Credits and Acknowledgements

ActiveState Tool Corporation

The Python XPCOM Package was developed primarily by Mark Hammond of ActiveState Tool Corporation.

The developers on the Komodo project deserve high praise for putting up with early versions when almost nothing worked, and for believing in Python as a viable XPCOM language.  Their feedback and patience has allowed the first public release to be amazingly functional and bug-free.

Komodo Development Team (at December 2000)

David Ascher, Aaron Bingham, Bin Du, Mark Hammond, Trent Mick (build god)Paul PrescodEric Promislow, Ken Simpson, Neil Watkiss, Audrey Schumacher.


The following people at Netscape and Mozilla (or not there but still heavily involved in the project) have provided enormous help in getting things integrated with their build system, answering us on the newsgroup, teaching us the finer points of XPCOM, gently slapping us for accidentally referring to jscript, etc., and otherwise lending us a clue in the Mozilla/Netscape/XPCOM world.

John Bandhauer, Brendan Eich, Mike Shaver, Eric Vaughan, David Hyatt

External Contributors

The following people have made contributions to the project, simply because they find it useful and enjoy supporting Open Source projects.

Christof Meerwald

Documentation Credits

The following people have contributed to the Python XPCOM Package documentation 

Mark Hammond, Audrey Schumacher