/** * V-Shell (Vertical Workspaces) * search.js * * @author GdH * @copyright 2022 - 2023 * @license GPL-3.0 * */ 'use strict'; import Clutter from 'gi://Clutter'; import St from 'gi://St'; import Shell from 'gi://Shell'; import GObject from 'gi://GObject'; import * as Main from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/main.js'; import * as Search from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/search.js'; import * as AppDisplay from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/appDisplay.js'; import * as SystemActions from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/misc/systemActions.js'; let Me; // gettext let _; let opt; let SEARCH_MAX_WIDTH; export const SearchModule = class { constructor(me) { Me = me; opt = Me.opt; _ = Me.gettext; this._firstActivation = true; this.moduleEnabled = false; this._overrides = null; } cleanGlobals() { Me = null; opt = null; _ = null; } update(reset) { this.moduleEnabled = opt.get('searchModule'); const conflict = false; reset = reset || !this.moduleEnabled || conflict; // don't touch the original code if module disabled if (reset && !this._firstActivation) { this._disableModule(); } else if (!reset) { this._firstActivation = false; this._activateModule(); } if (reset && this._firstActivation) console.debug(' SearchModule - Keeping untouched'); } _activateModule() { this._updateSearchViewWidth(); if (!this._overrides) this._overrides = new Me.Util.Overrides(); this._overrides.addOverride('AppSearchProvider', AppDisplay.AppSearchProvider.prototype, AppSearchProvider); this._overrides.addOverride('SearchResult', Search.SearchResult.prototype, SearchResult); this._overrides.addOverride('SearchResultsView', Search.SearchResultsView.prototype, SearchResultsView); this._overrides.addOverride('ListSearchResults', Search.ListSearchResults.prototype, ListSearchResults); // this._overrides.addOverride('ProviderInfo', Search.ProviderInfo.prototype, ProviderInfo); // Don't expand the search view vertically and align it to the top // this is important in the static workspace mode when the search view bg is not transparent // also the "Searching..." and "No Results" notifications will be closer to the search entry, with the distance given by margin-top in the stylesheet Main.overview._overview._controls.layoutManager._searchController.y_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.START; console.debug(' SearchModule - Activated'); } _disableModule() { const reset = true; this._updateSearchViewWidth(reset); if (this._overrides) this._overrides.removeAll(); this._overrides = null; Main.overview._overview._controls.layoutManager._searchController.y_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.FILL; console.debug(' WorkspaceSwitcherPopupModule - Disabled'); } _updateSearchViewWidth(reset = false) { const searchContent = Main.overview._overview._controls.layoutManager._searchController._searchResults._content; if (!SEARCH_MAX_WIDTH) { // just store original value; const themeNode = searchContent.get_theme_node(); const width = themeNode.get_max_width(); SEARCH_MAX_WIDTH = width; } if (reset) { searchContent.set_style(''); } else { let width = Math.round(SEARCH_MAX_WIDTH * opt.SEARCH_VIEW_SCALE); searchContent.set_style(`max-width: ${width}px;`); } } }; const ListSearchResults = { _getMaxDisplayedResults() { return opt.SEARCH_MAX_ROWS; }, }; // AppDisplay.AppSearchProvider const AppSearchProvider = { getInitialResultSet(terms, cancellable) { // Defer until the parental controls manager is initialized, so the // results can be filtered correctly. if (!this._parentalControlsManager.initialized) { return new Promise(resolve => { let initializedId = this._parentalControlsManager.connect('app-filter-changed', async () => { if (this._parentalControlsManager.initialized) { this._parentalControlsManager.disconnect(initializedId); resolve(await this.getInitialResultSet(terms, cancellable)); } }); }); } const pattern = terms.join(' '); let appInfoList = Shell.AppSystem.get_default().get_installed(); let weightList = {}; appInfoList = appInfoList.filter(appInfo => { try { appInfo.get_id(); // catch invalid file encodings } catch (e) { return false; } let string = ''; let name; let shouldShow = false; if (appInfo.get_display_name) { // show only launchers that should be visible in this DE shouldShow = appInfo.should_show() && this._parentalControlsManager.shouldShowApp(appInfo); if (shouldShow) { let id = appInfo.get_id().split('.'); id = id[id.length - 2] || ''; let baseName = appInfo.get_string('Name') || ''; let dispName = appInfo.get_display_name() || ''; let gName = appInfo.get_generic_name() || ''; let description = appInfo.get_description() || ''; let categories = appInfo.get_string('Categories') || ''; let keywords = appInfo.get_string('Keywords') || ''; name = `${dispName} ${id}`; string = `${dispName} ${gName} ${baseName} ${description} ${categories} ${keywords} ${id}`; } } let m = -1; if (shouldShow && opt.SEARCH_FUZZY) { m = Me.Util.fuzzyMatch(pattern, name); m = (m + Me.Util.strictMatch(pattern, string)) / 2; } else if (shouldShow) { m = Me.Util.strictMatch(pattern, string); } if (m !== -1) weightList[appInfo.get_id()] = m; return shouldShow && (m !== -1); }); appInfoList.sort((a, b) => weightList[a.get_id()] > weightList[b.get_id()]); const usage = Shell.AppUsage.get_default(); // sort apps by usage list appInfoList.sort((a, b) => usage.compare(a.get_id(), b.get_id())); // prefer apps where any word in their name starts with the pattern appInfoList.sort((a, b) => Me.Util.isMoreRelevant(a.get_display_name(), b.get_display_name(), pattern)); let results = appInfoList.map(app => app.get_id()); results = results.concat(this._systemActions.getMatchingActions(terms)); return new Promise(resolve => resolve(results)); }, // App search result size createResultObject(resultMeta) { if (resultMeta.id.endsWith('.desktop')) { const icon = new AppDisplay.AppIcon(this._appSys.lookup_app(resultMeta['id']), { expandTitleOnHover: false, }); icon.icon.setIconSize(opt.SEARCH_ICON_SIZE); return icon; } else { return new SystemActionIcon(this, resultMeta); // icon.icon._setSizeManually = true; // icon.icon.setIconSize(opt.SEARCH_ICON_SIZE); // return icon; } }, }; const SystemActionIcon = GObject.registerClass( class SystemActionIcon extends Search.GridSearchResult { _init(provider, metaInfo, resultsView) { super._init(provider, metaInfo, resultsView); this.icon._setSizeManually = true; this.icon.setIconSize(opt.SEARCH_ICON_SIZE); } activate() { SystemActions.getDefault().activateAction(this.metaInfo['id']); Main.overview.hide(); } }); const SearchResult = { activate() { this.provider.activateResult(this.metaInfo.id, this._resultsView.terms); if (this.metaInfo.clipboardText) { St.Clipboard.get_default().set_text( St.ClipboardType.CLIPBOARD, this.metaInfo.clipboardText); } // don't close overview if Shift key is pressed - Shift moves windows to the workspace if (!Me.Util.isShiftPressed()) Main.overview.toggle(); }, }; const SearchResultsView = { _doSearch() { this._startingSearch = false; let previousResults = this._results; this._results = {}; this._providers.forEach(provider => { const onlyVShellProviders = this._terms.includes('wq//') || this._terms.includes('fq//'); if (!onlyVShellProviders || (onlyVShellProviders && (provider.id.includes('open-windows') || provider.id.includes('recent-files')))) { let previousProviderResults = previousResults[provider.id]; this._doProviderSearch(provider, previousProviderResults); } }); this._updateSearchProgress(); this._clearSearchTimeout(); }, _updateSearchProgress() { let haveResults = this._providers.some(provider => { let display = provider.display; return display.getFirstResult() !== null; }); this._scrollView.visible = haveResults; this._statusBin.visible = !haveResults; if (!haveResults) { if (this.searchInProgress) this._statusText.set_text(_('Searching…')); else this._statusText.set_text(_('No results.')); } }, }; // fixes app is null error if search provider id is not a desktop app id. // is not accessible in 45 /* const ProviderInfo = { animateLaunch() { let appSys = Shell.AppSystem.get_default(); let app = appSys.lookup_app(this.provider.appInfo.get_id()); if (app && app.state === Shell.AppState.STOPPED) IconGrid.zoomOutActor(this._content); }, };*/