" Vim filetype plugin autoload file " Language: man " Maintainer: Jason Franklin " Maintainer: SungHyun Nam " Autoload Split: Bram Moolenaar " Last Change: 2022 Jun 18 let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo-=C let s:man_tag_depth = 0 let s:man_sect_arg = "" let s:man_find_arg = "-w" try if !has("win32") && $OSTYPE !~ 'cygwin\|linux' && system('uname -s') =~ "SunOS" && system('uname -r') =~ "^5" let s:man_sect_arg = "-s" let s:man_find_arg = "-l" endif catch /E145:/ " Ignore the error in restricted mode endtry func dist#man#PreGetPage(cnt) if a:cnt == 0 let old_isk = &iskeyword if &ft == 'man' setl iskeyword+=(,) endif let str = expand("") let &l:iskeyword = old_isk let page = substitute(str, '(*\(\k\+\).*', '\1', '') let sect = substitute(str, '\(\k\+\)(\([^()]*\)).*', '\2', '') if match(sect, '^[0-9 ]\+$') == -1 let sect = "" endif if sect == page let sect = "" endif else let sect = a:cnt let page = expand("") endif call dist#man#GetPage('', sect, page) endfunc func s:GetCmdArg(sect, page) if empty(a:sect) return shellescape(a:page) endif return s:man_sect_arg . ' ' . shellescape(a:sect) . ' ' . shellescape(a:page) endfunc func s:FindPage(sect, page) let l:cmd = printf('man %s %s', s:man_find_arg, s:GetCmdArg(a:sect, a:page)) call system(l:cmd) if v:shell_error return 0 endif return 1 endfunc func dist#man#GetPage(cmdmods, ...) if a:0 >= 2 let sect = a:1 let page = a:2 elseif a:0 >= 1 let sect = "" let page = a:1 else return endif " To support: nmap K :Man if page == '' let page = expand('') endif if !exists('g:ft_man_no_sect_fallback') || (g:ft_man_no_sect_fallback == 0) if sect != "" && s:FindPage(sect, page) == 0 let sect = "" endif endif if s:FindPage(sect, page) == 0 let msg = 'man.vim: no manual entry for "' . page . '"' if !empty(sect) let msg .= ' in section ' . sect endif echomsg msg return endif exec "let s:man_tag_buf_".s:man_tag_depth." = ".bufnr("%") exec "let s:man_tag_lin_".s:man_tag_depth." = ".line(".") exec "let s:man_tag_col_".s:man_tag_depth." = ".col(".") let s:man_tag_depth = s:man_tag_depth + 1 let open_cmd = 'edit' " Use an existing "man" window if it exists, otherwise open a new one. if &filetype != "man" let thiswin = winnr() exe "norm! \b" if winnr() > 1 exe "norm! " . thiswin . "\w" while 1 if &filetype == "man" break endif exe "norm! \w" if thiswin == winnr() break endif endwhile endif if &filetype != "man" if exists("g:ft_man_open_mode") if g:ft_man_open_mode == 'vert' let open_cmd = 'vsplit' elseif g:ft_man_open_mode == 'tab' let open_cmd = 'tabedit' else let open_cmd = 'split' endif else let open_cmd = a:cmdmods . ' split' endif endif endif silent execute open_cmd . " $HOME/" . page . '.' . sect . '~' " Avoid warning for editing the dummy file twice setl buftype=nofile noswapfile setl fdc=0 ma nofen nonu nornu %delete _ let unsetwidth = 0 if empty($MANWIDTH) let $MANWIDTH = winwidth(0) let unsetwidth = 1 endif " Ensure Vim is not recursively invoked (man-db does this) when doing ctrl-[ " on a man page reference by unsetting MANPAGER. " Some versions of env(1) do not support the '-u' option, and in such case " we set MANPAGER=cat. if !exists('s:env_has_u') call system('env -u x true') let s:env_has_u = (v:shell_error == 0) endif let env_cmd = s:env_has_u ? 'env -u MANPAGER' : 'env MANPAGER=cat' let env_cmd .= ' GROFF_NO_SGR=1' let man_cmd = env_cmd . ' man ' . s:GetCmdArg(sect, page) . ' | col -b' silent exec "r !" . man_cmd if unsetwidth let $MANWIDTH = '' endif " Remove blank lines from top and bottom. while line('$') > 1 && getline(1) =~ '^\s*$' 1delete _ endwhile while line('$') > 1 && getline('$') =~ '^\s*$' $delete _ endwhile 1 setl ft=man nomod setl bufhidden=hide setl nobuflisted setl noma endfunc func dist#man#PopPage() if s:man_tag_depth > 0 let s:man_tag_depth = s:man_tag_depth - 1 exec "let s:man_tag_buf=s:man_tag_buf_".s:man_tag_depth exec "let s:man_tag_lin=s:man_tag_lin_".s:man_tag_depth exec "let s:man_tag_col=s:man_tag_col_".s:man_tag_depth exec s:man_tag_buf."b" exec s:man_tag_lin exec "norm! ".s:man_tag_col."|" exec "unlet s:man_tag_buf_".s:man_tag_depth exec "unlet s:man_tag_lin_".s:man_tag_depth exec "unlet s:man_tag_col_".s:man_tag_depth unlet s:man_tag_buf s:man_tag_lin s:man_tag_col endif endfunc let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim: set sw=2 ts=8 noet: