path: root/anta/tests/
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1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/anta/tests/ b/anta/tests/
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+# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Arista Networks, Inc.
+# Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0
+# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+BFD test functions
+# Mypy does not understand AntaTest.Input typing
+# mypy: disable-error-code=attr-defined
+from __future__ import annotations
+from datetime import datetime
+from ipaddress import IPv4Address
+from typing import Any, List, Optional
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+from anta.custom_types import BfdInterval, BfdMultiplier
+from anta.models import AntaCommand, AntaTest
+from import get_value
+class VerifyBFDSpecificPeers(AntaTest):
+ """
+ This class verifies if the IPv4 BFD peer's sessions are UP and remote disc is non-zero in the specified VRF.
+ Expected results:
+ * success: The test will pass if IPv4 BFD peers are up and remote disc is non-zero in the specified VRF.
+ * failure: The test will fail if IPv4 BFD peers are not found, the status is not UP or remote disc is zero in the specified VRF.
+ """
+ name = "VerifyBFDSpecificPeers"
+ description = "Verifies the IPv4 BFD peer's sessions and remote disc in the specified VRF."
+ categories = ["bfd"]
+ commands = [AntaCommand(command="show bfd peers")]
+ class Input(AntaTest.Input):
+ """
+ This class defines the input parameters of the test case.
+ """
+ bfd_peers: List[BFDPeers]
+ """List of IPv4 BFD peers"""
+ class BFDPeers(BaseModel):
+ """
+ This class defines the details of an IPv4 BFD peer.
+ """
+ peer_address: IPv4Address
+ """IPv4 address of a BFD peer"""
+ vrf: str = "default"
+ """Optional VRF for BGP peer. If not provided, it defaults to `default`."""
+ @AntaTest.anta_test
+ def test(self) -> None:
+ failures: dict[Any, Any] = {}
+ # Iterating over BFD peers
+ for bfd_peer in self.inputs.bfd_peers:
+ peer = str(bfd_peer.peer_address)
+ vrf = bfd_peer.vrf
+ bfd_output = get_value(self.instance_commands[0].json_output, f"vrfs..{vrf}..ipv4Neighbors..{peer}..peerStats..", separator="..")
+ # Check if BFD peer configured
+ if not bfd_output:
+ failures[peer] = {vrf: "Not Configured"}
+ continue
+ # Check BFD peer status and remote disc
+ if not (bfd_output.get("status") == "up" and bfd_output.get("remoteDisc") != 0):
+ failures[peer] = {vrf: {"status": bfd_output.get("status"), "remote_disc": bfd_output.get("remoteDisc")}}
+ if not failures:
+ self.result.is_success()
+ else:
+ self.result.is_failure(f"Following BFD peers are not configured, status is not up or remote disc is zero:\n{failures}")
+class VerifyBFDPeersIntervals(AntaTest):
+ """
+ This class verifies the timers of the IPv4 BFD peers in the specified VRF.
+ Expected results:
+ * success: The test will pass if the timers of the IPv4 BFD peers are correct in the specified VRF.
+ * failure: The test will fail if the IPv4 BFD peers are not found or their timers are incorrect in the specified VRF.
+ """
+ name = "VerifyBFDPeersIntervals"
+ description = "Verifies the timers of the IPv4 BFD peers in the specified VRF."
+ categories = ["bfd"]
+ commands = [AntaCommand(command="show bfd peers detail")]
+ class Input(AntaTest.Input):
+ """
+ This class defines the input parameters of the test case.
+ """
+ bfd_peers: List[BFDPeers]
+ """List of BFD peers"""
+ class BFDPeers(BaseModel):
+ """
+ This class defines the details of an IPv4 BFD peer.
+ """
+ peer_address: IPv4Address
+ """IPv4 address of a BFD peer"""
+ vrf: str = "default"
+ """Optional VRF for BGP peer. If not provided, it defaults to `default`."""
+ tx_interval: BfdInterval
+ """Tx interval of BFD peer in milliseconds"""
+ rx_interval: BfdInterval
+ """Rx interval of BFD peer in milliseconds"""
+ multiplier: BfdMultiplier
+ """Multiplier of BFD peer"""
+ @AntaTest.anta_test
+ def test(self) -> None:
+ failures: dict[Any, Any] = {}
+ # Iterating over BFD peers
+ for bfd_peers in self.inputs.bfd_peers:
+ peer = str(bfd_peers.peer_address)
+ vrf = bfd_peers.vrf
+ # Converting milliseconds intervals into actual value
+ tx_interval = bfd_peers.tx_interval * 1000
+ rx_interval = bfd_peers.rx_interval * 1000
+ multiplier = bfd_peers.multiplier
+ bfd_output = get_value(self.instance_commands[0].json_output, f"vrfs..{vrf}..ipv4Neighbors..{peer}..peerStats..", separator="..")
+ # Check if BFD peer configured
+ if not bfd_output:
+ failures[peer] = {vrf: "Not Configured"}
+ continue
+ bfd_details = bfd_output.get("peerStatsDetail", {})
+ intervals_ok = (
+ bfd_details.get("operTxInterval") == tx_interval and bfd_details.get("operRxInterval") == rx_interval and bfd_details.get("detectMult") == multiplier
+ )
+ # Check timers of BFD peer
+ if not intervals_ok:
+ failures[peer] = {
+ vrf: {
+ "tx_interval": bfd_details.get("operTxInterval"),
+ "rx_interval": bfd_details.get("operRxInterval"),
+ "multiplier": bfd_details.get("detectMult"),
+ }
+ }
+ # Check if any failures
+ if not failures:
+ self.result.is_success()
+ else:
+ self.result.is_failure(f"Following BFD peers are not configured or timers are not correct:\n{failures}")
+class VerifyBFDPeersHealth(AntaTest):
+ """
+ This class verifies the health of IPv4 BFD peers across all VRFs.
+ It checks that no BFD peer is in the down state and that the discriminator value of the remote system is not zero.
+ Optionally, it can also verify that BFD peers have not been down before a specified threshold of hours.
+ Expected results:
+ * Success: The test will pass if all IPv4 BFD peers are up, the discriminator value of each remote system is non-zero,
+ and the last downtime of each peer is above the defined threshold.
+ * Failure: The test will fail if any IPv4 BFD peer is down, the discriminator value of any remote system is zero,
+ or the last downtime of any peer is below the defined threshold.
+ """
+ name = "VerifyBFDPeersHealth"
+ description = "Verifies the health of all IPv4 BFD peers."
+ categories = ["bfd"]
+ # revision 1 as later revision introduces additional nesting for type
+ commands = [AntaCommand(command="show bfd peers", revision=1), AntaCommand(command="show clock")]
+ class Input(AntaTest.Input):
+ """
+ This class defines the input parameters of the test case.
+ """
+ down_threshold: Optional[int] = Field(default=None, gt=0)
+ """Optional down threshold in hours to check if a BFD peer was down before those hours or not."""
+ @AntaTest.anta_test
+ def test(self) -> None:
+ # Initialize failure strings
+ down_failures = []
+ up_failures = []
+ # Extract the current timestamp and command output
+ clock_output = self.instance_commands[1].json_output
+ current_timestamp = clock_output["utcTime"]
+ bfd_output = self.instance_commands[0].json_output
+ # set the initial result
+ self.result.is_success()
+ # Check if any IPv4 BFD peer is configured
+ ipv4_neighbors_exist = any(vrf_data["ipv4Neighbors"] for vrf_data in bfd_output["vrfs"].values())
+ if not ipv4_neighbors_exist:
+ self.result.is_failure("No IPv4 BFD peers are configured for any VRF.")
+ return
+ # Iterate over IPv4 BFD peers
+ for vrf, vrf_data in bfd_output["vrfs"].items():
+ for peer, neighbor_data in vrf_data["ipv4Neighbors"].items():
+ for peer_data in neighbor_data["peerStats"].values():
+ peer_status = peer_data["status"]
+ remote_disc = peer_data["remoteDisc"]
+ remote_disc_info = f" with remote disc {remote_disc}" if remote_disc == 0 else ""
+ last_down = peer_data["lastDown"]
+ hours_difference = (datetime.fromtimestamp(current_timestamp) - datetime.fromtimestamp(last_down)).total_seconds() / 3600
+ # Check if peer status is not up
+ if peer_status != "up":
+ down_failures.append(f"{peer} is {peer_status} in {vrf} VRF{remote_disc_info}.")
+ # Check if the last down is within the threshold
+ elif self.inputs.down_threshold and hours_difference < self.inputs.down_threshold:
+ up_failures.append(f"{peer} in {vrf} VRF was down {round(hours_difference)} hours ago{remote_disc_info}.")
+ # Check if remote disc is 0
+ elif remote_disc == 0:
+ up_failures.append(f"{peer} in {vrf} VRF has remote disc {remote_disc}.")
+ # Check if there are any failures
+ if down_failures:
+ down_failures_str = "\n".join(down_failures)
+ self.result.is_failure(f"Following BFD peers are not up:\n{down_failures_str}")
+ if up_failures:
+ up_failures_str = "\n".join(up_failures)
+ self.result.is_failure(f"\nFollowing BFD peers were down:\n{up_failures_str}")