path: root/runtime/syntax/awk.vim
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1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/awk.vim b/runtime/syntax/awk.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3082c1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/awk.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: awk, nawk, gawk, mawk
+" Maintainer: Doug Kearns <>
+" Previous Maintainer: Antonio Colombo <>
+" Last Change: 2020 Aug 18
+" AWK ref. is: Alfred V. Aho, Brian W. Kernighan, Peter J. Weinberger
+" The AWK Programming Language, Addison-Wesley, 1988
+" GAWK ref. is: Arnold D. Robbins
+" Effective AWK Programming, Third Edition, O'Reilly, 2001
+" Effective AWK Programming, Fourth Edition, O'Reilly, 2015
+" (up-to-date version available with the gawk source distribution)
+" MAWK is a "new awk" meaning it implements AWK ref.
+" mawk conforms to the Posix 1003.2 (draft 11.3)
+" definition of the AWK language which contains a few features
+" not described in the AWK book, and mawk provides a small number of extensions.
+" TODO:
+" Dig into the commented out syntax expressions below.
+" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+syn iskeyword @,48-57,_,192-255,@-@
+" A bunch of useful Awk keywords
+" AWK ref. p. 188
+syn keyword awkStatement break continue delete exit
+syn keyword awkStatement function getline next
+syn keyword awkStatement print printf return
+" GAWK ref. Chapter 7-9
+syn keyword awkStatement case default switch nextfile
+syn keyword awkStatement func
+" GAWK ref. Chapter 2.7, Including Other Files into Your Program
+" GAWK ref. Chapter 2.8, Loading Dynamic Extensions into Your Program
+" GAWK ref. Chapter 15, Namespaces
+" Directives
+syn keyword awkStatement @include @load @namespace
+" GAWK ref. Chapter 9, Functions
+" Numeric Functions
+syn keyword awkFunction atan2 cos exp int log rand sin sqrt srand
+" String Manipulation Functions
+syn keyword awkFunction asort asorti gensub gsub index length match
+syn keyword awkFunction patsplit split sprintf strtonum sub substr
+syn keyword awkFunction tolower toupper
+" Input Output Functions
+syn keyword awkFunction close fflush system
+" Time Functions
+syn keyword awkFunction mktime strftime systime
+" Bit Manipulation Functions
+syn keyword awkFunction and compl lshift or rshift xor
+" Getting Type Information Functions
+syn keyword awkFunction isarray typeof
+" String-Translation Functions
+syn keyword awkFunction bindtextdomain dcgettext dcngetext
+syn keyword awkConditional if else
+syn keyword awkRepeat while for do
+syn keyword awkTodo contained TODO
+syn keyword awkPatterns BEGIN END BEGINFILE ENDFILE
+" GAWK ref. Chapter 7
+" Built-in Variables That Control awk
+syn keyword awkVariables IGNORECASE LINT OFMT OFS ORS PREC
+syn keyword awkVariables ROUNDMODE RS SUBSEP TEXTDOMAIN
+" Built-in Variables That Convey Information
+syn keyword awkVariables RT SYMTAB
+" Arithmetic operators: +, and - take care of ++, and --
+syn match awkOperator "+\|-\|\*\|/\|%\|="
+syn match awkOperator "+=\|-=\|\*=\|/=\|%="
+syn match awkOperator "\^\|\^="
+" Octal format character.
+syn match awkSpecialCharacter display contained "\\[0-7]\{1,3\}"
+" Hex format character.
+syn match awkSpecialCharacter display contained "\\x[0-9A-Fa-f]\+"
+syn match awkFieldVars "\$\d\+"
+" catch errors caused by wrong parenthesis
+syn region awkParen transparent start="(" end=")" contains=ALLBUT,awkParenError,awkSpecialCharacter,awkArrayElement,awkArrayArray,awkTodo,awkRegExp,awkBrktRegExp,awkBrackets,awkCharClass,awkComment
+syn match awkParenError display ")"
+"syn match awkInParen display contained "[{}]"
+" 64 lines for complex &&'s, and ||'s in a big "if"
+syn sync ccomment awkParen maxlines=64
+" Search strings & Regular Expressions therein.
+syn region awkSearch oneline start="^[ \t]*/"ms=e start="\(,\|!\=\~\)[ \t]*/"ms=e skip="\\\\\|\\/" end="/" contains=awkBrackets,awkRegExp,awkSpecialCharacter
+syn region awkBrackets contained start="\[\^\]\="ms=s+2 start="\[[^\^]"ms=s+1 end="\]"me=e-1 contains=awkBrktRegExp,awkCharClass
+syn region awkSearch oneline start="[ \t]*/"hs=e skip="\\\\\|\\/" end="/" contains=awkBrackets,awkRegExp,awkSpecialCharacter
+syn match awkCharClass contained "\[:[^:\]]*:\]"
+syn match awkBrktRegExp contained "\\.\|.\-[^]]"
+syn match awkRegExp contained "/\^"ms=s+1
+syn match awkRegExp contained "\$/"me=e-1
+syn match awkRegExp contained "[?.*{}|+]"
+" String and Character constants
+" Highlight special characters (those which have a backslash) differently
+syn region awkString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@Spell,awkSpecialCharacter,awkSpecialPrintf
+syn match awkSpecialCharacter contained "\\."
+" Some of these combinations may seem weird, but they work.
+syn match awkSpecialPrintf contained "%[-+ #]*\d*\.\=\d*[cdefgiosuxEGX%]"
+" Numbers, allowing signs (both -, and +)
+" Integer number.
+syn match awkNumber display "[+-]\=\<\d\+\>"
+" Floating point number.
+syn match awkFloat display "[+-]\=\<\d\+\.\d+\>"
+" Floating point number, starting with a dot.
+syn match awkFloat display "[+-]\=\<.\d+\>"
+syn case ignore
+"floating point number, with dot, optional exponent
+syn match awkFloat display "\<\d\+\.\d*\(e[-+]\=\d\+\)\=\>"
+"floating point number, starting with a dot, optional exponent
+syn match awkFloat display "\.\d\+\(e[-+]\=\d\+\)\=\>"
+"floating point number, without dot, with exponent
+syn match awkFloat display "\<\d\+e[-+]\=\d\+\>"
+syn case match
+"syn match awkIdentifier "\<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\>"
+" Comparison expressions.
+syn match awkExpression "==\|>=\|=>\|<=\|=<\|\!="
+syn match awkExpression "\~\|\!\~"
+syn match awkExpression "?\|:"
+syn keyword awkExpression in
+" Boolean Logic (OR, AND, NOT)
+syn match awkBoolLogic "||\|&&\|\!"
+" This is overridden by less-than & greater-than.
+" Put this above those to override them.
+" Put this in a 'match "\<printf\=\>.*;\="' to make it not override
+" less/greater than (most of the time), but it won't work yet because
+" keywords always have precedence over match & region.
+" File I/O: (print foo, bar > "filename") & for nawk (getline < "filename")
+"syn match awkFileIO contained ">"
+"syn match awkFileIO contained "<"
+" Expression separators: ';' and ','
+syn match awkSemicolon ";"
+syn match awkComma ","
+syn match awkComment "#.*" contains=@Spell,awkTodo
+syn match awkLineSkip "\\$"
+" Highlight array element's (recursive arrays allowed).
+" Keeps nested array names' separate from normal array elements.
+" Keeps numbers separate from normal array elements (variables).
+syn match awkArrayArray contained "[^][, \t]\+\["me=e-1
+syn match awkArrayElement contained "[^][, \t]\+"
+syn region awkArray transparent start="\[" end="\]" contains=awkArray,awkArrayElement,awkArrayArray,awkNumber,awkFloat
+" 10 should be enough.
+" (for the few instances where it would be more than "oneline")
+syn sync ccomment awkArray maxlines=10
+" Define the default highlighting.
+hi def link awkConditional Conditional
+hi def link awkFunction Function
+hi def link awkRepeat Repeat
+hi def link awkStatement Statement
+hi def link awkString String
+hi def link awkSpecialPrintf Special
+hi def link awkSpecialCharacter Special
+hi def link awkSearch String
+hi def link awkBrackets awkRegExp
+hi def link awkBrktRegExp awkNestRegExp
+hi def link awkCharClass awkNestRegExp
+hi def link awkNestRegExp Keyword
+hi def link awkRegExp Special
+hi def link awkNumber Number
+hi def link awkFloat Float
+hi def link awkFileIO Special
+hi def link awkOperator Special
+hi def link awkExpression Special
+hi def link awkBoolLogic Special
+hi def link awkPatterns Special
+hi def link awkVariables Special
+hi def link awkFieldVars Special
+hi def link awkLineSkip Special
+hi def link awkSemicolon Special
+hi def link awkComma Special
+hi def link awkIdentifier Identifier
+hi def link awkComment Comment
+hi def link awkTodo Todo
+" Change this if you want nested array names to be highlighted.
+hi def link awkArrayArray awkArray
+hi def link awkArrayElement Special
+hi def link awkParenError awkError
+hi def link awkInParen awkError
+hi def link awkError Error
+let b:current_syntax = "awk"
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
+" vim: ts=8