path: root/runtime/syntax/squid.vim
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/squid.vim b/runtime/syntax/squid.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8abd18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/squid.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Squid config file
+" Maintainer: Klaus Muth <>
+" Last Change: 2005 Jun 12
+" URL:
+" ThanksTo: Ilya Sher <>,
+" Michael Dotzler <>
+" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" squid.conf syntax seems to be case insensitive
+syn case ignore
+syn keyword squidTodo contained TODO
+syn match squidComment "#.*$" contains=squidTodo,squidTag
+syn match squidTag contained "TAG: .*$"
+" Lots & lots of Keywords!
+syn keyword squidConf acl always_direct announce_host announce_period
+syn keyword squidConf announce_port announce_to anonymize_headers
+syn keyword squidConf append_domain as_whois_server auth_param_basic
+syn keyword squidConf authenticate_children authenticate_program
+syn keyword squidConf authenticate_ttl broken_posts buffered_logs
+syn keyword squidConf cache_access_log cache_announce cache_dir
+syn keyword squidConf cache_dns_program cache_effective_group
+syn keyword squidConf cache_effective_user cache_host cache_host_acl
+syn keyword squidConf cache_host_domain cache_log cache_mem
+syn keyword squidConf cache_mem_high cache_mem_low cache_mgr
+syn keyword squidConf cachemgr_passwd cache_peer cache_peer_access
+syn keyword squidConf cahce_replacement_policy cache_stoplist
+syn keyword squidConf cache_stoplist_pattern cache_store_log cache_swap
+syn keyword squidConf cache_swap_high cache_swap_log cache_swap_low
+syn keyword squidConf client_db client_lifetime client_netmask
+syn keyword squidConf connect_timeout coredump_dir dead_peer_timeout
+syn keyword squidConf debug_options delay_access delay_class
+syn keyword squidConf delay_initial_bucket_level delay_parameters
+syn keyword squidConf delay_pools deny_info dns_children dns_defnames
+syn keyword squidConf dns_nameservers dns_testnames emulate_httpd_log
+syn keyword squidConf err_html_text fake_user_agent firewall_ip
+syn keyword squidConf forwarded_for forward_snmpd_port fqdncache_size
+syn keyword squidConf ftpget_options ftpget_program ftp_list_width
+syn keyword squidConf ftp_passive ftp_user half_closed_clients
+syn keyword squidConf header_access header_replace hierarchy_stoplist
+syn keyword squidConf high_response_time_warning high_page_fault_warning
+syn keyword squidConf htcp_port http_access http_anonymizer httpd_accel
+syn keyword squidConf httpd_accel_host httpd_accel_port
+syn keyword squidConf httpd_accel_uses_host_header
+syn keyword squidConf httpd_accel_with_proxy http_port http_reply_access
+syn keyword squidConf icp_access icp_hit_stale icp_port
+syn keyword squidConf icp_query_timeout ident_lookup ident_lookup_access
+syn keyword squidConf ident_timeout incoming_http_average
+syn keyword squidConf incoming_icp_average inside_firewall ipcache_high
+syn keyword squidConf ipcache_low ipcache_size local_domain local_ip
+syn keyword squidConf logfile_rotate log_fqdn log_icp_queries
+syn keyword squidConf log_mime_hdrs maximum_object_size
+syn keyword squidConf maximum_single_addr_tries mcast_groups
+syn keyword squidConf mcast_icp_query_timeout mcast_miss_addr
+syn keyword squidConf mcast_miss_encode_key mcast_miss_port memory_pools
+syn keyword squidConf memory_pools_limit memory_replacement_policy
+syn keyword squidConf mime_table min_http_poll_cnt min_icp_poll_cnt
+syn keyword squidConf minimum_direct_hops minimum_object_size
+syn keyword squidConf minimum_retry_timeout miss_access negative_dns_ttl
+syn keyword squidConf negative_ttl neighbor_timeout neighbor_type_domain
+syn keyword squidConf netdb_high netdb_low netdb_ping_period
+syn keyword squidConf netdb_ping_rate never_direct no_cache
+syn keyword squidConf passthrough_proxy pconn_timeout pid_filename
+syn keyword squidConf pinger_program positive_dns_ttl prefer_direct
+syn keyword squidConf proxy_auth proxy_auth_realm query_icmp quick_abort
+syn keyword squidConf quick_abort quick_abort_max quick_abort_min
+syn keyword squidConf quick_abort_pct range_offset_limit read_timeout
+syn keyword squidConf redirect_children redirect_program
+syn keyword squidConf redirect_rewrites_host_header reference_age
+syn keyword squidConf reference_age refresh_pattern reload_into_ims
+syn keyword squidConf request_body_max_size request_size request_timeout
+syn keyword squidConf shutdown_lifetime single_parent_bypass
+syn keyword squidConf siteselect_timeout snmp_access
+syn keyword squidConf snmp_incoming_address snmp_port source_ping
+syn keyword squidConf ssl_proxy store_avg_object_size
+syn keyword squidConf store_objects_per_bucket strip_query_terms
+syn keyword squidConf swap_level1_dirs swap_level2_dirs
+syn keyword squidConf tcp_incoming_address tcp_outgoing_address
+syn keyword squidConf tcp_recv_bufsize test_reachability udp_hit_obj
+syn keyword squidConf udp_hit_obj_size udp_incoming_address
+syn keyword squidConf udp_outgoing_address unique_hostname
+syn keyword squidConf unlinkd_program uri_whitespace useragent_log
+syn keyword squidConf visible_hostname wais_relay wais_relay_host
+syn keyword squidConf wais_relay_port
+syn keyword squidOpt proxy-only weight ttl no-query default
+syn keyword squidOpt round-robin multicast-responder
+syn keyword squidOpt on off all deny allow
+syn keyword squidopt via parent no-digest heap lru realm
+syn keyword squidopt children credentialsttl none disable
+syn keyword squidopt offline_toggle diskd q1 q2
+" Security Actions for cachemgr_passwd
+syn keyword squidAction shutdown info parameter server_list
+syn keyword squidAction client_list
+syn match squidAction "stats/\(objects\|vm_objects\|utilization\|ipcache\|fqdncache\|dns\|redirector\|io\|reply_headers\|filedescriptors\|netdb\)"
+syn match squidAction "log\(/\(status\|enable\|disable\|clear\)\)\="
+syn match squidAction "squid\.conf"
+" Keywords for the acl-config
+syn keyword squidAcl url_regex urlpath_regex referer_regex port proto
+syn keyword squidAcl req_mime_type rep_mime_type
+syn keyword squidAcl method browser user src dst
+syn keyword squidAcl time dstdomain ident snmp_community
+syn match squidNumber "\<\d\+\>"
+syn match squidIP "\<\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\>"
+syn match squidStr "\(^\s*acl\s\+\S\+\s\+\(\S*_regex\|re[pq]_mime_type\|browser\|_domain\|user\)\+\s\+\)\@<=.*" contains=squidRegexOpt
+syn match squidRegexOpt contained "\(^\s*acl\s\+\S\+\s\+\S\+\(_regex\|_mime_type\)\s\+\)\@<=[-+]i\s\+"
+" All config is in one line, so this has to be sufficient
+" Make it fast like hell :)
+syn sync minlines=3
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+hi def link squidTodo Todo
+hi def link squidComment Comment
+hi def link squidTag Special
+hi def link squidConf Keyword
+hi def link squidOpt Constant
+hi def link squidAction String
+hi def link squidNumber Number
+hi def link squidIP Number
+hi def link squidAcl Keyword
+hi def link squidStr String
+hi def link squidRegexOpt Special
+let b:current_syntax = "squid"
+" vim: ts=8