{% if obj.members %} {{ log.debug("Rendering children of " + obj.path) }}
{% if root_members %} {% set members_list = config.members %} {% else %} {% set members_list = none %} {% endif %} {% if config.group_by_category %} {% with %} {% if config.show_category_heading %} {% set extra_level = 1 %} {% else %} {% set extra_level = 0 %} {% endif %} {% with attributes = obj.attributes|filter_objects( filters=config.filters, members_list=members_list, inherited_members=config.inherited_members, keep_no_docstrings=config.show_if_no_docstring, ) %} {% if attributes %} {% if config.show_category_heading %} {% filter heading(heading_level, id=html_id ~ "-attributes") %}Attributes{% endfilter %} {% endif %} {% with heading_level = heading_level + extra_level %} {% for attribute in attributes|order_members(config.members_order, members_list) %} {% if members_list is not none or attribute.is_public(check_name=False) %} {% include attribute|get_template with context %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% endwith %} {% with classes = obj.classes|filter_objects( filters=config.filters, members_list=members_list, inherited_members=config.inherited_members, keep_no_docstrings=config.show_if_no_docstring, ) %} {% if classes %} {% if config.show_category_heading %} {% filter heading(heading_level, id=html_id ~ "-classes") %}Classes{% endfilter %} {% endif %} {% with heading_level = heading_level + extra_level %} {% for class in classes|order_members(config.members_order, members_list) %} {% if class.name == "Input" %} {% filter heading(heading_level, id=html_id ~ "-attributes") %}Inputs{% endfilter %} {% set root = False %} {% set heading_level = heading_level + 1 %} {% set old_obj = obj %} {% set obj = class %} {% include "attributes_table.html" with context %} {% set obj = old_obj %} {% else %} {% if members_list is not none or class.is_public(check_name=False) %} {% include class|get_template with context %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% endwith %} {% with functions = obj.functions|filter_objects( filters=config.filters, members_list=members_list, inherited_members=config.inherited_members, keep_no_docstrings=config.show_if_no_docstring, ) %} {% if functions %} {% if config.show_category_heading %} {% filter heading(heading_level, id=html_id ~ "-functions") %}Functions{% endfilter %} {% endif %} {% with heading_level = heading_level + extra_level %} {% for function in functions|order_members(config.members_order, members_list) %} {% if not (obj.kind.value == "class" and function.name == "__init__" and config.merge_init_into_class) %} {% if members_list is not none or function.is_public(check_name=False) %} {% include function|get_template with context %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% endwith %} {% if config.show_submodules %} {% with modules = obj.modules|filter_objects( filters=config.filters, members_list=members_list, inherited_members=config.inherited_members, keep_no_docstrings=config.show_if_no_docstring, ) %} {% if modules %} {% if config.show_category_heading %} {% filter heading(heading_level, id=html_id ~ "-modules") %}Modules{% endfilter %} {% endif %} {% with heading_level = heading_level + extra_level %} {% for module in modules|order_members(config.members_order.alphabetical, members_list) %} {% if members_list is not none or module.is_public(check_name=False) %} {% include module|get_template with context %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% endwith %} {% else %} {% for child in obj.all_members |filter_objects( filters=config.filters, members_list=members_list, inherited_members=config.inherited_members, keep_no_docstrings=config.show_if_no_docstring, ) |order_members(config.members_order, members_list) %} {% if not (obj.is_class and child.name == "__init__" and config.merge_init_into_class) %} {% if members_list is not none or child.is_public(check_name=False) %} {% if child.is_attribute %} {% with attribute = child %} {% include attribute|get_template with context %} {% endwith %} {% elif child.is_class %} {% with class = child %} {% include class|get_template with context %} {% endwith %} {% elif child.is_function %} {% with function = child %} {% include function|get_template with context %} {% endwith %} {% elif child.is_module and config.show_submodules %} {% with module = child %} {% include module|get_template with context %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}