" Vim syntax file " Language: Arduino " Maintainer: Johannes Hoff " Last Change: 21 October 2021 " License: VIM license (:help license, replace vim by arduino.vim) " Syntax highlighting like in the Arduino IDE " Automatically generated by the script available at " https://github.com/johshoff/arduino-vim-syntax " Using keywords from /build/shared/lib/keywords.txt " From version: 1.8.16 " Thanks to Rik, Erik Nomitch, Adam Obeng, Graeme Cross and Niall Parker " for helpful feedback! " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " Read the C syntax to start with if version < 600 so :p:h/cpp.vim else runtime! syntax/cpp.vim endif syn keyword arduinoConstant BIN CHANGE DEC DEFAULT EXTERNAL FALLING HALF_PI HEX syn keyword arduinoConstant HIGH INPUT INPUT_PULLUP INTERNAL INTERNAL1V1 syn keyword arduinoConstant INTERNAL2V56 LED_BUILTIN LED_BUILTIN_RX syn keyword arduinoConstant LED_BUILTIN_TX LOW LSBFIRST MSBFIRST OCT OUTPUT PI syn keyword arduinoConstant RISING TWO_PI syn keyword arduinoFunc analogRead analogReadResolution analogReference syn keyword arduinoFunc analogWrite analogWriteResolution attachInterrupt syn keyword arduinoFunc bit bitClear bitRead bitSet bitWrite delay syn keyword arduinoFunc delayMicroseconds detachInterrupt syn keyword arduinoFunc digitalPinToInterrupt digitalRead digitalWrite syn keyword arduinoFunc highByte interrupts lowByte micros millis syn keyword arduinoFunc noInterrupts noTone pinMode pulseIn pulseInLong syn keyword arduinoFunc shiftIn shiftOut tone yield syn keyword arduinoMethod available availableForWrite begin charAt compareTo syn keyword arduinoMethod concat end endsWith equals equalsIgnoreCase export syn keyword arduinoMethod final find findUntil flush getBytes indexOf syn keyword arduinoMethod lastIndexOf length loop override parseFloat syn keyword arduinoMethod parseInt peek print println read readBytes syn keyword arduinoMethod readBytesUntil readString readStringUntil replace syn keyword arduinoMethod setCharAt setTimeout setup startsWith Stream syn keyword arduinoMethod substring toCharArray toInt toLowerCase toUpperCase syn keyword arduinoMethod trim syn keyword arduinoModule Keyboard Mouse Serial Serial1 Serial2 Serial3 syn keyword arduinoModule SerialUSB syn keyword arduinoStdFunc abs accept acos acosf asin asinf atan atan2 atan2f syn keyword arduinoStdFunc atanf cbrt cbrtf ceil ceilf click constrain syn keyword arduinoStdFunc copysign copysignf cos cosf cosh coshf degrees exp syn keyword arduinoStdFunc expf fabs fabsf fdim fdimf floor floorf fma fmaf syn keyword arduinoStdFunc fmax fmaxf fmin fminf fmod fmodf hypot hypotf syn keyword arduinoStdFunc isfinite isinf isnan isPressed ldexp ldexpf log syn keyword arduinoStdFunc log10 log10f logf lrint lrintf lround lroundf map syn keyword arduinoStdFunc max min move pow powf press radians random syn keyword arduinoStdFunc randomSeed release releaseAll round roundf signbit syn keyword arduinoStdFunc sin sinf sinh sinhf sq sqrt sqrtf tan tanf tanh syn keyword arduinoStdFunc tanhf trunc truncf syn keyword arduinoType _Bool _Complex _Imaginary array atomic_bool syn keyword arduinoType atomic_char atomic_int atomic_llong atomic_long syn keyword arduinoType atomic_schar atomic_short atomic_uchar atomic_uint syn keyword arduinoType atomic_ullong atomic_ulong atomic_ushort boolean syn keyword arduinoType byte char16_t char32_t complex NULL null PROGMEM syn keyword arduinoType String word hi def link arduinoType Type hi def link arduinoConstant Constant hi def link arduinoStdFunc Function hi def link arduinoFunc Function hi def link arduinoMethod Function hi def link arduinoModule Identifier