path: root/runtime/syntax/qb64.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 409 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/qb64.vim b/runtime/syntax/qb64.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a777e14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/qb64.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: QB64
+" Maintainer: Doug Kearns <>
+" Last Change: 2022 Jan 21
+" Prelude {{{1
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" syn iskeyword set after sourcing of basic.vim
+syn case ignore
+let s:prefix = search('\c^\s*$NOPREFIX\>', 'n') ? '_\=' : '_'
+" Statements {{{1
+let s:statements =<< trim EOL " {{{2
+ acceptfiledrop
+ allowfullscreen
+ assert
+ console
+ consolecursor
+ consolefont
+ consoletitle
+ continue
+ copypalette
+ define
+ delay
+ depthbuffer
+ displayorder
+ dontblend
+ echo
+ exit\s\+\%(select\|case\)
+ finishdrop
+ freefont
+ freeimage
+ icon
+ keyclear
+ limit
+ maptriangle
+ memcopy
+ memfill
+ memfree
+ memput
+ mousehide
+ mousemove
+ mouseshow
+ printimage
+ printstring
+ putimage
+ screenclick
+ screenhide
+ screenmove
+ screenprint
+ screenshow
+ setalpha
+ sndbal
+ sndclose
+ sndlimit
+ sndloop
+ sndpause
+ sndplay
+ sndplaycopy
+ sndplayfile
+ sndraw
+ sndrawdone
+ sndsetpos
+ sndstop
+ sndvol
+ title
+" }}}
+for s in s:statements
+ exe 'syn match qb64Statement "\<' .. s:prefix .. s .. '\>" contained contains=qb64Underscore'
+" Functions {{{1
+let s:functions =<< trim EOL " {{{2
+ acos
+ acosh
+ alpha
+ alpha32
+ arccot
+ arccsc
+ arcsec
+ asin
+ asinh
+ atan2
+ atanh
+ axis
+ backgroundcolor
+ blue
+ blue32
+ button
+ buttonchange
+ ceil
+ cinp
+ commandcount
+ connected
+ connectionaddress
+ connectionaddress$
+ consoleinput
+ copyimage
+ cot
+ coth
+ cosh
+ csc
+ csch
+ cv
+ cwd$
+ d2g
+ d2r
+ defaultcolor
+ deflate$
+ desktopheight
+ desktopwidth
+ device$
+ deviceinput
+ devices
+ dir$
+ direxists
+ droppedfile
+ droppedfile$
+ errorline
+ errormessage$
+ exit
+ fileexists
+ fontheight
+ fontwidth
+ freetimer
+ g2d
+ g2r
+ green
+ green32
+ height
+ hypot
+ inclerrorfile$
+ inclerrorline
+ inflate$
+ instrrev
+ keyhit
+ keydown
+ lastaxis
+ lastbutton
+ lastwheel
+ loadfont
+ loadimage
+ mem
+ memelement
+ memexists
+ memimage
+ memnew
+ memsound
+ mk$
+ mousebutton
+ mouseinput
+ mousemovementx
+ mousemovementy
+ mousepipeopen
+ mousewheel
+ mousex
+ mousey
+ newimage
+ offset
+ openclient
+ os$
+ pi
+ pixelsize
+ printwidth
+ r2d
+ r2g
+ red
+ red32
+ readbit
+ resetbit
+ resizeheight
+ resizewidth
+ rgb
+ rgb32
+ rgba
+ rgba32
+ round
+ sec
+ sech
+ screenexists
+ screenimage
+ screenx
+ screeny
+ setbit
+ shellhide
+ shl
+ shr
+ sinh
+ sndcopy
+ sndgetpos
+ sndlen
+ sndopen
+ sndopenraw
+ sndpaused
+ sndplaying
+ sndrate
+ sndrawlen
+ startdir$
+ strcmp
+ stricmp
+ tanh
+ title$
+ togglebit
+ totaldroppedfiles
+ trim$
+ wheel
+ width
+ windowhandle
+ windowhasfocus
+" }}}
+for f in s:functions
+ exe 'syn match qb64Function "\<' .. s:prefix .. f .. '\>" contains=qb64Underscore'
+" Functions and statements (same name) {{{1
+let s:common =<< trim EOL " {{{2
+ autodisplay
+ blend
+ blink
+ capslock
+ clearcolor
+ clipboard$
+ clipboardimage
+ controlchr
+ dest
+ display
+ font
+ fullscreen
+ mapunicode
+ memget
+ numlock
+ palettecolor
+ printmode
+ resize
+ screenicon
+ scrolllock
+ source
+" }}}
+for c in s:common
+ exe 'syn match qb64Statement "\<' .. s:prefix .. c .. '\>" contains=qb64Underscore contained'
+ exe 'syn match qb64Function "\<' .. s:prefix .. c .. '\>" contains=qb64Underscore'
+" Keywords {{{1
+" Non-prefixed keywords {{{2
+syn keyword qb64Keyword free lock
+let s:keywords =<< trim EOL " {{{2
+ all
+ anticlockwise
+ behind
+ clear
+ clip
+ console
+ dontwait
+ explicit
+ explicitarray
+ fillbackground
+ hardware
+ hardware1
+ hide
+ keepbackground
+ middle
+ none
+ off
+ only
+ onlybackground
+ ontop
+ openconnection
+ openhost
+ preserve
+ seamless
+ smooth
+ smoothshrunk
+ smoothstretched
+ software
+ squarepixels
+ stretch
+ toggle
+" }}}
+for k in s:keywords
+ exe 'syn match qb64Keyword "\<' .. s:prefix .. k .. '\>" contains=qb64Underscore'
+syn match qb64Underscore "\<_" contained conceal transparent
+" Source QuickBASIC syntax {{{1
+runtime! syntax/basic.vim
+" add after the BASIC syntax file is sourced so cluster already exists
+syn cluster basicStatements add=qb64Statement,qb64Metacommand,qb64IfMetacommand
+syn cluster basicLineIdentifier add=qb64LineLabel
+syn cluster qb64NotTop contains=@basicNotTop,qb64Metavariable
+syn iskeyword @,48-57,.,_,!,#,$,%,&,`
+" Unsupported QuickBASIC features {{{1
+" TODO: add linux only missing features
+syn keyword qb64Unsupported alias any byval calls cdecl erdev erdev$ fileattr
+syn keyword qb64Unsupported fre ioctl ioctl$ pen play setmem signal uevent
+syn keyword qb64Unsupported tron troff
+syn match qb64Unsupported "\<declare\%(\s\+\%(sub\|function\)\>\)\@="
+syn match qb64Unsupported "\<\%(date\|time\)$\ze\s*=" " statements only
+syn match qb64Unsupported "\<def\zs\s\+FN"
+syn match qb64Unsupported "\<\%(exit\|end\)\s\+def\>"
+syn match qb64Unsupported "\<width\s\+lprint\>"
+" Types {{{1
+" Type suffixes {{{1
+if exists("basic_type_suffixes")
+ " TODO: handle leading word boundary and __+ prefix
+ syn match qb64TypeSuffix "\%(\a[[:alnum:]._]*\)\@<=\~\=`\%(\d\+\)\="
+ syn match qb64TypeSuffix "\%(\a[[:alnum:]._]*\)\@<=\~\=\%(%\|%%\|&\|&&\|%&\)"
+ syn match qb64TypeSuffix "\%(\a[[:alnum:]._]*\)\@<=\%(!\|##\|#\)"
+ syn match qb64TypeSuffix "\%(\a[[:alnum:]._]*\)\@<=$\%(\d\+\)\="
+" Numbers {{{1
+" Integers
+syn match qb64Number "-\=&b[01]\+&\>\="
+syn match qb64Number "-\=\<[01]\~\=`\>"
+syn match qb64Number "-\=\<\d\+`\d\+\>"
+syn match qb64Number "-\=\<\d\+\%(%%\|&&\|%&\)\>"
+syn match qb64Number "\<\d\+\~\%(%%\|&&\|%&\)\>"
+syn match qb64Number "-\=\<&b[01]\+\%(%%\|&&\|%&\)\>"
+syn match qb64Number "\<&b[01]\+\~\%(%%\|&&\|%&\)\>"
+syn match qb64Number "-\=\<&o\=\o\+\%(%%\|&&\|%&\)\>"
+syn match qb64Number "\<&o\=\o\+\~\%(%%\|&&\|%&\)\>"
+syn match qb64Number "-\=\<&h\x\+\%(%%\|&&\|%&\)\>"
+syn match qb64Number "\<&h\x\+\~\%(%%\|&&\|%&\)\>"
+" Floats
+syn match qb64Float "-\=\<\d\+\.\=\d*##\>"
+syn match qb64Float "-\=\<\.\d\+##\>"
+" Line numbers and labels {{{1
+syn match qb64LineLabel "\%(_\{2,}\)\=\a[[:alnum:]._]*[[:alnum:]]\ze\s*:" nextgroup=@basicStatements skipwhite contained
+" Metacommands {{{1
+syn match qb64Metacommand contained "$NOPREFIX\>"
+syn match qb64Metacommand contained "$ASSERTS\%(:CONSOLE\)\=\>"
+syn match qb64Metacommand contained "$CHECKING:\%(ON\|OFF\)\>"
+syn match qb64Metacommand contained "$COLOR:\%(0\|32\)\>"
+syn match qb64Metacommand contained "$CONSOLE\%(:ONLY\)\=\>"
+syn match qb64Metacommand contained "$EXEICON\s*:\s*'[^']\+'"
+syn match qb64Metacommand contained "$ERROR\>"
+syn match qb64Metacommand contained "$LET\>"
+syn match qb64Metacommand contained "$RESIZE:\%(ON\|OFF\|STRETCH\|SMOOTH\)\>"
+syn match qb64Metacommand contained "$SCREEN\%(HIDE\|SHOW\)\>"
+syn match qb64Metacommand contained "$VERSIONINFO\s*:.*"
+syn match qb64Metacommand contained "$VIRTUALKEYBOARD:\%(ON\|OFF\)\>"
+syn region qb64IfMetacommand contained matchgroup=qb64Metacommand start="$\%(IF\|ELSEIF\)\>" end="\<THEN\>" oneline transparent contains=qb64Metavariable
+syn match qb64Metacommand contained "$\%(ELSE\|END\s*IF\)\>"
+syn keyword qb64Metavariable contained defined undefined
+syn keyword qb64Metavariable contained windows win linux mac maxosx
+syn keyword qb64Metavariable contained 32bit 64bit version
+" Default Highlighting {{{1
+hi def link qb64Float basicFloat
+hi def link qb64Function Function
+hi def link qb64Keyword Keyword
+hi def link qb64LineLabel basicLineLabel
+hi def link qb64Metacommand PreProc
+hi def link qb64Metavariable Identifier
+hi def link qb64Number basicNumber
+hi def link qb64Statement Statement
+hi def link qb64TypeSuffix basicTypeSuffix
+hi def link qb64Type Type
+hi def link qb64Unsupported Error
+" Postscript {{{1
+let b:current_syntax = "qb64"
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
+" vim: nowrap sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 noet fdm=marker: