" Tests for :help! {subject} func Test_help_tagjump() help call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*help.txt\*') helpclose help | call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*bar\*') helpclose help " call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*quote\*') helpclose help * call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*star\*') helpclose help "* call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*quotestar\*') helpclose help sm?le call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*:smile\*') helpclose help ?? call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*??\*') helpclose help :? call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*:?\*') helpclose help q? call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*q?\*') call assert_true(expand('') == 'q?') helpclose help -? call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*-?\*') helpclose help v_g? call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*v_g?\*') helpclose help expr-!=? call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*expr-!=?\*') call assert_true(expand('') == 'expr-!=?') helpclose help expr-isnot? call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*expr-isnot?\*') call assert_true(expand('') == 'expr-isnot?') helpclose help FileW*Post call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*FileWritePost\*') helpclose help `ls` call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*:ls\*') helpclose help ^X call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*CTRL-X\*') helpclose help i_^_CTRL-D call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*i_^_CTRL-D\*') helpclose help i^x^y call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*i_CTRL-X_CTRL-Y\*') helpclose exe "help i\\" call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*i_CTRL-\\_CTRL-G\*') helpclose exec "help \" call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*CTRL-V\*') helpclose help /\| call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*/\\bar\*') helpclose help \_$ call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*/\\_$\*') helpclose help CTRL-\_CTRL-N call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*CTRL-\\_CTRL-N\*') helpclose help `:pwd`, call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*:pwd\*') helpclose help `:ls`. call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*:ls\*') helpclose exec "help! ('textwidth'" call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ "\\*'textwidth'\\*") helpclose exec "help! ('buflisted')," call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ "\\*'buflisted'\\*") helpclose exec "help! abs({expr})" call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*abs()\*') helpclose exec "help! arglistid([{winnr}" call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*arglistid()\*') helpclose exec "help! 'autoindent'." call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ "\\*'autoindent'\\*") helpclose exec "help! {address}." call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*{address}\*') helpclose " Use special patterns in the help tag for h in ['/\w', '/\%^', '/\%(', '/\zs', '/\@<=', '/\_$', '[++opt]', '/\{'] exec "help! " . h call assert_equal("help", &filetype) let pat = '\*' . escape(h, '\$[') . '\*' call assert_true(getline('.') =~ pat, pat) helpclose endfor exusage call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*:index\*') helpclose viusage call assert_equal("help", &filetype) call assert_true(getline('.') =~ '\*normal-index\*') helpclose endfunc let s:langs = ['en', 'ab', 'ja'] func s:doc_config_setup() let s:helpfile_save = &helpfile let &helpfile="Xdocdir1/doc-en/doc/testdoc.txt" let s:rtp_save = &rtp let &rtp="Xdocdir1/doc-en" if has('multi_lang') let s:helplang_save=&helplang endif call delete('Xdocdir1', 'rf') for lang in s:langs if lang ==# 'en' let tagfname = 'tags' let docfname = 'testdoc.txt' else let tagfname = 'tags-' . lang let docfname = 'testdoc.' . lang . 'x' endif let docdir = "Xdocdir1/doc-" . lang . "/doc" call mkdir(docdir, "p") call writefile(["\t*test-char*", "\t*test-col*"], docdir . '/' . docfname) call writefile(["test-char\t" . docfname . "\t/*test-char*", \ "test-col\t" . docfname . "\t/*test-col*"], \ docdir . '/' . tagfname) endfor endfunc func s:doc_config_teardown() call delete('Xdocdir1', 'rf') let &helpfile = s:helpfile_save let &rtp = s:rtp_save if has('multi_lang') let &helplang = s:helplang_save endif endfunc func s:get_help_compl_list(cmd) return getcompletion(a:cmd, 'help') endfunc func Test_help_complete() try let list = [] call s:doc_config_setup() " 'helplang=' and help file lang is 'en' if has('multi_lang') set helplang= endif let list = s:get_help_compl_list("test") call assert_equal(['test-col', 'test-char'], list) if has('multi_lang') " 'helplang=ab' and help file lang is 'en' set helplang=ab let list = s:get_help_compl_list("test") call assert_equal(['test-col', 'test-char'], list) " 'helplang=' and help file lang is 'en' and 'ab' set rtp+=Xdocdir1/doc-ab set helplang= let list = s:get_help_compl_list("test") call assert_equal(sort(['test-col@en', 'test-col@ab', \ 'test-char@en', 'test-char@ab']), sort(list)) " 'helplang=ab' and help file lang is 'en' and 'ab' set helplang=ab let list = s:get_help_compl_list("test") call assert_equal(sort(['test-col', 'test-col@en', \ 'test-char', 'test-char@en']), sort(list)) " 'helplang=' and help file lang is 'en', 'ab' and 'ja' set rtp+=Xdocdir1/doc-ja set helplang= let list = s:get_help_compl_list("test") call assert_equal(sort(['test-col@en', 'test-col@ab', \ 'test-col@ja', 'test-char@en', \ 'test-char@ab', 'test-char@ja']), sort(list)) " 'helplang=ab' and help file lang is 'en', 'ab' and 'ja' set helplang=ab let list = s:get_help_compl_list("test") call assert_equal(sort(['test-col', 'test-col@en', \ 'test-col@ja', 'test-char', \ 'test-char@en', 'test-char@ja']), sort(list)) " 'helplang=ab,ja' and help file lang is 'en', 'ab' and 'ja' set helplang=ab,ja let list = s:get_help_compl_list("test") call assert_equal(sort(['test-col', 'test-col@ja', \ 'test-col@en', 'test-char', \ 'test-char@ja', 'test-char@en']), sort(list)) endif catch call assert_exception('X') finally call s:doc_config_teardown() endtry endfunc func Test_help_respect_current_file_lang() try let list = [] call s:doc_config_setup() if has('multi_lang') function s:check_help_file_ext(help_keyword, ext) exec 'help ' . a:help_keyword call assert_equal(a:ext, expand('%:e')) call feedkeys("\", 'tx') call assert_equal(a:ext, expand('%:e')) pop helpclose endfunc set rtp+=Xdocdir1/doc-ab set rtp+=Xdocdir1/doc-ja set helplang=ab call s:check_help_file_ext('test-char', 'abx') call s:check_help_file_ext('test-char@ja', 'jax') set helplang=ab,ja call s:check_help_file_ext('test-char@ja', 'jax') call s:check_help_file_ext('test-char@en', 'txt') endif catch call assert_exception('X') finally call s:doc_config_teardown() endtry endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab