# Copyright (c) 2024 Arista Networks, Inc. # Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0 # that can be found in the LICENSE file. # Initially written by Jeremy Schulman at https://github.com/jeremyschulman/aio-eapi """asynceapi.SessionConfig definition.""" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # System Imports # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import annotations import re from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any if TYPE_CHECKING: from .device import Device # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Exports # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- __all__ = ["SessionConfig"] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # CODE BEGINS # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SessionConfig: """ Send configuration to a device using the EOS session mechanism. This is the preferred way of managing configuration changes. Notes ----- This class definition is used by the parent Device class definition as defined by `config_session`. A Caller can use the SessionConfig directly as well, but it is not required. """ CLI_CFG_FACTORY_RESET = "rollback clean-config" def __init__(self, device: Device, name: str) -> None: """ Create a new instance of SessionConfig. The session config instance bound to the given device instance, and using the session `name`. Parameters ---------- device: The associated device instance name: The name of the config session """ self._device = device self._cli = device.cli self._name = name self._cli_config_session = f"configure session {self.name}" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # properties for read-only attributes # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def name(self) -> str: """Return read-only session name attribute.""" return self._name @property def device(self) -> Device: """Return read-only device instance attribute.""" return self._device # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public Methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- async def status_all(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Get the status of all the session config on the device. Run the following command on the device: # show configuration sessions detail Returns ------- Dict object of native EOS eAPI response; see `status` method for details. Examples -------- { "maxSavedSessions": 1, "maxOpenSessions": 5, "sessions": { "jeremy1": { "instances": {}, "state": "pending", "commitUser": "", "description": "" }, "ansible_167510439362": { "instances": {}, "state": "completed", "commitUser": "joe.bob", "description": "", "completedTime": 1675104396.4500246 } } } """ return await self._cli("show configuration sessions detail") # type: ignore[return-value] # json outformat returns dict[str, Any] async def status(self) -> dict[str, Any] | None: """ Get the status of a session config on the device. Run the following command on the device: # show configuration sessions detail And return only the status dictionary for this session. If you want all sessions, then use the `status_all` method. Returns ------- Dict instance of the session status. If the session does not exist, then this method will return None. The native eAPI results from JSON output, see example: Examples -------- all results: { "maxSavedSessions": 1, "maxOpenSessions": 5, "sessions": { "jeremy1": { "instances": {}, "state": "pending", "commitUser": "", "description": "" }, "ansible_167510439362": { "instances": {}, "state": "completed", "commitUser": "joe.bob", "description": "", "completedTime": 1675104396.4500246 } } } if the session name was 'jeremy1', then this method would return { "instances": {}, "state": "pending", "commitUser": "", "description": "" } """ res = await self.status_all() return res["sessions"].get(self.name) async def push(self, content: list[str] | str, *, replace: bool = False) -> None: """ Send the configuration content to the device. If `replace` is true, then the command "rollback clean-config" is issued before sending the configuration content. Parameters ---------- content: The text configuration CLI commands, as a list of strings, that will be sent to the device. If the parameter is a string, and not a list, then split the string across linebreaks. In either case any empty lines will be discarded before they are send to the device. replace: When True, the content will replace the existing configuration on the device. """ # if given s string, we need to break it up into individual command # lines. if isinstance(content, str): content = content.splitlines() # prepare the initial set of command to enter the config session and # rollback clean if the `replace` argument is True. commands: list[str | dict[str, Any]] = [self._cli_config_session] if replace: commands.append(self.CLI_CFG_FACTORY_RESET) # add the Caller's commands, filtering out any blank lines. any command # lines (!) are still included. commands.extend(filter(None, content)) await self._cli(commands=commands) async def commit(self, timer: str | None = None) -> None: """ Commit the session config. Run the following command on the device: # configure session # commit If the timer is specified, format is "hh:mm:ss", then a commit timer is started. A second commit action must be made to confirm the config session before the timer expires; otherwise the config-session is automatically aborted. """ command = f"{self._cli_config_session} commit" if timer: command += f" timer {timer}" await self._cli(command) async def abort(self) -> None: """ Abort the configuration session. Run the following command on the device: # configure session abort """ await self._cli(f"{self._cli_config_session} abort") async def diff(self) -> str: """ Return the "diff" of the session config relative to the running config. Run the following command on the device: # show session-config named diffs Returns ------- Return a string in diff-patch format. References ---------- * https://www.gnu.org/software/diffutils/manual/diffutils.txt """ return await self._cli(f"show session-config named {self.name} diffs", ofmt="text") # type: ignore[return-value] # text outformat returns str async def load_file(self, filename: str, *, replace: bool = False) -> None: """ Load the configuration from into the session configuration. If the replace parameter is True then the file contents will replace the existing session config (load-replace). Parameters ---------- filename: The name of the configuration file. The caller is required to specify the filesystem, for example, the filename="flash:thisfile.cfg" replace: When True, the contents of the file will completely replace the session config for a load-replace behavior. Raises ------ If there are any issues with loading the configuration file then a RuntimeError is raised with the error messages content. """ commands: list[str | dict[str, Any]] = [self._cli_config_session] if replace: commands.append(self.CLI_CFG_FACTORY_RESET) commands.append(f"copy {filename} session-config") res: list[dict[str, Any]] = await self._cli(commands=commands) # type: ignore[assignment] # JSON outformat of multiple commands returns list[dict[str, Any]] checks_re = re.compile(r"error|abort|invalid", flags=re.I) messages = res[-1]["messages"] if any(map(checks_re.search, messages)): raise RuntimeError("".join(messages)) async def write(self) -> None: """Save the running config to the startup config by issuing the command "write" to the device.""" await self._cli("write")