path: root/runtime/syntax/django.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/django.vim b/runtime/syntax/django.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76b47d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/django.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Django template
+" Maintainer: Dave Hodder <>
+" Last Change: 2021 Nov 29
+" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syntax case match
+" Mark illegal characters
+syn match djangoError "%}\|}}\|#}"
+" Django template built-in tags and parameters
+" 'comment' doesn't appear here because it gets special treatment
+syn keyword djangoStatement contained autoescape csrf_token empty
+" FIXME ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >= should be djangoStatements:
+" syn keyword djangoStatement contained == != < > <= >=
+syn keyword djangoStatement contained and as block endblock by cycle debug else elif
+syn keyword djangoStatement contained extends filter endfilter firstof for
+syn keyword djangoStatement contained endfor if endif ifchanged endifchanged
+syn keyword djangoStatement contained ifequal endifequal ifnotequal
+syn keyword djangoStatement contained endifnotequal in include load not now or
+syn keyword djangoStatement contained parsed regroup reversed spaceless
+syn keyword djangoStatement contained endspaceless ssi templatetag openblock
+syn keyword djangoStatement contained closeblock openvariable closevariable
+syn keyword djangoStatement contained openbrace closebrace opencomment
+syn keyword djangoStatement contained closecomment widthratio url with endwith
+syn keyword djangoStatement contained get_current_language trans noop blocktrans
+syn keyword djangoStatement contained endblocktrans get_available_languages
+syn keyword djangoStatement contained get_current_language_bidi plural
+syn keyword djangoStatement contained translate blocktranslate endblocktranslate
+" Django templete built-in filters
+syn keyword djangoFilter contained add addslashes capfirst center cut date
+syn keyword djangoFilter contained default default_if_none dictsort
+syn keyword djangoFilter contained dictsortreversed divisibleby escape escapejs
+syn keyword djangoFilter contained filesizeformat first fix_ampersands
+syn keyword djangoFilter contained floatformat get_digit join last length length_is
+syn keyword djangoFilter contained linebreaks linebreaksbr linenumbers ljust
+syn keyword djangoFilter contained lower make_list phone2numeric pluralize
+syn keyword djangoFilter contained pprint random removetags rjust slice slugify
+syn keyword djangoFilter contained safe safeseq stringformat striptags
+syn keyword djangoFilter contained time timesince timeuntil title truncatechars
+syn keyword djangoFilter contained truncatewords truncatewords_html unordered_list upper urlencode
+syn keyword djangoFilter contained urlize urlizetrunc wordcount wordwrap yesno
+" Keywords to highlight within comments
+syn keyword djangoTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
+" Django template constants (always surrounded by double quotes)
+syn region djangoArgument contained start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/
+" Mark illegal characters within tag and variables blocks
+syn match djangoTagError contained "#}\|{{\|[^%]}}\|[&#]"
+syn match djangoVarError contained "#}\|{%\|%}\|[<>!&#%]"
+" Django template tag and variable blocks
+syn region djangoTagBlock start="{%" end="%}" contains=djangoStatement,djangoFilter,djangoArgument,djangoTagError display
+syn region djangoVarBlock start="{{" end="}}" contains=djangoFilter,djangoArgument,djangoVarError display
+" Django template 'comment' tag and comment block
+syn region djangoComment start="{%\s*comment\(\s\+.\{-}\)\?%}" end="{%\s*endcomment\s*%}" contains=djangoTodo
+syn region djangoComBlock start="{#" end="#}" contains=djangoTodo
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+hi def link djangoTagBlock PreProc
+hi def link djangoVarBlock PreProc
+hi def link djangoStatement Statement
+hi def link djangoFilter Identifier
+hi def link djangoArgument Constant
+hi def link djangoTagError Error
+hi def link djangoVarError Error
+hi def link djangoError Error
+hi def link djangoComment Comment
+hi def link djangoComBlock Comment
+hi def link djangoTodo Todo
+let b:current_syntax = "django"