path: root/runtime/indent/krl.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/indent/krl.vim b/runtime/indent/krl.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc3cbd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/indent/krl.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+" Vim indent file
+" Language: Kuka Robot Language
+" Maintainer: Patrick Meiser-Knosowski <>
+" Version: 3.0.0
+" Last Change: 15. Apr 2022
+" Credits: Based on indent/vim.vim
+" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+ finish
+let b:did_indent = 1
+setlocal nolisp
+setlocal nocindent
+setlocal nosmartindent
+setlocal autoindent
+setlocal indentexpr=GetKrlIndent()
+setlocal indentkeys=!^F,o,O,=~end,0=~else,0=~case,0=~default,0=~until,0=~continue,=~part
+let b:undo_indent = "setlocal lisp< cindent< smartindent< autoindent< indentexpr< indentkeys<"
+if get(g:,'krlSpaceIndent',1)
+ " Use spaces, not tabs, for indention, 2 is enough.
+ " More or even tabs would waste valuable space on the teach pendant.
+ setlocal softtabstop=2
+ setlocal shiftwidth=2
+ setlocal expandtab
+ setlocal shiftround
+ let b:undo_indent = b:undo_indent." softtabstop< shiftwidth< expandtab< shiftround<"
+" Only define the function once.
+if exists("*GetKrlIndent")
+ finish
+let s:keepcpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+function GetKrlIndent() abort
+ let currentLine = getline(v:lnum)
+ if currentLine =~? '\v^;(\s*(end)?fold>)@!' && !get(g:, 'krlCommentIndent', 0)
+ " If current line has a ; in column 1 and is no fold, keep zero indent.
+ " This may be usefull if code is commented out at the first column.
+ return 0
+ endif
+ " Find a non-blank line above the current line.
+ let preNoneBlankLineNum = s:KrlPreNoneBlank(v:lnum - 1)
+ if preNoneBlankLineNum == 0
+ " At the start of the file use zero indent.
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let preNoneBlankLine = getline(preNoneBlankLineNum)
+ let ind = indent(preNoneBlankLineNum)
+ " Define add 'shiftwidth' pattern
+ let addShiftwidthPattern = '\v^\s*('
+ if get(g:, 'krlIndentBetweenDef', 1)
+ let addShiftwidthPattern ..= '(global\s+)?def(fct|dat)?\s+\$?\w'
+ let addShiftwidthPattern ..= '|'
+ endif
+ let addShiftwidthPattern ..= 'if>|while>|for>|loop>'
+ let addShiftwidthPattern ..= '|else>'
+ let addShiftwidthPattern ..= '|case>|default>'
+ let addShiftwidthPattern ..= '|repeat>'
+ let addShiftwidthPattern ..= '|skip>|(ptp_)?spline>'
+ let addShiftwidthPattern ..= '|time_block\s+(start|part)>'
+ let addShiftwidthPattern ..= '|const_vel\s+start>'
+ let addShiftwidthPattern ..= ')'
+ " Define Subtract 'shiftwidth' pattern
+ let subtractShiftwidthPattern = '\v^\s*('
+ if get(g:, 'krlIndentBetweenDef', 1)
+ let subtractShiftwidthPattern ..= 'end(fct|dat)?>'
+ let subtractShiftwidthPattern ..= '|'
+ endif
+ let subtractShiftwidthPattern ..= 'end(if|while|for|loop)>'
+ let subtractShiftwidthPattern ..= '|else>'
+ let subtractShiftwidthPattern ..= '|case>|default>|endswitch>'
+ let subtractShiftwidthPattern ..= '|until>'
+ let subtractShiftwidthPattern ..= '|end(skip|spline)>'
+ let subtractShiftwidthPattern ..= '|time_block\s+(part|end)>'
+ let subtractShiftwidthPattern ..= '|const_vel\s+end>'
+ let subtractShiftwidthPattern ..= ')'
+ " Add shiftwidth
+ if preNoneBlankLine =~? addShiftwidthPattern
+ let ind += &sw
+ endif
+ " Subtract shiftwidth
+ if currentLine =~? subtractShiftwidthPattern
+ let ind = ind - &sw
+ endif
+ " First case after a switch gets the indent of the switch.
+ if currentLine =~? '\v^\s*case>'
+ \&& preNoneBlankLine =~? '\v^\s*switch>'
+ let ind = ind + &sw
+ endif
+ " align continue with the following instruction
+ if currentLine =~? '\v^\s*continue>'
+ \&& getline(v:lnum + 1) =~? subtractShiftwidthPattern
+ let ind = ind - &sw
+ endif
+ return ind
+" This function works almost like prevnonblank() but handles &-headers,
+" comments and continue instructions like blank lines
+function s:KrlPreNoneBlank(lnum) abort
+ let nPreNoneBlank = prevnonblank(a:lnum)
+ while nPreNoneBlank > 0 && getline(nPreNoneBlank) =~? '\v^\s*(\&\w\+|;|continue>)'
+ " Previouse none blank line irrelevant. Look further aback.
+ let nPreNoneBlank = prevnonblank(nPreNoneBlank - 1)
+ endwhile
+ return nPreNoneBlank
+let &cpo = s:keepcpo
+unlet s:keepcpo
+" vim:sw=2 sts=2 et