/* NSPAPI.H -- winsock 1.1 * not supported on win95 * * Copyright (C) 2001 Stefan Leichter * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /* * Oracle LGPL Disclaimer: For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice * other than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Oracle elects to use only * the Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPLv2) at this time for any software where * a choice of LGPL license versions is made available with the language indicating * that LGPLv2 or any later version may be used, or where a choice of which version * of the LGPL is applied is otherwise unspecified. */ #ifndef _WINE_NSPAPI_ #define _WINE_NSPAPI_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */ /* * constants */ #define XP_CONNECTIONLESS 0x00000001 #define XP_GUARANTEED_DELIVERY 0x00000002 #define XP_GUARANTEED_ORDER 0x00000004 #define XP_MESSAGE_ORIENTED 0x00000008 #define XP_PSEUDO_STREAM 0x00000010 #define XP_GRACEFUL_CLOSE 0x00000020 #define XP_EXPEDITED_DATA 0x00000040 #define XP_CONNECT_DATA 0x00000080 #define XP_DISCONNECT_DATA 0x00000100 #define XP_SUPPORTS_BROADCAST 0x00000200 #define XP_SUPPORTS_MULTICAST 0x00000400 #define XP_BANDWIDTH_ALLOCATION 0x00000800 #define XP_FRAGMENTATION 0x00001000 #define XP_ENCRYPTS 0x00002000 /* * structures */ typedef struct _PROTOCOL_INFOA { DWORD dwServiceFlags; INT iAddressFamily; INT iMaxSockAddr; INT iMinSockAddr; INT iSocketType; INT iProtocol; DWORD dwMessageSize; LPSTR lpProtocol; } PROTOCOL_INFOA, *PPROTOCOL_INFOA, *LPPROTOCOL_INFOA; typedef struct _PROTOCOL_INFOW { DWORD dwServiceFlags; INT iAddressFamily; INT iMaxSockAddr; INT iMinSockAddr; INT iSocketType; INT iProtocol; DWORD dwMessageSize; LPWSTR lpProtocol; } PROTOCOL_INFOW, *PPROTOCOL_INFOW, *LPPROTOCOL_INFOW; DECL_WINELIB_TYPE_AW(PROTOCOL_INFO) DECL_WINELIB_TYPE_AW(PPROTOCOL_INFO) DECL_WINELIB_TYPE_AW(LPPROTOCOL_INFO) typedef struct _SERVICE_ADDRESS { DWORD dwAddressType; DWORD dwAddressFlags; DWORD dwAddressLength; DWORD dwPrincipalLength; BYTE* lpAddress; BYTE* lpPrincipal; } SERVICE_ADDRESS, *PSERVICE_ADDRESS, *LPSERVICE_ADDRESS; typedef struct _SERVICE_ADDRESSES { DWORD dwAddressCount; SERVICE_ADDRESS Addresses[1]; } SERVICE_ADDRESSES, *PSERVICE_ADDRESSES, *LPSERVICE_ADDRESSES; typedef struct _SERVICE_INFOA { LPGUID lpServiceType; LPSTR lpServiceName; LPSTR lpComment; LPSTR lpLocale; DWORD dwDisplayHint; DWORD dwVersion; DWORD dwTime; LPSTR lpMachineName; LPSERVICE_ADDRESSES lpServiceAddress; BLOB ServiceSpecificInfo; } SERVICE_INFOA, *PSERVICE_INFOA, *LPSERVICE_INFOA; typedef struct _SERVICE_INFOW { LPGUID lpServiceType; LPWSTR lpServiceName; LPWSTR lpComment; LPWSTR lpLocale; DWORD dwDisplayHint; DWORD dwVersion; DWORD dwTime; LPSTR lpMachineName; LPSERVICE_ADDRESSES lpServiceAddress; BLOB ServiceSpecificInfo; /* May point to SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABS */ } SERVICE_INFOW, *PSERVICE_INFOW, *LPSERVICE_INFOW; DECL_WINELIB_TYPE_AW(SERVICE_INFO) DECL_WINELIB_TYPE_AW(PSERVICE_INFO) DECL_WINELIB_TYPE_AW(LPSERVICE_INFO) typedef struct _SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABSA { DWORD dwNameSpace; /* Name space or set of name spaces */ DWORD dwValueType; /* Type of the value data */ DWORD dwValueSize; /* Size of the value data */ LPSTR lpValueName; /* Name of the value */ PVOID lpValue; /* Pointer to the value data */ } SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABSA, *PSERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABSA, *LPSERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABSA; typedef struct _SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABSW { DWORD dwNameSpace; /* Name space or set of name spaces */ DWORD dwValueType; /* Type of the value data */ DWORD dwValueSize; /* Size of the value data */ LPWSTR lpValueName; /* Name of the value */ PVOID lpValue; /* Pointer to the value data */ } SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABSW, *PSERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABSW, *LPSERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABSW; DECL_WINELIB_TYPE_AW(SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABS) DECL_WINELIB_TYPE_AW(PSERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABS) DECL_WINELIB_TYPE_AW(LPSERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABS) typedef struct _SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABSA { LPSTR lpTypeName; /* Name of the network service type */ DWORD dwValueCount; /* Number of SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABS structures */ SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABSA Values[1]; /* Array of SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABS structures */ } SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABSA, *PSERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABSA, *LPSERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABSA; typedef struct _SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABSW { LPWSTR lpTypeName; /* Name of the network service type */ DWORD dwValueCount; /* Number of SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABS structures */ SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABSW Values[1]; /* Array of SERVICE_TYPE_VALUE_ABS structures */ } SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABSW, *PSERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABSW, *LPSERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABSW; DECL_WINELIB_TYPE_AW(SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABS) DECL_WINELIB_TYPE_AW(PSERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABS) DECL_WINELIB_TYPE_AW(LPSERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABS) typedef void (*LPSERVICE_CALLBACK_PROC)(LPARAM lParam, HANDLE hAsyncTaskHandle); typedef struct _SERVICE_ASYNC_INFO { LPSERVICE_CALLBACK_PROC lpServiceCallbackProc; LPARAM lParam; HANDLE hAsyncTaskHandle; } SERVICE_ASYNC_INFO, *PSERVICE_ASYNC_INFO, *LPSERVICE_ASYNC_INFO; /* * function prototypes */ INT WINAPI GetAddressByNameA(DWORD dwNameSpace, LPGUID lpServiceType, LPSTR lpServiceName, LPINT lpiProtocols, DWORD dwResolution, LPSERVICE_ASYNC_INFO lpServiceAsyncInfo, LPVOID lpCsaddrBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, LPSTR lpAliasBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwAliasBufferLength); INT WINAPI GetAddressByNameW(DWORD dwNameSpace, LPGUID lpServiceType, LPWSTR lpServiceName, LPINT lpiProtocols, DWORD dwResolution, LPSERVICE_ASYNC_INFO lpServiceAsyncInfo, LPVOID lpCsaddrBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, LPWSTR lpAliasBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwAliasBufferLength); #define GetAddressByName WINELIB_NAME_AW(GetAddressByName) INT WINAPI GetTypeByNameA(LPSTR lpServiceName, LPGUID lpServiceType); INT WINAPI GetTypeByNameW(LPWSTR lpServiceName, LPGUID lpServiceType); #define GetTypeByName WINELIB_NAME_AW(GetTypeByName) INT WINAPI SetServiceA(DWORD dwNameSpace, DWORD dwOperation, DWORD dwFlags, LPSERVICE_INFOA lpServiceInfo, LPSERVICE_ASYNC_INFO lpServiceAsyncInfo, LPDWORD lpdwStatusFlags); INT WINAPI SetServiceW(DWORD dwNameSpace, DWORD dwOperation, DWORD dwFlags, LPSERVICE_INFOW lpServiceInfo, LPSERVICE_ASYNC_INFO lpServiceAsyncInfo, LPDWORD lpdwStatusFlags); #define SetService WINELIB_NAME_AW(SetService) INT WINAPI GetServiceA(DWORD dwNameSpace, LPGUID lpGuid, LPSTR lpServiceName, DWORD dwProperties, LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwBufferSize, LPSERVICE_ASYNC_INFO lpServiceAsyncInfo); INT WINAPI GetServiceW(DWORD dwNameSpace, LPGUID lpGuid, LPSTR lpServiceName, DWORD dwProperties, LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwBufferSize, LPSERVICE_ASYNC_INFO lpServiceAsyncInfo); #define GetService WINELIB_NAME_AW(GetService) #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */ #endif /* _WINE_NSPAPI_ */