import Gio from 'gi://Gio'; import Gtk from 'gi://Gtk'; import Adw from 'gi://Adw'; // Use __() and N__() for the extension gettext domain, and reuse // the shell domain with the default _() and N_() import { ExtensionPreferences, gettext as __, } from 'resource:///org/gnome/Shell/Extensions/js/extensions/prefs.js'; const N__ = function (e) { return e; }; export default class Prefs extends ExtensionPreferences { /** * Creates a new Settings-object to access the settings of this extension. * @private */ constructor(metadata) { super(metadata); this.KEY_HIBERNATE_WORKS_CHECK = 'hibernate-works-check'; this._schemaName = ''; this._setting = this.getSettings() } /** *

Binds the given 'callback'-function to the "changed"-signal on the given * key.


The 'callback'-function is passed an argument which holds the new * value of 'key'. The argument is of type "GLib.Variant". Given that the * receiver knows the internal type, use one of the get_XX()-methods to get * it's actual value.

* @see * @param key the key to watch for changes. * @param callback the callback-function to call. */ bindKey(key, callback) { // Validate: if (key === undefined || key === null || typeof key !== 'string') { throw TypeError("The 'key' should be a string. Got: '" + key + "'"); } if ( callback === undefined || callback === null || typeof callback !== 'function' ) { throw TypeError( "'callback' needs to be a function. Got: " + callback ); } // Bind: this._setting.connect('changed::' + key, function (source, key) { callback(source.get_value(key)); }); } /** * Get if check for working hibernation is enabled. The user might * choose to disable it if we happen to be wrong. * * @returns bool true if we need to check if hibernation works. */ getHibernateWorksCheckEnabled() { return this._setting.get_boolean(this.KEY_HIBERNATE_WORKS_CHECK); } /** * Set if check for working hibernation is enabled. The user might * choose to disable it if we happen to be wrong. * * @returns bool true if we need to check if hibernation works. */ setHibernateWorksCheckEnabled(enabled) { let key = this.KEY_HIBERNATE_WORKS_CHECK; if (this._setting.is_writable(key)) { if (this._setting.set_boolean(key, enabled)) { Gio.Settings.sync(); } else { throw this._errorSet(key); } } else { throw this._errorWritable(key); } } _errorWritable(key) { return "The key '" + key + "' is not writable."; } _errorSet(key) { return "Couldn't set the key '" + key + "'"; } fillPreferencesWindow(window) { const page = new Adw.PreferencesPage({ title: __('General'), icon_name: 'dialog-information-symbolic', }); window.add(page); const modes_group = new Adw.PreferencesGroup({ title: __('Modes'), description: __('Which buttons should be enabled'), }); page.add(modes_group); const suspend_row = new Adw.SwitchRow({ title: __('Suspend'), }); modes_group.add(suspend_row); const hibernate_row = new Adw.SwitchRow({ title: __('Hibernate'), }); modes_group.add(hibernate_row); const hybrid_row = new Adw.SwitchRow({ title: __('Hybrid sleep'), }); modes_group.add(hybrid_row); const suspend_then_hibernate_row = new Adw.SwitchRow({ title: __('Suspend then hibernate'), }); modes_group.add(suspend_then_hibernate_row); const restart_row = new Adw.SwitchRow({ title: __('Restart...'), }); modes_group.add(restart_row); const shutdown_row = new Adw.SwitchRow({ title: __('Shutdown...'), }); modes_group.add(shutdown_row); const dialog_group = new Adw.PreferencesGroup({ title: __('Dialogs'), description: __('Which dialogs should be enabled'), }); page.add(dialog_group); const hibernate_dialog_row = new Adw.SwitchRow({ title: __('Hibernate'), }); dialog_group.add(hibernate_dialog_row); const hybrid_dialog_row = new Adw.SwitchRow({ title: __('Hybrid sleep'), subtitle: __('Not implemented yet'), }); dialog_group.add(hybrid_dialog_row); const suspend_then_hibernate_dialog_row = new Adw.SwitchRow({ title: __('Suspend then hibernate'), subtitle: __('Not implemented yet'), }); dialog_group.add(suspend_then_hibernate_dialog_row); window._settings = this.getSettings(); window._settings.bind('show-suspend', suspend_row, 'active', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT); window._settings.bind('show-hibernate', hibernate_row, 'active', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT); window._settings.bind('show-hybrid-sleep', hybrid_row, 'active', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT); window._settings.bind('show-suspend-then-hibernate', suspend_then_hibernate_row, 'active', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT); window._settings.bind('show-restart', restart_row, 'active', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT); window._settings.bind('show-shutdown', shutdown_row, 'active', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT); window._settings.bind('show-hibernate-dialog', hibernate_dialog_row, 'active', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT); window._settings.bind('show-hybrid-sleep-dialog', hybrid_dialog_row, 'active', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT); window._settings.bind('show-suspend-then-hibernate-dialog', suspend_then_hibernate_dialog_row, 'active', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT); } }