path: root/runtime/syntax/make.vim
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1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/make.vim b/runtime/syntax/make.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b457304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/make.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Makefile
+" Maintainer: Roland Hieber <>, <>
+" Previous Maintainer: Claudio Fleiner <>
+" URL:
+" Last Change: 2022 Nov 06
+" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" some special characters
+syn match makeSpecial "^\s*[@+-]\+"
+syn match makeNextLine "\\\n\s*"
+" catch unmatched define/endef keywords. endef only matches it is by itself on a line, possibly followed by a commend
+syn region makeDefine start="^\s*define\s" end="^\s*endef\s*\(#.*\)\?$"
+ \ contains=makeStatement,makeIdent,makePreCondit,makeDefine
+" Microsoft Makefile specials
+syn case ignore
+syn match makeInclude "^!\s*include\s.*$"
+syn match makePreCondit "^!\s*\(cmdswitches\|error\|message\|include\|if\|ifdef\|ifndef\|else\|else\s*if\|else\s*ifdef\|else\s*ifndef\|endif\|undef\)\>"
+syn case match
+" identifiers
+syn region makeIdent start="\$(" skip="\\)\|\\\\" end=")" contains=makeStatement,makeIdent
+syn region makeIdent start="\${" skip="\\}\|\\\\" end="}" contains=makeStatement,makeIdent
+syn match makeIdent "\$\$\w*"
+syn match makeIdent "\$[^({]"
+syn match makeIdent "^ *[^:#= \t]*\s*[:+?!*]="me=e-2
+syn match makeIdent "^ *[^:#= \t]*\s*::="me=e-3
+syn match makeIdent "^ *[^:#= \t]*\s*="me=e-1
+syn match makeIdent "%"
+" variables
+syn match makeConfig "@[A-Za-z0-9_]\+@"
+" make targets
+syn match makeImplicit "^\.[A-Za-z0-9_./\t -]\+\s*:$"me=e-1
+syn match makeImplicit "^\.[A-Za-z0-9_./\t -]\+\s*:[^=]"me=e-2
+syn region makeTarget transparent matchgroup=makeTarget
+ \ start="^[~A-Za-z0-9_./$(){}%-][A-Za-z0-9_./\t ${}()%-]*&\?:\?:\{1,2}[^:=]"rs=e-1
+ \ end="[^\\]$"
+ \ keepend contains=makeIdent,makeSpecTarget,makeNextLine,makeComment,makeDString
+ \ skipnl nextGroup=makeCommands
+syn match makeTarget "^[~A-Za-z0-9_./$(){}%*@-][A-Za-z0-9_./\t $(){}%*@-]*&\?::\=\s*$"
+ \ contains=makeIdent,makeSpecTarget,makeComment
+ \ skipnl nextgroup=makeCommands,makeCommandError
+syn region makeSpecTarget transparent matchgroup=makeSpecTarget
+ \ end="[^\\]$" keepend
+ \ contains=makeIdent,makeSpecTarget,makeNextLine,makeComment skipnl nextGroup=makeCommands
+ \ contains=makeIdent,makeComment
+ \ skipnl nextgroup=makeCommands,makeCommandError
+syn match makeCommandError "^\s\+\S.*" contained
+syn region makeCommands contained start=";"hs=s+1 start="^\t"
+ \ end="^[^\t#]"me=e-1,re=e-1 end="^$"
+ \ contains=makeCmdNextLine,makeSpecial,makeComment,makeIdent,makePreCondit,makeDefine,makeDString,makeSString
+ \ nextgroup=makeCommandError
+syn match makeCmdNextLine "\\\n."he=e-1 contained
+" some directives
+syn match makePreCondit "^ *\(ifn\=\(eq\|def\)\>\|else\(\s\+ifn\=\(eq\|def\)\)\=\>\|endif\>\)"
+syn match makeInclude "^ *[-s]\=include\s.*$"
+syn match makeStatement "^ *vpath"
+syn match makeExport "^ *\(export\|unexport\)\>"
+syn match makeOverride "^ *override\>"
+" Statements / Functions (GNU make)
+syn match makeStatement contained "(\(abspath\|addprefix\|addsuffix\|and\|basename\|call\|dir\|error\|eval\|file\|filter-out\|filter\|findstring\|firstword\|flavor\|foreach\|guile\|if\|info\|join\|lastword\|notdir\|or\|origin\|patsubst\|realpath\|shell\|sort\|strip\|subst\|suffix\|value\|warning\|wildcard\|word\|wordlist\|words\)\>"ms=s+1
+" Comment
+if exists("make_microsoft")
+ syn match makeComment "#.*" contains=@Spell,makeTodo
+elseif !exists("make_no_comments")
+ syn region makeComment start="#" end="^$" end="[^\\]$" keepend contains=@Spell,makeTodo
+ syn match makeComment "#$" contains=@Spell
+syn keyword makeTodo TODO FIXME XXX contained
+" match escaped quotes and any other escaped character
+" except for $, as a backslash in front of a $ does
+" not make it a standard character, but instead it will
+" still act as the beginning of a variable
+" The escaped char is not highlightet currently
+syn match makeEscapedChar "\\[^$]"
+syn region makeDString start=+\(\\\)\@<!"+ skip=+\\.+ end=+"+ contained contains=makeIdent
+syn region makeSString start=+\(\\\)\@<!'+ skip=+\\.+ end=+'+ contained contains=makeIdent
+syn region makeBString start=+\(\\\)\@<!`+ skip=+\\.+ end=+`+ contains=makeIdent,makeSString,makeDString,makeNextLine
+" Syncing
+syn sync minlines=20 maxlines=200
+" Sync on Make command block region: When searching backwards hits a line that
+" can't be a command or a comment, use makeCommands if it looks like a target,
+" NONE otherwise.
+syn sync match makeCommandSync groupthere NONE "^[^\t#]"
+syn sync match makeCommandSync groupthere makeCommands "^[A-Za-z0-9_./$()%-][A-Za-z0-9_./\t $()%-]*:\{1,2}[^:=]"
+syn sync match makeCommandSync groupthere makeCommands "^[A-Za-z0-9_./$()%-][A-Za-z0-9_./\t $()%-]*:\{1,2}\s*$"
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+hi def link makeNextLine makeSpecial
+hi def link makeCmdNextLine makeSpecial
+hi link makeOverride makeStatement
+hi link makeExport makeStatement
+hi def link makeSpecTarget Statement
+if !exists("make_no_commands")
+hi def link makeCommands Number
+hi def link makeImplicit Function
+hi def link makeTarget Function
+hi def link makeInclude Include
+hi def link makePreCondit PreCondit
+hi def link makeStatement Statement
+hi def link makeIdent Identifier
+hi def link makeSpecial Special
+hi def link makeComment Comment
+hi def link makeDString String
+hi def link makeSString String
+hi def link makeBString Function
+hi def link makeError Error
+hi def link makeTodo Todo
+hi def link makeDefine Define
+hi def link makeCommandError Error
+hi def link makeConfig PreCondit
+let b:current_syntax = "make"
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
+" vim: ts=8