c
+Patch 7.2.445
+Problem: Crash when using undo/redo and a FileChangedRO autocmd event that
+ reloads the buffer. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Do not allow autocommands while performing and undo or redo.
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/undo.c
+Patch 7.2.446
+Problem: Crash in GUI when closing the last window in a tabpage. (ryo7000)
+Solution: Remove the tabpage from the list before freeing the window.
+Files: src/window.c
+When writing a file, switching tab pages and selecting a word the file write
+message would be displayed again. This happened in Insert mode and with
+'cmdheight' set to 2.
+When using ":lang" to set a locale that uses a comma for decimal separator and
+using GTK floating point numbers stop working. Use gtk_disable_setlocale().
+(James Vega)
+"g8" didn't produce the right value on a NUL. (Dominique Pelle)
+Use BASEMODLIBS instead of MODLIBS for Python configuration to pick up the
+right compiler flags. (Michael Bienia)
+Window title was not updated after dropping a file on Vim. (Hari G)
+synstack() did not return anything when just past the end of the line. Useful
+when using the cursor position in Insert mode.
+When entering a digraph or special character after a line that fits the window
+the '?' or '^' on the next line is not redrawn. (Ian Kelling)
+Composing characters in |:s| substitute text were dropped.
+|exists()| was causing an autoload script to be loaded.
+Filter out -pthread for cproto.
+Make CTRL-L in command line mode respect 'ignorecase' and 'smartcase'. (Martin
+Spell menu moved the cursor, causing Copy not to work. Spell replacement
+didn't work in 'compatible' mode.
+Various small fixes from Dominique Pelle.
+Fix that :mksession may generate "2argu" even though there is no such
+argument. (Peter Odding)
+Fixes for time in clipboard request. Also fix ownership. (David Fries)
+Fixed completion of file names with '%' and '*'.
+Fixed MSVC makefile use of /Wp64 flag.
+Correct use of long instead of off_t for file size. (James Vega)
+Add a few #ifdefs to exclude functions that are not used. (Dominique Pelle)
+Remove old and unused method to allocate memory for undo.
+Fix definition of UINT_PTR for 64 bit systems.
+Some versions of Ruby redefine rb_str_new2 to rb_str_new_cstr.
+Window title not updated after file dropped.
+Fixed crash for ":find" completion, might also happen in other path expansion
+When 'searchhl' causes a hang make CTRL-C disable 'searchhl'.
+When resetting both 'title' and 'icon' the title would be set after a shell
+Reset 'title' and 'icon' in test47 to avoid the xterm title getting messed up.
+Fix for compiler warning about function prototype in pty.c.
+Added 'window' to the options window.
+Fixed: errors for allocating zero bytes when profiling an empty function.
+Remove -arch flag from build flags for Perl. (Bjorn Wickler)
+Fix 'autochdir' not showing up in :options window. (Dominique Pelle)
+Fix: test 69 didn't work on MS-Windows. Test 72 beeped too often.
+Avoid illegal memory access in spell suggestion. (Dominique Pelle)
+Fix: crash in spell checking with a 0x300 character.
+Avoid that running tests changes viminfo.
+Fix: changing case of a character removed combining characters.
+Fixed: CTRL-R in Insert mode doesn't insert composing characters.
+Added the WOW64 flag to OLE registration, for 64 bit Windows systems.
+Various fixes for coverity warnings.
+Fix compile warnings, esp. for 64-bit systems. (Mike Williams)
+Fix: :redir to a dictionary that is changed before ":redir END" causes a
+memory access error.
+Fix: terminal title not properly restored when there are multibyte
+characters. (partly by James Vega)
+Set 'wrapscan' when checking the .po files. (Mike Williams)
+Win32: Put quotes around the gvim.exe path for the "Open with" menu entry.
+On MS-Windows sometimes files with number 4913 or higher are left behind.
+'suffixesadd' was used for finding tags file.
+Removed unused code.
+Improved positioning of combining characters in GTK.
+Made test 11 pass when there is no gzip program. (John Beckett)
+Changed readfile() to ignore byte order marks, unless in binary mode.
+On MS-Windows completion of shell commands didn't work.
+An unprintable multibyte character at the start of the screen line caused the
+following text to be drawn at the wrong position.
+Got ml_get errors when using undo with 'virtualedit'.
+Call gui_mch_update() before triggering GuiEnter autocmd. (Ron Aaron)
+Unix "make install" installed a few Amiga .info files.
+Disallow setting 'ambiwidth' to "double" when 'listchars' or 'fillchars'
+contains a character that would become double width.
+Set 'wrapscan' when checking the .po files. (Mike Williams)
+Fixed: using expression in command line may cause a crash.
+Avoid warnings from the clang compiler. (Dominique Pelle)
+Fix: Include wchar.h in charset.c for towupper().
+Fixed: Using ":read file" in an empty buffer when 'compatible' is set caused
+an error. Was caused by patch 7.2.132.
+Make the references to features in the help more consistent. (Sylvain Hitier)
+VERSION 7.4 *version-7.4* *version7.4* *vim-7.4*
+This section is about improvements made between version 7.3 and 7.4.
+This release has hundreds of bug fixes and there are a few new features. The
+most notable new features are:
+- New regexp engine |new-regexp-engine|
+- A more pythonic Python interface |better-python-interface|
+New regexp engine *new-regexp-engine*
+What is now called the "old" regexp engine uses a backtracking algorithm. It
+tries to match the pattern with the text in one way, and when that fails it
+goes back and tries another way. This works fine for simple patterns, but
+complex patterns can be very slow on longer text.
+The new engine uses a state machine. It tries all possible alternatives at
+the current character and stores the possible states of the pattern. This is
+a bit slower for simple patterns, but much faster for complex patterns and
+long text.
+Most notably, syntax highlighting for Javascript and XML files with long lines
+is now working fine. Previously Vim could get stuck.
+More information here: |two-engines|
+Better Python interface *better-python-interface*
+Added |python-bindeval| function. Unlike |python-eval| this one returns
+|python-Dictionary|, |python-List| and |python-Function| objects for
+dictionaries lists and functions respectively in place of their Python
+built-in equivalents (or None if we are talking about function references).
+ For simple types this function returns Python built-in types and not only
+Python `str()` like |python-eval| does. On Python 3 it will return `bytes()`
+objects in place of `str()` ones avoiding possibility of UnicodeDecodeError.
+ Interface of new objects mimics standard Python `dict()` and `list()`
+interfaces to some extent. Extent will be improved in the future.
+Added special |python-vars| objects also available for |python-buffer| and
+|python-window|. They ease access to Vim script variables from Python.
+Now you no longer need to alter `sys.path` to import your module: special
+hooks are responsible for importing from {rtp}/python2, {rtp}/python3 and
+{rtp}/pythonx directories (for Python 2, Python 3 and both respectively).
+See |python-special-path|.
+Added possibility to work with |tabpage|s through |python-tabpage| object.
+Added automatic conversion of Vim errors and exceptions to Python
+Changed the behavior of the |python-buffers| object: it now uses buffer numbers
+as keys in place of the index of the buffer in the internal buffer list.
+This should not break anything as the only way to get this index was
+iterating over |python-buffers|.
+Added |:pydo| and |:py3do| commands.
+Added the |pyeval()| and |py3eval()| functions.
+Now in all places which previously accepted `str()` objects, `str()` and
+`unicode()` (Python 2) or `bytes()` and `str()` (Python 3) are accepted.
+|python-window| has gained `.col` and `.row` attributes that are currently
+the only way to get internal window positions.
+Added or fixed support for `dir()` in Vim Python objects.
+Changed *changed-7.4*
+Old Python versions (≤2.2) are no longer supported. Building with them did
+not work anyway.
+ Added ability to automatically save the selection into the system
+ clipboard when using non-GUI version of Vim (autoselectplus in
+ 'clipboard'). Also added ability to use the system clipboard as
+ default register (previously only primary selection could be used).
+ (Ivan Krasilnikov, Christian Brabandt, Bram Moolenaar)
+ Added a special 'shiftwidth' value that makes 'sw' follow 'tabstop'.
+ As indenting via 'indentexpr' became tricky |shiftwidth()| function
+ was added. Also added equivalent special value to 'softtabstop'
+ option. (Christian Brabandt, so8res)
+ Show absolute number in number column when 'relativenumber' option is
+ on. Now there are four combinations with 'number' and
+ 'relativenumber'. (Christian Brabandt)
+ |:diffoff| now saves the local values of some settings and restores
+ them in place of blindly resetting them to the defaults. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+ Lua interface now also uses userdata bound to Vim structures. (Taro
+ Muraoka, Luis Carvalho)
+ glob() and autocommand patterns used to work with the undocumented
+ "\{n,m\}" item from a regexp. "\{" is now used for a literal "{", as
+ this is normal in shell file patterns. Now used "\\\{n,m\}" to get
+ "\{n,m}" in the regexp pattern.
+Added *added-7.4*
+Various syntax, indent and other plugins were added.
+Added support for |Lists| and |Dictionaries| in |viminfo|. (Christian
+ Bitwise functions: |and()|, |or()|, |invert()|, |xor()|.
+ Added |luaeval()| function. (Taro Muraoka, Luis Carvalho)
+ Added |sha256()| function. (Tyru, Hirohito Higashi)
+ Added |wildmenumode()| function. (Christian Brabandt)
+ Debugging functions: |screenattr()|, |screenchar()|, |screencol()|,
+ |screenrow()|. (Simon Ruderich, Bram Moolenaar)
+ Added ability to use |Dictionary-function|s for |sort()|ing, via
+ optional third argument. (Nikolay Pavlov)
+ Added special |expand()| argument that expands to the current line
+ number.
+ Made it possible to force |char2nr()| to always give unicode codepoints
+ regardless of current encoding. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+ Made it possible for functions generating file list generate |List|
+ and not NL-separated string. (e.g. |glob()|, |expand()|) (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+ Functions that obtain variables from the specific window, tabpage or
+ buffer scope dictionary can now return specified default value in
+ place of empty string in case variable is not found. (|gettabvar()|,
+ |getwinvar()|, |getbufvar()|) (Shougo Matsushita, Hirohito Higashi)
+ Added |InsertCharPre| event launched before inserting character.
+ (Jakson A. Aquino)
+ Added |CompleteDone| event launched after finishing completion in
+ insert mode. (idea by Florian Klein)
+ Added |QuitPre| event launched when commands that can either close Vim
+ or only some window(s) are launched.
+ Added |TextChanged| and |TextChangedI| events launched when text is
+ changed.
+ |:syntime| command useful for debugging.
+ Made it possible to remove all signs from the current buffer using
+ |:sign-unplace|. (Christian Brabandt)
+ Added |:language| autocompletion. (Dominique Pelle)
+ Added more |:command-complete| completion types: |:behave| suboptions,
+ color schemes, compilers, |:cscope| suboptions, files from 'path',
+ |:history| suboptions, locale names, |:syntime| suboptions, user
+ names. (Dominique Pelle)
+ Added |:map-nowait| creating mapping which when having lhs that is the
+ prefix of another mapping’s lhs will not allow Vim to wait for user to
+ type more characters to resolve ambiguity, forcing Vim to take the
+ shorter alternative: one with <nowait>.
+ Made it possible to ignore case when completing: 'wildignorecase'.
+ Added ability to delete comment leader when using |J| by `j` flag in
+ 'formatoptions' (|fo-table|). (Lech Lorens)
+ Added ability to control indentation inside namespaces: |cino-N|.
+ (Konstantin Lepa)
+ Added ability to control alignment inside `if` condition separately
+ from alignment inside function arguments: |cino-k|. (Lech Lorens)
+ Improved support for cmd.exe. (Ben Fritz, Bram Moolenaar)
+ Added |v:windowid| variable containing current window number in GUI
+ Vim. (Christian J. Robinson, Lech Lorens)
+ Added rxvt-unicode and SGR mouse support. (Yiding Jia, Hayaki Saito)
+All changes in 7.4 *fixed-7.4*
+Patch 7.3.001
+Problem: When editing "src/main.c" and 'path' set to "./proto",
+ ":find e<C-D" shows ./proto/ instead of
+Solution: Check for path separator when comparing names. (Nazri Ramliy)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.002
+Problem: ":find" completion doesn't work when halfway an environment
+ variable. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Only use in-path completion when expanding file names. (Nazri
+ Ramliy)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.003
+Problem: Crash with specific BufWritePost autocmd. (Peter Odding)
+Solution: Don't free the quickfix title twice. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.004
+Problem: Crash when using very long regexp. (Peter Odding)
+Solution: Reset reg_toolong. (Carlo Teubner)
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.3.005
+Problem: Crash when using undotree(). (Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: Increase the list reference count. Add a test for undotree()
+ (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.006
+Problem: Can't build some multibyte code with C89.
+Solution: Move code to after declarations. (Joachim Schmitz)
+Files: src/mbyte.c, src/spell.c
+Patch 7.3.007
+Problem: Python code defines global "buffer". Re-implements a grow-array.
+Solution: Use a grow-array instead of coding the same functionality. Handle
+ out-of-memory situation properly.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.008
+Problem: 'cursorbind' is kept in places where 'scrollbind' is reset.
+Solution: Reset 'cursorbind'.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/diff.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_cmds2.c,
+ src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/if_cscope.c, src/macros.h,
+ src/quickfix.c, src/search.c, src/tag.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.009
+Problem: Win32: Crash on Windows when using a bad argument for strftime().
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: Use the bad_param_handler(). (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.010
+Problem: Mac GUI: Missing break statements.
+Solution: Add the break statements. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.3.011
+Problem: X11 clipboard doesn't work in Athena/Motif GUI. First selection
+ after a shell command doesn't work.
+Solution: When using the GUI use XtLastTimestampProcessed() instead of
+ changing a property. (partly by Toni Ronkko)
+ When executing a shell command disown the selection.
+Files: src/ui.c, src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.012
+Problem: Problems building with MingW.
+Solution: Adjust the MingW makefiles. (Jon Maken)
+Files: src/Make_ming.mak, src/GvimExt/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.3.013
+Problem: Dynamic loading with Ruby doesn't work for 1.9.2.
+Solution: Handle rb_str2cstr differently. Also support dynamic loading on
+ Unix. (Jon Maken)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.014
+Problem: Ending a line in a backslash inside an ":append" or ":insert"
+ command in Ex mode doesn't work properly. (Ray Frush)
+Solution: Halve the number of backslashes, only insert a NUL after an odd
+ number of backslashes.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.015
+Problem: Test is using error message that no longer exists.
+Solution: Change E106 to E121. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/testdir/test49.vim
+Patch 7.3.016
+Problem: Netbeans doesn't work under Athena.
+Solution: Support Athena, just like Motif. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: runtime/doc/netbeans.txt, src/gui.c, src/main.c, src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.3.017
+Problem: smatch reports errors.
+Solution: Fix the reported errors. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/spell.c, src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.3.018 (after 7.3.012)
+Problem: Missing argument to windres in MingW makefiles.
+Solution: Add the argument that was wrapped in the patch. (Jon Maken)
+Files: src/Make_ming.mak, src/GvimExt/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.3.019
+Problem: ":nbstart" can fail silently.
+Solution: Give an error when netbeans is not supported by the GUI. (Xavier
+ de Gaye)
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.3.020
+Problem: Cursor position wrong when joining multiple lines and
+ 'formatoptions' contains "a". (Moshe Kamensky)
+Solution: Adjust cursor position for skipped indent. (Carlo Teubner)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test68.ok
+Patch 7.3.021
+Problem: Conflict for defining Boolean in Mac header files.
+Solution: Define NO_X11_INCLUDES. (Rainer Muller)
+Files: src/os_macosx.m, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.022
+Problem: When opening a new window the 'spellcapcheck' option is cleared.
+Solution: Copy the correct option value. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.023
+Problem: External program may hang when it tries to write to the tty.
+Solution: Don't close the slave tty until after the child exits. (Nikola
+ Knezevic)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.024
+Problem: Named signs do not use a negative number as intended.
+Solution: Fix the numbering of named signs. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.025
+Problem: ":mksession" does not square brackets escape file name properly.
+Solution: Improve escaping of file names. (partly by Peter Odding)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.026
+Problem: CTRL-] in a help file doesn't always work. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Don't escape special characters. (Carlo Teubner)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.027
+Problem: Opening a file on a network share is very slow.
+Solution: When fixing file name case append "\*" to directory, server and
+ network share names. (David Anderson, John Beckett)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.028 (after 7.3.024)
+Problem: Signs don't show up. (Charles Campbell)
+Solution: Don't use negative numbers. Also assign a number to signs that
+ have a name of all digits to avoid using a sign number twice.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.029
+Problem: ":sort n" sorts lines without a number as number zero. (Beeyawned)
+Solution: Make lines without a number sort before lines with a number. Also
+ fix sorting negative numbers.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test57.ok
+Patch 7.3.030
+Problem: Cannot store Dict and List in viminfo file.
+Solution: Add support for this. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/eval.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/main.aap, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test74.ok
+Patch 7.3.031
+Problem: Can't pass the X window ID to another application.
+Solution: Add v:windowid. (Christian J. Robinson, Lech Lorens)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/gui.c, src/vim.h,
+ src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.032
+Problem: maparg() doesn't return the flags, such as <buffer>, <script>,
+ <silent>. These are needed to save and restore a mapping.
+Solution: Improve maparg(). (also by Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/getchar.c, src/gui_w48.c,
+ src/message.c, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/structs.h src/testdir/, src/testdir/test75.ok
+Patch 7.3.033 (after 7.3.032)
+Problem: Can't build without FEAT_LOCALMAP.
+Solution: Add an #ifdef. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.3.034
+Problem: Win32: may be loading .dll from the wrong directory.
+Solution: Go to the Vim executable directory when opening a library.
+Files: src/gui_w32.c, src/if_lua.c, src/if_mzsch.c, src/if_perl.xs,
+ src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c, src/if_ruby.c, src/mbyte.c,
+ src/os_mswin.c, src/os_win32.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.035 (after 7.3.034)
+Problem: Stray semicolon after if statement. (Hari G)
+Solution: Remove the semicolon.
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.036
+Problem: Win32 GUI: When building without menus, the font for dialogs and
+ tab page headers also changes.
+Solution: Define USE_SYSMENU_FONT always. (Harig G.)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.3.037
+Problem: Compiler warnings for loss of data. (Mike Williams)
+Solution: Add type casts.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/getchar.c, src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.038
+Problem: v:windowid isn't set on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Set it to the window handle. (Chris Sutcliffe)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.3.039
+Problem: Crash when using skk.vim plugin.
+Solution: Get length of expression evaluation result only after checking for
+ NULL. (Noriaki Yagi, Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.040
+Problem: Comparing strings while ignoring case goes beyond end of the
+ string when there are illegal bytes. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Explicitly check for illegal bytes.
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.3.041
+Problem: Compiler warning for accessing mediumVersion. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Use the pointer instead of the array itself. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/version.c
+Patch 7.3.042
+Problem: No spell highlighting when re-using an empty buffer.
+Solution: Clear the spell checking info only when clearing the options for a
+ buffer. (James Vega)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.043
+Problem: Can't load Ruby dynamically on Unix.
+Solution: Adjust the configure script. (James Vega)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/, src/,
+ src/auto/configure, src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.044
+Problem: The preview window opened by the popup menu is larger than
+ specified with 'previewheight'. (Benjamin Haskell)
+Solution: Use 'previewheight' if it's set and smaller.
+Files: src/popupmnu.c
+Patch 7.3.045
+Problem: Compiler warning for uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Initialize the variable always.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.3.046 (after 7.3.043)
+Problem: Can't build Ruby on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Add #ifdef, don't use WIN3264 before including vim.h.
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.047 (after 7.3.032)
+Problem: Missing makefile updates for test 75.
+Solution: Update the makefiles.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.3.048
+Problem: ":earlier 1f" doesn't work after loading undo file.
+Solution: Set b_u_save_nr_cur when loading an undo file. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+ Fix only showing time in ":undolist"
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.3.049
+Problem: PLT has rebranded their Scheme to Racket.
+Solution: Add support for Racket 5.x. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/Make_cyg.mak, src/Make_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak,
+ src/auto/configure, src/, src/if_mzsch.c
+Patch 7.3.050
+Problem: The link script is clumsy.
+Solution: Use the --as-needed linker option if available. (Kirill A.
+ Shutemov)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/auto/configure, src/,
+ src/, src/
+Patch 7.3.051
+Problem: Crash when $PATH is empty.
+Solution: Check for vim_getenv() returning NULL. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.052
+Problem: When 'completefunc' opens a new window all kinds of errors follow.
+ (Xavier Deguillard)
+Solution: When 'completefunc' goes to another window or buffer and when it
+ deletes text abort completion. Add a test for 'completefunc'.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test76.ok
+Patch 7.3.053
+Problem: complete() function doesn't reset complete direction. Can't use
+ an empty string in the list of matches.
+Solution: Set compl_direction to FORWARD. Add "empty" key to allow empty
+ words. (Kikuchan)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.054
+Problem: Can define a user command for :Print, but it doesn't work. (Aaron
+ Thoma)
+Solution: Let user command :Print overrule the builtin command (Christian
+ Brabandt) Disallow :X and :Next as a user defined command.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.055
+Problem: Recursively nested lists and dictionaries cause a near-endless
+ loop when comparing them with a copy. (ZyX)
+Solution: Limit recursiveness in a way that non-recursive structures can
+ still be nested very deep.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test55.ok
+Patch 7.3.056
+Problem: "getline" argument in do_cmdline() shadows global.
+Solution: Rename the argument.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.057
+Problem: Segfault with command line abbreviation. (Randy Morris)
+Solution: Don't retrigger the abbreviation when abandoning the command line.
+ Continue editing the command line after the error.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.058
+Problem: Error "code converter not found" when loading Ruby script.
+Solution: Load Gem module. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.059
+Problem: Netbeans: Problem with recursively handling messages for Athena
+ and Motif.
+Solution: Call netbeans_parse_messages() in the main loop, like it's done
+ for GTK. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/gui_x11.c, src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.3.060
+Problem: Netbeans: crash when socket is disconnected unexpectedly.
+Solution: Don't cleanup when a read fails, put a message in the queue and
+ disconnect later. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.3.061
+Problem: Remote ":drop" does not respect 'autochdir'. (Peter Odding)
+Solution: Don't restore the directory when 'autochdir' is set. (Benjamin
+ Fritz)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.3.062
+Problem: Python doesn't work properly when installed in another directory
+ than expected.
+Solution: Figure out home directory in configure and use Py_SetPythonHome()
+ at runtime. (Roland Puntaier)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure, src/if_python.c,
+ src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.063
+Problem: Win32: Running a filter command makes Vim lose focus.
+Solution: Use SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE instead of SW_SHOWMINIMIZED. (Hong Xu)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.064
+Problem: Win32: ":dis +" shows nothing, but "+p does insert text.
+Solution: Display the * register, since that's what will be inserted.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/globals.h, src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.065
+Problem: Can't get current line number in a source file.
+Solution: Add the <slnum> item, similar to <sfile>.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.066
+Problem: Crash when changing to another window while in a :vimgrep command.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: When wiping out the dummy before, remove it from aucmd_win.
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.067 (after 7.3.058)
+Problem: Ruby: Init_prelude is not always available.
+Solution: Remove use of Init_prelude. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.068
+Problem: Using freed memory when doing ":saveas" and an autocommand sets
+ 'autochdir'. (Kevin Klement)
+Solution: Get the value of fname again after executing autocommands.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.069
+Problem: GTK: pressing Enter in inputdialog() doesn't work like clicking OK
+ as documented.
+Solution: call gtk_entry_set_activates_default(). (Britton Kerin)
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c
+Patch 7.3.070
+Problem: Can set environment variables in the sandbox, could be abused.
+Solution: Disallow it.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.071
+Problem: Editing a file in a window that's in diff mode resets 'diff'
+ but not cursor binding.
+Solution: Reset cursor binding in two more places.
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.072
+Problem: Can't complete file names while ignoring case.
+Solution: Add 'wildignorecase'.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/misc1.c, src/option.c,
+ src/option.h, src/vim.h, src/runtime/options.txt
+Patch 7.3.073
+Problem: Double free memory when netbeans command follows DETACH.
+Solution: Only free the node when owned. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.3.074
+Problem: Can't use the "+ register like "* for yank and put.
+Solution: Add "unnamedplus" to the 'clipboard' option. (Ivan Krasilnikov)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/eval.c, src/globals.h, src/ops.c,
+ src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.075 (after 7.3.072)
+Problem: Missing part of 'wildignorecase'
+Solution: Also adjust expand()
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.076
+Problem: Clang warnings for dead code.
+Solution: Remove it. (Carlo Teubner)
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c, src/if_ruby.c, src/misc2.c, src/netbeans.c,
+ src/spell.c
+Patch 7.3.077
+Problem: When updating crypt of swapfile fails there is no error message.
+ (Carlo Teubner)
+Solution: Add the error message.
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.3.078
+Problem: Warning for unused variable.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdefs.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.079
+Problem: Duplicate lines in makefile.
+Solution: Remove the lines. (Hong Xu)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.3.080
+Problem: Spell doesn't work on VMS.
+Solution: Use different file names. (Zoltan Bartos, Zoltan Arpadffy)
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.3.081
+Problem: Non-printable characters in 'statusline' cause trouble. (ZyX)
+Solution: Use transstr(). (partly by Caio Ariede)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.082
+Problem: Leaking file descriptor when hostname doesn't exist.
+Solution: Remove old debugging lines.
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.3.083
+Problem: When a read() or write() is interrupted by a signal it fails.
+Solution: Add read_eintr() and write_eintr().
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/proto/, src/memfile.c, src/memline.c,
+ src/os_unix.c, src/undo.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.084
+Problem: When splitting the window, the new one scrolls with the cursor at
+ the top.
+Solution: Compute w_fraction before setting the new height.
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.085 (after 7.3.083)
+Problem: Inconsistency with preproc symbols. void * computation.
+Solution: Include vimio.h from vim.h. Add type cast.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/fileio.c,
+ src/if_cscope.c, src/if_sniff.c, src/main.c, src/memfile.c,
+ src/memline.c, src/netbeans.c, src/os_msdos.c, src/os_mswin.c,
+ src/os_win16.c, src/os_win32.c, src/spell.c, src/tag.c,
+ src/undo.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.086
+Problem: When using a mapping with an expression and there was no count,
+ v:count has the value of the previous command. (ZyX)
+Solution: Also set v:count and v:count1 before getting the character that
+ could be a command or a count.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.087
+Problem: EINTR is not always defined.
+Solution: Include errno.h in vim.h.
+Files: src/if_cscope.c, src/if_tcl.c, src/integration.c, src/memline.c,
+ src/os_mswin.c, src/os_win16.c, src/os_win32.c, src/vim.h,
+ src/workshop.c
+Patch 7.3.088
+Problem: Ruby can't load Gems sometimes, may cause a crash.
+Solution: Undefine off_t. Use ruby_process_options(). (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.089
+Problem: Compiler warning on 64 bit MS-Windows.
+Solution: Add type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.3.090
+Problem: Wrong help text for Cscope.
+Solution: Adjust the help text for "t". (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.3.091
+Problem: "vim -w foo" writes special key codes for removed escape
+ sequences. (Josh Triplett)
+Solution: Don't write K_IGNORE codes.
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/misc1.c, src/term.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.092
+Problem: Resizing the window when exiting.
+Solution: Don't resize when exiting.
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.3.093
+Problem: New DLL dependencies in MingW with gcc 4.5.0.
+Solution: Add STATIC_STDCPLUS, LDFLAGS and split up WINDRES. (Guopeng Wen)
+Files: src/GvimExt/Make_ming.mak, src/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.3.094
+Problem: Using abs() requires type cast to int.
+Solution: Use labs() so that the value remains long. (Hong Xu)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.095
+Problem: Win32: In Chinese tear-off menu doesn't work. (Weasley)
+Solution: Use menu_name_equal(). (Alex Jakushev)
+Files: src/menu.c
+Patch 7.3.096
+Problem: "gvim -nb" is not interruptible. Leaking file descriptor on
+ netbeans connection error.
+Solution: Check for CTRL-C typed. Free file descriptor. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.3.097
+Problem: Using ":call" inside "if 0" does not see that a function returns a
+ Dict and gives error for "." as string concatenation.
+Solution: Use eval0() to skip over the expression. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.098
+Problem: Function that ignores error still causes called_emsg to be set.
+ E.g. when expand() fails the status line is disabled.
+Solution: Move check for emsg_not_now() up. (James Vega)
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.3.099
+Problem: Crash when splitting a window with zero height. (Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira)
+Solution: Don't set the fraction in a window with zero height.
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.100
+Problem: When using :normal v:count isn't set.
+Solution: Call normal_cmd() with toplevel set to TRUE.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.101
+Problem: ino_t defined with wrong size.
+Solution: Move including auto/config.h before other includes. (Marius
+ Geminas)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c, src/if_lua.c
+Patch 7.3.102
+Problem: When using ":make", typing the next command and then getting the
+ "reload" prompt the next command is (partly) eaten by the reload
+ prompt.
+Solution: Accept ':' as a special character at the reload prompt to accept
+ the default choice and execute the command.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/fileio.c, src/gui.c, src/gui_xmdlg.c,
+ src/memline.c, src/message.c, src/proto/,
+ src/gui_athena.c, src/gui_gtk.c, src/gui_mac.c, src/gui_motif.c,
+ src/gui_photon.c, src/gui_w16.c, src/gui_w32.c, src/os_mswin.c
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.103
+Problem: Changing 'fileformat' and then using ":w" in an empty file sets
+ the 'modified' option.
+Solution: In unchanged() don't ignore 'ff' for an empty file.
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/option.c, src/proto/, src/undo.c
+Patch 7.3.104
+Problem: Conceal: using Tab for cchar causes problems. (ZyX)
+Solution: Do not accept a control character for cchar.
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.3.105
+Problem: Can't get the value of "b:changedtick" with getbufvar().
+Solution: Make it work. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.106
+Problem: When 'cursorbind' is set another window may scroll unexpectedly
+ when 'scrollbind' is also set. (Xavier Wang)
+Solution: Don't call update_topline() if 'scrollbind' is set.
+Files: src/move.c
+Patch 7.3.107
+Problem: Year number for :undolist can be confused with month or day.
+Solution: Change "%y" to "%Y".
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.3.108
+Problem: Useless check for NULL when calling vim_free().
+Solution: Remove the check. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.109
+Problem: Processing new Esperanto spell file fails and crashes Vim.
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: When running out of memory give an error. Handle '?' in
+ COMPOUNDRULE properly.
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.3.110
+Problem: The "nbsp" item in 'listchars' isn't used for ":list".
+Solution: Make it work. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.3.111 (after 7.3.100)
+Problem: Executing a :normal command in 'statusline' evaluation causes the
+ cursor to move. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: When updating the cursor for 'cursorbind' allow the cursor beyond
+ the end of the line. When evaluating 'statusline' temporarily
+ reset 'cursorbind'.
+Files: src/move.c, src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.112
+Problem: Setting 'statusline' to "%!'asdf%' reads uninitialized memory.
+Solution: Check for NUL after %.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.113
+Problem: Windows: Fall back directory for creating temp file is wrong.
+Solution: Use "." instead of empty string. (Hong Xu)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.3.114
+Problem: Potential problem in initialization when giving an error message
+ early.
+Solution: Initialize 'verbosefile' empty. (Ben Schmidt)
+Files: src/option.h
+Patch 7.3.115
+Problem: Vim can crash when tmpnam() returns NULL.
+Solution: Check for NULL. (Hong Xu)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.3.116
+Problem: 'cursorline' is displayed too short when there are concealed
+ characters and 'list' is set. (Dennis Preiser)
+Solution: Check for 'cursorline' when 'list' is set. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.117
+Problem: On some systems --as-needed does not work, because the "tinfo"
+ library is included indirectly from "ncurses". (Charles Campbell)
+Solution: In configure prefer using "tinfo" instead of "ncurses".
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.118
+Problem: Ruby uses SIGVTALARM which makes Vim exit. (Alec Tica)
+Solution: Ignore SIGVTALARM. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.119
+Problem: Build problem on Mac. (Nicholas Stallard)
+Solution: Use "extern" instead of "EXTERN" for p_vfile.
+Files: src/option.h
+Patch 7.3.120
+Problem: The message for an existing swap file is too long to fit in a 25
+ line terminal.
+Solution: Make the message shorter. (Chad Miller)
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.3.121
+Problem: Complicated 'statusline' causes a crash. (Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: Check that the number of items is not too big.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.122
+Problem: Having auto/ in the repository causes problems.
+Solution: Remove auto/ from the distribution. In the toplevel
+ Makefile copy it from the "dist" file.
+Files: Makefile, src/Makefile, src/auto/
+Patch 7.3.123
+Problem: ml_get error when executing register being recorded into, deleting
+ lines and 'conceallevel' is set. (ZyX)
+Solution: Don't redraw a line for concealing when it doesn't exist.
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.3.124
+Problem: When writing a file in binary mode it may be missing the final EOL
+ if a file previously read was missing the EOL. (Kevin Goodsell)
+Solution: Move the write_no_eol_lnum into the buffer struct.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/fileio.c, src/globals.h, src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.125
+Problem: MSVC: Problem with quotes in link argument.
+Solution: Escape backslashes and quotes. (Weasley)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.3.126
+Problem: Compiler warning for signed pointer.
+Solution: Use unsigned int argument for sscanf().
+Files: src/blowfish.c
+Patch 7.3.127
+Problem: Compiler complains about comma.
+Solution: Remove comma after last enum element.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.3.128
+Problem: Another compiler warning for signed pointer.
+Solution: Use unsigned int argument for sscanf().
+Files: src/mark.c
+Patch 7.3.129
+Problem: Using integer like a boolean.
+Solution: Nicer check for integer being non-zero.
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 7.3.130
+Problem: Variable misplaced in #ifdef.
+Solution: Move clipboard_event_time outside of #ifdef.
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.3.131
+Problem: Including errno.h too often.
+Solution: Don't include errno.h in Unix header file.
+Files: src/os_unix.h
+Patch 7.3.132
+Problem: C++ style comments.
+Solution: Change to C comments.
+Files: src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.133
+Problem: When using encryption it's not clear what method was used.
+Solution: In the file message show "blowfish" when using blowfish.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.3.134
+Problem: Drag-n-drop doesn't work in KDE Dolphin.
+Solution: Add GDK_ACTION_MOVE flag. (Florian Degner)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.3.135
+Problem: When there is no previous substitute pattern, the previous search
+ pattern is used. The other way around doesn't work.
+Solution: When there is no previous search pattern, use the previous
+ substitute pattern if possible. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.3.136
+Problem: Duplicate include of assert.h.
+Solution: Remove it.
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.3.137 (after 7.3.091)
+Problem: When 'lazyredraw' is set the screen may not be updated. (Ivan
+ Krasilnikov)
+Solution: Call update_screen() before waiting for input.
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.3.138
+Problem: ":com" changes the multibyte text of :echo. (Dimitar Dimitrov)
+Solution: Search for K_SPECIAL as a byte, not a character. (Ben Schmidt)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.139 (after 7.3.137)
+Problem: When 'lazyredraw' is set ":ver" output can't be read.
+Solution: Don't redraw the screen when at a prompt or command line.
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/message.c, src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.140
+Problem: Crash when drawing the "$" at end-of-line for list mode just after
+ the window border and 'cursorline' is set.
+Solution: Don't check for 'cursorline'. (Quentin Carbonneaux)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.141
+Problem: When a key code is not set get a confusing error message.
+Solution: Change the error message to say the key code is not set.
+Files: src/option.c, runtime/doc/options.txt
+Patch 7.3.142
+Problem: Python stdout doesn't have a flush() method, causing an import to
+ fail.
+Solution: Add a dummy flush() method. (Tobias Columbus)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.143
+Problem: Memfile is not tested sufficiently. Looking up blocks in a
+ memfile is slow when there are many blocks.
+Solution: Add high level test and unittest. Adjust the number of hash
+ buckets to the number of blocks. (Ivan Krasilnikov)
+Files: Filelist, src/Makefile, src/main.c, src/memfile.c,
+ src/memfile_test.c src/structs.h src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mak,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test77.ok
+Patch 7.3.144
+Problem: Crash with ":python help(dir)". (Kearn Holliday)
+Solution: Fix the way the type is set on objects. (Tobias Columbus)
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.145 (after 7.3.144)
+Problem: Can't build with Python dynamically loading.
+Solution: Add dll_PyType_Ready.
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.146
+Problem: It's possible to assign to a read-only member of a dict.
+ It's possible to create a global variable "0". (ZyX)
+ It's possible to add a v: variable with ":let = 1".
+Solution: Add check for dict item being read-only.
+ Check the name of g: variables.
+ Disallow adding v: variables.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.147 (after 7.3.143)
+Problem: Can't build on HP-UX.
+Solution: Remove an unnecessary backslash. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.148
+Problem: A syntax file with a huge number of items or clusters causes weird
+ behavior, a hang or a crash. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Check running out of IDs. (partly by Ben Schmidt)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.3.149
+Problem: The cursor disappears after the processing of the 'setDot'
+ netbeans command when vim runs in a terminal.
+Solution: Show the cursor after a screen update. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.3.150
+Problem: readline() does not return the last line when the NL is missing.
+ (Hong Xu)
+Solution: When at the end of the file Also check for a previous line.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.151 (after 7.3.074)
+Problem: When "unnamedplus" is in 'clipboard' the selection is sometimes
+ also copied to the star register.
+Solution: Avoid copy to the star register when undesired. (James Vega)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.152
+Problem: Xxd does not check for errors from library functions.
+Solution: Add error checks. (Florian Zumbiehl)
+Files: src/xxd/xxd.c
+Patch 7.3.153 (after 7.3.152)
+Problem: Compiler warning for ambiguous else, missing prototype.
+Solution: Add braces. (Dominique Pelle) Add prototype for die().
+Files: src/xxd/xxd.c
+Patch 7.3.154 (after 7.3.148)
+Problem: Can't compile with tiny features. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Move #define outside of #ifdef.
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.3.155
+Problem: Crash when using map(), filter() and remove() on v:. (ZyX)
+ Also for extend(). (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Mark v: as locked. Also correct locking error messages.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.156
+Problem: Tty names possibly left unterminated.
+Solution: Use vim_strncpy() instead of strncpy().
+Files: src/pty.c
+Patch 7.3.157
+Problem: Superfluous assignment.
+Solution: Remove assignment.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.158
+Problem: Might use uninitialized memory in C indenting.
+Solution: Init arrays to empty.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.159
+Problem: Using uninitialized pointer when out of memory.
+Solution: Check for NULL return value.
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.3.160
+Problem: Unsafe string copying.
+Solution: Use vim_strncpy() instead of strcpy(). Use vim_strcat() instead
+ of strcat().
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/hardcopy.c, src/menu.c,
+ src/misc1.c, src/misc2.c, src/proto/, src/netbeans.c,
+ src/os_unix.c, src/spell.c, src/syntax.c, src/tag.c
+Patch 7.3.161
+Problem: Items on the stack may be too big.
+Solution: Make items static or allocate them.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/fileio.c, src/hardcopy.c, src/quickfix.c, src/main.c,
+ src/netbeans.c, src/spell.c, src/tag.c, src/vim.h, src/xxd/xxd.c
+Patch 7.3.162
+Problem: No error message when assigning to a list with an index out of
+ range. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Add the error message.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.163
+Problem: For the default of 'shellpipe' "mksh" and "pdksh" are not
+ recognized.
+Solution: Recognize these shell names.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.164
+Problem: C-indenting: a preprocessor statement confuses detection of a
+ function declaration.
+Solution: Ignore preprocessor lines. (Lech Lorens) Also recognize the style
+ to put a comma before the argument name.
+Files: src/misc1.c, testdir/, testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.3.165
+Problem: ":find" completion does not escape spaces in a directory name.
+ (Isz)
+Solution: Add backslashes for EXPAND_FILES_IN_PATH. (Carlo Teubner)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.166
+Problem: Buffer on the stack may be too big
+Solution: Allocate the space.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.167
+Problem: When using the internal grep QuickFixCmdPost is not triggered.
+ (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Change the place where autocommands are triggered.
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.168
+Problem: When the second argument of input() contains a CR the text up to
+ that is used without asking the user. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Solution: Change CR, NL and ESC in the text to a space.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.3.169
+Problem: Freeing memory already freed, warning from static code analyzer.
+Solution: Initialize pointers to NULL, correct use of "mustfree". (partly by
+ Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/mis1.c
+Patch 7.3.170
+Problem: VMS Makefile for testing was not updated for test77.
+Solution: Add test77 to the Makefile.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.3.171
+Problem: When the clipboard isn't supported: ":yank*" gives a confusing
+ error message.
+Solution: Specifically mention that the register name is invalid.
+ (Jean-Rene David)
+Files: runtime/doc/change.txt, src/ex_docmd.c, src/globals.h
+Patch 7.3.172
+Problem: MS-Windows: rename() might delete the file if the name differs but
+ it's actually the same file.
+Solution: Use the file handle to check if it's the same file. (Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c, src/fileio.c, src/os_win32.c,
+ src/proto/, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.173
+Problem: After using setqflist() to make the quickfix list empty ":cwindow"
+ may open the window anyway. Also after ":vimgrep".
+Solution: Correctly check whether the list is empty. (Ingo Karkat)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.174
+Problem: When Exuberant ctags binary is exctags it's not found.
+Solution: Add configure check for exctags. (Hong Xu)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.175
+Problem: When 'colorcolumn' is set locally to a window, ":new" opens a
+ window with the same highlighting but 'colorcolumn' is empty.
+ (Tyru)
+Solution: Call check_colorcolumn() after clearing and copying options.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.176
+Problem: Ruby linking doesn't work properly on Mac OS X.
+Solution: Fix the configure check for Ruby. (Bjorn Winckler)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.177
+Problem: MS-Windows: mkdir() doesn't work properly when 'encoding' is
+ "utf-8".
+Solution: Convert to utf-16. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/os_win32.c, src/os_win32.h, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.178
+Problem: C-indent doesn't handle code right after { correctly.
+Solution: Fix detecting unterminated line. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.3.179
+Problem: C-indent doesn't handle colon in string correctly.
+Solution: Skip the string. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.3.180
+Problem: When both a middle part of 'comments' matches and an end part, the
+ middle part was used erroneously.
+Solution: After finding the middle part match continue looking for a better
+ end part match. (partly by Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.3.181
+Problem: When repeating the insert of CTRL-V or a digraph the display may
+ not be updated correctly.
+Solution: Only call edit_unputchar() after edit_putchar(). (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.182 (after 7.3.180)
+Problem: Compiler warning for uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Add dummy initializer.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.183 (after 7.3.174)
+Problem: When Exuberant ctags binary is exuberant-ctags it's not found.
+Solution: Add configure check for exuberant-ctags.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.184
+Problem: Static code analysis errors in riscOS.
+Solution: Make buffer size bigger. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_riscos.c
+Patch 7.3.185
+Problem: ":windo g/pattern/q" closes windows and reports "N more lines".
+ (Tim Chase)
+Solution: Remember what buffer ":global" started in. (Jean-Rene David)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.186
+Problem: When 'clipboard' contains "unnamed" or "unnamedplus" the value of
+ v:register is wrong for operators without a specific register.
+Solution: Adjust the register according to 'clipboard'. (Ingo Karkat)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.187
+Problem: The RISC OS port has obvious errors and is not being maintained.
+Solution: Remove the RISC OS files and code.
+Files: src/ascii.h, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_cmds2.c,
+ src/ex_docmd.c, src/fileio.c, src/globals.h, src/gui.c, src/gui.h,
+ src/main.c, src/memfile.c, src/memline.c, src/misc1.c,
+ src/proto.h, src/quickfix.c, src/search.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/term.c, src/termlib.c, src/version.c, src/vim.h,
+ src/gui_riscos.h, src/os_riscos.h, src/gui_riscos.c,
+ src/os_riscos.c, runtime/doc/os_risc.txt
+Patch 7.3.188
+Problem: More RISC OS files to remove.
+Solution: Remove them. Update the file list.
+Files: src/proto/, src/proto/, Filelist
+Patch 7.3.189 (after 7.3.186)
+Problem: Can't build without +clipboard feature. (Christian Ebert)
+Solution: Add the missing #ifdef.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.190
+Problem: When there is a "containedin" syntax argument highlighting may be
+ wrong. (Radek)
+Solution: Reset current_next_list. (Ben Schmidt)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.3.191
+Problem: Still some RISC OS stuff to remove.
+Solution: Remove files and lines. (Hong Xu)
+ Remove the 'osfiletype' option code.
+Files: README_extra.txt, src/Make_ro.mak, src/INSTALL, src/Makefile,
+ src/buffer.c, src/eval.c, src/feature.h, src/option.c,
+ src/option.h, src/structs.h, src/version.c, src/pty.c, Filelist
+Patch 7.3.192
+Problem: Ex command ":s/ \?/ /g" splits multibyte characters into bytes.
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Advance over whole character instead of one byte.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.193
+Problem: In the command line window ":close" doesn't work properly. (Tony
+ Mechelynck)
+Solution: Use Ctrl_C instead of K_IGNORE for cmdwin_result. (Jean-Rene
+ David)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.194
+Problem: When "b" is a symlink to directory "a", resolve("b/") doesn't
+ result in "a/". (ZyX)
+Solution: Remove the trailing slash. (Jean-Rene David)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.195
+Problem: "} else" causes following lines to be indented too much. (Rouben
+ Rostamian)
+Solution: Better detection for the "else". (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.3.196
+Problem: Can't intercept a character that is going to be inserted.
+Solution: Add the InsertCharPre autocommand event. (Jakson A. Aquino)
+Files: runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt,
+ runtime/doc/map.txt, src/edit.c, src/eval.c, src/fileio.c,
+ src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.197
+Problem: When a QuickfixCmdPost event removes all errors, Vim still tries
+ to jump to the first error, resulting in E42.
+Solution: Get the number of error after the autocmd event. (Mike Lundy)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.198
+Problem: No completion for ":lang".
+Solution: Get locales to complete from. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_getln.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.199
+Problem: MS-Windows: Compilation problem of OLE with MingW compiler.
+Solution: Put #ifdef around declarations. (Guopeng Wen)
+Files: src/if_ole.h
+Patch 7.3.200 (after 7.3.198)
+Problem: CTRL-D doesn't complete :lang.
+Solution: Add the missing part of the change. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.201 (after 7.3.195)
+Problem: "} else" still causes following lines to be indented too much.
+Solution: Better detection for the "else" block. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.3.202
+Problem: Cannot influence the indent inside a namespace.
+Solution: Add the "N" 'cino' parameter. (Konstantin Lepa)
+Files: runtime/doc/indent.txt, src/misc1.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.3.203
+Problem: MS-Windows: Can't run an external command without a console window.
+Solution: Support ":!start /b cmd". (Xaizek)
+Files: runtime/doc/os_win32.txt, src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.204 (after 7.3.201)
+Problem: Compiler warning.
+Solution: Add type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.205
+Problem: Syntax "extend" doesn't work correctly.
+Solution: Avoid calling check_state_ends() recursively (Ben Schmidt)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.3.206
+Problem: 64bit MS-Windows compiler warning.
+Solution: Use HandleToLong() instead of type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.3.207
+Problem: Can't compile with MSVC with pentium4 and 64 bit.
+Solution: Only use SSE2 for 32 bit. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.3.208
+Problem: Early terminated if statement.
+Solution: Remove the semicolon. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.3.209
+Problem: MSVC Install instructions point to wrong batch file.
+Solution: Add a batch file for use with MSVC 10.
+Files: src/msvc2010.bat, src/INSTALLpc.txt, Filelist
+Patch 7.3.210
+Problem: Can't always find the file when using cscope.
+Solution: Add the 'cscoperelative' option. (Raghavendra D Prabhu)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_cscop.txt, runtime/doc/options.txt,
+ src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.3.211 (after 7.3.210)
+Problem: Compiler warning.
+Solution: Add type cast.
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.3.212
+Problem: With Python 3.2 ":py3" fails.
+Solution: Move PyEval_InitThreads() to after Py_Initialize(). (Roland
+ Puntaier) Check abiflags in configure. (Andreas Behr)
+Files: src/if_python3.c, src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.3.213
+Problem: Javascript object literal is not indented correctly.
+Solution: Make a special case for when "J1" is in 'cino'. (Luc Deschenaux)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.3.214
+Problem: The text displayed by ":z-" isn't exactly like old Vi.
+Solution: Add one to the start line number. (ChangZhuo Chen)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.215 (after 7.3.210)
+Problem: Wrong file names in previous patch. (Toothpik)
+Solution: Include the option changes.
+Files: src/option.c, src/option.h
+Patch 7.3.216
+Problem: When recovering a file a range of lines is missing. (Charles Jie)
+Solution: Reset the index when advancing to the next pointer block. Add a
+ test to verify recovery works.
+Files: src/memline.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test78.ok,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.3.217
+Problem: Inside an "if" a ":wincmd" causes problems.
+Solution: When skipping commands let ":wincmd" skip over its argument.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.218 (after 7.3.212)
+Problem: Tiny configuration problem with Python 3.
+Solution: Add abiflags in one more place. (Andreas Behr)
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.3.219
+Problem: Can't compile with GTK on Mac.
+Solution: Add some #ifdef trickery. (Ben Schmidt)
+Files: src/os_mac_conv.c, src/os_macosx.m, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.220
+Problem: Python 3: vim.error is a 'str' instead of an 'Exception' object,
+ so 'except' or 'raise' it causes a 'SystemError' exception.
+ Buffer objects do not support slice assignment.
+ When exchanging text between Vim and Python, multibyte texts become
+ garbage or cause Unicode Exceptions, etc.
+ 'py3file' tries to read in the file as Unicode, sometimes causes
+ UnicodeDecodeException
+Solution: Fix the problems. (lilydjwg)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.221
+Problem: Text from the clipboard is sometimes handled as linewise, but not
+ consistently.
+Solution: Assume the text is linewise when it ends in a CR or NL.
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/gui_mac.c, src/ops.c, src/os_msdos.c,
+ src/os_mswin.c, src/os_qnx.c, src/ui.c
+Patch 7.3.222
+Problem: Warning for building GvimExt.
+Solution: Comment-out the DESCRIPTION line. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/GvimExt/gvimext.def, src/GvimExt/gvimext_ming.def
+Patch 7.3.223
+Problem: MingW cross compilation doesn't work with tiny features.
+Solution: Move acp_to_enc(), enc_to_utf16() and utf16_to_enc() outside of
+ "#ifdef CLIPBOARD". Fix typo in makefile.
+Files: src/Make_ming.mak, src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.3.224
+Problem: Can't pass dict to sort function.
+Solution: Add the optional {dict} argument to sort(). (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.225
+Problem: Using "\n" in a substitute inside ":s" does not result in a line
+ break.
+Solution: Change behavior inside vim_regexec_nl(). Add tests. (Motoya
+ Kurotsu)
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test79.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test80.ok,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.3.226
+Problem: On a 64 bit system "syn sync fromstart" is very slow. (Bjorn
+ Steinbrink)
+Solution: Store the state when starting to parse from the first line.
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.3.227 (after 7.3.221)
+Problem: Mac OS doesn't have the linewise clipboard fix.
+Solution: Also change the Mac OS file. (Bjorn Winckler)
+Files: src/os_macosx.m
+Patch 7.3.228
+Problem: "2gj" does not always move to the correct position.
+Solution: Get length of line after moving to a next line. (James Vega)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.229
+Problem: Using fork() makes gvim crash on Mac when build with
+ CoreFoundation.
+Solution: Disallow fork() when __APPLE__ is defined. (Hisashi T Fujinaka)
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.3.230
+Problem: ":wundo" and ":rundo" don't unescape their argument. (Aaron
+ Thoma)
+Solution: Use FILE1 instead of XFILE.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h
+Patch 7.3.231
+Problem: Runtime file patches failed.
+Solution: Redo the patches made against the patched files instead of the
+ files in the mercurial repository.
+Files: runtime/doc/indent.txt, runtime/doc/os_win32.txt
+Patch 7.3.232
+Problem: Python doesn't compile without +multi_byte
+Solution: Use "latin1" when MULTI_BYTE is not defined.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.233
+Problem: ":scriptnames" and ":breaklist" show long file names.
+Solution: Shorten to use "~/" when possible. (Jean-Rene David)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.3.234
+Problem: With GTK menu may be popping down.
+Solution: Use event time instead of GDK_CURRENT_TIME. (Hong Xu)
+Files: src/gui.c, src/gui.h, src/gui_gtk.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.3.235
+Problem: ";" gets stuck on a "t" command, it's not useful.
+Solution: Add the ';' flag in 'cpo'. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/motion.txt, runtime/doc/options.txt, src/option.h,
+ src/search.c src/testdir/, src/testdir/test81.ok,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.3.236 (after 7.3.232)
+Problem: Python 3 doesn't compile without +multi_byte
+Solution: Use "latin1" when MULTI_BYTE is not defined. (lilydjwg)
+Files: src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.237
+Problem: "filetype" completion doesn't work on Windows. (Yue Wu)
+Solution: Don't use a glob pattern for the directories, use a list of
+ directories. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.238
+Problem: Compiler warning for conversion.
+Solution: Add type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.239
+Problem: Python corrects the cursor column without taking 'virtualedit'
+ into account. (lilydjwg)
+Solution: Call check_cursor_col_win().
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/mbyte.c, src/misc2.c, src/normal.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.240
+Problem: External commands can't use pipes on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Implement pipes and use them when 'shelltemp' isn't set. (Vincent
+ Berthoux)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/misc2.c, src/os_unix.c,
+ src/os_win32.c, src/proto/, src/ui.c
+Patch 7.3.241
+Problem: Using CTRL-R CTRL-W on the command line may insert only part of
+ the word.
+Solution: Use the cursor position instead of assuming it is at the end of
+ the command. (Tyru)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.242
+Problem: Illegal memory access in after_pathsep().
+Solution: Check that the pointer is not at the start of the file name.
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.3.243
+Problem: Illegal memory access in readline().
+Solution: Swap the conditions. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.244
+Problem: MS-Windows: Build problem with old compiler. (John Beckett)
+Solution: Only use HandleToLong() when available. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.3.245
+Problem: Python 3.2 libraries not correctly detected.
+Solution: Add the suffix to the library name. (Niclas Zeising)
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.3.246 (after 7.3.235)
+Problem: Repeating "f4" in "4444" skips one 4.
+Solution: Check the t_cmd flag. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.3.247
+Problem: Running tests changes the users viminfo file. Test for patch
+ 7.3.246 missing.
+Solution: Add "nviminfo" to the 'viminfo' option. Include the test.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.248
+Problem: PC Install instructions missing install instructions.
+Solution: Step-by-step explanation. (Michael Soyka)
+Files: src/INSTALLpc.txt
+Patch 7.3.249
+Problem: Wrong indenting for array initializer.
+Solution: Detect '}' in a better way. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.3.250
+Problem: Python: Errors in Unicode characters not handled nicely.
+Solution: Add the surrogateescape error handler. (lilydjwg)
+Files: src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.251
+Problem: "gH<Del>" deletes the current line, except when it's the last
+ line.
+Solution: Set the "include" flag to indicate the last line is to be deleted.
+Files: src/normal.c, src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.252 (after 7.3.247)
+Problem: Tests fail. (David Northfield)
+Solution: Add missing update for .ok file.
+Files: src/testdir/test81.ok
+Patch 7.3.253
+Problem: "echo 'abc' > ''" returns 0 or 1, depending on 'ignorecase'.
+ Checks in mb_strnicmp() for illegal and truncated bytes are
+ wrong. Should not assume that byte length is equal before case
+ folding.
+Solution: Add utf_safe_read_char_adv() and utf_strnicmp(). Add a test for
+ this. (Ivan Krasilnikov)
+Files: src/mbyte.c src/testdir/, src/testdir/test82.ok,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.3.254
+Problem: The coladd field is not reset when setting the line number for a
+ ":call" command.
+Solution: Reset it.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.255
+Problem: When editing a file such as "File[2010-08-15].vim" an E16 error is
+ given. (Manuel Stol)
+Solution: Don't give an error for failing to compile the regexp.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/misc1.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.256
+Problem: Javascript indenting not sufficiently tested.
+Solution: Add more tests. (Luc Deschenaux) Mark the lines that are indented
+ wrong.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.3.257
+Problem: Not all completions are available to user commands.
+Solution: Add "color", "compiler", "file_in_path" and "locale". (Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, runtime/doc/map.txt
+Patch 7.3.258
+Problem: MS-Windows: The edit with existing vim context menu entries can be
+ unwanted.
+Solution: Let a registry entry disable them. (Jerome Vuarand)
+Files: src/GvimExt/gvimext.cpp
+Patch 7.3.259
+Problem: Equivalence classes only work for latin characters.
+Solution: Add the Unicode equivalence characters. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: runtime/doc/pattern.txt, src/regexp.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test44.ok
+Patch 7.3.260
+Problem: CursorHold triggers on an incomplete mapping. (Will Gray)
+Solution: Don't trigger CursorHold when there is typeahead.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.3.261
+Problem: G++ error message erroneously recognized as error.
+Solution: Ignore "In file included from" line also when it ends in a colon.
+ (Fernando Castillo)
+Files: src/option.h
+Patch 7.3.262
+Problem: Photon code style doesn't match Vim style.
+Solution: Clean up some of it. (Elias Diem)
+Files: src/gui_photon.c
+Patch 7.3.263
+Problem: Perl and Tcl have a few code style problems.
+Solution: Clean it up. (Elias Diem)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs, src/if_tcl.c
+Patch 7.3.264
+Problem: When the current directory name contains wildcard characters, such
+ as "foo[with]bar", the tags file can't be found. (Jeremy
+ Erickson)
+Solution: When searching for matching files also match without expanding
+ wildcards. This is a bit of a hack.
+Files: src/vim.h, src/misc1.c, src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.3.265
+Problem: When storing a pattern in search history there is no proper check
+ for the separator character.
+Solution: Pass the separator character to in_history(). (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.266
+Problem: In gvim with iBus typing space in Insert mode doesn't work.
+Solution: Clear xim_expected_char after checking it.
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.3.267
+Problem: Ruby on Mac OS X 10.7 may crash.
+Solution: Avoid alloc(0). (Bjorn Winckler)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.268
+Problem: Vim freezes when executing an external command with zsh.
+Solution: Use O_NOCTTY both in the master and slave. (Bjorn Winckler)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.269
+Problem: 'shellcmdflag' only works with one flag.
+Solution: Split into multiple arguments. (Gary Johnson)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.270
+Problem: Illegal memory access.
+Solution: Swap conditions. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.271
+Problem: Code not following Vim coding style.
+Solution: Fix the style. (Elias Diem)
+Files: src/gui_photon.c
+Patch 7.3.272
+Problem: ":put =list" does not add an empty line for a trailing empty
+ item.
+Solution: Add a trailing NL when turning a list into a string.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.273
+Problem: A BOM in an error file is seen as text. (Aleksey Baibarin)
+Solution: Remove the BOM from the text before evaluating. (idea by Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/mbyte.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.274
+Problem: With concealed characters tabs do not have the right size.
+Solution: Use VCOL_HLC instead of vcol. (Eiichi Sato)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.275
+Problem: MS-Windows: When using a black background some screen updates
+ cause the window to flicker.
+Solution: Add WS_CLIPCHILDREN to CreateWindow(). (René Aguirre)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.3.276
+Problem: GvimExt sets $LANG in the wrong way.
+Solution: Save the environment and use it for gvim. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/GvimExt/gvimext.cpp
+Patch 7.3.277
+Problem: MS-Windows: some characters do not show in dialogs.
+Solution: Use the wide methods when available. (Yanwei Jia)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_w48.c, src/os_mswin.c, src/os_win32.c,
+ src/os_win32.h
+Patch 7.3.278
+Problem: Passing the file name to open in VisVim doesn't work.
+Solution: Adjust the index and check for end of buffer. (Jiri Sedlak)
+Files: src/VisVim/Commands.cpp
+Patch 7.3.279
+Problem: With GTK, when gvim is full-screen and a tab is opened and using a
+ specific monitor configuration the window is too big.
+Solution: Adjust the window size like on MS-Windows. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/gui.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.280
+Problem: ":lmake" does not update the quickfix window title.
+Solution: Update the title. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test10.ok
+Patch 7.3.281
+Problem: After using "expand('%:8')" the buffer name is changed.
+Solution: Make a copy of the file name before shortening it.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.282
+Problem: When using input() and :echo in a loop the displayed text is
+ incorrect. (Benjamin Fritz)
+Solution: Only restore the cursor position when there is a command line.
+ (Ben Schmidt)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.283
+Problem: An expression mapping with a multibyte character containing a
+ 0x80 byte gets messed up. (ZyX)
+Solution: Unescape the expression before evaluating it (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.3.284
+Problem: The str2special() function doesn't handle multibyte characters
+ properly.
+Solution: Recognize multibyte characters. (partly by Vladimir Vichniakov)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/message.c, src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.3.285 (after 7.3.284)
+Problem: Mapping <Char-123> no longer works.
+Solution: Properly check for "char-". Add a test for it.
+Files: src/misc2.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test75.ok
+Patch 7.3.286
+Problem: Crash when using "zd" on a large number of folds. (Sam King)
+Solution: Recompute pointer after reallocating array. Move fewer entries
+ when making room.
+Files: src/fold.c
+Patch 7.3.287
+Problem: Can't compile with MSVC and tiny options.
+Solution: Move variables and #ifdefs. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.288
+Problem: has('python') may give an error message for not being able to load
+ the library after using python3.
+Solution: Only give the error when the verbose argument is true.
+Files: src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.289
+Problem: Complete function isn't called when the leader changed.
+Solution: Call ins_compl_restart() when the leader changed. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.290
+Problem: When a BufWriteCmd autocommand resets 'modified' this doesn't
+ change older buffer states to be marked as 'modified' like
+ ":write" does. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: When the BufWriteCmd resets 'modified' then adjust the undo
+ information like ":write" does.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.3.291
+Problem: Configure doesn't work properly with Python3.
+Solution: Put -ldl before $LDFLAGS. Add PY3_NO_RTLD_GLOBAL. (Roland
+ Puntaier)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.3.292
+Problem: Crash when using fold markers and selecting a visual block that
+ includes a folded line and goes to end of line. (Sam Lidder)
+Solution: Check for the column to be MAXCOL. (James Vega)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.293
+Problem: MSVC compiler has a problem with non-ASCII characters.
+Solution: Avoid non-ASCII characters. (Hong Xu)
+Files: src/ascii.h, src/spell.c
+Patch 7.3.294 (after 7.3.289)
+Problem: Patch 289 causes more problems than it solves.
+Solution: Revert the patch until a better solution is found.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.295
+Problem: When filtering text with an external command Vim may not read all
+ the output.
+Solution: When select() is interrupted loop and try again. (James Vega)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.296
+Problem: When writing to an external command a zombie process may be left
+ behind.
+Solution: Wait on the process. (James Vega)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.297
+Problem: Can't load Perl 5.14 dynamically.
+Solution: Add code in #ifdefs. (Charles Cooper)
+Files: if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.3.298
+Problem: Built-in colors are different from rgb.txt.
+Solution: Adjust the color values. (Benjamin Haskell)
+Files: src/gui_photon.c, src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.3.299
+Problem: Source code not in Vim style.
+Solution: Adjust the style. (Elias Diem)
+Files: src/gui_photon.c
+Patch 7.3.300
+Problem: Python doesn't parse multibyte argument correctly.
+Solution: Use "t" instead of "s". (lilydjwg)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.301
+Problem: When 'smartindent' and 'copyindent' are set a Tab is used even
+ though 'expandtab' is set.
+Solution: Do not insert Tabs. Add a test. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test19.ok
+Patch 7.3.302 (after 7.3.301)
+Problem: Test 19 fails without 'smartindent' and +eval.
+Solution: Don't use ":exe". Source small.vim.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.303 (after 7.3.296)
+Problem: Compilation error.
+Solution: Correct return type from int to pid_t. (Danek Duvall)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.304
+Problem: Strawberry Perl doesn't work on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Use xsubpp if needed. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/Make_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.3.305
+Problem: Auto-loading a function while editing the command line causes
+ scrolling up the display.
+Solution: Don't set msg_scroll when defining a function and the user is not
+ typing. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.306
+Problem: When closing a window there is a chance that deleting a scrollbar
+ triggers a GUI resize, which uses the window while it is not in a
+ valid state.
+Solution: Set the buffer pointer to NULL to be able to detect the invalid
+ situation. Fix a few places that used the buffer pointer
+ incorrectly.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/term.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.307
+Problem: Python 3 doesn't support slice assignment.
+Solution: Implement slices. (Brett Overesch, Roland Puntaier)
+Files: src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.308
+Problem: Writing to 'verbosefile' has problems, e.g. for :highlight.
+Solution: Do not use a separate verbose_write() function but write with the
+ same code that does redirecting. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.3.309 (after 7.3.307)
+Problem: Warnings for pointer types.
+Solution: Change PySliceObject to PyObject.
+Files: src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.310
+Problem: Code not following Vim style.
+Solution: Fix the style. (Elias Diem)
+Files: src/gui_photon.c
+Patch 7.3.311 (replaces 7.3.289)
+Problem: Complete function isn't called when the leader changed.
+Solution: Allow the complete function to return a dictionary with a flag
+ that indicates ins_compl_restart() is to be called when the leader
+ changes. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: runtime/insert.txt, src/edit.c, src/eval.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.312 (after 7.3.306)
+Problem: Can't compile with tiny features.
+Solution: Add #ifdef around win_valid().
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.313 (after 7.3.307)
+Problem: One more warning when compiling with dynamic Python 3.
+Solution: Change PySliceObject to PyObject.
+Files: src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.314 (after 7.3.304)
+Problem: Missing parenthesis.
+Solution: Add it. (Benjamin R. Haskell)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.3.315
+Problem: Opening a window before forking causes problems for GTK.
+Solution: Fork first, create the window in the child and report back to the
+ parent process whether it worked. If successful the parent exits,
+ if unsuccessful the child exits and the parent continues in the
+ terminal. (Tim Starling)
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.3.316 (after 7.3.306)
+Problem: Crash when 'colorcolumn' is set and closing buffer.
+Solution: Check for w_buffer to be NULL. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.317
+Problem: Calling debug.debug() in Lua may cause Vim to hang.
+Solution: Add a better debug method. (Rob Hoelz, Luis Carvalho)
+Files: src/if_lua.c
+Patch 7.3.318
+Problem: "C" on the last line deletes that line if it's blank.
+Solution: Only delete the last line for a delete operation. (James Vega)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.319 (after 7.3.311)
+Problem: Redobuff doesn't always include changes of the completion leader.
+Solution: Insert backspaces as needed. (idea by Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.320
+Problem: When a 0xa0 character is in a sourced file the error message for
+ unrecognized command does not show the problem.
+Solution: Display 0xa0 as <a0>.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.321
+Problem: Code not following Vim style.
+Solution: Fix the style. (Elias Diem)
+Files: src/os_qnx.c
+Patch 7.3.322
+Problem: #ifdef for PDP_RETVAL doesn't work, INT_PTR can be a typedef.
+Solution: Check the MSC version and 64 bit flags. (Sergiu Dotenco)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.3.323
+Problem: The default 'errorformat' does not ignore some "included from"
+ lines.
+Solution: Add a few more patterns. (Ben Boeckel)
+Files: src/option.h
+Patch 7.3.324 (after 7.3.237)
+Problem: Completion for ":compiler" shows color scheme names.
+Solution: Fix the directory name. (James Vega)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.325
+Problem: A duplicated function argument gives an internal error.
+Solution: Give a proper error message. (based on patch by Tyru)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.326
+Problem: MingW 4.6 no longer supports the -mno-cygwin option.
+Solution: Split the Cygwin and MingW makefiles. (Matsushita Shougo)
+Files: src/GvimExt/Make_cyg.mak, src/GvimExt/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/Make_cyg.mak, src/Make_ming.mak, src/xxd/Make_ming.mak,
+ Filelist
+Patch 7.3.327
+Problem: When jumping to a help tag a closed fold doesn't open.
+Solution: Save and restore KeyTyped. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.328
+Problem: When command line wraps the cursor may be displayed wrong when
+ there are multibyte characters.
+Solution: Position the cursor before drawing the text. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.329
+Problem: When skipping over code from ":for" to ":endfor" get an error for
+ calling a dict function. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Solution: Ignore errors when skipping over :call command.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.330
+Problem: When longjmp() is invoked if the X server gives an error the state
+ is not properly restored.
+Solution: Reset vgetc_busy. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.3.331
+Problem: "vit" selects wrong text when a tag name starts with the same text
+ as an outer tag name. (Ben Fritz)
+Solution: Add "\>" to the pattern to check for word boundary.
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.3.332 (after 7.3.202)
+Problem: Indent after "public:" is not increased in C++ code. (Lech Lorens)
+Solution: Check for namespace after the regular checks. (partly by Martin
+ Gieseking)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.3.333
+Problem: Using "." to repeat a Visual delete counts the size in bytes, not
+ characters. (Connor Lane Smith)
+Solution: Store the virtual column numbers instead of byte positions.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.334
+Problem: Latest MingW about XSUBPP referencing itself. (Gongqian Li)
+Solution: Rename the first use to XSUBPPTRY.
+Files: src/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.3.335
+Problem: When 'imdisable' is reset from an autocommand in Insert mode it
+ doesn't take effect.
+Solution: Call im_set_active() in Insert mode. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.336
+Problem: When a tags file specifies an encoding different from 'enc' it
+ may hang and using a pattern doesn't work.
+Solution: Convert the whole line. Continue reading the header after the
+ SORT tag. Add test83. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/tag.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/test83-tags2, src/testdir/test83-tags3,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test83.ok
+Patch 7.3.337 (after 7.3.295)
+Problem: Screen doesn't update after resizing the xterm until a character
+ is typed.
+Solution: When the select call is interrupted check do_resize. (Taylor
+ Hedberg)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.338
+Problem: Using getchar() in an expression mapping doesn't work well.
+Solution: Don't save and restore the typeahead. (James Vega)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/testdir/test34.ok
+Patch 7.3.339
+Problem: "make shadow" doesn't link all test files.
+Solution: Add a line in Makefile and Filelist.
+Files: src/Makefile, Filelist
+Patch 7.3.340
+Problem: When 'verbosefile' is set ftplugof.vim can give an error.
+Solution: Only remove filetypeplugin autocommands when they exist. (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Files: runtime/ftplugof.vim
+Patch 7.3.341
+Problem: Local help files are only listed in help.txt, not in translated
+ help files.
+Solution: Also find translated help files. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.342
+Problem: Code not in Vim style.
+Solution: Fix the style. (Elias Diem)
+Files: src/os_amiga.c, src/os_mac_conv.c, src/os_win16.c
+Patch 7.3.343
+Problem: No mouse support for urxvt.
+Solution: Implement urxvt mouse support, also for > 252 columns. (Yiding
+ Jia)
+Files: src/feature.h, src/keymap.h, src/option.h, src/os_unix.c,
+ src/term.c, src/version.c
+Patch 7.3.344
+Problem: Problem with GUI startup related to XInitThreads.
+Solution: Use read() and write() instead of fputs() and fread(). (James
+ Vega)
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.3.345
+Problem: When switching language with ":lang" the window title doesn't
+ change until later.
+Solution: Update the window title right away. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.3.346
+Problem: It's hard to test netbeans commands.
+Solution: Process netbeans commands after :sleep. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: runtime/doc/netbeans.txt, src/ex_docmd.c, src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.3.347
+Problem: When dropping text from a browser on Vim it receives HTML even
+ though "html" is excluded from 'clipboard'. (Andrei Avk)
+Solution: Fix the condition for TARGET_HTML.
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.3.348
+Problem: "call range(1, 947948399)" causes a crash. (ZyX)
+Solution: Avoid a loop in the out of memory message.
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.3.349
+Problem: When running out of memory during startup trying to open a
+ swapfile will loop forever.
+Solution: Let findswapname() set dirp to NULL if out of memory.
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.3.350
+Problem: Block of code after ":lua << EOF" may not work. (Paul Isambert)
+Solution: Recognize the ":lua" command, skip to EOF.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.351
+Problem: Text formatting uses start of insert position when it should not.
+ (Peter Wagenaar)
+Solution: Do not use Insstart when intentionally formatting.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.352
+Problem: When completing methods dict functions and script-local functions
+ get in the way.
+Solution: Sort function names starting with "<" to the end. (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.353 (after 7.3.343)
+Problem: Missing part of the urxvt patch.
+Solution: Add the change in term.c
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.3.354
+Problem: ":set backspace+=eol" doesn't work when 'backspace' has a
+ backwards compatible value of 2.
+Solution: Convert the number to a string. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.355
+Problem: GTK warnings when using netrw.vim. (Ivan Krasilnikov)
+Solution: Do not remove the beval event handler twice.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.356
+Problem: Using "o" with 'cindent' set may freeze Vim. (lolilolicon)
+Solution: Skip over {} correctly. (Hari G)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.357
+Problem: Compiler warning in MS-Windows console build.
+Solution: Adjust return type of PrintHookProc(). (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.3.358 (after 7.3.353)
+Problem: Mouse support doesn't work properly.
+Solution: Add HMT_URXVT. (lilydjwg, James McCoy)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.3.359
+Problem: Command line completion shows dict functions.
+Solution: Skip dict functions for completion. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.360
+Problem: Interrupting the load of an autoload function may cause a crash.
+Solution: Do not use the hashitem when not valid. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.361
+Problem: Accessing memory after it is freed when EXITFREE is defined.
+Solution: Don't access curwin when firstwin is NULL. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.362
+Problem: ml_get error when using ":g" with folded lines.
+Solution: Adjust the line number for changed_lines(). (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.363
+Problem: C indenting is wrong after #endif followed by a semicolon.
+Solution: Add special handling for a semicolon in a line by itself. (Lech
+ Lorens)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.3.364 (after 7.3.353)
+Problem: Can't compile on HP-UX. (John Marriott)
+Solution: Only use TTYM_URXVT when it is defined.
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.3.365
+Problem: Crash when using a large Unicode character in a file that has
+ syntax highlighting. (ngollan)
+Solution: Check for going past the end of the utf tables. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.3.366
+Problem: A tags file with an extremely long name causes errors.
+Solution: Ignore tags that are too long. (Arno Renevier)
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 7.3.367
+Problem: :wundo and :rundo use a wrong checksum.
+Solution: Include the last line when computing the hash. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.3.368
+Problem: Gcc complains about redefining _FORTIFY_SOURCE.
+Solution: Undefine it before redefining it.
+Files: src/Makefile, src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.369
+Problem: When compiled with Gnome get an error message when using --help.
+Solution: Don't fork. (Ivan Krasilnikov)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.3.370
+Problem: Compiler warns for unused variable in Lua interface.
+Solution: Remove the variable.
+Files: src/if_lua.c
+Patch 7.3.371
+Problem: Crash in autocomplete. (Greg Weber)
+Solution: Check not going over allocated buffer size.
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.3.372
+Problem: When using a command line mapping to <Up> with file name
+ completion to go one directory up, 'wildchar' is inserted.
+ (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Solution: Set the KeyTyped flag.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.373 (after 7.3.366)
+Problem: A tags file with an extremely long name may cause an infinite loop.
+Solution: When encountering a long name switch to linear search.
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 7.3.374
+Problem: ++encoding does not work properly.
+Solution: Recognize ++encoding before ++enc. (Charles Cooper)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.375
+Problem: Duplicate return statement.
+Solution: Remove the superfluous one. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.3.376
+Problem: Win32: Toolbar repainting does not work when the mouse pointer
+ hovers over a button.
+Solution: Call DefWindowProc() when not handling an event. (Sergiu Dotenco)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.3.377
+Problem: No support for bitwise AND, OR, XOR and invert.
+Solution: Add and(), or(), invert() and xor() functions.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test65.ok, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.3.378
+Problem: When cross-compiling the check for uint32_t fails.
+Solution: Only give a warning message. (Maksim Melnikau)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.379
+Problem: C-indenting wrong for static enum.
+Solution: Skip over "static". (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.3.380
+Problem: C-indenting wrong for a function header.
+Solution: Skip to the start paren. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.3.381
+Problem: Configure silently skips interfaces that won't work.
+Solution: Add the --enable-fail_if_missing argument. (Shlomi Fish)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.382 (after 7.3.376)
+Problem: IME characters are inserted twice.
+Solution: Do not call DefWindowProc() if the event was handled. (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.3.383
+Problem: For EBCDIC pound sign is defined as 't'.
+Solution: Correctly define POUND.
+Files: src/ascii.h
+Patch 7.3.384
+Problem: Mapping CTRL-K in Insert mode breaks CTRL-X CTRL-K for dictionary
+ completion.
+Solution: Add CTRL-K to the list of recognized keys. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.385
+Problem: When using an expression mapping on the command line the cursor
+ ends up in the wrong place. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Solution: Save and restore msg_col and msg_row when evaluating the
+ expression.
+Files: src/getchar.
+Patch 7.3.386
+Problem: Test 83 fails when iconv does not support cp932. (raf)
+Solution: Test if conversion works. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.387 (after 7.3.386)
+Problem: Test 83 may fail for some encodings.
+Solution: Set 'encoding' to utf-8 earlier.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.388
+Problem: Crash on exit when EXITFREE is defined and using tiny features.
+Solution: Check for NULL window pointer. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.389
+Problem: After typing at a prompt the "MORE" message appears too soon.
+Solution: reset lines_left in msg_end_prompt(). (Eswald)
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.3.390
+Problem: Using NULL buffer pointer in a window.
+Solution: Check for w_buffer being NULL in more places. (Bjorn Winckler)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/quickfix.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.391
+Problem: Can't check if the XPM_W32 feature is enabled.
+Solution: Add xpm_w32 to the list of features. (kat)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.392
+Problem: When setting 'undofile' while the file is already loaded but
+ unchanged, try reading the undo file. (Andy Wokula)
+Solution: Compute a checksum of the text when 'undofile' is set. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/option.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test72.ok
+Patch 7.3.393
+Problem: Win32: When resizing Vim it is always moved to the primary monitor
+ if the secondary monitor is on the left.
+Solution: Use the nearest monitor. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.3.394
+Problem: When placing a mark while starting up a screen redraw messes up
+ the screen. (lith)
+Solution: Don't redraw while still starting up. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.395 (after 7.3.251)
+Problem: "dv?bar" in the last line deletes too much and breaks undo.
+Solution: Only adjust the cursor position when it's after the last line of
+ the buffer. Add a test. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test43.ok
+Patch 7.3.396
+Problem: After forcing an operator to be characterwise it can still become
+ linewise when spanning whole lines.
+Solution: Don't make the operator linewise when motion_force was set.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.397
+Problem: ":helpgrep" does not work properly when 'encoding' is not utf-8 or
+ latin1.
+Solution: Convert non-ascii lines to 'encoding'. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/spell.c, src/misc2.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.398
+Problem: When creating more than 10 location lists and adding items one by
+ one a previous location may be used. (Audrius Kažukauskas)
+Solution: Clear the location list completely when adding the tenth one.
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.399
+Problem: ":cd" doesn't work when the path contains wildcards. (Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira)
+Solution: Ignore wildcard errors when the EW_NOTWILD flag is used.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.400
+Problem: Compiler warnings for shadowed variables.
+Solution: Remove or rename the variables.
+Files: src/charset.c, src/digraph.c, src/edit.c, src/eval.c, src/fold.c,
+ src/getchar.c, src/message.c, src/misc2.c, src/move.c,
+ src/netbeans.c, src/option.c, src/os_unix.c, src/screen.c,
+ src/search.c, src/spell.c, src/syntax.c, src/tag.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.401
+Problem: A couple more shadowed variables.
+Solution: Rename the variables.
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.3.402
+Problem: When jumping to the first error a line of the buffer is sometimes
+ redrawn on top of the list of errors.
+Solution: Do not call update_topline_redraw() if the display was scrolled
+ up.
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.403
+Problem: ":helpgrep" does not trigger QuickFixCmd* autocommands.
+Solution: Trigger the autocommands. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.404
+Problem: When a complete function uses refresh "always" redo will not work
+ properly.
+Solution: Do not reset compl_leader when compl_opt_refresh_always is set.
+ (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.405
+Problem: When xterm gets back the function keys it may delete the urxvt
+ mouse termcap code.
+Solution: Check for the whole code, not just the start. (Egmont Koblinger)
+Files: src/keymap.h, src/misc2.c, src/term.c
+Patch 7.3.406
+Problem: Multi-byte characters in b:browsefilter are not handled correctly.
+Solution: First use convert_filter() normally and then convert to wide
+ characters. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.3.407
+Problem: ":12verbose call F()" may duplicate text while trying to truncate.
+ (Thinca)
+Solution: Only truncate when there is not enough room. Also check the byte
+ length of the buffer.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/message.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.408 (after 7.3.406)
+Problem: Missing declaration.
+Solution: Add the declaration. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.3.409
+Problem: The license in pty.c is unclear.
+Solution: Add a comment about the license.
+Files: src/pty.c
+Patch 7.3.410
+Problem: Compiler error for // comment. (Joachim Schmitz)
+Solution: Turn into /* comment */.
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.3.411
+Problem: Pasting in Visual mode using the "" register does not work. (John
+ Beckett)
+Solution: Detect that the write is overwriting the pasted register.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.412
+Problem: Storing a float in a session file has an additional '&'.
+Solution: Remove the '&'. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.413
+Problem: Build warnings on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/message.c, src/term.c
+Patch 7.3.414
+Problem: Using CTRL-A on "000" drops the leading zero, while on "001" it
+ doesn't.
+Solution: Detect "000" as an octal number. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/charset.c
+Patch 7.3.415 (after 7.3.359)
+Problem: Completion of functions stops once a dictionary is encountered.
+ (James McCoy)
+Solution: Return an empty string instead of NULL.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.416 (after 7.3.415)
+Problem: Compiler warning for wrong pointer.
+Solution: Add type cast.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.417 (after 7.3.395)
+Problem: Test 43 fails with a tiny build.
+Solution: Only run test 43 with at least a small build.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.418
+Problem: When a user complete function returns -1 an error message is
+ given.
+Solution: When -2 is returned stop completion silently. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/edit.
+Patch 7.3.419
+Problem: DBCS encoding in a user command does not always work.
+Solution: Skip over DBCS characters. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.420
+Problem: "it" and "at" don't work properly with a dash in the tag name.
+Solution: Require a space to match the tag name. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.3.421
+Problem: Get E832 when setting 'undofile' in vimrc and there is a file to
+ be edited on the command line. (Toothpik)
+Solution: Do not try reading the undo file for a file that wasn't loaded.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.422
+Problem: Python 3 does not have __members__.
+Solution: Add "name" and "number" in another way. (lilydjwg)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.423
+Problem: Small mistakes in comments, proto and indent.
+Solution: Fix the mistakes.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/structs.h, src/ui.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.424
+Problem: Win16 version missing some functions.
+Solution: Add #defines for the functions.
+Files: src/gui_w16.c
+Patch 7.3.425 (after 7.3.265)
+Problem: Search history lines are duplicated. (Edwin Steiner)
+Solution: Convert separator character from space to NUL.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.426
+Problem: With '$' in 'cpoptions' the $ is not displayed in the first
+ column.
+Solution: Use -1 instead of 0 as a special value. (Hideki Eiraku and
+ Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/globals.h, src/move.c, src/screen.c, src/search.c
+Patch 7.3.427
+Problem: readfile() can be slow with long lines.
+Solution: Use realloc() instead of alloc(). (John Little)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.428
+Problem: Win32: an xpm file without a mask crashes Vim.
+Solution: Fail when the mask is missing. (Dave Bodenstab)
+Files: src/xpm_w32.c
+Patch 7.3.429
+Problem: When 'cpoptions' includes "E" "c0" in the first column is an
+ error. The redo register is then set to the erroneous command.
+Solution: Do not set the redo register if the command fails because of an
+ empty region. (Hideki Eiraku)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/normal.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.430
+Problem: When a custom filetype detection uses "augroup END" the conf
+ filetype detection does not have the filetypedetect group.
+Solution: Always end the group and include filetypedetect in the conf
+ autocommand. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: runtime/filetype.vim
+Patch 7.3.431
+Problem: Fetching a key at a prompt may be confused by escape sequences.
+ Especially when getting a prompt at a VimEnter autocommand.
+ (Alex Efros)
+Solution: Properly handle escape sequences deleted by check_termcode().
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/misc1.c, src/term.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.432
+Problem: ACLs are not supported for ZFS or NFSv4 on Solaris.
+Solution: Add configure check and code. (Danek Duvall)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure, src/,
+ src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.433
+Problem: Using continued lines in a Vim script can be slow.
+Solution: Instead of reallocating for every line use a growarray. (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.3.434
+Problem: Using join() can be slow.
+Solution: Compute the size of the result before allocation to avoid a lot of
+ allocations and copies. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.435
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused variable.
+Solution: Move the variable inside #ifdef.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.3.436
+Problem: Compiler warnings for types on Windows.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.437
+Problem: Continue looping inside FOR_ALL_TAB_WINDOWS even when already done.
+Solution: Use goto instead of break. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/globals.h
+Patch 7.3.438
+Problem: There is no way to avoid ":doautoall" reading modelines.
+Solution: Add the <nomodeline> argument. Adjust documentation.
+Files: src/fileio.c, runtime/doc/autocmd.txt
+Patch 7.3.439
+Problem: Compiler warnings to size casts in Perl interface.
+Solution: Use XS macros. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs, src/typemap
+Patch 7.3.440
+Problem: Vim does not support UTF8_STRING for the X selection.
+Solution: Add UTF8_STRING atom support. (Alex Efros) Use it only when
+ 'encoding' is set to Unicode.
+Files: src/ui.c
+Patch 7.3.441
+Problem: Newer versions of MzScheme (Racket) require earlier (trampolined)
+ initialisation.
+Solution: Call mzscheme_main() early in main(). (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak, src/if_mzsch.c, src/main.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.442 (after 7.3.438)
+Problem: Still read modelines for ":doautocmd".
+Solution: Move check for <nomodeline> to separate function.
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/proto/,
+ runtime/doc/autocmd.txt
+Patch 7.3.443
+Problem: MS-Windows: 'shcf' and 'shellxquote' defaults are not very good.
+Solution: Make a better guess when 'shell' is set to "cmd.exe". (Ben Fritz)
+Files: src/option.c, runtime/doc/options.txt
+Patch 7.3.444
+Problem: ":all!" and ":sall!" give error E477, even though the
+ documentation says these are valid commands.
+Solution: Support the exclamation mark. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test31.ok
+Patch 7.3.445 (after 7.3.443)
+Problem: Can't properly escape commands for cmd.exe.
+Solution: Default 'shellxquote' to '('. Append ')' to make '(command)'.
+ No need to use "/s" for 'shellcmdflag'.
+Files: src/misc2.c, src/option.c, src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.446 (after 7.3.445)
+Problem: Win32: External commands with special characters don't work.
+Solution: Add the 'shellxescape' option.
+Files: src/misc2.c, src/option.c, src/option.h, runtime/doc/options.txt
+Patch 7.3.447 (after 7.3.446)
+Problem: Win32: External commands with "start" do not work.
+Solution: Unescape part of the command. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.448 (after 7.3.447)
+Problem: Win32: Still a problem with "!start /b".
+Solution: Escape only '|'. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.449
+Problem: Crash when a BufWinLeave autocommand closes the only other window.
+ (Daniel Hunt)
+Solution: Abort closing a buffer when it becomes the only one.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/proto/, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_getln.c,
+ src/misc2.c, src/quickfix.c, src/window.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.450 (after 7.3.448)
+Problem: Win32: Still a problem with "!start /b".
+Solution: Fix pointer use. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.451
+Problem: Tcl doesn't work on 64 MS-Windows.
+Solution: Make it work. (Dave Bodenstab)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak, src/if_tcl.c
+Patch 7.3.452
+Problem: Undo broken when pasting close to the last line. (Andrey Radev)
+Solution: Use a flag to remember if the deleted included the last line.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.453
+Problem: Pasting in the command line is slow.
+Solution: Don't redraw if there is another character to read. (Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.454
+Problem: Re-allocating memory slows Vim down.
+Solution: Use realloc() in ga_grow(). (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.3.455
+Problem: Using many continuation lines can be slow.
+Solution: Adjust the reallocation size to the current length.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.3.456
+Problem: ":tab drop file" has several problems, including moving the
+ current window and opening a new tab for a file that already has a
+ window.
+Solution: Refactor ":tab drop" handling. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test62.ok
+Patch 7.3.457
+Problem: When setting $VIMRUNTIME later the directory for fetching
+ translated messages is not adjusted.
+Solution: Put bindtextdomain() in vim_setenv().
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.458
+Problem: Crash when calling smsg() during startup.
+Solution: Don't use 'shortmess' when it is not set yet.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.459
+Problem: Win32: Warnings for type conversion.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/misc2.c, src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.460
+Problem: Win32: UPX does not compress 64 bit binaries.
+Solution: Mention and add the alternative: mpress. (Dave Bodenstab)
+Files: src/INSTALLpc.txt, src/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.3.461
+Problem: The InsertCharPre autocommand event is not triggered during
+ completion and when typing several characters quickly.
+Solution: Also trigger InsertCharPre during completion. Do not read ahead
+ when an InsertCharPre autocommand is defined. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/fileio.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.462
+Problem: When using ":loadview" folds may be closed unexpectedly.
+Solution: Take into account foldlevel. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/fold.c
+Patch 7.3.463
+Problem: When using ":s///c" the cursor is moved away from the match.
+ (Lawman)
+Solution: Don't move the cursor when do_ask is set. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.464
+Problem: Compiler warning for sprintf.
+Solution: Put the length in a variable. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/version.c
+Patch 7.3.465
+Problem: Cannot get file name with newline from glob().
+Solution: Add argument to glob() and expand() to indicate they must return a
+ list. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.466
+Problem: Get ml_get error hen ":behave mswin" was used and selecting
+ several lines. (A. Sinan Unur)
+Solution: Adjust the end of the operation. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.467
+Problem: Cursor positioned wrong at the command line when regaining focus
+ and using some input method.
+Solution: Do not position the cursor in command line mode.
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.3.468
+Problem: For some compilers the error file is not easily readable.
+Solution: Use QuickFixCmdPre for more commands. (Marcin Szamotulski)
+Files: runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.469
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused argument without some features.
+Solution: Add UNUSED.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.470
+Problem: Test 62 fails when compiled without GUI and X11.
+Solution: Don't test :drop when it is not supported.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.471
+Problem: Can't abort listing placed signs.
+Solution: Check "got_int". (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.472
+Problem: Crash when using ":redraw" in a BufEnter autocommand and
+ switching to another tab. (驼峰)
+Solution: Move triggering the autocommands to after correcting the
+ option values. Also check the row value to be out of bounds.
+ (Christian Brabandt, Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/screen.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.473
+Problem: 'cursorbind' does not work correctly in combination with
+ 'virtualedit' set to "all".
+Solution: Copy coladd. (Gary Johnson)
+Files: src/move.c
+Patch 7.3.474
+Problem: Perl build with gcc 4 fails.
+Solution: Remove XS() statements. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.3.475
+Problem: In a terminal with few colors the omnicomplete menu may be hard to
+ see when using the default colors.
+Solution: Use more explicit colors. (suggested by Alex Henrie)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.3.476
+Problem: When selecting a block, using "$" to include the end of each line
+ and using "A" and typing a backspace strange things happen.
+ (Yuangchen Xie)
+Solution: Avoid using a negative length. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.477
+Problem: Using ":echo" to output enough lines to scroll, then using "j" and
+ "k" at the more prompt, displays the command on top of the output.
+ (Marcin Szamotulski)
+Solution: Put the output below the command. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.478
+Problem: Memory leak using the ':rv!' command when reading dictionary or
+ list global variables i.e. with 'viminfo' containing !.
+Solution: Free the typeval. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.479
+Problem: When 'cursorline' is set the line number highlighting can't be set
+ separately.
+Solution: Add "CursorLineNr". (Howard Buchholz)
+Files: src/option.c, src/screen.c, src/syntax.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.480
+Problem: When using ":qa" and there is a changed buffer picking the buffer
+ to jump to is not very good.
+Solution: Consider current and other tab pages. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.3.481
+Problem: Changing 'virtualedit' in an operator function to "all" does not
+ have the desired effect. (Aaron Bohannon)
+Solution: Save, reset and restore virtual_op when executing an operator
+ function.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.482
+Problem: With 'cursorbind' set moving up/down does not always keep the same
+ column.
+Solution: Set curswant appropriately. (Gary Johnson)
+Files: src/move.c
+Patch 7.3.483 (after 7.3.477)
+Problem: More prompt shows up too often.
+Solution: Instead of adding a line break, only start a new line in the
+ message history. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/message.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.484
+Problem: The -E and --echo-wid command line arguments are not mentioned in
+ "vim --help".
+Solution: Add the help lines. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.3.485
+Problem: When building Vim LDFLAGS isn't passed on to building xxd.
+Solution: Pass the LDFLAGS value. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.486
+Problem: Build error with mingw64 on Windows 7.
+Solution: Avoid the step of going through vimres.res. (Guopeng Wen)
+Files: src/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.3.487
+Problem: When setting 'timeoutlen' or 'ttimeoutlen' the column for vertical
+ movement is reset unnecessarily.
+Solution: Do not set w_set_curswant for every option. Add a test for this.
+ (Kana Natsuno) Add the P_CURSWANT flag for options.
+Files: src/option.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test84.ok,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.488
+Problem: ":help!" in a help file does not work as documented.
+Solution: When in a help file don't give an error message. (thinca)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.489
+Problem: CTRL-] in Insert mode does not expand abbreviation when used in a
+ mapping. (Yichao Zhou)
+Solution: Special case using CTRL-]. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.490
+Problem: Member confusion in Lua interface.
+Solution: Fix it. Add luaeval(). (Taro Muraoka, Luis Carvalho)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_lua.txt, src/eval.c, src/if_lua.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.491
+Problem: No tests for Lua.
+Solution: Add some simple tests for Lua. (Luis Carvalho)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test85.ok
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.492
+Problem: Can't indent conditions separately from function arguments.
+Solution: Add the 'k' flag in 'cino'. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: runtime/doc/indent.txt, src/misc1.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.3.493 (after 7.3.492)
+Problem: Two unused variables.
+Solution: Remove them. (Hong Xu)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.494 (after 7.3.491)
+Problem: Can't compile with Lua 5.1 or dynamic Lua.
+Solution: Fix dll_ methods. Fix luado(). (Muraoka Taro, Luis Carvalho)
+Files: src/if_lua.c
+Patch 7.3.495 (after 7.3.492)
+Problem: Compiler warnings.
+Solution: Add function declaration. Remove "offset" argument.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.496
+Problem: MS-DOS: When "diff" trips over difference in line separators some
+ tests fail.
+Solution: Make some .ok files use unix line separators. (David Pope)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.3.497
+Problem: Crash when doing ":python print" and compiled with gcc and
+ the optimizer enabled.
+Solution: Avoid the crash, doesn't really fix the problem. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.498
+Problem: The behavior of the "- register changes depending on value of
+ the 'clipboard' option. (Szamotulski)
+Solution: Also set the "- register when the register is "*" or "+".
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.499
+Problem: When using any interface language when Vim is waiting for a child
+ process it gets confused by a child process started through the
+ interface.
+Solution: Always used waitpid() instead of wait(). (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.500
+Problem: Ming makefile unconditionally sets WINVER.
+Solution: Only defined when not already defined. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.3.501
+Problem: Error for "flush" not being defined when using Ruby command.
+Solution: Defined "flush" as a no-op method. (Kent Sibilev)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.502
+Problem: Netbeans insert halfway a line actually appends to the line.
+Solution: Insert halfway the line. (Brian Victor)
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.3.503 (after 7.3.501)
+Problem: Warning for unused argument.
+Solution: Add UNUSED.
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.504
+Problem: Commands in help files are not highlighted.
+Solution: Allow for commands in backticks. Adjust CTRL-] to remove the
+ backticks.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.505
+Problem: Test 11 fails on MS-Windows in some versions.
+Solution: Fix #ifdefs for whether filtering through a pipe is possible. Move
+ setting b_no_eol_lnum back to where it was before patch 7.3.124.
+ (David Pope)
+Files: src/feature.h, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.3.506
+Problem: GTK gives an error when selecting a non-existent file.
+Solution: Add a handler to avoid the error. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c
+Patch 7.3.507
+Problem: When exiting with unsaved changes, selecting an existing file in
+ the file dialog, there is no dialog to ask whether the existing
+ file should be overwritten. (Felipe G. Nievinski)
+Solution: Call check_overwrite() before writing. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.508
+Problem: Default for v:register is not set.
+Solution: Init v:register in eval_init(). Correct for 'clipboard' before the
+ main loop. (Ingo Karkat)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/main.c
+Patch 7.3.509
+Problem: ":vimgrep" fails when 'autochdir' is set.
+Solution: A more generic solution for changing directory. (Ben Fritz)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.510
+Problem: Test 77 fails on Solaris 7. (Michael Soyka)
+Solution: Replace any tabs with spaces.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.511
+Problem: Using a FileReadCmd autocommand that does ":e! {file}" may cause a
+ crash. (Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: Properly restore curwin->w_s.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.3.512
+Problem: undofile() returns a useless name when passed an empty string.
+Solution: Return an empty string. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.513
+Problem: Cannot use CTRL-E and CTRL-Y with "r".
+Solution: Make CTRL-E and CTRL-Y work like in Insert mode. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/normal.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.514
+Problem: No completion for :history command.
+Solution: Add the completion and update the docs. Also fix ":behave"
+ completion. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: runtime/doc/cmdline.txt, runtime/doc/map.txt, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.515
+Problem: 'wildignorecase' only applies to the last part of the path.
+Solution: Also ignore case for letters earlier in the path.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.516
+Problem: extend(o, o) may crash Vim.
+Solution: Fix crash and add test. (Thinca and Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test55.ok
+Patch 7.3.517
+Problem: Crash when using "vipvv". (Alexandre Provencio)
+Solution: Don't let the text length become negative.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.518
+Problem: When 'encoding' is a double-byte encoding ":helptags" may not find
+ tags correctly.
+Solution: Use vim_strbyte() instead of vim_strchr(). (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.519
+Problem: When completefunction returns it cannot indicate end of completion
+ mode.
+Solution: Recognize completefunction returning -3. (Matsushita Shougo)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.520
+Problem: gvim starts up slow on Ubuntu 12.04.
+Solution: Move the call to gui_mch_init_check() to after fork(). (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto) Do check $DISPLAY being set.
+Files: src/gui.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.521
+Problem: Using "z=" on a multibyte character may cause a crash.
+Solution: Don't use strlen() on an int pointer.
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.3.522
+Problem: Crash in vim_realloc() when using MEM_PROFILE.
+Solution: Avoid using a NULL argument. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.523
+Problem: ":diffupdate" doesn't check for files changed elsewhere.
+Solution: Add the ! flag. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/diff.txt, src/diff.c, src/ex_cmds.h
+Patch 7.3.524 (after 7.3.523)
+Problem: Missing comma.
+Solution: Add the comma.
+Files: src/version.c
+Patch 7.3.525
+Problem: Compiler warning on 64 bit MS-Windows.
+Solution: Add type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.526
+Problem: Confusing indenting for #ifdef.
+Solution: Remove and add indent. (Elias Diem)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.527
+Problem: Clang complains about non-ASCII characters in a string.
+Solution: Change to \x88 form. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/charset.c
+Patch 7.3.528
+Problem: Crash when closing last window in a tab. (Alex Efros)
+Solution: Use common code in close_last_window_tabpage(). (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.529
+Problem: Using a count before "v" and "V" does not work (Kikyous)
+Solution: Make the count select that many characters or lines. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.530 (after 7.3.520)
+Problem: gvim does not work when 'guioptions' includes "f". (Davido)
+Solution: Call gui_mch_init_check() when running GUI in the foreground.
+ (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.3.531 (after 7.3.530)
+Problem: GUI does not work on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Add the missing #ifdef. (Patrick Avery)
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.3.532
+Problem: Compiler warning from Clang.
+Solution: Use a different way to point inside a string. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.3.533
+Problem: Memory leak when writing undo file.
+Solution: Free the ACL. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.3.534 (after 7.3.461)
+Problem: When using an InsertCharPre autocommand autoindent fails.
+Solution: Proper handling of v:char. (Alexey Radkov)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.535
+Problem: Many #ifdefs for MB_MAXBYTES.
+Solution: Also define MB_MAXBYTES without the +multi_byte feature. Fix
+ places where the buffer didn't include space for a NUL byte.
+Files: src/arabic.c, src/edit.c, src/eval.c, src/getchar.c, src/mbyte.c,
+ src/misc1.c, src/screen.c, src/spell.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.536
+Problem: When spell checking the German sharp s is not seen as a word
+ character. (Aexl Bender)
+Solution: In utf_islower() return true for the sharp s. Note: also need
+ updated spell file for this to take effect.
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.3.537
+Problem: Unnecessary call to init_spell_chartab().
+Solution: Delete the call.
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.3.538
+Problem: 'efm' does not handle Tabs in pointer lines.
+Solution: Add Tab support. Improve tests. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test10.ok
+Patch 7.3.539
+Problem: Redrawing a character on the command line does not work properly
+ for multibyte characters.
+Solution: Count the number of bytes in a character. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.540
+Problem: Cursor is left on the text instead of the command line.
+Solution: Don't call setcursor() in command line mode.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.3.541
+Problem: When joining lines comment leaders need to be removed manually.
+Solution: Add the 'j' flag to 'formatoptions'. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: runtime/doc/change.txt, src/edit.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/misc1.c,
+ src/normal.c, src/ops.c, src/option.h, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/search.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test29.ok
+Patch 7.3.542 (after 7.3.506)
+Problem: Function is sometimes unused.
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c
+Patch 7.3.543
+Problem: The cursor is in the wrong line after using ":copen". (John
+ Beckett)
+Solution: Invoke more drastic redraw method.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.544
+Problem: There is no good way to close a quickfix window when closing the
+ last ordinary window.
+Solution: Add the QuitPre autocommand.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/fileio.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.545
+Problem: When closing a window or buffer autocommands may close it too,
+ causing problems for where the autocommand was invoked from.
+Solution: Add the w_closing and b_closing flags. When set disallow ":q" and
+ ":close" to prevent recursive closing.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/buffer.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.546
+Problem: Bogus line break.
+Solution: Remove the line break.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.547 (after 7.3.541)
+Problem: Compiler warning for uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Initialize it.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.548
+Problem: Compiler warning on 64 bit Windows.
+Solution: Add type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.549
+Problem: In 'cinoptions' "0s" is interpreted as one shiftwidth. (David
+ Pineau)
+Solution: Use the zero as zero. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.3.550 (after 7.3.541)
+Problem: With "j" in 'formatoptions' a list leader is not removed. (Gary
+ Johnson)
+Solution: Don't ignore the start of a three part comment. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test29.ok
+Patch 7.3.551
+Problem: When using :tablose a TabEnter autocommand is triggered too early.
+ (Karthick)
+Solution: Don't trigger *Enter autocommands before closing the tab.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/fileio.c,
+ src/proto/, src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.552
+Problem: Formatting inside comments does not use the "2" flag in
+ 'formatoptions'.
+Solution: Support the "2" flag. (Tor Perkins)
+Files: src/vim.h, src/ops.c, src/edit.c, src/misc1.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test68.ok
+Patch 7.3.553
+Problem: With double-width characters and 'listchars' containing "precedes"
+ the text is displayed one cell off.
+Solution: Check for double-width character being overwritten by the
+ "precedes" character. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.554 (after 7.3.551)
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused argument.
+Solution: Add UNUSED.
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.555
+Problem: Building on IBM z/OS fails.
+Solution: Adjust configure. Use the QUOTESED value from instead of
+ the hard coded one in Makefile. (Stephen Bovy)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure, src/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.556
+Problem: Compiler warnings on 64 bit Windows.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.557
+Problem: Crash when an autocommand wipes out a buffer when it is hidden.
+Solution: Restore the current window when needed. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.558
+Problem: Memory access error. (Gary Johnson)
+Solution: Allocate one more byte. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.559
+Problem: home_replace() does not work with 8.3 filename.
+Solution: Make ":p" expand 8.3 name to full path. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.560
+Problem: Get an error for a locked argument in extend().
+Solution: Initialize the lock flag for a dictionary. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.561
+Problem: Using refresh: always in a complete function breaks the "."
+ command. (Val Markovic)
+Solution: Add match leader to the redo buffer. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.562
+Problem: ":profdel" should not work when the +profile feature is disabled.
+Solution: Call ex_ni(). (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.3.563 (after 7.3.557)
+Problem: Can't build with tiny features.
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.564 (after 7.3.559)
+Problem: Warning for pointer conversion.
+Solution: Add type cast.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.565
+Problem: Can't generate proto file for Python 3.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.566 (after 7.3.561)
+Problem: Redo after completion does not work correctly when refresh: always
+ is not used. (Raymond Ko)
+Solution: Check the compl_opt_refresh_always flag. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.567
+Problem: Missing copyright notice.
+Solution: Add Vim copyright notice. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/
+Patch 7.3.568
+Problem: Bad indents for #ifdefs.
+Solution: Add and remove spaces. (Elias Diem)
+Files: src/globals.h
+Patch 7.3.569
+Problem: Evaluating Vim expression in Python is insufficient.
+Solution: Add vim.bindeval(). Also add pyeval() and py3eval(). (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/eval.c,
+ src/if_lua.c, src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.570
+Problem: ":vimgrep" does not obey 'wildignore'.
+Solution: Apply 'wildignore' and 'suffixes' to ":vimgrep". (Ingo Karkat)
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/proto/, src/quickfix.c, src/spell.c
+Patch 7.3.571
+Problem: Duplicated condition.
+Solution: Remove one. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.572
+Problem: Duplicate statement in if and else. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Remove the condition and add a TODO.
+Files: src/gui_xmebw.c
+Patch 7.3.573
+Problem: Using array index before bounds checking.
+Solution: Swap the parts of the condition. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.574
+Problem: When pasting a register in the search command line a CTRL-L
+ character is not pasted. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Escape the CTRL-L. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.575
+Problem: "ygt" tries to yank instead of giving an error. (Daniel Mueller)
+Solution: Check for a pending operator.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.576
+Problem: Formatting of lists inside comments is not right yet.
+Solution: Use another solution and add a test. (Tor Perkins)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/misc1.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test69.ok
+Patch 7.3.577
+Problem: Size of memory does not fit in 32 bit unsigned.
+Solution: Use Kbyte instead of byte. Call GlobalMemoryStatusEx() instead of
+ GlobalMemoryStatus() when available.
+Files: src/misc2.c, src/option.c, src/os_amiga.c, src/os_msdos.c,
+ src/os_win16.c, src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.578
+Problem: Misplaced declaration.
+Solution: Move declaration to start of block.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.579 (after 7.3.569)
+Problem: Can't compile with Python 2.5.
+Solution: Use PyCObject when Capsules are not available.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.580
+Problem: Warning on 64 bit MS-Windows.
+Solution: Add type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.581
+Problem: Problems compiling with Python.
+Solution: Pick UCS2 or UCS4 function at runtime. (lilydjwg)
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.582 (after 7.3.576)
+Problem: Missing parts of the test OK file.
+Solution: Add the missing parts.
+Files: src/testdir/test68.ok
+Patch 7.3.583
+Problem: PyObject_NextNotImplemented is not defined before Python 2.7.
+ (Danek Duvall)
+Solution: Add #ifdefs.
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.584
+Problem: PyCObject is not always defined.
+Solution: Use PyObject instead.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.585
+Problem: Calling changed_bytes() too often.
+Solution: Move changed_bytes() out of a loop. (Tor Perkins)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.586
+Problem: When compiling with Cygwin or MingW MEMORYSTATUSEX is not defined.
+Solution: Set the default for WINVER to 0x0500.
+Files: src/Make_ming.mak, src/Make_cyg.mak
+Patch 7.3.587
+Problem: Compiler warning for local var shadowing global var.
+Solution: Rename the var and move it to an inner block. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.588
+Problem: Crash on NULL pointer.
+Solution: Fix the immediate problem by checking for NULL. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.589
+Problem: Crash when $HOME is not set.
+Solution: Check for a NULL pointer. (Chris Webb)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.590
+Problem: The '< and '> marks cannot be set directly.
+Solution: Allow setting '< and '>. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/mark.c
+Patch 7.3.591
+Problem: Can only move to a tab by absolute number.
+Solution: Move a number of tabs to the left or the right. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: runtime/doc/tabpage.txt, src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test62.ok, src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.592
+Problem: Vim on GTK does not support g:browsefilter.
+Solution: Add a GtkFileFilter to the file chooser. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c
+Patch 7.3.593
+Problem: No easy way to decide if b:browsefilter will work.
+Solution: Add the browsefilter feature.
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c, src/eval.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.594
+Problem: The X command server doesn't work perfectly. It sends an empty
+ reply for as-keys requests.
+Solution: Remove duplicate ga_init2(). Do not send a reply for as-keys
+ requests. (Brian Burns)
+Files: src/if_xcmdsrv.c
+Patch 7.3.595
+Problem: The X command server responds slowly
+Solution: Change the loop that waits for replies. (Brian Burns)
+Files: src/if_xcmdsrv.c
+Patch 7.3.596
+Problem: Can't remove all signs for a file or buffer.
+Solution: Support "*" for the sign id. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/sign.txt, src/buffer.c, src/ex_cmds.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.597
+Problem: 'clipboard' "autoselect" only applies to the * register. (Sergey
+ Vakulenko)
+Solution: Make 'autoselect' work for the + register. (Christian Brabandt)
+ Add the "autoselectplus" option in 'clipboard' and the "P" flag in
+ 'guioptions'.
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/normal.c, src/ops.c, src/screen.c,
+ src/ui.c, src/globals.h, src/proto/, src/option.h, src/gui.c
+Patch 7.3.598
+Problem: Cannot act upon end of completion. (Taro Muraoka)
+Solution: Add an autocommand event that is triggered when completion has
+ finished. (Idea by Florian Klein)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/fileio.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.599 (after 7.3.597)
+Problem: Missing change in one file.
+Solution: Patch for changed clip_autoselect().
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.600
+Problem: <f-args> is not expanded properly with DBCS encoding.
+Solution: Skip over character instead of byte. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.601
+Problem: Bad code style.
+Solution: Insert space, remove parens.
+Files: src/farsi.c
+Patch 7.3.602
+Problem: Missing files in distribution.
+Solution: Update the list of files.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.3.603
+Problem: It is possible to add replace builtin functions by calling
+ extend() on g:.
+Solution: Add a flag to a dict to indicate it is a scope. Check for
+ existing functions. (ZyX)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/eval.c, src/proto/, src/structs.h,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test34.ok, src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.604
+Problem: inputdialog() doesn't use the cancel argument in the console.
+ (David Fishburn)
+Solution: Use the third argument. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.605 (after 7.3.577)
+Problem: MS-Windows: Can't compile with older compilers. (Titov Anatoly)
+Solution: Add #ifdef for MEMORYSTATUSEX.
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.606
+Problem: CTRL-P completion has a problem with multibyte characters.
+Solution: Check for next character being NUL properly. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/search.c, src/macros.h
+Patch 7.3.607
+Problem: With an 8 color terminal the selected menu item is black on black,
+ because darkGrey as bg is the same as black.
+Solution: Swap fg and bg colors. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.3.608
+Problem: winrestview() does not always restore the view correctly.
+Solution: Call win_new_height() and win_new_width(). (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/proto/, src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.609
+Problem: File names in :checkpath! output are garbled.
+Solution: Check for \zs in the pattern. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/search.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test17.ok
+Patch 7.3.610
+Problem: Cannot operate on the text that a search pattern matches.
+Solution: Add the "gn" and "gN" commands. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/index.txt, runtime/doc/visual.txt, src/normal.c,
+ src/proto/, src/search.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test53.ok
+Patch 7.3.611
+Problem: Can't use Vim dictionary as self argument in Python.
+Solution: Fix the check for the "self" argument. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.612
+Problem: Auto formatting messes up text when 'fo' contains "2". (ZyX)
+Solution: Decrement "less_cols". (Tor Perkins)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test68.ok
+Patch 7.3.613
+Problem: Including Python's config.c in the build causes trouble. It is
+ not clear why it was there.
+Solution: Omit the config file. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.3.614
+Problem: Number argument gets turned into a number while it should be a
+ string.
+Solution: Add flag to the call_vim_function() call. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/eval.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.615
+Problem: Completion for a user command does not recognize backslash before
+ a space.
+Solution: Recognize escaped characters. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.616 (after 7.3.610)
+Problem: Can't compile without +visual.
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.617 (after 7.3.615)
+Problem: Hang on completion.
+Solution: Skip over the space. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.618 (after 7.3.616)
+Problem: Still doesn't compile with small features.
+Solution: Move current_search() out of #ifdef. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/search.c
+Patch 7.3.619
+Problem: When executing a shell command Vim may become slow to respond.
+Solution: Don't wait after every processed message. (idea by Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.620
+Problem: Building with recent Ruby on Win32 doesn't work.
+Solution: Add a separate argument for the API version. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/Make_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.3.621
+Problem: Compiler warnings on 64 bit windows.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/search.c
+Patch 7.3.622
+Problem: XPM library for Win32 can't be found.
+Solution: Suggest using the one from the Vim ftp site.
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.3.623
+Problem: Perl 5.14 commands crash Vim on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Use perl_get_sv() instead of GvSV(). (Raymond Ko)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.3.624
+Problem: When cancelling input() it returns the third argument. That should
+ only happen for inputdialog().
+Solution: Check if inputdialog() was used. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.625
+Problem: "gn" does not handle zero-width matches correctly.
+Solution: Handle zero-width patterns specially. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.3.626
+Problem: Python interface doesn't build with Python 2.4 or older.
+Solution: Define Py_ssize_t. (Benjamin Bannier)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.627
+Problem: When using the "n" flag with the ":s" command a \= substitution
+ will not be evaluated.
+Solution: Do perform the evaluation, so that a function can be invoked at
+ every matching position without changing the text. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.628
+Problem: ":open" does not allow for a !, which results in a confusing error
+ message. (Shawn Wilson)
+Solution: Allow ! on ":open". (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h
+Patch 7.3.629
+Problem: There is no way to make 'shiftwidth' follow 'tabstop'.
+Solution: When 'shiftwidth' is zero use the value of 'tabstop'. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/fold.c, src/misc1.c, src/ops.c,
+ src/option.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.630
+Problem: "|" does not behave correctly when 'virtualedit' is set.
+Solution: Call validate_virtcol(). (David Bürgin)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.631
+Problem: Cannot complete user names.
+Solution: Add user name completion. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: runtime/doc/map.txt, src/auto/configure, src/,
+ src/, src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/misc1.c,
+ src/misc2.c, src/proto/, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.632
+Problem: Cannot select beyond 222 columns with the mouse in xterm.
+Solution: Add support for SGR mouse tracking. (Hayaki Saito)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/feature.h, src/keymap.h, src/misc2.c,
+ src/option.h, src/os_unix.c, src/term.c, src/version.c
+Patch 7.3.633
+Problem: Selection remains displayed as selected after selecting another
+ text.
+Solution: Call xterm_update() before select(). (Andrew Pimlott)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.634
+Problem: Month/Day format for undo is confusing. (Marcin Szamotulski)
+Solution: Always use Year/Month/Day, should work for everybody.
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.3.635
+Problem: Issue 21: System call during startup sets 'lines' to a wrong
+ value. (Karl Yngve)
+Solution: Don't set the shell size while the GUI is still starting up.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ui.c
+Patch 7.3.636 (after 7.3.625)
+Problem: Not all zero-width matches handled correctly for "gn".
+Solution: Move zero-width detection to a separate function. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.3.637
+Problem: Cannot catch the error caused by a foldopen when there is no fold.
+ (ZyX, Issue 48)
+Solution: Do not break out of the loop early when inside try/catch.
+ (Christian Brabandt) Except when there is a syntax error.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/globals.h
+Patch 7.3.638
+Problem: Unnecessary redraw of the previous character.
+Solution: Check if the character is double-width. (Jon Long)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.639
+Problem: It's not easy to build Vim on Windows with XPM support.
+Solution: Include the required files, they are quite small. Update the
+ MSVC makefile to use them. Binary files are in the next patch.
+ (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/xpm/COPYRIGHT, src/xpm/README.txt, src/xpm/include/simx.h,
+ src/xpm/include/xpm.h, src/Make_mvc.mak, src/bigvim.bat,
+ src/bigvim64.bat, Filelist
+Patch 7.3.640
+Problem: It's not easy to build Vim on Windows with XPM support.
+Solution: Binary files for 7.3.639. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/xpm/x64/lib/libXpm.lib, src/xpm/x86/lib/libXpm.a,
+ src/xpm/x86/lib/libXpm.lib
+Patch 7.3.641
+Problem: ":mkview" uses ":normal" instead of ":normal!" for folds. (Dan)
+Solution: Add the bang. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/fold.c
+Patch 7.3.642
+Problem: Segfault with specific autocommands. Was OK after 7.3.449 and
+ before 7.3.545. (Richard Brown)
+Solution: Pass TRUE for abort_if_last in the call to close_buffer().
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.643 (after 7.3.635)
+Problem: MS-Windows: When starting gvim maximized 'lines' and 'columns' are
+ wrong. (Christian Robinson)
+Solution: Move the check for gui.starting from ui_get_shellsize() to
+ check_shellsize().
+Files: src/ui.c, src/term.c
+Patch 7.3.644
+Problem: Dead code for BeOS GUI.
+Solution: Remove unused __BEOS__ stuff.
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.3.645
+Problem: No tests for patch 7.3.625 and 7.3.637.
+Solution: Add more tests for the "gn" command and try/catch. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test53.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test55.ok
+Patch 7.3.646
+Problem: When reloading a buffer the undo file becomes unusable unless ":w"
+ is executed. (Dmitri Frank)
+Solution: After reloading the buffer write the undo file. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.3.647
+Problem: "gnd" doesn't work correctly in Visual mode.
+Solution: Handle Visual mode differently in "gn". (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/search.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test53.ok
+Patch 7.3.648
+Problem: Crash when using a very long file name. (ZyX)
+Solution: Properly check length of buffer space.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.649
+Problem: When 'clipboard' is set to "unnamed" small deletes end up in the
+ numbered registers. (Ingo Karkat)
+Solution: Use the original register name to decide whether to put a delete
+ in a numbered register. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.650
+Problem: Completion after ":help \{-" gives an error message and messes up
+ the command line.
+Solution: Cancel the tag search if the pattern can't be compiled. (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 7.3.651
+Problem: Completion after ":help \{-" gives an error message.
+Solution: Prepend a backslash.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.652
+Problem: Workaround for Python crash isn't perfect.
+Solution: Change the type of the length argument. (Sean Estabrooks)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.653
+Problem: MingW needs build rule for included XPM files. Object directory
+ for 32 and 64 builds is the same, also for MSVC.
+Solution: Add MingW build rule to use included XPM files. Add the CPU or
+ architecture to the object directory name. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/Make_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak, src/xpm/README.txt
+Patch 7.3.654
+Problem: When creating a Vim dictionary from Python objects an empty key
+ might be used.
+Solution: Do not use empty keys, throw an IndexError. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.655
+Problem: 64 bit MingW xpm .a file is missing.
+Solution: Add the file. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/xpm/x64/lib/libXpm.a
+Patch 7.3.656
+Problem: Internal error in :pyeval.
+Solution: Handle failed object conversion. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.657
+Problem: Python bindings silently truncate string values containing NUL.
+Solution: Fail when a string contains NUL. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.658
+Problem: NUL bytes truncate strings when converted from Python.
+Solution: Handle truncation as an error. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.659
+Problem: Recent Python changes are not tested.
+Solution: Add tests for Python bindings. (ZyX)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.660
+Problem: ":help !" jumps to help for ":!".
+Solution: Adjust check for tag header line. (Andy Wokula)
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 7.3.661 (after 7.3.652)
+Problem: SEGV in Python code.
+Solution: Initialize len to zero. Use the right function depending on
+ version. (Maxim Philippov)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.662
+Problem: Can't build Ruby interface with Ruby 1.9.3.
+Solution: Add missing functions. (V. Ondruch)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.663
+Problem: End of color scheme name not clear in E185. (Aaron Lewis)
+Solution: Put the name in single quotes.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.664
+Problem: Buffer overflow in unescaping text. (Raymond Ko)
+Solution: Limit check for multibyte character to 4 bytes.
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.3.665
+Problem: MSVC 11 is not supported. (Raymond Ko)
+Solution: Recognize MSVC 11. (Gary Willoughby)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.3.666
+Problem: With MSVC 11 Win32.mak is not found.
+Solution: Add the SDK_INCLUDE_DIR variable. (Raymond Ko)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.3.667
+Problem: Unused variables in Perl interface.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdefs.
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.3.668
+Problem: Building with Perl loaded dynamically still uses static library.
+Solution: Adjust use of PL_thr_key. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.3.669
+Problem: When building with Cygwin loading Python dynamically fails.
+Solution: Use DLLLIBRARY instead of INSTSONAME. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.670
+Problem: Python: memory leaks when there are exceptions.
+Solution: Add DICTKEY_UNREF in the right places. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.671
+Problem: More Python code can be shared between Python 2 and 3.
+Solution: Move code to if_py_both.h. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.672
+Problem: Not possible to lock/unlock lists in Python interface.
+Solution: Add .locked and .scope attributes. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c,
+ src/if_python3.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.673
+Problem: Using "gN" while 'selection' is "exclusive" misses one character.
+ (Ben Fritz)
+Solution: Check the direction when compensating for exclusive selection.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.3.674
+Problem: Can't compile with Lua/dyn on Cygwin.
+Solution: Adjust configure to use the right library name. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.675
+Problem: Using uninitialized memory with very long file name.
+Solution: Put NUL after text when it is truncated. (ZyX)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.676
+Problem: Ruby compilation on Windows 32 bit doesn't work.
+Solution: Only use some functions for 64 bit. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.677
+Problem: buf_spname() is used inconsistently.
+Solution: Make the return type a char_u pointer. Check the size of the
+ returned string.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/proto/, src/ex_cmds2.c,
+ src/ex_docmd.c, src/memline.c, src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.678
+Problem: Ruby .so name may not be correct.
+Solution: Use the LIBRUBY_SO entry from the config. (Vit Ondruch)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.679
+Problem: Ruby detection uses Config, newer Ruby versions use RbConfig.
+Solution: Detect the need to use RbConfig. (Vit Ondruch)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.680
+Problem: Some files missing in the list of distributed files.
+Solution: Add lines for new files.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.3.681 (after 7.3.680)
+Problem: List of distributed files picks up backup files.
+Solution: Make tutor patterns more specific.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.3.682 (after 7.3.677)
+Problem: Compiler complains about incompatible types.
+Solution: Remove type casts. (hint by Danek Duvall)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.683
+Problem: ":python" may crash when vimbindeval() returns None.
+Solution: Check for v_string to be NULL. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.684
+Problem: "make test" does not delete lua.vim.
+Solution: Add lua.vim to the clean target. (Simon Ruderich)
+Files: src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.3.685
+Problem: No test for what patch 7.3.673 fixes.
+Solution: Add a test. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test53.ok
+Patch 7.3.686
+Problem: Using CTRL-\ e mappings is useful also when entering an
+ expression, but it doesn't work. (Marcin Szamotulski)
+Solution: Allow using CTRL-\ e when entering an expression if it was not
+ typed.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.687
+Problem: Test 16 fails when $DISPLAY is not set.
+Solution: Skip the test when $DISPLAY is not set.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.688
+Problem: Python 3.3 is not supported.
+Solution: Add Python 3.3 support (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.689
+Problem: MzScheme and Lua may use a NULL string.
+Solution: Use an empty string instead of NULL. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/if_lua.c, src/if_mzsch.c
+Patch 7.3.690
+Problem: When the current directory name is exactly the maximum path length
+ Vim may crash.
+Solution: Only add "/" when there is room. (Danek Duvall)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.691
+Problem: State specific to the Python thread is discarded.
+Solution: Keep state between threads. (Paul)
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.692
+Problem: Can't build GTK version with GTK 2.0.
+Solution: Put GtkFileFilter declaration in the right place. (Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c
+Patch 7.3.693
+Problem: Can't make 'softtabstop' follow 'shiftwidth'.
+Solution: When 'softtabstop' is negative use the value of 'shiftwidth'.
+ (so8res)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/option.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.694
+Problem: Now that 'shiftwidth' may use the value of 'tabstop' it is not so
+ easy to use in indent files.
+Solution: Add the shiftwidth() function. (so8res)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.695
+Problem: Balloon cannot show multibyte text.
+Solution: Properly deal with multibyte characters. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_beval.c, src/ui.c
+Patch 7.3.696
+Problem: Message about added spell language can be wrong.
+Solution: Give correct message. Add g:menutrans_set_lang_to to allow for
+ translation. (Jiri Sedlak)
+Files: runtime/menu.vim
+Patch 7.3.697
+Problem: Leaking resources when setting GUI font.
+Solution: Free the font. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.3.698
+Problem: Python 3 does not preserve state between commands.
+Solution: Preserve the state. (Paul Ollis)
+Files: src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.699
+Problem: When 'ttymouse' is set to "sgr" manually, it is overruled by
+ automatic detection.
+Solution: Do not use automatic detection when 'ttymouse' was set manually.
+ (Hayaki Saito)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.3.700
+Problem: Cannot detect URXVT and SGR mouse support.
+Solution: add +mouse_urxvt and +mouse_sgr. (Hayaki Saito)
+Files: src/feature.h, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.701
+Problem: MS-Windows: Crash with stack overflow when setting 'encoding'.
+Solution: Handle that loading the iconv library may be called recursively.
+ (Jiri Sedlak)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.702
+Problem: Nmake from VS6 service pack 6 is not recognized.
+Solution: Detect the version number. (Jiri Sedlak)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.3.703
+Problem: When 'undofile' is reset the hash is computed unnecessarily.
+Solution: Only compute the hash when the option was set. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.704
+Problem: Repeating "cgn" does not always work correctly.
+Solution: Also fetch the operator character. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.705
+Problem: Mouse features are not sorted properly. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Put the mouse features in alphabetical order.
+Files: src/version.c
+Patch 7.3.706 (after 7.3.697)
+Problem: Can't build Motif version.
+Solution: Fix wrongly named variable. (Ike Devolder)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.3.707 (after 7.3.701)
+Problem: Problems loading a library for a file name with non-latin
+ characters.
+Solution: Use wide system functions when possible. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c, src/os_win32.h
+Patch 7.3.708
+Problem: Filler lines above the first line may be hidden when opening Vim.
+Solution: Change how topfill is computed. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/diff.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test47.ok
+Patch 7.3.709
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused argument.
+Solution: Add UNUSED.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.710 (after 7.3.704)
+Problem: Patch 7.3.704 breaks "fn".
+Solution: Add check for ca.cmdchar. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.711 (after 7.3.688)
+Problem: vim.current.buffer is not available. (lilydjwg)
+Solution: Use py3_PyUnicode_AsUTF8 instead of py3_PyUnicode_AsUTF8String.
+ (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.712
+Problem: Nmake from VS2010 SP1 is not recognized.
+Solution: Add the version number. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.3.713
+Problem: printf() can only align to bytes, not characters.
+Solution: Add the "S" item. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/message.c
+Patch 7.3.714
+Problem: Inconsistency: :set can be used in the sandbox, but :setlocal and
+ :setglobal cannot. (Michael Henry)
+Solution: Fix the flags for :setlocal and :setglobal. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h
+Patch 7.3.715
+Problem: Crash when calling setloclist() in BufUnload autocmd. (Marcin
+ Szamotulski)
+Solution: Set w_llist to NULL when it was freed. Also add a test.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/test49.ok, src/testdir/test49.vim
+Patch 7.3.716
+Problem: Error on exit when using Python 3.
+Solution: Remove PythonIO_Fini(). (Roland Puntaier)
+Files: src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.717
+Problem: When changing the font size, only MS-Windows limits the window
+ size.
+Solution: Also limit the window size on other systems. (Roland Puntaier)
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.3.718
+Problem: When re-using the current buffer the buffer-local options stay.
+Solution: Re-initialize the buffer-local options. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.719
+Problem: Cannot run new version of cproto, it fails on missing include
+ files.
+Solution: Add lots of #ifndef PROTO
+Files: src/os_amiga.c, src/os_amiga.h, src/gui_w16.c, src/gui_w48.c,
+ src/gui_w32.c, src/vimio.h, src/os_msdos.c, src/os_msdos.h,
+ src/os_win16.h, src/os_win16.c, src/os_win32.h, src/os_win32.c,
+ src/os_mswin.c, src/gui_photon.c, src/os_unix.h, src/os_beos.c,
+ src/os_beos.h
+Patch 7.3.720
+Problem: Proto files are outdated.
+Solution: Update the newly generated proto files.
+Files: src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.721
+Problem: Ruby interface defines local functions globally.
+Solution: Make the functions static.
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.722
+Problem: Perl flags may contain "-g", which breaks "make proto".
+Solution: Filter out the "-g" flag for cproto. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.723
+Problem: Various tiny problems.
+Solution: Various tiny fixes.
+Files: src/gui_mac.c, src/xpm_w32.c, src/netbeans.c, src/sha256.c,
+ src/if_sniff.c, README.txt
+Patch 7.3.724
+Problem: Building with Ruby and Tcl on MS-Windows 64 bit does not work.
+Solution: Remove Ruby and Tcl from the big MS-Windows build.
+Files: src/bigvim64.bat
+Patch 7.3.725
+Problem: :aboveleft and :belowright have no effect on :copen.
+Solution: Check for cmdmod.split. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.726
+Problem: Typos and duplicate info in README.
+Solution: Fix the text.
+Files: README.txt
+Patch 7.3.727
+Problem: Can't always find Win32.mak when building GvimExt.
+Solution: Use same mechanism as in Make_mvc.mak. (Cade Foster)
+Files: src/GvimExt/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.728
+Problem: Cannot compile with MzScheme interface on Ubuntu 12.10.
+Solution: Find the collects directory under /usr/share.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.729
+Problem: Building with Ruby fails on some systems.
+Solution: Remove "static" and add #ifndef PROTO. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.730
+Problem: Crash in PHP file when using syntastic. (Ike Devolder)
+Solution: Avoid using NULL pointer. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.731
+Problem: Py3Init_vim() is exported unnecessarily.
+Solution: Make it static. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.732
+Problem: Compiler warnings for function arguments.
+Solution: Use inteptr_t instead of long.
+Files: src/if_mzsch.c, src/main.c
+Patch 7.3.733
+Problem: Tests fail when including MzScheme.
+Solution: Change #ifdefs for vim_main2().
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.3.734
+Problem: Cannot put help files in a sub-directory.
+Solution: Make :helptags work for sub-directories. (Charles Campbell)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.735
+Problem: Cannot build Ruby 1.9 with MingW or Cygwin.
+Solution: Add another include directory. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg.mak, src/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.3.736
+Problem: File name completion in input() escapes white space. (Frederic
+ Hardy)
+Solution: Do not escape white space. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.737
+Problem: When using do_cmdline() recursively did_endif is not reset,
+ causing messages to be overwritten.
+Solution: Reset did_endif. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.738 (after 7.3.730)
+Problem: Unused function argument.
+Solution: Remove it. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.739
+Problem: Computing number of lines may have an integer overflow.
+Solution: Check for MAXCOL explicitly. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/move.c
+Patch 7.3.740
+Problem: IOC tool complains about undefined behavior for int.
+Solution: Change to unsigned int. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/hashtab.c, src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.3.741 (after 7.3.737)
+Problem: Tiny build fails.
+Solution: Move #ifdef. (Ike Devolder)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.742
+Problem: Leaking memory when :vimgrep restores the directory.
+Solution: Free the allocated memory. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.743 (after 7.3.741)
+Problem: Tiny build still fails.
+Solution: Add #else in the right place.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.744
+Problem: 64 bit compiler warning.
+Solution: Add type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.745
+Problem: Automatically setting 'ttymouse' doesn't work.
+Solution: Reset the "option was set" flag when using the default.
+Files: src/option.c, src/proto/, src/term.c
+Patch 7.3.746
+Problem: Memory leaks when using location lists.
+Solution: Set qf_title to something. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.747
+Problem: When characters are concealed text aligned with tabs are no longer
+ aligned, e.g. at ":help :index".
+Solution: Compensate space for tabs for concealed characters. (Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.748
+Problem: Cannot properly test conceal mode.
+Solution: Add the screencol() and screenrow() functions. Use them in
+ test88. (Simon Ruderich)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/proto/,
+ src/screen.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test88.ok,
+Patch 7.3.749
+Problem: Python interface doesn't build without the multibyte feature.
+Solution: Add #ifdef. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.750
+Problem: The justify macro does not always work correctly.
+Solution: Fix off-by-one error (James McCoy)
+Files: runtime/macros/justify.vim
+Patch 7.3.751
+Problem: Test 61 is flaky, it fails once in a while.
+Solution: When it fails retry once.
+Files: src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.752
+Problem: Test 49 script file doesn't fold properly.
+Solution: Add a colon.
+Files: src/testdir/test49.vim
+Patch 7.3.753
+Problem: When there is a QuitPre autocommand using ":q" twice does not work
+ for exiting when there are more files to edit.
+Solution: Do not decrement quitmore in an autocommand. (Techlive Zheng)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/fileio.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.754
+Problem: Latest nmake is not recognized.
+Solution: Add nmake version 11.00.51106.1. (Raymond Ko)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.3.755
+Problem: Autoconf doesn't find Python 3 if it's called "python".
+Solution: Search for "python2" and "python3" first, then "python".
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.756
+Problem: A location list can get a wrong count in :lvimgrep.
+Solution: Check if the list was changed by autocommands. (mostly by
+ Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.757
+Problem: Issue 96: May access freed memory when a put command triggers
+ autocommands. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Call u_save() before getting y_array.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.758
+Problem: Matchit plugin does not handle space in #ifdef.
+Solution: Change matching pattern to allow spaces. (Mike Morearty)
+Files: runtime/macros/matchit.vim
+Patch 7.3.759
+Problem: MS-Windows: Updating the tabline is slow when there are many tabs.
+Solution: Disable redrawing while performing the update. (Arseny Kapoulkine)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.3.760
+Problem: dv_ deletes the white space before the line.
+Solution: Move the cursor to the first non-white. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test19.ok
+Patch 7.3.761
+Problem: In Visual mode a "-p does not work. (Marcin Szamotulski)
+Solution: Avoid writing to "- before putting it. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test48.ok
+Patch 7.3.762 (after 7.3.759)
+Problem: On some systems the tabline is not redrawn.
+Solution: Call RedrawWindow(). (Charles Peacech)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.3.763
+Problem: Jumping to a mark does not open a fold if it is in the same line.
+ (Wiktor Ruben)
+Solution: Also compare the column after the jump. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.764
+Problem: Not all message translation files are installed.
+Solution: Also install the converted files.
+Files: src/po/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.765
+Problem: Segfault when doing "cclose" on BufUnload in a python function.
+ (Sean Reifschneider)
+Solution: Skip window with NULL buffer. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/main.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.766
+Problem: ":help cpo-*" jumps to the wrong place.
+Solution: Make it equivalent to ":help cpo-star".
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.767
+Problem: (Win32) The _errno used for iconv may be the wrong one.
+Solution: Use the _errno from iconv.dll. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.3.768
+Problem: settabvar() and setwinvar() may move the cursor.
+Solution: Save and restore the cursor position when appropriate. (idea by
+ Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.769
+Problem: 'matchpairs' does not work with multibyte characters.
+Solution: Make it work. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/option.c, src/proto/, src/search.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test69.ok
+Patch 7.3.770
+Problem: Vim.h indentation is inconsistent.
+Solution: Adjust the indentation. (Elias Diem)
+Files: src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.771 (after 7.3.769)
+Problem: Uninitialized variable. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Solution: Set x2 to -1.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.772
+Problem: Cursor is at the wrong location and below the end of the file
+ after doing substitutions with confirm flag: %s/x/y/c
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Update the cursor position. (Christian Brabandt & Dominique)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.773 (after 7.3.767)
+Problem: Crash when OriginalFirstThunk is zero.
+Solution: Skip items with OriginalFirstThunk not set. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.3.774
+Problem: Tiny GUI version misses console dialog feature.
+Solution: Define FEAT_CON_DIALOG when appropriate. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/feature.h, src/gui.h
+Patch 7.3.775
+Problem: Cygwin and Mingw builds miss dependency on gui_w48.c.
+Solution: Add a build rule. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg.mak, src/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.3.776
+Problem: ml_get error when searching, caused by curwin not matching curbuf.
+Solution: Avoid changing curbuf. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/charset.c, src/eval.c, src/mark.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/regexp.c, src/syntax.c,
+Patch 7.3.777
+Problem: When building with Gnome locale gets reset.
+Solution: Set locale after gnome_program_init(). (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.3.778
+Problem: Compiler error for adding up two pointers. (Titov Anatoly)
+Solution: Add a type cast. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.3.779
+Problem: Backwards search lands in wrong place when started on a multibyte
+ character.
+Solution: Do not set extra_col for a backwards search. (Sung Pae)
+Files: src/search.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test44.ok
+Patch 7.3.780
+Problem: char2nr() and nr2char() always use 'encoding'.
+Solution: Add argument to use utf-8 characters. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.781
+Problem: Drawing with 'guifontwide' can be slow.
+Solution: Draw multiple characters at a time. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.3.782
+Problem: Windows: IME composition may use a wrong font.
+Solution: Use 'guifontwide' for IME when it is set. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/gui.c, src/gui_w48.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.783
+Problem: Crash when mark is not set. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Check for NULL.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.784 (after 7.3.781)
+Problem: Error when 'guifontwide' has a comma.
+Solution: Use gui.wide_font. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.3.785 (after 7.3.776)
+Problem: Crash with specific use of search pattern.
+Solution: Initialize reg_buf to curbuf.
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.3.786
+Problem: Python threads don't run in the background (issue 103).
+Solution: Move the statements to manipulate thread state.
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.787
+Problem: With 'relativenumber' set it is not possible to see the absolute
+ line number.
+Solution: For the cursor line show the absolute line number instead of a
+ zero. (Nazri Ramliy)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.788
+Problem: When only using patches build fails on missing nl.po.
+Solution: Create an empty nl.po file.
+Files: src/po/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.789 (after 7.3.776)
+Problem: "\k" in regexp does not work in other window.
+Solution: Use the right buffer. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/mbyte.c, src/proto/, src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.3.790
+Problem: After reloading a buffer the modelines are not processed.
+Solution: call do_modelines(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.3.791
+Problem: MzScheme interface doesn't work properly.
+Solution: Make it work better. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_mzsch.txt, src/, src/auto/configure,
+ src/eval.c, src/if_mzsch.c, src/if_mzsch.h, src/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/Make_mvc.mak, src/os_unix.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test70.ok
+Patch 7.3.792
+Problem: ":substitute" works differently without confirmation.
+Solution: Do not change the text when asking for confirmation, only display
+ it.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.793 (after 7.3.792)
+Problem: New interactive :substitute behavior is not tested.
+Solution: Add tests. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test80.ok
+Patch 7.3.794
+Problem: Tiny build fails. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Adjust #ifdefs.
+Files: src/charset.c
+Patch 7.3.795
+Problem: MzScheme does not build with tiny features.
+Solution: Add #ifdefs. Also add UNUSED to avoid warnings. And change
+ library ordering.
+Files: src/if_mzsch.c, src/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.796
+Problem: "/[^\n]" does match at a line break.
+Solution: Make it do the same as "/.". (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test79.ok
+Patch 7.3.797 (after 7.3.792)
+Problem: Compiler warning for size_t to int conversion. (Skeept)
+Solution: Add type casts.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.798 (after 7.3.791)
+Problem: MzScheme: circular list does not work correctly.
+Solution: Separate Mac-specific code from generic code. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/if_mzsch.c, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.799
+Problem: The color column is not correct when entering a buffer. (Ben
+ Fritz)
+Solution: Call check_colorcolumn() if 'textwidth' changed. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.800
+Problem: The " mark is not adjusted when inserting lines. (Roland Eggner)
+Solution: Adjust the line number. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/mark.c
+Patch 7.3.801
+Problem: ":window set nu?" displays the cursor line. (Nazri Ramliy)
+Solution: Do not update the cursor line when conceallevel is zero or the
+ screen has scrolled. (partly by Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.802
+Problem: After setting 'isk' to a value ending in a comma appending to the
+ option fails.
+Solution: Disallow a trailing comma for 'isk' and similar options.
+Files: src/charset.c
+Patch 7.3.803 (after 7.3.792)
+Problem: Substitute with confirmation and then "q" does not replace
+ anything. (John McGowan)
+Solution: Do not break the loop, skip to the end.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test80.ok
+Patch 7.3.804 (after 7.3.799)
+Problem: Compiler warning for tiny build. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Add #ifdefs around variable.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.805
+Problem: Lua version 5.2 is not detected properly on Arch Linux.
+Solution: Adjust autoconf. (lilydjwg)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.806
+Problem: Compiler warnings in Perl code when building with Visual Studio
+ 2012. (skeept)
+Solution: Add type casts. (Christian Brabandt, 2013 Jan 30)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.3.807
+Problem: Popup menu does not work properly with the preview window, folds
+ and 'cursorcolumn'.
+Solution: Redraw the popup menu after redrawing windows. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.808
+Problem: Python threads still do not work properly.
+Solution: Fix both Python 2 and 3. Add tests. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.809
+Problem: The dosinst.c program has a buffer overflow. (Thomas Gwae)
+Solution: Ignore $VIMRUNTIME if it is too long.
+Files: src/dosinst.c
+Patch 7.3.810
+Problem: 'relativenumber' is reset unexpectedly. (François Ingelrest)
+Solution: After an option was reset also reset the global value. Add a test.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/option.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test89.ok
+Patch 7.3.811
+Problem: Useless termresponse parsing for SGR mouse.
+Solution: Skip the parsing. (Hayaki Saito)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.3.812
+Problem: When 'indentexpr' moves the cursor "curswant" not restored.
+Solution: Restore "curswant". (Sung Pae)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.813
+Problem: The CompleteDone event is not triggered when there are no pattern
+ matches. (Jianjun Mao)
+Solution: Trigger the event. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.814
+Problem: Can't input multibyte characters on Win32 console if 'encoding' is
+ different from current codepage.
+Solution: Use convert_input_safe() instead of convert_input(). Make
+ string_convert_ext() return an error for incomplete input. (Ken
+ Takata)
+Files: src/mbyte.c, src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.815
+Problem: Building with Cygwin and Ruby doesn't work.
+Solution: Copy some things from the MingW build file. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg.mak
+Patch 7.3.816
+Problem: Can't compute a hash.
+Solution: Add the sha256() function. (Tyru, Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/proto/,
+ src/sha256.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test90.ok,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.817
+Problem: Test 89 fails with tiny and small features.
+Solution: Add sourcing small.vim.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.818
+Problem: When test 40 fails because of a bad build it may leave files
+ behind that cause it to fail later.
+Solution: Let the file names start with "X".
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.819
+Problem: Compiling without +eval and with Python isn't working.
+Solution: Add the eval feature when building with Python.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/feature.h, src/eval.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/normal.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.3.820
+Problem: Build errors and warnings when building with small features and
+ Lua, Perl or Ruby.
+Solution: Add #ifdefs and UNUSED.
+Files: src/if_perl.xs, src/if_lua.c, src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.821
+Problem: Build with OLE and Cygwin is broken. (Steve Hall)
+Solution: Select static or shared stdc library. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg.mak
+Patch 7.3.822 (after 7.3.799)
+Problem: Crash when accessing freed buffer.
+Solution: Get 'textwidth' in caller of enter_buffer(). (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.823 (after 7.3.821)
+Problem: Building with Cygwin: '-lsupc++' is not needed.
+Solution: Remove it. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg.mak
+Patch 7.3.824
+Problem: Can redefine builtin functions. (ZyX)
+Solution: Disallow adding a function to g:.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.825
+Problem: With Python errors are not always clear.
+Solution: Print the stack trace, unless :silent is used. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.826
+Problem: List of features in :version output is hard to read.
+Solution: Make columns. (Nazri Ramliy)
+Files: src/version.c
+Patch 7.3.827 (after 7.3.825)
+Problem: Python tests fail.
+Solution: Adjust the output for the stack trace.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.828
+Problem: Mappings are not aware of wildmenu mode.
+Solution: Add wildmenumode(). (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.3.829
+Problem: When compiled with the +rightleft feature 'showmatch' also shows a
+ match for the opening paren. When 'revins' is set the screen may
+ scroll.
+Solution: Only check the opening paren when the +rightleft feature was
+ enabled. Do not show a match that is not visible. (partly by
+ Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.3.830
+Problem: :mksession confuses bytes, columns and characters when positioning
+ the cursor.
+Solution: Use w_virtcol with "|" instead of w_cursor.col with "l".
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.831
+Problem: Clumsy to handle the situation that a variable does not exist.
+Solution: Add default value to getbufvar() et al. (Shougo Matsushita,
+ Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test91.ok, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.832
+Problem: Compiler warning.
+Solution: Add type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/version.c
+Patch 7.3.833
+Problem: In the terminal the scroll wheel always scrolls the active window.
+Solution: Scroll the window under the mouse pointer, like in the GUI.
+ (Bradie Rao)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.834
+Problem: Ruby 2.0 has a few API changes.
+Solution: Add handling of Ruby 2.0. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.835
+Problem: "xxd -i" fails on an empty file.
+Solution: Do output the closing } for an empty file. (partly by Lawrence
+ Woodman)
+Files: src/xxd/xxd.c
+Patch 7.3.836
+Problem: Clipboard does not work on Win32 when compiled with Cygwin.
+Solution: Move the Win32 clipboard code to a separate file and use it when
+ building with os_unix.c. (Frodak Baksik, Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_bc5.mak, src/Make_cyg.mak, src/Make_ivc.mak,
+ src/Make_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak, src/Make_w16.mak,
+ src/Makefile, src/, src/,
+ src/auto/configure, src/feature.h, src/globals.h, src/mbyte.c,
+ src/os_mswin.c, src/os_unix.c, src/os_win32.c, src/proto.h,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/term.c,
+ src/vim.h, src/winclip.c
+Patch 7.3.837 (after 7.3.826)
+Problem: Empty lines in :version output when 'columns' is 320.
+Solution: Simplify the logic of making columns. (Nazri Ramliy, Roland
+ Eggner)
+Files: src/version.c
+Patch 7.3.838 (after 7.3.830)
+Problem: Insufficient testing for mksession.
+Solution: Add tests. (mostly by Roland Eggner)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test92.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test93.ok,
+ src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.839
+Problem: Some files missing in the list of distributed files.
+Solution: Add lines for new files.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.3.840
+Problem: "\@<!" in regexp does not work correctly with multibyte
+ characters, especially cp932.
+Solution: Move column to start of multibyte character. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.3.841
+Problem: When a "cond ? one : two" expression has a subscript it is not
+ parsed correctly. (Andy Wokula)
+Solution: Handle a subscript also when the type is unknown. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.842
+Problem: Compiler warning for signed/unsigned pointer.
+Solution: Add type cast. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.843 (after 7.3.841)
+Problem: Missing test file changes.
+Solution: Change the tests.
+Files: src/testdir/test49.vim, src/testdir/test49.ok
+Patch 7.3.844
+Problem: Enum is not indented correctly with "public" etc.
+Solution: Skip "public", "private" and "protected". (Hong Xu)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.845 (after 7.3.844)
+Problem: Enum indenting is not tested.
+Solution: Add tests. (Hong Xu)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test3.ok
+Patch 7.3.846
+Problem: Missing proto files.
+Solution: Add the files.
+Files: Filelist, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.847
+Problem: Test 55 fails when messages are translated.
+Solution: Set language to C. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.848
+Problem: Can't build with Ruby 2.0 when using MinGW x64 or MSVC10.
+Solution: Fix it. Also detect RUBY_PLATFORM and RUBY_INSTALL_NAME for x64.
+ (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg.mak, src/Make_ming.mak, src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.849
+Problem: ":g//" gives "Pattern not found error" with E486. Should not use
+ the error number, it's not a regular error message.
+Solution: Use a normal message. (David Bürgin)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.850
+Problem: ":vimgrep //" matches everywhere.
+Solution: Make it use the previous search pattern. (David Bürgin)
+Files: runtime/doc/quickfix.txt, src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.851
+Problem: Using an empty pattern with :sort silently continues when there is
+ no previous search pattern.
+Solution: Give an error message. (David Bürgin)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.3.852
+Problem: system() breaks clipboard text. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Use Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList(). (Christian Brabandt)
+ Also do not put the text in the clip buffer if conversion fails.
+Files: src/ui.c, src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.853
+Problem: Using "ra" in multiple lines on multibyte characters leaves a few
+ characters not replaced.
+Solution: Adjust the end column only in the last line. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test69.ok, src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.854
+Problem: After using backspace in insert mode completion, CTRL-N and CTRL-P
+ do not highlight the right entry. (Olivier Teuliere)
+Solution: Set the current item to the shown item after using backspace.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.855
+Problem: Compiler warnings.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.856
+Problem: When calling system() multibyte clipboard contents is garbled.
+Solution: Save and restore the clipboard contents. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/proto/, src/ops.c,
+ src/proto/, src/os_unix.c, src/proto/, src/ui.c
+Patch 7.3.857
+Problem: The QuitPre autocommand event does not trigger for :qa and :wq.
+Solution: Trigger the event. (Tatsuro Fujii)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.858
+Problem: "gv" selects the wrong area after some operators.
+Solution: Save and restore the type of selection. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test66.ok, src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.859
+Problem: 'ambiwidth' must be set by the user.
+Solution: Detects East Asian ambiguous width (UAX #11) state of the terminal
+ at the start-up time and 'ambiwidth' accordingly. (Hayaki Saito)
+Files: src/main.c, src/option.c, src/term.c, src/term.h,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.860
+Problem: When using --remote-expr try/catch does not work. (Andrey Radev)
+Solution: Set emsg_silent instead of emsg_skip.
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.3.861
+Problem: ":setlocal number" clears global value of 'relativenumber'.
+Solution: Do it properly. (Markus Heidelberg)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test89.ok, src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.862
+Problem: Dragging the status line can be slow.
+Solution: Look ahead and drop the drag event if there is a next one.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/misc1.c, src/proto/, src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.863 (after 7.3.859)
+Problem: Problem with 'ambiwidth' detection for ANSI terminal.
+Solution: Work around not recognizing a term response. (Hayaki Saito)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.3.864 (after 7.3.862)
+Problem: Can't build without the mouse feature.
+Solution: Add an #ifdef. (Ike Devolder)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.865 (after 7.3.862)
+Problem: Mouse position may be wrong.
+Solution: Let vungetc() restore the mouse position.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.3.866
+Problem: Not serving the X selection during system() isn't nice.
+Solution: When using fork() do not loose the selection, keep serving it.
+ Add a loop similar to handling I/O. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.867
+Problem: Matchparen does not update match when using auto-indenting.
+ (Marc Aldorasi)
+Solution: Add the TextChanged and TextChangedI autocommand events.
+Files: runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim, src/main.c, src/edit.c,
+ src/globals.h, src/vim.h, src/fileio.c, src/proto/,
+ runtime/doc/autocmd.txt
+Patch 7.3.868
+Problem: When at the hit-return prompt and using "k" while no text has
+ scrolled off screen, then using "j", an empty line is displayed.
+Solution: Only act on "k" when text scrolled off screen. Also accept
+ page-up and page-down. (cptstubing)
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.3.869
+Problem: bufwinnr() matches buffers in other tabs.
+Solution: For bufwinnr() and ? only match buffers in the current tab.
+ (Alexey Radkov)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/diff.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/if_perl.xs, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.870
+Problem: Compiler warnings when using MingW 4.5.3.
+Solution: Do not use MAKEINTRESOURCE. Adjust #if. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_w48.c, src/os_mswin.c, src/os_win32.c,
+ src/os_win32.h
+Patch 7.3.871
+Problem: search('^$', 'c') does not use the empty match under the cursor.
+Solution: Special handling of the 'c' flag. (Christian Brabandt)
+ Add tests.
+Files: src/search.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test14.ok
+Patch 7.3.872
+Problem: On some systems case of file names is always ignored, on others
+ never.
+Solution: Add the 'fileignorecase' option to control this at runtime.
+ Implies 'wildignorecase'.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/edit.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_getln.c,
+ src/fileio.c, src/misc1.c, src/misc2.c, src/option.c,
+ src/option.h, src/vim.h, runtime/doc/options.txt
+Patch 7.3.873
+Problem: Cannot easily use :s to make title case.
+Solution: Have "\L\u" result in title case. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test79.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test80.ok
+Patch 7.3.874
+Problem: Comparing file names does not handle multibyte characters
+ properly.
+Solution: Implement multibyte handling.
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.3.875 (after 7.3.866)
+Problem: Build problem with some combination of features.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.876
+Problem: #if indents are off.
+Solution: Insert a space where appropriate. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.3.877 (after 7.3.871)
+Problem: Forward searching with search() is broken.
+Solution: Fix it and add tests. (Sung Pae)
+Files: src/search.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test14.ok
+Patch 7.3.878
+Problem: 'fileignorecase' is missing in options window and quickref.
+Solution: Add the option.
+Files: runtime/optwin.vim, runtime/doc/quickref.txt
+Patch 7.3.879
+Problem: When using an ex command in operator pending mode, using Esc to
+ abort the command still executes the operator. (David Bürgin)
+Solution: Clear the operator when the ex command fails. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.880
+Problem: When writing viminfo, old history lines may replace lines written
+ more recently by another Vim instance.
+Solution: Mark history entries that were read from viminfo and overwrite
+ them when merging with the current viminfo.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.881
+Problem: Python list does not work correctly.
+Solution: Fix it and add a test. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok, src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.882
+Problem: CursorHold may trigger after receiving the termresponse.
+Solution: Set the did_cursorhold flag. (Hayaki Saito)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.3.883 (after 7.3.880)
+Problem: Can't build with some combination of features.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdefs.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.884
+Problem: Compiler warning for variable shadowing another. (John Little)
+Solution: Rename the variable. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.3.885
+Problem: Double free for list and dict in Lua. (Shougo Matsu)
+Solution: Do not unref list and dict. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/if_lua.c
+Patch 7.3.886
+Problem: Can't build with multibyte on Solaris 10.
+Solution: Add #ifdef X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING. (Laurent Blume)
+Files: src/ui.c
+Patch 7.3.887
+Problem: No tests for Visual mode operators, what 7.3.879 fixes.
+Solution: Add a new test file. (David Bürgin)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test94.ok,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.888
+Problem: Filename completion with 'fileignorecase' does not work for
+ multibyte characters.
+Solution: Make 'fileignorecase' work properly. (Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.3.889
+Problem: Can't build with Ruby 2.0 on a 64 bit system.
+Solution: Define rb_fix2int and rb_num2int. (Kohei Suzuki)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.890
+Problem: Test 79 fails on Windows. (Michael Soyka)
+Solution: Add comment below line causing an error.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.891
+Problem: Merging viminfo history doesn't work well.
+Solution: Don't stop when one type of history is empty. Don't merge history
+ when writing viminfo.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.892 (after 7.3.891)
+Problem: Still merging problems for viminfo history.
+Solution: Do not merge lines when writing, don't write old viminfo lines.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.893
+Problem: Crash when using b:, w: or t: after closing the buffer, window or
+ tabpage.
+Solution: Allocate the dictionary instead of having it part of the
+ buffer/window/tabpage struct. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/eval.c, src/fileio.c, src/structs.h,
+ src/window.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.894
+Problem: Using wrong RUBY_VER causing Ruby build to break.
+Solution: Correct the RUBY_VER value. (Yongwei Wu)
+Files: src/bigvim.bat
+Patch 7.3.895
+Problem: Valgrind error in test 91. (Issue 128)
+Solution: Pass scope name to find_var_in_ht().
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.896
+Problem: Memory leaks in Lua interface.
+Solution: Fix the leaks, add tests. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test85.ok, src/if_lua.c
+Patch 7.3.897
+Problem: Configure doesn't always find the shared library.
+Solution: Change the configure script. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.898
+Problem: Memory leak reported by valgrind in test 91.
+Solution: Only use default argument when needed.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test91.ok
+Patch 7.3.899
+Problem: #if indents are off.
+Solution: Fix the indents.
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.3.900
+Problem: Not obvious that some mouse features are mutual-exclusive.
+Solution: Add a comment.
+Files: src/feature.h
+Patch 7.3.901
+Problem: Outdated comment, ugly condition.
+Solution: Update a few comments, break line.
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/misc1.c, src/undo.c
+Patch 7.3.902
+Problem: When deleting last buffer in other tab the tabline is not updated.
+Solution: Set the redraw_tabline flag. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.903 (after 7.3.892)
+Problem: Crash on exit writing viminfo. (Ron Aaron)
+Solution: Check for the history to be empty.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.904 (after 7.3.893)
+Problem: Using memory freed by the garbage collector.
+Solution: Mark items in aucmd_win as used.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.905 (after 7.3.903)
+Problem: Crash when writing viminfo. (Ron Aaron)
+Solution: Prevent freed history info to be used.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.906
+Problem: The "sleep .2" for running tests does not work on Solaris.
+Solution: Fall back to using "sleep 1". (Laurent Blume)
+Files: src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.907
+Problem: Python uses IndexError when a dict key is not found.
+Solution: Use KeyError instead. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c,
+ src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.908
+Problem: Possible crash when using a list in Python.
+Solution: Return early if the list is NULL. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.909
+Problem: Duplicate Python code.
+Solution: Move more items to if_py_both.h. (ZyX) Also avoid compiler
+ warnings for missing initializers.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.910
+Problem: Python code in #ifdef branches with only minor differences.
+Solution: Merge the #ifdef branches. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.911
+Problem: Python: Access to Vim variables is not so easy.
+Solution: Define vim.vars and vim.vvars. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/eval.c, src/globals.h,
+ src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.912
+Problem: Typing a ":" command at the hit-enter dialog does not work if the
+ "file changed" dialog happens next.
+Solution: Check for changed files before giving the hit-enter dialog.
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.3.913 (after 7.3.905)
+Problem: Still a crash when writing viminfo.
+Solution: Add checks for NULL pointers. (Ron Aaron)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.914
+Problem: ~/.viminfo is messed up when running tests.
+Solution: Set the viminfo filename.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.915
+Problem: When reading a file with encoding conversion fails at the end the
+ next encoding in 'fencs' is not used.
+Solution: Retry with another encoding when possible. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.3.916
+Problem: Using freed memory when pasting with the mouse (Issue 130).
+Solution: Get the byte value early. (hint by Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.917
+Problem: When a path ends in a backslash appending a comma has the wrong
+ effect.
+Solution: Replace a trailing backslash with a slash. (Nazri Ramliy)
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test73.ok
+Patch 7.3.918
+Problem: Repeating an Ex command after using a Visual motion does not work.
+Solution: Check for an Ex command being used. (David Bürgin)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.919 (after 7.3.788)
+Problem: An empty nl.po file does not work with an old msgfmt.
+Solution: Put a single # in the file. (Laurent Blume)
+Files: src/po/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.920
+Problem: Compiler warning for size_t to int.
+Solution: Add a type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.921 (after 7.3.697)
+Problem: Trying to create a fontset handle when 'guifontset' is not set.
+Solution: Add curly braces around the code block. (Max Kirillov)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.3.922
+Problem: No test for what 7.3.918 fixes.
+Solution: Add a test. (David Bürgin)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test94.ok
+Patch 7.3.923
+Problem: Check for X11 header files fails on Solaris.
+Solution: Only use -Werror for gcc. (Laurent Blume)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.924
+Problem: Python interface can't easily access options.
+Solution: Add vim.options, vim.window.options and vim.buffer.options. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/eval.c, src/if_py_both.h,
+ src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c, src/option.c,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test87.ok, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.925
+Problem: Typos in source files.
+Solution: Fix the typos. (Ken Takata)
+Files: runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim, runtime/tools/vim_vs_net.cmd,
+ src/GvimExt/gvimext.cpp, src/INSTALLvms.txt, src/Make_cyg.mak,
+ src/Make_mvc.mak, src/Make_sas.mak, src/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/Make_w16.mak, src/Makefile, src/VisVim/OleAut.cpp,
+ src/VisVim/README_VisVim.txt, src/auto/configure, src/buffer.c,
+ src/, src/diff.c, src/dosinst.c, src/edit.c,
+ src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_eval.c,
+ src/farsi.c, src/feature.h, src/fileio.c, src/glbl_ime.cpp,
+ src/gui.c, src/gui_athena.c, src/gui_beval.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c,
+ src/gui_mac.c, src/gui_motif.c, src/gui_photon.c, src/gui_w16.c,
+ src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_w48.c, src/gui_xmebw.c, src/gui_xmebwp.h,
+ src/hardcopy.c, src/if_cscope.c, src/if_mzsch.c, src/if_ole.cpp,
+ src/if_perl.xs, src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c,
+ src/if_python3.c, src/if_ruby.c, src/main.aap, src/mbyte.c,
+ src/memfile.c, src/memline.c, src/misc1.c, src/misc2.c,
+ src/nbdebug.c, src/normal.c, src/ops.c, src/os_amiga.c,
+ src/os_mac.h, src/os_msdos.c, src/os_mswin.c, src/os_win16.h,
+ src/os_win32.c, src/os_win32.h, src/quickfix.c, src/screen.c,
+ src/search.c, src/spell.c, src/structs.h, src/syntax.c,
+ src/window.c,
+Patch 7.3.926
+Problem: Autocommands are triggered by setwinvar() et al. Missing BufEnter
+ on :tabclose. Duplicate WinEnter on :tabclose. Wrong order of
+ events for :tablose and :tabnew.
+Solution: Fix these autocommand events. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/buffer.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds2.c,
+ src/fileio.c, src/proto/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test62.ok, src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.927
+Problem: Missing combining characters when putting text in a register.
+Solution: Include combining characters. (David Bürgin)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test44.ok
+Patch 7.3.928 (after 7.3.924)
+Problem: Can't build with strict C compiler.
+Solution: Move declaration to start of block. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.929 (after 7.3.924)
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused variable. Not freeing unused string.
+Solution: Remove the variable. Clear the options.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.930
+Problem: MSVC 2012 update is not recognized.
+Solution: Update the version in the makefile. (Raymond Ko)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.3.931
+Problem: No completion for :xmap and :smap. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Add the case statements. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.932
+Problem: Compiler warning for uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Initialize the variable.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.933
+Problem: Ruby on Mac crashes due to GC failure.
+Solution: Init the stack from main(). (Hiroshi Shirosaki)
+Files: src/main.c, src/if_ruby.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.934
+Problem: E381 and E380 make the user think nothing happened.
+Solution: Display the message indicating what error list is now active.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.935 (after 7.3.933)
+Problem: Ruby: Init stack works differently on 64 bit systems.
+Solution: Handle 64 bit systems and also static library. (Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.936 (after 7.3.935)
+Problem: Ruby 1.8: Missing piece for static linking on 64 bit systems.
+Solution: Define ruby_init_stack() (Hiroshi Shirosaki)
+ Also fix preprocessor indents.
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.937
+Problem: More can be shared between Python 2 and 3.
+Solution: Move code to if_py_both.h. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c, src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.938
+Problem: Python: not easy to get to window number.
+Solution: Add vim.window.number. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/if_py_both.h, src/proto/,
+ src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.939
+Problem: Using Py_BuildValue is inefficient sometimes.
+Solution: Use PyLong_FromLong(). (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.940
+Problem: Python: Can't get position of window.
+Solution: Add window.row and window.col. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.941
+Problem: Stuff in if_py_both.h is ordered badly.
+Solution: Reorder by type. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.942
+Problem: Python: SEGV in Buffer functions.
+Solution: Call CheckBuffer() at the right time. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.943
+Problem: Python: Negative indices were failing.
+Solution: Fix negative indices. Add tests. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.944
+Problem: External program receives the termresponse.
+Solution: Insert a delay and discard input. (Hayaki Saito)
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.3.945
+Problem: Python: List of buffers is not very useful.
+Solution: Make vim.buffers a map. No iterator yet. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c,
+ src/if_python.c, src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.946
+Problem: Sometimes get stuck in waiting for cursor position report,
+ resulting in keys starting with <Esc>[ not working.
+Solution: Only wait for more characters after <Esc>[ if followed by '?', '>'
+ or a digit.
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.3.947
+Problem: Python: No iterator for vim.list and vim.bufferlist.
+Solution: Add the iterators. Also fix name of FunctionType. Add tests for
+ vim.buffers. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/eval.c, src/if_py_both.h,
+ src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.948
+Problem: Cannot build with Python 2.2
+Solution: Make Python interface work with Python 2.2
+ Make 2.2 the first supported version. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/test87.ok, src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.949
+Problem: Python: no easy access to tabpages.
+Solution: Add vim.tabpages and vim.current.tabpage. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c,
+ src/if_python.c, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/, src/structs.h,
+ src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.950
+Problem: Python: Stack trace printer can't handle messages.
+Solution: Make KeyErrors use PyErr_SetObject. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.951
+Problem: Python exceptions have problems.
+Solution: Change some IndexErrors to TypeErrors. Make “line number out of
+ range” an IndexError. Make “unable to get option value” a
+ RuntimeError. Make all PyErr_SetString messages start with
+ lowercase letter and use _(). (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c,
+ src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.952
+Problem: Python: It's not easy to change window/buffer/tabpage.
+Solution: Add ability to assign to vim.current.{tabpage,buffer,window}.
+ (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.953
+Problem: Python: string exceptions are deprecated.
+Solution: Make vim.error an Exception subclass. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.954
+Problem: No check if PyObject_IsTrue fails.
+Solution: Add a check for -1 value. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.955
+Problem: Python: Not enough tests.
+Solution: Add tests for vim.{current,window*,tabpage*}. (ZyX)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.956
+Problem: Python vim.bindeval() causes SIGABRT.
+Solution: Make pygilstate a local variable. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.957
+Problem: Python does not have a "do" command like Perl or Lua.
+Solution: Add the ":py3do" command. (Lilydjwg)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/if_python3.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.958
+Problem: Python: Iteration destructor not set.
+Solution: Put IterDestructor to use. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.c
+Patch 7.3.959 (after 7.3.957)
+Problem: Missing error number.
+Solution: Assign an error number.
+Files: src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.960
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused variable.
+Solution: Put declaration in #ifdef.
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.961
+Problem: Tests 86 and 87 fail when using another language than English.
+Solution: Set the language to C in the test. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.962
+Problem: Python tests are not portable.
+Solution: Use shiftwidth instead of iminsert. (ZyX)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.963
+Problem: Setting curbuf without curwin causes trouble.
+Solution: Add switch_buffer() and restore_buffer(). Block autocommands to
+ avoid trouble.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/if_py_both.h, src/window.c, src/testdir/test86.ok
+Patch 7.3.964
+Problem: Python: not so easy to access tab pages.
+Solution: Add window.tabpage, make window.number work with non-current tab
+ pages. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c,
+ src/if_python.c, src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.965
+Problem: Python garbage collection not working properly.
+Solution: Add support for garbage collection. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.966
+Problem: There is ":py3do" but no ":pydo".
+Solution: Add the ":pydo" command. (Lilydjwg)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.967 (after 7.3.965)
+Problem: Build fails on Mac OSX. (Greg Novack)
+Solution: Undefine clear().
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.968
+Problem: Multi-byte support is only available when compiled with "big"
+ features.
+Solution: Include multibyte by default, with "normal" features.
+Files: src/feature.h
+Patch 7.3.969
+Problem: Can't build with Python 3 and without Python 2.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdef. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.970
+Problem: Syntax highlighting can be slow.
+Solution: Include the NFA regexp engine. Add the 'regexpengine' option to
+ select which one is used. (various authors, including Ken Takata,
+ Andrei Aiordachioaie, Russ Cox, Xiaozhou Liua, Ian Young)
+Files: src/Make_cyg.mak, src/Make_ming.mak, src/Make_mvc.mak,
+ src/Makefile, src/regexp.c, src/regexp.h, src/regexp_nfa.c,
+ src/structs.h, src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test64.ok, Filelist, runtime/doc/pattern.txt,
+ runtime/doc/option.txt, src/option.c, src/option.h,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test95.ok,
+ src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak, src/testdir/Make_dos.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_ming.mak, src/testdir/Make_os2.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.971
+Problem: No support for VS2012 static code analysis.
+Solution: Add the ANALYZE option. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.3.972
+Problem: Cursor not restored after InsertEnter autocommand if it moved to
+ another line.
+Solution: Also restore if the saved line number is still valid. Allow
+ setting v:char to skip restoring.
+Files: src/edit.c, runtime/doc/autocmd.txt
+Patch 7.3.973
+Problem: Compiler warnings. Crash on startup. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Change EMSG2 to EMSGN. Make array one character longer.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.974
+Problem: Can't build with ruby 1.8.5.
+Solution: Only use ruby_init_stack() when RUBY_INIT_STACK is defined.
+ (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.3.975
+Problem: Crash in regexp parsing.
+Solution: Correctly compute the end of allocated memory.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.976
+Problem: Can't build on HP-UX.
+Solution: Remove modern initialization. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.977
+Problem: Compiler warnings on 64 bit Windows.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Mike Williams) Also fix some white space and
+ uncomment what was commented-out for testing.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.978
+Problem: Regexp debug logs don't have a good name.
+Solution: Use clear names and make it possible to write logs for the old and
+ new engines separately. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.979
+Problem: Complex NFA regexp doesn't work.
+Solution: Set actual state stack end instead of using an arbitrary number.
+ (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.980
+Problem: Regexp logs may contain garbage. Character classes don't work
+ correctly for multibyte characters.
+Solution: Check for end of post list. Only use "is" functions for
+ characters up to 255. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.981
+Problem: In the old regexp engine \i, \I, \f and \F don't work on
+ multibyte characters.
+Solution: Dereference pointer properly.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.982
+Problem: In the new regexp engine \p does not work on multibyte
+ characters.
+Solution: Don't point to an integer but the characters.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test95.ok
+Patch 7.3.983
+Problem: Unnecessary temp variable.
+Solution: Remove the variable.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.984
+Problem: A Visual mapping that uses CTRL-G works differently when started
+ from Insert mode. (Ein Brown)
+Solution: Reset old_mapped_len when handling typed text in Select mode.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.3.985
+Problem: GTK vim not started as gvim doesn't set WM_CLASS property to a
+ useful value.
+Solution: Call g_set_prgname() on startup. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/gui_gtk_x11.c
+Patch 7.3.986
+Problem: Test 95 doesn't pass when 'encoding' isn't utf-8. (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Solution: Force 'encoding' to be utf-8.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.987
+Problem: No easy to run an individual test. Tests 64 fails when
+ 'encoding' is not utf-8.
+Solution: Add individual test targets to the Makefile. Move some lines from
+ test 64 to 95.
+Files: src/Makefile, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test95.ok
+Patch 7.3.988
+Problem: New regexp engine is slow.
+Solution: Break out of the loop when the state list is empty.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.989
+Problem: New regexp engine compares negative numbers to character.
+Solution: Add missing case statements.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.990
+Problem: Memory leak in new regexp engine.
+Solution: Jump to end of function to free memory. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.991
+Problem: More can be shared by Python 2 and 3.
+Solution: Move more stuff to if_py_both. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c,
+ src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.992
+Problem: Python: Too many type casts.
+Solution: Change argument types. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.993
+Problem: Python: Later patch does things slightly differently.
+Solution: Adjusted argument type changes. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.994
+Problem: Python: using magic constants.
+Solution: Use descriptive values for ml_flags. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.995
+Problem: Python: Module initialization is duplicated.
+Solution: Move to shared file. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.996
+Problem: Python: Can't check types of what is returned by bindeval().
+Solution: Add vim.List, vim.Dictionary and vim.Function types. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.997
+Problem: Vim and Python exceptions are different.
+Solution: Make Vim exceptions be Python exceptions. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.998
+Problem: Python: garbage collection issues.
+Solution: Fix the GC issues: Use proper DESTRUCTOR_FINISH: avoids negative
+ refcounts, use PyObject_GC_* for objects with tp_traverse and
+ tp_clear, add RangeTraverse and RangeClear, use Py_XDECREF in some
+ places. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.999
+Problem: New regexp engine sets curbuf temporarily.
+Solution: Use reg_buf instead, like the old engine.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1000 (whoa!)
+Problem: Typo in char value causes out of bounds access.
+Solution: Fix character value. (Klemens Baum)
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.3.1001
+Problem: Duplicate condition in if.
+Solution: Remove one condition.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1002
+Problem: Valgrind errors for Python interface.
+Solution: Fix memory leaks when running tests. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1003
+Problem: Python interface does not compile with Python 2.2
+Solution: Fix thread issues and True/False. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1004
+Problem: No error when option could not be set.
+Solution: Report an error. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/option.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1005
+Problem: Get stuck on regexp "\n*" and on "%s/^\n\+/\r".
+Solution: Fix handling of matching a line break. (idea by Hirohito Higashi)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1006
+Problem: NFA engine not used for "\_[0-9]".
+Solution: Enable this, fixed in patch 1005.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1007
+Problem: Can't build on Minix 3.2.1.
+Solution: Add a condition to an #ifdef. (Gautam Tirumala)
+Files: src/memfile.c
+Patch 7.3.1008
+Problem: Test 95 fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Set 'nomore'. Change \i to \f. Change multibyte character to
+ something that is not matching \i. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test95.ok
+Patch 7.3.1009
+Problem: Compiler warning for ambiguous else.
+Solution: Add curly braces.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1010
+Problem: New regexp: adding \Z makes every character match.
+Solution: Only apply ireg_icombine for composing characters.
+ Also add missing change from patch 1008. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test95.ok
+Patch 7.3.1011
+Problem: New regexp engine is inefficient with multibyte characters.
+Solution: Handle a character at a time instead of a byte at a time. Also
+ make \Z partly work.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test95.ok
+Patch 7.3.1012
+Problem: \Z does not work properly with the new regexp engine.
+Solution: Make \Z work. Add tests.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test95.ok
+Patch 7.3.1013
+Problem: New regexp logging is a bit messy.
+Solution: Consistently use #defines, add explanatory comment. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1014
+Problem: New regexp state dump is hard to read.
+Solution: Make the state dump more pretty. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1015
+Problem: New regexp engine: Matching composing characters is wrong.
+Solution: Fix matching composing characters.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test95.ok
+Patch 7.3.1016
+Problem: Unused field in nfa_state.
+Solution: Remove lastthread.
+Files: src/regexp.h, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1017
+Problem: Zero width match changes length of match.
+Solution: For a zero width match put new states in the current position in
+ the state list.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok,
+ src/regexp.h
+Patch 7.3.1018
+Problem: New regexp engine wastes memory.
+Solution: Allocate prog with actual number of states, not estimated maximum
+ number of states.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1019
+Problem: These do not work with the new regexp engine: \%o123, \%x123,
+ \%d123, \%u123 and \%U123.
+Solution: Implement these items.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1020
+Problem: Not all patterns are tested with auto / old / new engine.
+Solution: Test patterns with three values of 'regexpengine'.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test95.ok
+Patch 7.3.1021
+Problem: New regexp engine does not ignore order of composing chars.
+Solution: Ignore composing chars order.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test95.ok
+Patch 7.3.1022
+Problem: Compiler warning for shadowed variable. (John Little)
+Solution: Move declaration, rename variables.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1023
+Problem: Searching for composing char only and using \Z has different
+ results.
+Solution: Make it match the composing char, matching everything is not
+ useful.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test95.ok
+Patch 7.3.1024
+Problem: New regexp: End of matching pattern not set correctly. (Cesar
+ Romani)
+Solution: Quit the loop after finding the match. Store nfa_has_zend in the
+ program.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok,
+ src/regexp.h
+Patch 7.3.1025
+Problem: New regexp: not matching newline in string. (Marc Weber)
+Solution: Check for "\n" character.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1026
+Problem: New regexp: pattern that includes a new-line matches too early.
+ (John McGowan)
+Solution: Do not start searching in the second line.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1027
+Problem: New regexp performance: Calling no_Magic() very often.
+Solution: Remove magicness inline.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1028
+Problem: New regexp performance: Copying a lot of position state.
+Solution: Only copy the sub-expressions that are being used.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/regexp.h
+Patch 7.3.1029
+Problem: New regexp performance: Unused position state being copied.
+Solution: Keep track of which positions are actually valid.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1030 (after 7.3.1028)
+Problem: Can't build for debugging.
+Solution: Fix struct member names.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1031
+Problem: Compiler warnings for shadowed variable. (John Little)
+Solution: Move the variable declarations to the scope where they are used.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1032
+Problem: "\ze" is not supported by the new regexp engine.
+Solution: Make "\ze" work.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1033
+Problem: "\1" .. "\9" are not supported in the new regexp engine.
+Solution: Implement them. Add a few more tests.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok,
+ src/regexp.h
+Patch 7.3.1034
+Problem: New regexp code using strange multibyte code.
+Solution: Use the normal code to advance and backup pointers.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1035
+Problem: Compiler warning on 64 bit windows.
+Solution: Add type cast. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1036
+Problem: Can't build on HP-UX.
+Solution: Give the union a name. (John Marriott)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1037
+Problem: Look-behind matching is very slow on long lines.
+Solution: Add a byte limit to how far back an attempt is made.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1038
+Problem: Crash when using Cscope.
+Solution: Avoid negative argument to vim_strncpy(). (Narendran
+ Gopalakrishnan)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.3.1039
+Problem: New regexp engine does not support \%23c, \%<23c and the like.
+Solution: Implement them. (partly by Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/regexp.h, src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1040
+Problem: Python: Problems with debugging dynamic build.
+Solution: Python patch 1. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.1041
+Problem: Python: Invalid read valgrind errors.
+Solution: Python patch 2: defer DICTKEY_UNREF until key is no longer needed.
+ (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1042
+Problem: Python: can't assign to
+Solution: Python patch 3. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/ex_cmds.c, src/if_py_both.h,
+ src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1043
+Problem: Python: Dynamic compilation with 2.3 fails.
+Solution: Python patch 4. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.1044
+Problem: Python: No {Buffer,TabPage,Window}.valid attributes.
+Solution: Python patch 5: add .valid (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1045
+Problem: Python: No error handling for VimToPython function.
+Solution: Python patch 6. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1046
+Problem: Python: Using Py_BuildValue for building strings.
+Solution: Python patch 7 and 7.5: Replace Py_BuildValue with
+ PyString_FromString. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1047
+Problem: Python: dir() does not work properly.
+Solution: Python patch 8. Add __dir__ method to all objects with custom
+ tp_getattr supplemented by __members__ attribute for at least
+ python-2* versions. __members__ is not mentioned in python-3*
+ dir() output even if it is accessible. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1048
+Problem: Python: no consistent naming.
+Solution: Python patch 9: Rename d to dict and lookupDict to lookup_dict.
+ (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1049
+Problem: Python: no consistent naming
+Solution: Python patch 10: Rename DICTKEY_GET_NOTEMPTY to DICTKEY_GET. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1050
+Problem: Python: Typo in pyiter_to_tv.
+Solution: Python patch 11. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1051
+Problem: Python: possible memory leaks.
+Solution: Python patch 12: fix the leaks (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1052
+Problem: Python: possible SEGV and negative refcount.
+Solution: Python patch 13: Fix IterIter function. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1053
+Problem: Python: no flag for types with tp_traverse+tp_clear.
+Solution: Python patch 14: Add Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1054 (after 7.3.1042)
+Problem: Can't build without the +autocmd feature. (Elimar Riesebieter)
+Solution: Fix use of buf and curbuf.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1055
+Problem: Negated collection does not match newline.
+Solution: Handle newline differently. (Hiroshi Shirosaki)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/test64.ok, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.1056
+Problem: Python: possible memory leaks.
+Solution: Python patch 15. (ZyX) Fix will follow later.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/if_py_both.h, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.1057
+Problem: Python: not enough compatibility.
+Solution: Python patch 16: Make OutputWritelines support any sequence object
+ (ZyX) Note: tests fail
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1058
+Problem: Call of funcref does not succeed in other script.
+Solution: Python patch 17: add get_expanded_name(). (ZyX)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.1059
+Problem: Python: Using fixed size buffers.
+Solution: Python patch 18: Use python's own formatter. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.1060
+Problem: Python: can't repr() a function.
+Solution: Python patch 19: add FunctionRepr(). (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1061
+Problem: Python: Dictionary is not standard.
+Solution: Python patch 20: Add standard methods and fields. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/eval.c, src/if_py_both.h,
+ src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1062
+Problem: Python: List is not standard.
+Solution: Python patch 21: Add standard methods and fields. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1063
+Problem: Python: Function is not standard.
+Solution: Python patch 22: make Function subclassable. (ZyX)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/if_py_both.h, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1064
+Problem: Python: insufficient error checking.
+Solution: Python patch 23. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1065
+Problem: Python: key mapping is not standard.
+Solution: Python patch 24: use PyMapping_Keys. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.1066
+Problem: Python: Insufficient exception and error testing.
+Solution: Python patch 25. (ZyX)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1067
+Problem: Python: documentation lags behind.
+Solution: Python patch 26. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt
+Patch 7.3.1068
+Problem: Python: Script is auto-loaded on function creation.
+Solution: Python patch 27. (ZyX)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/if_py_both.h, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/test87.ok, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.1069
+Problem: Python: memory leaks.
+Solution: Python patch 28: Purge out DICTKEY_CHECK_EMPTY macros. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1070
+Problem: Vim crashes in Python tests. Compiler warning for unused function.
+Solution: Disable the tests for now. Move the function.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.1071
+Problem: New regexp engine: backreferences don't work correctly.
+Solution: Add every possible start/end position on the state stack.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/regexp.h, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1072
+Problem: Compiler warning for uninitialized variable.
+Solution: Initialize it.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1073
+Problem: New regexp engine may run out of states.
+Solution: Allocate states dynamically. Also make the test report errors.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok,
+ src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.1074
+Problem: Compiler warning for printf format. (Manuel Ortega)
+Solution: Add type casts.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1075
+Problem: Compiler warning for storing a long_u in an int.
+Solution: Declare the number as an int. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1076
+Problem: New regexp engine: \@= and \& don't work.
+Solution: Make these items work. Add column info to logging.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1077
+Problem: Python: Allocating dict the wrong way, causing a crash.
+Solution: Use py_dict_alloc(). Fix some exception problems. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1078
+Problem: New regexp engine: \@! doesn't work.
+Solution: Implement the negated version of \@=.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1079
+Problem: Test 87 fails.
+Solution: Fix the test for Python 3.3. (ZyX) Make it pass on 32 bit systems.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1080
+Problem: Test 86 fails.
+Solution: Comment out the parts that don't work. Make it pass on 32 bit
+ systems.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok
+Patch 7.3.1081
+Problem: Compiler warnings on 64-bit Windows.
+Solution: Change variable types. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1082
+Problem: New regexp engine: Problem with \@= matching.
+Solution: Save and restore nfa_match.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1083
+Problem: New regexp engine: Does not support \%^ and \%$.
+Solution: Support matching start and end of file.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1084
+Problem: New regexp engine: only accepts up to \{,10}.
+Solution: Remove upper limit. Remove dead code with NFA_PLUS.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1085
+Problem: New regexp engine: Non-greedy multi doesn't work.
+Solution: Implement \{-}.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1086
+Problem: Old regexp engine accepts illegal range, new one doesn't.
+Solution: Also accept the illegal range with the new engine.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1087
+Problem: A leading star is not seen as a normal char when \{} follows.
+Solution: Save and restore the parse state properly.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1088
+Problem: New regexp engine: \@<= and \@<! are not implemented.
+Solution: Implement look-behind matching. Fix off-by-one error in old
+ regexp engine.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1089
+Problem: Tests 86 and 87 fail on MS-Windows. (Ken Takata)
+Solution: Fix platform-specific stuff. (ZyX)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1090
+Problem: New regexp engine does not support \z1 .. \z9 and \z(.
+Solution: Implement the syntax submatches.
+Files: src/regexp.h, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1091
+Problem: New regexp engine: no error when using \z1 or \z( where it does
+ not work.
+Solution: Give an error message.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1092
+Problem: Can't build with regexp debugging. NFA debug output shows wrong
+ pattern.
+Solution: Fix debugging code for recent changes. Add the pattern to the
+ program.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/regexp.h
+Patch 7.3.1093
+Problem: New regexp engine: When a sub expression is empty \1 skips a
+ character.
+Solution: Make \1 try the current position when the match is empty.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1094
+Problem: New regexp engine: Attempts to match "^" at every character.
+Solution: Only try "^" at the start of a line.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1095
+Problem: Compiler warnings for shadowed variables. (Christian Brabandt)
+Solution: Rename new_state() to alloc_state(). Remove unnecessary
+ declaration.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1096
+Problem: Python: popitem() was not defined in a standard way.
+Solution: Remove the argument from popitem(). (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1097
+Problem: Python: a few recently added items are not documented.
+Solution: Update the documentation. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt
+Patch 7.3.1098
+Problem: Python: Possible memory leaks
+Solution: Add Py_XDECREF() calls. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1099
+Problem: Python: Changing directory with os.chdir() causes problems for
+ Vim's notion of directories.
+Solution: Add vim.chdir() and vim.fchdir(). (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/ex_docmd.c, src/if_py_both.h,
+ src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c, src/proto/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1100
+Problem: Python: a few more memory problems.
+Solution: Add and remove Py_XDECREF(). (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1101
+Problem: Configure doesn't find Python 3 on Ubuntu 13.04.
+Solution: First try distutils.sysconfig. Also fix some indents. (Ken
+ Takata)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.1102
+Problem: Completion of ":py3do" and ":py3file" does not work after ":py3".
+Solution: Make completion work. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.1103
+Problem: New regexp engine: overhead in saving and restoring.
+Solution: Make saving and restoring list IDs faster. Don't copy or check \z
+ subexpressions when they are not used.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1104
+Problem: New regexp engine does not handle "~".
+Solution: Add support for "~".
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test24.ok
+Patch 7.3.1105
+Problem: New regexp engine: too much code in one function. Dead code.
+Solution: Move the recursive nfa_regmatch call to a separate function.
+ Remove the dead code.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1106
+Problem: New regexp engine: saving and restoring lastlist in the states
+ takes a lot of time.
+Solution: Use a second lastlist value for the first recursive call.
+Files: src/regexp.h, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1107
+Problem: Compiler warnings for unused variables.
+Solution: Put the variables inside #ifdef.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1108
+Problem: Error message for os.fchdir() (Charles Peacech)
+Solution: Clear the error. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1109
+Problem: Building on MS-Windows doesn't see changes in if_py_both.h.
+Solution: Add a dependency. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_bc5.mak, src/Make_cyg.mak, src/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.3.1110
+Problem: New regexp matching: Using \@= and the like can be slow.
+Solution: Decide whether to first try matching the zero-width part or what
+ follows, whatever is more likely to fail.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1111
+Problem: nfa_recognize_char_class() implementation is inefficient.
+Solution: Use bits in an int instead of chars in a string. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test36.ok
+Patch 7.3.1112
+Problem: New regexp engine: \%V not supported.
+Solution: Implement \%V. Add tests.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1113
+Problem: New regexp engine: \%'m not supported.
+Solution: Implement \%'m. Add tests.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1114 (after 7.3.1110)
+Problem: Can't build without the syntax feature.
+Solution: Add #ifdefs. (Erik Falor)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1115
+Problem: Many users don't like the cursor line number when 'relativenumber'
+ is set.
+Solution: Have four combinations with 'number' and 'relativenumber'.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/option.c, src/screen.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test89.ok
+Patch 7.3.1116
+Problem: Can't build without Visual mode.
+Solution: Add #ifdefs.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1117
+Problem: New regexp engine: \%[abc] not supported.
+Solution: Implement \%[abc]. Add tests.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1118
+Problem: Match failure rate is not very specific.
+Solution: Tune the failure rate for match items.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1119
+Problem: Flags in 'cpo' are search for several times.
+Solution: Store the result and re-use the flags.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1120
+Problem: Crash when regexp logging is enabled.
+Solution: Avoid using NULL pointers. Advance over count argument.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1121
+Problem: New regexp engine: adding states that are not used.
+Solution: Don't add the states.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1122
+Problem: New regexp engine: \@> not supported.
+Solution: Implement \%>.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1123
+Problem: Can't build tiny Vim on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdef around using modif_fname(). (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.1124
+Problem: Python: Crash on MS-Windows when os.fchdir() is not available.
+Solution: Check for _chdir to be NULL. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1125
+Problem: Error for using \%V in a pattern in tiny Vim.
+Solution: Allow using \%V but never match. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1126
+Problem: Compiler warning for uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Assign something to the variable.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1127
+Problem: No error for using empty \%[].
+Solution: Give error message.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1128
+Problem: Now that the NFA engine handles everything every failure is a
+ syntax error.
+Solution: Remove the syntax_error flag.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1129
+Problem: Can't see what pattern in syntax highlighting is slow.
+Solution: Add the ":syntime" command.
+Files: src/structs.h, src/syntax.c, src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/proto/, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/proto/,
+ runtime/doc/syntax.txt
+Patch 7.3.1130 (after 7.3.1129)
+Problem: Can't build with anything but huge features.
+Solution: Check for FEAT_PROFILE. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/structs.h, src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.3.1131
+Problem: New regexp engine is a bit slow.
+Solution: Do not clear the state list. Don't copy syntax submatches when
+ not used.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1132
+Problem: Crash when debugging regexp.
+Solution: Do not try to dump subexpr that were not set. Skip over count of
+ \% items.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1133
+Problem: New regexp engine is a bit slow.
+Solution: Skip ahead to a character that must match. Don't try matching a
+ "^" patter past the start of line.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/regexp.h
+Patch 7.3.1134
+Problem: Running test 49 takes a long time.
+Solution: Don't have it grep all files.
+Files: src/testdir/test49.vim
+Patch 7.3.1135
+Problem: Compiler warning for unused argument.
+Solution: Add UNUSED.
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.3.1136
+Problem: ":func Foo" does not show attributes.
+Solution: Add "abort", "dict" and "range". (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.1137
+Problem: New regexp engine: collections are slow.
+Solution: Handle all characters in one go.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1138
+Problem: New regexp engine: neglist no longer used.
+Solution: Remove the now unused neglist.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1139
+Problem: New regexp engine: negated flag is hardly used.
+Solution: Add separate _NEG states, remove negated flag.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/regexp.h
+Patch 7.3.1140
+Problem: New regexp engine: trying expensive match while the result is not
+ going to be used.
+Solution: Check for output state already being in the state list.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1141
+Problem: Win32: Check for available memory is not reliable and adds
+ overhead.
+Solution: Remove mch_avail_mem(). (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/os_win32.c, src/os_win32.h
+Patch 7.3.1142
+Problem: Memory leak in ":syntime report".
+Solution: Clear the grow array. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.3.1143
+Problem: When mapping NUL it is displayed as an X.
+Solution: Check for KS_ZERO instead of K_ZERO. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.3.1144
+Problem: "RO" is not translated everywhere.
+Solution: Put inside _(). (Sergey Alyoshin)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.1145
+Problem: New regexp engine: addstate() is called very often.
+Solution: Optimize adding the start state.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1146
+Problem: New regexp engine: look-behind match not checked when followed by
+ zero-width match.
+Solution: Do the look-behind match before adding the zero-width state.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1147
+Problem: New regexp engine: regstart is only used to find the first match.
+Solution: Use regstart whenever adding the start state.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1148
+Problem: No command line completion for ":syntime".
+Solution: Implement the completion. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: runtime/doc/map.txt, src/ex_cmds.h, src/ex_docmd.c,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/proto/, src/syntax.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.1149
+Problem: New regexp engine: Matching plain text could be faster.
+Solution: Detect a plain text match and handle it specifically. Add
+ vim_regfree().
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp.h, src/regexp_nfa.c,
+ src/proto/, src/buffer.c, src/edit.c, src/eval.c,
+ src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_eval.c,
+ src/ex_getln.c, src/fileio.c, src/gui.c, src/misc1.c, src/misc2.c,
+ src/option.c, src/syntax.c, src/quickfix.c, src/search.c,
+ src/spell.c, src/tag.c, src/window.c, src/screen.c, src/macros.h,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1150
+Problem: New regexp engine: Slow when a look-behind match does not have a
+ width specified.
+Solution: Try to compute the maximum width.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1151
+Problem: New regexp engine: Slow when a look-behind match is followed by a
+ zero-width match.
+Solution: Postpone the look-behind match more often.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1152
+Problem: In tiny build ireg_icombine is undefined. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1153
+Problem: New regexp engine: Some look-behind matches are very expensive.
+Solution: Postpone invisible matches further, until a match is almost found.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1154
+Problem: New regexp_nfa engine: Unnecessary code.
+Solution: Remove unnecessary code.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1155
+Problem: MS-DOS: "make test" uses external rmdir command.
+Solution: Rename "rmdir" to "rd". (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_dos.mak
+Patch 7.3.1156
+Problem: Compiler warnings. (dv1445)
+Solution: Initialize variables, even when the value isn't really used.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.1157
+Problem: New regexp engine fails on "\(\<command\)\@<=.*"
+Solution: Fix rule for postponing match. Further tune estimating whether
+ postponing works better. Add test.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1158
+Problem: Crash when running test 86. (Jun Takimoto)
+Solution: Define PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN early. (Elimar Riesebieter)
+Files: src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.1159
+Problem: The round() function is not always available. (Christ van
+ Willegen)
+Solution: Use the solution from f_round().
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c, src/eval.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.1160
+Problem: Mixing long and pointer doesn't always work.
+Solution: Avoid cast to pointer.
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.3.1161
+Problem: Python: PyList_SetItem() is inefficient.
+Solution: Use PyList_SET_ITEM() (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1162
+Problem: Python: Memory leaks
+Solution: Add more Py_DECREF(). (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.1163
+Problem: Not easy to load Python modules.
+Solution: Search "python2", "python3" and "pythonx" directories in
+ 'runtimepath' for Python modules. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/, src/ex_cmds2.c,
+ src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c, src/if_python3.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.1164
+Problem: Can't test what is actually displayed on screen.
+Solution: Add the screenchar() and screenattr() functions.
+Files: src/eval.c, runtime/doc/eval.txt
+Patch 7.3.1165
+Problem: HP-UX compiler can't handle zero size array. (Charles Cooper)
+Solution: Make the array one item big.
+Files: src/regexp.h, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1166
+Problem: Loading Python modules is not tested.
+Solution: Enable commented-out tests, add missing files. (ZyX)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok,
+ src/testdir/python2/, src/testdir/python3/,
+ src/testdir/pythonx/, src/testdir/pythonx/,
+ Filelist
+Patch 7.3.1167
+Problem: Python configure check doesn't reject Python 2 when requesting
+ Python 3. Some systems need -pthreads instead of -pthread.
+Solution: Adjust configure accordingly. (Andrei Olsen)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.1168
+Problem: Python "sane" configure checks give a warning message.
+Solution: Use single quotes instead of escaped double quotes. (Ben Fritz)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.1169
+Problem: New regexp engine: some work is done while executing a pattern,
+ even though the result is predictable.
+Solution: Do the work while compiling the pattern.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1170
+Problem: Patch 7.3.1058 breaks backwards compatibility, not possible to use
+ a function reference as a string. (lilydjwg)
+Solution: Instead of translating the function name only translate "s:".
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.1171
+Problem: Check for digits and ascii letters can be faster.
+Solution: Use a trick with one comparison. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/macros.h
+Patch 7.3.1172
+Problem: Python 2: loading modules doesn't work well.
+Solution: Fix the code. Add more tests. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c,
+ src/testdir/python2/, src/testdir/python3/,
+ src/testdir/python_after/,
+ src/testdir/python_before/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test87.ok, Filelist
+Patch 7.3.1173
+Problem: Python 2 tests don't have the same output everywhere.
+Solution: Make the Python 2 tests more portable. (ZyX)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok
+Patch 7.3.1174
+Problem: Python 2 and 3 use different ways to load modules.
+Solution: Use the same method. (ZyX)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c,
+ src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.1175
+Problem: Using isalpha() and isalnum() can be slow.
+Solution: Use range checks. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/macros.h
+Patch 7.3.1176
+Problem: Compiler warnings on 64 bit system.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1177
+Problem: Wasting memory on padding.
+Solution: Reorder struct fields. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/structs.h, src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.3.1178
+Problem: Can't put all Vim config files together in one directory.
+Solution: Load ~/.vim/vimrc if ~/.vimrc does not exist. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: runtime/doc/gui.txt, runtime/doc/starting.txt, src/gui.c,
+ src/main.c, src/os_amiga.h, src/os_dos.h, src/os_unix.h
+Patch 7.3.1179
+Problem: When a global mapping starts with the same characters as a
+ buffer-local mapping Vim waits for a character to be typed to find
+ out whether the global mapping is to be used. (Andy Wokula)
+Solution: Use the local mapping without waiting. (Michael Henry)
+Files: runtime/doc/map.txt, src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.3.1180
+Problem: When current directory changes, path from cscope may no longer be
+ valid. (AS Budden)
+Solution: Always store the absolute path. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.3.1181
+Problem: Wrong error message for 1.0[0].
+Solution: Check for funcref and float separately. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.1182
+Problem: 'backupcopy' default on MS-Windows does not work for hard and soft
+ links.
+Solution: Check for links. (David Pope, Ken Takata)
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/os_win32.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.1183
+Problem: Python tests 86 and 87 fail.
+Solution: Add "empty" files. (ZyX)
+Files: src/testdir/python_before/,
+ src/testdir/python_before/
+Patch 7.3.1184
+Problem: Highlighting is sometimes wrong. (Axel Bender)
+Solution: Fetch regline again when returning from recursive regmatch.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1185
+Problem: New regexp engine: no match with ^ after \n. (SungHyun Nam)
+Solution: Fix it, add a test.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1186
+Problem: Python 3: test 87 may crash.
+Solution: Use _PyArg_Parse_SizeT instead of PyArg_Parse. (Jun Takimoto)
+Files: src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.1187 (after 7.3.1170)
+Problem: "s:" is recognized but "<SID>" is not. (ZyX)
+Solution: Translate "<SID>" like "s:".
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.1188
+Problem: Newline characters messing up error message.
+Solution: Remove the newlines. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/gui_x11.c
+Patch 7.3.1189 (after 7.3.1185)
+Problem: Highlighting is still wrong sometimes. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Also restore reginput properly.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1190
+Problem: Compiler warning for parentheses. (Christian Wellenbrock)
+Solution: Change #ifdef.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.1191
+Problem: Backreference to previous line doesn't work. (Lech Lorens)
+Solution: Implement looking in another line.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1192
+Problem: Valgrind reports errors when using backreferences. (Dominique
+ Pelle)
+Solution: Do not check the end of submatches.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1193
+Problem: fail_if_missing not used for Python 3.
+Solution: Give an error when Python 3 can't be configured. (Andrei Olsen)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.1194
+Problem: Yaml highlighting is slow.
+Solution: Tune the estimation of pattern failure chance.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1195
+Problem: Compiler warning for uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Set the length to the matching backref.
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.3.1196
+Problem: Old regexp engine does not match pattern with backref correctly.
+ (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Fix setting status. Test multi-line patterns better.
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1197
+Problem: ":wviminfo!" does not write history previously read from a viminfo
+ file. (Roland Eggner)
+Solution: When not merging history write all entries.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_getln.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.1198
+Problem: Build error when using Perl 5.18.0 and dynamic loading.
+Solution: Change #ifdefs for Perl_croak_xs_usage. (Ike Devolder)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.3.1199
+Problem: When evaluating 'foldexpr' causes an error this is silently
+ ignored and evaluation is retried every time.
+Solution: Set emsg_silent instead of emsg_off. Stop evaluating 'foldexpr' is
+ it is causing errors. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/fold.c
+Patch 7.3.1200
+Problem: When calling setline() from Insert mode, using CTRL-R =, undo does
+ not work properly. (Israel Chauca)
+Solution: Sync undo after evaluating the expression. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test61.ok
+Patch 7.3.1201
+Problem: When a startup script creates a preview window, it probably
+ becomes the current window.
+Solution: Make another window the current one. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.3.1202 (after 7.3.660)
+Problem: Tags are not found in case-folded tags file. (Darren cole, Issue
+ 90)
+Solution: Take into account that when case folding was used for the tags
+ file "!rm" sorts before the "!_TAG" header lines.
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 7.3.1203
+Problem: Matches from matchadd() might be highlighted incorrectly when they
+ are at a fixed position and inserting lines. (John Szakmeister)
+Solution: Redraw all lines below a change if there are highlighted matches.
+ (idea by Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.1204
+Problem: Calling gettabwinvar() in 'tabline' cancels Visual mode. (Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Solution: Don't always use goto_tabpage_tp().
+Files: src/window.c, src/proto/, src/eval.c, src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1205
+Problem: logtalk.dict is not removed on uninstall.
+Solution: Remove the file. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.1206
+Problem: Inconsistent function argument declarations.
+Solution: Use ANSI style.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1207
+Problem: New regexp engine: no match found on "#if FOO". (Lech Lorens)
+Solution: When adding a state gets skipped don't adjust the index.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1208
+Problem: Compiler warnings on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Add type cast. Move variable declaration. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/option.c, src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.3.1209
+Problem: No completion for ":tabdo".
+Solution: Add tabdo to the list of modifiers. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.3.1210 (after 7.3.1182)
+Problem: 'backupcopy' default on MS-Windows is wrong when 'encoding' equals
+ the current codepage.
+Solution: Change the #else block. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.1211
+Problem: MS-Windows: When 'encoding' differs from the current codepage
+ ":hardcopy" does not work properly.
+Solution: Use TextOutW() and SetDlgItemTextW(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_mswin.c, src/vim.rc
+Patch 7.3.1212
+Problem: "make test" on MS-Windows does not report failure like Unix does.
+Solution: Make it work like on Unix. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_dos.mak
+Patch 7.3.1213
+Problem: Can't build with small features and Python.
+Solution: Adjust #ifdefs.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/buffer.c, src/eval.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.1214
+Problem: Missing declaration for init_users() and realloc_post_list().
+ (Salman Halim)
+Solution: Add the declarations.
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1215
+Problem: Compiler warning for function not defined.
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.1216
+Problem: Configure can't find Motif on Ubuntu.
+Solution: Search for libXm in /usr/lib/*-linux-gnu.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.1217
+Problem: New regexp engine: Can't handle \%[[ao]]. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Support nested atoms inside \%[].
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1218
+Problem: "make test" on MS-Windows does not clean all temporary files and
+ gives some unnecessary message.
+Solution: Clean the right files. Create .failed files. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/Make_dos.mak
+Patch 7.3.1219
+Problem: No test for using []] inside \%[].
+Solution: Add a test.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1220
+Problem: MS-Windows: When using wide font italic and bold are not included.
+Solution: Support wide-bold, wide-italic and wide-bold-italic. (Ken Takata,
+ Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/gui.c, src/gui.h, src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.3.1221
+Problem: When build flags change "make distclean" run into a configure
+ error.
+Solution: When CFLAGS changes delete auto/config.cache. Also avoid adding
+ duplicate text to flags. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.3.1222
+Problem: Cannot execute some tests from the src directly.
+Solution: Add missing targets.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.3.1223
+Problem: Tests fail on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Avoid depending on OS version. Use DOS commands instead of Unix
+ commands. (Taro Muraoka, Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.1224
+Problem: Clang gives warnings on xxd.
+Solution: Change how to use part of a string. (Dominique Pelle) Also avoid
+ warning for return not reached.
+Files: src/xxd/xxd.c, src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1225
+Problem: Compiler warnings when building with Motif.
+Solution: Change set_label() argument. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/gui_motif.c
+Patch 7.3.1226
+Problem: Python: duplicate code.
+Solution: Share code between OutputWrite() and OutputWritelines(). (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1227
+Problem: Inconsistent string conversion.
+Solution: Use 'encoding' instead of utf-8. Use METH_O in place of
+ METH_VARARGS where appropriate. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1228
+Problem: Python: various inconsistencies and problems.
+Solution: StringToLine now supports both bytes() and unicode() objects.
+ Make function names consistent. Fix memory leak fixed in
+ StringToLine. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.1229
+Problem: Python: not so easy to delete/restore translating.
+Solution: Make macros do translation of exception messages. (ZyX)
+ Note: this breaks translations!
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.1230
+Problem: Python: Exception messages are not clear.
+Solution: Make exception messages more verbose. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c,
+ src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1231
+Problem: Python: use of numbers not consistent.
+Solution: Add support for Number protocol. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c,
+ src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1232
+Problem: Python: inconsistencies in variable names.
+Solution: Rename variables. (ZyX)
+Files: src/eval.c, src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1233
+Problem: Various Python problems.
+Solution: Fix VimTryEnd. Crash with debug build and PYTHONDUMPREFS=1. Memory
+ leaks in StringToLine(), BufferMark() and convert_dl. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test86.ok,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1234 (after 7.3.1229)
+Problem: Python: Strings are not marked for translation.
+Solution: Add N_() where appropriate. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1235
+Problem: In insert mode CTRL-] is not inserted, on the command-line it is.
+Solution: Don't insert CTRL-] on the command line. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.1236
+Problem: Python: WindowSetattr() missing support for NUMBER_UNSIGNED.
+Solution: Add NUMBER_UNSIGNED, add more tests. Various fixes. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python3.c, src/if_python.c,
+ src/testdir/pythonx/,
+ src/testdir/pythonx/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test87.ok, src/testdir/pythonx/topmodule/,
+ src/testdir/pythonx/topmodule/submodule/,
+ src/testdir/pythonx/topmodule/submodule/subsubmodule/,
+ src/testdir/pythonx/topmodule/submodule/subsubmodule/
+Patch 7.3.1237
+Problem: Python: non-import errors not handled correctly.
+Solution: Let non-ImportError exceptions pass the finder. (ZyX)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/testdir/test86.ok, src/testdir/test87.ok
+Patch 7.3.1238
+Problem: Crash in Python interface on 64 bit machines.
+Solution: Change argument type of PyString_AsStringAndSize. (Taro Muraoka,
+ Jun Takimoto)
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.3.1239
+Problem: Can't build with Python and MSVC10.
+Solution: Move #if outside of macro. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1240
+Problem: Memory leak in findfile().
+Solution: Free the memory. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.1241 (after 7.3.1236)
+Problem: Some test files missing from the distribution.
+Solution: Update the list of files.
+Files: Filelist
+Patch 7.3.1242
+Problem: No failure when trying to use a number as a string.
+Solution: Give an error when StringToLine() is called with an instance of
+ the wrong type. (Jun Takimoto)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1243
+Problem: New regexp engine: back references in look-behind match don't
+ work. (Lech Lorens)
+Solution: Copy the submatches before a recursive match. Also fix function
+ prototypes.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1244
+Problem: MS-Windows: confirm() dialog text may not fit.
+Solution: Use GetTextWidthEnc() instead of GetTextWidth(). (Yasuhiro
+ Matsumoto)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.3.1245
+Problem: MS-Windows: confirm() dialog text may still not fit.
+Solution: Use GetTextWidthEnc() instead of GetTextWidth() in two more
+ places. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.3.1246
+Problem: When setting 'winfixheight' and resizing the window causes the
+ window layout to be wrong.
+Solution: Add frame_check_height() and frame_check_width() (Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.1247
+Problem: New regexp engine: '[ ]\@!\p\%([ ]\@!\p\)*:' does not always match.
+Solution: When there is a PIM add a duplicate state that starts at another
+ position.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1248
+Problem: Still have old hacking code for Input Method.
+Solution: Add 'imactivatefunc' and 'imstatusfunc' as a generic solution to
+ Input Method activation. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/fileio.c, src/mbyte.c, src/option.c,
+ src/option.h, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.1249
+Problem: Modeline not recognized when using "Vim" instead of "vim".
+Solution: Also accept "Vim".
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.1250
+Problem: Python tests fail on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Change backslashes to slashes. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.1251
+Problem: Test 61 messes up viminfo.
+Solution: Specify a separate viminfo file.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.1252
+Problem: gvim does not find the toolbar bitmap files in ~/vimfiles/bitmaps
+ if the corresponding menu command contains additional characters
+ like the shortcut marker '&' or if you use a non-english locale.
+Solution: Use menu->en_dname or menu->dname. (Martin Gieseking)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.3.1253 (after 7.3.1200)
+Problem: Still undo problem after using CTRL-R = setline(). (Hirohito
+ Higashi)
+Solution: Set the ins_need_undo flag.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.1254 (after 7.3.1252)
+Problem: Can't build without the multi-lang feature. (John Marriott)
+Solution: Add #ifdef.
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.3.1255
+Problem: Clang warnings when building with Athena.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_at_fs.c
+Patch 7.3.1256
+Problem: Can't build without eval or autocmd feature.
+Solution: Add #ifdefs.
+Files: src/mbyte.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.1257
+Problem: With GNU gettext() ":lang de_DE.utf8" does not always result in
+ German messages.
+Solution: Clear the $LANGUAGE environment variable.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.3.1258
+Problem: Using submatch() may crash Vim. (Ingo Karkat)
+Solution: Restore the number of subexpressions used.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1259
+Problem: No test for patch 7.3.1258
+Solution: Add a test entry.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.3.1260
+Problem: User completion does not get the whole command line in the command
+ line window.
+Solution: Pass on the whole command line. (Daniel Thau)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.3.1261 (after patch 7.3.1179)
+Problem: A buffer-local language mapping from a keymap stops a global
+ insert mode mapping from working. (Ron Aaron)
+Solution: Do not wait for more characters to be typed only when the mapping
+ was defined with <nowait>.
+Files: runtime/doc/map.txt, src/eval.c, src/getchar.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test75.ok
+Patch 7.3.1262
+Problem: Crash and compilation warnings with Cygwin.
+Solution: Check return value of XmbTextListToTextProperty(). Add type casts.
+ Adjust #ifdefs. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/main.c, src/os_unix.c, src/ui.c
+Patch 7.3.1263
+Problem: Typo in short option name.
+Solution: Change "imse" to "imsf".
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.1264 (after 7.3.1261)
+Problem: Missing m_nowait.
+Solution: Include missing part of the patch.
+Files: src/structs.h
+Patch 7.3.1265 (after 7.3.1249)
+Problem: Accepting "Vim:" for a modeline causes errors too often.
+Solution: Require "Vim:" to be followed by "set".
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.3.1266
+Problem: QNX: GUI fails to start.
+Solution: Remove the QNX-specific #ifdef. (Sean Boudreau)
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.3.1267
+Problem: MS-Windows ACL support doesn't work well.
+Solution: Implement more ACL support. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.3.1268
+Problem: ACL support doesn't work when compiled with MingW.
+Solution: Support ACL on MingW. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c, src/os_win32.h
+Patch 7.3.1269
+Problem: Insert completion keeps entry selected even though the list has
+ changed. (Olivier Teuliere)
+Solution: Reset compl_shown_match and compl_curr_match. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.1270
+Problem: Using "Vp" in an empty buffer can't be undone. (Hauke Petersen)
+Solution: Save one line in an empty buffer. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.1271 (after 7.3.1260)
+Problem: Command line completion does not work.
+Solution: Move setting xp_line down. (Daniel Thau)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.1272
+Problem: Crash when editing Ruby file. (Aliaksandr Rahalevich)
+Solution: Reallocate the state list when necessary.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1273
+Problem: When copying a location list the index might be wrong.
+Solution: Set the index to one when using the first entry. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.1274
+Problem: When selecting an entry from a location list it may pick an
+ arbitrary window or open a new one.
+Solution: Prefer using a window related to the location list. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.3.1275
+Problem: "gn" does not work when the match is a single character.
+Solution: Fix it, add a test. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/search.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test53.ok
+Patch 7.3.1276
+Problem: When using a cscope connection resizing the window may send
+ SIGWINCH to cscope and it quits.
+Solution: Call setpgid(0, 0) in the child process. (Narendran Gopalakrishnan)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.3.1277
+Problem: In diff mode 'cursorline' also draws in the non-active window.
+ When 'nu' and 'sbr' are set the 'sbr' string is not underlined.
+Solution: Only draw the cursor line in the current window. Combine the
+ 'cursorline' and other highlighting attributes. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.1278
+Problem: When someone sets the screen size to a huge value with "stty" Vim
+ runs out of memory before reducing the size.
+Solution: Limit Rows and Columns in more places.
+Files: src/gui.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c, src/option.c, src/os_unix.c,
+ src/proto/, src/term.c
+Patch 7.3.1279
+Problem: Compiler warning for variable uninitialized. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Add an init.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.3.1280
+Problem: Reading memory already freed since patch 7.3.1247. (Simon
+ Ruderich, Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Copy submatches before reallocating the state list.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.3.1281
+Problem: When 'ttymouse' is set to "xterm2" clicking in column 123 moves
+ the cursor to column 96. (Kevin Goodsell)
+Solution: Decode KE_CSI.
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.3.1282 (after 7.3.1277)
+Problem: 'cursorline' not drawn in any other window. (Charles Campbell)
+Solution: Do draw the cursor line in other windows.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.1283
+Problem: Test 71 fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Put the binary data in a separate file. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.1284
+Problem: Compiler warnings in MS-Windows clipboard handling.
+Solution: Add type casts. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/winclip.c
+Patch 7.3.1285
+Problem: No tests for picking a window when selecting an entry in a
+ location list. Not picking the right window sometimes.
+Solution: Add test 96. Set usable_win appropriately. (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test96.ok, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+Patch 7.3.1286
+Problem: Check for screen size missing for Athena and Motif.
+Solution: Add call to limit_screen_size().
+Files: src/gui_x11.c
+Patch 7.3.1287
+Problem: Python SystemExit exception is not handled properly.
+Solution: Catch the exception and give an error. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, Ken
+ Takata)
+Files: runtime/doc/if_pyth.txt, src/if_py_both.h, src/if_python.c,
+ src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.3.1288
+Problem: The first ":echo 'hello'" command output doesn't show. Mapping
+ for <S-F3> gets triggered during startup.
+Solution: Add debugging code for the termresponse. When receiving the "Co"
+ entry and when setting 'ambiwidth' redraw right away if possible.
+ Add redraw_asap(). Don't set 'ambiwidth' if it already had the
+ right value. Do the 'ambiwidth' check in the second row to avoid
+ confusion with <S-F3>.
+Files: src/term.c, src/screen.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.1289
+Problem: Get GLIB warning when removing a menu item.
+Solution: Reference menu-id and also call gtk_container_remove(). (Ivan
+ Krasilnikov)
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c
+Patch 7.3.1290 (after 7.3.1253)
+Problem: CTRL-R = in Insert mode changes the start of the insert position.
+ (Ingo Karkat)
+Solution: Only break undo, don't start a new insert.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.3.1291 (after 7.3.1288)
+Problem: Compiler warnings for uninitialized variables. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Initialize the variables.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.3.1292
+Problem: Possibly using invalid pointer when searching for window. (Raichoo)
+Solution: Use "firstwin" instead of "tp_firstwin" for current tab.
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.3.1293
+Problem: Put in empty buffer cannot be undone.
+Solution: Save one more line for undo. (Ozaki)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.3.1294
+Problem: ":diffoff" resets options.
+Solution: Save and restore option values. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/diff.c, src/structs.h, src/option.c
+Patch 7.3.1295
+Problem: glob() and globpath() do not handle escaped special characters
+ properly.
+Solution: Handle escaped characters differently. (Adnan Zafar)
+Files: src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test97.ok, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms, src/fileio.c,
+ src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.3.1296
+Problem: Only MS-Windows limits the GUI window size to what fits on the
+ monitor.
+Solution: Limit the size for all systems. (Daniel Harding)
+Files: src/ui.c
+Patch 7.3.1297
+Problem: findfile() directory matching does not work when a star follows
+ text. (Markus Braun)
+Solution: Make a wildcard work properly. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/misc2.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test89.ok
+Patch 7.3.1298 (after 7.3.1297)
+Problem: Crash.
+Solution: Use STRCPY() instead of STRCAT() and allocate one more byte.
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.3.1299
+Problem: Errors when doing "make proto". Didn't do "make depend" for a
+ while.
+Solution: Add #ifdefs. Update dependencies. Update proto files.
+Files: src/if_python3.c, src/os_win32.c, src/Makefile,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/,
+ src/proto/, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.1300
+Problem: Mac: tiny and small build fails.
+Solution: Don't include os_macosx.m in tiny build. Include mouse support in
+ small build. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.3.1301
+Problem: Some tests fail on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Fix path separators in test 89 and 96. Omit test 97, escaping
+ works differently. Make findfile() work on MS-Windows.
+Files: src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/, src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.3.1302
+Problem: Test 17 fails on MS-Windows. Includes line break in file name
+ everywhere.
+Solution: Fix 'fileformat'. Omit CR-LF from a line read from an included
+ file.
+Files: src/search.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test17.ok
+Patch 7.3.1303 (after 7.3.1290)
+Problem: Undo is synced whenever CTRL-R = is called, breaking some plugins.
+Solution: Only break undo when calling setline() or append().
+Files: src/globals.h, src/eval.c, src/edit.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test61.ok
+Patch 7.3.1304
+Problem: Test 89 still fails on MS-Windows.
+Solution: Set 'shellslash'. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.3.1305
+Problem: Warnings from 64 bit compiler.
+Solution: Add type casts.
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.3.1306
+Problem: When redrawing the screen during startup the intro message may be
+ cleared.
+Solution: Redisplay the intro message when appropriate.
+Files: src/screen.c, src/version.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.3.1307
+Problem: MS-Windows build instructions are outdated.
+Solution: Adjust for building on Windows 7. Drop Windows 95/98/ME support.
+Files: Makefile, nsis/gvim.nsi
+Patch 7.3.1308
+Problem: Typos in MS-Windows build settings and README.
+Solution: Minor changes to MS-Windows files.
+Files: src/msvc2008.bat, src/msvc2010.bat, src/VisVim/README_VisVim.txt
+Patch 7.3.1309
+Problem: When a script defines a function the flag to wait for the user to
+ hit enter is reset.
+Solution: Restore the flag. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto) Except when the user was
+ typing the function.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.3.1310
+Problem: Typos in nsis script. Can use better compression.
+Solution: Fix typos. Use lzma compression. (Ken Takata)
+Files: nsis/gvim.nsi
+Patch 7.3.1311
+Problem: Compiler warnings on Cygwin.
+Solution: Add type casts. Add windows include files. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/mbyte.c, src/ui.c
+Patch 7.3.1312 (after 7.3.1287)
+Problem: Not giving correct error messages for SystemExit().
+Solution: Move E858 into an else. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.3.1313
+Problem: :py and :py3 don't work when compiled with Cygwin or MingW with 64
+ bit.
+Solution: Add -DMS_WIN64 to the build command. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Make_cyg.mak, src/Make_ming.mak
+Patch 7.3.1314
+Problem: Test 87 fails with Python 3.3.
+Solution: Filter the error messages. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4a.001
+Problem: Script to update syntax menu is outdated.
+Solution: Add the missing items.
+Files: runtime/makemenu.vim
+Patch 7.4a.002
+Problem: Valgrind errors in test 89. (Simon Ruderich)
+Solution: Allocate one more byte. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.4a.003
+Problem: Copyright year is outdated.
+Solution: Only use the first year.
+Files: src/vim.rc, src/vim16.rc
+Patch 7.4a.004
+Problem: MSVC 2012 Update 3 is not recognized.
+Solution: Add the version number. (Raymond Ko)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak
+Patch 7.4a.005
+Problem: Scroll binding causes unexpected scroll.
+Solution: Store the topline after updating scroll binding. Add a test.
+ (Lech Lorens)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test98.ok, src/option.c, src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_dos.mak, src/testdir/Make_ming.mak,
+ src/testdir/Make_os2.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
+ src/testdir/Makefile
+Patch 7.4a.006
+Problem: Failure in po file check goes unnoticed.
+Solution: Fail "make test" if the po file check fails.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4a.007
+Problem: After "g$" with 'virtualedit' set, "k" moves to a different
+ column. (Dimitar Dimitrov)
+Solution: Set w_curswant. (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.4a.008
+Problem: Python 3 doesn't handle multibyte characters properly when
+ 'encoding' is not utf-8.
+Solution: Use PyUnicode_Decode() instead of PyUnicode_FromString(). (Ken
+ Takata)
+Files: src/if_python3.c
+Patch 7.4a.009
+Problem: Compiler warnings for function prototypes.
+Solution: Add "void". Move list_features() prototype. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c, src/if_py_both.h, src/version.c
+Patch 7.4a.010
+Problem: Test 86 and 87 fail when building with Python or Python 3 and
+ using a static library.
+Solution: Add configure check to add -fPIE compiler flag.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4a.011
+Problem: Configure check for Python 3 config name isn't right.
+Solution: Always include vi_cv_var_python3_version. (Tim Harder)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4a.012
+Problem: "make test" fails when using a shadow directory.
+Solution: Create links for files in src/po. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4a.013
+Problem: Setting/resetting 'lbr' in the main help file changes alignment
+ after a Tab. (Dimitar Dimitrov)
+Solution: Also use the code for conceal mode where n_extra is computed for
+ 'lbr'.
+Files: src/screen.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test88.ok
+Patch 7.4a.014
+Problem: Test 86 and 89 have a problem with using a shadow dir.
+Solution: Adjust for the different directory structure. (James McCoy)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/, src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4a.015
+Problem: No Japanese man pages.
+Solution: Add Japanese translations of man pages. (Ken Takata, Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira, et al.)
+Files: Filelist, src/Makefile, runtime/doc/evim-ja.UTF-8.1,
+ runtime/doc/vim-ja.UTF-8.1, runtime/doc/vimdiff-ja.UTF-8.1,
+ runtime/doc/vimtutor-ja.UTF-8.1, runtime/doc/xxd-ja.UTF-8.1
+Patch 7.4a.016 (after 7.4a.014)
+Problem: Features enabled in Makefile.
+Solution: Undo accidental changes.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4a.017
+Problem: When 'foldmethod' is "indent", using ">>" on a line just above a
+ fold makes the cursor line folded. (Evan Laforge)
+Solution: Call foldOpenCursor(). (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.4a.018
+Problem: Compiler warning for code unreachable. (Charles Campbell)
+Solution: Use "while" instead of endless loop. Change break to continue.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/ui.c
+Patch 7.4a.019
+Problem: Invalid closing parenthesis in test 62. Command truncated at
+ double quote.
+Solution: Remove the parenthesis. Change double quote to ''. (ZyX)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test62.ok
+Patch 7.4a.020
+Problem: Superfluous mb_ptr_adv().
+Solution: Remove the call. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4a.021
+Problem: Using feedkeys() doesn't always work.
+Solution: Omit feedkeys(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4a.022
+Problem: Using "d2g$" does not delete the last character. (ZyX)
+Solution: Set the "inclusive" flag properly.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.4a.023 (after 7.4a.019)
+Problem: Still another superfluous parenthesis. (ZyX)
+Solution: Remove it.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4a.024
+Problem: X11 GUI: Checking icon height twice.
+Solution: Check height and width. (Dominique Pelle)
+Files: src/gui_x11.c
+Patch 7.4a.025
+Problem: Get the press-Enter prompt even after using :redraw.
+Solution: Clear need_wait_return when executing :redraw.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.4a.026
+Problem: ":diffoff" does not remove folds. (Ramel)
+Solution: Do not restore 'foldenable' when 'foldmethod' is "manual".
+Files: src/diff.c
+Patch 7.4a.027
+Problem: When Python adds lines to another buffer the cursor position is
+ wrong, it might be below the last line causing ml_get errors.
+ (Vlad Irnov)
+Solution: Temporarily change the current window, so that marks are corrected
+ properly.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h, src/window.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.4a.028
+Problem: Crash when spell checking in new buffer.
+Solution: Set the b_p_key field. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/spell.c, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4a.029
+Problem: Can't build with MzScheme on Ubuntu 13.04.
+Solution: Add configure check for the "ffi" library.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4a.030 (after 7.4.027)
+Problem: Missing find_win_for_buf(). (toothpik)
+Solution: Add missing changes.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.4a.031
+Problem: Compiler warnings. (Charles Campbell)
+Solution: Initialize variables even when not needed.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/search.c
+Patch 7.4a.032
+Problem: New regexp engine: Does not match shorter alternative. (Ingo
+ Karkat)
+Solution: Do not drop a new state when the PIM info is different.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4a.033
+Problem: Test 98 always passes.
+Solution: Include in, execute the crucial command in
+ one line. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/
+Patch 7.4a.034
+Problem: The tabline may flicker when opening a new tab after 7.3.759 on
+ Win32.
+Solution: Move call to TabCtrl_SetCurSel(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.4a.035
+Problem: Fix in patch 7.4a.032 is not tested.
+Solution: Add test.
+Files: src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.4a.036
+Problem: "\p" in a regexp does not match double-width characters.
+ (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Don't count display cells, use vim_isprintc().
+Files: src/regexp.c, src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test64.ok, src/testdir/,
+ src/testdir/test95.ok
+Patch 7.4a.037
+Problem: Win32: When mouse is hidden and in the toolbar, moving it won't
+ make it appear. (Sami Salonen)
+Solution: Add tabline_wndproc() and toolbar_wndproc(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.4a.038
+Problem: When using MSVC 2012 there are various issues, including GUI size
+ computations.
+Solution: Use SM_CXPADDEDBORDER. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_w48.c, src/os_win32.h
+Patch 7.4a.039
+Problem: New regexp engine doesn't match pattern. (Ingo Karkat)
+Solution: When adding a state also check for different PIM if the list of
+ states has any state with a PIM.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.4a.040
+Problem: Win32: using uninitialized variable.
+Solution: (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.4a.041
+Problem: When using ":new ++ff=unix" and "dos" is first in 'fileformats'
+ then 'ff' is set to "dos" instead of "unix". (Ingo Karkat)
+Solution: Create set_file_options() and invoke it from do_ecmd().
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/proto/, src/ex_cmds.c,
+ src/testdir/, src/testdir/test91.ok
+Patch 7.4a.042
+Problem: Crash when BufUnload autocommands close all buffers. (Andrew
+ Pimlott)
+Solution: Set curwin->w_buffer to curbuf to avoid NULL.
+Files: src/window.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test8.ok
+Patch 7.4a.043
+Problem: More ml_get errors when adding or deleting lines from Python.
+ (Vlad Irnov)
+Solution: Switch to a window with the buffer when possible.
+Files: src/if_py_both.h
+Patch 7.4a.044
+Problem: Test 96 sometimes fails.
+Solution: Clear window from b_wininfo in win_free(). (Suggestion by
+ Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.4a.045
+Problem: Configure does not always find the right library for Lua. Missing
+ support for LuaJit.
+Solution: Improve the configure detection of Lua. (Hiroshi Shirosaki)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4a.046
+Problem: Can't build without mbyte feature.
+Solution: Add #ifdefs.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4a.047
+Problem: Some comments are not so nice.
+Solution: Change the comments.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/message.c, src/ops.c, src/option.c
+Patch 7.4b.001
+Problem: Win32: dialog may extend off-screen.
+Solution: Reduce the size, use correct borders. (Andrei Olsen)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4b.002
+Problem: Crash searching for \%(\%(\|\d\|-\|\.\)*\|\*\). (Marcin
+ Szamotulski) Also for \(\)*.
+Solution: Do add a state for opening parenthesis, so that we can check if it
+ was added before at the same position.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.4b.003
+Problem: Regexp code is not nicely aligned.
+Solution: Adjust white space. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
+Patch 7.4b.004
+Problem: Regexp crash on pattern "@\%[\w\-]*". (Axel Kielhorn)
+Solution: Add \%(\) around \%[] internally.
+Files: src/regexp_nfa.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test64.ok
+Patch 7.4b.005
+Problem: Finding %s in shellpipe and shellredir does not ignore %%s.
+Solution: Skip over %%. (lcd 47)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4b.006 (after 7.3.1295)
+Problem: Using \{n,m} in an autocommand pattern no longer works.
+ Specifically, mutt temp files are not recognized. (Gary Johnson)
+Solution: Make \\\{n,m\} work.
+Files: runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4b.007
+Problem: On 32 bit MS-Windows :perldo does not work.
+Solution: Make sure time_t uses 32 bits. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.4b.008
+Problem: 'autochdir' causes setbufvar() to change the current directory.
+ (Ben Fritz)
+Solution: When disabling autocommands also reset 'acd' temporarily.
+ (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4b.009
+Problem: When setting the Visual area manually and 'selection' is
+ exclusive, a yank includes one character too much. (Ingo Karkat)
+Solution: Default the Visual operation to "v". (Christian Brabandt)
+Files: src/mark.c
+Patch 7.4b.010
+Problem: Win32: Tcl library load does not use standard mechanism.
+Solution: Call vimLoadLib() instead of LoadLibraryEx(). (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs, src/if_tcl.c
+Patch 7.4b.011
+Problem: ":he \%(\)" does not work. (ZyX)
+Solution: Add an exception to the list.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4b.012
+Problem: Output from a shell command is truncated at a NUL. (lcd 47)
+Solution: Change every NUL into an SOH.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4b.013
+Problem: Install dir for JP man pages is wrong.
+Solution: Remove ".UTF-8" from the directory name. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.4b.014 (after 7.4b.012)
+Problem: Stupid mistake.
+Solution: Changle "len" to "i".
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.4b.015 (after 7.4b.008)
+Problem: Can't compile without the 'acd' feature.
+Solution: Add #ifdefs. (Kazunobu Kuriyama)
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.4b.016
+Problem: Ruby detection fails on Fedora 19.
+Solution: Use one way to get the Ruby version. (Michael Henry)
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.4b.017
+Problem: ":he \^x" gives a strange error message. (glts)
+Solution: Do not translate \^x to \_CTRL-x.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.4b.018 (after 7.4b.001)
+Problem: Win32: Dialog can still be too big.
+Solution: Move the check for height further down. (Andrei Olsen)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.4b.019 (after 7.4a.034)
+Problem: Tabline is not updated properly when closing a tab on Win32.
+Solution: Only reduce flickering when adding a tab. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.4b.020
+Problem: "g~ap" changes first character of next paragraph. (Manuel Ortega)
+Solution: Avoid subtracting (0 - 1) from todo. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/ops.c, src/testdir/, src/testdir/test82.ok
+Patch 7.4b.021
+Problem: Pressing "u" after an external command results in multiple
+ press-enter messages. (glts)
+Solution: Don't call hit_return_msg() when we have K_IGNORE. (Christian
+ Brabandt)
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.4b.022
+Problem: Not waiting for a character when the tick count overflows.
+Solution: Subtract the unsigned numbers and cast to int. (Ken Takata)
+Files: src/os_win32.c
+ vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: