import os import shutil import shlex import traceback import re import time import sys from subprocess import call from misc.colour_terminal import print_red, print_blue from exc.test_failed import TestFailed import conf HTTP = "HTTP" HTTPS = "HTTPS" SKIP_TEST = 77 class BaseTest: """ Class that defines methods common to both HTTP and FTP Tests. Note that this is an abstract class, subclasses must implement * stop_server() * instantiate_server_by(protocol) """ def __init__(self, pre_hook, test_params, post_hook, protocols, req_protocols): """ Define the class-wide variables (or attributes). Attributes should not be defined outside __init__. """ = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) # if pre_hook == None, then {} (an empty dict object) is passed to # self.pre_configs self.pre_configs = pre_hook or {} self.test_params = test_params or {} self.post_configs = post_hook or {} self.protocols = protocols if req_protocols is None: self.req_protocols = map(lambda p: p.lower(), self.protocols) else: self.req_protocols = req_protocols self.servers = [] = [] self.ports = [] self.addr = None self.port = -1 self.wget_options = '' self.urls = [] self.envs = dict() self.tests_passed = True self.ready = False self.init_test_env() self.ret_code = 0 def get_test_dir(self): return + '-test' def init_test_env(self): test_dir = self.get_test_dir() try: os.mkdir(test_dir) except FileExistsError: shutil.rmtree(test_dir) os.mkdir(test_dir) os.chdir(test_dir) def get_domain_addr(self, addr): # TODO if there's a multiple number of ports, wouldn't it be # overridden to the port of the last invocation? # Set the instance variables 'addr' and 'port' so that # they can be queried by test cases. self.addr = str(addr[0]) self.port = str(addr[1]) return [self.addr, self.port] def server_setup(self): print_blue("Running Test %s" % for protocol in self.protocols: instance = self.instantiate_server_by(protocol) self.servers.append(instance) # servers instantiated by different protocols may differ in # ports and etc. # so we should record different domains respect to servers. domain = self.get_domain_addr(instance.server_address)'localhost') self.ports.append(domain[1]) def exec_wget(self): cmd_line = self.gen_cmd_line() params = shlex.split(cmd_line) print(params) envs = {"HOME": os.getcwd()} envs.update(**self.envs) print(envs) if os.getenv("SERVER_WAIT"): time.sleep(float(os.getenv("SERVER_WAIT"))) try: ret_code = call(params, env=envs) except FileNotFoundError: raise TestFailed("The Wget Executable does not exist at the " "expected path.") return ret_code def gen_cmd_line(self): test_path = os.path.abspath(".") if os.getenv("WGET_PATH"): wget_path = os.path.abspath(os.getenv("WGET_PATH")) else: wget_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(test_path, "..", '..', 'src', "wget")) wget_options = '--debug --no-config %s' % self.wget_options valgrind = os.getenv("VALGRIND_TESTS", "") gdb = os.getenv("GDB_TESTS", "") # GDB has precedence over Valgrind # If both VALGRIND_TESTS and GDB_TESTS are defined, # GDB will be executed. if gdb == "1": cmd_line = 'gdb --args %s %s ' % (wget_path, wget_options) elif valgrind == "1": cmd_line = 'valgrind --error-exitcode=301 ' \ '--leak-check=full ' \ '--track-origins=yes ' \ '--show-leak-kinds=all ' \ '--gen-suppressions=all ' \ '--suppressions=../valgrind-suppressions-ssl ' \ '%s %s ' % (wget_path, wget_options) elif valgrind not in ("", "0"): cmd_line = '%s %s %s ' % (os.getenv("VALGRIND_TESTS", ""), wget_path, wget_options) else: cmd_line = '%s %s ' % (wget_path, wget_options) for req_protocol, urls, domain, port in zip(self.req_protocols, self.urls,, self.ports): # zip is function for iterating multiple lists at the same time. # e.g. for item1, item2 in zip([1, 5, 3], # ['a', 'e', 'c']): # print(item1, item2) # generates the following output: # 1 a # 5 e # 3 c for url in urls: cmd_line += '%s://%s:%s/%s ' % (req_protocol, domain, port, url) print(cmd_line) return cmd_line def __test_cleanup(self): os.chdir('..') try: if not os.getenv("NO_CLEANUP"): shutil.rmtree(self.get_test_dir()) except: print("Unknown Exception while trying to remove Test Environment.") self.tests_passed = False def _exit_test(self): self.__test_cleanup() def begin(self): return 0 if self.tests_passed else 100 def call_test(self): self.hook_call(self.test_params, 'Test Option') try: self.ret_code = self.exec_wget() except TestFailed as e: raise e finally: self.stop_server() def do_test(self): self.pre_hook_call() self.call_test() self.post_hook_call() def hook_call(self, configs, name): for conf_name, conf_arg in configs.items(): try: # conf.find_conf(conf_name) returns the required conf class, # then the class is instantiated with conf_arg, then the # conf instance is called with this test instance itself to # invoke the desired hook conf.find_conf(conf_name)(conf_arg)(self) except AttributeError: self.stop_server() raise TestFailed("%s %s not defined." % (name, conf_name)) def pre_hook_call(self): self.hook_call(self.pre_configs, 'Pre Test Function') def post_hook_call(self): self.hook_call(self.post_configs, 'Post Test Function') def _replace_substring(self, string): """ Replace first occurrence of "{{name}}" in @string with "getattr(self, name)". """ pattern = re.compile(r'\{\{\w+\}\}') match_obj = if match_obj is not None: rep = temp = getattr(self, rep.strip('{}')) string = string.replace(rep, temp) return string def instantiate_server_by(self, protocol): """ Subclasses must override this method to actually instantiate servers for test cases. """ raise NotImplementedError def stop_server(self): """ Subclasses must implement this method in order to stop certain servers of different types. """ raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def get_server_rules(file_obj): """ The handling of expect header could be made much better when the options are parsed in a true and better fashion. For an example, see the commented portion in """ server_rules = {} for rule_name, rule in file_obj.rules.items(): server_rules[rule_name] = conf.find_conf(rule_name)(rule) return server_rules def __enter__(self): """ Initialization for with statement. """ return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """ If the with statement got executed with no exception raised, then exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb are all None. """ if exc_val: self.tests_passed = False if exc_type is TestFailed: print_red('Error: %s.' % exc_val.error) else: print_red('Unhandled exception caught.') print(exc_val) traceback.print_tb(exc_tb) self.__test_cleanup() return self.tests_passed