// this file contains the actual definitions of // the IIDs and CLSIDs // link this file in with the server and any clients // File created by MIDL compiler version 3.00.44 // at Sat Jan 03 16:34:55 1998 // Compiler settings for if_ole.idl: // Os (OptLev=s), W1, Zp8, env=Win32, ms_ext, c_ext // error checks: none //@@MIDL_FILE_HEADING( ) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif #ifdef __MINGW32__ # include # if __W32API_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 && __W32API_MINOR_VERSION < 10 // This define is missing from older MingW versions of w32api, even though // IID is defined. # define __IID_DEFINED__ # endif #endif #ifndef __IID_DEFINED__ # define __IID_DEFINED__ typedef struct _IID { unsigned long x; unsigned short s1; unsigned short s2; unsigned char c[8]; } IID; #endif #ifndef CLSID_DEFINED # define CLSID_DEFINED typedef IID CLSID; #endif const IID IID_IVim = {0x0F0BFAE2,0x4C90,0x11d1,{0x82,0xD7,0x00,0x04,0xAC,0x36,0x85,0x19}}; const IID LIBID_Vim = {0x0F0BFAE0,0x4C90,0x11d1,{0x82,0xD7,0x00,0x04,0xAC,0x36,0x85,0x19}}; const CLSID CLSID_Vim = {0x0F0BFAE1,0x4C90,0x11d1,{0x82,0xD7,0x00,0x04,0xAC,0x36,0x85,0x19}}; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif