# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Arista Networks, Inc. # Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0 # that can be found in the LICENSE file. """A script to generate svg files from anta command. usage: python generate_svg.py anta ... """ # This script is not a package # ruff: noqa: INP001 # This script contains print statements # ruff: noqa: T201 import io import os import pathlib import sys from contextlib import redirect_stdout, suppress from importlib import import_module from importlib.metadata import entry_points from unittest.mock import patch from rich.console import Console from anta.cli.console import console from anta.cli.nrfu.utils import anta_progress_bar OUTPUT_DIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent / "imgs" def custom_progress_bar() -> None: """Set the console of progress_bar to main anta console. Caveat: this capture all steps of the progress bar.. Disabling refresh to only capture beginning and end """ progress = anta_progress_bar() progress.live.auto_refresh = False progress.live.console = console return progress if __name__ == "__main__": # Sane rich size os.environ["COLUMNS"] = "165" # stolen from https://github.com/ewels/rich-click/blob/main/src/rich_click/cli.py args = sys.argv[1:] script_name = args[0] scripts = {script.name: script for script in entry_points().get("console_scripts")} if script_name in scripts: # A VALID SCRIPT WAS passed script = scripts[script_name] module_path, function_name = script.value.split(":", 1) prog = script_name elif ":" in script_name: # the path to a function was passed module_path, function_name = args[0].split(":", 1) prog = module_path.split(".", 1)[0] else: print("This is supposed to be used with anta only") print("Usage: python generate_svg.py anta ") sys.exit(1) sys.argv = [prog, *args[1:]] module = import_module(module_path) function = getattr(module, function_name) # Console to captur everything new_console = Console(record=True) # tweaks to record and redirect to a dummy file pipe = io.StringIO() console.record = True console.file = pipe # Redirect stdout of the program towards another StringIO to capture help # that is not part or anta rich console # redirect potential progress bar output to console by patching with redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()) as f, patch("anta.cli.nrfu.commands.anta_progress_bar", custom_progress_bar), suppress(SystemExit): function() # print to our new console the output of anta console new_console.print(console.export_text()) # print the content of the stdout to our new_console new_console.print(f.getvalue()) filename = f"{'_'.join(x.replace('/', '_').replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_') for x in args)}.svg" filename = f"{OUTPUT_DIR}/{filename}" print(f"File saved at {filename}") new_console.save_svg(filename, title=" ".join(args))