" Vim syntax file " Language: COBOL " Maintainer: Ankit Jain " (formerly Tim Pope ) " (formerly Davyd Ondrejko ) " (formerly Sitaram Chamarty and " James Mitchell ) " Last Change: 2019 Mar 22 " Ankit Jain 22.03.2019 Changes & fixes: " 1. Include inline comments " 2. Use comment highlight for bad lines " 3. Change certain 'keywords' to 'matches' " for additional highlighting " 4. Different highlighting for COPY, GO TO & " CALL lines " 5. Fix for COMP keyword " 6. Fix for PROCEDURE DIVISION highlighting " 7. Highlight EXIT PROGRAM like STOP RUN " 8. Highlight X & A in PIC clause " Tag: #C22032019 " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " MOST important - else most of the keywords wont work! setlocal isk=@,48-57,-,_ if !exists('g:cobol_inline_comment') let g:cobol_inline_comment=0 endif syn case ignore syn cluster cobolStart contains=cobolAreaA,cobolAreaB,cobolComment,cobolCompiler syn cluster cobolAreaA contains=cobolParagraph,cobolSection,cobolDivision "syn cluster cobolAreaB contains= syn cluster cobolAreaAB contains=cobolLine syn cluster cobolLine contains=cobolReserved syn match cobolMarker "^\%( \{,5\}[^ ]\)\@=.\{,6}" nextgroup=@cobolStart syn match cobolSpace "^ \{6\}" nextgroup=@cobolStart syn match cobolAreaA " \{1,4\}" contained nextgroup=@cobolAreaA,@cobolAreaAB syn match cobolAreaB " \{5,\}\|- *" contained nextgroup=@cobolAreaB,@cobolAreaAB syn match cobolComment "[/*C].*$" contained syn match cobolCompiler "$.*$" contained syn match cobolLine ".*$" contained contains=cobolReserved,@cobolLine "#C22032019: Fix for PROCEDURE DIVISION USING highlighting, removed . from the "end of the regex "syn match cobolDivision \"[A-Z][A-Z0-9-]*[A-Z0-9]\s\+DIVISION\."he=e-1 contained contains=cobolDivisionName syn match cobolDivision "[A-Z][A-Z0-9-]*[A-Z0-9]\s\+DIVISION" contained contains=cobolDivisionName syn keyword cobolDivisionName contained IDENTIFICATION ENVIRONMENT DATA PROCEDURE syn match cobolSection "[A-Z][A-Z0-9-]*[A-Z0-9]\s\+SECTION\."he=e-1 contained contains=cobolSectionName syn keyword cobolSectionName contained CONFIGURATION INPUT-OUTPUT FILE WORKING-STORAGE LOCAL-STORAGE LINKAGE syn match cobolParagraph "\a[A-Z0-9-]*[A-Z0-9]\.\|\d[A-Z0-9-]*[A-Z]\."he=e-1 contained contains=cobolParagraphName syn keyword cobolParagraphName contained PROGRAM-ID SOURCE-COMPUTER OBJECT-COMPUTER SPECIAL-NAMES FILE-CONTROL I-O-CONTROL "syn match cobolKeys "^\a\{1,6\}" contains=cobolReserved "#C22032019: Remove BY, REPLACING, PROGRAM, TO, IN from 'keyword' group and add "to 'match' group or other 'keyword' group syn keyword cobolReserved contained ACCEPT ACCESS ADD ADDRESS ADVANCING AFTER ALPHABET ALPHABETIC syn keyword cobolReserved contained ALPHABETIC-LOWER ALPHABETIC-UPPER ALPHANUMERIC ALPHANUMERIC-EDITED ALS syn keyword cobolReserved contained ALTERNATE AND ANY ARE AREA AREAS ASCENDING ASSIGN AT AUTHOR BEFORE BINARY syn keyword cobolReserved contained BLANK BLOCK BOTTOM CANCEL CBLL CD CF CH CHARACTER CHARACTERS CLASS syn keyword cobolReserved contained CLOCK-UNITS CLOSE COBOL CODE CODE-SET COLLATING COLUMN COMMA COMMON syn keyword cobolReserved contained COMMUNICATIONS COMPUTATIONAL COMPUTE CONTENT CONTINUE syn keyword cobolReserved contained CONTROL CONVERTING CORR CORRESPONDING COUNT CURRENCY DATE DATE-COMPILED syn keyword cobolReserved contained DATE-WRITTEN DAY DAY-OF-WEEK DE DEBUG-CONTENTS DEBUG-ITEM DEBUG-LINE syn keyword cobolReserved contained DEBUG-NAME DEBUG-SUB-1 DEBUG-SUB-2 DEBUG-SUB-3 DEBUGGING DECIMAL-POINT syn keyword cobolReserved contained DELARATIVES DELETE DELIMITED DELIMITER DEPENDING DESCENDING DESTINATION syn keyword cobolReserved contained DETAIL DISABLE DISPLAY DIVIDE DIVISION DOWN DUPLICATES DYNAMIC EGI ELSE EMI syn keyword cobolReserved contained ENABLE END-ADD END-COMPUTE END-DELETE END-DIVIDE END-EVALUATE END-IF syn keyword cobolReserved contained END-MULTIPLY END-OF-PAGE END-READ END-RECEIVE END-RETURN syn keyword cobolReserved contained END-REWRITE END-SEARCH END-START END-STRING END-SUBTRACT END-UNSTRING syn keyword cobolReserved contained END-WRITE EQUAL ERROR ESI EVALUATE EVERY EXCEPTION EXIT syn keyword cobolReserved contained EXTEND EXTERNAL FALSE FD FILLER FINAL FIRST FOOTING FOR FROM syn keyword cobolReserved contained GENERATE GIVING GLOBAL GREATER GROUP HEADING HIGH-VALUE HIGH-VALUES I-O syn keyword cobolReserved contained INDEX INDEXED INDICATE INITIAL INITIALIZE syn keyword cobolReserved contained INITIATE INPUT INSPECT INSTALLATION INTO IS JUST syn keyword cobolReserved contained JUSTIFIED KEY LABEL LAST LEADING LEFT LENGTH LOCK MEMORY syn keyword cobolReserved contained MERGE MESSAGE MODE MODULES MOVE MULTIPLE MULTIPLY NATIVE NEGATIVE NEXT NO NOT syn keyword cobolReserved contained NUMBER NUMERIC NUMERIC-EDITED OCCURS OF OFF OMITTED ON OPEN syn keyword cobolReserved contained OPTIONAL OR ORDER ORGANIZATION OTHER OUTPUT OVERFLOW PACKED-DECIMAL PADDING syn keyword cobolReserved contained PAGE PAGE-COUNTER PERFORM PF PH PIC PICTURE PLUS POINTER POSITION POSITIVE syn keyword cobolReserved contained PRINTING PROCEDURES PROCEDD PURGE QUEUE QUOTES syn keyword cobolReserved contained RANDOM RD READ RECEIVE RECORD RECORDS REDEFINES REEL REFERENCE REFERENCES syn keyword cobolReserved contained RELATIVE RELEASE REMAINDER REMOVAL REPLACE REPORT REPORTING syn keyword cobolReserved contained REPORTS RERUN RESERVE RESET RETURN RETURNING REVERSED REWIND REWRITE RF RH syn keyword cobolReserved contained RIGHT ROUNDED RUN SAME SD SEARCH SECTION SECURITY SEGMENT SEGMENT-LIMITED syn keyword cobolReserved contained SELECT SEND SENTENCE SEPARATE SEQUENCE SEQUENTIAL SET SIGN SIZE SORT syn keyword cobolReserved contained SORT-MERGE SOURCE STANDARD syn keyword cobolReserved contained STANDARD-1 STANDARD-2 START STATUS STOP STRING SUB-QUEUE-1 SUB-QUEUE-2 syn keyword cobolReserved contained SUB-QUEUE-3 SUBTRACT SUM SUPPRESS SYMBOLIC SYNC SYNCHRONIZED TABLE TALLYING syn keyword cobolReserved contained TAPE TERMINAL TERMINATE TEST TEXT THAN THEN THROUGH THRU TIME TIMES TOP syn keyword cobolReserved contained TRAILING TRUE TYPE UNIT UNSTRING UNTIL UP UPON USAGE USE USING VALUE VALUES syn keyword cobolReserved contained VARYING WHEN WITH WORDS WRITE syn match cobolReserved contained "\" syn match cobolReserved contained "\<\(IF\|INVALID\|END\|EOP\)\>" syn match cobolReserved contained "\" " #C22032019: Add BY as match instead of keyword: BY not followed by == syn match cobolReserved contained "\\s\+\(==\)\@!" syn match cobolReserved contained "\" syn cluster cobolLine add=cobolConstant,cobolNumber,cobolPic syn keyword cobolConstant SPACE SPACES NULL ZERO ZEROES ZEROS LOW-VALUE LOW-VALUES " #C22032019: Fix for many pic clauses syn match cobolNumber "\<-\=\d*\.\=\d\+\>" contained " syn match cobolPic \"\" contained syn match cobolPic "\" contained syn match cobolPic "\<$*\.\=9\+\>" contained syn match cobolPic "\" contained syn match cobolPic "\" contained syn match cobolPic "\<9\+V\>" contained " syn match cobolPic \"\<-\+[Z9]\+\>" contained syn match cobolPic "\<-*[Z9]\+-*\>" contained " #C22032019: Add Z,X and A to cobolPic syn match cobolPic "\<[ZXA]\+\>" contained syn match cobolTodo "todo" contained containedin=cobolInlineComment,cobolComment " For MicroFocus or other inline comments, include this line. if g:cobol_inline_comment == 1 syn region cobolInlineComment start="*>" end="$" contains=cobolTodo,cobolMarker syn cluster cobolLine add=cobolInlineComment endif syn match cobolBadLine "[^ D\*$/-].*" contained " If comment mark somehow gets into column past Column 7. if g:cobol_inline_comment == 1 " #C22032019: It is a bad line only if * is not followed by > when inline " comments enabled syn match cobolBadLine "\s\+\*\(>\)\@!.*" contained else syn match cobolBadLine "\s\+\*.*" contained endif syn cluster cobolStart add=cobolBadLine " #C22032019: Different highlighting for GO TO statements " syn keyword cobolGoTo GO GOTO syn keyword cobolGoTo GOTO syn match cobolGoTo /\\s\+\/ syn match cobolGoToPara /\\s\+\\s\+[A-Z0-9-]\+/ contains=cobolGoTo " #C22032019: Highlight copybook name and location in using different group " syn keyword cobolCopy COPY syn match cobolCopy "\\|\" syn match cobolCopy "\\s\+\(==\)\@=" syn match cobolCopy "\\s\+\(==\)\@=" syn match cobolCopyName "\\s\+[A-Z0-9]\+\(\s\+\\s\+[A-Z0-9]\+\)\?" contains=cobolCopy syn cluster cobolLine add=cobolGoToPara,cobolCopyName " cobolBAD: things that are BAD NEWS! syn keyword cobolBAD ALTER ENTER RENAMES syn cluster cobolLine add=cobolGoTo,cobolCopy,cobolBAD,cobolWatch,cobolEXECs " cobolWatch: things that are important when trying to understand a program syn keyword cobolWatch OCCURS DEPENDING VARYING BINARY COMP REDEFINES " #C22032019: Remove REPLACING from cobolWatch 'keyword' group and add to cobolCopy & " cobolWatch 'match' group " syn keyword cobolWatch REPLACING RUN syn keyword cobolWatch RUN PROGRAM syn match cobolWatch contained "\\s\+\(==\)\@!" " #C22032019: Look for word starting with COMP " syn match cobolWatch \"COMP-[123456XN]" syn match cobolWatch "\" syn match cobolCALLProg /\\s\+"\{0,1\}[A-Z0-9]\+"\{0,1\}/ contains=cobolCALLs syn match cobolExtras /\