# Arista EOS API asyncio Client This repository contains an Arista EOS asyncio client. ### Quick Example Thie following shows how to create a Device instance and run a list of commands. Device will use HTTPS transport by default. The Device instance supports the following initialization parameters: * `host` - The device hostname or IP address * `username` - The login username * `password` - The login password * `proto` - *(Optional)* Choose either "https" or "http", defaults to "https" * `port` - *(Optional)* Chose the protocol port to override proto default The Device class inherits directly from httpx.AsyncClient. As such, the Caller can provide any initialization parameters. The above specific parameters are all optional. ```python import json from aioeapi import Device username = 'dummy-user' password = 'dummy-password' async def run_test(host): dev = Device(host=host, username=username, password=password) res = await dev.cli(commands=['show hostname', 'show version']) json.dumps(res) ``` ### References Arista eAPI documents require an Arista Portal customer login. Once logged into the system you can find the documents in the Software Download area. Select an EOS release and then select the Docs folder. You can also take a look at the Arista community client, [here](https://github.com/arista-eosplus/pyeapi).