path: root/extensions/multi-monitors-add-on/multi-monitors-add-on@spin83/mmoverview.js
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-08 16:02:51 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-08 16:02:51 +0000
commit38dd2e23d9e4d0c4e4ccae2e1f261dd19861c331 (patch)
treece0a90ded587c944b91104ca6aeaae96cfaa9f7b /extensions/multi-monitors-add-on/multi-monitors-add-on@spin83/mmoverview.js
parentReleasing version 20230618. (diff)
Moving current extensions to subdirectory for GNOME 44 as GNOME Shell 45 is backwards incompatible (see Debian #1052112).
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/multi-monitors-add-on/multi-monitors-add-on@spin83/mmoverview.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 678 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/multi-monitors-add-on/multi-monitors-add-on@spin83/mmoverview.js b/extensions/multi-monitors-add-on/multi-monitors-add-on@spin83/mmoverview.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b7555d2..0000000
--- a/extensions/multi-monitors-add-on/multi-monitors-add-on@spin83/mmoverview.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,678 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2014 spin83
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, visit
-const { Clutter, GObject, St, Shell, GLib, Gio, Meta } =;
-const Main = imports.ui.main;
-const Params = imports.misc.params;
-const WorkspaceThumbnail = imports.ui.workspaceThumbnail;
-const OverviewControls = imports.ui.overviewControls;
-const Overview = imports.ui.overview;
-const SearchController = imports.ui.searchController;
-const LayoutManager = imports.ui.layout;
-const Background = imports.ui.background;
-const WorkspacesView = imports.ui.workspacesView;
-const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils;
-const CE = ExtensionUtils.getCurrentExtension();
-const MultiMonitors = CE.imports.extension;
-const Convenience = CE.imports.convenience;
-const THUMBNAILS_SLIDER_POSITION_ID = 'thumbnails-slider-position';
-var MultiMonitorsWorkspaceThumbnail = (() => {
- let MultiMonitorsWorkspaceThumbnail = class MultiMonitorsWorkspaceThumbnail extends St.Widget {
- _init(metaWorkspace, monitorIndex) {
- super._init({
- clip_to_allocation: true,
- style_class: 'workspace-thumbnail',
- });
- this._delegate = this;
- this.metaWorkspace = metaWorkspace;
- this.monitorIndex = monitorIndex;
- this._removed = false;
- this._contents = new Clutter.Actor();
- this.add_child(this._contents);
- this.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this));
- this._createBackground();
- let workArea = Main.layoutManager.getWorkAreaForMonitor(this.monitorIndex);
- this.setPorthole(workArea.x, workArea.y, workArea.width, workArea.height);
- let windows = global.get_window_actors().filter(actor => {
- let win = actor.meta_window;
- return win.located_on_workspace(metaWorkspace);
- });
- // Create clones for windows that should be visible in the Overview
- this._windows = [];
- this._allWindows = [];
- this._minimizedChangedIds = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) {
- let minimizedChangedId =
- windows[i].meta_window.connect('notify::minimized',
- this._updateMinimized.bind(this));
- this._allWindows.push(windows[i].meta_window);
- this._minimizedChangedIds.push(minimizedChangedId);
- if (this._isMyWindow(windows[i]) && this._isOverviewWindow(windows[i]))
- this._addWindowClone(windows[i]);
- }
- // Track window changes
- this._windowAddedId = this.metaWorkspace.connect('window-added',
- this._windowAdded.bind(this));
- this._windowRemovedId = this.metaWorkspace.connect('window-removed',
- this._windowRemoved.bind(this));
- this._windowEnteredMonitorId = global.display.connect('window-entered-monitor',
- this._windowEnteredMonitor.bind(this));
- this._windowLeftMonitorId = global.display.connect('window-left-monitor',
- this._windowLeftMonitor.bind(this));
- this.state = WorkspaceThumbnail.ThumbnailState.NORMAL;
- this._slidePosition = 0; // Fully slid in
- this._collapseFraction = 0; // Not collapsed
- }
- _createBackground() {
- this._bgManager = new Background.BackgroundManager({ monitorIndex: this.monitorIndex,
- container: this._contents,
- vignette: false });
- }};
- MultiMonitors.copyClass(WorkspaceThumbnail.WorkspaceThumbnail, MultiMonitorsWorkspaceThumbnail);
- return GObject.registerClass({
- Properties: {
- 'collapse-fraction': GObject.ParamSpec.double(
- 'collapse-fraction', 'collapse-fraction', 'collapse-fraction',
- GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE,
- 0, 1, 0),
- 'slide-position': GObject.ParamSpec.double(
- 'slide-position', 'slide-position', 'slide-position',
- GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE,
- 0, 1, 0),
- },
- }, MultiMonitorsWorkspaceThumbnail);
-const MultiMonitorsThumbnailsBox = (() => {
- let MultiMonitorsThumbnailsBox = class MultiMonitorsThumbnailsBox extends St.Widget {
- _init(scrollAdjustment, monitorIndex) {
- super._init({ reactive: true,
- style_class: 'workspace-thumbnails',
- request_mode: Clutter.RequestMode.WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT });
- this._delegate = this;
- this._monitorIndex = monitorIndex;
- let indicator = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'workspace-thumbnail-indicator' });
- // We don't want the indicator to affect drag-and-drop
- Shell.util_set_hidden_from_pick(indicator, true);
- this._indicator = indicator;
- this.add_actor(indicator);
- // The porthole is the part of the screen we're showing in the thumbnails
- this._porthole = { width: global.stage.width, height: global.stage.height,
- x: global.stage.x, y: global.stage.y };
- this._dropWorkspace = -1;
- this._dropPlaceholderPos = -1;
- this._dropPlaceholder = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'placeholder' });
- this.add_actor(this._dropPlaceholder);
- this._spliceIndex = -1;
- this._targetScale = 0;
- this._scale = 0;
- this._pendingScaleUpdate = false;
- this._stateUpdateQueued = false;
- this._animatingIndicator = false;
- this._stateCounts = {};
- for (let key in WorkspaceThumbnail.ThumbnailState)
- this._stateCounts[WorkspaceThumbnail.ThumbnailState[key]] = 0;
- this._thumbnails = [];
- this._showingId = Main.overview.connect('showing',
- this._createThumbnails.bind(this));
- this._hiddenId = Main.overview.connect('hidden',
- this._destroyThumbnails.bind(this));
- this._itemDragBeginId = Main.overview.connect('item-drag-begin',
- this._onDragBegin.bind(this));
- this._itemDragEndId = Main.overview.connect('item-drag-end',
- this._onDragEnd.bind(this));
- this._itemDragCancelledId = Main.overview.connect('item-drag-cancelled',
- this._onDragCancelled.bind(this));
- this._windowDragBeginId = Main.overview.connect('window-drag-begin',
- this._onDragBegin.bind(this));
- this._windowDragEndId = Main.overview.connect('window-drag-end',
- this._onDragEnd.bind(this));
- this._windowDragCancelledId = Main.overview.connect('window-drag-cancelled',
- this._onDragCancelled.bind(this));
- this._settings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: WorkspaceThumbnail.MUTTER_SCHEMA });
- this._changedDynamicWorkspacesId = this._settings.connect('changed::dynamic-workspaces',
- this._updateSwitcherVisibility.bind(this));
- this._monitorsChangedId = Main.layoutManager.connect('monitors-changed', () => {
- this._destroyThumbnails();
- if (Main.overview.visible)
- this._createThumbnails();
- });
- this._workareasChangedPortholeId = global.display.connect('workareas-changed',
- this._updatePorthole.bind(this));
- this._switchWorkspaceNotifyId = 0;
- this._nWorkspacesNotifyId = 0;
- this._syncStackingId = 0;
- this._workareasChangedId = 0;
- this._scrollAdjustment = scrollAdjustment;
- this._scrollAdjustmentNotifyValueId = this._scrollAdjustment.connect('notify::value', adj => {
- let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager;
- let activeIndex = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace_index();
- this._animatingIndicator = adj.value !== activeIndex;
- if (!this._animatingIndicator)
- this._queueUpdateStates();
- this.queue_relayout();
- });
- this.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this));
- }
- _onDestroy() {
- this._destroyThumbnails();
- this._scrollAdjustment.disconnect(this._scrollAdjustmentNotifyValueId);
- Main.overview.disconnect(this._showingId);
- Main.overview.disconnect(this._hiddenId);
- Main.overview.disconnect(this._itemDragBeginId);
- Main.overview.disconnect(this._itemDragEndId);
- Main.overview.disconnect(this._itemDragCancelledId);
- Main.overview.disconnect(this._windowDragBeginId);
- Main.overview.disconnect(this._windowDragEndId);
- Main.overview.disconnect(this._windowDragCancelledId);
- this._settings.disconnect(this._changedDynamicWorkspacesId);
- Main.layoutManager.disconnect(this._monitorsChangedId);
- global.display.disconnect(this._workareasChangedPortholeId);
- }
- addThumbnails(start, count) {
- let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager;
- for (let k = start; k < start + count; k++) {
- let metaWorkspace = workspaceManager.get_workspace_by_index(k);
- let thumbnail = new MultiMonitorsWorkspaceThumbnail(metaWorkspace, this._monitorIndex);
- thumbnail.setPorthole(this._porthole.x, this._porthole.y,
- this._porthole.width, this._porthole.height);
- this._thumbnails.push(thumbnail);
- this.add_actor(thumbnail);
- if (start > 0 && this._spliceIndex == -1) {
- // not the initial fill, and not splicing via DND
- thumbnail.state = WorkspaceThumbnail.ThumbnailState.NEW;
- thumbnail.slide_position = 1; // start slid out
- this._haveNewThumbnails = true;
- } else {
- thumbnail.state = WorkspaceThumbnail.ThumbnailState.NORMAL;
- }
- this._stateCounts[thumbnail.state]++;
- }
- this._queueUpdateStates();
- // The thumbnails indicator actually needs to be on top of the thumbnails
- this.set_child_above_sibling(this._indicator, null);
- // Clear the splice index, we got the message
- this._spliceIndex = -1;
- }
- _updatePorthole() {
- this._porthole = Main.layoutManager.getWorkAreaForMonitor(this._monitorIndex);
- this.queue_relayout();
- }};
- MultiMonitors.copyClass(WorkspaceThumbnail.ThumbnailsBox, MultiMonitorsThumbnailsBox);
- return GObject.registerClass({
- Properties: {
- 'indicator-y': GObject.ParamSpec.double(
- 'indicator-y', 'indicator-y', 'indicator-y',
- GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE,
- 0, Infinity, 0),
- 'scale': GObject.ParamSpec.double(
- 'scale', 'scale', 'scale',
- GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE,
- 0, Infinity, 0),
- },
- }, MultiMonitorsThumbnailsBox);
-/* This isn't compatible with GNOME 40 and i don't know how to fix it -- TH
-var MultiMonitorsSlidingControl = (() => {
- let MultiMonitorsSlidingControl = class MultiMonitorsSlidingControl extends St.Widget {
- _init(params) {
- params = Params.parse(params, { slideDirection: OverviewControls.SlideDirection.LEFT });
- this.layout = new OverviewControls.SlideLayout();
- this.layout.slideDirection = params.slideDirection;
- super._init({
- layout_manager: this.layout,
- style_class: 'overview-controls',
- clip_to_allocation: true,
- });
- this._visible = true;
- this._inDrag = false;
- this.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this));
- this._hidingId = Main.overview.connect('hiding', this._onOverviewHiding.bind(this));
- this._itemDragBeginId = Main.overview.connect('item-drag-begin', this._onDragBegin.bind(this));
- this._itemDragEndId = Main.overview.connect('item-drag-end', this._onDragEnd.bind(this));
- this._itemDragCancelledId = Main.overview.connect('item-drag-cancelled', this._onDragEnd.bind(this));
- this._windowDragBeginId = Main.overview.connect('window-drag-begin', this._onWindowDragBegin.bind(this));
- this._windowDragCancelledId = Main.overview.connect('window-drag-cancelled', this._onWindowDragEnd.bind(this));
- this._windowDragEndId = Main.overview.connect('window-drag-end', this._onWindowDragEnd.bind(this));
- }
- _onDestroy() {
- Main.overview.disconnect(this._hidingId);
- Main.overview.disconnect(this._itemDragBeginId);
- Main.overview.disconnect(this._itemDragEndId);
- Main.overview.disconnect(this._itemDragCancelledId);
- Main.overview.disconnect(this._windowDragBeginId);
- Main.overview.disconnect(this._windowDragCancelledId);
- Main.overview.disconnect(this._windowDragEndId);
- }};
- MultiMonitors.copyClass(OverviewControls.SlidingControl, MultiMonitorsSlidingControl);
- return GObject.registerClass(MultiMonitorsSlidingControl);
-var MultiMonitorsThumbnailsSlider = (() => {
- let MultiMonitorsThumbnailsSlider = class MultiMonitorsThumbnailsSlider extends MultiMonitorsSlidingControl {
- _init(thumbnailsBox) {
- super._init({ slideDirection: OverviewControls.SlideDirection.RIGHT });
- this._thumbnailsBox = thumbnailsBox;
- this.request_mode = Clutter.RequestMode.WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT;
- this.reactive = true;
- this.track_hover = true;
- this.add_actor(this._thumbnailsBox);
- this._monitorsChangedId = Main.layoutManager.connect('monitors-changed', this._updateSlide.bind(this));
- this._activeWorkspaceChangedId = global.workspace_manager.connect('active-workspace-changed',
- this._updateSlide.bind(this));
- this._notifyNWorkspacesId = global.workspace_manager.connect('notify::n-workspaces',
- this._updateSlide.bind(this));
- this.connect('notify::hover', this._updateSlide.bind(this));
- this._thumbnailsBox.bind_property('visible', this, 'visible', GObject.BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
- }
- _onDestroy() {
- global.workspace_manager.disconnect(this._activeWorkspaceChangedId);
- global.workspace_manager.disconnect(this._notifyNWorkspacesId);
- Main.layoutManager.disconnect(this._monitorsChangedId);
- super._onDestroy();
- }};
- MultiMonitors.copyClass(OverviewControls.ThumbnailsSlider, MultiMonitorsThumbnailsSlider);
- return GObject.registerClass(MultiMonitorsThumbnailsSlider);
-var MultiMonitorsControlsManager = GObject.registerClass(
-class MultiMonitorsControlsManager extends St.Widget {
- _init(index) {
- this._monitorIndex = index;
- this._workspacesViews = null;
- this._spacer_height = 0;
- this._fixGeometry = 0;
- this._visible = false;
- let layout
- if (OverviewControls.ControlsManagerLayout) {
- layout = new OverviewControls.ControlsManagerLayout();
- } else {
- layout = new OverviewControls.ControlsLayout();
- }
- super._init({
- layout_manager: layout,
- x_expand: true,
- y_expand: true,
- clip_to_allocation: true,
- });
- this._workspaceAdjustment = Main.overview._overview._controls._workspaceAdjustment;
- this._thumbnailsBox =
- new MultiMonitorsThumbnailsBox(this._workspaceAdjustment, this._monitorIndex);
- //this._thumbnailsSlider = new MultiMonitorsThumbnailsSlider(this._thumbnailsBox);
- this._searchController = new St.Widget({ visible: false, x_expand: true, y_expand: true, clip_to_allocation: true });
- this._pageChangedId = Main.overview.searchController.connect('page-changed', this._setVisibility.bind(this));
- this._pageEmptyId = Main.overview.searchController.connect('page-empty', this._onPageEmpty.bind(this));
- this._group = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'mm-overview-group-'+index,
- x_expand: true, y_expand: true });
- this.add_actor(this._group);
- this._group.add_child(this._searchController);
- //this._group.add_actor(this._thumbnailsSlider);
- this._settings = Convenience.getSettings();
- this._monitorsChanged();
- //this._thumbnailsSlider.slideOut();
- this._thumbnailsBox._updatePorthole();
- this.connect('notify::allocation', this._updateSpacerVisibility.bind(this));
- this.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this));
- //this._thumbnailsSelectSideId = this._settings.connect('changed::'+THUMBNAILS_SLIDER_POSITION_ID,
- // this._thumbnailsSelectSide.bind(this));
- this._monitorsChangedId = Main.layoutManager.connect('monitors-changed', this._monitorsChanged.bind(this));
- }
- _onDestroy() {
- Main.overview.searchController.disconnect(this._pageChangedId);
- Main.overview.searchController.disconnect(this._pageEmptyId);
- this._settings.disconnect(this._thumbnailsSelectSideId);
- Main.layoutManager.disconnect(this._monitorsChangedId);
- }
- _monitorsChanged() {
- this._primaryMonitorOnTheLeft = Main.layoutManager.monitors[this._monitorIndex].x > Main.layoutManager.primaryMonitor.x;
- this._thumbnailsSelectSide();
- }
- /*
- _thumbnailsSelectSide() {
- let thumbnailsSlider;
- thumbnailsSlider = this._thumbnailsSlider;
- let sett = this._settings.get_string(THUMBNAILS_SLIDER_POSITION_ID);
- let onLeftSide = sett === 'left' || (sett === 'auto' && this._primaryMonitorOnTheLeft);
- if (onLeftSide) {
- let first = this._group.get_first_child();
- if (first != thumbnailsSlider) {
- this._thumbnailsSlider.layout.slideDirection = OverviewControls.SlideDirection.LEFT;
- this._thumbnailsBox.remove_style_class_name('workspace-thumbnails');
- this._thumbnailsBox.set_style_class_name('workspace-thumbnails workspace-thumbnails-left');
- this._group.set_child_below_sibling(thumbnailsSlider, first)
- }
- }
- else {
- let last = this._group.get_last_child();
- if (last != thumbnailsSlider) {
- this._thumbnailsSlider.layout.slideDirection = OverviewControls.SlideDirection.RIGHT;
- this._thumbnailsBox.remove_style_class_name('workspace-thumbnails workspace-thumbnails-left');
- this._thumbnailsBox.set_style_class_name('workspace-thumbnails');
- this._group.set_child_above_sibling(thumbnailsSlider, last);
- }
- }
- this._fixGeometry = 3;
- }
- */
- _updateSpacerVisibility() {
- if (Main.layoutManager.monitors.length<this._monitorIndex)
- return;
- let top_spacer_height = Main.layoutManager.primaryMonitor.height;
- let panelGhost_height = 0;
- if (Main.mmOverview[this._monitorIndex]._overview._panelGhost)
- panelGhost_height = Main.mmOverview[this._monitorIndex]._overview._panelGhost.get_height();
- let allocation = Main.overview._overview._controls.allocation;
- let primaryControl_height = allocation.get_height();
- let bottom_spacer_height = Main.layoutManager.primaryMonitor.height - allocation.y2;
- top_spacer_height -= primaryControl_height + panelGhost_height + bottom_spacer_height;
- top_spacer_height = Math.round(top_spacer_height);
- let spacer = Main.mmOverview[this._monitorIndex]._overview._spacer;
- if (spacer.get_height()!=top_spacer_height) {
- this._spacer_height = top_spacer_height;
- spacer.set_height(top_spacer_height);
- }
- }
- getWorkspacesActualGeometry() {
- let geometry;
- if (this._visible) {
- const [x, y] = this._searchController.get_transformed_position();
- const width = this._searchController.allocation.get_width();
- const height = this._searchController.allocation.get_height();
- geometry = { x, y, width, height };
- }
- else {
- let [x, y] = this.get_transformed_position();
- const width = this.allocation.get_width();
- let height = this.allocation.get_height();
- y -= this._spacer_height;
- height += this._spacer_height;
- geometry = { x, y, width, height };
- }
- if (isNaN(geometry.x))
- return null;
- //global.log("actualG+ i: "+this._monitorIndex+" x: "+geometry.x+" y: "+geometry.y+" width: "+geometry.width+" height: "+geometry.height);
- return geometry;
- }
- _setVisibility() {
- // Ignore the case when we're leaving the overview, since
- // actors will be made visible again when entering the overview
- // next time, and animating them while doing so is just
- // unnecessary noise
- if (!Main.overview.visible ||
- (Main.overview.animationInProgress && !Main.overview.visibleTarget))
- return;
- let activePage = Main.overview.searchController.getActivePage();
- let thumbnailsVisible = activePage == SearchController.ViewPage.WINDOWS;
- let opacity = null;
- if (thumbnailsVisible) {
- opacity = 255;
- if (this._fixGeometry===1)
- this._fixGeometry = 0;
- }
- else {
- opacity = 0;
- this._fixGeometry = 1;
- }
- if (!this._workspacesViews)
- return;
- this._workspacesViews.ease({
- opacity: opacity,
- duration: OverviewControls.SIDE_CONTROLS_ANIMATION_TIME,
- mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD,
- });
- }
- _onPageEmpty() {
- //this._thumbnailsSlider.pageEmpty();
- }
- show() {
- this._searchController.visible = true;
- this._workspacesViews = Main.overview.searchController._workspacesDisplay._workspacesViews[this._monitorIndex];
- this._visible = true;
- const geometry = this.getWorkspacesActualGeometry();
- if (!geometry) {
- this._fixGeometry = 0;
- return;
- }
- /*
- if (this._fixGeometry) {
- const width = this._thumbnailsSlider.get_width();
- if (this._fixGeometry===2) {
- geometry.width = geometry.width-width;
- if (this._thumbnailsSlider.layout.slideDirection === OverviewControls.SlideDirection.LEFT)
- geometry.x = geometry.x + width;
- }
- else if (this._fixGeometry===3) {
- if (this._thumbnailsSlider.layout.slideDirection === OverviewControls.SlideDirection.LEFT)
- geometry.x = geometry.x + width;
- else
- geometry.x = geometry.x - width;
- }
- this._fixGeometry = 0;
- }
- */
- this._workspacesViews.ease({
- ...geometry,
- duration: Main.overview.animationInProgress ? Overview.ANIMATION_TIME : 0,
- mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD,
- });
- }
- hide() {
- this._visible = false;
- this._workspacesViews.opacity = 255;
- if (this._fixGeometry===1)
- this._fixGeometry = 2;
- const geometry = this.getWorkspacesActualGeometry();
- this._workspacesViews.ease({
- ...geometry,
- duration: Main.overview.animationInProgress ? Overview.ANIMATION_TIME : 0,
- mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD,
- onComplete: () => {
- this._searchController.visible = false;
- },
- });
- this._workspacesViews = null;
- }
-var MultiMonitorsOverviewActor = GObject.registerClass(
-class MultiMonitorsOverviewActor extends St.BoxLayout {
- _init(index) {
- this._monitorIndex = index;
- super._init({
- name: 'mm-overview-'+index,
- /* Translators: This is the main view to select
- activities. See also note for "Activities" string. */
- accessible_name: _("MMOverview@"+index),
- vertical: true,
- });
- this.add_constraint(new LayoutManager.MonitorConstraint({ index: this._monitorIndex }));
- this._panelGhost = null;
- if (Main.mmPanel) {
- for (let idx in Main.mmPanel) {
- if (Main.mmPanel[idx].monitorIndex !== this._monitorIndex)
- continue
- // Add a clone of the panel to the overview so spacing and such is
- // automatic
- this._panelGhost = new St.Bin({
- child: new Clutter.Clone({ source: Main.mmPanel[idx] }),
- reactive: false,
- opacity: 0,
- });
- this.add_actor(this._panelGhost);
- break;
- }
- }
- this._spacer = new St.Widget();
- this.add_actor(this._spacer);
- this._controls = new MultiMonitorsControlsManager(this._monitorIndex);
- // Add our same-line elements after the search entry
- this.add_child(this._controls);
- }
-var MultiMonitorsOverview = class MultiMonitorsOverview {
- constructor(index) {
- this.monitorIndex = index;
- this._initCalled = true;
- this._overview = new MultiMonitorsOverviewActor(this.monitorIndex);
- this._overview._delegate = this;
- this._overview.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this));
- Main.layoutManager.overviewGroup.add_child(this._overview);
- this._showingId = Main.overview.connect('showing', this._show.bind(this));
- this._hidingId = Main.overview.connect('hiding', this._hide.bind(this));
- }
- getWorkspacesActualGeometry() {
- return this._overview._controls.getWorkspacesActualGeometry();
- }
- _onDestroy() {
- Main.overview.disconnect(this._showingId);
- Main.overview.disconnect(this._hidingId);
- Main.layoutManager.overviewGroup.remove_child(this._overview);
- this._overview._delegate = null;
- }
- _show() {
- }
- _hide() {
- this._overview._controls.hide();
- }
- destroy() {
- this._overview.destroy();
- }
- addAction(action) {
- this._overview.add_action(action);
- }
- removeAction(action) {
- if (action.get_actor())
- this._overview.remove_action(action);
- }