path: root/runtime/syntax/aap.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/aap.vim b/runtime/syntax/aap.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8399a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/aap.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: A-A-P recipe
+" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
+" Last Change: 2004 Jun 13
+" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+syn include @aapPythonScript syntax/python.vim
+syn match aapVariable /$[-+?*="'\\!]*[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*/
+syn match aapVariable /$[-+?*="'\\!]*([a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)/
+syn keyword aapTodo contained TODO Todo
+syn match aapString +'[^']\{-}'+
+syn match aapString +"[^"]\{-}"+
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:action\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:add\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:addall\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:asroot\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:assertpkg\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:attr\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:attribute\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:autodepend\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:buildcheck\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:cd\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:chdir\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:checkin\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:checkout\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:child\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:chmod\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:commit\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:commitall\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:conf\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:copy\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:del\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:deldir\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:delete\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:delrule\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:dll\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:do\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:error\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:execute\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:exit\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:export\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:fetch\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:fetchall\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:filetype\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:finish\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:global\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:import\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:include\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:installpkg\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:lib\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:local\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:log\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:ltlib\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:mkdir\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:mkdownload\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:move\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:pass\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:popdir\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:produce\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:program\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:progsearch\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:publish\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:publishall\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:pushdir\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:quit\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:recipe\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:refresh\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:remove\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:removeall\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:require\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:revise\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:reviseall\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:route\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:rule\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:start\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:symlink\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:sys\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:sysdepend\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:syspath\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:system\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:tag\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:tagall\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:toolsearch\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:totype\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:touch\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:tree\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:unlock\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:update\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:usetool\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:variant\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:verscont\>'
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:print\>' nextgroup=aapPipeEnd
+syn match aapPipeCmd '\s*:print\>' nextgroup=aapPipeEnd contained
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:cat\>' nextgroup=aapPipeEnd
+syn match aapPipeCmd '\s*:cat\>' nextgroup=aapPipeEnd contained
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:syseval\>' nextgroup=aapPipeEnd
+syn match aapPipeCmd '\s*:syseval\>' nextgroup=aapPipeEnd contained
+syn match aapPipeCmd '\s*:assign\>' contained
+syn match aapCommand '^\s*:eval\>' nextgroup=aapPipeEnd
+syn match aapPipeCmd '\s*:eval\>' nextgroup=aapPipeEndPy contained
+syn match aapPipeCmd '\s*:tee\>' nextgroup=aapPipeEnd contained
+syn match aapPipeCmd '\s*:log\>' nextgroup=aapPipeEnd contained
+syn match aapPipeEnd '[^|]*|' nextgroup=aapPipeCmd contained skipnl
+syn match aapPipeEndPy '[^|]*|' nextgroup=aapPipeCmd contained skipnl contains=@aapPythonScript
+syn match aapPipeStart '^\s*|' nextgroup=aapPipeCmd
+" A Python line starts with @. Can be continued with a trailing backslash.
+syn region aapPythonRegion start="\s*@" skip='\\$' end=+$+ contains=@aapPythonScript keepend
+" A Python block starts with ":python" and continues so long as the indent is
+" bigger.
+syn region aapPythonRegion matchgroup=aapCommand start="\z(\s*\):python" skip='\n\z1\s\|\n\s*\n' end=+$+ contains=@aapPythonScript
+" A Python expression is enclosed in backticks.
+syn region aapPythonRegion start="`" skip="``" end="`" contains=@aapPythonScript
+" TODO: There is something wrong with line continuation.
+syn match aapComment '#.*' contains=aapTodo
+syn match aapComment '#.*\(\\\n.*\)' contains=aapTodo
+syn match aapSpecial '$#'
+syn match aapSpecial '$\$'
+syn match aapSpecial '$(.)'
+" A heredoc assignment.
+syn region aapHeredoc start="^\s*\k\+\s*$\=+\=?\=<<\s*\z(\S*\)"hs=e+1 end="^\s*\z1\s*$"he=s-1
+" Syncing is needed for ":python" and "VAR << EOF". Don't use Python syncing
+syn sync clear
+syn sync fromstart
+" The default highlighting.
+hi def link aapTodo Todo
+hi def link aapString String
+hi def link aapComment Comment
+hi def link aapSpecial Special
+hi def link aapVariable Identifier
+hi def link aapPipeCmd aapCommand
+hi def link aapCommand Statement
+hi def link aapHeredoc Constant
+let b:current_syntax = "aap"
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
+" vim: ts=8