path: root/runtime/syntax/stp.vim
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/stp.vim b/runtime/syntax/stp.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2992d8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/stp.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Stored Procedures (STP)
+" Maintainer: Jeff Lanzarotta (
+" URL:
+" Last Change: March 05, 2002
+" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syn case ignore
+" Specials.
+syn keyword stpSpecial null
+" Keywords.
+syn keyword stpKeyword begin break call case create deallocate dynamic
+syn keyword stpKeyword execute from function go grant
+syn keyword stpKeyword index insert into leave max min on output procedure
+syn keyword stpKeyword public result return returns scroll table to
+syn keyword stpKeyword when
+syn match stpKeyword "\<end\>"
+" Conditional.
+syn keyword stpConditional if else elseif then
+syn match stpConditional "\<end\s\+if\>"
+" Repeats.
+syn keyword stpRepeat for while loop
+syn match stpRepeat "\<end\s\+loop\>"
+" Operators.
+syn keyword stpOperator asc not and or desc group having in is any some all
+syn keyword stpOperator between exists like escape with union intersect minus
+syn keyword stpOperator out prior distinct sysdate
+" Statements.
+syn keyword stpStatement alter analyze as audit avg by close clustered comment
+syn keyword stpStatement commit continue count create cursor declare delete
+syn keyword stpStatement drop exec execute explain fetch from index insert
+syn keyword stpStatement into lock max min next noaudit nonclustered open
+syn keyword stpStatement order output print raiserror recompile rename revoke
+syn keyword stpStatement rollback savepoint select set sum transaction
+syn keyword stpStatement truncate unique update values where
+" Functions.
+syn keyword stpFunction abs acos ascii asin atan atn2 avg ceiling charindex
+syn keyword stpFunction charlength convert col_name col_length cos cot count
+syn keyword stpFunction curunreservedpgs datapgs datalength dateadd datediff
+syn keyword stpFunction datename datepart db_id db_name degree difference
+syn keyword stpFunction exp floor getdate hextoint host_id host_name index_col
+syn keyword stpFunction inttohex isnull lct_admin log log10 lower ltrim max
+syn keyword stpFunction min now object_id object_name patindex pi pos power
+syn keyword stpFunction proc_role radians rand replace replicate reserved_pgs
+syn keyword stpFunction reverse right rtrim rowcnt round show_role sign sin
+syn keyword stpFunction soundex space sqrt str stuff substr substring sum
+syn keyword stpFunction suser_id suser_name tan tsequal upper used_pgs user
+syn keyword stpFunction user_id user_name valid_name valid_user message
+" Types.
+syn keyword stpType binary bit char datetime decimal double float image
+syn keyword stpType int integer long money nchar numeric precision real
+syn keyword stpType smalldatetime smallint smallmoney text time tinyint
+syn keyword stpType timestamp varbinary varchar
+" Globals.
+syn match stpGlobals '@@char_convert'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@cient_csname'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@client_csid'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@connections'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@cpu_busy'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@error'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@identity'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@idle'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@io_busy'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@isolation'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@langid'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@language'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@max_connections'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@maxcharlen'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@ncharsize'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@nestlevel'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@pack_received'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@pack_sent'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@packet_errors'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@procid'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@rowcount'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@servername'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@spid'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@sqlstatus'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@testts'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@textcolid'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@textdbid'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@textobjid'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@textptr'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@textsize'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@thresh_hysteresis'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@timeticks'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@total_error'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@total_read'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@total_write'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@tranchained'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@trancount'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@transtate'
+syn match stpGlobals '@@version'
+" Todos.
+syn keyword stpTodo TODO FIXME XXX DEBUG NOTE
+" Strings and characters.
+syn match stpStringError "'.*$"
+syn match stpString "'\([^']\|''\)*'"
+" Numbers.
+syn match stpNumber "-\=\<\d*\.\=[0-9_]\>"
+" Comments.
+syn region stpComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=stpTodo
+syn match stpComment "--.*" contains=stpTodo
+syn sync ccomment stpComment
+" Parens.
+syn region stpParen transparent start='(' end=')' contains=ALLBUT,stpParenError
+syn match stpParenError ")"
+" Syntax Synchronizing.
+syn sync minlines=10 maxlines=100
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" Only when and item doesn't have highlighting yet.
+hi def link stpConditional Conditional
+hi def link stpComment Comment
+hi def link stpKeyword Keyword
+hi def link stpNumber Number
+hi def link stpOperator Operator
+hi def link stpSpecial Special
+hi def link stpStatement Statement
+hi def link stpString String
+hi def link stpStringError Error
+hi def link stpType Type
+hi def link stpTodo Todo
+hi def link stpFunction Function
+hi def link stpGlobals Macro
+hi def link stpParen Normal
+hi def link stpParenError Error
+hi def link stpSQLKeyword Function
+hi def link stpRepeat Repeat
+let b:current_syntax = "stp"
+" vim ts=8 sw=2