Usage: anta nrfu [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Run ANTA tests on selected inventory devices. Options: -u, --username TEXT Username to connect to EOS [env var: ANTA_USERNAME; required] -p, --password TEXT Password to connect to EOS that must be provided. It can be prompted using '-- prompt' option. [env var: ANTA_PASSWORD] --enable-password TEXT Password to access EOS Privileged EXEC mode. It can be prompted using '--prompt' option. Requires '--enable' option. [env var: ANTA_ENABLE_PASSWORD] --enable Some commands may require EOS Privileged EXEC mode. This option tries to access this mode before sending a command to the device. [env var: ANTA_ENABLE] -P, --prompt Prompt for passwords if they are not provided. [env var: ANTA_PROMPT] --timeout FLOAT Global API timeout. This value will be used for all devices. [env var: ANTA_TIMEOUT; default: 30.0] --insecure Disable SSH Host Key validation. [env var: ANTA_INSECURE] --disable-cache Disable cache globally. [env var: ANTA_DISABLE_CACHE] -i, --inventory FILE Path to the inventory YAML file. [env var: ANTA_INVENTORY; required] --tags TEXT List of tags using comma as separator: tag1,tag2,tag3. [env var: ANTA_TAGS] -c, --catalog FILE Path to the test catalog YAML file [env var: ANTA_CATALOG; required] -d, --device TEXT Run tests on a specific device. Can be provided multiple times. -t, --test TEXT Run a specific test. Can be provided multiple times. --ignore-status Exit code will always be 0. [env var: ANTA_NRFU_IGNORE_STATUS] --ignore-error Exit code will be 0 if all tests succeeded or 1 if any test failed. [env var: ANTA_NRFU_IGNORE_ERROR] --hide [success|failure|error|skipped] Group result by test or device. --help Show this message and exit. Commands: json ANTA command to check network state with JSON result. table ANTA command to check network states with table result. text ANTA command to check network states with text result. tpl-report ANTA command to check network state with templated report.