#!/usr/bin/perl # # helpztags generates tags for Vim helpfiles, for both .txt and .txt.gz files # Author: Jakub Turski # Artur R. Czechowski # Version: 0.4 # Please use following command for generate a manual file: # pod2man -c "User Commands" -s 1 -q none -r "vim 6.2" -d "September 2003" helpztags helpztags.1 =head1 NAME helpztags - generate the help tags file for directory =head1 SYNOPSIS helpztags F... =head1 DESCRIPTION F scans given directories for F<*.txt> and F<*.txt.gz> files. Each file is scanned for tags used in F help files. For each directory proper F file is generated. There should be at least one directory given. In other case program exits with error. =head1 AUTHORS Written by Jakub Turski and Artur R. Czechowski based on idea contained in C sources for its C<:helptags command>. =head1 REPORTING BUGS Please use a Debian C command or procedure described at C. =head1 SEE ALSO Read C<:help helptags> in F for detailed information about helptags. =cut use strict; use warnings; use File::Glob ':globally'; use POSIX qw(getcwd); die "Error: no directories given. Check manpage for details.\n" unless @ARGV; my $startdir=getcwd(); my %tags; foreach my $dir (@ARGV) { chdir $dir or next; print "Processing ".$dir."\n"; foreach my $file (<*.{gz,txt,??x}>) { next unless $file =~ m/^[\w.-]+\.(?:txt|([[:alpha:]]{2})x)(?:.gz)?$/; my $suffix = ''; if ($1) { $suffix = "-$1"; } my $open = ($file =~ /\.gz$/) ? open(GZ, '-|', 'zcat', $file) : open(GZ, $file); if (!$open) { chdir $startdir; next; } while () { # From vim73/src/ex_cmds.c, helptags_one, lines 6443-6445 # # Only accept a *tag* when it consists of valid # characters, there is white space before it and is # followed by a white character or end-of-line. while (/(?:(?<=^)|(?<=\s))\*([^*\s|]+?)\*(?:(?=\s)|(?=$))/g) { $tags{"tags$suffix"}{$1}=$file; } } close(GZ); } while (my ($tagfile, $tags) = each %tags) { next unless %{$tags}; open(TAGSFILE, '>', $tagfile) || die "Error: Cannot open $dir/$tagfile for writing.\n"; foreach my $tag (sort keys %{$tags}) { print TAGSFILE "$tag\t$tags->{$tag}\t/*"; $tag =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $tag =~ s@/@\/@g; print TAGSFILE "$tag*\n"; } close TAGSFILE; } chdir $startdir; }