/* Read and parse the .netrc file to get hosts, accounts, and passwords. Copyright (C) 1996, 2007-2011, 2015, 2018-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Wget. GNU Wget is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Wget is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Wget. If not, see . Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7 If you modify this program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it with the OpenSSL project's OpenSSL library (or a modified version of that library), containing parts covered by the terms of the OpenSSL or SSLeay licenses, the Free Software Foundation grants you additional permission to convey the resulting work. Corresponding Source for a non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code for the parts of OpenSSL used as well as that of the covered work. */ /* This file used to be kept in synch with the code in Fetchmail, but the latter has diverged since. */ #include "wget.h" #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "netrc.h" #include "init.h" #ifdef WINDOWS # define NETRC_FILE_NAME "_netrc" #else # define NETRC_FILE_NAME ".netrc" #endif typedef struct _acc_t { char *host; /* NULL if this is the default machine entry. */ char *acc; char *passwd; /* NULL if there is no password. */ struct _acc_t *next; } acc_t; static acc_t *parse_netrc (const char *); static acc_t *parse_netrc_fp (const char *, FILE *); static acc_t *netrc_list; static int processed_netrc; #if defined DEBUG_MALLOC || defined TESTING static void free_netrc(acc_t *); void netrc_cleanup (void) { free_netrc (netrc_list); processed_netrc = 0; } #endif /* Return the correct user and password, given the host, user (as given in the URL), and password (as given in the URL). May return NULL. If SLACK_DEFAULT is set, allow looking for a "default" account. You will typically turn it off for HTTP. */ void search_netrc (const char *host, const char **acc, const char **passwd, int slack_default, FILE *fp_netrc) { acc_t *l; if (!opt.netrc) return; /* Find ~/.netrc. */ if (!processed_netrc) { #ifdef __VMS int err; struct stat buf; char *path = "SYS$LOGIN:.netrc"; netrc_list = NULL; processed_netrc = 1; err = stat (path, &buf); if (err == 0) netrc_list = parse_netrc (path); #else /* def __VMS */ netrc_list = NULL; processed_netrc = 1; if (fp_netrc) netrc_list = parse_netrc_fp (".netrc", fp_netrc); else if (opt.homedir) { struct stat buf; char *path = aprintf ("%s/%s", opt.homedir, NETRC_FILE_NAME); if (stat (path, &buf) == 0) netrc_list = parse_netrc (path); xfree (path); } #endif /* def __VMS [else] */ } /* If nothing to do... */ if (!netrc_list) return; /* Acc and password found; all OK. */ if (*acc && *passwd) return; /* Some data not given -- try finding the host. */ for (l = netrc_list; l; l = l->next) { if (!l->host) continue; else if (!strcasecmp (l->host, host)) break; } if (l) { if (*acc) { /* Looking for password in .netrc. */ if (!strcmp (l->acc, *acc)) *passwd = l->passwd; /* usernames match; password OK */ else *passwd = NULL; /* usernames don't match */ } else /* NOT *acc */ { /* If password was given, use it. The account is l->acc. */ *acc = l->acc; if (l->passwd) *passwd = l->passwd; } return; } else { if (!slack_default) return; if (*acc) return; /* Try looking for the default account. */ for (l = netrc_list; l; l = l->next) if (!l->host) break; if (!l) return; *acc = l->acc; if (!*passwd) *passwd = l->passwd; return; } } #ifdef STANDALONE /* Normally, these functions would be defined by your package. */ # define xmalloc malloc # define xfree(p) do { free ((void *) (p)); p = NULL; } while (0) # define xstrdup strdup # define xrealloc realloc #endif /* STANDALONE */ /* Maybe add NEWENTRY to the account information list, LIST. NEWENTRY is set to a ready-to-use acc_t, in any event. */ static void maybe_add_to_list (acc_t **newentry, acc_t **list) { acc_t *a, *l; a = *newentry; l = *list; /* We need an account name in order to add the entry to the list. */ if (a && ! a->acc) { /* Free any allocated space. */ xfree (a->host); xfree (a->acc); xfree (a->passwd); } else { if (a) { /* Add the current machine into our list. */ a->next = l; l = a; } /* Allocate a new acc_t structure. */ a = xmalloc (sizeof (acc_t)); } /* Zero the structure, so that it is ready to use. */ memset (a, 0, sizeof(*a)); /* Return the new pointers. */ *newentry = a; *list = l; return; } /* Helper function for the parser, shifts contents of null-terminated string once character to the left. Used in processing \ and " constructs in the netrc file */ static void shift_left(char *string) { char *p; for (p=string; *p; ++p) *p = *(p+1); } /* Parse a .netrc file (as described in the ftp(1) manual page). */ static acc_t * parse_netrc_fp (const char *path, FILE *fp) { char *line = NULL, *p, *tok; const char *premature_token = NULL; acc_t *current = NULL, *retval = NULL; int ln = 0, qmark; size_t bufsize = 0; /* The latest token we've seen in the file. */ enum { tok_nothing, tok_account, tok_login, tok_macdef, tok_machine, tok_password, tok_port, tok_force } last_token = tok_nothing; /* While there are lines in the file... */ while (getline (&line, &bufsize, fp) > 0) { ln ++; /* Parse the line. */ p = line; qmark = 0; /* Skip leading whitespace. */ while (*p && c_isspace (*p)) p ++; /* If the line is empty, then end any macro definition. */ if (last_token == tok_macdef && !*p) /* End of macro if the line is empty. */ last_token = tok_nothing; /* If we are defining macros, then skip parsing the line. */ while (*p && last_token != tok_macdef) { /* Skip any whitespace. */ while (*p && c_isspace (*p)) p ++; /* Discard end-of-line comments; also, stop processing if the above `while' merely skipped trailing whitespace. */ if (*p == '#' || !*p) break; /* If the token starts with quotation mark, note this fact, and squash the quotation character */ if (*p == '"'){ qmark = 1; shift_left (p); } tok = p; /* Find the end of the token, handling quotes and escapes. */ while (*p && (qmark ? *p != '"' : !c_isspace (*p))){ if (*p == '\\') shift_left (p); p ++; } /* If field was quoted, squash the trailing quotation mark and reset qmark flag. */ if (qmark) { shift_left (p); qmark = 0; } /* Null-terminate the token, if it isn't already. */ if (*p) *p ++ = '\0'; switch (last_token) { case tok_login: if (current) { xfree (current->acc); current->acc = xstrdup (tok); } else premature_token = "login"; break; case tok_machine: /* Start a new machine entry. */ maybe_add_to_list (¤t, &retval); current->host = xstrdup (tok); break; case tok_password: if (current) { xfree (current->passwd); current->passwd = xstrdup (tok); } else premature_token = "password"; break; /* We handle most of tok_macdef above. */ case tok_macdef: if (!current) premature_token = "macdef"; break; /* We don't handle the account keyword at all. */ case tok_account: if (!current) premature_token = "account"; break; /* We don't handle the port keyword at all. */ case tok_port: if (!current) premature_token = "port"; break; /* We don't handle the force keyword at all. */ case tok_force: if (!current) premature_token = "force"; break; /* We handle tok_nothing below this switch. */ case tok_nothing: break; } if (premature_token) { fprintf (stderr, _("\ %s: %s:%d: warning: %s token appears before any machine name\n"), exec_name, path, ln, quote (premature_token)); premature_token = NULL; } if (last_token != tok_nothing) /* We got a value, so reset the token state. */ last_token = tok_nothing; else { /* Fetch the next token. */ if (!strcmp (tok, "account")) last_token = tok_account; else if (!strcmp (tok, "default")) maybe_add_to_list (¤t, &retval); else if (!strcmp (tok, "login")) last_token = tok_login; else if (!strcmp (tok, "macdef")) last_token = tok_macdef; else if (!strcmp (tok, "machine")) last_token = tok_machine; else if (!strcmp (tok, "password")) last_token = tok_password; /* GNU extensions 'port' and 'force', not operational * see https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/gnus/NNTP.html#index-nntp_002dauthinfo_002dfunction-2003 * see https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?52066 */ else if (!strcmp (tok, "port")) last_token = tok_port; else if (!strcmp (tok, "force")) last_token = tok_force; else fprintf (stderr, _("%s: %s:%d: unknown token \"%s\"\n"), exec_name, path, ln, tok); } } } xfree (line); /* Finalize the last machine entry we found. */ maybe_add_to_list (¤t, &retval); xfree (current); /* Reverse the order of the list so that it appears in file order. */ current = retval; retval = NULL; while (current) { acc_t *saved_reference; /* Change the direction of the pointers. */ saved_reference = current->next; current->next = retval; /* Advance to the next node. */ retval = current; current = saved_reference; } return retval; } static acc_t * parse_netrc (const char *path) { FILE *fp; acc_t *acc; fp = fopen (path, "r"); if (!fp) { fprintf (stderr, _("%s: Cannot read %s (%s).\n"), exec_name, path, strerror (errno)); return NULL; } acc = parse_netrc_fp (path, fp); fclose(fp); return acc; } #if defined DEBUG_MALLOC || defined TESTING /* Free a netrc list. */ static void free_netrc(acc_t *l) { acc_t *t; while (l) { t = l->next; xfree (l->acc); xfree (l->passwd); xfree (l->host); xfree (l); l = t; } } #endif #ifdef TESTING #include "../tests/unit-tests.h" const char * test_parse_netrc(void) { static const struct test { const char *pw_in; const char *pw_expected; } tests[] = { { "a\\b", "ab" }, { "a\\\\b", "a\\b" }, { "\"a\\\\b\"", "a\\b" }, { "\"a\\\"b\"", "a\"b" }, { "a\"b", "a\"b" }, { "a\\\\\\\\b", "a\\\\b" }, { "a\\\\", "a\\" }, { "\"a\\\\\"", "a\\" }, { "a\\", "a" }, { "\"a b\"", "a b" }, { "a b", "a" }, }; unsigned i; static char errmsg[128]; for (i = 0; i < countof(tests); ++i) { const struct test *t = &tests[i]; char netrc[128]; FILE *fp; acc_t *acc; int n; n = snprintf (netrc, sizeof(netrc), "machine localhost\n\tlogin me\n\tpassword %s", t->pw_in); mu_assert ("test_parse_netrc: failed to fmemopen() netrc", (fp = fmemopen(netrc, n, "r")) != NULL); acc = parse_netrc_fp ("memory", fp); fclose(fp); if (strcmp(acc->passwd, t->pw_expected)) { snprintf(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), "test_parse_netrc: wrong result [%u]. Expected '%s', got '%s'", i, t->pw_expected, acc->passwd); free_netrc(acc); return errmsg; } free_netrc(acc); } return NULL; } #endif #ifdef STANDALONE #include #include #include "exits.h" const char *program_argstring = NULL; /* Needed by warc.c */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { struct stat sb; char *program_name, *file, *target; acc_t *head, *a; if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) { fprintf (stderr, _("Usage: %s NETRC [HOSTNAME]\n"), argv[0]); exit (WGET_EXIT_GENERIC_ERROR); } program_name = argv[0]; file = argv[1]; target = argv[2]; #ifdef ENABLE_NLS /* Set the current locale. */ setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); /* Set the text message domain. */ bindtextdomain ("wget", LOCALEDIR); textdomain ("wget"); #endif /* ENABLE_NLS */ if (stat (file, &sb)) { fprintf (stderr, _("%s: cannot stat %s: %s\n"), argv[0], file, strerror (errno)); exit (WGET_EXIT_GENERIC_ERROR); } head = parse_netrc (file); a = head; while (a) { /* Skip if we have a target and this isn't it. */ if (target && a->host && strcmp (target, a->host)) { a = a->next; continue; } if (!target) { /* Print the host name if we have no target. */ if (a->host) fputs (a->host, stdout); else fputs ("DEFAULT", stdout); fputc (' ', stdout); } /* Print the account name. */ fputs (a->acc, stdout); if (a->passwd) { /* Print the password, if there is any. */ fputc (' ', stdout); fputs (a->passwd, stdout); } fputc ('\n', stdout); /* Exit if we found the target. */ if (target) exit (WGET_EXIT_SUCCESS); a = a->next; } /* Exit with failure if we had a target, success otherwise. */ if (target) exit (WGET_EXIT_GENERIC_ERROR); exit (WGET_EXIT_SUCCESS); } #endif /* STANDALONE */