path: root/runtime/syntax/pod.vim
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/pod.vim b/runtime/syntax/pod.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90c9b99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/pod.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Perl POD format
+" Maintainer: vim-perl <>
+" Previously: Scott Bigham <>
+" Homepage:
+" Bugs/requests:
+" License: Vim License (see :help license)
+" Last Change: 2022 Jun 13
+" To add embedded POD documentation highlighting to your syntax file, add
+" the commands:
+" syn include @Pod <sfile>:p:h/pod.vim
+" syn region myPOD start="^=pod" start="^=head" end="^=cut" keepend contained contains=@Pod
+" and add myPod to the contains= list of some existing region, probably a
+" comment. The "keepend" flag is needed because "=cut" is matched as a
+" pattern in its own right.
+" Remove any old syntax stuff hanging around (this is suppressed
+" automatically by ":syn include" if necessary).
+" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" TODO: add supported encodings when we can utilize better performing Vim 8 features
+syn match podEncoding "[0-9A-Za-z_-]\+" contained contains=@NoSpell
+" Text of a =head1, =head2 or =item command
+syn region podCmdText start="\S.*$" end="^\ze\s*$" end="^\ze=cut\>" contained contains=podFormat,@NoSpell
+" Indent amount of =over command
+syn match podOverIndent "\d*\.\=\d\+\>" contained contains=@NoSpell
+" Formatter identifier keyword for =for, =begin and =end commands
+syn match podForKeywd "\S\+" contained contains=@NoSpell
+" An indented line, to be displayed verbatim
+syn region podVerbatim start="^\s\+\S.*$" end="^\ze\s*$" end="^\ze=cut\>" contains=@NoSpell
+syn region podOrdinary start="^\S.*$" end="^\ze\s*$" end="^\ze=cut\>" contains=podFormat,podSpecial,@Spell
+" Inline textual items handled specially by POD
+syn match podSpecial "\(\<\|&\)\I\i*\(::\I\i*\)*([^)]*)" contains=@NoSpell
+syn match podSpecial "[$@%]\I\i*\(::\I\i*\)*\>" contains=@NoSpell
+" Special formatting sequences
+syn cluster podFormat contains=podFormat,podFormatError
+syn match podFormatError "[ADGHJKM-RT-WY]<"
+syn region podFormat matchgroup=podFormatDelimiter start="[IBSCLFX]<" end=">" contains=@podFormat,@NoSpell
+syn region podFormat matchgroup=podFormatDelimiter start="[IBSCLFX]<<\%(\s\+\|$\)" end="\%(\s\+\|^\)>>" contains=@podFormat,@NoSpell
+syn match podFormat "Z<>"
+syn region podFormat matchgroup=podFormatDelimiter start="E<" end=">" oneline contains=podEscape,podEscape2,@NoSpell
+" HTML entities {{{1
+" Source: Pod/
+syn keyword podEscape contained lt gt quot amp apos sol verbar lchevron rchevron nbsp iexcl cent pound curren yen brvbar sect uml copy ordf laquo not shy reg macr deg plusmn sup2 sup3 acute micro para middot cedil sup1 ordm raquo frac14 frac12 frac34 iquest Agrave Aacute Acirc Atilde Auml Aring AElig Ccedil Egrave Eacute Ecirc Euml Igrave Iacute Icirc Iuml ETH Ntilde Ograve Oacute Ocirc Otilde Ouml times Oslash Ugrave Uacute Ucirc Uuml Yacute THORN szlig agrave aacute acirc atilde auml aring aelig ccedil egrave eacute ecirc euml igrave iacute icirc iuml eth ntilde ograve oacute ocirc otilde ouml divide oslash ugrave uacute ucirc uuml yacute thorn yuml fnof Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigmaf sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega thetasym upsih piv bull hellip prime Prime oline frasl weierp image real trade alefsym larr uarr rarr darr harr crarr lArr uArr rArr dArr hArr forall part exist empty nabla isin notin ni prod sum minus lowast radic prop infin ang and or cap cup int there4 sim cong asymp ne equiv le ge sub sup nsub sube supe oplus otimes perp sdot lceil rceil lfloor rfloor lang rang loz spades clubs hearts diams OElig oelig Scaron scaron Yuml circ tilde ensp emsp thinsp zwnj zwj lrm rlm ndash mdash lsquo rsquo sbquo ldquo rdquo bdquo dagger Dagger permil lsaquo rsaquo
+" }}}
+syn match podEscape2 "\d\+" contained contains=@NoSpell
+syn match podEscape2 "0\=x\x\+" contained contains=@NoSpell
+syn match podEscape2 "0\o\+" contained contains=@NoSpell
+" POD commands
+syn match podCommand "^=encoding\>" nextgroup=podEncoding skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
+syn match podCommand "^=head[1234]\>" nextgroup=podCmdText skipwhite skipnl contains=@NoSpell
+syn match podCommand "^=item\>" nextgroup=podCmdText skipwhite skipnl contains=@NoSpell
+syn match podCommand "^=over\>" nextgroup=podOverIndent skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
+syn match podCommand "^=back" contains=@NoSpell
+syn match podCommand "^=cut" contains=@NoSpell
+syn match podCommand "^=pod" contains=@NoSpell
+syn match podCommand "^=for" nextgroup=podForKeywd skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
+syn match podCommand "^=begin" nextgroup=podForKeywd skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
+syn match podCommand "^=end" nextgroup=podForKeywd skipwhite contains=@NoSpell
+" Comments
+syn keyword podForKeywd comment contained nextgroup=podForComment skipwhite skipnl
+if exists("perl_pod_no_comment_fold")
+ syn region podBeginComment start="^=begin\s\+comment\s*$" end="^=end\s\+comment\ze\s*$" keepend extend contains=podCommand
+ syn region podForComment start="\S.*$" end="^\ze\s*$" end="^\ze=cut\>" contained contains=@Spell,podTodo
+ syn region podBeginComment start="^=begin\s\+comment\s*$" end="^=end\s\+comment\ze\s*$" keepend extend contains=podCommand,podTodo fold
+ syn region podForComment start="\S.*$" end="^\ze\s*$" end="^\ze=cut\>" contained contains=@Spell,podTodo fold
+syn keyword podTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
+" Plain Pod files
+syn region podNonPod start="\%^\%(=\w\+\>\)\@!" end="^\ze=\a\w*\>"
+syn region podNonPod matchgroup=podCommand start="^=cut\>" end="\%$"
+syn region podNonPod matchgroup=podCommand start="^=cut\>" end="^\ze=\a\w*\>"
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+hi def link podCommand Statement
+hi def link podBeginComment Comment
+hi def link podForComment Comment
+hi def link podNonPod Comment
+hi def link podTodo Todo
+hi def link podCmdText String
+hi def link podEncoding Constant
+hi def link podOverIndent Number
+hi def link podForKeywd Identifier
+hi def link podVerbatim PreProc
+hi def link podFormat Identifier
+hi def link podFormatDelimiter podFormat
+hi def link podFormatError Error
+hi def link podSpecial Identifier
+hi def link podEscape Constant
+hi def link podEscape2 Number
+if exists("perl_pod_spellcheck_headings")
+ " Spell-check headings
+ syn clear podCmdText
+ syn region podCmdText start="\S.*$" end="^\s*$" end="^\ze=cut\>" contained contains=podFormat
+if exists("perl_pod_formatting")
+ " By default, escapes like C<> are not checked for spelling. Remove B<>
+ " and I<> from the list of escapes.
+ syn clear podFormat
+ syn region podFormat start="[CLF]<[^<]"me=e-1 end=">" contains=@podFormat,@NoSpell
+ syn region podFormat start="[CLF]<<\%(\s\+\|$\)" end="\%(\s\+\|^\)>>" contains=@podFormat,@NoSpell
+ " Don't spell-check inside E<>, but ensure that the E< itself isn't
+ " marked as a spelling mistake.
+ syn region podFormat start="E<" end=">" oneline contains=podEscape,podEscape2,@NoSpell
+ " Z<> is a mock formatting code. Ensure Z<> on its own isn't marked as a
+ " spelling mistake.
+ syn match podFormat "Z<>" contains=podEscape,podEscape2,@NoSpell
+ " These are required so that whatever is *within* B<...>, I<...>, etc. is
+ " spell-checked, but not the B, I, ... itself.
+ syn match podBoldOpen "B<" contains=@NoSpell
+ syn match podItalicOpen "I<" contains=@NoSpell
+ syn match podNoSpaceOpen "S<" contains=@NoSpell
+ syn match podIndexOpen "X<" contains=@NoSpell
+ " Same as above but for the << >> syntax.
+ syn match podBoldAlternativeDelimOpen "B<<\%(\s\+\|$\)" contains=@NoSpell
+ syn match podItalicAlternativeDelimOpen "I<<\%(\s\+\|$\)" contains=@NoSpell
+ syn match podNoSpaceAlternativeDelimOpen "S<<\%(\s\+\|$\)" contains=@NoSpell
+ syn match podIndexAlternativeDelimOpen "X<<\%(\s\+\|$\)" contains=@NoSpell
+ " Add support for spell checking text inside B<>, I<>, S<> and X<>.
+ syn region podBold start="B<[^<]"me=e end=">" contains=podBoldItalic,podBoldOpen
+ syn region podBoldAlternativeDelim start="B<<\%(\s\+\|$\)" end="\%(\s\+\|^\)>>" contains=podBoldAlternativeDelimOpen
+ syn region podItalic start="I<[^<]"me=e end=">" contains=podItalicBold,podItalicOpen
+ syn region podItalicAlternativeDelim start="I<<\%(\s\+\|$\)" end="\%(\s\+\|^\)>>" contains=podItalicAlternativeDelimOpen
+ " Nested bold/italic and vice-versa
+ syn region podBoldItalic contained start="I<[^<]"me=e end=">"
+ syn region podItalicBold contained start="B<[^<]"me=e end=">"
+ syn region podNoSpace start="S<[^<]"ms=s-2 end=">"me=e contains=podNoSpaceOpen
+ syn region podNoSpaceAlternativeDelim start="S<<\%(\s\+\|$\)"ms=s-2 end="\%(\s\+\|^\)>>"me=e contains=podNoSpaceAlternativeDelimOpen
+ syn region podIndex start="X<[^<]"ms=s-2 end=">"me=e contains=podIndexOpen
+ syn region podIndexAlternativeDelim start="X<<\%(\s\+\|$\)"ms=s-2 end="\%(\s\+\|^\)>>"me=e contains=podIndexAlternativeDelimOpen
+ " Restore this (otherwise B<> is shown as bold inside verbatim)
+ syn region podVerbatim start="^\s\+\S.*$" end="^\ze\s*$" end="^\ze=cut\>" contains=@NoSpell
+ " Ensure formatted text can be displayed in headings and items
+ syn clear podCmdText
+ if exists("perl_pod_spellcheck_headings")
+ syn match podCmdText ".*$" contained contains=@podFormat,podBold,
+ \podBoldAlternativeDelim,podItalic,podItalicAlternativeDelim,
+ \podBoldOpen,podItalicOpen,podBoldAlternativeDelimOpen,
+ \podItalicAlternativeDelimOpen,podNoSpaceOpen
+ else
+ syn match podCmdText ".*$" contained contains=@podFormat,podBold,
+ \podBoldAlternativeDelim,podItalic,podItalicAlternativeDelim,
+ \@NoSpell
+ endif
+ " Specify how to display these
+ hi def podBold term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
+ hi link podBoldAlternativeDelim podBold
+ hi link podBoldAlternativeDelimOpen podBold
+ hi link podBoldOpen podBold
+ hi link podNoSpace Identifier
+ hi link podNoSpaceAlternativeDelim Identifier
+ hi link podIndex Identifier
+ hi link podIndexAlternativeDelim Identifier
+ hi def podItalic term=italic cterm=italic gui=italic
+ hi link podItalicAlternativeDelim podItalic
+ hi link podItalicAlternativeDelimOpen podItalic
+ hi link podItalicOpen podItalic
+ hi def podBoldItalic term=italic,bold cterm=italic,bold gui=italic,bold
+ hi def podItalicBold term=italic,bold cterm=italic,bold gui=italic,bold
+let b:current_syntax = "pod"
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
+" vim: ts=8 fdm=marker: