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+ ~ Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Arista Networks, Inc.
+ ~ Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0
+ ~ that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+ -->
+# Execute Network Readiness For Use (NRFU) Testing
+ANTA provides a set of commands for performing NRFU tests on devices. These commands are under the `anta nrfu` namespace and offer multiple output format options:
+- [Text view](#performing-nrfu-with-text-rendering)
+- [Table view](#performing-nrfu-with-table-rendering)
+- [JSON view](#performing-nrfu-with-json-rendering)
+- [Custom template view](#performing-nrfu-with-custom-reports)
+### NRFU Command overview
+anta nrfu --help
+Usage: anta nrfu [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
+ Run NRFU against inventory devices
+ -u, --username TEXT Username to connect to EOS [env var: ANTA_USERNAME;
+ required]
+ -p, --password TEXT Password to connect to EOS that must be provided. It
+ can be prompted using '--prompt' option. [env var:
+ --enable-password TEXT Password to access EOS Privileged EXEC mode. It can
+ be prompted using '--prompt' option. Requires '--
+ enable' option. [env var: ANTA_ENABLE_PASSWORD]
+ --enable Some commands may require EOS Privileged EXEC mode.
+ This option tries to access this mode before sending
+ a command to the device. [env var: ANTA_ENABLE]
+ -P, --prompt Prompt for passwords if they are not provided. [env
+ --timeout INTEGER Global connection timeout [env var: ANTA_TIMEOUT;
+ default: 30]
+ --insecure Disable SSH Host Key validation [env var:
+ --disable-cache Disable cache globally [env var:
+ -i, --inventory FILE Path to the inventory YAML file [env var:
+ ANTA_INVENTORY; required]
+ -t, --tags TEXT List of tags using comma as separator:
+ tag1,tag2,tag3 [env var: ANTA_TAGS]
+ -c, --catalog FILE Path to the test catalog YAML file [env var:
+ ANTA_CATALOG; required]
+ --ignore-status Always exit with success [env var:
+ --ignore-error Only report failures and not errors [env var:
+ --help Show this message and exit.
+ json ANTA command to check network state with JSON result
+ table ANTA command to check network states with table result
+ text ANTA command to check network states with text result
+ tpl-report ANTA command to check network state with templated report
+> `username`, `password`, `enable-password`, `enable`, `timeout` and `insecure` values are the same for all devices
+All commands under the `anta nrfu` namespace require a catalog yaml file specified with the `--catalog` option and a device inventory file specified with the `--inventory` option.
+!!! info
+ Issuing the command `anta nrfu` will run `anta nrfu table` without any option.
+## Tag management
+The `--tags` option can be used to target specific devices in your inventory and run only tests configured with this specific tags from your catalog. The default tag is set to `all` and is implicit. Expected behaviour is provided below:
+| Command | Description |
+| ------- | ----------- |
+| `none` | Run all tests on all devices according `tag` definition in your inventory and test catalog. And tests with no tag are executed on all devices|
+| `--tags leaf` | Run all tests marked with `leaf` tag on all devices configured with `leaf` tag.<br/> All other tags are ignored |
+| `--tags leaf,spine` | Run all tests marked with `leaf` tag on all devices configured with `leaf` tag.<br/>Run all tests marked with `spine` tag on all devices configured with `spine` tag.<br/> All other tags are ignored |
+!!! info
+ [More examples]( available on this dedicated page.
+## Performing NRFU with text rendering
+The `text` subcommand provides a straightforward text report for each test executed on all devices in your inventory.
+### Command overview
+anta nrfu text --help
+Usage: anta nrfu text [OPTIONS]
+ ANTA command to check network states with text result
+ -s, --search TEXT Regular expression to search in both name and test
+ --skip-error Hide tests in errors due to connectivity issue
+ --help Show this message and exit.
+The `--search` option permits filtering based on a regular expression pattern in both the hostname and the test name.
+The `--skip-error` option can be used to exclude tests that failed due to connectivity issues or unsupported commands.
+### Example
+anta nrfu text --tags LEAF --search DC1-LEAF1A
+[![anta nrfu text results](../imgs/anta-nrfu-text-output.png){ loading=lazy width="1600" }](../imgs/anta-nrfu-text-output.png)
+## Performing NRFU with table rendering
+The `table` command under the `anta nrfu` namespace offers a clear and organized table view of the test results, suitable for filtering. It also has its own set of options for better control over the output.
+### Command overview
+anta nrfu table --help
+Usage: anta nrfu table [OPTIONS]
+ ANTA command to check network states with table result
+ -d, --device TEXT Show a summary for this device
+ -t, --test TEXT Show a summary for this test
+ --group-by [device|test] Group result by test or host. default none
+ --help Show this message and exit.
+The `--device` and `--test` options show a summarized view of the test results for a specific host or test case, respectively.
+The `--group-by` option show a summarized view of the test results per host or per test.
+### Examples
+anta nrfu --tags LEAF table
+[![anta nrfu table results](../imgs/anta-nrfu-table-output.png){ loading=lazy width="1600" }](../imgs/anta-nrfu-table-output.png)
+For larger setups, you can also group the results by host or test to get a summarized view:
+anta nrfu table --group-by device
+[![anta nrfu table group_by_host_output](../imgs/anta-nrfu-table-group-by-host-output.png){ loading=lazy width="1600" }](../imgs/anta-nrfu-table-group-by-host-output.png)
+anta nrfu table --group-by test
+[![anta nrfu table group_by_test_output](../imgs/anta-nrfu-table-group-by-test-output.png){ loading=lazy width="1600" }](../imgs/anta-nrfu-table-group-by-test-output.png)
+To get more specific information, it is possible to filter on a single device or a single test:
+anta nrfu table --device spine1
+[![anta nrfu table filter_host_output](../imgs/anta-nrfu-table-filter-host-output.png){ loading=lazy width="1600" }](../imgs/anta-nrfu-table-filter-host-output.png)
+anta nrfu table --test VerifyZeroTouch
+[![anta nrfu table filter_test_output](../imgs/anta-nrfu-table-filter-test-output.png){ loading=lazy width="1600" }](../imgs/anta-nrfu-table-filter-test-output.png)
+## Performing NRFU with JSON rendering
+The JSON rendering command in NRFU testing is useful in generating a JSON output that can subsequently be passed on to another tool for reporting purposes.
+### Command overview
+anta nrfu json --help
+Usage: anta nrfu json [OPTIONS]
+ ANTA command to check network state with JSON result
+ -o, --output FILE Path to save report as a file [env var:
+ --help Show this message and exit.
+The `--output` option allows you to save the JSON report as a file.
+### Example
+anta nrfu --tags LEAF json
+[![anta nrfu json results](../imgs/anta-nrfu-json-output.png){ loading=lazy width="1600" }](../imgs/anta-nrfu-json-output.png)
+## Performing NRFU with custom reports
+ANTA offers a CLI option for creating custom reports. This leverages the Jinja2 template system, allowing you to tailor reports to your specific needs.
+### Command overview
+anta nrfu tpl-report --help
+Usage: anta nrfu tpl-report [OPTIONS]
+ ANTA command to check network state with templated report
+ -tpl, --template FILE Path to the template to use for the report [env var:
+ -o, --output FILE Path to save report as a file [env var:
+ --help Show this message and exit.
+The `--template` option is used to specify the Jinja2 template file for generating the custom report.
+The `--output` option allows you to choose the path where the final report will be saved.
+### Example
+anta nrfu --tags LEAF tpl-report --template ./custom_template.j2
+[![anta nrfu json results](../imgs/anta-nrfu-tpl-report-output.png){ loading=lazy width="1600" }](../imgs/anta-nrfu-tpl-report-output.png)
+The template `./custom_template.j2` is a simple Jinja2 template:
+{% for d in data %}
+* {{ d.test }} is [green]{{ d.result | upper}}[/green] for {{ }}
+{% endfor %}
+The Jinja2 template has access to all `TestResult` elements and their values, as described in this [documentation](../api/
+You can also save the report result to a file using the `--output` option:
+anta nrfu --tags LEAF tpl-report --template ./custom_template.j2 --output nrfu-tpl-report.txt
+The resulting output might look like this:
+cat nrfu-tpl-report.txt
+* VerifyMlagStatus is [green]SUCCESS[/green] for DC1-LEAF1A
+* VerifyMlagInterfaces is [green]SUCCESS[/green] for DC1-LEAF1A
+* VerifyMlagConfigSanity is [green]SUCCESS[/green] for DC1-LEAF1A
+* VerifyMlagReloadDelay is [green]SUCCESS[/green] for DC1-LEAF1A