Template: wide-dhcpv6-server/config_warn Type: note _Description: WIDE DHCPv6 server configuration The DHCPv6 server requires manual configuration after installation. . After the DHCPv6 server is installed it has to be manually configured by editing the file /etc/wide-dhcpv6/dhcp6s.conf. A sample dhcp6s.conf is available at /usr/share/doc/wide-dhcpv6-server/examples. . Please configure the DHCPv6 server as soon as the installation finishes. Template: wide-dhcpv6-server/interfaces Type: string Default: eth0 _Description: Interfaces on which the DHCPv6 server listens to requests: Network interfaces on which the DHCPv6 server listens to requests should be specified here. Multiple interfaces are separated with spaces. An empty line temporarily disables dhcp6s.