/** * V-Shell (Vertical Workspaces) * workspacesSwitcherPopup.js * * @author GdH * @copyright 2022 - 2023 * @license GPL-3.0 * */ 'use strict'; import * as Main from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/main.js'; import * as WorkspaceSwitcherPopup from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/workspaceSwitcherPopup.js'; let Me; let opt; export const WorkspaceSwitcherPopupModule = class { constructor(me) { Me = me; opt = Me.opt; this._firstActivation = true; this.moduleEnabled = false; this._overrides = null; } cleanGlobals() { Me = null; opt = null; } update(reset) { this.moduleEnabled = opt.get('workspaceSwitcherPopupModule'); const conflict = Me.Util.getEnabledExtensions('workspace-switcher-manager').length || Me.Util.getEnabledExtensions('WsSwitcherPopupManager').length; if (conflict && !reset) console.warn(`[${Me.metadata.name}] Warning: "WorkspaceSwitcherPopup" module disabled due to potential conflict with another extension`); reset = reset || !this.moduleEnabled || conflict; // don't touch original code if module disabled if (reset && !this._firstActivation) { this._disableModule(); } else if (!reset) { this._firstActivation = false; this._activateModule(); } if (reset && this._firstActivation) console.debug(' WorkspaceSwitcherPopupModule - Keeping untouched'); } _activateModule() { if (!this._overrides) this._overrides = new Me.Util.Overrides(); this._overrides.addOverride('WorkspaceSwitcherPopup', WorkspaceSwitcherPopup.WorkspaceSwitcherPopup.prototype, WorkspaceSwitcherPopupCommon); console.debug(' WorkspaceSwitcherPopupModule - Activated'); } _disableModule() { if (this._overrides) this._overrides.removeAll(); this._overrides = null; console.debug(' WorkspaceSwitcherPopupModule - Disabled'); } }; const WorkspaceSwitcherPopupCommon = { // injection to _init() after__init() { if (opt.ORIENTATION) { // 1-VERTICAL, 0-HORIZONTAL this._list.vertical = true; } this._list.set_style('margin: 0;'); if (this.get_constraints()[0]) this.remove_constraint(this.get_constraints()[0]); }, // injection to display() after_display() { if (opt.WS_SW_POPUP_MODE) this._setPopupPosition(); else this.opacity = 0; }, _setPopupPosition() { let workArea; if (opt.WS_SW_POPUP_MODE === 1) { // workArea = Main.layoutManager.getWorkAreaForMonitor(Main.layoutManager.primaryIndex);*/ workArea = global.display.get_monitor_geometry(Main.layoutManager.primaryIndex); } else { // workArea = Main.layoutManager.getWorkAreaForMonitor(global.display.get_current_monitor()); workArea = global.display.get_monitor_geometry(global.display.get_current_monitor()); } let [, natHeight] = this.get_preferred_height(global.screen_width); let [, natWidth] = this.get_preferred_width(natHeight); let h = opt.WS_SW_POPUP_H_POSITION; let v = opt.WS_SW_POPUP_V_POSITION; this.x = workArea.x + Math.floor((workArea.width - natWidth) * h); this.y = workArea.y + Math.floor((workArea.height - natHeight) * v); this.set_position(this.x, this.y); }, };