" Test spell checking " Note: this file uses latin1 encoding, but is used with utf-8 encoding. source check.vim CheckFeature spell source screendump.vim func TearDown() set nospell call delete('Xtest.aff') call delete('Xtest.dic') call delete('Xtest.latin1.add') call delete('Xtest.latin1.add.spl') call delete('Xtest.latin1.spl') call delete('Xtest.latin1.sug') " set 'encoding' to clear the word list set encoding=utf-8 endfunc func Test_wrap_search() new call setline(1, ['The', '', 'A plong line with two zpelling mistakes', '', 'End']) set spell wrapscan normal ]s call assert_equal('plong', expand('')) normal ]s call assert_equal('zpelling', expand('')) normal ]s call assert_equal('plong', expand('')) bwipe! set nospell endfunc func Test_curswant() new call setline(1, ['Another plong line', 'abcdefghijklmnopq']) set spell wrapscan normal 0]s call assert_equal('plong', expand('')) normal j call assert_equal(9, getcurpos()[2]) normal 0[s call assert_equal('plong', expand('')) normal j call assert_equal(9, getcurpos()[2]) normal 0]S call assert_equal('plong', expand('')) normal j call assert_equal(9, getcurpos()[2]) normal 0[S call assert_equal('plong', expand('')) normal j call assert_equal(9, getcurpos()[2]) normal 1G0 call assert_equal('plong', spellbadword()[0]) normal j call assert_equal(9, getcurpos()[2]) bwipe! set nospell endfunc func Test_z_equal_on_invalid_utf8_word() split set spell call setline(1, "\xff") norm z= set nospell bwipe! endfunc func Test_z_equal_on_single_character() " this was decrementing the index below zero new norm a0\Ê norm zW norm z= bwipe! endfunc " Test spellbadword() with argument func Test_spellbadword() set spell call assert_equal(['bycycle', 'bad'], spellbadword('My bycycle.')) call assert_equal(['another', 'caps'], 'A sentence. another sentence'->spellbadword()) call assert_equal(['TheCamelWord', 'bad'], 'TheCamelWord asdf'->spellbadword()) set spelloptions=camel call assert_equal(['asdf', 'bad'], 'TheCamelWord asdf'->spellbadword()) set spelloptions= set spelllang=en call assert_equal(['', ''], spellbadword('centre')) call assert_equal(['', ''], spellbadword('center')) set spelllang=en_us call assert_equal(['centre', 'local'], spellbadword('centre')) call assert_equal(['', ''], spellbadword('center')) set spelllang=en_gb call assert_equal(['', ''], spellbadword('centre')) call assert_equal(['center', 'local'], spellbadword('center')) " Create a small word list to test that spellbadword('...') " can return ['...', 'rare']. e Xwords insert foo foobar/? . w! mkspell! Xwords.spl Xwords set spelllang=Xwords.spl call assert_equal(['foobar', 'rare'], spellbadword('foo foobar')) " Typo should be detected even without the 'spell' option. set spelllang=en_gb nospell call assert_equal(['', ''], spellbadword('centre')) call assert_equal(['bycycle', 'bad'], spellbadword('My bycycle.')) call assert_equal(['another', 'caps'], spellbadword('A sentence. another sentence')) set spelllang= call assert_fails("call spellbadword('maxch')", 'E756:') call assert_fails("spelldump", 'E756:') call delete('Xwords.spl') call delete('Xwords') set spelllang& set spell& endfunc func Test_spell_file_missing() let s:spell_file_missing = 0 augroup TestSpellFileMissing autocmd! SpellFileMissing * let s:spell_file_missing += 1 augroup END set spell spelllang=ab_cd let messages = GetMessages() call assert_equal('Warning: Cannot find word list "ab.utf-8.spl" or "ab.ascii.spl"', messages[-1]) call assert_equal(1, s:spell_file_missing) new XTestSpellFileMissing augroup TestSpellFileMissing autocmd! SpellFileMissing * bwipe augroup END call assert_fails('set spell spelllang=ab_cd', 'E937:') " clean up augroup TestSpellFileMissing autocmd! SpellFileMissing augroup END augroup! TestSpellFileMissing unlet s:spell_file_missing set spell& spelllang& %bwipe! endfunc func Test_spell_file_missing_bwipe() " this was using a window that was wiped out in a SpellFileMissing autocmd set spelllang=xy au SpellFileMissing * n0 set spell au SpellFileMissing * bw snext somefile au! SpellFileMissing bwipe! set nospell spelllang=en endfunc func Test_spelldump() " In case the spell file is not found avoid getting the download dialog, we " would get stuck at the prompt. let g:en_not_found = 0 augroup TestSpellFileMissing au! SpellFileMissing * let g:en_not_found = 1 augroup END set spell spelllang=en spellrare! emacs if g:en_not_found call assert_report("Could not find English spell file") else spelldump " Check assumption about region: 1: us, 2: au, 3: ca, 4: gb, 5: nz. call assert_equal('/regions=usaucagbnz', getline(1)) call assert_notequal(0, search('^theater/1$')) " US English only. call assert_notequal(0, search('^theatre/2345$')) " AU, CA, GB or NZ English. call assert_notequal(0, search('^emacs/?$')) " ? for a rare word. call assert_notequal(0, search('^the the/!$')) " ! for a wrong word. endif " clean up unlet g:en_not_found augroup TestSpellFileMissing autocmd! SpellFileMissing augroup END augroup! TestSpellFileMissing bwipe set spell& endfunc func Test_spelldump_bang() new call setline(1, 'This is a sample sentence.') redraw " In case the spell file is not found avoid getting the download dialog, we " would get stuck at the prompt. let g:en_not_found = 0 augroup TestSpellFileMissing au! SpellFileMissing * let g:en_not_found = 1 augroup END set spell if g:en_not_found call assert_report("Could not find English spell file") else redraw spelldump! " :spelldump! includes the number of times a word was found while updating " the screen. " Common word count starts at 10, regular word count starts at 0. call assert_notequal(0, search("^is\t11$")) " common word found once. call assert_notequal(0, search("^the\t10$")) " common word never found. call assert_notequal(0, search("^sample\t1$")) " regular word found once. call assert_equal(0, search("^screen\t")) " regular word never found. endif " clean up unlet g:en_not_found augroup TestSpellFileMissing autocmd! SpellFileMissing augroup END augroup! TestSpellFileMissing %bwipe! set spell& endfunc func Test_spelllang_inv_region() set spell spelllang=en_xx let messages = GetMessages() call assert_equal('Warning: region xx not supported', messages[-1]) set spell& spelllang& endfunc func Test_compl_with_CTRL_X_CTRL_K_using_spell() " When spell checking is enabled and 'dictionary' is empty, " CTRL-X CTRL-K in insert mode completes using the spelling dictionary. new set spell spelllang=en dictionary= set ignorecase call feedkeys("Senglis\\\", 'tnx') call assert_equal(['English'], getline(1, '$')) call feedkeys("SEnglis\\\", 'tnx') call assert_equal(['English'], getline(1, '$')) set noignorecase call feedkeys("Senglis\\\", 'tnx') call assert_equal(['englis'], getline(1, '$')) call feedkeys("SEnglis\\\", 'tnx') call assert_equal(['English'], getline(1, '$')) set spelllang=en_us call feedkeys("Stheat\\\", 'tnx') call assert_equal(['theater'], getline(1, '$')) set spelllang=en_gb call feedkeys("Stheat\\\", 'tnx') " FIXME: commented out, expected theatre bug got theater. See issue #7025. " call assert_equal(['theatre'], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! set spell& spelllang& dictionary& ignorecase& endfunc func Test_spellreall() new set spell call assert_fails('spellrepall', 'E752:') call setline(1, ['A speling mistake. The same speling mistake.', \ 'Another speling mistake.']) call feedkeys(']s1z=', 'tx') call assert_equal('A spelling mistake. The same speling mistake.', getline(1)) call assert_equal('Another speling mistake.', getline(2)) spellrepall call assert_equal('A spelling mistake. The same spelling mistake.', getline(1)) call assert_equal('Another spelling mistake.', getline(2)) call assert_fails('spellrepall', 'E753:') set spell& bwipe! endfunc func Test_spell_dump_word_length() " this was running over MAXWLEN new noremap 0 0a0zW0000000 sil! norm 0z=0 sil norm 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 sil! norm 0z=0 bwipe! nunmap 0 endfunc " Test spellsuggest({word} [, {max} [, {capital}]]) func Test_spellsuggest() " Verify suggestions are given even when spell checking is not enabled. set nospell call assert_equal(['march', 'March'], spellsuggest('marrch', 2)) set spell " With 1 argument. call assert_equal(['march', 'March'], spellsuggest('marrch')[0:1]) " With 2 arguments. call assert_equal(['march', 'March'], spellsuggest('marrch', 2)) " With 3 arguments. call assert_equal(['march'], spellsuggest('marrch', 1, 0)) call assert_equal(['March'], spellsuggest('marrch', 1, 1)) " Test with digits and hyphen. call assert_equal('Carbon-14', spellsuggest('Carbon-15')[0]) " Comment taken from spellsuggest.c explains the following test cases: " " If there are more UPPER than lower case letters suggest an " ALLCAP word. Otherwise, if the first letter is UPPER then " suggest ONECAP. Exception: "ALl" most likely should be "All", " require three upper case letters. call assert_equal(['THIRD', 'third'], spellsuggest('thIRD', 2)) call assert_equal(['third', 'THIRD'], spellsuggest('tHIrd', 2)) call assert_equal(['Third'], spellsuggest('THird', 1)) call assert_equal(['All'], spellsuggest('ALl', 1)) " Special suggestion for repeated 'the the'. call assert_inrange(0, 2, index(spellsuggest('the the', 3), 'the')) call assert_inrange(0, 2, index(spellsuggest('the the', 3), 'the')) call assert_inrange(0, 2, index(spellsuggest('The the', 3), 'The')) call assert_fails("call spellsuggest('maxch', [])", 'E745:') call assert_fails("call spellsuggest('maxch', 2, [])", 'E745:') set spelllang= call assert_fails("call spellsuggest('maxch')", 'E756:') set spelllang& set spell& endfunc " Test 'spellsuggest' option with methods fast, best and double. func Test_spellsuggest_option_methods() set spell for e in ['latin1', 'utf-8'] exe 'set encoding=' .. e set spellsuggest=fast call assert_equal(['Stick', 'Stitch'], spellsuggest('Stich', 2), e) " With best or double option, "Stitch" should become the top suggestion " because of better phonetic matching. set spellsuggest=best call assert_equal(['Stitch', 'Stick'], spellsuggest('Stich', 2), e) set spellsuggest=double call assert_equal(['Stitch', 'Stick'], spellsuggest('Stich', 2), e) endfor set spell& spellsuggest& encoding& endfunc " Test 'spellsuggest' option with value file:{filename} func Test_spellsuggest_option_file() set spell spellsuggest=file:Xspellsuggest call writefile(['emacs/vim', \ 'theribal/terrible', \ 'teribal/terrrible', \ 'terribal'], \ 'Xspellsuggest') call assert_equal(['vim'], spellsuggest('emacs', 2)) call assert_equal(['terrible'], spellsuggest('theribal',2)) " If the suggestion is misspelled (*terrrible* with 3 r), " it should not be proposed. " The entry for "terribal" should be ignored because of missing slash. call assert_equal([], spellsuggest('teribal', 2)) call assert_equal([], spellsuggest('terribal', 2)) set spell spellsuggest=best,file:Xspellsuggest call assert_equal(['vim', 'Emacs'], spellsuggest('emacs', 2)) call assert_equal(['terrible', 'tribal'], spellsuggest('theribal', 2)) call assert_equal(['tribal'], spellsuggest('teribal', 1)) call assert_equal(['tribal'], spellsuggest('terribal', 1)) call delete('Xspellsuggest') call assert_fails("call spellsuggest('vim')", "E484: Can't open file Xspellsuggest") set spellsuggest& spell& endfunc " Test 'spellsuggest' option with value {number} " to limit the number of suggestions func Test_spellsuggest_option_number() set spell spellsuggest=2,best new " We limited the number of suggestions to 2, so selecting " the 1st and 2nd suggestion should correct the word, but " selecting a 3rd suggestion should do nothing. call setline(1, 'A baord') norm $1z= call assert_equal('A board', getline(1)) call setline(1, 'A baord') norm $2z= call assert_equal('A bard', getline(1)) call setline(1, 'A baord') norm $3z= call assert_equal('A baord', getline(1)) let a = execute('norm $z=') call assert_equal( \ "\n" \ .. "Change \"baord\" to:\n" \ .. " 1 \"board\"\n" \ .. " 2 \"bard\"\n" \ .. "Type number and or click with the mouse (q or empty cancels): ", a) set spell spellsuggest=0 call assert_equal("\nSorry, no suggestions", execute('norm $z=')) " Unlike z=, function spellsuggest(...) should not be affected by the " max number of suggestions (2) set by the 'spellsuggest' option. call assert_equal(['board', 'bard', 'broad'], spellsuggest('baord', 3)) set spellsuggest& spell& bwipe! endfunc " Test 'spellsuggest' option with value expr:{expr} func Test_spellsuggest_option_expr() " A silly 'spellsuggest' function which makes suggestions all uppercase " and makes the score of each suggestion the length of the suggested word. " So shorter suggestions are preferred. func MySuggest() let spellsuggest_save = &spellsuggest set spellsuggest=3,best let result = map(spellsuggest(v:val, 3), "[toupper(v:val), len(v:val)]") let &spellsuggest = spellsuggest_save return result endfunc set spell spellsuggest=expr:MySuggest() call assert_equal(['BARD', 'BOARD', 'BROAD'], spellsuggest('baord', 3)) new call setline(1, 'baord') let a = execute('norm z=') call assert_equal( \ "\n" \ .. "Change \"baord\" to:\n" \ .. " 1 \"BARD\"\n" \ .. " 2 \"BOARD\"\n" \ .. " 3 \"BROAD\"\n" \ .. "Type number and or click with the mouse (q or empty cancels): ", a) " With verbose, z= should show the score i.e. word length with " our SpellSuggest() function. set verbose=1 let a = execute('norm z=') call assert_equal( \ "\n" \ .. "Change \"baord\" to:\n" \ .. " 1 \"BARD\" (4 - 0)\n" \ .. " 2 \"BOARD\" (5 - 0)\n" \ .. " 3 \"BROAD\" (5 - 0)\n" \ .. "Type number and or click with the mouse (q or empty cancels): ", a) set spell& spellsuggest& verbose& bwipe! endfunc " Test for 'spellsuggest' expr errors func Test_spellsuggest_expr_errors() " 'spellsuggest' func MySuggest() return range(3) endfunc set spell spellsuggest=expr:MySuggest() call assert_equal([], spellsuggest('baord', 3)) " Test for 'spellsuggest' expression returning a non-list value func! MySuggest2() return 'good' endfunc set spellsuggest=expr:MySuggest2() call assert_equal([], spellsuggest('baord')) " Test for 'spellsuggest' expression returning a list with dict values func! MySuggest3() return [[{}, {}]] endfunc set spellsuggest=expr:MySuggest3() call assert_fails("call spellsuggest('baord')", 'E731:') set nospell spellsuggest& delfunc MySuggest delfunc MySuggest2 delfunc MySuggest3 endfunc func Test_spellsuggest_timeout() set spellsuggest=timeout:30 set spellsuggest=timeout:-123 set spellsuggest=timeout:999999 call assert_fails('set spellsuggest=timeout', 'E474:') call assert_fails('set spellsuggest=timeout:x', 'E474:') call assert_fails('set spellsuggest=timeout:-x', 'E474:') call assert_fails('set spellsuggest=timeout:--9', 'E474:') endfunc func Test_spellsuggest_visual_end_of_line() let enc_save = &encoding set encoding=iso8859 " This was reading beyond the end of the line. norm R00000000000 sil norm 0 sil! norm i00000) sil! norm i00000) call feedkeys("\") norm z= let &encoding = enc_save endfunc func Test_spellinfo() new let runtime = substitute($VIMRUNTIME, '\\', '/', 'g') set enc=latin1 spell spelllang=en call assert_match("^\nfile: " .. runtime .. "/spell/en.latin1.spl\n$", execute('spellinfo')) set enc=cp1250 spell spelllang=en call assert_match("^\nfile: " .. runtime .. "/spell/en.ascii.spl\n$", execute('spellinfo')) set enc=utf-8 spell spelllang=en call assert_match("^\nfile: " .. runtime .. "/spell/en.utf-8.spl\n$", execute('spellinfo')) set enc=latin1 spell spelllang=en_us,en_nz call assert_match("^\n" . \ "file: " .. runtime .. "/spell/en.latin1.spl\n" . \ "file: " .. runtime.. "/spell/en.latin1.spl\n$", execute('spellinfo')) set spell spelllang= call assert_fails('spellinfo', 'E756:') set nospell spelllang=en call assert_fails('spellinfo', 'E756:') call assert_fails('set spelllang=foo/bar', 'E474:') call assert_fails('set spelllang=foo\ bar', 'E474:') call assert_fails("set spelllang=foo\\\nbar", 'E474:') call assert_fails("set spelllang=foo\\\rbar", 'E474:') call assert_fails("set spelllang=foo+bar", 'E474:') set enc& spell& spelllang& bwipe endfunc func Test_zz_basic() call LoadAffAndDic(g:test_data_aff1, g:test_data_dic1) call RunGoodBad("wrong OK puts. Test the end", \ "bad: inputs comment ok Ok. test d\xE9\xF4l end the", \["Comment", "deol", "d\xE9\xF4r", "input", "OK", "output", "outputs", "outtest", "put", "puts", \ "test", "testen", "testn", "the end", "uk", "wrong"], \[ \ ["bad", ["put", "uk", "OK"]], \ ["inputs", ["input", "puts", "outputs"]], \ ["comment", ["Comment", "outtest", "the end"]], \ ["ok", ["OK", "uk", "put"]], \ ["Ok", ["OK", "Uk", "Put"]], \ ["test", ["Test", "testn", "testen"]], \ ["d\xE9\xF4l", ["deol", "d\xE9\xF4r", "test"]], \ ["end", ["put", "uk", "test"]], \ ["the", ["put", "uk", "test"]], \ ] \ ) call assert_equal("gebletegek", soundfold('goobledygoook')) call assert_equal("kepereneven", 'kóopërÿnôven'->soundfold()) call assert_equal("everles gesvets etele", soundfold('oeverloos gezwets edale')) endfunc " Postponed prefixes func Test_zz_prefixes() call LoadAffAndDic(g:test_data_aff2, g:test_data_dic1) call RunGoodBad("puts", \ "bad: inputs comment ok Ok end the. test d\xE9\xF4l", \ ["Comment", "deol", "d\xE9\xF4r", "OK", "put", "input", "output", "puts", "outputs", "test", "outtest", "testen", "testn", "the end", "uk", "wrong"], \ [ \ ["bad", ["put", "uk", "OK"]], \ ["inputs", ["input", "puts", "outputs"]], \ ["comment", ["Comment"]], \ ["ok", ["OK", "uk", "put"]], \ ["Ok", ["OK", "Uk", "Put"]], \ ["end", ["put", "uk", "deol"]], \ ["the", ["put", "uk", "test"]], \ ["test", ["Test", "testn", "testen"]], \ ["d\xE9\xF4l", ["deol", "d\xE9\xF4r", "test"]], \ ]) endfunc "Compound words func Test_zz_compound() call LoadAffAndDic(g:test_data_aff3, g:test_data_dic3) call RunGoodBad("foo m\xEF foobar foofoobar barfoo barbarfoo", \ "bad: bar la foom\xEF barm\xEF m\xEFfoo m\xEFbar m\xEFm\xEF lala m\xEFla lam\xEF foola labar", \ ["foo", "m\xEF"], \ [ \ ["bad", ["foo", "m\xEF"]], \ ["bar", ["barfoo", "foobar", "foo"]], \ ["la", ["m\xEF", "foo"]], \ ["foom\xEF", ["foo m\xEF", "foo", "foofoo"]], \ ["barm\xEF", ["barfoo", "m\xEF", "barbar"]], \ ["m\xEFfoo", ["m\xEF foo", "foo", "foofoo"]], \ ["m\xEFbar", ["foobar", "barbar", "m\xEF"]], \ ["m\xEFm\xEF", ["m\xEF m\xEF", "m\xEF"]], \ ["lala", []], \ ["m\xEFla", ["m\xEF", "m\xEF m\xEF"]], \ ["lam\xEF", ["m\xEF", "m\xEF m\xEF"]], \ ["foola", ["foo", "foobar", "foofoo"]], \ ["labar", ["barbar", "foobar"]], \ ]) call LoadAffAndDic(g:test_data_aff4, g:test_data_dic4) call RunGoodBad("word util bork prebork start end wordutil wordutils pro-ok bork borkbork borkborkbork borkborkborkbork borkborkborkborkbork tomato tomatotomato startend startword startwordword startwordend startwordwordend startwordwordwordend prebork preborkbork preborkborkbork nouword", \ "bad: wordutilize pro borkborkborkborkborkbork tomatotomatotomato endstart endend startstart wordend wordstart preborkprebork preborkpreborkbork startwordwordwordwordend borkpreborkpreborkbork utilsbork startnouword", \ ["bork", "prebork", "end", "pro-ok", "start", "tomato", "util", "utilize", "utils", "word", "nouword"], \ [ \ ["bad", ["end", "bork", "word"]], \ ["wordutilize", ["word utilize", "wordutils", "wordutil"]], \ ["pro", ["bork", "word", "end"]], \ ["borkborkborkborkborkbork", ["bork borkborkborkborkbork", "borkbork borkborkborkbork", "borkborkbork borkborkbork"]], \ ["tomatotomatotomato", ["tomato tomatotomato", "tomatotomato tomato", "tomato tomato tomato"]], \ ["endstart", ["end start", "start"]], \ ["endend", ["end end", "end"]], \ ["startstart", ["start start"]], \ ["wordend", ["word end", "word", "wordword"]], \ ["wordstart", ["word start", "bork start"]], \ ["preborkprebork", ["prebork prebork", "preborkbork", "preborkborkbork"]], \ ["preborkpreborkbork", ["prebork preborkbork", "preborkborkbork", "preborkborkborkbork"]], \ ["startwordwordwordwordend", ["startwordwordwordword end", "startwordwordwordword", "start wordwordwordword end"]], \ ["borkpreborkpreborkbork", ["bork preborkpreborkbork", "bork prebork preborkbork", "bork preborkprebork bork"]], \ ["utilsbork", ["utilbork", "utils bork", "util bork"]], \ ["startnouword", ["start nouword", "startword", "startborkword"]], \ ]) endfunc "Test affix flags with two characters func Test_zz_affix() call LoadAffAndDic(g:test_data_aff5, g:test_data_dic5) call RunGoodBad("fooa1 fooa\xE9 bar prebar barbork prebarbork startprebar start end startend startmiddleend nouend", \ "bad: foo fooa2 prabar probarbirk middle startmiddle middleend endstart startprobar startnouend", \ ["bar", "barbork", "end", "fooa1", "fooa\xE9", "nouend", "prebar", "prebarbork", "start"], \ [ \ ["bad", ["bar", "end", "fooa1"]], \ ["foo", ["fooa1", "fooa\xE9", "bar"]], \ ["fooa2", ["fooa1", "fooa\xE9", "bar"]], \ ["prabar", ["prebar", "bar", "bar bar"]], \ ["probarbirk", ["prebarbork"]], \ ["middle", []], \ ["startmiddle", ["startmiddleend", "startmiddlebar"]], \ ["middleend", []], \ ["endstart", ["end start", "start"]], \ ["startprobar", ["startprebar", "start prebar", "startbar"]], \ ["startnouend", ["start nouend", "startend"]], \ ]) call LoadAffAndDic(g:test_data_aff6, g:test_data_dic6) call RunGoodBad("meea1 meea\xE9 bar prebar barbork prebarbork leadprebar lead end leadend leadmiddleend", \ "bad: mee meea2 prabar probarbirk middle leadmiddle middleend endlead leadprobar", \ ["bar", "barbork", "end", "lead", "meea1", "meea\xE9", "prebar", "prebarbork"], \ [ \ ["bad", ["bar", "end", "lead"]], \ ["mee", ["meea1", "meea\xE9", "bar"]], \ ["meea2", ["meea1", "meea\xE9", "lead"]], \ ["prabar", ["prebar", "bar", "leadbar"]], \ ["probarbirk", ["prebarbork"]], \ ["middle", []], \ ["leadmiddle", ["leadmiddleend", "leadmiddlebar"]], \ ["middleend", []], \ ["endlead", ["end lead", "lead", "end end"]], \ ["leadprobar", ["leadprebar", "lead prebar", "leadbar"]], \ ]) call LoadAffAndDic(g:test_data_aff7, g:test_data_dic7) call RunGoodBad("meea1 meezero meea\xE9 bar prebar barmeat prebarmeat leadprebar lead tail leadtail leadmiddletail", \ "bad: mee meea2 prabar probarmaat middle leadmiddle middletail taillead leadprobar", \ ["bar", "barmeat", "lead", "meea1", "meea\xE9", "meezero", "prebar", "prebarmeat", "tail"], \ [ \ ["bad", ["bar", "lead", "tail"]], \ ["mee", ["meea1", "meea\xE9", "bar"]], \ ["meea2", ["meea1", "meea\xE9", "lead"]], \ ["prabar", ["prebar", "bar", "leadbar"]], \ ["probarmaat", ["prebarmeat"]], \ ["middle", []], \ ["leadmiddle", ["leadmiddlebar"]], \ ["middletail", []], \ ["taillead", ["tail lead", "tail"]], \ ["leadprobar", ["leadprebar", "lead prebar", "leadbar"]], \ ]) endfunc func Test_zz_NOSLITSUGS() call LoadAffAndDic(g:test_data_aff8, g:test_data_dic8) call RunGoodBad("foo bar faabar", "bad: foobar barfoo", \ ["bar", "faabar", "foo"], \ [ \ ["bad", ["bar", "foo"]], \ ["foobar", ["faabar", "foo bar", "bar"]], \ ["barfoo", ["bar foo", "bar", "foo"]], \ ]) endfunc " Numbers func Test_zz_Numbers() call LoadAffAndDic(g:test_data_aff9, g:test_data_dic9) call RunGoodBad("0b1011 0777 1234 0x01ff", "", \ ["bar", "foo"], \ [ \ ]) endfunc " Affix flags func Test_zz_affix_flags() call LoadAffAndDic(g:test_data_aff10, g:test_data_dic10) call RunGoodBad("drink drinkable drinkables drinktable drinkabletable", \ "bad: drinks drinkstable drinkablestable", \ ["drink", "drinkable", "drinkables", "table"], \ [['bad', []], \ ['drinks', ['drink']], \ ['drinkstable', ['drinktable', 'drinkable', 'drink table']], \ ['drinkablestable', ['drinkabletable', 'drinkables table', 'drinkable table']], \ ]) endfunc function FirstSpellWord() call feedkeys("/^start:\n", 'tx') normal ]smm let [str, a] = spellbadword() return str endfunc function SecondSpellWord() normal `m]s let [str, a] = spellbadword() return str endfunc "Test with SAL instead of SOFO items; test automatic reloading func Test_zz_sal_and_addition() set enc=latin1 set spellfile= call writefile(g:test_data_dic1, "Xtest.dic", 'D') call writefile(g:test_data_aff_sal, "Xtest.aff", 'D') mkspell! Xtest Xtest set spl=Xtest.latin1.spl spell call assert_equal('kbltykk', soundfold('goobledygoook')) call assert_equal('kprnfn', soundfold('kóopërÿnôven')) call assert_equal('*fls kswts tl', soundfold('oeverloos gezwets edale')) "also use an addition file call writefile(["/regions=usgbnz", "elequint/2", "elekwint/3"], "Xtest.latin1.add", 'D') mkspell! Xtest.latin1.add.spl Xtest.latin1.add bwipe! call setline(1, ["start: elequint test elekwint test elekwent asdf"]) set spellfile=Xtest.latin1.add call assert_equal("elekwent", FirstSpellWord()) set spl=Xtest_us.latin1.spl call assert_equal("elequint", FirstSpellWord()) call assert_equal("elekwint", SecondSpellWord()) set spl=Xtest_gb.latin1.spl call assert_equal("elekwint", FirstSpellWord()) call assert_equal("elekwent", SecondSpellWord()) set spl=Xtest_nz.latin1.spl call assert_equal("elequint", FirstSpellWord()) call assert_equal("elekwent", SecondSpellWord()) set spl=Xtest_ca.latin1.spl call assert_equal("elequint", FirstSpellWord()) call assert_equal("elekwint", SecondSpellWord()) bwipe! set spellfile= set spl& endfunc func Test_spellfile_value() set spellfile=Xdir/Xtest.latin1.add set spellfile=Xdir/Xtest.utf-8.add,Xtest_other.add endfunc func Test_region_error() messages clear call writefile(["/regions=usgbnz", "elequint/0"], "Xtest.latin1.add", 'D') mkspell! Xtest.latin1.add.spl Xtest.latin1.add call assert_match('Invalid region nr in Xtest.latin1.add line 2: 0', execute('messages')) call delete('Xtest.latin1.add.spl') endfunc " Check using z= in new buffer (crash fixed by patch 7.4a.028). func Test_zeq_crash() new set maxmem=512 spell call feedkeys('iasdz=:\"', 'tx') bwipe! endfunc " Check that z= works even when 'nospell' is set. This test uses one of the " tests in Test_spellsuggest_option_number() just to verify that z= basically " works and that "E756: Spell checking is not enabled" is not generated. func Test_zeq_nospell() new set nospell spellsuggest=1,best call setline(1, 'A baord') try norm $1z= call assert_equal('A board', getline(1)) catch call assert_report("Caught exception: " . v:exception) endtry set spell& spellsuggest& bwipe! endfunc " Check that "E756: Spell checking is not possible" is reported when z= is " executed and 'spelllang' is empty. func Test_zeq_no_spelllang() new set spelllang= spellsuggest=1,best call setline(1, 'A baord') call assert_fails('normal $1z=', 'E756:') set spelllang& spellsuggest& bwipe! endfunc " Check handling a word longer than MAXWLEN. func Test_spell_long_word() set enc=utf-8 new call setline(1, "d\xCC\xB4\xCC\xBD\xCD\x88\xCD\x94a\xCC\xB5\xCD\x84\xCD\x84\xCC\xA8\xCD\x9Cr\xCC\xB5\xCC\x8E\xCD\x85\xCD\x85k\xCC\xB6\xCC\x89\xCC\x9D \xCC\xB6\xCC\x83\xCC\x8F\xCC\xA4\xCD\x8Ef\xCC\xB7\xCC\x81\xCC\x80\xCC\xA9\xCC\xB0\xCC\xAC\xCC\xA2\xCD\x95\xCD\x87\xCD\x8D\xCC\x9E\xCD\x99\xCC\xAD\xCC\xAB\xCC\x97\xCC\xBBo\xCC\xB6\xCC\x84\xCC\x95\xCC\x8C\xCC\x8B\xCD\x9B\xCD\x9C\xCC\xAFr\xCC\xB7\xCC\x94\xCD\x83\xCD\x97\xCC\x8C\xCC\x82\xCD\x82\xCD\x80\xCD\x91\xCC\x80\xCC\xBE\xCC\x82\xCC\x8F\xCC\xA3\xCD\x85\xCC\xAE\xCD\x8D\xCD\x99\xCC\xBC\xCC\xAB\xCC\xA7\xCD\x88c\xCC\xB7\xCD\x83\xCC\x84\xCD\x92\xCC\x86\xCC\x83\xCC\x88\xCC\x92\xCC\x94\xCC\xBE\xCC\x9D\xCC\xAF\xCC\x98\xCC\x9D\xCC\xBB\xCD\x8E\xCC\xBB\xCC\xB3\xCC\xA3\xCD\x8E\xCD\x99\xCC\xA5\xCC\xAD\xCC\x99\xCC\xB9\xCC\xAE\xCC\xA5\xCC\x9E\xCD\x88\xCC\xAE\xCC\x9E\xCC\xA9\xCC\x97\xCC\xBC\xCC\x99\xCC\xA5\xCD\x87\xCC\x97\xCD\x8E\xCD\x94\xCC\x99\xCC\x9D\xCC\x96\xCD\x94\xCC\xAB\xCC\xA7\xCC\xA5\xCC\x98\xCC\xBB\xCC\xAF\xCC\xABe\xCC\xB7\xCC\x8E\xCC\x82\xCD\x86\xCD\x9B\xCC\x94\xCD\x83\xCC\x85\xCD\x8A\xCD\x8C\xCC\x8B\xCD\x92\xCD\x91\xCC\x8F\xCC\x81\xCD\x95\xCC\xA2\xCC\xB9\xCC\xB2\xCD\x9C\xCC\xB1\xCC\xA6\xCC\xB3\xCC\xAF\xCC\xAE\xCC\x9C\xCD\x99s\xCC\xB8\xCC\x8C\xCC\x8E\xCC\x87\xCD\x81\xCD\x82\xCC\x86\xCD\x8C\xCD\x8C\xCC\x8B\xCC\x84\xCC\x8C\xCD\x84\xCD\x9B\xCD\x86\xCC\x93\xCD\x90\xCC\x85\xCC\x94\xCD\x98\xCD\x84\xCD\x92\xCD\x8B\xCC\x90\xCC\x83\xCC\x8F\xCD\x84\xCD\x81\xCD\x9B\xCC\x90\xCD\x81\xCC\x8F\xCC\xBD\xCC\x88\xCC\xBF\xCC\x88\xCC\x84\xCC\x8E\xCD\x99\xCD\x94\xCC\x99\xCD\x99\xCC\xB0\xCC\xA8\xCC\xA3\xCC\xA8\xCC\x96\xCC\x99\xCC\xAE\xCC\xBC\xCC\x99\xCD\x9A\xCC\xB2\xCC\xB1\xCC\x9F\xCC\xBB\xCC\xA6\xCD\x85\xCC\xAA\xCD\x89\xCC\x9D\xCC\x99\xCD\x96\xCC\xB1\xCC\xB1\xCC\x99\xCC\xA6\xCC\xA5\xCD\x95\xCC\xB2\xCC\xA0\xCD\x99 within") set spell spelllang=en redraw redraw! bwipe! set nospell endfunc func Test_spellsuggest_too_deep() " This was incrementing "depth" over MAXWLEN. new norm s000G00ý000000000000 sil norm ..vzG................vvzG0 v z= bwipe! endfunc func Test_spell_good_word_invalid() " This was adding a word with a 0x02 byte, which causes havoc. enew norm o0 sil! norm rzzWs00/ 2 sil! norm VzGprzzW sil! norm z= bwipe! endfunc func Test_spell_good_word_slash() " This caused E1280. new norm afoo / 1 norm zG bwipe! endfunc func LoadAffAndDic(aff_contents, dic_contents) set enc=latin1 set spellfile= call writefile(a:aff_contents, "Xtest.aff") call writefile(a:dic_contents, "Xtest.dic") " Generate a .spl file from a .dic and .aff file. mkspell! Xtest Xtest " use that spell file set spl=Xtest.latin1.spl spell endfunc func ListWords() spelldump %yank quit return split(@", "\n") endfunc func TestGoodBadBase() exe '1;/^good:' normal 0f:]s let prevbad = '' let result = [] while 1 let [bad, a] = spellbadword() if bad == '' || bad == prevbad || bad == 'badend' break endif let prevbad = bad let lst = bad->spellsuggest(3) normal mm call add(result, [bad, lst]) normal `m]s endwhile return result endfunc func RunGoodBad(good, bad, expected_words, expected_bad_words) bwipe! call setline(1, ["good: ", a:good, a:bad, " badend "]) let words = ListWords() call assert_equal(a:expected_words, words[1:-1]) let bad_words = TestGoodBadBase() call assert_equal(a:expected_bad_words, bad_words) bwipe! endfunc func Test_spell_screendump() CheckScreendump let lines =<< trim END call setline(1, [ \ "This is some text without any spell errors. Everything", \ "should just be black, nothing wrong here.", \ "", \ "This line has a sepll error. and missing caps.", \ "And and this is the the duplication.", \ "with missing caps here.", \ ]) set spell spelllang=en_nz END call writefile(lines, 'XtestSpell', 'D') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtestSpell', {'rows': 8}) call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_spell_1', {}) " clean up call StopVimInTerminal(buf) endfunc func Test_spell_screendump_spellcap() CheckScreendump let lines =<< trim END call setline(1, [ \ " This line has a sepll error. and missing caps and trailing spaces. ", \ "another missing cap here.", \ "", \ "and here.", \ " ", \ "and here." \ ]) set spell spelllang=en END call writefile(lines, 'XtestSpellCap', 'D') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtestSpellCap', {'rows': 8}) call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_spell_2', {}) " After adding word missing Cap in next line is updated call term_sendkeys(buf, "3GANot\") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_spell_3', {}) " Deleting a full stop removes missing Cap in next line call term_sendkeys(buf, "5Gddk$x") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_spell_4', {}) " Undo also updates the next line (go to command line to remove message) call term_sendkeys(buf, "u:\") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_spell_5', {}) " clean up call StopVimInTerminal(buf) endfunc func Test_spell_compatible() CheckScreendump let lines =<< trim END call setline(1, [ \ "test "->repeat(20), \ "", \ "end", \ ]) set spell cpo+=$ END call writefile(lines, 'XtestSpellComp', 'D') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtestSpellComp', {'rows': 8}) call term_sendkeys(buf, "51|C") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_spell_compatible_1', {}) call term_sendkeys(buf, "x") call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_spell_compatible_2', {}) " clean up call StopVimInTerminal(buf) endfunc let g:test_data_aff1 = [ \"SET ISO8859-1", \"TRY esianrtolcdugmphbyfvkwjkqxz-\xEB\xE9\xE8\xEA\xEF\xEE\xE4\xE0\xE2\xF6\xFC\xFB'ESIANRTOLCDUGMPHBYFVKWJKQXZ", \"", \"FOL \xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3\xE4\xE5\xE6\xE7\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6\xF8\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC\xFD\xFE\xDF\xFF", \"LOW \xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3\xE4\xE5\xE6\xE7\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6\xF8\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC\xFD\xFE\xDF\xFF", \"UPP \xC0\xC1\xC2\xC3\xC4\xC5\xC6\xC7\xC8\xC9\xCA\xCB\xCC\xCD\xCE\xCF\xD0\xD1\xD2\xD3\xD4\xD5\xD6\xD8\xD9\xDA\xDB\xDC\xDD\xDE\xDF\xFF", \"", \"SOFOFROM abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3\xE4\xE5\xE6\xE7\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6\xF8\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC\xFD\xFE\xDF\xFF\xC0\xC1\xC2\xC3\xC4\xC5\xC6\xC7\xC8\xC9\xCA\xCB\xCC\xCD\xCE\xCF\xD0\xD1\xD2\xD3\xD4\xD5\xD6\xD8\xD9\xDA\xDB\xDC\xDD\xDE\xBF", \"SOFOTO ebctefghejklnnepkrstevvkesebctefghejklnnepkrstevvkeseeeeeeeceeeeeeeedneeeeeeeeeeepseeeeeeeeceeeeeeeedneeeeeeeeeeep?", \"", \"MIDWORD\t'-", \"", \"KEP =", \"RAR ?", \"BAD !", \"", \"PFX I N 1", \"PFX I 0 in .", \"", \"PFX O Y 1", \"PFX O 0 out .", \"", \"SFX S Y 2", \"SFX S 0 s [^s]", \"SFX S 0 es s", \"", \"SFX N N 3", \"SFX N 0 en [^n]", \"SFX N 0 nen n", \"SFX N 0 n .", \"", \"REP 3", \"REP g ch", \"REP ch g", \"REP svp s.v.p.", \"", \"MAP 9", \"MAP a\xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3\xE4\xE5", \"MAP e\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB", \"MAP i\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF", \"MAP o\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6", \"MAP u\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC", \"MAP n\xF1", \"MAP c\xE7", \"MAP y\xFF\xFD", \"MAP s\xDF", \ ] let g:test_data_dic1 = [ \"123456", \"test/NO", \"# comment", \"wrong", \"Comment", \"OK", \"uk", \"put/ISO", \"the end", \"deol", \"d\xE9\xF4r", \ ] let g:test_data_aff2 = [ \"SET ISO8859-1", \"", \"FOL \xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3\xE4\xE5\xE6\xE7\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6\xF8\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC\xFD\xFE\xDF\xFF", \"LOW \xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3\xE4\xE5\xE6\xE7\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6\xF8\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC\xFD\xFE\xDF\xFF", \"UPP \xC0\xC1\xC2\xC3\xC4\xC5\xC6\xC7\xC8\xC9\xCA\xCB\xCC\xCD\xCE\xCF\xD0\xD1\xD2\xD3\xD4\xD5\xD6\xD8\xD9\xDA\xDB\xDC\xDD\xDE\xDF\xFF", \"", \"PFXPOSTPONE", \"", \"MIDWORD\t'-", \"", \"KEP =", \"RAR ?", \"BAD !", \"", \"PFX I N 1", \"PFX I 0 in .", \"", \"PFX O Y 1", \"PFX O 0 out [a-z]", \"", \"SFX S Y 2", \"SFX S 0 s [^s]", \"SFX S 0 es s", \"", \"SFX N N 3", \"SFX N 0 en [^n]", \"SFX N 0 nen n", \"SFX N 0 n .", \"", \"REP 3", \"REP g ch", \"REP ch g", \"REP svp s.v.p.", \"", \"MAP 9", \"MAP a\xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3\xE4\xE5", \"MAP e\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB", \"MAP i\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF", \"MAP o\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6", \"MAP u\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC", \"MAP n\xF1", \"MAP c\xE7", \"MAP y\xFF\xFD", \"MAP s\xDF", \ ] let g:test_data_aff3 = [ \"SET ISO8859-1", \"", \"COMPOUNDMIN 3", \"COMPOUNDRULE m*", \"NEEDCOMPOUND x", \ ] let g:test_data_dic3 = [ \"1234", \"foo/m", \"bar/mx", \"m\xEF/m", \"la/mx", \ ] let g:test_data_aff4 = [ \"SET ISO8859-1", \"", \"FOL \xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3\xE4\xE5\xE6\xE7\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6\xF8\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC\xFD\xFE\xDF\xFF", \"LOW \xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3\xE4\xE5\xE6\xE7\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6\xF8\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC\xFD\xFE\xDF\xFF", \"UPP \xC0\xC1\xC2\xC3\xC4\xC5\xC6\xC7\xC8\xC9\xCA\xCB\xCC\xCD\xCE\xCF\xD0\xD1\xD2\xD3\xD4\xD5\xD6\xD8\xD9\xDA\xDB\xDC\xDD\xDE\xDF\xFF", \"", \"COMPOUNDRULE m+", \"COMPOUNDRULE sm*e", \"COMPOUNDRULE sm+", \"COMPOUNDMIN 3", \"COMPOUNDWORDMAX 3", \"COMPOUNDFORBIDFLAG t", \"", \"COMPOUNDSYLMAX 5", \"SYLLABLE a\xE1e\xE9i\xEDo\xF3\xF6\xF5u\xFA\xFC\xFBy/aa/au/ea/ee/ei/ie/oa/oe/oo/ou/uu/ui", \"", \"MAP 9", \"MAP a\xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3\xE4\xE5", \"MAP e\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB", \"MAP i\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF", \"MAP o\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6", \"MAP u\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC", \"MAP n\xF1", \"MAP c\xE7", \"MAP y\xFF\xFD", \"MAP s\xDF", \"", \"NEEDAFFIX x", \"", \"PFXPOSTPONE", \"", \"MIDWORD '-", \"", \"SFX q N 1", \"SFX q 0 -ok .", \"", \"SFX a Y 2", \"SFX a 0 s .", \"SFX a 0 ize/t .", \"", \"PFX p N 1", \"PFX p 0 pre .", \"", \"PFX P N 1", \"PFX P 0 nou .", \ ] let g:test_data_dic4 = [ \"1234", \"word/mP", \"util/am", \"pro/xq", \"tomato/m", \"bork/mp", \"start/s", \"end/e", \ ] let g:test_data_aff5 = [ \"SET ISO8859-1", \"", \"FLAG long", \"", \"NEEDAFFIX !!", \"", \"COMPOUNDRULE ssmm*ee", \"", \"NEEDCOMPOUND xx", \"COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG pp", \"", \"SFX 13 Y 1", \"SFX 13 0 bork .", \"", \"SFX a1 Y 1", \"SFX a1 0 a1 .", \"", \"SFX a\xE9 Y 1", \"SFX a\xE9 0 a\xE9 .", \"", \"PFX zz Y 1", \"PFX zz 0 pre/pp .", \"", \"PFX yy Y 1", \"PFX yy 0 nou .", \ ] let g:test_data_dic5 = [ \"1234", \"foo/a1a\xE9!!", \"bar/zz13ee", \"start/ss", \"end/eeyy", \"middle/mmxx", \ ] let g:test_data_aff6 = [ \"SET ISO8859-1", \"", \"FLAG caplong", \"", \"NEEDAFFIX A!", \"", \"COMPOUNDRULE sMm*Ee", \"", \"NEEDCOMPOUND Xx", \"", \"COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG p", \"", \"SFX N3 Y 1", \"SFX N3 0 bork .", \"", \"SFX A1 Y 1", \"SFX A1 0 a1 .", \"", \"SFX A\xE9 Y 1", \"SFX A\xE9 0 a\xE9 .", \"", \"PFX Zz Y 1", \"PFX Zz 0 pre/p .", \ ] let g:test_data_dic6 = [ \"1234", \"mee/A1A\xE9A!", \"bar/ZzN3Ee", \"lead/s", \"end/Ee", \"middle/MmXx", \ ] let g:test_data_aff7 = [ \"SET ISO8859-1", \"", \"FLAG num", \"", \"NEEDAFFIX 9999", \"", \"COMPOUNDRULE 2,77*123", \"", \"NEEDCOMPOUND 1", \"COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG 432", \"", \"SFX 61003 Y 1", \"SFX 61003 0 meat .", \"", \"SFX 0 Y 1", \"SFX 0 0 zero .", \"", \"SFX 391 Y 1", \"SFX 391 0 a1 .", \"", \"SFX 111 Y 1", \"SFX 111 0 a\xE9 .", \"", \"PFX 17 Y 1", \"PFX 17 0 pre/432 .", \ ] let g:test_data_dic7 = [ \"1234", \"mee/0,391,111,9999", \"bar/17,61003,123", \"lead/2", \"tail/123", \"middle/77,1", \ ] let g:test_data_aff8 = [ \"SET ISO8859-1", \"", \"NOSPLITSUGS", \ ] let g:test_data_dic8 = [ \"1234", \"foo", \"bar", \"faabar", \ ] let g:test_data_aff9 = [ \ ] let g:test_data_dic9 = [ \"1234", \"foo", \"bar", \ ] let g:test_data_aff10 = [ \"COMPOUNDRULE se", \"COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG p", \"", \"SFX A Y 1", \"SFX A 0 able/Mp .", \"", \"SFX M Y 1", \"SFX M 0 s .", \ ] let g:test_data_dic10 = [ \"1234", \"drink/As", \"table/e", \ ] let g:test_data_aff_sal = [ \"SET ISO8859-1", \"TRY esianrtolcdugmphbyfvkwjkqxz-\xEB\xE9\xE8\xEA\xEF\xEE\xE4\xE0\xE2\xF6\xFC\xFB'ESIANRTOLCDUGMPHBYFVKWJKQXZ", \"", \"FOL \xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3\xE4\xE5\xE6\xE7\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6\xF8\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC\xFD\xFE\xDF\xFF", \"LOW \xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3\xE4\xE5\xE6\xE7\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6\xF8\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC\xFD\xFE\xDF\xFF", \"UPP \xC0\xC1\xC2\xC3\xC4\xC5\xC6\xC7\xC8\xC9\xCA\xCB\xCC\xCD\xCE\xCF\xD0\xD1\xD2\xD3\xD4\xD5\xD6\xD8\xD9\xDA\xDB\xDC\xDD\xDE\xDF\xFF", \"", \"MIDWORD\t'-", \"", \"KEP =", \"RAR ?", \"BAD !", \"", \"PFX I N 1", \"PFX I 0 in .", \"", \"PFX O Y 1", \"PFX O 0 out .", \"", \"SFX S Y 2", \"SFX S 0 s [^s]", \"SFX S 0 es s", \"", \"SFX N N 3", \"SFX N 0 en [^n]", \"SFX N 0 nen n", \"SFX N 0 n .", \"", \"REP 3", \"REP g ch", \"REP ch g", \"REP svp s.v.p.", \"", \"MAP 9", \"MAP a\xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3\xE4\xE5", \"MAP e\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB", \"MAP i\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF", \"MAP o\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6", \"MAP u\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC", \"MAP n\xF1", \"MAP c\xE7", \"MAP y\xFF\xFD", \"MAP s\xDF", \"", \"SAL AH(AEIOUY)-^ *H", \"SAL AR(AEIOUY)-^ *R", \"SAL A(HR)^ *", \"SAL A^ *", \"SAL AH(AEIOUY)- H", \"SAL AR(AEIOUY)- R", \"SAL A(HR) _", \"SAL \xC0^ *", \"SAL \xC5^ *", \"SAL BB- _", \"SAL B B", \"SAL CQ- _", \"SAL CIA X", \"SAL CH X", \"SAL C(EIY)- S", \"SAL CK K", \"SAL COUGH^ KF", \"SAL CC< C", \"SAL C K", \"SAL DG(EIY) K", \"SAL DD- _", \"SAL D T", \"SAL \xC9< E", \"SAL EH(AEIOUY)-^ *H", \"SAL ER(AEIOUY)-^ *R", \"SAL E(HR)^ *", \"SAL ENOUGH^$ *NF", \"SAL E^ *", \"SAL EH(AEIOUY)- H", \"SAL ER(AEIOUY)- R", \"SAL E(HR) _", \"SAL FF- _", \"SAL F F", \"SAL GN^ N", \"SAL GN$ N", \"SAL GNS$ NS", \"SAL GNED$ N", \"SAL GH(AEIOUY)- K", \"SAL GH _", \"SAL GG9 K", \"SAL G K", \"SAL H H", \"SAL IH(AEIOUY)-^ *H", \"SAL IR(AEIOUY)-^ *R", \"SAL I(HR)^ *", \"SAL I^ *", \"SAL ING6 N", \"SAL IH(AEIOUY)- H", \"SAL IR(AEIOUY)- R", \"SAL I(HR) _", \"SAL J K", \"SAL KN^ N", \"SAL KK- _", \"SAL K K", \"SAL LAUGH^ LF", \"SAL LL- _", \"SAL L L", \"SAL MB$ M", \"SAL MM M", \"SAL M M", \"SAL NN- _", \"SAL N N", \"SAL OH(AEIOUY)-^ *H", \"SAL OR(AEIOUY)-^ *R", \"SAL O(HR)^ *", \"SAL O^ *", \"SAL OH(AEIOUY)- H", \"SAL OR(AEIOUY)- R", \"SAL O(HR) _", \"SAL PH F", \"SAL PN^ N", \"SAL PP- _", \"SAL P P", \"SAL Q K", \"SAL RH^ R", \"SAL ROUGH^ RF", \"SAL RR- _", \"SAL R R", \"SAL SCH(EOU)- SK", \"SAL SC(IEY)- S", \"SAL SH X", \"SAL SI(AO)- X", \"SAL SS- _", \"SAL S S", \"SAL TI(AO)- X", \"SAL TH @", \"SAL TCH-- _", \"SAL TOUGH^ TF", \"SAL TT- _", \"SAL T T", \"SAL UH(AEIOUY)-^ *H", \"SAL UR(AEIOUY)-^ *R", \"SAL U(HR)^ *", \"SAL U^ *", \"SAL UH(AEIOUY)- H", \"SAL UR(AEIOUY)- R", \"SAL U(HR) _", \"SAL V^ W", \"SAL V F", \"SAL WR^ R", \"SAL WH^ W", \"SAL W(AEIOU)- W", \"SAL X^ S", \"SAL X KS", \"SAL Y(AEIOU)- Y", \"SAL ZZ- _", \"SAL Z S", \ ] " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab